It is EXACTLY what most of us thought it would be. He and his ilk hate gun owners and will make it as difficult as they can to own or possess guns legally. We might as well live in Mexico or Canada if he gets this through. It is going to be very important that the moderate democrats that were elected in 06 really remain 'moderates' with common sense and protect the industry and our hobby.


"Yes We Can . . . Ban Guns"--Obama Announces Gun Ban Agenda Before The Final Vote Count Is In

Friday, November 07, 2008

Senator Barack Obama's presidential campaign slogan, "the audacity of hope," should have instead been "the audacity of deceit." After months of telling the American people that he supports the Second Amendment, and only hours after being declared the president-elect, the Obama transition team website announced an agenda taken straight from the anti-gun lobby--four initiatives designed to ban guns and drive law-abiding firearm manufacturers and dealers out of business:

"Making the expired federal assault weapons ban permanent." Perhaps no other firearm issue has been more dishonestly portrayed by gun prohibitionists. Notwithstanding their predictions that the ban's expiration in 2004 would bring about the end of civilization, for the last four years the nation's murder rate has been lower than anytime since the mid-1960s. Studies for Congress, the Congressional Research Service, the National Institute of Justice, the National Academy of Sciences, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have found no evidence that gun prohibition or gun control reduces crime. Guns that were affected by the ban are used in only a tiny fraction of violent crime-about 35 times as many people are murdered without any sort of firearm (knives, bare hands, etc.), as with "assault weapons." Obama says that "assault weapons" are machine guns that "belong on foreign battlefields," but that is a lie; the guns are only semi-automatic, and they are not used by a military force anywhere on the planet.

"Repeal the Tiahrt Amendment." The amendment--endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police--prohibits the release of federal firearm tracing information to anyone other than a law enforcement agency conducting a bona fide criminal investigation. Anti-gun activists oppose the restriction, because it prevents them from obtaining tracing information and using it in frivolous lawsuits against law-abiding firearm manufacturers. Their lawsuits seek to obtain huge financial judgments against firearm manufacturers when a criminal uses a gun to inflict harm, even though the manufacturers have complied with all applicable laws.

"Closing the gun show loophole." There is no "loophole." Under federal law, a firearm dealer must conduct a background check on anyone to whom he sells a gun, regardless of where the sale takes place. A person who is not a dealer may sell a gun from his personal collection without conducting a check. Gun prohibitionists claim that many criminals obtain guns from gun shows, though the most recent federal survey of convicted felons put the figure at only 0.7 percent. They also claim that non-dealers should be required to conduct checks when selling guns at shows, but the legislation they support goes far beyond imposing that lone requirement. In fact, anti-gun members of Congress voted against that limited measure, holding out for a broader bill intended to drive shows out of business.

"Making guns in this country childproof." "Childproof" is a codeword for a variety of schemes designed to prevent the sale of firearms by imposing impossible or highly expensive design requirements, such as biometric shooter-identification systems. While no one opposes keeping children safe, the fact is that accidental firearm-related deaths among children have decreased 86 percent since 1975, even as the numbers of children and guns have risen dramatically. Today, the chances of a child being killed in a firearm accident are less than one in a million.

Originally Posted by thechamp

"Closing the gun show loophole." There is no "loophole." Under federal law, a firearm dealer must conduct a background check on anyone to whom he sells a gun, regardless of where the sale takes place. A person who is not a dealer may sell a gun from his personal collection without conducting a check. Gun prohibitionists claim that many criminals obtain guns from gun shows, though the most recent federal survey of convicted felons put the figure at only 0.7 percent. They also claim that non-dealers should be required to conduct checks when selling guns at shows, but the legislation they support goes far beyond imposing that lone requirement. In fact, anti-gun members of Congress voted against that limited measure, holding out for a broader bill intended to drive shows out of business.

