It's headspace and EASILY corrected at the Loading Bench. Hint.
I wouldn't let JKobble rebarrel a fhuqking milkshake,with a fresh straw. Hint.
Just sayin'.............
Neck sizing reference?
"Neck Sizing" is a generic term,which makes zero fhuqks,in said equation. Hint.
KEY is to establish POSITIVE headspace,long before you seat the first primer. Beings you have the cart WELL in front of the fhuqking horse,what is the loaded round neck diameter and the fired round neck diameter? Safe bet if Redneck did it,that it's sloppy and crooked. Knowing those dimensions,will guide you in which brass to procure. Hint.
If you pump brakes and Start At The Fhuqking Start,all will be capably nipped at the loading bench. You've created EXCESSIVE headspace and are running with it,which is simply to be avoided at all costs. Driving POSITIVE Headspaced False Shouldered Virgins are key,both initially and subsequently. Hint.
This is as EASY as you allow it to be. Hint.
Positive Headspaced False Shouldered Virgin Six Twat-Six far right. Hint.
Just sayin'.............
You are an Amazingly Inept CLUELESS Fhuqk,a Hack of repute and not equipped to understand simplistic fhuqking Facts. Hint.
I enjoy that your Crying Kchunt Routine isn't an "Act". Hint.
Just sayin'.................
Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."
If the primer pocket is expanding and dropping the primer (this is "blowing the primer") it is due to pressure. It isn't due to headspace or Winchester primers. Enough headspace for the primer to come right out, would be enough that the rifle probably wouldn't fire. If the cartridge loads effortlessly, there is sufficient neck clearance to make that a non-issue. Now, Big Stick may say I don't have an effing clue, and in this particular case, he's right. It sounds like a mystery to me. GD
You gals REALLY should be taking notes and applying same,as the most fhuqking SIMPLISTIC constants,fully escape your "means","abilities" and "comprehension". In no particular fhuqking order. Hint.
Just sayin'.............
Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."
Very GOOD call to refrain ALL things The Rifle and hit full fhuqking reverse…you “lucky” kchunt. Hont. Congratulations?!?
Only “move” you have. Hint.
Just sayin’…………
Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."
Well, had some time today. Dug around in the reloading room to find some unmolested 25-06 brass. Sized the neck down to a false shoulder so that the bolt was tight to close. Pushed some Winchester primers in, 52gr of RL22 and seated the 105gr Amax to touch the lands. Old recipe I used. And a couple 3 round groups loaded with Retumbo if I got out there and the first 5 went OK.
11 rounds down range total. No issues. 11 rounds seems early to say that fixed it. But it gives me enough hope to load some more, check drops, and maybe then I'll feel good enough to take it after some yotes.
Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."
As plainly cited,I'd not let a hack like JKobble,rebarrel a fhuqking milkshake,with a fresh straw. Hint.
On top of her HILARIOUS "abilities",she just "happens" to be dumber than fhuqk. Hint.
JUst sayin'.............
Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."
Excessive shoulder push back during sizing is the single biggest thing reloaders get wrong. A dial caliper and simple tool like the Hornady unit allows a reloader to precisely measure how much the shoulder is being pushed back. Actually, you can achieve the same thing using a 38 Spl. case as the 'guage'.
With new brass, most reloaders don't understand how to manage shoulders that are excessively 'back' right out of the box.
The inability to understand these basics sends a lot of people down multiple wrong trails.
Manufacturers,actually go wayyyyyyy out of their way,to fhuqk Sizing up. Hint.(grin)
How in THE fhuqk,would someone endorse this fhuqking STUPIDITY?!? Hint.
Just sayin'...............
Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."
Manufacturers,actually go wayyyyyyy out of their way,to fhuqk Sizing up. Hint.(grin)
How in THE fhuqk,would someone endorse this fhuqking STUPIDITY?!? Hint.
Just sayin'...............'s no wonder so many get this wrong when many (most) of the die companies instruct people on how to do it incorrectly.
I make these brass spacers to act as the 'gauge'. A deprimed 38 Spl/357 case works good too. A fired primer will add .002-.003 so make sure the case is deprimed. And I've long used the Hornady Comparator set to index off the SAMMI data diameter. All give the same info as the number they give is just relative. If we want the shoulder back .002, we just adjust the sizing die to give that number (original number minus .002"). Harrel's actually includes a bushing like this in their dies. Why other die mfgs don't spend another fifty cents and include a bushing and instructions on using it...who knows???
Nothing here anyone with experience doesn't know. But this mistake can easily happen to those new to the reloading game.
I've done it every way there is,but have found Whidden Case Gauges,to help Newbs out the most. They can both FEEL and SEE headspace,which helps in it's understanding. Hint.
Just sayin'............
Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."
You get dumber every day. Settle down boy, you're so damn nervous, It's a mental condition. You're nuts! Keep yer blow hole covered with yer panties, think a little, LMFAO
I would have got him too but a Dad Blam snow flake hit me in da eye....