Why is Sarah Palin still my first choice?

This is why.

Her words, my highlights:

Governor Palin 1/27 posted on Facebook:

We have witnessed something very disturbing this week.

The Republican establishment which fought Ronald Reagan in the 1970s and which continues to fight the grassroots Tea Party movement today has adopted the tactics of the left in using the media and the politics of personal destruction to attack an opponent.

We will look back on this week and realize that something changed.

I have given numerous interviews wherein I espoused the benefits of thorough vetting during aggressive contested primary elections, but this week�s tactics aren�t what I meant. Those who claim allegiance to Ronald Reagan�s 11th Commandment should stop and think about where we are today.
Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater, the fathers of the modern conservative movement, would be ashamed of us in this primary.

Let me make clear that I have no problem with the routine rough and tumble of a heated campaign.
As I said at the first Tea Party convention two years ago, I am in favor of contested primaries and healthy, pointed debate.
They help focus candidates and the electorate.
I have fought in tough and heated contested primaries myself.

But what we have seen in Florida this week is beyond the pale.
It was unprecedented in GOP primaries.
I�ve seen it before � heck, I lived it before � but not in a GOP primary race.

I am sadly too familiar with these tactics because they were used against the GOP ticket in 2008.
The left seeks to single someone out and destroy his or her record and reputation and family using the media as a channel to dump handpicked and half-baked campaign opposition research on the public.

The difference in 2008 was that I was largely unknown to the American public, so they had no way of differentiating between the lies and the truth.
All of it came at them at once as �facts� about me.

But Newt Gingrich is known to us � both the good and the bad.

We know that Newt fought in the trenches during the Reagan Revolution.
As Rush Limbaugh pointed out, Newt was among a handful of Republican Congressman who would regularly take to the House floor to defend Reagan at a time when conservatives didn�t have Fox News or talk radio or conservative blogs to give any balance to the liberal mainstream media.
Newt actually came at Reagan�s administration �from the right� to remind Americans that freer markets and tougher national defense would win our future.

But this week a few handpicked and selectively edited comments which Newt made during his 40-year career were used to claim that Newt was somehow anti-Reagan, and isn�t conservative enough to go against the accepted moderate in the primary race.
(I know, it makes no sense, and the GOP establishment hopes you won�t stop and think about this nonsense. Mark Levin and others have shown the ridiculousness of this.)

To add insult to injury, this �anti-Reagan� claim was made by a candidate who admitted to not even supporting or voting for Reagan.
He actually was against the Reagan movement, donated to liberal candidates, and said he didn�t want to go back to the Reagan days

You can�t change history.
We know that Newt Gingrich brought the Reagan Revolution into the 1990s.
We know it because none other than Nancy Reagan herself announced this when she presented Newt with an award, telling us, �The dramatic movement of 1995 is an outgrowth of a much earlier crusade that goes back half a century. Barry Goldwater handed the torch to Ronnie, and in turn Ronnie turned that torch over to Newt and the Republican members of Congress to keep that dream alive.�

As Rush and others pointed out, if Nancy Reagan had ever thought that Newt was in any way an opponent of her beloved husband, she would never have even appeared on a stage with him, let alone presented him with an award and said such kind things about him.

Nor would Reagan�s son, Michael Reagan, have chosen to endorse Newt in this primary race.
There are no two greater keepers of the Reagan legacy than Nancy and Michael Reagan.

What we saw with this ridiculous opposition dump on Newt was nothing short of Stanlin-esque re-writing of history.
It was Alinsky tactics at their worst.

But this whole thing isn�t really about Newt Gingrich vs. Mitt Romney.

It is about the GOP establishment vs. the Tea Party grassroots and independent Americans who are sick of the politics of personal destruction used now by both parties� operatives with a complicit media egging it on.

In fact, the establishment has been just as dismissive of Ron Paul and Rick Santorum. Newt is an imperfect vessel for Tea Party support, but in South Carolina the Tea Party chose to get behind him instead of the old guard�s choice.

