I have admired Sako heavy barreled Varmint type Rifles for decades now and have owned (do own) many of them. I got to looking through my loading log book (which has been in use for nearly 50 years now) and was comparing my load development and sight-in verification groups for my various Sako Varminters. Turns out a Sako 6m/m PPC "Varmint" model tops my accuracy list. I bought this Rifle several years ago from along held estate. The Rifle appeared unfired and the heirs were unsure if the deceased owner ever shot it or if the box was around. I geared it up with a Leupold 24 power scope and bought some Redding dies (I was new to the 6m/m PPC then) and got some VV N133 powder. I happened upon some unfired "Sako" brass (five 20 round boxes) at a gunshow and got started on load development. I started the reloading with some 68 grain Euber bullets I had on hand and the first two groups (after barrel break in) measured pleasantly at .443" and .389" (5 shots at 100 yards). Over the next few weeks I tried a few more bullets including the 55 grain Nosler Ballistic tips, 60 grain Bergers and 70 grain Nosler Ballistic Tips. I was impressed with the improving accuracy of each bullet (more barrel break in helping?). Anyway when I got to the 70 grain Nosler Ballistic Tips I was really impressed with the groups from that "Varmint bullet"! Two 5 shot groups at 100 yards measuring .212" and 248" (this with new unfired brass!). As this would be a Colony Varmint Rifle I decided to go with these much easier to find Nosler 70 grain Ballistic Tips for my uses. I enjoy everything about this Rifle including the stock fit and the trigger - let alone the great looks. Subsequent sight in verifications with this loading have me convinced this is my best shooting (most accurate) Sako Rifle. I would like to hear from others regarding the accuracy of their Sako's (especially the heavy barrel Varmint cartridges models). Long live Sako! Hold into the wind VarmintGuy
HalH: I wish I could answer your questions definitively. I do have a Ruger Model 77 Varmint in caliber 22 PPC but it is new unfired in the box so no first hand experience with that Rifle. One of my friends bought a Ruger 77 Varmint in 22 PPC back in 1995 or so and we shot it in dead calm air a couple of times - that somewhat humble Rifle shot very well. As far as some Sako models having more inherent accuracy I again will pass on to someone/others with more experience than I. Hold into the wind VarmintGuy
Ruffcutt: I am amazed at the accuracy I get out of this Rifle - what amazes me in that regard is the "daintiness" of the Rifles action. Seems to me that an action that slender/dainty would have a hard time being stiff enough to be accurate. But my assumptions on that are wrong. I think those Sako single shot Rifles in 22 PPC and 6m/m PPC are rare? The serial number on my Rifle has just three LOW digits = A303. I don't know what you can tell from that but I looked it up and these "PPC's" were imported/made for just 8 years (1989 to 1997). I have been somewhat seriously looking for a Sako in 22 PPC for several years now just have not seen or heard of one for sale. I am sorry you missed the boat on a Sako PPC. Hold into the wind VarmintGuy
My father had a heavy barrel 25-06 that he bought solely to use as a tree stand rifle. It was terrible and I’m not sure you could have hit the earth with it. He tried everything and had several smiths look at it. It was sold with the disclaimer. I’m trying to remember the date but I’m going to say early to mid 1980s.
I’ve not seen my father that disappointed ever as he is a Sako fanboy.
That said, the rest of our Sakos have proven to be very accurate and i have a Browning Safari 243 with a heavier barrel that is the most accurate
I just bought a Sako Riihimaki .222 from a friend and the first three shots at 100 yds went into the same hole (almost literally - measured 0.09”)….of course knowing my luck and shooting abilities I stopped there and showed my friend the group and asked why he sold it😁. I haven’t duplicated that group since but it hangs around 0.25-0.375” for five shots at 100 yards with the load it likes.
My Riihimaki L46 222 Remington 24-inch FS used to be my #1 but has given way to my AI Sporter 222 Remington after bedding & adjusting the trigger down to 2.5 pounds.
