Posted By: 7mmbuster LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/23/24
Got to thinking about this last night. I was watching a couple videos about the climate change hoax, and it got me thinking.
Climate change, electric cars, I can understand the motive for the agenda. Energy, control of energy gives one great power over the population.
Same as disarmament of civilians.
Power equals money. The more power you have, the easier it is to extort money from people.
The end game is a totally cashless society, every thing controlled by computers. That gives them absolute complete control. That is their ultimate goal.
Every nickel you make, every breath you take. From the womb to the tomb.
Occam’s razor isn’t needed, you can pick this turd up with your fingers. (If if you don’t mind the dirt getting rich)
The LGBTQ thing is sorta puzzling me though. What do they gain by pushing something that 90% of the population identifies as mental illness
People who are pretending to woke won’t admit it on transgender, but I’m sure if truth be known, they think these idiots are freaking crazy. (Outside of government and media, woke drops in an intelligent mind)
I looked up the stats. Currently 7,6% of the population now call themselves LGBTQ according to the numbers the search brought up. I figure that might be like Bribems approval rating, at least slightly inflated. (Ten years ago it was below 4% gays and cross dressing) trans gender sounds exotic to some who can’t figure out their own plumbing😀, and I sincerely doubt the number given!
But Occam’s razor doesn’t work well for this mess. I can understand legalized pedophilia, but without that and human trafficking, it like trying to pick up marbles with a pitchfork!😀
Care to enlighten me?
Posted By: Clarkm Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/23/24
In WWII we beat Germany and Japan in part by cutting off their oil supplies.

Socialists wanting to control your life are trying the same.
Posted By: smokepole Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/23/24
Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
Care to enlighten me?

No, not really.
Posted By: ShaunRyan Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/23/24
Normalization of deviance and the erosion of morality, morale, and national identity. Destabilization is the name of the game.

History provides many examples of the same tactic. It's leftist 101.
LGBTQ are anti-family by nature. LGBTQ owe allegiance to the gov’t for their current position on society.

Socialists don’t want the family to be the centre of civilization. They want the gov’t to be the centre, the be-all and end-all.

They benefit each other.
When it became unpopular to lynch (or stone) perverts, the incentive to stay in the closet was diminished, if not eliminated altogether. There have been sexual deviants since the beginning of time- - - -There were prescribed punishments for incest and bestiality in the Old Testament, and they virtually always ended up with the offenders achieving room temperature- - - - -usually in some slow, painful, very public way. That solved the immediate problem- - - -taking the freak out of society, and it also provided a powerful incentive for the next pervert to keep his urges under control. When the consequences of socially unacceptable behavior go away, so does the fear of punishment for violating the social contract we have with our fellow human beings. If you think coproral and capital punishment doesn't work, line up a dozen people and shoot the first three, then beat the next three to a bloody pulp. The rest of the group will do whatever you tell them to do.
Anti-God and population control. Homosex/tranny are strictly forbidden in the Bible. You have to turn your back on the Lord to practice either of them. There are more and more churches that advocate it but the Bible has a few things to say about those churches.
Posted By: bluefish Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/23/24
Homosexual behavior is a sin in Christianity so what better way to kill God than to spend a few generations indoctrinating children into accepting it? Soon no God.
Posted By: 7mmbuster Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/23/24
As I stated, I can clearly see their agenda, I just don’t see what they hope to achieve by actively pursuing less than 8% of the population.
Other than legalizing pedophilia, possibly human trafficking for sex purposes, it just doesn’t seem to make much sense. I’m thinking that supporting something that well over 50% of people see as mental illness, is actually gonna push people away from supporting something.
As a Christian believer, I know that evil, as in Satanic evil, runs a large portion of government, here and abroad.
Buy even non Religious people will not knowingly support something that sounds somewhat crazy.
A while back I posted about what is called “the Overton Window”. That is the process used to make something that most people find abhorrent, over time to become accepted.
They clearly did this with homosexuality. In 20 years society went gays hiding in the closet to actually waving perverse sex toys in a public parade!
Desensitizing the masses to abnormal behavior, corruption, government illegality, etc. Eventually people are so demoralized that the government can do as they please and the serfs will unquestioningly accept it. It's just another tool and it's working.
Destabilizing seems to be the agenda. The below article is revealing. The transgender movement really just took off in the last few years with significant funding from 2 wealthy guys with links to China.


Posted By: 7mmbuster Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/23/24
Some very good points here. It’s part of the same old story of confederate monuments.
By destroying a people’s heritage, you also destroy cohesiveness. A divided people are much easier to bully and control.
I have been saying for over most of my life, the Cabal, Deep State, NWO, or whatever you wanna call it, seek to destroy America as a world power. Bush 1 bragged about a New Word Order.
Other than DJT, every president since Reagan has done things to weaken this country politically and economically.
I certainly believe God has used this nation and her people, several times over our history as a tool for good. Anyone wishing to control the world, must first eliminate anything that is a potential threat.
People like me, us dinosaurs are not gonna be welcome in Socialist America. We will be the first to be eliminated. That process of destroying our morality had been in progress for over 40 years.
Terms like domestic terrorist, threat to democracy, are being used to justify in the public eye, things like internment camps, even gas chambers.
It happened in the Weimar Republic to create Nazi Germany.
People say “it can’t happen here”, but it’s happening before our very eyes!
Posted By: Hastings Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/23/24
If it happened in the advanced ''civilized'' nation of Germany with absolute adoration of a maniacal madman it can happen here. And if you look at it Germany went from a republic to a crazed genocidal dictatorship in a decade.
Democrat National Socialism/Communism - in any of its guises, is responsible for the highest incidence of murder on this planet.

It is pure evil.

Posted By: brinky72 Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/23/24
They want obedient servants. Sterilize those likely to resist and let in the obedient who will do the work they want done without asking questions.
Posted By: Leanwolf Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/23/24
Originally Posted by Hastings
If it happened in the advanced ''civilized'' nation of Germany with absolute adoration of a maniacal madman it can happen here. And if you look at it Germany went from a republic to a crazed genocidal dictatorship in a decade.

You are correct. History proves that Human Nature has not changed since the first man, Brub, scrubbing out a rough life in a dank, dark, leaky cave, looked across the valley and saw that Og and his squeeze had a much warmer, comfortable, and secure cave with a nice fire, a big haunch of Mastodon loin hanging near the fire, and so Brub grabbed his club, sneaked up on Og and killed him. He took Og's squeeze, cave, and meat, and intimidated the other cave dwellers into supporting him while he lazed around, enjoyed free eats, plenty of firewood, and Og's squeeze.

That's Man's nature... AKA, "Human Nature." Human Nature throughout history has never changed. Only the technology has changed. Power mad men and women are more prevalent today than ever.


