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Hey All,

I just bought a Ruger #1 Tropical in 458 Lott to use as my general purpose rifle. Here's a little background first...

I have never had to shoot at any medium-large critter further than 100yds before (so far, the furthest shot has been about 75 yards away while totin' a levergun), so I have been content with my bows and leverguns.

I wanted a rifle that I could put a low power scope (fixed 4X or a 2.5-8X) onto that would stretch my range a bit if I ever went to a location where I needed it, ie: western Elk/Mule/Antelope Deer etc... (@ 300yds is my personal max, I know others can shoot further, but for anything with fur, I'm sticking to this limitation for myself). I was really interested in a 35 Whelen, but I got to thinking (Which is a dangerous thing to do in my house if a fire extinguisher isn't nearby)... How 'bout pushing a 350gr. .458 caliber pill with a MV of about 2500fps so it has @ 1500fps and about a 20" drop at 300yds when sighted in for 150yds. Like a long distance black powder loading or heavy handgun cartridge, it has the weight for penetration and a larger frontal diameter when compared to the Whelen. When compared to what most of us would consider a traditonal Lott loading, this load would be considered a light plinking load without even coming close to max pressures and it would have darn near the exact trajectory curve of the Whelen (The Whelen would have slightly flatter trajectory (@ 18" drop at 300, but it's close).

I could also load the Ruger up with heavy cartridge for camp protection if camped in the far north. Right now, I plan on installing a NECG peep and scout style/handgun scope on a custom base with QD rings. Thinking about an MPI stock too, but the laminated looks like it will be okay for now.

SO what do you think....I know it's waaaay bigger than anyone NEEDS, but I have an affliction for Big Bores and Leverguns (the No.1 has a little lever on it), plus it gives me a little versatility when you consider I can shoot 458WM's in a pinch. Am I nuts or just crazy. At the very least...it should be FUN crazy !!!

Last edited by Stump Buster; 02/24/08.

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Originally Posted by Stump Buster
Am I nuts or just crazy.

Not in the least. I use the .375 H&H for everything. One nice thing about the Lott is that you can do cast bullet loads if you ever get the urge.

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There's certainly no law against it, and all of this hunting/shooting stuff is about fun and games anyway. You should have seen the looks they gave me when I took a 338 Win. Mag. to Texas for hunting whitetails and hogs!

You can run with your 458 Lott for a while as your all-around rifle and see how you like it. You may just love it enough to stay with it for life.........

If you get sick of it though, you can always go to something eccentric for all-around use, such as the 270 Win. or 30-06. grin


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grinYou are allowed to be as nutz as ya wanna be!! Remember this is a gun looney territory here! grin Wanna be even MORE nutz?? The 458 Lott the same basic case dimensions as the old sharps 45-110. Just with abelt. Cast up some big slugs and use BP!! It would kill anything in N.America as dead as easy credit and ya get to be crowned the all time king of the 'Campfire Maniacs grin grin

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I would load some 300 and 350 TSX's to see what the rifle perfers and make that a standard load for the game you mention.


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Thanks...I knew I was in good company here!!!

I mean't to add that I already have .45 ACP's/Colts/ and -70Govt's, so the next logical step up was the Lott. Midway has bullets as light as 250Gr and as heavy as 550Gr in both jacketed and cast, so versatility is there.

WJ & ET....That's was the ultimate decision maker for me. The bullet velocity combo's have already proven themselves for years.

AD....I live in Kommiefornia...so there probably is a law against it, but I won't say anything if you don't!

AGW....Me mum's Australian and a trip down under with this gun to hunt some of the stuff on top was one of the thoughts that came to mind when I was debating the buy. I'm looking real hard at the TSX's!

Thanks for letting me share this affliction! I have buddies who say... "Oh, I remember going through that gun stage in my life." I call 'em Quitters!!! My "Stage" just keeps getting more and more...ummm.....interesting.

Take Care,


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I have been shooting a lot of those 350gr Speers out of my 458 Lott. I have been pushing them 2650 with H322 and 2725fps with Ramshot Tac. They are pleasant to shoot and shoot surprisingly flat. Shots out to 300 yards wouldn't be difficult at all. I plan on using my lott for general purpose big game next year but at 10lbs it won't get carried much when hunting verticle or long packs.

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Probably the only time a Lott has been described as "general purpose" grin; go for it.


