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Boxer, I'm not even sure I understand your last email.

You and your little brokeback mountain groupies are spending so much time reaching around each other it is hard to work out who is humping who. You are having the last word because others quickly realise that they are trying to reason with a fool who drags the conversation down to a level of stupidity and profanity that is unnecessary.

You are not the only person in the world who 'knows about rifles', reading some of your other posts it is alarming the amount of information you clearly do not know. Your aggressive posts try to hide this but the truth of it is that you post no useful information or anything that passes as knowledge. Everything you post is trying to point out how 'stupid' everyone else it, ever wonder why that is? I suppose someone with a mind as weak as your's clearly is finds it easier knock others down than be a constructive member of the campfire. You do not create, you destroy.

If you were to wise up (and grow up) you would realise that how you communicate destroys any credibility about what you communicate.

To me, and clearly some others, you are representative of everything that is wrong with the Campfire. There is no way you would talk to a person in the street like you carry on here, pretty soon they would leave you spitting teeth.

Last edited by Adamjp; 12/30/13.

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Campfire 'Bwana
Campfire 'Bwana
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FWIW, a review of the definitions found under 301.7 and/or 301.81 of ICD-9, might help you understand the dynamics in play. Or so it seems to me.


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You might just be onto something there.

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I find it curious,that you Whining Do Nothing Kchunts feel compelled to open a new Whine,with a reiteration of how incredibly phuqqing little you are able to understand. That'd only be "news" to you,as your Dumbfhuckktitude is better than glaringly obvious. Congratulations?!?

Do tell about the "email",if only for starters. Laffin'!

PLEASE,find me "mistaken" and I will happily take the time to rub your nose in your Stupidity and make it look easy...if only because it is. Bless your heart.

It's your Imagination,Pretend with it however you please and I'll feign my "surprise" that you went right to phuqqing Whining and whimpering about your insecurities. I'm more than a leetle bit at ease in speaking matter of factly,if only because facts matter. You are a consummate Whiner,due simply to all them years of practice. You poor poor(literally) dumb kchunt,you're sooooooooooooo adept at Whining,you cain't even know you do it. Funny how schit actually works,ain't it?!? Laffin'!

So you feel free to look me up,any time your Estrogen mood swings make you brazen enough to try and feign a first phuqqing clue and be sure to make a "stand",as you wax eloquent upon all the things you almost did,with all the wares you almost had and from all the places you've almost been.

I enjoy the notion that you "think" your phuqqing Stupidity ain't more than a touch obvious and you sure as schit need no "help" ascertaining that,if only obliviously. Prolly a REAL good phuqqing call,to refrain all things germane the crux and to Whine instead. If only in fairness,what the phuqq other move could you make?!? Laffin'!

Don't let the cat get your tongue,nor the couch your kchunt and shoot for the stars and Pretend you can whip my ass too.

You phuqqing "hard chargers" are a riot!


Funnier than phuqq,that even someone as phuqqing stupid as you...KNOWS to refrain the crux and Whine instead.

I'm looking forward to your next Whine and the excuses.


Perhaps you two Clueless Kchunts and your newly aligned Dynamic Duo Of Dumbphuqqtitude,are REALLY gonna explode Model Seven LR sales?!?

Wow +P+! Here's to the hilarity of your "best",being soooooooooooo far offa the mark.

Perhaps give thought to filling out a "Hurt Feelers" Report. PLEASE include pictures.


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Boxer, Boxer, Boxer; good morning. I've told you before, you have a lot to offer at times. Temper your criticism and modify your delivery and some of the youngsters or less informed could really benefit from your input and would probably enjoy learning from what you have to add. Some of the more informed would probably enjoy honest debate and discussion with you. I hope you had a Merry Christmas my friend.

Last edited by TheBigSky; 12/31/13. Reason: Eliminated a split infinitive.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck


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Campfire 'Bwana
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I've followed your posts for many years, since your Big Stick days, back when you were actually a helpful and contributing member of this message board. But you're no longer helpful and haven't been for some time, at least since you pushed Rick to exile you for the I-Honda thread where you taped your kids' eyelids.

