I’m sometimes hesitant to post about religious topic.
Haters always try to drag them into mud slinging and whizzing matches.😒
If you don’t believe, that’s fine. But please leave us to our discussions , because we all need help from others occasionally.
But as I posted on the thread about Mike Pence, my hatred for some of these people, him, Fauci, several others like Piglousy, HilLIARy. You obviously get my drift.
If I had these people in my power, they would beg me to kill them, because I really believe I could make an Indian wretch. My disgust and downright hatred for them does cause confliction in my faith.
The Book tells me I should pray for them, but I’m not that strong.
I know I need to forgive in order to be forgiven myself.
Christ has warned us several times about things like this.
Do you feel things like this? How do you deal with it?
Yes, dealing with it is easy for me as I truly wish I had the opportunity…
Hate is an emotion I don’t have. Figuratively speaking, the simple solution is to knock them silly. How one does that is a personal choice. Keep in mind that bruising their ego does not result in criminal prosecution. Neither does self defense.
"I believe, help my unbelief"
Spend none of your valuable time paying them any mind. Our time here is best spent taking care of ourselves, our family and our friends. Live a life that is an example to others. Don't get bogged down in what is going on around us, as the bigger prize is not what we see here on earth. It is all simply noise and static designed to keep us from what is really important in this life. And, to shake our faith while distracting us from what we have been instructed to do with our lives.
I know it is not very Christian of me, but I am weak and I hate. They are evil and if I had the powers to smite...
Dale Evans, from her book. "Let Us Love."[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]
Unfortunately, anger is one of our strongest emotions, more so than even our love for most people. True agape love is often pretty hard to come by.
Holding to our faith isn’t easy, it’s a constant struggle for most of us is my guess.
And I also recall Christ obvious anger for many Pharisees and his righteous fury in cleansing the temple of money chargers.
He Himself, even as deity, obviously struggled with emotions such as anger and fear.
Sorta comforting in a way, although it really doesn’t help much in our own daily lives.
Probably never gonna e easy for most of us, but I remind myself constantly that what we’re fighting against is evil itself. I often read Job 38 , just to remind myself how weak and frail we truly are.
Thanks for the replies.
7mm--, very understandable - and my humble view is that many Christians, in their own ways, deal with such internal conflicts/dilemmas regularly. We are not unique or alone in that regard. To continually try is a most worthy struggle, and to follow the narrow but winning path is very rewarding - but the nature of mankind can be a constant inclination toward failure. Although some of us truly do not intend to meddle in the business of others, detract from their existence or injure them - we react to their behavior through the weakness of a human and sometimes just want to smack them down, or worse.

I think that hating is destructive to the hater, and one need not hate at all in order to address the unwanted behavior of others. It is now time to despise the idiots/charlatans who think they can see inside others to determine who hates what, who speaks hate, and who therefore think they have any right to try to indict or punish others on that basis.

Thanks for the question.
Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
I’m sometimes hesitant to post about religious topic.
Haters always try to drag them into mud slinging and whizzing matches.😒
If you don’t believe, that’s fine. But please leave us to our discussions , because we all need help from others occasionally.
But as I posted on the thread about Mike Pence, my hatred for some of these people, him, Fauci, several others like Piglousy, HilLIARy. You obviously get my drift.
If I had these people in my power, they would beg me to kill them, because I really believe I could make an Indian wretch. My disgust and downright hatred for them does cause confliction in my faith.
The Book tells me I should pray for them, but I’m not that strong.
I know I need to forgive in order to be forgiven myself.
Christ has warned us several times about things like this.
Do you feel things like this? How do you deal with it?
Stop listening to mainstream news. You have developed a hatred for people whom you have never met. We are being divided so we can't come together. We are all here to love, not to hate.
Hate is baggage. Life’s too short to be pissed off all the time. It’s just not worth it.
What is that about taking poison, and thinking the other person is going to die?
I can’t see being wrapped up in hatred. Feeling that way hurts you and detracts from your own enjoyment of life and nothing else. I hate their actions but I don’t allow myself to get overly emotionally involved in things that I cannot change.

As far as praying for your enemies. I take that as prayers that that they will change (however unlikely we may believe that to be) or that God will do what he sees fit with them. It’s not a prayer wishing them good health and prosperity only a prayer that they will change from the wicked plans that they have or that God will deal with them accordingly.