EDIT: "Power is the greatest of all aphrodesiacs." Henry Kissinger. (He should know.)
Originally Posted by ShaunRyan
Normalization of deviance and the erosion of morality, morale, and national identity. Destabilization is the name of the game.

History provides many examples of the same tactic. It's leftist 101.
Posted By: 7mmbuster Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/23/24
Actually, as a Christian, I honestly believe the world is being deliberately destabilized.
This way, when the Antichrist comes on the scene, he can quickly restore order and the people will willingly follow him. I honestly look for his arrival in my own lifetime. (I’m 58, and I don’t figure on dying of old age!😀)
Occam’s razor works pretty good once one considers the big picture!😀
I know many so called “christian” churches now allow homosexual preachers, I have even heard of transgender people being ordained. Salvation is offered like participation trophies . It makes me all the more proud of my church. Everything taught comes straight out of the Book, and there’s no false doctrine because every bit of scripture is reinforced several times over with a different part of scripture. ( I’m getting pretty good at locating some of the seldom used books!😀) Many people say that the Bible can often contradict itself. People can take things out of context and make anything seem to be right. This is true. I have heard many preachers who can give a good sermon. Even get people to believe in false beliefs.
But a great preacher always backs up his message with several different scriptures that reinforce one another.
I am sure of myself, but I worry in my heart that my kids will be misled.
I have been called a racist, a homophobe, a climate denier by the very son I raised! I’m often met with hostility for bringing salvation and religion into a conversation. I have been somewhat cut off because of this.
I know that The God Of Heaven can control all things. I know that He numbers the hairs on our heads.
It ain’t easy to turn everything over to Him. We all try to micromanage ourselves.
Actually it’s Ben’s fault that I have this faith. I was never worried much about church or religion until he started wondering why he had to go to church and I could stay home!😀
God sorta used my own son to get my attention!😀
Originally Posted by ShaunRyan
Normalization of deviance and the erosion of morality, morale, and national identity. Destabilization is the name of the game.

History provides many examples of the same tactic. It's leftist 101.

And disintegration of the family unit.
Posted By: Hastings Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/23/24
Originally Posted by local_dirt
And disintegration of the family unit.
Yep. Just look at what happened to the Indians when they became wards of the government and a man wasn't needed.

Same thing happened with blacks and white trash when the government took over being Daddy.

Men without families become trouble for society. Children without a decent Dad raised by a welfare mom are at a big disadvantage. One morning years ago I was on my way to Avoyelles Parish Louisiana to work and I went down Lower Third Street in Alexandria around 2AM. It was an amazing sight to me to see dozens of young teens down to 9 and 10 year olds (blacks) out in the streets.

I am pretty sure they didn't amount to anything good.
Well....half the country voluntarily got the vaxx.

Now they are seeing what else they can get you to comply with.
Posted By: earlybrd Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/23/24
I watched a booming Baptist church get destroyed by a phaagut preacher 100 per Sunday fizzled down to 5 per Sunday.The treasurer quit most of the deacons quit the few left finally booted his ass out.
Originally Posted by earlybrd
I watched a booming Baptist church get destroyed by a phaagut preacher 100 per Sunday fizzled down to 5 per Sunday.The treasurer quit most of the deacons quit the few left finally booted his ass out.

Amazing what people will tolerate.
Posted By: earlybrd Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/23/24
Sad part is it’s evry where even the white house
Its three-fold.

They want people marginalized, victimized, and to have some sort of political identity that is reliant on victimhood. Once one is a single-issue voter, they are more easily manipulated into supporting the greater agenda based on one issue.

When people cannot reproduce, they have no stake in the future. The "evil white" population declines. That is ultimately part of the climate agenda; population reduction.

Finally, these people become docile, weak, and unlikely to be the tough strong men that will oppose their agenda.
The powers that be in our church accepted an openly lesbian preacher in our pastoral residency program. It even brought their "wife" to church, it didn't take long for members of the congregation to run them off. The resident pastor had a man's haircut and wore male clothing with a bowtie often in rainbow colors. Doubt they'll ever try something like that ever again.
Sodom and Gomorrah- - - - -'nuff said! Don't look back when the fire and brimstone falls on San Fran Freako!
Posted By: CCCC Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
It's not that the queer folks are going to gain a bunch more clout or prominence with their campaigns, or that any higher percentage of the pop is going to declare itself queer - it is that they are playing their select role in the overall strategy to weaken the moral fiber and decency standards of this society. Other and different negative action groups do the same according to their assignments - racial profiteers and bias groups, socio-economic progressives, DEI proponents, abusers of the legal system, corrupt politicians, (and that's not all of them),etc.. They are cooperative cogs in the big wheel designed to undermine much of the moral and legal bases has made this country great. The precious idea of individual and collective freedom is an anathema to them.
"You are correct. History proves that Human Nature has not changed since the first man, Brub, scrubbing out a rough life in a dank, dark, leaky cave, looked across the valley and saw that Og and his squeeze had a much warmer, comfortable, and secure cave with a nice fire, a big haunch of Mastodon loin hanging near the fire, and so Brub grabbed his club, sneaked up on Og and killed him. He took Og's squeeze, cave, and meat, and intimidated the other cave dwellers into supporting him while he lazed around, enjoyed free eats, plenty of firewood, and Og's squeeze.

That's Man's nature... AKA, "Human Nature." Human Nature throughout history has never changed. Only the technology has changed. Power mad men and women are more prevalent today than ever."

Well said, Leanwolf.
Posted By: Bob_mt Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Well....half the country voluntarily got the vaxx.

Now they are seeing what else they can get you to comply with.

Posted By: Bob_mt Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
Originally Posted by 280shooter
Desensitizing the masses to abnormal behavior, corruption, government illegality, etc. Eventually people are so demoralized that the government can do as they please and the serfs will unquestioningly accept it. It's just another tool and it's working.

this sums up what is happening in a simple but to the point post....bob
Posted By: gunchamp Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
Originally Posted by ShaunRyan
Normalization of deviance and the erosion of morality, morale, and national identity. Destabilization is the name of the game.

History provides many examples of the same tactic. It's leftist 101.
This is correct
Posted By: Tyrone Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Originally Posted by earlybrd
I watched a booming Baptist church get destroyed by a phaagut preacher 100 per Sunday fizzled down to 5 per Sunday.The treasurer quit most of the deacons quit the few left finally booted his ass out.

