The [bleep] at Democratic underground are having a field day with the death of Reagan. For those of you that don't know, Democratic Underground is the largest Democratic board on the net. I only post this here for everyone to see just how ugly some of the Kerry supporters are , and why we need to "get out the vote" against the democraps in November.

Sick Bastards happy about Reagan's death
that is sick. If you look hard enough you can see where they deleted anyone who disagreed with their point of view.
I did not need that on a Sunday morning, brought forth many un-Christian thoughts!
Just remember, they're communists. Of course they hate the man who brought about the end of the Soviet Union.
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> "T". I read it and laughed at him. I have been on several discussion boards and left them because of the thought trains of contributers. I read this posting and agree with only one thing. He WILL see someone in hell, but it WON'T be the gipper!!!!! I would call the poster an A$$HOLE, but even an A$$HOLE has a purpose!!!!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
As much as I despise Clinton I couldn't post something like that. I watched a special about President Reagan last night and they had Clinton commenting on him and I almost puked. What a contrast of Presidents. One of the best and one of the worst.
That makes me mad.
This is a predictable situation.

What else would you expect from a bunch of socialistic, mindless atheist savages.

I wasn't aware the Mr. Reagan had died.
I looked at that post and was totally disgusted.
The language for one, is totaly offensive towards a recently departed, and proves that these people have no class or tact, and could not have an intellegent conversation with a 3 year old.
Not that I would want any of them near a 3 yeard old anything.
My heart goes out to the supporters of Your past CIC.
My God be with him, as I am sure he is...
Posted By: Teal Graphic pizzed off response!!! - 06/06/04
It is people like that that Kerry panders to for his votes and those ideals held up by the pos's on that board.

After reading that I can see why they do not think abortion is wrong like that judge out in Cali that said Bush's ban on late term abortion was illegal.

The lawyers for the govt brought up the fact about the amount of pain the baby feels as procedure is done. Her response "they can not talk so we don't know if it hurts them"

By that rational if a woman can not talk she can not be raped as we don't know if she is saying no. Sorry for the graphicness but we need to do something about these people who are like this. Its time to make this country the way we want it as I know we are the silent majority and maybe we can start to get some of these people off their butts.

Apathy is killing this country.
This is typical for so many Democrats I have been unfortunately introduced to and wished I had never met. I know that there are a few good ones, but damn few I know.

I made a rather lengthy reply to this post last night that I decided to delete. It went into detail about some confrontations from these types, basically one sided assaults from them. Maybe I will talk about it some day again. Disgusting people, same types as Nazis, commies, terrorists, etc. totally devoid of morals, integrity, or character.
Like I say - even if you don't agree with his point of view/politics - remember that was someones husband, father, friend and neighbor.
Amen teal, and that is what is most important to remember and respect. Even though I didn't agree with all of Reagan's politics, I will always respect his sense of purpose and the way that he was able to lead through strength, vision, and compromise when needed.

I hate seeing people paint all Republicans or even all Democrats with the same broad brush. There are radical and moderate elements in each party but unfortunately it is only the radical elements that get any press.
As I spent the day thinking on legacies - Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, FDR, Teddy Rosevelt, Lincon - just how we remember these leaders of our country - I realized I could not think of President Reagan where he wasn not smiling or about to.

I think that if I had to sum up Mr. Reagan in 1 word it would be

I betcha President Reagan himself would agree that it's a compliment to be hated by suns of beeches, sock-tuckers, cork-soakers, Coke-sackers, and mutter-foggers. And would make a short joke of it.

At a photo-op with Bishop Tutu, reporters asked him to comment on Tutu's very harsh criticisms of him. But he declined, since Tutu was his guest, and he reminded the reporters, "This is a photo-op, not a press conference."

Tutu had no compunction whatever. He ripped Reagan up one side and down the other, sparing and omitting nothing from his diatribe.

In the press conference a day or so later, one of the first questions was for his opinion of Tutu's "performance." He was silent in thought for a moment, then looked up and quietly broke the reporters up:

"Tutu? So-so."
It ain't ever proper to talk like that about the departed, but some of the stuff y'all are sayin' is just as bad. Lumping everybody who ain't a right winger in with the person who posted this garbage. From what I saw, even people on the same board were offended. I didn't particularly like some of Regan's policies, but he was a likeable fellow, and deserving of respect from the mere fact that he received the majority of the votes from americans. Same as Al Gore, by the way. Now don't go off on Al Gore, my point is that it is proper to be respectful even when you don't agree with a person's politics, especially when he was the nation's leader. Even ol' tricky Dick Nixon deserves some level of respect because of what he achieved. He was actually a very good president in my book. The thing he did with using executive orders to rescind budgets as a type of psuedo veto power was brilliant. Contrast Nixon, with all his character flaws, to say Jimmy Carter, the most ethical, and yet the most unpopular president in recent memory. How should Jimmy be remembered and talked about after he departs? A good faithful man, a dedicated public servant, and a liberal, just like JFK and FDR. The blade cuts both ways.
I wonder how much respect would be shown here if President Clinton had passed away. It would probably be pretty close to the other board minus the vulgarities (which I feel are offensive regardless of who is the subject).
True conservatives would probably behave much like Barry Goldwater did when a reporter asked him a very insensitive question (obviously anticipating an expression of satisfaction if not outright pleasure) about President Kennedy the day when JFK had just been assassinated. Goldwater recoiled in disgust and horror and exclaimed something like "Good God! The man's just been shot to death! Have a little decency!"