We all have free will on earth and so “the rain falls on the just and the unjust.” If it didn’t we wouldn’t really have free will. Unfortunately sometimes that means a child gets cancer or a tyrant gains wealth and power on earth and does evil things. Ultimately God judges.
who are you concentrated on, the Evil ones or the Savior? who do you believe is in control of the outcome of this great controversy between God and Satan?
remember hate is of the devil. focus on Christ and his love and you will not be able to hate.
Some good advice has been given.

But the real issue is:do we believe God and trust His counsel, purposes and promises? He chose to permit evil for His own purposes, and controls it, and will finish it in His time. There is no salvation for the Devil (who brought sin (evil) into the world, nor the angels who rebelled with him, or those who follow him into the eternal lake of fire!

But there is the promise of salvation (deliverance) for those who put their hope and trust in the Saviour he has sent to Planet Earth. John's Gospel ch 3, vs 16.

In the meanwhile, like Job who believed through terrible suffering, we have ONE who was tested (tempted) like we are, in all points, yet did not sin, who represents us to The Father, and is praying for us, with the promise we shall, like Job, see Him: Job said (in chapter 19: vs 25-27) " I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God: I myself will see him with my own eyes - I and not another. How my heart yearns within me!"

My friend, as you've been counseled, fix your eyes on God and His Son who gives you the eternal life, Job spoke of, and NOT on a fearful, hating world! Jesus promised PEACE to those who put their faith and trust in HIM, not the works of the Devil! Jesus also said: "In the world you will have trouble, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world"!

As some here have said, you shouldn't tear yourself apart hating. You just do what you must do. For example, you don't hate a cockroach, you simply kill it. Sometimes some get away, that's unfortunate, but you don't let the hatred of cockroaches that have got away, ruin your life.
Excellent post. I struggle with hatred in my heart also. Had a pastor to try to convince me to become a deacon although I didn’t meet the qualifications- been married before and I carried hatred in my heart for a certain Muslim President. I still can’t forgive either one for the things they have done. I don’t have the power to forgive and I recognize evil. I call my wife Polly; short for Pollyanna. She thinks everyone is good and trustworthy and I know different. It’s my primary job as husband and head of the household to discern evil and protect my family. I, like others, swore an oath to support the Constitution and defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic. We have far too many domestic enemies who are elected and supposedly PUBLIC SERVANTS! An oath is a promise ( a promise made is a debt unpaid). I am amazed at the lack of discernment and common sense. Christ had righteous anger when he cleaned out the money changers. He also publicly called out the Pharisees and Saddueces of his time and called them vipers. I am very skeptic after COVID. I love my country but do not trust my government. I cringe at the sacrifices of veterans and how it means nothing. The Bible is full of warriors who stood in the gap. Sometimes you can’t turn the other cheek. Enough is enough.
David, fell short many times from the Grace of God. But, God used him as a tool to vanquish the enemies of God. I’m reasonably certain that David may have had disdain for the enemies of the Children of Israel! We can be forgiven of our transgressions! memtb
Originally Posted by carrollco
Excellent post. I struggle with hatred in my heart also. Had a pastor to try to convince me to become a deacon although I didn’t meet the qualifications- been married before and I carried hatred in my heart for a certain Muslim President. I still can’t forgive either one for the things they have done. I don’t have the power to forgive and I recognize evil. I call my wife Polly; short for Pollyanna. She thinks everyone is good and trustworthy and I know different. It’s my primary job as husband and head of the household to discern evil and protect my family. I, like others, swore an oath to support the Constitution and defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic. We have far too many domestic enemies who are elected and supposedly PUBLIC SERVANTS! An oath is a promise ( a promise made is a debt unpaid). I am amazed at the lack of discernment and common sense. Christ had righteous anger when he cleaned out the money changers. He also publicly called out the Pharisees and Saddueces of his time and called them vipers. I am very skeptic after COVID. I love my country but do not trust my government. I cringe at the sacrifices of veterans and how it means nothing. The Bible is full of warriors who stood in the gap. Sometimes you can’t turn the other cheek. Enough is enough.
You do what you can, but you also have a duty to your family. A cockroach isn't worth sacrificing your life or the wellbeing of your family over.
God commands us to love one another not like each other. Pray for them as commanded and let God heap the coals, he is faithful to his word.
Faith, forgiveness are required of God’s chosen. That does not replace retribution. Both go hand in hand. Were things this bad when a man had to pay for the things that he done? Removal of the death penalty from a gaggle of liberals. That was stupid, stupid, stupid. Now look where we are.
I was very much in that trap and finally have found - fought my way out of it and I hope you do the same... What I did was to work on my focus... what was I focusing on... Eternity in heaven and trying to get there and helping others to do so.... or focusing on worldy difficulties... I have gotten to where I just shake my head a lot more at things in the world and focus on the future in heaven.... Honestly I know I cannot change things here on earth on a world stage but I can change things in my immediate sphere... I vote and then try to leave it there.
When I say, "I am a Christian."........