Is that the same "gun show loophole" legislation that John McCain, the NRA endorsed candidate, sponsored??
No doubt we are in for a real crap fest- perhaps if the NRA had not endorsed gun grabber McCain we would not be in that mess. The good news is that now maybe NRA ENDORSED McCain will be able to get his gunshow loophole legislation passed.
Don't blame the NRA they made a decision and held their nose like everyone else. You got a guy that wants to kill gun shows vs a guy that wants to kill the whole industry. Sounds like you voted for the guy that wants to kill the whole industry. Obama has already posted his agenda and you read it at the top.
There's a section here specifically for that.....
Originally Posted by Cariboujack
Don't blame the NRA they made a decision and held their nose like everyone else.

They endorsed a candidate, who sponsors one of the bits of legislation the NRA is crying about in the above cut and paste. That is ridiculous. The NRA should not endorse gun grabbers-period. I do not support organizations that prmote gun control, and that includes the NRA. Perhaps if they stop endorsing known gun grabbers, and only endorse pro gun folks, maybe politicians will come to the right side of the gun issue. As long as the NRA endorses those with gun control tendencies, there really is know reason for the politician to change. Sign all the gun grabbing legislation you like-just make sure it is less than the other guy, and the NRA will endorse you.
The thing that pisses me off is---WHERE WERE ALL THE GUN OWNERS IN AMERICA ON NOV 4, 2008. Seems to me like they didn't pull the correct levers or mark an X in the correct voting ballot.

The thing that really pissed me off is how many people bought into his bullshit! They really thought that he wasn't going to do anything. How stupid can you get? His WHOLE track record was one of being anti-Second Amendment! His friends are scumbag leftist who despise the people's ability to fight back. Duh! Let's just hope and pray that the pro-gun folks in congress can stop this madness. If not... kiss the country we knew good bye. mad

Originally Posted by cdhunt
The thing that pisses me off is---WHERE WERE ALL THE GUN OWNERS IN AMERICA ON NOV 4, 2008. Seems to me like they didn't pull the correct levers or mark an X in the correct voting ballot.

Right after Sept 15, or the mortgage meltdown....guns, terrorism, healthcare, eduaction ect, all took a backseat to the economy. What makes me mad is that so many people think more govt will make things better. This is not new. Before the BIG depression in the 30s, there was a much smaller one that brought about the Taft Hartley Act which added many tariffs to foreign trade and thus greatly expaned govt. Hello BIG depression and 25% of folks out of work...
I think the reason he wants to take our guns soo badly is so when we're all disarmed his Muslim towlhead brethren can invade our country and we'll be DEFENSELESS
I think it will take at least a few generations to do any serious disarming. Yes he may make some stuff illegal. I couldn't believe it when I saw a moderator on another site say BHO would need a gun control bill from congress(AWB) to outlaw them & he wouldn't get it because they would worry about re-election. This was all very evident early in the election. Fasten your belt, turbulence ahead.
FYI, the NRA never endorsed McCain. They OPPOSED Obama. They never explicitly endorsed him.
Originally Posted by corporal cleg
I do not support organizations that prmote gun control, and that includes the NRA.

I love guys like you. Who do you support ? Unless you have some decent answer you are part of the problem. I don't like everything the NRA does but I am certainly a member. Like them or not, they are the reason we still enjoy our second amendment rights.
Originally Posted by jdunham
Originally Posted by corporal cleg
I do not support organizations that prmote gun control, and that includes the NRA.

I love guys like you. Who do you support ? Unless you have some decent answer you are part of the problem. I don't like everything the NRA does but I am certainly a member. Like them or not, they are the reason we still enjoy our second amendment rights.

Couldn't have said it better! Nothing is perfect but they are all we really have on our side.

Originally Posted by thechamp
Originally Posted by jdunham
Originally Posted by corporal cleg
I do not support organizations that prmote gun control, and that includes the NRA.

I love guys like you. Who do you support ? Unless you have some decent answer you are part of the problem. I don't like everything the NRA does but I am certainly a member. Like them or not, they are the reason we still enjoy our second amendment rights.

Couldn't have said it better! Nothing is perfect but they are all we really have on our side.

I wonder if he feels the same way about his wife, "ALL OR NOTHING" I bet I would know the answer.
Originally Posted by jdunham
Originally Posted by corporal cleg
I do not support organizations that prmote gun control, and that includes the NRA.