Bsa1917Hunter: What caliber was that Sako? Which model also please. Whatever that "big bore" Sako is it sure shoots great. Hold into the wind VarmintGuy
Another really accurate Sako I own is an L-46 Varmint in 222 Remington. I also bought this minty Sako from an estate - it came with a Leupold 8 power "Westerner" scope. The Rifle had NO signs of being fired or any wear anywhere on it when I got it. My handloads got it down to .581" groups (5 shots at 100 yards) with Bergers wonderful 52 grain M.E.F. (Maximum Expansion Factor!) Varmint type bullets. Every once in a while I get tempted to put one of my high fixed power Leupolds on it to see just how well it would shoot. But... the nostalgia factor keeps me from messin with that set-up. I am fairly sure with 24 power it would get down to just about quarter inch groups on a calm day. Long live Sako. Hold into the wind VarmintGuy
PennDog: Is that a heavy barrel 222 Sako? Great shooter whichever. Hold into the wind VarmintGuy
It is not the heavy barrel version. I bought it because I wanted to use it as one of my turkey rifles then the PA Game Commission changed the rules to allow only shotguns I during the fall season - I grew up hunting turkeys that way……sometime they should leave things alone!
Bsa1917Hunter: What caliber was that Sako? Which model also please. Whatever that "big bore" Sako is it sure shoots great. Hold into the wind VarmintGuy
Sorry I left out some specifics. The rifle was a Sako A7 Longrange, chambered for 6.5 creedmoor. It was a great shooter. I just had too damn many 6.5 Creedmoor rifles at the time.
I painted the stock brown, and glass bedded it:
It was a sweet shooter, but was a pretty heavy rifle. I liked the idea of it, and liked the fluted barrel. It was a nice rifle, but as I said before, I preferred the Tikka's.
I am down to one Sako. I wish that rifle shot as well as that 6.5 Creedmoor Longrange. It's an older Sako, and very nice, so I plan on hanging on to it for a while.
Originally Posted by raybass
I try to stick with the basics, they do so well. Nothing fancy mind you, just plain jane will get it done with style.
Originally Posted by Pharmseller
You want to see an animal drop right now? Shoot him in the ear hole.
Thanks for bringing this Sako accuracy subject up.
I always wondered how the .22 PPC compares to the 6 MM PPC in accuracy in the Sako rifles?
We're some models more accurate tha other models ?
I have the single shot A series guns in both 6mm PPC and 22 PPC. They are consecutive serial numbers,20 and 21. Both are extremely early guns and the 6mm came from Louis Palmisano to Mike Venturino to me.
When I was working up a load for it, I was using H322 powder and 75 grain Hornady hollow point bullets.
I was testing with 10 shot groups, not 5 or 3, I wanted to know it’s real capabilities. It was showing consistent 1 hole groups, some tighter than others. It was unbelievable.
The 22 PPC wasn’t as tight, but plenty good for what I was going to use it for and I use both for varmints. With a 55 grain VMax in the 6mm and 40 grain VMax in the 22, they are truly bad medicine on prairie dogs…
Thanks for bringing this Sako accuracy subject up.
I always wondered how the .22 PPC compares to the 6 MM PPC in accuracy in the Sako rifles?
We're some models more accurate tha other models ?
I have both the single shot A series guns in both 6mm PPC and 22 PPC. They are consecutive serial numbers,20 and 21. Both are extremely early guns and the 6mm came from Louis Palmisano to Mike Venturino to me.
When I was working up a load for it, I was using H322 powder and 75 grain Hornady hollow point bullets.
I was testing with 10 shot groups, not 5 o 3, I wanted to know it’s real capabilities.
Nice. Being your most accurate Sakos, they should be shooting 1/4-1/2" then..
Originally Posted by raybass
I try to stick with the basics, they do so well. Nothing fancy mind you, just plain jane will get it done with style.
Originally Posted by Pharmseller
You want to see an animal drop right now? Shoot him in the ear hole.
Sako's were my first love when it came to collecting firearms some 35+ years ago. I've lost count how many I've owned. A guncrank friend of mine who built my 223 AI on a S491 action told me he loves building rifles with Sako actions, as he does not have to go back and true the action. Seems they come true from the factory.
"My most accurate Sako"?
I'd say a lot of that depended on how late I stayed up the night before, how many cups of Joe' I consumed before I set up to do load testing at the range..........
and whether it was an emergency to let out some of what I'd let in.
