Posted By: hanco Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
We got rid of the land line several years ago. Anyone still have one?
We still have ours as the wife never seems to remember to charge her cell phone. It’s actually included in our cable package so it’s not very expensive.
My mom ..
80 yesterday .. same number for over 50 years

Posted By: Cretch Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
Yes. Same # for 42 yrs.
Just canceled mine a month ago. Hated to do it, but service for the shîtty lines was almost non-existent. And since they put a cell tower up that reaches my house and Musk cluttered up the star nerds sky with space junk I was able to cut the tether and tell them to gfy. Saved a significant amount of coin per month
Land line here, no smart phones.
Getting ready to have one again.

Property we bought and are getting ready to build on has very minimal cell service. Texts will go out but loading any pics to send rarely happens.
I'll have one as long as it's available. My parents have had the same number for 44 yrs
Our land line is my wife's only phone. She refuses to get a cell phone. Does that make me and my old Trac Fone flip phone look up to date and trendy? At least I can text the kids when I have to reach them. They rarely answer their phones.
Yep. When Katrina came through all the cell towers were knocked out but we still had the land line.
Yes, wife was talking about it today 35 bucks a month...I told her to keep it. We have cells too.
Posted By: JHM Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
Yep same number for 33 years.
Posted By: ATC Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
Still have one. I can see a cell tower one mile east and one mile west but still get spotty service in the house.
Yes of course.

The rotary phone still hangs on the wall where it always has.
Traditional analog, not since 2010.
Posted By: 5sdad Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
We have ours. I give my cell # to only a select few people. One of the reasons for that is that I have no idea how to retrieve voice mail on the infernal thing. A main reason for having the land line is that it is combined with our computer service and we get unlimited long distance with that. This is invaluable for the conversations between my wife and her sister which can last longer than a cricket test match.
Nope! Spam calls is all it got.
Wife's parents still have one. MIL has a smart phone but my FIL is 84 and will never get a cell phone.
I see people mentioning costs that's awesome what I seen. Ours are not so cheap around here mom still has hers and we're 80 acre patch from her in a different address and our basic bill was over $100 a month 20 years ago and cell phones were getting very popular. We no longer have a landline mom does hers is much cheaper different zip code
we do... it ain't connected.. but its still there....:)
Posted By: Cretch Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
If the current phone book is any indication, I'd say most folks have dumped the line lines. Our county has about 80,000 people and the phone book use to be between 1/2" to 3/4" thick with probably 50 or more pages of residential white pages. It now is about 1/4" thick with 9 pages of residential white pages.
Originally Posted by Cretch
If the current phone book is any indication, I'd say most folks have dumped the line lines. Our county has about 80,000 people and the phone book use to be between 1/2" to 3/4" thick with probably 50 or more pages of residential white pages. It now is about 1/4" thick with 9 pages of residential white pages.

With the internet I can’t believe that they are still printing a phone book.
Originally Posted by ackleydave
Originally Posted by Cretch
If the current phone book is any indication, I'd say most folks have dumped the line lines. Our county has about 80,000 people and the phone book use to be between 1/2" to 3/4" thick with probably 50 or more pages of residential white pages. It now is about 1/4" thick with 9 pages of residential white pages.

With the internet I can’t believe that they are still printing a phone book.

You can't find numbers on the internet.
Fugg no
Posted By: RIO7 Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
We don't have any choice, all inter-net and T.V. is on our fiber optic line, we have it about 5 years, cell works on the South Ranch, but not very well on the North Ranch or West ranch, we use radios more than phones on the ranch. Rio7
We're a house on the edge of the end, and cell coverage is spotty. Needless to say we have a land line at the house. We tell people all the time to not send texts, but nobody can comprehend that some folks use land lines, and they get mad as old wet hens when the texts go unanswered. Pffffftttt...

I could care less. We have cellphones, too, but call my land line if you really need to talk.
Posted By: dale06 Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
Nope, dropped land line years ago.
Posted By: Steve Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
Yep. Mainly because the cell service sucks here. Don't want to depend on using VOIP if the power goes out.
We have no choice our internet service comes through our land line.
Posted By: MarkWV Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
I keep the number to myself but we have one at the cabin. I put it in 1992 when dad was first diagnosed with Lou Gehrig disease. No cell phones work in that area of the “Quiet Zone”.