Amazing what people will tolerate.
Or at least 5 of them.
Posted By: ShaunRyan Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
Originally Posted by simonkenton7
"You are correct. History proves that Human Nature has not changed since the first man, Brub, scrubbing out a rough life in a dank, dark, leaky cave, looked across the valley and saw that Og and his squeeze had a much warmer, comfortable, and secure cave with a nice fire, a big haunch of Mastodon loin hanging near the fire, and so Brub grabbed his club, sneaked up on Og and killed him. He took Og's squeeze, cave, and meat, and intimidated the other cave dwellers into supporting him while he lazed around, enjoyed free eats, plenty of firewood, and Og's squeeze.

That's Man's nature... AKA, "Human Nature." Human Nature throughout history has never changed. Only the technology has changed. Power mad men and women are more prevalent today than ever."

Well said, Leanwolf.

And yet somehow people still believe in warm, fuzzy utopias, be they communist or libertarian.

A pipe dream is a pipe dream is a pipe dream.
Posted By: Tarquin Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
Got to thinking about this last night. I was watching a couple videos about the climate change hoax, and it got me thinking.
Climate change, electric cars, I can understand the motive for the agenda. Energy, control of energy gives one great power over the population.
Same as disarmament of civilians.
Power equals money. The more power you have, the easier it is to extort money from people.
The end game is a totally cashless society, every thing controlled by computers. That gives them absolute complete control. That is their ultimate goal.
Every nickel you make, every breath you take. From the womb to the tomb.
Occam’s razor isn’t needed, you can pick this turd up with your fingers. (If if you don’t mind the dirt getting rich)
The LGBTQ thing is sorta puzzling me though. What do they gain by pushing something that 90% of the population identifies as mental illness
People who are pretending to woke won’t admit it on transgender, but I’m sure if truth be known, they think these idiots are freaking crazy. (Outside of government and media, woke drops in an intelligent mind)
I looked up the stats. Currently 7,6% of the population now call themselves LGBTQ according to the numbers the search brought up. I figure that might be like Bribems approval rating, at least slightly inflated. (Ten years ago it was below 4% gays and cross dressing) trans gender sounds exotic to some who can’t figure out their own plumbing😀, and I sincerely doubt the number given!
But Occam’s razor doesn’t work well for this mess. I can understand legalized pedophilia, but without that and human trafficking, it like trying to pick up marbles with a pitchfork!😀
Care to enlighten me?

90% of the population no longer believes it is a mental illness. In fact, the opposite appears to be true: a large percentage of the population believes that opposition to the LGBTQ political agenda is the mental illness, as evidenced by society's completely uncritical acceptance of the epithets "homophobe" and "transphobe" to describe anyone who opposes the LGBTQ political agenda. The "appropriateness" of these epithets is so thoroughly and uncritically accepted now that it's perfectly okay to call "mentally ill" anyone who opposes the moral equation of homosexuality with heterosexual eros, as it once was acceptable to claim as "mentally ill" any man who insisted on having rectal intercourse (sodomy) with another man. In other words, there has been a complete moral inversion; which raises the obvious question: since the acceptability of an epithet to describe another person entails a "normative" claim (a moral claim) about the beliefs of that other person, what exactly is the non-relative basis of the claim that opponents of the homosexual or trans rights movements are mentally ill and deserve to be called names? What is the objective ground for declaring "mentally ill" (phobic) and deserving of name-calling someone who believes homosexuality is undesirable (or at least not morally equivalent to heterosexuality)?

Since they are enthusiastic apologists for homosexuality (and never shy about hurling epithets at those who have reservations about their enthusiasm!) perhaps DBT or Paul Barnard can enlighten us! What is the non-relative (i.e. the objective) ground that justifies calling names (calling mentally ill as in "homophobic") anyone who questions the wisdom of the LGBT movement?
Posted By: earlybrd Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
Originally Posted by Tarquin
Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
Got to thinking about this last night. I was watching a couple videos about the climate change hoax, and it got me thinking.
Climate change, electric cars, I can understand the motive for the agenda. Energy, control of energy gives one great power over the population.
Same as disarmament of civilians.
Power equals money. The more power you have, the easier it is to extort money from people.
The end game is a totally cashless society, every thing controlled by computers. That gives them absolute complete control. That is their ultimate goal.
Every nickel you make, every breath you take. From the womb to the tomb.
Occam’s razor isn’t needed, you can pick this turd up with your fingers. (If if you don’t mind the dirt getting rich)
The LGBTQ thing is sorta puzzling me though. What do they gain by pushing something that 90% of the population identifies as mental illness
People who are pretending to woke won’t admit it on transgender, but I’m sure if truth be known, they think these idiots are freaking crazy. (Outside of government and media, woke drops in an intelligent mind)
I looked up the stats. Currently 7,6% of the population now call themselves LGBTQ according to the numbers the search brought up. I figure that might be like Bribems approval rating, at least slightly inflated. (Ten years ago it was below 4% gays and cross dressing) trans gender sounds exotic to some who can’t figure out their own plumbing😀, and I sincerely doubt the number given!
But Occam’s razor doesn’t work well for this mess. I can understand legalized pedophilia, but without that and human trafficking, it like trying to pick up marbles with a pitchfork!😀
Care to enlighten me?

90% of the population no longer believes it is a mental illness. In fact, the opposite appears to be true: a large percentage of the population believes that opposition to the LGBTQ political agenda is the mental illness, as evidenced by society's completely uncritical acceptance of the epithets "homophobe" and "transphobe" to describe anyone who opposes the LGBTQ political agenda. The "appropriateness" of these epithets is so thoroughly and uncritically accepted now that it's perfectly okay to call "mentally ill" anyone who opposes the moral equation of homosexuality with heterosexual eros, as it once was acceptable to claim as "mentally ill" any man who insisted on having rectal intercourse (sodomy) with another man. In other words, there has been a complete moral inversion; which raises the obvious question: since the acceptability of an epithet to describe another person entails a "normative" claim (a moral claim) about the beliefs of that other person, what exactly is the non-relative basis of the claim that opponents of the homosexual or trans rights movements are mentally ill and deserve to be called names? What is the objective ground for declaring "mentally ill" (phobic) and deserving of name-calling someone who believes homosexuality is undesirable (or at least not morally equivalent to heterosexuality)?

Since they are enthusiastic apologists for homosexuality (and never shy about hurling epithets at those who have reservations about their enthusiasm!) perhaps DBT or Paul Barnard can enlighten us! What is the non-relative (i.e. the objective) ground that justifies calling names (calling mentally ill as in "homophobic") anyone who questions the wisdom of the LGBT movement?
So ur ghey?
Posted By: duckster Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
A significant portion of the trans movement is social contagion, driven by social media
Posted By: ShaunRyan Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
Originally Posted by Tarquin
90% of the population no longer believes it is a mental illness . . .

