Just another nail in the coffin for the Chevron rule that allows bureaucrats to interpret and change how the law was written. The judge even brought up that point.
Where does the 2nd Amendment state that We The People can not own Full Auto Firearms.
The ban on Full Auto Firearms is against what the 2nd Amendment stands for.
Absolutely. It simply says that if the law in any way infringes on the right to keep and bear arms, it's null and void. Submachine guns and automatic rifles are personal arms, last I checked, and making you jump through hoops, and/or pay a tax, to acquire and own one is clearly a massive infringement on that right. In fact, we are barred outright from owning any of them made after the Reagan administration. That goes beyond infringement.
"When the government is lying, the truth is disinformation."
Where does the 2nd Amendment state that We The People can not own Full Auto Firearms.
The ban on Full Auto Firearms is against what the 2nd Amendment stands for.
Absolutely. It simply says that if the law in any way infringes on the right to keep and bear arms, it's null and void. Submachine guns and automatic rifles are personal arms, last I checked, and making you jump through hoops, and/or pay a tax, to acquire and own one is clearly a massive infringement on that right. In fact, we are barred outright from owning any of them made after the Reagan administration. That goes beyond infringement.
this kind of stuff makes me wish I had been more aware in my younger years to certain things and had actually bought with the paperwork some full auto weapons and put up... at the time I did not have the knowledge and I would have damn sure probably had to save the money but it was doable I think...
Where does the 2nd Amendment state that We The People can not own Full Auto Firearms.
The ban on Full Auto Firearms is against what the 2nd Amendment stands for.
Absolutely. It simply says that if the law in any way infringes on the right to keep and bear arms, it's null and void. Submachine guns and automatic rifles are personal arms, last I checked, and making you jump through hoops, and/or pay a tax, to acquire and own one is clearly a massive infringement on that right. In fact, we are barred outright from owning any of them made after the Reagan administration.
Yep and "they" {our treasonous, tyrannical rulers} all know it too. Including and especially those worthless, robed fuucks on the SCOTUS.
and I'm kind of thinking the suppressor laws may not be too far behind. there's a lot of challenges on a Texas law about suppressors.
if a suppressor is made in Texas and stays in Texas the feds can't touch it. and it's looking fairly good on the outcome of this in the final end we will see. if Texas comes out on the top of this deal I can see some states especially Missouri and Oklahoma during the same.
The suppressor laws are about the stupidest laws ever passed by a group of dumbasses.
You ought to be able to by one in a hardware store like a muffler for your lawn mower.
I will not argue nothing about that statement. hell most of Europe which is very liberal and hardship gun laws require you to have a suppressor to hunt with because of noise pollution..
Not related to cans and AR15s. For example the FOID card Illinois has should be gone. Read here somewhere that an eastern US state requires a $2 background check to buy ammo. Chit like this needs to be gone along with all infringements on 2A rights.