Same number for 43 years.

Yes, have landline. Yes, have phone books too.

No land line................no internet service.
I miss getting on the party line with Gertie and Maybelle and talking about Luke and Laura on the General Hospital
Originally Posted by auk1124
I miss getting on the party line with Gertie and Maybelle and talking about Luke and Laura on the General Hospital
All my Chilren way mo betta dude.

But no landline. Frontier told us when we moved up here that they no longer support them out here. There's a dang green box poking up out the ground in front of our house, a box on the side with the wires from the box coming too it, signs all along the road about "Buried Utilities, call before digging" but with perhaps 20 houses out this way, a couple of miles from the nearest other houses, they likely didn't want to service this line.

I'd have one in a minute for when the cell service, which sucks already, goes down. As it does a few times a year. Heck, just today it was so bad the phone lost connection to the tower or some scheidt and I had to restart the dang thing just to call the neighbor. Should have just walked over, but then like Jim driving 40 miles to talk to the neighbor about the rat he caught in the barn, I'd get tied up being personable and such and having a cup of coffee and talking for the afternoon.
We still have one at the insistence of my wife.
I do - only because it is included with my DSL internet - the only option out here in the sticks. Incoming calls are free. Outgoing calls are .10 per minute. I rarely use it. I have sketchy cell service and live in the boonies - 30 miles from town.

If I lose my smartphone, the dog eats it, or I drop it in the toilet (all have happened) I just call my oldest, tell him I'm OK and to pass the word that " the old man in the woods" will be without a cell phone until I can get to town.

I also have a flip-phone Tracfone I carry when I travel. I pay $99 for 400x 3(1,200) minutes and a year of service. The minutes roll over. Last I checked, I've got over 3,000 minutes of service built up. That thing works where my smartphone will not. I carry it as a redundancy since I have my contacts in that phone as well.
I gave up about 15 yrs ago.

Hit it with weed eater, dogs chewing on the wires, me digging it up a couple times, the county mowers bush hogging the pedestal, Me bush hogging the pedestal, tree falling on the section over the creek.


Got the cilly one with the innernek on it. Who can figure out such devices?
the wife has one at her office, also has a fax machine , some of her clients have been in business 60 years and don't plan on changing their ways very much
Posted By: Tarkio Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
Have a couple and a fax line.

Damn I am old.
We still have one. The phone is located in our garage.
I use it sometimes.
We still do but thinking of dropping it, bad cell phone service here
Posted By: LouisB Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
We do.
Need it for internet and phone service here.

Here at the house and much of the surrounding are area has sketchy cell coverage.
We started to cancel ours, but Windstream lowered our monthly payment so low, we decided to keep it for a while. They are losing so many customers from scammer calls, they are desperate. The only real calls we get are from older family members. The other 75% are from scammers. I hesitate to get rid of it totally........I guess it will happen some day.
Originally Posted by slumlord
I gave up about 15 yrs ago.

Hit it with weed eater, dogs chewing on the wires, me digging it up a couple times, the county mowers bush hogging the pedestal, Me bush hogging the pedestal, tree falling on the section over the creek.


Got the cilly one with the innernek on it. Who can figure out such devices?

Sheeet man....

Riding down a county road going to deer camp once,

Saw a light pole that looked it had been cut down with a Luke skywalker light saber...
ditches had been mowed.

I’d eat lunch up the road at a little country store. Hot food / beer / bait type store.

County crew was in there eating.

I asked them which one got a hold of the light pole.

Ol dude looking like Uncle Jessie put his head down. Said i did.


Those hydraulic side cutters don’t play.....
It will usually work when the cell wont.
We got rid of it years ago when the fees got to be more than the use bill.

When cutting it off the way the guy was going on i thought i was going to have to get a lawyer,just to cut them off.

Have not missed it.
Posted By: Heym06 Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
Yep, same number since 1974!
I bet y’all old timers are mind blown...

From the old crank phones...

“Mabel, connect me to the Hooterville store”

To “Siri, call Walgreens and order my geritol”
Folks still have a land line, though I'm not sure why - 95% of the calls they get are robo calls or solicitations.