Originally Posted by earlybrd
Originally Posted by Tarquin
Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
Got to thinking about this last night. I was watching a couple videos about the climate change hoax, and it got me thinking.
Climate change, electric cars, I can understand the motive for the agenda. Energy, control of energy gives one great power over the population.
Same as disarmament of civilians.
Power equals money. The more power you have, the easier it is to extort money from people.
The end game is a totally cashless society, every thing controlled by computers. That gives them absolute complete control. That is their ultimate goal.
Every nickel you make, every breath you take. From the womb to the tomb.
Occam’s razor isn’t needed, you can pick this turd up with your fingers. (If if you don’t mind the dirt getting rich)
The LGBTQ thing is sorta puzzling me though. What do they gain by pushing something that 90% of the population identifies as mental illness
People who are pretending to woke won’t admit it on transgender, but I’m sure if truth be known, they think these idiots are freaking crazy. (Outside of government and media, woke drops in an intelligent mind)
I looked up the stats. Currently 7,6% of the population now call themselves LGBTQ according to the numbers the search brought up. I figure that might be like Bribems approval rating, at least slightly inflated. (Ten years ago it was below 4% gays and cross dressing) trans gender sounds exotic to some who can’t figure out their own plumbing😀, and I sincerely doubt the number given!
But Occam’s razor doesn’t work well for this mess. I can understand legalized pedophilia, but without that and human trafficking, it like trying to pick up marbles with a pitchfork!😀
Care to enlighten me?

90% of the population no longer believes it is a mental illness. In fact, the opposite appears to be true: a large percentage of the population believes that opposition to the LGBTQ political agenda is the mental illness, as evidenced by society's completely uncritical acceptance of the epithets "homophobe" and "transphobe" to describe anyone who opposes the LGBTQ political agenda. The "appropriateness" of these epithets is so thoroughly and uncritically accepted now that it's perfectly okay to call "mentally ill" anyone who opposes the moral equation of homosexuality with heterosexual eros, as it once was acceptable to claim as "mentally ill" any man who insisted on having rectal intercourse (sodomy) with another man. In other words, there has been a complete moral inversion; which raises the obvious question: since the acceptability of an epithet to describe another person entails a "normative" claim (a moral claim) about the beliefs of that other person, what exactly is the non-relative basis of the claim that opponents of the homosexual or trans rights movements are mentally ill and deserve to be called names? What is the objective ground for declaring "mentally ill" (phobic) and deserving of name-calling someone who believes homosexuality is undesirable (or at least not morally equivalent to heterosexuality)?

Since they are enthusiastic apologists for homosexuality (and never shy about hurling epithets at those who have reservations about their enthusiasm!) perhaps DBT or Paul Barnard can enlighten us! What is the non-relative (i.e. the objective) ground that justifies calling names (calling mentally ill as in "homophobic") anyone who questions the wisdom of the LGBT movement?
So ur ghey?

He is well studied!
Posted By: earlybrd Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Originally Posted by earlybrd
Originally Posted by Tarquin
Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
Got to thinking about this last night. I was watching a couple videos about the climate change hoax, and it got me thinking.
Climate change, electric cars, I can understand the motive for the agenda. Energy, control of energy gives one great power over the population.
Same as disarmament of civilians.
Power equals money. The more power you have, the easier it is to extort money from people.
The end game is a totally cashless society, every thing controlled by computers. That gives them absolute complete control. That is their ultimate goal.
Every nickel you make, every breath you take. From the womb to the tomb.
Occam’s razor isn’t needed, you can pick this turd up with your fingers. (If if you don’t mind the dirt getting rich)
The LGBTQ thing is sorta puzzling me though. What do they gain by pushing something that 90% of the population identifies as mental illness
People who are pretending to woke won’t admit it on transgender, but I’m sure if truth be known, they think these idiots are freaking crazy. (Outside of government and media, woke drops in an intelligent mind)
I looked up the stats. Currently 7,6% of the population now call themselves LGBTQ according to the numbers the search brought up. I figure that might be like Bribems approval rating, at least slightly inflated. (Ten years ago it was below 4% gays and cross dressing) trans gender sounds exotic to some who can’t figure out their own plumbing😀, and I sincerely doubt the number given!
But Occam’s razor doesn’t work well for this mess. I can understand legalized pedophilia, but without that and human trafficking, it like trying to pick up marbles with a pitchfork!😀
Care to enlighten me?

90% of the population no longer believes it is a mental illness. In fact, the opposite appears to be true: a large percentage of the population believes that opposition to the LGBTQ political agenda is the mental illness, as evidenced by society's completely uncritical acceptance of the epithets "homophobe" and "transphobe" to describe anyone who opposes the LGBTQ political agenda. The "appropriateness" of these epithets is so thoroughly and uncritically accepted now that it's perfectly okay to call "mentally ill" anyone who opposes the moral equation of homosexuality with heterosexual eros, as it once was acceptable to claim as "mentally ill" any man who insisted on having rectal intercourse (sodomy) with another man. In other words, there has been a complete moral inversion; which raises the obvious question: since the acceptability of an epithet to describe another person entails a "normative" claim (a moral claim) about the beliefs of that other person, what exactly is the non-relative basis of the claim that opponents of the homosexual or trans rights movements are mentally ill and deserve to be called names? What is the objective ground for declaring "mentally ill" (phobic) and deserving of name-calling someone who believes homosexuality is undesirable (or at least not morally equivalent to heterosexuality)?

Since they are enthusiastic apologists for homosexuality (and never shy about hurling epithets at those who have reservations about their enthusiasm!) perhaps DBT or Paul Barnard can enlighten us! What is the non-relative (i.e. the objective) ground that justifies calling names (calling mentally ill as in "homophobic") anyone who questions the wisdom of the LGBT movement?
So ur ghey?

He is well studied!
Looks to be he stepped out tha closet in a few paragraphs LOL
Posted By: Starbuck Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
Originally Posted by ShaunRyan
Normalization of deviance and the erosion of morality, morale, and national identity. Destabilization is the name of the game.

History provides many examples of the same tactic. It's leftist 101.