...I'm not shouting "I am clean living!".
I'm whispering, "I was lost, but now I'm found and forgiven!"

...I don't speak of this with pride. I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.

...I'm not trying to be strong. I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.

...I'm not bragging of success. I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean up my mess.

...I'm not claiming to be perfect. My flaws are far too visible, but God believes that I am worth it.

...I still feel the sting of pain. I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name.

...I'm not holier than thou. I'm just a simple sinner who received God's good grace.....somehow!

This doesn't mean go out and sin and curse all who upset you, it just means that God realizes we are fallible and fall off the wagon quite often.

I don't believe anybody ever said it was easy!
My theology is too weak to be helpful on that end.

Lucky in that I don't hate, or carry grudges.
Anger however?....yeah.

We need to keep abreast of current events,
know what's going on and how we (think) we can affect things.

But in moderation.
Do not become obsessed.

One thing that keeps me stable, and I preach to our family.

You are responsible for you.

If you do good, and someone else doesnt.
That's on them.

Doesn't matter what those around you do.
Doesn't matter if someone tries to destroy your work.
You do you, do what's right.
Much of the time all a good man really has, is knowing he did right.
When I struggle with hatred for those I feel are ruining our country I remind myself of three things
1. God is good, righteous and just and His judgement will be perfect! NOBODY will get away with anything.

2. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

3. And please don't kill the messenger, if America's decline is part of God's plan for end times then there's nothing we can do to stop it.

Little different context but as Gamaliel said in Acts 5:39 "But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop them. You may even find yourselves fighting against God.” If this is true then God is just using the unregenerate to help accomplish His plan, same as He has done many times in the bible.

As for wife and I, we live in Calif and we fight, donate, call and send emails to our politicians, go to rallies, 2A, pro life, State of Jefferson, Tea-party etc. but if God ever says stop then we will stop. Most important, ALWAYS rejoice that neither man or satan can ever thwart Gods plan for us!!
You are all very fooking conflicted .

Don't you hate when that happens?
I was full of piss and vinegar when I was younger. All that's pretty much gone now but one thing that my sainted Mother has always said, and has stuck with me is...
God will get them.
Originally Posted by cisco1
You are all very fooking conflicted .

Don't you hate when that happens?
Nah - no hate for that. Without certain conflicts from time to time, things probably would have become rather boring.
7mm, I deal with this too. I absolutely loathe people and organizations that are out to destroy our freedoms and way of life. It particularly angers me when I think of the misery our future generations will inherit. While I can pray that my enemies have a change of heart and repent of their sadistic ways, I cannot pray for their well being. The good lord uses people to do his bidding. Perhaps motivated Patriots will be needed again, at some point in the future.
Lotta good post on here, and I think I can find in my heart to ignore the the evil doers who are screwing the nation that I have daily thanked God for. It’s tough, but i know that I am responsible for me alone. I still have it on my heart to try to reach those I care about, my kids and my nephew.
I have sometimes met with open hostility in this. All I know to do is ask God to maybe prepare the road for me.
Nothing I would love more than to reunite my family on that “Big Mountain” that The Old Man spoke of hunting.
I honestly believe that God Himself is a hunter. I believe this because i know the bond between hunters is often stronger than blood.
Thanks for all your posts and advice. Also thanks to the trolls for not dragging this into the mud!😀
Saving yourself from the evil that surrounds us ain’t easy. You have to keep your eye on the ball, and this thread has helped me to regain my focus.
Please Father, ease the road that You wish me to follow. And again, I thank You for the great life and wonderful nation You have given me! Please help me to pass this wonderful heritage on to the younger generations.
In Christ Holy Name. I ask for the strength to do what You command of me.
Never forget but remember from time to time who done you wrong.