All you can do is call me names and I'm not feeling threated by a loudmouth from Craig, AK, whose posts are mostly gibberish. That said, I think that it is interesting that you felt that my pointing out the ICD-9 codes for Antisocial Personality disorder, 301.7, and Narcissistic Personality Disorder, 301.81, were directed at you. Only you. Interesting.

Sell some guns, get some help, you'll thank me in the long run.


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Originally Posted by 260Remguy

I've followed your posts for many years, since your Big Stick days, back when you were actually a helpful and contributing member of this message board. But you're no longer helpful and haven't been for some time, at least since you pushed Rick to exile you for the I-Honda thread where you taped your kids' eyelids.

All you can do is call me names and I'm not feeling threated by a loudmouth from Craig, AK, whose posts are mostly gibberish. That said, I think that it is interesting that you felt that my pointing out the ICD-9 codes for Antisocial Personality disorder, 301.7, and Narcissistic Personality Disorder, 301.81, were directed at you. Only you. Interesting.

Sell some guns, get some help, you'll thank me in the long run.


What? Larry is crazy? say it aint so. laugh

Originally Posted by Judman
PS, if you think Trump is “good” you’re way stupider than I thought! Haha

Sorry, trump is a no tax payin pile of shiit.
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It's not really a big deal to me what boxer says. He can say what he wants, I was just looking for information and I got it, we are going to do model 7s just not a long range style rifle now. They will work fine for a heavy hunting rifle for my kids to put on a bipod or shooting sticks with minimal recoil and should still be as accurate as a 700. Anyway, thanks to all who pm'd me with valuable info and to those who would like to name call from a computer that is ok also, if that is how you do things to each his own. Just got done reading about Virgil King and the Houston Warehouse, nice read and very informing about what helps accuracy and what makes no difference at all. But again thanks to all including Boxer. I will post pictures when rifles are done, we are working on accurizing 700 LA now for custom 6mm. HAPPY HUNTING

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Campfire 'Bwana
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Rude behavior and bullies bother me.


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Sucking my ass,will get you nowhere.

The astute will always glean the insight,you stupid [bleep] never will and ain't that a right proper dichotomy?!?

Looking forward to your next Whine.


Groovin' on your Vagina Monologue,as you sidestep ALL things The Rifle,for some "unknown" reason(s). Laffin'!

Please find me "mistaken" and I'll happily take the time to yet again rub your nose in your very own Stupidity. Rest assured that I will make it look easy,if only because it is. Laffin'!

You Whining Kchunts will always find reasons to Whine and that is a simplistic fact. Funny how tape reliably [bleep] up you Drooling Dumbfhuqqers,whether on the muzzle or elsewhere. Laffin'! Perhaps you can assemble enough Whiners,to form a Class Action Suit against 3M(the favored tape of all) and make a "stand". Re-laffin'!

I've zero intent or desire to "threaten" you,but you pointy headed dim-bulbed [bleep] concoct all sorts of conspiracy theory [bleep] bullschit and I wish to thank you for the oblivious humor. [bleep] HILARIOUS +P+!!! Only you,can prevent YOU from saying something stupid and here's to the sanctity of your being powerless in the refrain. Laffin'!

You'll haveta pardon my being Type BT/DT...with lotsa T-shirts and I for some reason,don't feel compelled to apologize for being afforded the luxury of not being forced to guess. Facts certainly are unsettling to folks who "do" as "much" as you. Laffin'!

Perhaps your feelers would be better off,if you tried to converse about Tiddlywinks with Martha Stewart and then you two high browed kchunts could compare estrogen levels. Laffin'!

Don't let the cat get your tongue,nor the couch your kchunt,because I'm certain you've hit a Home Run and are really doing "great". Laffin'!

Eagerly awaiting the next Whine and more excuses. Succinctly knock it outta the park and dangle a picture of you and your crossed-eyes and that'll begin to explain why you've soooooooooo much to [bleep] whine about. I've zero doubt gracious members of the board,would happly mail tape to you,to cover them misaligned peepers up. Howlin'!

