The main thing with any .22 WMR autoloader is to keep the chambers clean and dry. If you do that, maintain them properly, they usually work well. If you don't, and I know it happens, they'll sometimes fire out-of-battery, and that ain't good. A buddy of mine on RFC did up a .17HMR on a 10/22M, and when his granddaughter forgot to clean it, had a kaboom while p-dogging in CO with grandpa and grandma. That happens a lot with the .22WMRs, too. She was unhurt, but the rifle suffered a catastrophic failure of stock, magazine and some other expensive parts. That rifle shot especially well, too, what a shame it was that it got "kaboomed".
Keep the chambers clean and dry, and you can avoid that. I clean my CZ 512 American every 50 rounds, whether it needs it or not. So far, so good. It's one helluva little rifle, too, it shoots as good as my 455 boltgun, and does it with the same ammo the 455 likes, a happy happenstance for me. It even uses the same magazines, which are cheap and relatively plentiful, and will be plentiful for a LONG time, as they also work in the newest 457 rifles, too.
To repeat myself, keep the chambers clean and dry, so they don't fire out-of-battery, and it should work fine, with no "kabooms", which no one needs or wants.
Last edited by ratsmacker; 11/12/24.
You can roll a turd in peanuts, dip it in chocolate, and it still ain't no damn Baby Ruth.
I only have a couple BCA Mag uppers and they've actually been flawless. Lotsa folks have cut checks,after shooting mine. Hint.
Straight blowback is a very poor and risky route,at 'Mag and Hummer pressures. I MUCHLY prefer my Garrow and Franklin uppers(Hummers/Whizzum),if only from a Safety aspect alone. I've seen MR's fire out of battery and Yard Sale schit,in both Mag and Hummer. The Rugers run better/safer...but I still want a locking mechanism. Hint.
Just sayin'..............
Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."
Hopefully, you have better luck than me. The more I shot this rifle the worse it got. Seemed to run ok when new (not great). After about 500 rds or so I couldn't even get through 1 mag without multiple problems, even after many cleanings and trying new ruger mags. It was mostly fail to feed with some misfires or failure to eject. I sent it in to BCA after working with tech support to get it running better with no success. I got it back today and the work order stated cleaned and lubed, scrubbed chamber, and test fired 20rds FMJ with no issues. From reading the work order it sounds like they didn't do much. I couldnt get through the 1st mag without multiple failures on cci 40gr FMJ today. Not sure what my next steps will be. Im kind of at a loss that it works for them, but wont work for me. Let me know how yours runs.
Im a glutton for punishment, I'm going to stick with this one. I'll reach out again to them and see what else we can do. Im just suspecting something could be out of spec, but the work order doesn't specify what was checked.. From what I can tell some got rifles that run just fine.
Well, finally raised the white flag and gave up on this thing. I sent it back again last month when it didnt work after the first warranty return. They agreed to replace it this time around. 3 weeks went by and I heard nothing, so I inquired about when the replacement would be shipped. They told me they didn't have any to replace it with. They website has shown out of stock for quite some time now. First they offered me store credit, but I requested a refund and they finally did agree to it after some back and forth. This entire experience has left me afraid to give them a try on anything else. Even though they finally did refund it after 4 months, it took a considerable amount of energy and time that I dont desire to do again. Not sure what went wrong with this rifle because they dont communicate well and are not very transparent with warranty issues. Throughout the entire process, after numerous requests to speak directly with someone in warranty and repair, they never would allow that. They always told me we don't do that, their phone isn't working today, or that person isn't available. The one time I was forwarded to a warranty number and was able to leave a message it wasn't ever returned. I understand issues arise, but all I ask for is communication, and in my case it never happened. For the record, I am aware there is a youtube review that was able to fix his rifle of his issues. I tried all of the suggestions as my barrel was loose from the factory as well but it never fixed any of the firing issues. The feeding issues were not corrected by changing mag tension or modifying and feed lips either for me.