It's kind of healthy to be pissed off bad once in a while.

Just don't let it control your life,it could kill you bottled up.
I’ve gotta say this, before I go to bed
Carol was my first true love. It was her, and wanting to marry and start a family, that made me join the service.
We shared 23 great years together, and she gave me Ben, who I love and admire. He’s a great son.
I put a lot of years into making myself a hunting partner, but now he lives 8 hours away!😀 That’s okay. He and my DIL are my kids, and I know how much God has truly blessed my life!.
I really thought by now, Carol and I would be enjoying our lives together. I thought, hoped, that I would be training a new generation of hunters and gun nuts by now.
Didn’t work out like I planned!
People change, and Carol left me, really took advantage of me leaving me with debt I couldn’t pay. The center of my world did this to me. For a year and a half, I went to bed hoping that I wouldn’t wake up. I never lost my faith, but I did lose confidence in churches.
Christ warns me, that I have to forgive, in order for me to be forgiven myself. I have found a new church that is truly a spirit feeding church. If I miss a day, I honestly feel that I might have missed something that God wanted me to hear!😀
I find it hard to forgive some things. As I said, hate and anger are very powerful emotions.
But I know that God truly numbers the hairs on my head. His will I will follow to the best of my ability, for the rest of my life.
Reading the Book and prayer are the best weapons I have in a dark world. I know that I’m only passing through here.
Christ also said that He has prepared for me a room, in His Father’s mansion. I hold to His word!
God bless you brother. When I feel powerless, disappointed, angry or fearful of where our country appears to be headed, I just remind myself that God truly is in control, and remember how I should live in recognition of that fact. Honestly, I would love for Obama, and Hilary, and Slow Joe and Pelosi, and the global elitist and the enviro-nazis etc, etc, to all come to a saving knowledge of who Jesus Christ is, and put their faith and trust in Him, and repent of their sins and change their ways. That would be a great thing.

God has this, and we know how it turns out in the end.
I pray they will meet their maker before the undertaker.
Originally Posted by SCGunNut
I know it is not very Christian of me, but I am weak and I hate. They are evil and if I had the powers to smite...THERE WOULD BE NO SCUM WALKING

Just think how nice it would be to have every one of them keel over when they first touch a podium to lie.

Only a few would really have to die before they got The Message.
Originally Posted by Reloder28
Faith, forgiveness are required of God’s chosen. That does not replace retribution. Both go hand in hand. Were things this bad when a man had to pay for the things that he done? Removal of the death penalty from a gaggle of liberals. That was stupid, stupid, stupid. Now look where we are.

Is having to forgive a New Testament requirement or just in the Old, as in 1 Corinthians? whistle
Originally Posted by Dons99
When I struggle with hatred for those I feel are ruining our country I remind myself of three things
1. God is good, righteous and just and His judgement will be perfect! NOBODY will get away with anything.

2. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

3. And please don't kill the messenger, if America's decline is part of God's plan for end times then there's nothing we can do to stop it.

Little different context but as Gamaliel said in Acts 5:39 "But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop them. You may even find yourselves fighting against God.” If this is true then God is just using the unregenerate to help accomplish His plan, same as He has done many times in the bible.

As for wife and I, we live in Calif and we fight, donate, call and send emails to our politicians, go to rallies, 2A, pro life, State of Jefferson, Tea-party etc. but if God ever says stop then we will stop. Most important, ALWAYS rejoice that neither man or satan can ever thwart Gods plan for us!!

GOD'S will is that all be righteous. It's Satan and his control over the flesh that get people off track. When our nation is going down it isn't what HE is pushing, though HE knows it's all going to hell in a hand basket.
Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
I’m sometimes hesitant to post about religious topic.
Haters always try to drag them into mud slinging and whizzing matches.😒


Why? Aren't we to expect to buck headwinds as His desciples? Which book of the Bible does He warn the timid they won't like His take on those who are Christian warriors as He is in righteous battles. HE is the Great Warrior and in that book He says He will not be happy with those to weak and spineless to go into battle with Him.