Personally, I haven't had a land line in at least 20 years.
No cell service at the house so have land line. Can use cell phone with wifi calling so land line is for backup.
No land kine even ran to our new house. They didn't even put them in the subdivision. We do have cable lines though so the internet is decent.

I've got me one of them cell phones. I keep getting calls from some red dot injun telling me my car warranty expired.

I keep telling him the warranty on the Delta 88 expired in 1983. No sense adding a warranty now.
Couldn't have internet without it.
Land line? Not for years.

You fellas with landlines still have an answering machine hooked up to ‘em? With those little tiny cassettes?
Still do,i couldn' t tell you the number offhand,but it 's included in our package.
Nobody born after the Kennedy administration.
Originally Posted by MadMooner
Land line? Not for years.

You fellas with landlines still have an answering machine hooked up to ‘em? With those little tiny cassettes?
I would if I could here in the outback.

Texts don't even get through here sometimes.
Posted By: JRaw Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
I think the only reason for a landline is a backup for if power are internet are out, but phonelines are still operational. But you must have an old-school phone that doesn't require electric. And your "Land-Line" can't be internet based, like with a cable package.

I move every few years and if we have cable, I'll set up a phone. Otherwise no.
We have a house phone, but it is a VOIP, not a true land line I guess.
Posted By: shaman Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
There are land lines and then there are land lines.

We stopped having phone service delivered through the copper pairs about 2013.

For a while, my folks and I both had phone service through the cable company. It was split off from the video cable and patched into the premise wiring.

What I have now is a Verizon home phone connect device. It's a dongle that picks up the cell signal and converts it to a POTS phone. It runs one phone that we use in conjunction with the security system. However, I could have just as easily plugged it into any phone jack in the house and used it to serve all the phones in the house.
Posted By: P_Weed Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
We still have our land line...

But all we get is wong numbers from China.
We don't, but in this day and time, a true wired landline very well be more secure than any cell, package, VOIP, etc.
Posted By: CCCC Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
We do.
Posted By: CraigD Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
Gave it up this January... Centurylink wanted $600/year for a basic land line with caller ID. just shy of 50-years with that number. I told the girl when I called to cancel that they had killed the goose that laid the golden egg...she didn't have a clue as to what i was trying to tell her!
Posted By: Mac84 Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
We still have one.
Originally Posted by MadMooner
Land line? Not for years.

You fellas with landlines still have an answering machine hooked up to ‘em? With those little tiny cassettes?

It's built right into the phone now.
Yep.People will find out that when there is an emergency, cell tires get bogged down.
Just recently gave up my land line. Was only getting sales calls anyway. Hasbeen
Originally Posted by CraigD
Gave it up this January... Centurylink wanted $600/year for a basic land line with caller ID. just shy of 50-years with that number. I told the girl when I called to cancel that they had killed the goose that laid the golden egg...she didn't have a clue as to what i was trying to tell her!

Centurylink owns all the land lines by me too. Service was customer service was horrid. Even after we got cell service I kept it for emergencies, and convenience. But the quality of the lines was crap, trying to get anyone out to work on them when they went out was a joke and I was paying $55 a month + long distance for the privilege of having it. Felt weird at first not having it, still go to check the answering machine when I get home sometimes and missed calls haha.
Yep, still have a land line.

Cell phone service is "spotty" out here.

Have an old "dumb phone" (FLIP phone) for emergencies.

