
And why they use they/she or they/he pronouns.

This article is a part of the Woke 101 series, which will get you up to speed on the basics that they don't teach you when you become a soldier in the culture war.

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The first political issue that ever captured my attention was civil unions in my home state of Vermont. This was back in the late 90s, when gay people were legitimately treated like second-class citizens, and it was wrong, and we really did need solutions that would allow them to have the same rights as everyone else.

It was a simpler time back then. The time of the LGB, and occasionally the T. But the T was rare. And the Q was non-existent, because Queer was considered a slur. They didn’t reclaim it until years later, around 2015 I think. Correct me if you think I’m wrong, but the term queer seemed to rise in popularity when they needed a new cause after gay marriage was legalized nationwide.

It was the last real civil rights battle. And the left has been regressive ever since.

Do you think it’s a coincidence that the number of trans and non-binary people started to increase around the same time as the term queer was “reclaimed” as a term of empowerment rather than as a homophobic slur?

I don’t.

Because after gay marriage was legalized, they changed the goal post. You can’t be an activist if you have no issues. They moved on from the LGB and focused on the TQ…their next civil rights battle.

Except that it was never about civil rights. It was always about revolution.
Here are a few high-level details you must understand about where the far left is now to understand why there is an ever-exploding population of non-binary people:

Heternormativity is the concept that heterosexuality is the preferred or normal mode of sexual orientation. It assumes the gender binary.

Homonormativity is the privileging of heteronormative ideals and constructs onto LGBT culture and identity. It is predicated on the assumption that the norms and values of heterosexuality should be replicated and performed by homosexual people.

Essentially, if two gay people want to settle down and have a family with two kids and a dog, that is considered homonormativity.

That would also make monogamous gay marriage a symbol of homonormativity.

Queer is not about who you sleep with. It is a political act of rebellion.

Queer is not the same as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or trans. Anyone can be queer. It just means the opposite of normal.

The gender binary is the idea that there are only two distinct, opposite genders - men and women.

Trans no longer means transition to them. It means transform or, occasionally, transcend. I’ve heard Queer Marxists say this explicitly in their discussions.

They don’t want men to transition to women or women to men.

They want to transform, or transcend, gender entirely, and that means non-binary.

The stated goal of the queer Marxists is to abolish the gender binary, or liberate people from the gender binary.

Abolish means to get right of. Liberate means to free yourself from.

Their goal is to get rid of the gender binary of man and woman. They consider these to be social constructs instead of biological reality.

They want to replace it with an infinite amount of identities that are constantly fluid, changing.

Non-binary is the ultimate personification of queer, because it means you completely reject the gender binary.

So, given all this context, do you understand why there are more non-binary people than ever?

This is what they’ve been working towards.

It’s strategic.

It grew slowly, over time, so that no one noticed and then all of a sudden it felt like it exploded. But it didn’t.

Not only is the entry point to non-binary the lowest of all other marginalized identities - you can literally invent whatever it means to you and it’s all good enough because a rejection of the gender binary is all that’s required.

No surgery. No hormones. Unless you want to (and you will get more virtue points for that). Top surgery is almost a requirement among women lately, but you won’t get looked down on if you don’t have it. But Queer Marxists do consider the transformation of the body to be the ultimate commitment to being queer.

So why do some of them use they/she or they/he pronouns? Again, it’s a low-level commitment to queer culture to make sure you have at least a toe outside of the binary. It’s the best of both worlds, both trans and queer (and possibly gay too…or not…it’s all very confusing).

There’s more non-binary people because this is the ideology dictates it be so because their goals are to destabilize the system, or normative culture. Gender is the ultimate norm. So they must abolish it.

When we are all the same, it will be easier to see each other as a collective. And when we are all sterilized, from hormones or surgery, the traditional biological family beings to fall.

When they reach critical mass here, we get to abolish the family.

Then you can really hang onto your hats and enter a Brave New World, where there is no gender, everyone belongs to everyone else, and you will own nothing and you will be happy.

I still think their end goal is to normalize fuçking kids though, and therefore should be called out as such.
I read all that and still don’t understand the concept.
Originally Posted by 45_100
I read all that and still don’t understand the concept.
laugh It's not supposed to make sense! laugh
Seriously though?
it's all about them shaking their fists at God and doing whatever they feel like, even diddling kids.