Was JESUS a shrinking violet who was afraid to make waves and make enemies by saying the truth? He too wanted everyone to love Him but He realized, as should we, you can't make everyone happy.

Re mudslinging from the leftist minions of Satan, are we supposed to leave the battlefield for them to win? Did JESUS CHRIST leave the battlefield or fight for us? And Donald Trump....?

When HE is the Prince of Peace He is referring to us having peace in our hearts. He came not for Peace on Earth as we've been told. He came to set mother against daughter and father against son.


We didn't fight when His and our enemies kicked GOD out of school.

We didn't want to make waves. Now they teach corksucking in our schools.
So everyone who thinks you are insane is a mudslinging minion of Satan?
Get help.
Did this poster on ignore have anything worthwhile to say, guys?
Did it say Amen or is it okay with kids being taught corksucking in our schools?
Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
I’m sometimes hesitant to post about religious topic.
Haters always try to drag them into mud slinging and whizzing matches.😒
If you don’t believe, that’s fine. But please leave us to our discussions , because we all need help from others occasionally.
But as I posted on the thread about Mike Pence, my hatred for some of these people, him, Fauci, several others like Piglousy, HilLIARy. You obviously get my drift.
If I had these people in my power, they would beg me to kill them, because I really believe I could make an Indian wretch. My disgust and downright hatred for them does cause confliction in my faith.
The Book tells me I should pray for them, but I’m not that strong.
I know I need to forgive in order to be forgiven myself.
Christ has warned us several times about things like this.
Do you feel things like this? How do you deal with it?

The biggest problem is to reconcile all the nonsence in the bible. There's a clause in there to justify anything in the name of faith.
Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
... I find it hard to forgive some things. As I said, hate and anger are very powerful emotions.
But I know that God truly numbers the hairs on my head. His will I will follow to the best of my ability, for the rest of my life.
Reading the Book and prayer are the best weapons I have in a dark world. I know that I’m only passing through here.
Christ also said that He has prepared for me a room, in His Father’s mansion. I hold to His word!

2 Timothy 1:11-13

11 Whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles.

12 For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.

13 Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
I’m sometimes hesitant to post about religious topic.
Haters always try to drag them into mud slinging and whizzing matches.😒
If you don’t believe, that’s fine. But please leave us to our discussions , because we all need help from others occasionally.
But as I posted on the thread about Mike Pence, my hatred for some of these people, him, Fauci, several others like Piglousy, HilLIARy. You obviously get my drift.
If I had these people in my power, they would beg me to kill them, because I really believe I could make an Indian wretch. My disgust and downright hatred for them does cause confliction in my faith.
The Book tells me I should pray for them, but I’m not that strong.
I know I need to forgive in order to be forgiven myself.
Christ has warned us several times about things like this.
Do you feel things like this? How do you deal with it?

The biggest problem is to reconcile all the nonsence in the bible. There's a clause in there to justify anything in the name of faith.
Maybe the biggest problem for you, but others are not of your ilk. Now, your spelling problem - - - - .
Housewives every where!
😀 It’s kinda funny, but also kinda saddening how unbelievers will attack any thread related to faith or Christianity.😀
I always thought almost all hunters were God fearing folks. It impossible for me to spend day afield in search of game, and not pray and praise God for the blessings of having a gun, a dog, good friends, and the game we’re seeking.
There was a quote on here years ago, that I have stolen for my own.
“Church is where a guy goes on Sunday morning to think about hunting.
Hunting is where a guy goes out in the woods, and thinks about God!”
I have found this to be absolute truth. And I think this explains the closeness we hunters share with our fellow hunters. (Dogs most especially) You spend a few days trampling through the woods or around a mountain with a friend. I guarantee that person becomes more dear to you than a brother or sister.
I know this from experience. This is why I believe that God Himself is a hunter.
I have been fortunate enough to spend many days afield with my Old Man, my brother Dave, Ben, my son, and a man I always remember as “Uncle Bud”. Several others as well! I also know that these days, and these memories, are the greatest worldly possessions I have.
Way more important than any material possession.
You know what im talking about, or maybe you don’t belong here.
This is why I believe that God Himself is a hunter.
God is omniscient. He knows everything, past, present, and future. He knows exactly where every 400" elk will be at any given time. He knows what other elk are around to blow a stalk and he knows how to approach to avoid them. He knows what will make noise and which way the air currents are going, both now and during a stalk. He knows the range down to a fraction of a millimeter. He knows in advance whether a bird or squirrel will blow his cover.
In other words, he knows everything that the elk will do and whether he will connect. It would take the hunting out of hunting.
About those who hate and refuse to forgive...Forgiveness isn't for the sinner. It's for the believer. When you forgive him, he still owes a debt to the Lord. It's by no means off of his head. Forgiveness is for you, not for them. God will deal with them in his own time and his own way. He wants you to forgive to get it off of YOUR back, not his. You can't be an effective Christian with hate gnawing at you. Forgive those who sin against you and you will be free of it.