My exact take on it. It's divisive and destabilizing.
Posted By: Tarquin Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
Originally Posted by earlybrd
Originally Posted by Tarquin
Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
Got to thinking about this last night. I was watching a couple videos about the climate change hoax, and it got me thinking.
Climate change, electric cars, I can understand the motive for the agenda. Energy, control of energy gives one great power over the population.
Same as disarmament of civilians.
Power equals money. The more power you have, the easier it is to extort money from people.
The end game is a totally cashless society, every thing controlled by computers. That gives them absolute complete control. That is their ultimate goal.
Every nickel you make, every breath you take. From the womb to the tomb.
Occam’s razor isn’t needed, you can pick this turd up with your fingers. (If if you don’t mind the dirt getting rich)
The LGBTQ thing is sorta puzzling me though. What do they gain by pushing something that 90% of the population identifies as mental illness
People who are pretending to woke won’t admit it on transgender, but I’m sure if truth be known, they think these idiots are freaking crazy. (Outside of government and media, woke drops in an intelligent mind)
I looked up the stats. Currently 7,6% of the population now call themselves LGBTQ according to the numbers the search brought up. I figure that might be like Bribems approval rating, at least slightly inflated. (Ten years ago it was below 4% gays and cross dressing) trans gender sounds exotic to some who can’t figure out their own plumbing😀, and I sincerely doubt the number given!
But Occam’s razor doesn’t work well for this mess. I can understand legalized pedophilia, but without that and human trafficking, it like trying to pick up marbles with a pitchfork!😀
Care to enlighten me?

90% of the population no longer believes it is a mental illness. In fact, the opposite appears to be true: a large percentage of the population believes that opposition to the LGBTQ political agenda is the mental illness, as evidenced by society's completely uncritical acceptance of the epithets "homophobe" and "transphobe" to describe anyone who opposes the LGBTQ political agenda. The "appropriateness" of these epithets is so thoroughly and uncritically accepted now that it's perfectly okay to call "mentally ill" anyone who opposes the moral equation of homosexuality with heterosexual eros, as it once was acceptable to claim as "mentally ill" any man who insisted on having rectal intercourse (sodomy) with another man. In other words, there has been a complete moral inversion; which raises the obvious question: since the acceptability of an epithet to describe another person entails a "normative" claim (a moral claim) about the beliefs of that other person, what exactly is the non-relative basis of the claim that opponents of the homosexual or trans rights movements are mentally ill and deserve to be called names? What is the objective ground for declaring "mentally ill" (phobic) and deserving of name-calling someone who believes homosexuality is undesirable (or at least not morally equivalent to heterosexuality)?

Since they are enthusiastic apologists for homosexuality (and never shy about hurling epithets at those who have reservations about their enthusiasm!) perhaps DBT or Paul Barnard can enlighten us! What is the non-relative (i.e. the objective) ground that justifies calling names (calling mentally ill as in "homophobic") anyone who questions the wisdom of the LGBT movement?
So ur ghey?

Can you read? The post questions the premise of the homosexual and trans rights movements that anyone who questions their agenda is mentally ill and deserves to be called names and invites our Campfire apologists for homosexuality, DBT, Paul Bernard (and apparently Jim Conrad too), to explain to us why they are objectively correct in their name calling. I'm 100% certain they won't be able too because their own premises entail a complete denial of any ground for distinguishing right from wrong.
Posted By: Tarquin Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
Originally Posted by earlybrd
Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Originally Posted by earlybrd
Originally Posted by Tarquin
Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
Got to thinking about this last night. I was watching a couple videos about the climate change hoax, and it got me thinking.
Climate change, electric cars, I can understand the motive for the agenda. Energy, control of energy gives one great power over the population.
Same as disarmament of civilians.
Power equals money. The more power you have, the easier it is to extort money from people.
The end game is a totally cashless society, every thing controlled by computers. That gives them absolute complete control. That is their ultimate goal.
Every nickel you make, every breath you take. From the womb to the tomb.
Occam’s razor isn’t needed, you can pick this turd up with your fingers. (If if you don’t mind the dirt getting rich)
The LGBTQ thing is sorta puzzling me though. What do they gain by pushing something that 90% of the population identifies as mental illness
People who are pretending to woke won’t admit it on transgender, but I’m sure if truth be known, they think these idiots are freaking crazy. (Outside of government and media, woke drops in an intelligent mind)
I looked up the stats. Currently 7,6% of the population now call themselves LGBTQ according to the numbers the search brought up. I figure that might be like Bribems approval rating, at least slightly inflated. (Ten years ago it was below 4% gays and cross dressing) trans gender sounds exotic to some who can’t figure out their own plumbing😀, and I sincerely doubt the number given!
But Occam’s razor doesn’t work well for this mess. I can understand legalized pedophilia, but without that and human trafficking, it like trying to pick up marbles with a pitchfork!😀
Care to enlighten me?

90% of the population no longer believes it is a mental illness. In fact, the opposite appears to be true: a large percentage of the population believes that opposition to the LGBTQ political agenda is the mental illness, as evidenced by society's completely uncritical acceptance of the epithets "homophobe" and "transphobe" to describe anyone who opposes the LGBTQ political agenda. The "appropriateness" of these epithets is so thoroughly and uncritically accepted now that it's perfectly okay to call "mentally ill" anyone who opposes the moral equation of homosexuality with heterosexual eros, as it once was acceptable to claim as "mentally ill" any man who insisted on having rectal intercourse (sodomy) with another man. In other words, there has been a complete moral inversion; which raises the obvious question: since the acceptability of an epithet to describe another person entails a "normative" claim (a moral claim) about the beliefs of that other person, what exactly is the non-relative basis of the claim that opponents of the homosexual or trans rights movements are mentally ill and deserve to be called names? What is the objective ground for declaring "mentally ill" (phobic) and deserving of name-calling someone who believes homosexuality is undesirable (or at least not morally equivalent to heterosexuality)?

Since they are enthusiastic apologists for homosexuality (and never shy about hurling epithets at those who have reservations about their enthusiasm!) perhaps DBT or Paul Barnard can enlighten us! What is the non-relative (i.e. the objective) ground that justifies calling names (calling mentally ill as in "homophobic") anyone who questions the wisdom of the LGBT movement?
So ur ghey?

He is well studied!
Looks to be he stepped out tha closet in a few paragraphs LOL

It's unfortunate that you can't comprehend simple English.
Posted By: earlybrd Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
Originally Posted by Tarquin
Originally Posted by earlybrd
Originally Posted by Tarquin
Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
Got to thinking about this last night. I was watching a couple videos about the climate change hoax, and it got me thinking.
Climate change, electric cars, I can understand the motive for the agenda. Energy, control of energy gives one great power over the population.
Same as disarmament of civilians.
Power equals money. The more power you have, the easier it is to extort money from people.
The end game is a totally cashless society, every thing controlled by computers. That gives them absolute complete control. That is their ultimate goal.
Every nickel you make, every breath you take. From the womb to the tomb.
Occam’s razor isn’t needed, you can pick this turd up with your fingers. (If if you don’t mind the dirt getting rich)
The LGBTQ thing is sorta puzzling me though. What do they gain by pushing something that 90% of the population identifies as mental illness
People who are pretending to woke won’t admit it on transgender, but I’m sure if truth be known, they think these idiots are freaking crazy. (Outside of government and media, woke drops in an intelligent mind)
I looked up the stats. Currently 7,6% of the population now call themselves LGBTQ according to the numbers the search brought up. I figure that might be like Bribems approval rating, at least slightly inflated. (Ten years ago it was below 4% gays and cross dressing) trans gender sounds exotic to some who can’t figure out their own plumbing😀, and I sincerely doubt the number given!
But Occam’s razor doesn’t work well for this mess. I can understand legalized pedophilia, but without that and human trafficking, it like trying to pick up marbles with a pitchfork!😀
Care to enlighten me?