Cherry-picked of course, but you asked for the most accurate, and as such a representative sample.
Sako Riihimaki
Sako Vixen, 222 Rem Mag
Sako Custom, S-491, 223 AI
Sako 75 Bavarian half-stock.
Sako 75 Stainless Laminate Varmint, 260 Remington
Sako 75 Bavarian Carbine in 308 Win.
Sako L61R, Varmint, 7mm Rem Mag
Of all my Sako's and those of others I've fondled, there has only been one that I could not get to shoot sub-inch at 100 yds.
That was a stainless synthetic 75' chambered for the 338 Federal. I bought it new. It would not consistently do 4" @100 yds., IIRC.
I returned it to the LGS where I purchased it.
Later, scuttlebutt was that a number of that group of rifles had problems with accuracy due to chamber issues.
Arkrunner: What barrel weight is that Sako in 221 Remington Fireball - I bet that is just an all out fun Rifle. Can you do pics? TIA Enjoy. Hold into the wind VarmintGuy
Varmint guy, I have 3 Sako’s I’ve never shot but my main deer rifle is a custom built on the L579 action. It’s has a Douglas #2 stainless chambered in 243 ai. The gunsmith that did the work was named Durham I think. Been over 35 years. I will send you a pic of the target as I have your email. Great thread! Alan
Alan C: Please do. I only have ONE "custom Rifle" built on a Sako action. I came by it in kind of a sad way. A wonderful Riflesmith out in the Pacific Northwest was contracted to build a heavy Varmint Rifle on a Sako L-46 action. The Rifle was to be in 222 Remington Magnum and was stocked in AAA English Walnut with a full Varmint style wide forearm. The amazing fiddleback stays uniform from forearm tip to the toe of the butt. It is a stunning Rifle and it shoots very well indeed with its 24", heavy, Hart barrel and its Unertl BV-20 target scope. Anyway upon completion of the Rifle/stock/scope project the owner was contacted but the family informed the Riflesmith the owner had died in the interim and if the shop would sell the Rifle for them. I bought it. It shoots extremely well and I only take it out on special occasions. This custom Sako weighs 12 pounds and 3 ounces! Since I bought the custom Sako back in 1991 I have been trying to buy another removable magazine for it - NO luck to date on that quest. If anyone knows of a magazine for a Sako L-461 in 222 Remington Magnum please advise. Hold into the wind VarmintGuy
The Pre Garcia Vixen 222 is an amazing little rifle. It shoots most any decent bullet from the 35s to the 55s. Loves Bergers, will do sub .1 inch groups cold, warm, clean or fouled bore. Does not seem to care.
When my hunting buddy died from cancer, his widow wanted to sell it, So I told her it was her entire family's first deer gun. It sat at the show for 3 days, no one bought it, so I left it in my truck and just gave her, her asking price money for it, I have never shot it since buying it in 2005. If they want it back, I will just gift it to the family.
This is the little Vixen as it sits today. Those are the original Sako triangle shaped bases and rings. A real trip to find today.
“To expect defeat is nine-tenths of defeat itself. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is best to plan for all eventualities then believe in success, and only cross the failure bridge if you come to it." Francis Marion - The Swamp Fox
Rapier: Not only does that 222 Sako have beautiful wood it shoots beautifully as well. Amazingly well even! Good for you. Hold into the wind VarmintGuy
Dang Shrap, that’s almost too pretty to shoot! That’s a Sunday go to meeting gun if there ever was one. Cool history on your 6 PPC!
Mine is an A1 “B prefix” target model - the one with the heavy target barrel and externally adjustable trigger. It’s a laser and shoots nice little clover leafs, but I just haven’t shot it a whole lot. Probably around 100 rounds is all. It’s tied for first place for the most accurate factory gun I’ve ever owned. (The other being one of the first made CZ 527 varmint models in 17 Hornet). IIRC the 22 PPC was discontinued after the “A series” so there are very few of those out there. I have a 22 PPC but it’s a custom built gun so it’s not really valid to compare the two, but let’s just say it’s accuracy is limited by my shooting ability. Any of the above would be indistinguishable shooting in field conditions at less than 300 yards.