Then there's this:
MT 6:14 For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you,
15 but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Do you want to be unforgiven because you're too hardheaded to forgive someone? That's beyond stupid.
Originally Posted by CCCC
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
I’m sometimes hesitant to post about religious topic.
Haters always try to drag them into mud slinging and whizzing matches.😒
If you don’t believe, that’s fine. But please leave us to our discussions , because we all need help from others occasionally.
But as I posted on the thread about Mike Pence, my hatred for some of these people, him, Fauci, several others like Piglousy, HilLIARy. You obviously get my drift.
If I had these people in my power, they would beg me to kill them, because I really believe I could make an Indian wretch. My disgust and downright hatred for them does cause confliction in my faith.
The Book tells me I should pray for them, but I’m not that strong.
I know I need to forgive in order to be forgiven myself.
Christ has warned us several times about things like this.
Do you feel things like this? How do you deal with it?

The biggest problem is to reconcile all the nonsence in the bible. There's a clause in there to justify anything in the name of faith.
Maybe the biggest problem for you, but others are not of your ilk. Now, your spelling problem - - - - .

Ha! Thousands of denominations of Christians in the world - yeah, they got it ALL figured out - LOL!!! Are you a true Christian? LOL!!!
Ha! Thousands of denominations of Christians in the world - yeah, they got it ALL figured out - LOL!!! Are you a true Christian? LOL!!!
THIS is a true Christian - one who believes that Jesus is God and that he rose from the dead. All the rest is extra and it's often misunderstood. You can be grossly wrong about much the Bible but if you believe this about Jesus, you're still a Christian.

Romans 10:9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Originally Posted by jaguartx
Did this poster on ignore have anything worthwhile to say, guys?

Originally Posted by NVhntr
So everyone who thinks you are insane is a mudslinging minion of Satan?
Get help.

He gave you some very sound advice. You need to get some help.
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by CCCC
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
I’m sometimes hesitant to post about religious topic.
Haters always try to drag them into mud slinging and whizzing matches.😒
If you don’t believe, that’s fine. But please leave us to our discussions , because we all need help from others occasionally.
But as I posted on the thread about Mike Pence, my hatred for some of these people, him, Fauci, several others like Piglousy, HilLIARy. You obviously get my drift.
If I had these people in my power, they would beg me to kill them, because I really believe I could make an Indian wretch. My disgust and downright hatred for them does cause confliction in my faith.
The Book tells me I should pray for them, but I’m not that strong.
I know I need to forgive in order to be forgiven myself.
Christ has warned us several times about things like this.
Do you feel things like this? How do you deal with it?

The biggest problem is to reconcile all the nonsence in the bible. There's a clause in there to justify anything in the name of faith.
Maybe the biggest problem for you, but others are not of your ilk. Now, your spelling problem - - - - .

Ha! Thousands of denominations of Christians in the world - yeah, they got it ALL figured out - LOL!!! Are you a true Christian? LOL!!!
9mm, Reon asked politely for members to please respect this thread so could you do that for us, thanks.
Originally Posted by Rock Chuck
THIS is a true Christian - one who believes that Jesus is God and that he rose from the dead. All the rest is extra and it's often misunderstood. You can be grossly wrong about much the Bible but if you believe this about Jesus, you're still a Christian.

Romans 10:9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
7mm, I didn't read through all the responses, but my answer as best I know how to your original post.

I struggle with the same things as you, but have come to some reconciling and peace I guess you could say as to what the Bible instructs.

We are to pray for the type of people you listed. But unless I missed it, I haven't read where it states how to pray for those people.

