Hey gang,<P>yesterday I went to my uncles church after work, and it was one of the best nights I have ever had. <BR>All service, they were talking about trusting in God and to not be affraid to ask for things from God. I was scepticle about what they said until I saw and heard everybody's testomony. I was amazed by it.<BR>I am a believer, and I too have been really blessed by God. Though I have slacked off a bit I was brought one step closer to him again last night. I have been healed from studdering and asthma in the past, and it feels awesome. <BR>Now I am praying that God would help me get my new truck, and I was wondering if you guys can keep me in pray, that I may trust in him like I did back then, and that he would give me srength. I also would like prayer that I may be like I was back then with him.<BR>the verses I am seeing again and again is philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through him who strengthens me" and philippians 3:14 "I press on towards the goal to win the prize..."<BR>I hope you guys will keep me in prayer, cause even if I don't personally know you, I keep everyone on the site in prayer aswell.<BR>THANKS <BR>86
86, the 2nd verse you talked about in Phillipians is a special verse for me as well, given me by a special friend from my youth. Of course we can ask for your faith and strength to develope even more. <BR>About the truck though. I want to make sure that you aren't asking for selfish reasons. Think long and hard about your requests, He knows what we need and want before we even ask. I would just want to make sure that any time you ask for something that specific, that you borrow from some of Jesus' words in the garden, "Yet not mine, but your will be done".
Will do, 86. Mathew 6;25, Through the end of the chapter is very comforting, and I keep 6:34 with me always "Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Read your bible a little every day, and find a good church with a study group. You've got to be fed to grow.<BR> I wonder how many active Christians we have on here. I'm talking about a working relationship with Christ, not just on Easter and Christmas. Lets all check in and keep each other in prayer.<BR>7mmbuster<BR>Trust in God and Fear Nothing
86, will do, but remember to pray for spiritual guidance and healing not material things, as they will follow with hard work and perserverence. Faith is far more important than simple earthly possesions.<P>------------------<BR><B>T LEE</B><BR>Remember: There is no such thing as OVERKILL. Just a generous margin of SAFETY! <P><B>APATHY.....Freedoms greatest enemy!</B>
guys,<BR>thanks for the advice, I needed those words. Since I was small, I would ask for wants more than needs, but now I am asking for a need not a want. I bought a truck in july, I did not pray about it and it turned out to be a lemon. I feel this truck I am looking at is for me. I have asked god that if it was meant for me to let it be. So far the truck has not been sold.<BR>I really enjoy the verses you have posted, Thank you guys for it. I feel very touched right now to know that there are other people on this site that I can talk about God with. Thank you so much<BR>86
FWIW, let me share some insights on prayer, born of personal spiritual experience.<P>� In 1968, I accepted God's call to Christian ministry after rejecting it for over twenty years. Immediately, all my friends said (in very nearly the same words) "I guess you'll have to give up your guns." I was stunned. Hadn't thought of that, even though recent events had been taking away one gun after another. And I was worried that my friends could be right, but I didn't want ANYTHING separating me from His complete will for me. So I prayed that if it were His will that I give them up, He would expedite the process � "Take 'em away, Lord, however You choose to do it!" The tide turned, and ever since, I've been continually blessed and enriched, "gunwise," more than ever before. If they don't mean more to me than He does, He doesn't care.<P>� In the late 'Seventies, my heartbeat went suddenly to over two hundred beats a minute, so loud that my wife heard the "drum roll" from another room. While she called the infirmary, I lay down and prayed � reminded God how many times in the past I'd begged Him to take me Home, and He wasn't ready for me then � said I wasn't so eager to go anymore but was ready for the trip, "So let's go! if that's what You want now." Immediately, the painful pounding in my chest stopped, and a full, clean, healthy feeling pervaded my body. At the infirmary and later at the cardiac-research unit, the doctors wired me up for everything including the weather report from the back side of Mars and took me to maximal stress on the treadmill. And boy! were they puzzled! "You obviously had a massive tachycardia [I think that was the word], but there's no remaining evidence of it. You have the heart of a nine-year-old boy." (Without an incision � how 'bout THAT? And not some old used heart, either!) For the next week, there was a red imprint the size of a hand on my chest, directly over my heart. I'd often been accused of being "touched," and now I'm happy to acknowledge that I finally was.<P>So now my frequent prayer is simply "Thank You, Father [He knows I mean "for everything"]. Please, Lord, forgive me in the Name of Jesus, and do with me whatever pleases Thee."<P>That heart attack was the second time I knew I was dying. It didn't scare me, largely because of the first time � when a trophy-size brown bear on Kodiak Island bashed me around a bit. Now, whenever and however the time comes, I'm ready. A couple of years ago, I wrote this little poem for my children and friends:<P>Mon Bon Voyage [my good trip]<P>If pine trees sigh the day I die,<BR>Let no one ooze a tear.<P>If grass turns brown as an angel's frown,<BR>It's not 'cause I'm not here.<P>If the sky be blue, let none of you<BR>When sets my last day's sun.<P>Where grass is green, let you be seen,<BR>One and all, having fun.<BR>_______________________<P>Everything else is less.<p>[This message has been edited by Ken Howell (edited April 23, 2001).]