I know,I know...all your pics are at bigsqueeze's house,in a cardboard box that neither you or JeffO can open,because there's the "dreaded" tape on it!

You "hard chargers" are a [bleep] riot,especially when your Estrogen Levels embolden a sanctimonious "stand" on high ground,with your head fully up your ass! You poor poor stupid [bleep]. Laffin'!



No need to thank me. I'm really "surprised" that the LR Seven didn't come to fruition.

Give or [bleep] take.



You almost said sumptin' about The Rifle,then your lip trembled in fear and you went right to [bleep] Whining instead,so as to play it safe.

Bless your heart.



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Campfire 'Bwana
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Campfire 'Bwana
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Originally Posted by 260Remguy

I've followed your posts for many years, since your Big Stick days, back when you were actually a helpful and contributing member of this message board. But you're no longer helpful and haven't been for some time, at least since you pushed Rick to exile you for the I-Honda thread where you taped your kids' eyelids.

All you can do is call me names and I'm not feeling threated by a loudmouth from Craig, AK, whose posts are mostly gibberish. That said, I think that it is interesting that you felt that my pointing out the ICD-9 codes for Antisocial Personality disorder, 301.7, and Narcissistic Personality Disorder, 301.81, were directed at you. Only you. Interesting.

Sell some guns, get some help, you'll thank me in the long run.


Crazy like a fox.

Ole Larry likes the chase and messing with guys who in his eyes are wrapped a bit too tight and are overstepping with their proclamations and claims... blush

His social graces notwithstanding, I enjoy his input and have been helped by him on a number of occasions. He does like to teach and help with turrets, rifles, etc. and is actually very patient with those he perceives to be genuine seekers of info.

He's also a pretty good photographer with a lot of knowledge and experience. And, judging by his pictures, knows a thing or two about fishing.

IMHO, and accusing me of being up his azz just won't float... grin

Don't know him personally, have never met him.

Just saying... cool


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Campfire 'Bwana
Campfire 'Bwana
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Just more gibberish and more name calling, ouch!


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Believe what you want, after all, we're all just a handles on the internet and anybody can be anything on the internet.

Larry has plenty of sycophants, so whether you are or whether you aren't one is only relevant to you. This is, after all, just an internet message board.

If Rick doesn't choose to rein in Larry's boorish behavior that is certainly his option. Rick's site, Rick's rules.


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Oh I do enjoy a high pitched nasal Whine,by The Do Nothing Gang,as they go in to great detail of all the things they've almost done.(grin) Luckily for them,Imagination and Pretend are free and I'd be the last guy to slight them those "satisfactions". Laffin'!

It's purty easy to cypher who bangs around more than a smidge. I find it curious that "The Stand",always involves the latest Whiner's laundry list of insecurities,a heartfelt bitch that they are Turd Polishers and how "real" their Pretend is to them. Same old cluelessness,on just another day. In fairness however,it can't go any other way,so I reckon they'll swoon the sanctity of that fact. Laffin'!

I ain't in the bidness of condoning Dumbfhuqqtitude,or in sugar coating stupidity. I'm happy to lay a goodly stash of slack rope in wait,for them who think they can handle same and would be the last to yank that opportunity away.(grin) It's only fair.

Sandbagging cracks me up,nearly as much as Windowlickers doing their best. REALLY get a kick out of the Whiningest of the kchunts,trolling for heart strings as they obliviously convey their ineptitude. That schit is PRICELESS and only because the poor dumbfhuqqs really are doing their best. Laffin'!

I can only lead folks to water.


I'll feign my "surprise",that you know better than to post a pic of your crossed-eyes,or find me "mistaken"...though your Whine remains MAGNIFICENT. You really know how to make a "stand". Laffin'!

Looking forward to the next Whine and more excuses. Ain't it a hoot,how noone can make you look like a dumber piece of do nothing schit,than you!


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I never post pictures, never have, never will.


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Boxer, you're such a kidder. I'm not smooching your keester. What good would that do me? I hope you have a happy and safe new year my friend.