Satan never changes.
It's called "Social Contagion". Look it up. It happen decades ago when anorexia and bulimia were in the news a lot. Suddenly thousands of young girls had the diseases out of the blue. It's like a fad that spreads, except it can destroy your life. Some do it for attention they're not getting, and some do it just to be one of the cool kids everybody is talking about.
Call it what they want but the final analysis is that their brains are f ucked up bigtime and recent events have shown them as dangerous and belong on the funny farm!
I like the way this woman presents the issue and I generally agree with her analysis. I'd say one of the main reasons that this social contagion is spreading so fast is that we now have a society with a lot of very narcissistic people. This narcissistic population is created to a significant extent by the educational system. Given that environment, these mind viruses can spread like wildfire.
What lit off this latest craze is that once the gay marriage passed....the gay lobby crowd in DC lost almost all of their funding.

The “follow the money” thing is why they invented a new outrage (also why they keep adding letters)

It also aligned well with indoctrination and managed to light off the ESG game Bigly right along with it.

Contagion, Indoctrination, Normalizing, Grooming or whatever else you want to call it, aligns perfectly with divide and conquer of the Communist ultimate goals of ruining the Family, Judea Christian Values.

Follow the money pretty much always exposes the truth.
This is likely the reason why. Plastics which are listed as a possible cause is getting more attention recently as much more likely cause. It is proven to change the sex organs and Americans are consuming 1/2 to a whole credit card equivalent of micro plastics every "MONTH." Every time you consume anything plastic has touched you are consuming micro particles.

The writer explains the labeling and its Marxist ties well enough. What she doesn't explain at all is why so many young people fall for it or why it's popular. The few I know or have heard of are emotionally and psychologically traumatized. My nephew was ignored by his mother and belittled and shamed by my brother. They fed him a lot of Satan vs. Jesus anti societal cultish dogma that landed him in jail for 6 years after an armed standoff with federal agents in Montana. The Navy didn't help, nor did having a child after some kind of encounter with a woman. Many of them end up suicides after none of the pretending, drugs and mutilation satisfy their emptiness. I won't be surprised if that becomes his fate. I'm sure the fad notoriety appeals to some of the less crazy ones, like my son has for students in his prestigious school in Alphabet Town. They're all girls I think. It bothers me that he seems to support them in their insanity. Assigning the proper Spanish pronouns for these spoiled little bitches is a challenge to his training though if that's an upside.
It's called programming, they have been doing for years. Hollywood and school teachers are not your friends! They know its complete bu llsc hitt, and feed it constantly. Some are riding the income horse. Their lower than whale s hit!
Some very good analysis and explanation there, particularly as associated with the political and deviant social agendas that have become clear. For those driving those agendas, queer now means two things - or three, as it were. But, throughout history, mankind's aberrant behavior types never have been able to socially normalize the deviance - the normalcy drive is naturally overwhelming.

The now evolved quest for power/political weight/prominence/profiteering by far overshadows the originally supposed appeals for "acceptance" and "legitimacy". Give the movement more time to reveal its full self and for the mass of rational humanity to react. One more deviant fail.
There are two competing definitions of what "freedom" is.

The classic definition is that freedom is the unencumbered ability to choose that which is right.

The Marxist/Libertine definition is that freedom is the ability to choose whatever strikes your fancy.

The last definition is very seductive, very easy to fall prey to. Even the Supreme Court "conservatives" fell prey to it in the Obergafel decision.
The last definition contains the seeds of destruction, because there is no morality. Because there is no morality, many people are victimized by it and, of course they object to it. The only solution in that framework is to suppress those victims. Hence, it is a inherently totalitarian ideology.
I am almost 62 and have never seen a tranny in person. I live in the South and don't frequent the cities. I think they are .01 % of the population or less.
Originally Posted by Hogwild7
I am almost 62 and have never seen a tranny in person. I live in the South and don't frequent the cities. I think they are .01 % of the population or less.

I have met a few and every single one just looked sad, even the two girls pretending to be male were sad...angry...but sad.

Not something I would wish on anyone, particularly not family.
It's the hip thing that makes them feel special like green hair or covered with tattoos
Abolish the family?