I have not had a bad shooting Sako. I dont reload so it gives me a smile to easily find factory ammo that may impress a handloader. A 75 in .223 makes very small groups but rarely get a pic. This S20 .300 WM shooting 180 Swifts always impresses me, this pic of 3 shots right after initial zeroing.
I’m too lazy to go grab the target out of the garage. My most accurate Sako is actually a Colt Coltsman in 223. It shoots little 3 round clusters at 200 yards. Probably about .4” center to center. My kids keep stealing it to go deer hunting and I don’t blame them lol
Not sure of my most accurate. I have a few Sako’s but no heavy barrels. A recent AV Fiberclass in 30-06 shot 5 rounds into about 3/8” on my first outing with it. I have a Sporter weight 6PPC that I have high hopes for but haven’t worked with it much. Good thread Varmintguy! Take care all! Rick
The Pre Garcia Vixen 222 is an amazing little rifle. It shoots most any decent bullet from the 35s to the 55s. Loves Bergers, will do sub .1 inch groups cold, warm, clean or fouled bore. Does not seem to care. <snip>
I hesitated to post, thinking that some might not believe me, but my experience is similar to Rapier's.
I have a Sako .222 Rem made in 1953-1954 with the sporter barrel, not the heavy one.
I bought it with the intention to rebarrel to .223 Rem but I made the mistake of shooting it first.
I was damn pleased that it shot .33 MOA with factory Lapua ammo, so I decided to keep in .222 Rem.
Well, one day at the range I found myself at the range beside a former benchrest champion of Sweden and I was boasting a little about the tiny groups I could shoot with the little rifle.
Well, he proceeded to quickly shoot four groups around .15 MOA - I now know that about .33 MOA is as well as I can shoot!
As Clint Eastwood's character Dirty Harry said, "A man's got to know his limitations"
My most accurate Sako is a L461 HB in .222RM, s/n 121xxx, mid 60’s vintage, under 3/8” all day with Hornady 50gn soft points, I rekon a better shooter than me would halve the groups!! Jay
I have lots of accurate sakos but topping the heap on accuracy it a 461 heavy barrel chambered in 222 It’s on its 3 rd barrel. But it’s difficult to make it ship poorly with anything.
I had a heavy barrel 222 that was finicky so it sat in the safe. Then my mom said she wanted a rifle to shoot vermin out her back door. I got the little sako out and tried some 50 blitz and I’d guess BLC2….. the little rifle kept shooting 5 touching until I got tired of it. Took it to mom and she’s had it ever since. I’ve got a little Vixen 223 that shoots sub .5 every time w 1365’s and 748 with a 3-9 leupold. Only load I tried out of it. Stopped right there.
Of the sako rifles I've had the two that were easily the most accurate were both stainless/laminated 75 varmints in 222. And it wasn't even close. The least accurate was a 75 greywolf 1-8" 223.
I’ve got an A1 223 that has only shot factory 50 vmax Fiocchi. It consistently touched bullet holes at 100 yards but hasn’t seen a paper target in years. Doesn’t lose zero. Doesn’t get shot much outside of summer badgers and ravens as a front seat gun. Most accurate I don’t know, but it’s a wonderful rifle.
my sako 90 peak 308 at 7 lb all up was just out on weekend for new scope zero and drop data collect to 600, took 14 shots, 2 at 30 from bore sight(1 to see where it hit, adjust scope, 1 more and good to go paper at 200), then sent 2 at 200 amr (207 los) and got into spotter to see them within a few inches of bull low right and about moa, made adjustment on scope and sent 2 more and checked spotter again, this time about half moa and tracking (getting used to .2mil/click on nightforce nx8 1-8x dmx, on 8x), made another adjustment and sent 2 more at just under half moa, then spotter and one more scope adjust then sent 2 more and both almost touching each other and almost touching the center of the bull so about 1/4 moa, each group from the first got smaller as I went....zero at 200 done, put the caps on, using reticle at 600 next...