90% of the population no longer believes it is a mental illness. In fact, the opposite appears to be true: a large percentage of the population believes that opposition to the LGBTQ political agenda is the mental illness, as evidenced by society's completely uncritical acceptance of the epithets "homophobe" and "transphobe" to describe anyone who opposes the LGBTQ political agenda. The "appropriateness" of these epithets is so thoroughly and uncritically accepted now that it's perfectly okay to call "mentally ill" anyone who opposes the moral equation of homosexuality with heterosexual eros, as it once was acceptable to claim as "mentally ill" any man who insisted on having rectal intercourse (sodomy) with another man. In other words, there has been a complete moral inversion; which raises the obvious question: since the acceptability of an epithet to describe another person entails a "normative" claim (a moral claim) about the beliefs of that other person, what exactly is the non-relative basis of the claim that opponents of the homosexual or trans rights movements are mentally ill and deserve to be called names? What is the objective ground for declaring "mentally ill" (phobic) and deserving of name-calling someone who believes homosexuality is undesirable (or at least not morally equivalent to heterosexuality)?

Since they are enthusiastic apologists for homosexuality (and never shy about hurling epithets at those who have reservations about their enthusiasm!) perhaps DBT or Paul Barnard can enlighten us! What is the non-relative (i.e. the objective) ground that justifies calling names (calling mentally ill as in "homophobic") anyone who questions the wisdom of the LGBT movement?
So ur ghey?

Can you read? The post questions the premise of the homosexual and trans rights movements that anyone who questions their agenda is mentally ill and deserves to be called names and invites our Campfire apologists for homosexuality, DBT, Paul Bernard (and apparently Jim Conrad too), to explain to us why they are objectively correct in their name calling. I'm 100% certain they won't be able too because their own premises entail a complete denial of any ground for distinguishing right from wrong.
Can you dum that down for me my homophobia is kickin in
Originally Posted by earlybrd
Originally Posted by Tarquin
Originally Posted by earlybrd
Originally Posted by Tarquin
Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
Got to thinking about this last night. I was watching a couple videos about the climate change hoax, and it got me thinking.
Climate change, electric cars, I can understand the motive for the agenda. Energy, control of energy gives one great power over the population.
Same as disarmament of civilians.
Power equals money. The more power you have, the easier it is to extort money from people.
The end game is a totally cashless society, every thing controlled by computers. That gives them absolute complete control. That is their ultimate goal.
Every nickel you make, every breath you take. From the womb to the tomb.
Occam’s razor isn’t needed, you can pick this turd up with your fingers. (If if you don’t mind the dirt getting rich)
The LGBTQ thing is sorta puzzling me though. What do they gain by pushing something that 90% of the population identifies as mental illness
People who are pretending to woke won’t admit it on transgender, but I’m sure if truth be known, they think these idiots are freaking crazy. (Outside of government and media, woke drops in an intelligent mind)
I looked up the stats. Currently 7,6% of the population now call themselves LGBTQ according to the numbers the search brought up. I figure that might be like Bribems approval rating, at least slightly inflated. (Ten years ago it was below 4% gays and cross dressing) trans gender sounds exotic to some who can’t figure out their own plumbing😀, and I sincerely doubt the number given!
But Occam’s razor doesn’t work well for this mess. I can understand legalized pedophilia, but without that and human trafficking, it like trying to pick up marbles with a pitchfork!😀
Care to enlighten me?

90% of the population no longer believes it is a mental illness. In fact, the opposite appears to be true: a large percentage of the population believes that opposition to the LGBTQ political agenda is the mental illness, as evidenced by society's completely uncritical acceptance of the epithets "homophobe" and "transphobe" to describe anyone who opposes the LGBTQ political agenda. The "appropriateness" of these epithets is so thoroughly and uncritically accepted now that it's perfectly okay to call "mentally ill" anyone who opposes the moral equation of homosexuality with heterosexual eros, as it once was acceptable to claim as "mentally ill" any man who insisted on having rectal intercourse (sodomy) with another man. In other words, there has been a complete moral inversion; which raises the obvious question: since the acceptability of an epithet to describe another person entails a "normative" claim (a moral claim) about the beliefs of that other person, what exactly is the non-relative basis of the claim that opponents of the homosexual or trans rights movements are mentally ill and deserve to be called names? What is the objective ground for declaring "mentally ill" (phobic) and deserving of name-calling someone who believes homosexuality is undesirable (or at least not morally equivalent to heterosexuality)?

Since they are enthusiastic apologists for homosexuality (and never shy about hurling epithets at those who have reservations about their enthusiasm!) perhaps DBT or Paul Barnard can enlighten us! What is the non-relative (i.e. the objective) ground that justifies calling names (calling mentally ill as in "homophobic") anyone who questions the wisdom of the LGBT movement?
So ur ghey?

Can you read? The post questions the premise of the homosexual and trans rights movements that anyone who questions their agenda is mentally ill and deserves to be called names and invites our Campfire apologists for homosexuality, DBT, Paul Bernard (and apparently Jim Conrad too), to explain to us why they are objectively correct in their name calling. I'm 100% certain they won't be able too because their own premises entail a complete denial of any ground for distinguishing right from wrong.
Can you dum that down for me my homophobia is kickin in


Tardqueen likes it in the butt.

And not voting.
Posted By: Tarquin Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Originally Posted by earlybrd
Originally Posted by Tarquin
Originally Posted by earlybrd
Originally Posted by Tarquin
Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
Got to thinking about this last night. I was watching a couple videos about the climate change hoax, and it got me thinking.
Climate change, electric cars, I can understand the motive for the agenda. Energy, control of energy gives one great power over the population.
Same as disarmament of civilians.
Power equals money. The more power you have, the easier it is to extort money from people.
The end game is a totally cashless society, every thing controlled by computers. That gives them absolute complete control. That is their ultimate goal.
Every nickel you make, every breath you take. From the womb to the tomb.
Occam’s razor isn’t needed, you can pick this turd up with your fingers. (If if you don’t mind the dirt getting rich)
The LGBTQ thing is sorta puzzling me though. What do they gain by pushing something that 90% of the population identifies as mental illness
People who are pretending to woke won’t admit it on transgender, but I’m sure if truth be known, they think these idiots are freaking crazy. (Outside of government and media, woke drops in an intelligent mind)
I looked up the stats. Currently 7,6% of the population now call themselves LGBTQ according to the numbers the search brought up. I figure that might be like Bribems approval rating, at least slightly inflated. (Ten years ago it was below 4% gays and cross dressing) trans gender sounds exotic to some who can’t figure out their own plumbing😀, and I sincerely doubt the number given!
But Occam’s razor doesn’t work well for this mess. I can understand legalized pedophilia, but without that and human trafficking, it like trying to pick up marbles with a pitchfork!😀
Care to enlighten me?