They will die trying.
Originally Posted by Hogwild7
I am almost 62 and have never seen a tranny in person. I live in the South and don't frequent the cities. I think they are .01 % of the population or less.

You really don't get out much.
Originally Posted by JSTUART
Originally Posted by Hogwild7
I am almost 62 and have never seen a tranny in person. I live in the South and don't frequent the cities. I think they are .01 % of the population or less.
I have met a few and every single one just looked sad, even the two girls pretending to be male were sad...angry...but sad. Not something I would wish on anyone, particularly not family.
This is a keen observation, and sensitive at that. Have encountered quite a number since the 1950s, entertainers and otherwise, and have yet to know one who was a happy, satisfied person. Yes, sad.
I couldn’t make myself read it with a gun to my head.
Good article. Thanks for posting.
I’m thinking that the post on the thread we had last week about gay marriage is 100% correct!
In the 90s they were after “civil rights” and I didn’t pay much attention. As a Christian I thought it bass ackwards and an insult to God, but if it was gonna let them be happy, so be it. Live and let live, right?
But with commies and leftist it’s never “live and let live”. Their emotions and their egos require that you must submit to them. They’re continuously moving the goal post, and you’re playing defense wether you want to or not.
Their ultimate goal is legalized pedophilia, the license to poach your kids as you attempt to raise them.
It’s taken me a while, but I realize that just like islam, they’re never gonna leave you alone unless you submit.
This makes total sense though, if you think it through.
Islam is an evil cult inspired by demons posing as archangels to Mohammed. Communism is Satans goal for world domination and rule. homosexuality and pedophilia are an insult to God.
Yes, it really is that simple if you boil it down far enough!
If you are not actively engaging the enemy... you are permitting another to do your fighting for you.
Originally Posted by 700LH
It's the hip thing that makes them feel special like green hair or covered with tattoos
Yes, absolutely.

And lies are drilled into their heads that minorities are repressed, but superior. Repressed because of jealousy or envy. So where does that leave normal, white kids? As deplorable racist oppressors. What can they do about that? They can't change their skin color. The only thing left for them is to declare themselves LGBT - that's what gets them intersectionality points and "cool".
Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
As a Christian I thought it bass ackwards and an insult to God, but if it was gonna let them be happy, so be it. Live and let live, right?

That's the basis of the lie - that they'll be happy if they do the injustice they want to do and that you're a hater if you don't let them.
That is exactly how this has been sold to us normies.

But the truth is that there is no happiness in denying nature or truth. There is no happiness in living a life of iniquity even if it appears "victimless" on cursory examination.
Conspiracy theories and blind devotion to organized religion are a refuge for the feeble minded, and no sane person is advocating pedophilia.

I do believe however that industrialized food production and the attendant hormones, antibiotics, etc. coupled with the chemical compounds modern society demands are scrambling our hormones in ways we are just beginning to understand.
The Hippy thing has been done, the Goth thing has been done, so this is the current thing. And in twenty years it will be some other thing to shew how unique they are.

So basically the young are being sold a bill of goods promoting individuality...the lot to watch are those pushing and using the silly sad saps.
Originally Posted by local_dirt
Abolish the family?

They will die trying.
they don't have to, they've already pretty much done it
Mother nature always culls species that cannot reproduce.
Originally Posted by sse
Originally Posted by local_dirt
Abolish the family?

They will die trying.
they don't have to, they've already pretty much done it

Maybe in the liberal schitholes. Not in my world.

They can FOAD.
50%+ divorce rates say they've been pretty successful.
[Linked Image from b2600047.smushcdn.com]

When a system make a change that is so fast, it is out of control, there is overshoot.
The best of this article:

Originally Posted by Tyrone
This article is a part of the Woke 101 series, which will get you up to speed on the basics that they don't teach you when you become a soldier in the culture war.

- Do you think it’s a coincidence that the number of trans and non-binary people started to increase around the same time as the term queer was “reclaimed” as a term of empowerment rather than as a homophobic slur?
Because after gay marriage was legalized, they changed the goal post. You can’t be an activist if you have no issues. They moved on from the LGB and focused on the TQ…their next civil rights battle.

