Three part series. 2004 Redsox down 0-3 To Yankees in American League playoffs won next four including final two games in Yankee stadium. Supposedly never been done before in playoffs or World Series. These teams have a long competitive history and the Yanks usually came out on top. Additionally some of the players on the 2004 teams didn't like each other at that time on a personal level and there were some altercations during the season.

Different game twenty years ago. More inside pitching and sometimes it took some guts for a 2nd baseman to turn a SS to 2nd to 1st double play. You didn't often see base runners and opposing fielders having friendly conversations with opposing fielders like you see today.

I remember watching this in 2004 and couldn't believe Boston would eventually win. IMO the Netflix series was well done and included interviews with players and team personnel who were involved.