For those of you who have not had the exposure to Boxer and his expletive laden discourse, when none is called for, that some of the rest of us have, you have to look at his input through the prism of his technique and his motives. Specifically, his delivery is in the mold of the liberal media elite and elite liberal politicians/personalities like Pelosi, Reid, Feinstein, Boxer (Barbara), Obama, etc.

Just hear me out. How do the liberal media elite and elite liberal politicians get their way? When someone opposes them or, even worse, has a differing opinion, they shout them down, they call them names, and they mischaracterize what the other side has said. They make false assumptions of the other side and present it as fact. If you all go back and look at his prior posts you will see that this is exactly what Boxer does. He�s not a bad guy. It�s just that he needs to do this to compensate for any insecurity he has. So, he means well, he just needs work on his delivery. Read what he has to ad by eliminating the colorful adjectives, incorrect personal pronouns and his mischaracterization of what someone else has said and the motives for what others have said and there really is some good information in there.

I�ll give you an example: If he does respond to this post, as opposed to it being characterized as my opinion, it will be whining. I will be referred to by an incorrect gender pronoun (he/she/her). And, because of disagreement with my �opinion�, not only will my opinion be wrong; but, my intellect and possibly my ancestry will be called into question and I will be labeled with a bunch of colorful adjectives and Boxer-created nouns and verbs. It�s colorful and entertaining; but, in knowing all of this it is easier to weed through the extraneous filler and grasp those nuggets of intellect, positive input and, yes, even some wisdom Boxer often provides. Because, at times, he does.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck

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Nothing says "hard charger" like windage adjustable mounts. Laffin'!

Funniest part is...one can never tell if you are bitching or bragging,but that POS needs hid under a rug.



Oh [bleep] no,ANYTHING but pictures. The horror. Laffin'! That's the only way you Windowlicking Dumbfhuqqers can keep your Pretend "real".

You're doing "great" and "The Stand" is gonna catch on like LR Sevens. Perhaps entertain the notion of taking a Poll or starting a Petition and really knock it out of the park. Laffin'!

Wow +P+!


I enjoy the Dr. Phil schit,it's a [bleep] hoot! Of course you are Whining,it's all you do...and noone has better insight as to what a clueless [bleep] you are,than you do and I'd be the last to dispute same. Congratulations?!? Your Vagina Monologue,in regards to all the things you've almost done,with all the wares you almost had and from all the places you've almost been,is straight up [bleep] fascinating. Give or [bleep] take. Laffin'!

I'm at ease with facts and the fact is,you poor stupid [bleep] are unable to find me "mistaken" and much to your collective chagrin. I've zero qualm talking in regards to water flowed under the bridge,just as you are at ease in talking out your ass...which admittedly is a [bleep] hilarious arrangement.

You'd do well to take notes and apply same,though I do find copious humor in the fact that your stupidity precludes your making such sound decision(s).

Looking forward to the next Whine and accompanying excuses.


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Your onto something here.
Liberalism is a disease, poor Boxer, he is sick and cant help himself. crazy
Maybe we should take up a fundraiser to get boxer some professional help?
I have a dollar to contribute. laugh

Originally Posted by Judman
PS, if you think Trump is “good” you’re way stupider than I thought! Haha

Sorry, trump is a no tax payin pile of shiit.
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Originally Posted by Boxer

Your Vagina Monologue,in regards to all the things you've almost done,with all the wares you almost had and from all the places you've almost been,is straight up [bleep] fascinating. Give or [bleep] take. Laffin'!

Boxer my friend, you've usually got me pegged and figured out; however, when have I ever come on here and talked about what I've done, what my wares are, and all of the places I've ever been? C'mon, you're better than that. At least your false assumptions are usually based on something someone has said. Hence, your attacks on my intellect; or, my lack thereof. I can live with that because I put it out there for the world to see and judge for themselves. When you make statements about what I say I have done, what I own, or, where I've been and people will start assuming I am contacting you privately and making claims or filling you in on my life and that just isn't so my friend.

I hope you have a safe and happy new year and I hope you keep contributing to the forum. Others may not see it; but, if they try to separate the wheat from the chaff, you truly have a lot to offer the rest of us.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck

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