After several years without success - I'm looking for some help with hunting turkeys in SW Idaho. A friend of mine says you'd find Elvis having tea with Bigfoot and leprachuans before you'd find a turkey... I've actually seen a couple, and almost got a shot at one last year, but still striking out.

Things I've learned so far - Merriams like hanging out at the snow line, they like riparian areas, and they know the voices of all the birds in their flock when they are in isolated canyons so they tend to run the opposite direction when you call them...

Any hints on where to go where I won't run into most of the population of Boise? After multiple encounters with slob hunters and busted birds (including one guy that told me what a good caller I was after he took two shots in my direction while I was HEN calling, glad my back was against a wide tree...) I'm starting to think about taking up golf. Please convince me that I don't have to whack a little white ball around to attempt to get my fix until Fall...