90% of the population no longer believes it is a mental illness. In fact, the opposite appears to be true: a large percentage of the population believes that opposition to the LGBTQ political agenda is the mental illness, as evidenced by society's completely uncritical acceptance of the epithets "homophobe" and "transphobe" to describe anyone who opposes the LGBTQ political agenda. The "appropriateness" of these epithets is so thoroughly and uncritically accepted now that it's perfectly okay to call "mentally ill" anyone who opposes the moral equation of homosexuality with heterosexual eros, as it once was acceptable to claim as "mentally ill" any man who insisted on having rectal intercourse (sodomy) with another man. In other words, there has been a complete moral inversion; which raises the obvious question: since the acceptability of an epithet to describe another person entails a "normative" claim (a moral claim) about the beliefs of that other person, what exactly is the non-relative basis of the claim that opponents of the homosexual or trans rights movements are mentally ill and deserve to be called names? What is the objective ground for declaring "mentally ill" (phobic) and deserving of name-calling someone who believes homosexuality is undesirable (or at least not morally equivalent to heterosexuality)?

Since they are enthusiastic apologists for homosexuality (and never shy about hurling epithets at those who have reservations about their enthusiasm!) perhaps DBT or Paul Barnard can enlighten us! What is the non-relative (i.e. the objective) ground that justifies calling names (calling mentally ill as in "homophobic") anyone who questions the wisdom of the LGBT movement?
So ur ghey?

Can you read? The post questions the premise of the homosexual and trans rights movements that anyone who questions their agenda is mentally ill and deserves to be called names and invites our Campfire apologists for homosexuality, DBT, Paul Bernard (and apparently Jim Conrad too), to explain to us why they are objectively correct in their name calling. I'm 100% certain they won't be able too because their own premises entail a complete denial of any ground for distinguishing right from wrong.
Can you dum that down for me my homophobia is kickin in


Tardqueen likes it in the butt.

And not voting.

In previous posts, when I've shown that both the Declaration and the Constitution (the laws of nature and of Nature's God, as understood by the Founders), condemn homosexuality you've falsely claimed that the Founder's understanding of morality is "Sharia Law" (your exact words) and you've consistently defended Barnard's defense of homosexuality, or rather defended him from attack by others who are critical of his support for deviance. If words mean anything at all, I'm not the one who like it "in the butt" because its you who unfailingly insist homosexuality is both moral and Constitutional, when in fact, its neither.
Posted By: earlybrd Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
FFS you ghey or not
So, Tardqueen still likes it in the butt.
Originally Posted by earlybrd
FFS you ghey or not

Yes he is.

He wants to make it illegal not to be gay as well.
Posted By: Tarquin Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Originally Posted by earlybrd
FFS you ghey or not

Yes he is.

He wants to make it illegal not to be gay as well.

Actually, I've not advocated for criminalizing it, though I think the Supreme Court 's decision in Bowers v. Hardwick was flatly wrong. It might interest you to know that Jefferson, in a criminal code written for the Commonwealth of Virginia, made homosexual sodomy a felony punishable by castration. In this, Jefferson only followed Blackstone and the common law.

My own view is that we should return homosexuality to the closet where it was of relatively little harm to homosexuals and to others. And it is this which bothers you so deeply---the idea of homosexuality being made illegal or returned to the closet from whence it sprang. That the possibility incenses you is evidenced by the fact you've consistently condemned the Founders' understanding of the Constitution, which condemns homosexuality, calling in "Sharia Law". It's no accident that in this thread you've raised the possibility of it being made illegal as an argument against my condemnation of it here. You've consistently opposed any moral condemnation of homosexuality. Can it be any clearer Conrad? Any interpretation of the Constitution and Declaration (to say nothing of the Common Law and "the laws of nature") that condemns rectal intercourse between men offends you deeply. Can it be anymore obvious why that is?! grin

Look, what you do in the privacy of your own sheep farm is no one's business but yours. But you have no right to claim that the perversion for which you are an assiduous apologist is remotely moral let alone "Constitutional" because it isn't, no matter how much you, Barnard and DBT wish that it was.
Posted By: earlybrd Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
So ur ghey and want to be a closet ghey ok
Posted By: Tarquin Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
Originally Posted by earlybrd
So ur ghey and want to be a closet ghey ok

It's comical when People like you make that claim to try to defeat arguments made against the LGBTQ agenda because it's so utterly impotent. Is that all you've got? If you want to defend the LGBTQ agenda kock yourself out, but, at least make a coherent argument!
Posted By: earlybrd Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
Originally Posted by Tarquin
Originally Posted by earlybrd
So ur ghey and want to be a closet ghey ok

It's comical when People like you make that claim to try to defeat arguments made against the LGBTQ agenda because it's so utterly impotent. Is that all you've got? If you want to defend the LGBTQ agenda kock yourself out, but, at least make a coherent argument!
Kock ur own self out all you want
Posted By: Tarquin Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
Originally Posted by earlybrd
Originally Posted by Tarquin
Originally Posted by earlybrd
So ur ghey and want to be a closet ghey ok

It's comical when People like you make that claim to try to defeat arguments made against the LGBTQ agenda because it's so utterly impotent. Is that all you've got? If you want to defend the LGBTQ agenda kock yourself out, but, at least make a coherent argument!
Kock ur own self out all you want

Why, when you're the critic of the critic of the LGBT movement? grin
Posted By: earlybrd Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
Ur phaagutry is on display congrats
Posted By: Tarquin Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
There is a lot of deep philosophy packed into this quote. One of my favorites:

"Man is a social animal, and no one can secure what is desirable for himself except in partnership with others. According to Aristotle, if a man had all the health, wealth, freedom and power that he desired, but lacked friends, he would not even wish to live. But the root of all friendships, as it is the ground of the existence of the species, is that of a man and a woman. As nature is the ground of morality, the distinction of the sexes is the ground of nature. Nature---which forbids us to eat or enslave out own kind---is that which has within it the principle of coming-into-being. Mankind as a whole is recognized by its generations, like a river which is one and the same while the ever-renewed cycles of birth and death flow on. But the generations are constituted---and can only be constituted---by the acts of generation arising from the conjunction of male and female. The root of all human relationships, the root of all morality, is nature, which itself is grounded in the generative distinction of male and female.....Abraham Lincoln once said that if slavery is not unjust, then nothing is unjust. With equal reason it can be said that if homosexuality is not unnatural, nothing is unnatural. And if nothing is unnatural then nothing---including slavery and genocide---is unjust"

