This is a hand forged replica of the original Horace Kephart Mini-This Hatchet made by Bladesmith Josh Clarke .
The Hatchet shown below is the only one I have for sale. .These are very similar to the origional custom ultralight hatchet that Horace Kephart loved so much 100 years ago. They are very compact and have an irresistable ,jewellike quality about them.
Here is his descriprion from hisclassic book "Woodcraft" (p.32):
"Among my most valued possessions is a tiny Colclesser tomahawk, of 8-ounce head and 2-1/2 inch bit, which, with hickory handle and home-made sheath, weighs only three-quarters of a pound. I seldom go anywhere in the woods (unless in marching order with a heavier axe) without this little trick. It is all that is needed to put up a satisfactory shelter wherever there is hemlock or balsam, or bark that will peel, while for other services I use it oftener that I do my jackknife"
These axes are nearly idenical to those specs ,weighing 12 oz and measuring 11.25 inches long. It is still a svelte 13.5 oz all up with both leather mask and throat collar
The bit is hand forged 5160 steel and is hand ground, polished , blued and given a razor sharp 25 degree inclusive cuttng bevel.
The Handle is then hand hsfted, sanded and torched .Then it's given six coats of pure Tung oil .The resulting finish is smooth but still grippy.
The Axe comes with one of Josh's hand leather edge masks .
The price is $109 Plus $12 shipping with in CONUS.
PayPal or USPS MO as payment.
Edge Mask-