- Except that it was never about civil rights. It was always about revolution.

- Queer is not about who you sleep with. It is a political act of rebellion.

- Queer is not the same as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or trans. Anyone can be queer. It just means the opposite of normal.

- Queer Marxists do consider the transformation of the body to be the ultimate commitment to being queer.

'So why do some of them use they/she or they/he pronouns? Again, it’s a low-level commitment to queer culture to make sure you have at least a toe outside of the binary. It’s the best of both worlds, both trans and queer (and possibly gay too…or not…it’s all very confusing).

- There’s more non-binary people because this is the ideology dictates it be so because their goals are to destabilize the system, or normative culture. Gender is the ultimate norm. So they must abolish it.
Originally Posted by hatari
The best of this article:

Originally Posted by Tyrone
This article is a part of the Woke 101 series, which will get you up to speed on the basics that they don't teach you when you become a soldier in the culture war.

- Do you think it’s a coincidence that the number of trans and non-binary people started to increase around the same time as the term queer was “reclaimed” as a term of empowerment rather than as a homophobic slur?
Because after gay marriage was legalized, they changed the goal post. You can’t be an activist if you have no issues. They moved on from the LGB and focused on the TQ…their next civil rights battle.

- Except that it was never about civil rights. It was always about revolution.

- Queer is not about who you sleep with. It is a political act of rebellion.

- Queer is not the same as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or trans. Anyone can be queer. It just means the opposite of normal.

- Queer Marxists do consider the transformation of the body to be the ultimate commitment to being queer.

'So why do some of them use they/she or they/he pronouns? Again, it’s a low-level commitment to queer culture to make sure you have at least a toe outside of the binary. It’s the best of both worlds, both trans and queer (and possibly gay too…or not…it’s all very confusing).

- There’s more non-binary people because this is the ideology dictates it be so because their goals are to destabilize the system, or normative culture. Gender is the ultimate norm. So they must abolish it.
It is. That is the mechanism by which normal kids can become "cool" and gain intersectionality points as a repressed minority.
Originally Posted by armchair
Mother nature always culls species that cannot reproduce.


If man did not FORCE the mating of horses and donkeys, Mules would be extinct in about 25 years...............
Originally Posted by Tyrone
Seriously though?
it's all about them shaking their fists at God and doing whatever they feel like, even diddling kids.

Satan never changes.

And it's also about trying to force all of us to stand beside them, shaking our own fists at God...as though there's some kind of security in numbers. The devil himself knows better, though, I am sure of it. He wants revenge anywhere he can get it and we are very convenient victims.
It has been this way for a long, long time.........

24 Therefore God gave them up to vile impurity in the lusts of their hearts, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. 25 For they exchanged the truth of God for [q]falsehood, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed [r]forever. Amen.
Lots of good observations here and "truth" in many of them.

My personal outlook is not positive and I am ashamed to say that. In my eyes, we are sitting on our "laurels" as a country and society while wolves on the outside looking in are licking their chops, so to speak. Lessons learned, sacrifices, and experiences from 3 to 4 generations ago that made this Country what it has been up until 30 or 40 years ago (still not "perfect", I do understand!) have been pretty much lost to the present generation. Attempts to make their lives better than their predecessors has often times backfired... little appreciation to those who came before them and they only continue to want more, not be grateful for what they have that others did not in the not so distant past!!!

I guess there is a reason for the saying that history tends to repeat itself.

Much of our current technology, social media, and AI will only hasten the path to a lower place relative to where we have been in our Country.

Will anyone in the future ever accept responsibility or be able to identify why the decline took place in the first place? Likely not. The fingers will be pointed in all directions. The "attorneys and legal system" will thrive in the chaos of the blame game (they will ultimately lose as well however!) I see a corrupt legal system as one major reason for the problems we face today. They will be the last lice to abandon the dying dog and our little "experiment" with democracy and freedom will be done, not appreciated for how fragile and special it was. New "victors" will move in to take over what we could not protect or prolong.

Sad but likely inevitable. Our forefathers questioned whether we could hold onto the gift of freedom and democracy. ~250 years???

I hope I am proved wrong and have to eat "crow"... would gladly do that for the sake of kids and grandkids.
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