I've prayed for Biden many times. But not like some might think that statement means. I will not pray blessings and success on perverse behavior. I do not believe the Bible instructs me anywhere in it, to link hands in agreement with evil. Exactly the opposite from what I read and understand.

Other things involved in the prayers for Biden specifically, but the short version is from early on I prayed that his heart would be turned. But if not, that his sleep would be tormented and his steps confused.

I'm not saying anything with me and my prayers as I'm sure I'm a small number of many praying in such a manner. But I found it interesting that shortly after taking office his first vacation in Feb 2021 to camp David, that the announcement was he was going to his home in Delaware because he wasn't sleeping. Shortly after that in March was the famous 3 trips in a row up the steps of Air Force One.

Take from that what you will. God sometimes has a sense of humor. But if I didn't believe with all my heart that prayer to the God of all creation and the God that saved my soul from a miserable sin filled life had no connection and no meaning, I wouldn't do it. My prayers are not higher than anybody else, but that's the understanding of praying for those type of people that I'm at peace with.
Thank you!
You know many think praying is this big hard thing to do correctly.

Our take on it is that its just a conversation with God.

When I have no clue whats the right thing, I just simply say I think X has a problem or needs help or whatever the case might be, and I'm not sure of the solution, so gonna leave that one up to you, but if you could work on it that would be appreciated.

If you want to ever explain to me why things happen on this earth I"m good with that too. OTOH if I have to wait until it doesn't matter or when you finally tell me, I'm good there too.

I dont' have time to waste wondering why the day long.

Thats about how my conversations kind of go.
Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
I’m sometimes hesitant to post about religious topic.
Haters always try to drag them into mud slinging and whizzing matches.😒
If you don’t believe, that’s fine. But please leave us to our discussions , because we all need help from others occasionally.
But as I posted on the thread about Mike Pence, my hatred for some of these people, him, Fauci, several others like Piglousy, HilLIARy. You obviously get my drift.
If I had these people in my power, they would beg me to kill them, because I really believe I could make an Indian wretch. My disgust and downright hatred for them does cause confliction in my faith.
The Book tells me I should pray for them, but I’m not that strong.
I know I need to forgive in order to be forgiven myself.
Christ has warned us several times about things like this.
Do you feel things like this? How do you deal with it?

You have to find a way to hate the sin but love the sinner. Every sin ever committed was justified somehow in the minds of whoever committed them. Everybody has different experiences that shape their individual justifications. Only God is able to know every reason why someone does what they do, and so God is the only one qualified to judge.

Faced with this situation God simply concluded them all as sinners worthy of destruction and made it possible for all of them to be forgiven by repenting of their sins and trusting in him.

Much of our hate for others comes from thinking of ourselves as better than them. This thinking is a dangerous thing because it lessens our trust in God and strengthens our trust in ourselves. It becomes easy to think of yourself as better than those evil people. You think that surly God will judge you as better than those evil doers and so you become more assured in your own goodness as a qualification for heaven than in the simple mercy of God.
Originally Posted by Dons99
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by CCCC
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
I’m sometimes hesitant to post about religious topic.
Haters always try to drag them into mud slinging and whizzing matches.😒
If you don’t believe, that’s fine. But please leave us to our discussions , because we all need help from others occasionally.
But as I posted on the thread about Mike Pence, my hatred for some of these people, him, Fauci, several others like Piglousy, HilLIARy. You obviously get my drift.
If I had these people in my power, they would beg me to kill them, because I really believe I could make an Indian wretch. My disgust and downright hatred for them does cause confliction in my faith.
The Book tells me I should pray for them, but I’m not that strong.
I know I need to forgive in order to be forgiven myself.
Christ has warned us several times about things like this.
Do you feel things like this? How do you deal with it?

The biggest problem is to reconcile all the nonsence in the bible. There's a clause in there to justify anything in the name of faith.
Maybe the biggest problem for you, but others are not of your ilk. Now, your spelling problem - - - - .

Ha! Thousands of denominations of Christians in the world - yeah, they got it ALL figured out - LOL!!! Are you a true Christian? LOL!!!
9mm, Reon asked politely for members to please respect this thread so could you do that for us, thanks.

I'm sorry if the truth is upsetting for you.
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