I just pulled out a loaded box of 330 grain cast loads. I loaded them 3-24-2018. They are loaded with 52 grains of H4895. I wish I could tell you how accurate they are. I don't have the results recorded. I think that is a medium power load. But I have noted that I liked the load in my Marlin... not anything more, wish I did. I also have a 1886 Winchester Miroku 45-70. I have not shot that much since I bought it and I bought it new. It's a 1 of 500, octagon barrel and it is heavy.
I recorded the following loads:
45-70 Marlin 1895G, 350 grain Hornady, 55 grains IMR3031, 1.73" at 59 yards 1,800 fps or 2.8 MOA
45-70 Marlin 1895G, 400 grain w/GC cast, 34.5 grains 5744 2.175" groups at 108 yards at 1,500 FPS, which calculates to be 1.92 MOA
Last edited by Bugger; 02/06/23.