Harry V. Jaffa, Original Intent and the Framers of the Constitution: A Disputed Question.
Posted By: earlybrd Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
Posted By: BOBBALEE Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
My Instagram account is suspended because I said homos are queers and trannies are mentally unhinged. That happened last May. The wheels are slow, but they turn. I'm afraid it means I won't get a boat ride.
Posted By: earlybrd Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
We mentioned lint lickers yet?
Posted By: 7mmbuster Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
Excellent quote!
I had checked out of this thread. The question I had posed was well answered.
As a Christian I believe that Satan is trying to destabilize everything so that when the Antichrist appears, he can bring chaos to order. The people will accept this as a miracle.
Those who know Christ will know better, but that number is down. Many believe there are other paths to God. “I have been a good person. Surely I’ll be judged as such”. Others believe in no god at all.
But Christ told us over and over, that He is the only true way to Gods salvation.
It’s simple really. So simple that most people miss it. We search for things that will make us worthy, when all that we need to do is have faith!
Originally Posted by earlybrd
Originally Posted by Tarquin
Originally Posted by earlybrd
So ur ghey and want to be a closet ghey ok

It's comical when People like you make that claim to try to defeat arguments made against the LGBTQ agenda because it's so utterly impotent. Is that all you've got? If you want to defend the LGBTQ agenda kock yourself out, but, at least make a coherent argument!
Kock ur own self out all you want

Tardqueen is a childless fàg...so I guess that's why he is so much of an expert.

At least she didn't breed....or vote.
Gosh...instead of voting and sucking off some George Floyd....maybe she will do some verbose copy pasta like usual that none of us will read because we know she is a lying piece of shìt?

We shall see.....
Posted By: kaboku68 Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/24/24
Fuq the Fudge Packers. The truth is that this is a misdirection. The first group to organize for Communism during the during the 1917 Red Revolution were gays, trans, queers and etc. They organized in their typical OCD strategic fashion with much direction towards communication and organization and they led many poor factions together against the Tsar and the Russian system. They preached atheism and heretical policy and were really good and propaganda. Most were put to death even before Stalin took over.
Posted By: CCCC Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/25/24
Although other species may recognize and react to sexual and genetic aberrations to some extent, only among human beings do the aberrations and related behavioral deviance become social/moral issues. Throughout recorded history the deviant behavior has been viewed and treated in varying ways - from circumstances where perverted practice was a daily way of life for certain groups or persons of certain status versus strict prohibitions and related sanctions/punishments. The point is that the aberrant behavior is nothing new - nor are the changes in how it is viewed and dealt with.

Ebb and flow - and we are simply looking at a short span of a long term problem. The obvious money and influence being invested during recent times in efforts to somehow legitimize the perverted activity - to remove stigma, reduce the social/personal guilt factors and shove proponents of deviant behavior into some sort of acceptable status (and power positions) logically may seem like an avalanche of social change and shift of morals and weakening of decent structures. Not so.

Society is reaping the crop grown due to inattention, diversion, whatever laxity enables such aberrations to flourish for a time. The distaste is palpable, but not yet strong enough to cause the species here to deal with the problem. The fundamental aberration is so plain and simple that it cannot be ignored forever or ever denied - the pendulum will continue.
Posted By: BCBH Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/25/24
Originally Posted by Hastings
If it happened in the advanced ''civilized'' nation of Germany with absolute adoration of a maniacal madman it can happen here. And if you look at it Germany went from a republic to a crazed genocidal dictatorship in a decade.
LOL Then one day, for no reason at all.
Posted By: earlybrd Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/25/24
Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Originally Posted by earlybrd
Originally Posted by Tarquin
Originally Posted by earlybrd
So ur ghey and want to be a closet ghey ok

It's comical when People like you make that claim to try to defeat arguments made against the LGBTQ agenda because it's so utterly impotent. Is that all you've got? If you want to defend the LGBTQ agenda kock yourself out, but, at least make a coherent argument!
Kock ur own self out all you want

Tardqueen is a childless fàg...so I guess that's why he is so much of an expert.

At least she didn't breed....or vote.
Posted By: ShaunRyan Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/27/24
Originally Posted by local_dirt
Originally Posted by ShaunRyan
Normalization of deviance and the erosion of morality, morale, and national identity. Destabilization is the name of the game.

History provides many examples of the same tactic. It's leftist 101.

And disintegration of the family unit.

Miised this.

Yeah, definitely. It was gone as a steadfast standard by the time I was born for the most part. The march through the institutions was a generation old by then.

They told us they were going to do it in the '50s in their literature. And the '60s. Others stated it plainly on television.

We ignored them. Too busy motorboating and stroking off to our own selfies on www.imtoosexyformyshirt.com.
Posted By: ShaunRyan Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/27/24
Originally Posted by CCCC
Although other species may recognize and react to sexual and genetic aberrations to some extent, only among human beings do the aberrations and related behavioral deviance become social/moral issues. Throughout recorded history the deviant behavior has been viewed and treated in varying ways - from circumstances where perverted practice was a daily way of life for certain groups or persons of certain status versus strict prohibitions and related sanctions/punishments. The point is that the aberrant behavior is nothing new - nor are the changes in how it is viewed and dealt with.

Ebb and flow - and we are simply looking at a short span of a long term problem. The obvious money and influence being invested during recent times in efforts to somehow legitimize the perverted activity - to remove stigma, reduce the social/personal guilt factors and shove proponents of deviant behavior into some sort of acceptable status (and power positions) logically may seem like an avalanche of social change and shift of morals and weakening of decent structures. Not so.

Society is reaping the crop grown due to inattention, diversion, whatever laxity enables such aberrations to flourish for a time. The distaste is palpable, but not yet strong enough to cause the species here to deal with the problem. The fundamental aberration is so plain and simple that it cannot be ignored forever or ever denied - the pendulum will continue.

Yep. Unfortunately, it will likely swing to the opposite extreme, human nature being the primadonna goatfuckery that it is.
Posted By: CCCC Re: LGBTQ vs Occam’s Razor - 03/27/24
Apparently the OP title is to emphasize the need to avoid distracting false assumptions and red herring effects in dealing with the issue. The fundamental behavioral problem is clear and simple - always has been. Guilt and manipulative efforts sometime cause it to appear complex or deserving of social rationalization. It is not.
© 24hourcampfire