then straight to 600 amr (602.4 los) and sent 2 that went less than half moa, using the reticle only based on ballistic rangefinder output, made one adjustment to where I held reticle and sent 2 more at exactly 3.0" ctc for half moa in up to 1.8 mph wind and had my drop info to go back and true the curve in ballistic rangefinder....14 shots done, factory hornady eldm white box match 168's, had all my kestrel atmospherics and so I did chrony 5 more when done the target work, trued the curve at home later
it's a hunting set up so of the (6) 2-shot groups I sent at 200/600 only the first was moa and I had a pretty good wobble zone, got better behind gun from there and reduced the wobble zone, the following 5 were half moa or less, it's nice when everything does what it's supposed to do, I saw nothing that made me think I need to send more than 2 at a time to set this latest scope up on it, also had 200 rounds of same proof on range trips with several kills along the way also, 3 scopes in quest for what's perfect for the gun and my goals, this 4th scope possibly the last scope it will wear, the revolution has begun on hunt focused ffp scopes but this one suits the little 308 well and my gp hunt desires....the sako 90 love affair is still hot and heavy, freakin love this rafle
always know when to pack up on a high note, or even while shooting, if 2 at a time are drilling I'm good with that, funny as I bowhunted a lot and found same thing, did almost all my set up based on 2 shots at a time, sped things up as the psychological barrier of that 3rd one is real lol, send one, send one more to confirm it and move along, precision is not an issue with this rifle and load, I could be though
Last edited by stinkycoyote; 12/13/24.
I am the Father of Modern Terminal Ballistics. Shots Fired.
I’ve got an A1 223 that has only shot factory 50 vmax Fiocchi. It consistently touched bullet holes at 100 yards but hasn’t seen a paper target in years. Doesn’t lose zero. Doesn’t get shot much outside of summer badgers and ravens as a front seat gun. Most accurate I don’t know, but it’s a wonderful rifle.
Great picture, wonderful depth of field. It makes that crow? look as big as a buffalo.
I didn't realize it was a raven. I saw some up in the western part of the state. Big birds. In your last picture it looks like that badger is trying to put the sneak on the raven.
Had a L61R many years ago. recoil was really bad so shot it a lot to get use to it. One of the best shooting rifles I ever had Consistent 5/8" groups at 100 yds.
DonFischer: What caliber was that Sako with the "bad recoil" that shot so well? I am a bit recoil aware/sensitive myself. Hold into the wind VarmintGuy
I had a .280 and currently have a 7mm-08 and both shoot better than I can but I can usually wring out 1 - 1.25 inch five shot groups with several different factory ammo and handholds are a little bit better. Currently shooting 120gr BT in my 7mm-08 at 2840 fps
They all shoot under .5”. Easily. Every one of them is 100% stock The scary one is that coltsman. That one shoots .1-.2 with factory Hornady 55 gr SP. Been that way for 30 years. They may exist, but I’ve never owned one that didn’t shoot.
Adding to this post. I shot the best group of my life this past summer with my Sako AII with a Leupold VariX-II. A 5 shot group that was smaller than a cloverleaf. I thought something was wrong when I walked up to the target.
Killed 3 deer with that rifle this year and it is still far and away my favorite
Mine have Tikka stamped on the barrel. With 1 exception (Sako 85 260 Rem) I've found the Tikka's I've owned to be slightly more accurate than the 3-4 Sako's I've owned.
One that will shoot the smallest group... Current production model 20 in 6.5 manbun... but honestly, the vast majority of the Sako's I own or have owned are under 1 inch guns at 100 for 5 shots...
The worst thing ever to happen to cops is the personal video recorder... Now people can see the truth
Mine have Tikka stamped on the barrel. With 1 exception (Sako 85 260 Rem) I've found the Tikka's I've owned to be slightly more accurate than the 3-4 Sako's I've owned.
I like that answer. I also like my one and only Sako too, though.. I will say my 1 and only Sako is a copper fouling son of a biotch though.. It shoots well enough, as posted previously. About on par with my Winchester model 70 compact. But that isn't saying much.. is it?
Originally Posted by raybass
I try to stick with the basics, they do so well. Nothing fancy mind you, just plain jane will get it done with style.
Originally Posted by Pharmseller
You want to see an animal drop right now? Shoot him in the ear hole.