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Originally Posted by EvilTwin
grinYou are allowed to be as nutz as ya wanna be!! Remember this is a gun looney territory here! grin Wanna be even MORE nutz?? The 458 Lott the same basic case dimensions as the old sharps 45-110. Just with abelt. Cast up some big slugs and use BP!! It would kill anything in N.America as dead as easy credit and ya get to be crowned the all time king of the 'Campfire Maniacs grin grin

Easy credit is dead? When did that happen? confused

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When the subprimes got kicked in the gut.

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Shoot, you can crank on down to 300 grain bullets if the targets are small enough...you may have to develop the loads a bit to get it happy. You can go even lighter if you are willing to use cast.

I have a #3 in 45-70 and even with that sorry buttstock would paper patch the bottom 1/4" of a 450 grain Lyman "volunteer" bullet (it is .452 and is basically a bore-rider except for the patched portion)and seat it shallow in a nearly full case to break bowling balls with....and all you have to do is pull a cartridge out of a box and smash away.

I am jealous.

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Whatever blows your skirt up, its all fun and games..Your combo will certainly kill small game and not ruin a lot of edible meat in doing so...

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Uhhh Ray, I was only making a suggestion to Shrike who began the thread. As for the combo I suggested, it duplicates the old Sharps 45-110 and I killed a Newfie moose with one shot from my 45-110--bodyslammed him. It sure as hell didn't ruin any meat and it outperformed the 300 Winchester Mags, 300 Ultra Mags and even a 375 Mag the other hunters were using. If our intrepid poster wants to have some major league fun, his Lott would work just dandy duplicating that performance. Small game round?????

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uh, i hate to admit it but the 45-70 is my favorite ground squirrel round, especially late in the season when the lil bastards start holding tight to their holes and i get tired at sniping the top of their heads......load up some 405 grain hard cast and hold on dirt.......my brother says thats not playing fair when we are betting money on highest kill count grin gotta make sure of your back stop though, 6 inches of fluffed up dirt......2 inches of squirrel......plus 6 more inches of fluffed up dirt dont due chit for slowing down the damn things and stopping them grin

sooooo......a 458 Lott for general purpose? yeah i can see doing that grin

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A complete three gun battery would be a .600 NE, then the all-around is the .458 Lott, and for little varmits a .340 Weatherby. LOL!

Not a bad idea. The .458 bore can be shot pretty cheap and comfortably with good cast bullets. It will shoot plenty flat with a hot loaded 350 grain bullet, and you will sure be ready if you ever get to go to Africa!

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Maybe more than necessary, but nothing you'll be struck down for doing!

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Yer not nuts!! The people who are nuts are the one's that think my 50 year old Model 70 375 is too big for elk. Best damn elk rifle ever made!! If yer gonna load it up tho, buy stock in one of the powder companies. smile


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Thanks again guys.....feeling more and more "Normal" every day!

Let's see...

....... 250 Grainers for Mosquitos-n-Mice
....... 300 Grainers for Jacks/Squirrels
....... 325 Grainers for Yotes-n-Speedgoats
....... 350 Grainers for Them Little Deer... like Mulies
....... 400 Grainers for Hogs/Caribou
....... 405 Grainers for Elk/Black Bears
....... 425 Grainers for Moose and Big Bears
....... 450 Grainers for Camels/Water Buffalo (Down Under)
....... 500 Grainers for Polar Bears / Bigfoot
....... 550 Grainers for The Little African Ungulates
....... 600 Grainers for Elephino
....... 650 Grainers for "Those things the Orc's rode in LOTR"

Yup...The Lott could be the most versatile cartridge EVER!

Realistically....I don't think I'd ever need to load much heavier than the 350 grainers for 99.999% of what I imagine I'll ever get to hunt....but it's nice to keep options open.

Can't wait to get it and send a few downrange!

Thanks Again and Take Care,

Take Care

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If you were going to use a Marlin guide gun in 45-70 for deer to bear no one would question your choice. So unless you're shooting those magic low speed cast bullets a 45cal with a bit more velocity should be perfect.

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just for grins , Ive loaded my 458 win in the past with 385 or 420 grain hard cast bullets at about 1400-1500fps and used it on DEER/HOG hunts where it worked just fine.
don,t get too worried about what other hunters think, it really is not your concern, just get good with the rifle and load YOU want to use and KNOW your limits.
a 45 caliber slug that weights in the 400 grain range will do everything you need it to if you can shoot acurately



good info

Last edited by 340mag; 03/05/08.
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