Hanco, In your shanty type blinds, do you ever come across any snakes in them? Just figuring with the warmer climate down there that they would hide in one
I hunted with GoDogs down in his Georgia locale. He’d built several blinds on different properties he hunts.
The semi-elevated blind I was hunting out of was placed near a thicket of trees and brush. A limb from a good sized tree was touching the blind - made for an easy entry for a big snake.
GD, told me to check for snakes before I entered the blind each morning. Umm, ok. It’s dark in the morning and I’m having to climb up a ladder, then perform a sideways slither thru the door just to get inside the blind with my pack and rifle on…I wasn’t in a very good defensive position to engage a leg less reptile.
There was always a quick prayer made at the bottom of the blinds ladder before I went up, that nobody would be home.
GD, had shown me a few pictures of the snakes he and his son had killed. They all looked like they should be in circus, wrapped around some snake whisperers neck.
I hate snakes!