I Started working part-time for a small company a couple years ago.... we make poligic fishing lures. All lures are america hand made.... we take pride in what we made ...here are a couple pictures.... any interest just PM me and I can give you further details.
I Started working part-time for a small company a couple years ago.... we make poligic fishing lures. All lures are america hand made.... we take pride in what we made ...here are a couple pictures.... any interest just PM me and I can give you further details.
They're nice looking lures mate ! Here's a few I made recently. I prefer to superglue the skirts on as apposed to tying them on with wax rigging floss. I also do the body first then attach were the skirts fit later.
Nice job on the lure, really like those those realistic eyes..... do you make them ?
We do a full one piece body with two oval saddles. Here is one with multi jets.....we make many different styles and personalized custom designs.
I buy the eyes on Ebay.com.au. I like putting the circular saddles on later - just gotta hope the holes line up. I'm sure that jethead puts out a good smoke trail. Personally, I just like using flat faced pushers as they seem to work best for me.
But the fruits of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,faithfulness, Gentleness and self control. Against such things there is no law. Galations 5: 22&23
I Started working part-time for a small company a couple years ago.... we make poligic fishing lures. All lures are america hand made.... we take pride in what we made ...here are a couple pictures.... any interest just PM me and I can give you further details.
They're nice looking lures mate ! Here's a few I made recently. I prefer to superglue the skirts on as apposed to tying them on with wax rigging floss. I also do the body first then attach were the skirts fit later.