I love guys like you. Who do you support ? Unless you have some decent answer you are part of the problem. I don't like everything the NRA does but I am certainly a member. Like them or not, they are the reason we still enjoy our second amendment rights.

I love guys like you. You all repeat that silly mantra; "you are part of the problem", "they are the reason...." blah blah blah. Does the NRA send its members a little list of talking points to counter those who realize their anti gun agenda??
Originally Posted by lithian
FYI, the NRA never endorsed McCain.

Yes they did. They endorsed that gun grabber for the 2008 election.
Originally Posted by thechamp
Originally Posted by jdunham
Originally Posted by corporal cleg
I do not support organizations that prmote gun control, and that includes the NRA.

I love guys like you. Who do you support ? Unless you have some decent answer you are part of the problem. I don't like everything the NRA does but I am certainly a member. Like them or not, they are the reason we still enjoy our second amendment rights.

Couldn't have said it better! Nothing is perfect but they are all we really have on our side.

Wow,,,,,,,,,2 fellow gun owners GET IT!!!! Thank you both!!!!!!!!!!!!
corporal cleg, come out. Did you vote FOR Obama? Seem to be doing a little guilty side-stepping here.
Originally Posted by 338Federal
corporal cleg, come out. Did you vote FOR Obama? Seem to be doing a little guilty side-stepping here.

Side stepping? I dont think so.
To answer your question-No I did not vote for Obama. Nor did I vote for McCain. I do not vote for gun grabbers (unlike the NRA).
Originally Posted by corporal cleg
Originally Posted by 338Federal
corporal cleg, come out. Did you vote FOR Obama? Seem to be doing a little guilty side-stepping here.

Side stepping? I dont think so.
To answer your question-No I did not vote for Obama. Nor did I vote for McCain. I do not vote for gun grabbers (unlike the NRA).

So you were content to allow the biggest liberal in America to get elected? Most of us didn't like McCain either, but this was a case where you voted for the platform and the party. Not necessarily the idiot leading the ticket. The republicans would have kept McCain straight. For all his maverick crap he sure was singing the republican tune on 99% of the issues. You're making this really difficult. You'd rather not vote for the lesser of evils and thusly allow the most evil dictator ever to get himself elected? Wow what a concept...


Originally Posted by thechamp
Originally Posted by corporal cleg
Originally Posted by 338Federal
corporal cleg, come out. Did you vote FOR Obama? Seem to be doing a little guilty side-stepping here.

Side stepping? I dont think so.
To answer your question-No I did not vote for Obama. Nor did I vote for McCain. I do not vote for gun grabbers (unlike the NRA).

So you were content to allow the biggest liberal in America to get elected? Most of us didn't like McCain either, but this was a case where you voted for the platform and the party. Not necessarily the idiot leading the ticket. The republicans would have kept McCain straight. For all his maverick crap he sure was singing the republican tune on 99% of the issues. You're making this really difficult. You'd rather not vote for the lesser of evils and thusly allow the most evil dictator ever to get himself elected? Wow what a concept...


Ill keep this brief. The Republican party is lost. They used to AT LEAST speak of financial responsibility, smaller government, individual rights, etc. After six years of power, they COMPLETELY abandoned those ideals- Six years of ridiculous spending, bloated government, and Rights stomping. The Republican party would not have kept McCain "straight" because the Republican party is crooked. There is no longer a Republican "tune"-their tune is hardly distinguishable from the Democrats. The tune of fiscal responsibility, small government , and individual rights is no longer being sung by the GOP. Their tune is now big government, big spending-but "different" than the big government the democrats want.
I wouldnt say I was "content" with Obama getting elected, but I would say it is better for conservative ideals-because now there is a chance that conservatism will pop its head out again. Instead of burying their head in the sand, as they did when the GOP was running the show, Conservatives will once again speak against big government.
If McCain was president, the conservatives would continue to remain mute as McCain advanced a big government agenda.
If the concern was having Republicans in charge, than vote for Rrepublicns. If the concern is "conservatism", then the best thing is to let the GOP crash, and start over again.
Take a page from the Democrat playbook-when they crashed, they didnt fold, and take a non existing middle road. They put Pelosi, Howard Dean, Obama-the most ardent big government radicals in place, and now the radicals are running the show.
Republicans should do the same, just on the other side of the spectrum. Now that the radicals are running the show, the GOP can finally get on with building a party of smaller government, fiscal responsibility, etc.
It's funny. I have been a member of the NRA for 20 years and a hunter for 35. I am not a gun collector at all. I use my guns as tools to support my hobbies. Deer hunting, duck hunting, bird hunting, etc. Of course I would use a gun to defend my family or property like most of us would. I have never had a desire to own an assault weapon, never saw the need. Well guys, I see the need now. I just bought a Mini 14 and 2 40 round magazines. I encourage anyone else reading this to entertain the idea that in a few months that may never be possible again.

