30 years ago, there was a place called Edelman's on Long Island, NY. I used to stop in whenever I had a job in the area.
One day they had just gotten the shipment of model 96's in. they let me go in the back and pick the ones I wanted, I brought six of them home. They were $79 each.
Over the years I gave one to a friend, sold three others, and still have one in original configuration.
In the "I wish that I known then what I know now" dept.... I took one of the six and attempted to sporterize it it myself. It was a original Obendorf marked 1896, all matching numbers, in 99% condition... It ended up looking like one of those guns from planet of the apes, I still have it, the metal's good but the wood is screwed. It actually it just needs the bolt bent and drill and tap for scope mounts.
I bought a few others over the years, including some barrel actions and one of the ones that Kimber sporterized in the 1990s. It's a great shooter, this is Remington factory ammo.
![[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]](https://i.imgur.com/uCSqJL0.jpg)