hey ken,<BR> Thank you for the words you said, it reminded me of a day that I was prophecied to. The man was Robert Sanchez a prophetic speaker, he told me things that he should not have known, I had never talked to him in my life. HE told me "you have often said that you should be dead, on 2 occations you should have, but God was with you. You also say that there is an angel with you and you are never alone, you are right." he talked about my hardships, and called me a naphtalie or something like that. I felt a sudden urge to run, but I couldn't. We God touched me that night It felt awesome. I want to feel that again.<BR> like you I want to be ready when the time comes for me to leave. I hope that I never disown God or deny him to anyone. I feel that if i do or ever have that God would forgive me.<BR> The poem you wrote touched me. Thank you for posting it on my post.<P>86
Hey youngbuck, Congratulations. If you want to get into the Bible, the book of Matthew is a good place to start. <BR> Phillipians 4:13 is a good verse. OUr track coach is a Christian, and it (the verse) is posted in large letters on the inside of the door to the equipment room where they keep the track stuff. <BR> Another good verse is Psalm 23:4. "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil. For you are with me, your rod and your staff, they comfort me." Actually, if you are going through hard times, Psalm 23 might be the best chapter of the Bible to read, cuz it reminds you that God is always there. <BR>
there was man Jabez(1 chronicles 4:9)who asked the Lord to bless him and enlarge his coast (relm of influence)and keep him from evil. God granted his request.It's in your heart He sees and that He answers......
in the interest of clarity I should have posted bless me and also increase my coast.
There is a portion of the prayer of ST FRANCIS that has helped me: LORD,grant that I may seek to understand rather than be understood.<P>How much time I can waste trying to get folks to "see things my way".I've been saying the complete prayer aloud,usually twice a day,for over 15 years.<P>New to prayer,I was deer hunting one morning and wondering if it was ok to pray for a deer.A buck deer.A really big buck deer.A record book big buck deer!Looking around at my surroundings,I told GOD," It is enough to be here." I've used that in all sorts of situations since.When I've been trying real hard to roll a four on the crap table in VEGAS and I got some bucks on the line," It is enough to be here."<P>I ask no more than forgiveness.And I thank HIM.Because it truly is "enough to be here."<P>Good Luck.
To echo T Lee, look at the Lord's prayer. When Jesus taught us to pray only one of the seven petitions are about earthly material things, so I guess that is about right amount.
Hey Bud<BR> Glad ta hear your in the palm of his hands.Ain't it great.One of the things I love<BR>about hunting is I get to see Gods greatness<BR>up close, it's awesom.It's so cool to be able<BR>to sit in his great outdoors,and to talk and pray to him,and to thank him for giving his life for us.<BR> Don't put him on a back burner,keep him<BR>close,and like the song says,hang on for the<BR>great adventure.<BR> Your Brother in Christ Ruttin
About three years ago I decided to start reading my Bible every day. In order to make sure I could not back out I got with my shooting partner and we made a two man accountability group. It had to be a hunting/shooting/fishing partner because as we all know, they have no mercy and I knew that is what I needed. <P>I prayed and ask where to start my reading. The answer came as clear to me as any I have heard, "Gen 1:1 In the beginning". I have been reading in the early morning before the house awakens and have really enjoyed it. I have lost count but I think this is my 5th time around reading form index to maps. <P>Since then I have been the partner for a friend in Detroit MI. We keep in touch e-mail and by phone. If either of us skips a day then the no mercy thing becomes alive and well. <P>The growth in the Lord has been amazing and you will find that instead of dead the morning alarm brings excitement as you look forward to learning more. <P>------------------<BR>In HIS Service<BR>Scott F
86;<BR> I'm the guy that Scott F is talking about. Being a believer is a wonderful experience. After growing up in Detroit without Jesus (the less said about that the better) I found myself wondering what the heck I was even doing on this earth. 5 years ago I made the commitment. Since then my life has turned around (upside down, topsy turvy...) I've gotten married to an absolutely wonderful woman, I've become close friends with a bunch of neat people (not the least of which is a nutty varmint hunter from Oregon) and most recently, my wife has agreed to help me realize my lifelong dream of relocating out west (coincidentally, we'll be moving to close proximity of the nutty varmint hunter). After a life of dissolution and despair, these 5 short years have opened new and completely unexpected avenues for me.<BR>I've read the Bible twice. Both times I remember thinking "WHY DIDN'T SOMEBODY TELL ME THIS STUFF YEARS AGO???" I don't read it as often as I should (don't tell Scott, he's merciless!)<BR>Your in my prayaers but if I may offer some advice; don't get in the way of His work, let Him do as He will.