Healthful, justified hatred dissipates with the death of the hated person. Hatred that survives the ultimate penalty for whatever justified the hatred is an index of the hater's character, not the hated person's character.
The most economically difficult years my family and most of the people I know have endured were the Reagan years; and I still think one should respect the dead.

He once served on a committee in Hollywood during the Communist witch hunt, looking to rid that environ of "artists and intellectuals". I wonder what would be left if he had been successful?

He destroyed social programs and unions, brought great suffering on low income America, but on the other hand he spent more on the military than any President in history, and spent several times more tax money (on credit) than all of the Presidents before him combined. However, on the up side he read a good speech, and slept well during summits and meetings of state.

It is true that he smiled all of the time, but this reminds me of an old Irish proverb, and much in keeping with his Irish background; "There is only one man who is happy all of the time..., the village idiot."

Still, I hate to hear when anyone dies, and I hate to think of the suffering those who loved him must endure. I suppose those who loved him can console themselves in that his mind left him many decades ago when he left the Democrappic Party to join the Republicunts.

God give him a peaceful rest.
haggis, behind the veil of mocking courtesy, did the same thing to reagan's memory that the demo web site did. haggis once again demonstrates why he is now on my ignore list.
he makes rick_g look like eisenhower. what a tiny, tiny pest he is. with my ignore button, he now not only is a no-see-em, he is a no-exist-em. who do you think you're fooling, haggis? most of us? all of us? reagan in the twilight of alzheimer's could have seen through your mockery.
You just made my no-see list as well. Insensitave jerk!
Haggis, you made it onto my "ignore" list too. (I guess lack of class will always come through) <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />
badger, he has class. Low and NO!
Haggis just made my no-see-um troll list.
Along with a couple of other whats there names.
As painful as it is to read posts like that you have to remember that in a way, reading them is mute testimony to Reagan, all the men that landed in Normandy, and any one else that fought for freedom. Without leaders such as Reagan, and our brave men and women that served and continue serve in the military none of what we do would be possible.
In short, every time I see some low life bastard burn our flag in the name of protest, or post something as despicable as they did, I try to remember that their actions are a constant reminder of the freedoms that we have.
In a perverted way, it keeps me from tracking them down and expressing my thoughts in a more personal manner.
Olywa and Museskinner: Thanks for being the voice of reason. One can disagree with the policies without hating the man. It was a sad day in this country when disagreement turned to hate; can't pinpoint when it happened, but it is a major factor in the polarization of America. Happens on both sides of the aisle; ironic in a country built on tolerance and freedom of opinion.
haggis' comments are not a disagreement. just pure insult. of course, he is welcome to make his insults. but i don't have to read them, which is why i put him on ignore.
i am a former reagan "hater." 22-23 years ago, i was your standard pink-blooded, semi-socialist newspaper man. then i ran the coverage for my newspaper when reagan visited for a july 4 celebration. only president i ever got within 15 feet of. the man's charisma - and his love for his country - were obvious. i knew right then reagan was not in it for himself. i could smell it. caused me right then and there to begin re-thinking my politics, geo-politics and social/cultural attitudes. it took a few years, but it swung me to the right side of moderate. call me a reconstructed reaganite if you must call me anything.
i got past bedtime for bonzo, and now consider reagan to be among the top 10 presidents among our 43. the man won the cold war. his vision is responsible for the birth of democracy in eastern europe and the attendant bust-up of the ussr. yeah, it was expensive, but in dollars, not lives. how can anyone argue with those accomplishments?
Great points fish! He had help from the Iron Lady in winning the cold war, but who else really had a hand in bringing down the iron curtian? NOBODY! The libs will never give him credit for it, But history will. His legacy will live unlike the self serving Klinton and her husband.
Let's cut Haggis and his ilk a little slack, boys! If you and I had swallowed the same borborygmic blather and fecal false allegations that the coprophages love to feed on, we'd have a bad taste in our mouths, too.