Virgil B.
We still have one, it's like $11 a month or something.
Posted By: 1911a1 Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
Land Line, our cell se3rvice stinks here.
We had one until 10 years ago. We both used cells and the land wasn't worth it. Then my MIL moved in with us. She couldn't ever figure out the concept of a cell so I had the land hooked up again and she paid the difference. We have a small local phone co. and we got the same old number. Since we have fiber optic internet through them, they set it up as a VOIP. We couldn't tell the difference between the VOIP and a regular land line. MIL lived with us for 4 years then moved on to live with another daughter. We had the land removed again. It wasn't expensive but it was still a waste.
Posted By: 673 Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
Yes, cell service is the shytes here so we have the landline for all phone use, also if the power go's out we still have a phone. The power here go's out here alot.
Posted By: hanco Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
All we got were sales calls, with cell it has setting that if you phone doesn’t recognize the number, it doesn’t ring. I like that!
Finally dropped mine early last year. 90% of what I got on it was sales calls, mostly automated.
Posted By: memtb Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
We do! While we also have a cell phone. Most of our neighbors also have landlines….as we are about the only ones that have cell phone reception! memtb
Posted By: las Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
Yes. They work when the cell won't. Like when the power goes out and one has to report it.
I have a dozen or so land mines strategically placed....
Originally Posted by OldmanoftheSea
I have a dozen or so land mines strategically placed....
I only have a landline, have no use for cellphones.
I still have a landline. Number is unlisted so I don't get the bullshit spam calls and VERY few people have the number. I did it because cell service here SUCKS and the power goes out on a weekly basis and YES I still have a phone that requires no external power source to work. The only drawback is that with the new fiber optic garbage they put in a few years ago, it only works for a few hours before the battery in the box outside dies and when that happens so does my landline. I can however, hook the generator up to power the house and that charges the battery.
Posted By: natman Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
Had a real AT&T landline until 2009. Dropped it and took up a voice over IP line for a flat $10/month to the cable company. Can call the entire country for no additional cost, international calls are pennies per minute. Starting to consider dropping it because of spam calls and because people are starting to assume that all phone numbers are smart phones these days and they expect to be able to send it text messages. Might go cell only in the near future.
I still have a landline.
I'm a pastor and need to be available.
Cell work in my house unless I have wi-fi, which in a storm I often do not.
Posted By: g5m Re: Who still has a land line?? - 05/15/22
Yep.....do here......

same price as w/o the land line

Fiber internet & land line for $85/month
We do!
When I hear “landline” I think copper wires. The other stuff is just a cell phone on the wall
Hanco: Yeah - me.
Our sophisticated alarm and monitoring services needs it - in the long run I think its worth the cost.
Hold into the wind
For you fellers that only have it for innanet, ask about “ naked dsl”.

It’s innanet only, without the upcharge for a phone connection.

For years we only kept the LL for the dsl. A phone tech mentioned the naked line. When I called ACS, the gal says, “ oh sure you can get that”. Never mentioned it during any of the calls about their promises of improved net connection.

Fired them when I was able to get FiWi from another provider.
Think we dropped 2007? Been a second.
I still have my land line, and a cell phone. Cell phone is almost useless where I live. Text messages will sneak through fairly often, but calls in and out, rarely. I mostly have my cell phone for use when in my truck and away from home. Problem is the telephone company keeps asking the public service commission to let them abandon the land lines because of people going to cell phones and not enough usage now. I think I see no phone here in a few years. miles
Originally Posted by tikkanut
Yep.....do here......

same price as w/o the land line

Fiber internet & land line for $85/month

Until very recently my internet came through my land telephone line, but now is fiber optic supplied from my power company, along the power lines. I see problems with ice in the future, but not it is the best internet that I have ever had. miles
I still have a land line. I'm not important enough to require being available to any damn fool who wants to ask what I'm doing. I've taken to walking away from people who make a call or take a call while we were talking. My greeting on my land line goes "If I wanted to talk to you, most likely I would have called you!"
Originally Posted by arkypete
I still have a land line. I'm not important enough to require being available to any damn fool who wants to ask what I'm doing. I've taken to walking away from people who make a call or take a call while we were talking. My greeting on my land line goes "If I wanted to talk to you, most likely I would have called you!"

A land line is also best for any financial transaction.. I do not do any CC purchasing (or similar) using a cell phone... Nope - land line only..
Originally Posted by Redneck
Originally Posted by arkypete
I still have a land line. I'm not important enough to require being available to any damn fool who wants to ask what I'm doing. I've taken to walking away from people who make a call or take a call while we were talking. My greeting on my land line goes "If I wanted to talk to you, most likely I would have called you!"

A land line is also best for any financial transaction.. I do not do any CC purchasing (or similar) using a cell phone... Nope - land line only..

Do you also avoid stepping on the cracks in the sidewalk?
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