That's awesome. I too have really learned to trust God the in the last year. I will keep you in my prayers. While we're talking about prayer, I'm leaving for West Virginia tommorow morning at 7:00 on a mission trip with my youth group and I'm wondering of some of you guys would pray for me while I'm gone. If you could that would be great. thanks<BR>Doren
While we're at it, I have a cousin currently stationed in Thailand that needs prayed for. He is in the Marines, and a nonbeliever. Please pray for him.
well i do not want to rain on anybody's parade but this whole faith stuff i do not believe in it or him for that matter. ken howell you happily claim you were touched and healed by god well if thats what you believe then thats fine but me personally want nothing to do with god or jesus i have cousins who are beleivers but one thing obout them they do not pray for me cause they know i would not like that. big hunter you say you have a cousin who is a non beleiver may i suggest you leave him be if he is a non beleiver like me then that is his choice. as for people who say they have found god thats good for them as long as they do not try to force it on other people i am not saying anybody here is doing that. but to me some of these posts are suggesting that.
God cares about your pick-up truck? Add to that; God cares about who wins a football game/ car race/ etc. Such drivel turns me off.
A few thought that occurred while reading this topic:<P>Yes, God does care about everything we do...trucks or lack of them included. Jesus said "If you know how to give good things to your children, so too does your Father in heaven."<P>BUT- Christ also said (when tempted by Satan to pray for something) "Do not put the Lord your God to the test."<P>In other words, just because you ask for it doesn't mean that you are going to get it. Every good parent tells their chind "no" sometimes for their own good!<P>As far as God not approving of guns, if you read your Bible carefully you will find that the 12 disciples carried two swords withthem into the last supper meal on a holy day. There is no record of Jesus rebuking them. In fact at the last supper he tells them "He who has no sword, sell your cloak and buy one." It is often assumed (I believe incorrectly) that when Peter cut off the high priest's servant's ear he stole a sword to do it. I think it was the sword he wore on his hip when he sat wit Christ at the last supper and I assume he wore it 24/7 because bandits and thieves were as common then as now. The gadius was the first century's 1911.<P>God will NEVER let you down. But he may say no to your requests. He knows more about what you need than you do. Like a good parent knows that a toddler need not be allowed to play with knives, or booze, or even deep water no matter how much the child begs for it!<P>With God on your side, you need fear nothing becaus ethis world is under his total control!<P>Mike.
i agree with you shorty i just do not think god (if he exists)cares about my truck or who wins a football game or hockey game or anything alse like that. when i was trying to get my truck i did not pray to him to help me get it cause he had nothing to do with it i was able to afford it so i got it but if i had not been able to afford it then i would not have gotten it. my opinion is if you want a truck or anything else then go out and get it god or jesus has nothing to do with it.
I wasn't going to say anything but I do have to respond to the thoughts on our Lord not caring about a truck. Years ago I was a young NCO with little money. Our car had problems so I "bought" a new, used, car. I had to leave for a lengthy TDY the next day so my wife was left with the task of the final paperwork. We absolutely couldn't afford to get a lemon and we asked for guidance from our Lord. To cut it short, the next day as my wife was driving to the dealers to complete the transaction, she prayed that "if this isn't a car for us, let me know". At that exact instant the transmission quit, loudly and the dealer just gave us back our keys, without recrimination. The problem car lasted until my wife picked me up, weeks later, at the airport and until we got a new car. <P> Unbelievers are probably right...for themselves. I accept that unbelievers are totally within their rights to not believe, my way, or at all. I spent 23+ years in uniform because I think our country and its' laws are the best yet tried in history. I was willing to fight for their unbelief. Just don't rain on my parade if I don't think you're right. It is my absolute belief that everything a believer does is of interest to God. Churches aren't a sanctuary for saints, they are a hospital for sinners. The difference is that we know we are sinners, without hope, except through Jesus. A coincedence is a little "miracle" where God chooses to remain anonymous. I've had more than my share of coincedences that don't make sense with a secular explanation.<BR>batch
well batch if you choose to belive then thats fine with me it's your choice and it works for you but to me it does not. i am a sinner i admit that openly i have done some things i should not have done. but if my hope lies in jesus then i would rather put my hope in SATAN least he tells it sraight he wants to ruin our lives. he does not lie about it i know if i say this about satan then god must exist since i have been told by people that if i believe satan exists then so does god.
There is hope for you yet Grim. You don't know it, but you're learning. Best wishes on the long road you're walking, sooner or later you'll see it's going in circles and look up. <P>If you want to talk about it more I'm at [email protected]<P>Mike.
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