Something else to think about. Being from Delaware I know a little too much about Joe Biden. He's been trying to regulate our firearms for years. He will put as much "horsepower" behind Barry as possible.
Please don't call a Mini 14 an "assault weapon"; thats just what they want!!!!! I've bought two AR-15's in the last (18) months in anticipation of this and really enjoy shooting them. As to Joe Biden, I couldn't agree more.
Originally Posted by corporal cleg
Originally Posted by 338Federal
corporal cleg, come out. Did you vote FOR Obama? Seem to be doing a little guilty side-stepping here.

Side stepping? I dont think so.
To answer your question-No I did not vote for Obama. Nor did I vote for McCain. I do not vote for gun grabbers (unlike the NRA).

So basically you did not vote, therefore you don't deserve to have an opinion or bitch, period......
Good point Chris. Sorry for the mis-classification.
Originally Posted by tx270
Originally Posted by corporal cleg
Originally Posted by 338Federal
corporal cleg, come out. Did you vote FOR Obama? Seem to be doing a little guilty side-stepping here.

Side stepping? I dont think so.
To answer your question-No I did not vote for Obama. Nor did I vote for McCain. I do not vote for gun grabbers (unlike the NRA).

So basically you did not vote, therefore you don't deserve to have an opinion or bitch, period......

Wrong on all counts. I voted and deserve to have an opinion (whatever that means).
The list of betrayals by the NRA is a long one. It's the same people in the NRA that have sold the American people down the tube for a vary long time. Remember the NRA support of the instant back ground check? Remember the NRA support of the gun registration through FFL dealers.

I know of only one organization that has stood for American gun owners and that is the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
Some think this crazy, I fully agree.

Originally Posted by BennyLumpkin
I think the reason he wants to take our guns soo badly is so when we're all disarmed his Muslim towlhead brethren can invade our country and we'll be DEFENSELESS
Cleg, if you did vote, I assume for an independent or other, I apologize. I just assumed you didn't vote by your post.

The NRA is still our best chance, and the primary reason we still have the freedoms we do. We need more members because there is strength in numbers. We need political clout more than ever now, and we need organization. No other organization swings as big a stick as the NRA.
All I have to say on this subject is , the guy who thinks he is gonna take my guns from me better be able to catch solid copper between his teeth . End of story.
Originally Posted by spr1
The NRA is still our best chance, and the primary reason we still have the freedoms we do. We need more members because there is strength in numbers. We need political clout more than ever now, and we need organization. No other organization swings as big a stick as the NRA.

Agree! If there was ever a time for them it's NOW and the next 2 years. I really think these bastards will self destruct with their leftist agenda and the elections in 2 years will neuter them but it's two long years of anything goes. And they are rolling in the isle laughing their ass off with anticipation. A blank check written by the biggest bunch of fools in history!

So basically you did not vote, therefore you don't deserve to have an opinion or bitch, period......

ABSOLUTELY 100% CORRECT. If you are not part of the solution,you are part of the problem.I don't ever recall any gun owner jumping up and down over John McCain,he quite simpl was the lesser of two evils.As far as the obama bin biden anti-gun machine,WE ALL NEED TO MAKE SURE OUR NRA MEMBERSHIPS ARE ACTIVE.It is time we speak with our money instead of our mouths,Lip service has gotten us to where we are...SCREWED!!!
Where is Popapi and his cronies now? Not to mention Dan Cooper?
god is the only being that will take my guns away.
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