Pity 'em. A lame brain is a worse affliction than a lame leg -- not to mention of course a lips-lickin' taste for effluvium.
well, that's a mouthful, ken, but a true one.
tastes bad to say it my mind. yuck. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />
"He destroyed social programs and unions."

Damn right he did, and good for him. Ever since LBJ and his "Great Society," we were becoming more and more a welfare state, where those who refused to work expected "entitlements" off the backs of those who worked. In other words, he tried to put a stop on us sliding further into socialism, and it was about time. As far as the unions, that was about time too, as they had become all too powerful and their time had long since past.
Okay Ken, I'll cut him a little slack. How about, if you couldnt make it during the Reagan years it was because you couldnt get your lazy butt out of bed before noon.

When Reagan busted the Air traffic control union. He did what he said he would do. You strike, Your fired. The Soviets took notice of this in no small way, they found out that this man would follow through with his words. In other words, they (the Soviets) believed him.
Well my family greatly benifited from Reagan's policies. In 1980 my FAMILY'S income was $300 a month thats right 300 a month. By the end of the Reagan Administration my father alone was round 12k a month. Self made on his own.

Reagan brought back personal responsability- my father took some and improved his standing, rather than expect anyone do it for him. If you are in the middle of a bad situation change it don't whine to the govt to do it.

I suppose those who bash Reagan were more than happy to buy a house at 22% and mad that others were able to buy theirs under Reagan for much less.

Added: As to the connotation that I or conservatives would act the same - I have never wished anybody here that does not agree with me to burn in hell and I have never held a party to revel in a family's pain and suffering. These may be normal for those who are anti-Reagan or non-conservative but they are not the "norm" where I come from.

Just because you may THINK the "other side" does it does not make it right.

I worked for an older guy who was an old burned out left wing hippie. He had cleaned up and gotten edumacated and was actually a really great guy, but still a liberal to his hippie bone marrow. Well I debated him on every issue there is; from religion to the stock market, but whenever we touched upon Reagan his only reply was; "Reagan was a prince, a real prince..."

I loved Reagan. I really wished he had not gotten that horrible disease because it would have been interesting to have heard his take on many issues that developed after his term in office. Nancy was perhaps the quintessential wife for all time, loyal unto death and they were deeply in love. I always had some questions about some of her "quirks" like going to astrologers etc., but I never disdained her in my mind for it. She should get a medal for being the most faithful wife on earth. Really. God bless her.

I just perused the link.

One good thing though- if and when this country melts down and we have to shoot it out in the streets, seeing hows we like shooting and know how to do it, well I suppose it will go easy on the conscience to put some of this scum in the grave in our last ditch fight for this country and our freedoms. The nation is divided, deeply divided and we are on a collision course one with another. I detest them near about as much as they detest me. Nice to get it out into the open. Only God restrains me and puts any sympathy or love in my soul for such scum. May they find redemption before their judgment.
While I really despise Pres. Clinton - I despise the things he stood for much more and if it comes down to reveling in a death - I would much rather celebrate the death of the things he stood for.

Maybe the people who find it necessary to stomp on a good man's name and memory should really look in the mirror and think about how they would like to be remembered- Hateful, classless, uncaring person or someone who could look past idealogical problems to see a man as a human being and a child of God.

There is a line in the bible - sorry I do not have chapter and verse or exact quote but it goes something like this " that which you do to the least of my creatures you do unto Me"

Regardless of religous beliefs the golden rule is still the best rule. Reagan never let a barb get to him nor slung his own.

He also had the grace to not second guess or question another administrations doings - he prefered to ride off into the sunset.

Why can't everybody just let him?
"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
-- Teddy Roosevelt
I will defend everybodys rights to prove they are a moron. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

That goes for both sides of the political spectrum. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />

A former President has passed away. It makes me realize how much older I am and where I stood back in the 80's. (A union worker who voted 75% Democratic) Boy how things change. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
T----- I gotta say I like your avatar - The flag at half mast last night going into work - lit up by about 6 lights made me stop and think.

Can there be a better show of respect by a country than to lower its national symbol? Show the humility that comes from mourning.
The standard when a President dies is 30 days at half mast, so it shall be.
And so it should be...

I heard an anecdote on TV that Reagan told Tip that if Tip was going to hell that Reagan said he would give up his ticket to heaven to go with him to hell. That hurts. Don't know if he was kidding or what or if it is even true. He certainly had a way of uniting. Heard that they were good friends. I do not know how Tip would be viewed today-maybe as a centrist instead of a Ted Kennedy Democrat.
From time to time I lurk about the demunderground site just to see the way they think. Afterwards I take a shower.
From time to time I lurk about the demunderground site just to see the way they think. Afterwards I take a shower.

I went twice at the urging of a poster at another site, left me feeling like I had been wallowing with pigs in the sty! Then this one, I wanted to PUKE!
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