In response, the GOP establishment voices denounced South Carolinian voters with the same vitriol we usually see from the left when they spew hatred at everyday Americans �bitterly clinging� to their faith and their Second Amendment rights.
The Tea Party was once again told to sit down and shut up and listen to the �wisdom� of their betters.
We were reminded of the litany of Tea Party endorsed candidates in 2010 that didn�t win.

Well, here�s a little newsflash to the establishment: without the Tea Party there would have been no historic 2010 victory at all.

I spoke up before the South Carolina primary to urge voters there to keep this primary going because I have great concern about the GOP establishment trying to anoint a candidate without the blessing of the grassroots and all the needed energy and resources we as commonsense constitutional conservatives could bring to the general election in order to defeat President Obama.

Now, I respect Governor Romney and his success.
But there are serious concerns about his record and whether as a politician he consistently applied conservative principles and how this impacts the agenda moving forward.

The questions need answers now.
That is why this primary should not be rushed to an end.
We need to vet this

Pundits in the Beltway are gleefully proclaiming that this primary race is over after Florida, despite 46 states still not having chimed in.
Well, perhaps it�s possible that it will come to a speedy end in just four days; but with these questions left unanswered, it will not have come to a satisfactory conclusion. Without this necessary vetting process, the unanswered question of Governor Romney�s conservative bona fides and the unanswered and false attacks on Newt Gingrich will hang in the air to demoralize many in the electorate.

The Tea Party grassroots will certainly feel disenfranchised and disenchanted with the perceived orchestrated outcome from self-proclaimed movers and shakers trying to sew this all up.

And, trust me, during the general election, Governor Romney�s statements and record in the private sector will be relentlessly parsed over by the opposition in excruciating detail to frighten off swing voters.
This is why we need a fair primary that is not prematurely cut short by the GOP establishment using Alinsky tactics to kneecap Governor Romney�s chief rival.

As I said in my speech in Iowa last September, the challenge of this election is not simply to replace President Obama.
The real challenge is who and what we will replace him with.
It�s not enough to just change up the uniform.
If we don�t change the team and the game plan, we won�t save our country

We truly need sudden and relentless reform in Washington to defend our republic, though it�s becoming clearer that the old guard wants anything but that.
That is why we should all be concerned by the tactics employed by the establishment this week.

We will not save our country by becoming like the left.
And I question whether the GOP establishment would ever employ the same harsh tactics they used on Newt against Obama.

I didn�t see it in 2008.
Many of these same characters sat on their thumbs in �08 and let Obama escape unvetted

Oddly, they�re now using every available microscope and endoscope � along with rewriting history � in attempts to character assassinate anyone challenging their chosen one in their own party�s primary.

So, one must ask, who are they really running against?
- Sarah Palin

I suppose Perky didn't see any of The Newt's ads?

Bows, do you think she's about to throw her bra in? Wouldn't that be a hoot(er)?
No, she isn't electable - she knows it and everyone else "in the know" knows it, too. She's not stupid.

Yes on that she showed she was not stupid by not running. She sits on the sidelines collecting millions while the real players are beating their brains out on the campaign trail.

You go girly.
Palin is right.
Establishment inflitrated the TP movement and works hard to redirect it. It'll splinter back off soon enough to escape with minimal damage and be back on original track.

I think it's being allowed for the time being just to make sure diingleBarry is defeated. Sarah backs the Newt for lack of something better and because she wants him as adviser when she becomes America's first woman President smile

I doubt she'll "throw in her bra" this time, but one never knows. If roar of disgust and indignation towards Obama and McRomney is loud enough she might try it and run as a write in at the last minute but I doubt it. America just isn't quite ready yet for the full monty truly conservative movement that the TP is at its innermost root.

You's all might as well just fill out your ballot like mine below and send it in now then batton down the hatches for an interesting 4 year ride on this silly merry-go-round of asinine politics and other assorted rot. The people ain't ready yet. Pretty disheartening, that.


So, you rather not vote at all, eh?

Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

I suppose Perky didn't see any of The Newt's ads?

Bows, do you think she's about to throw her bra in? Wouldn't that be a hoot(er)?

Sophomoric Spanokopitas makes his usual sexist contribution�
Originally Posted by Maverick940

So, you rather not vote at all, eh?


It' just to make a statement.
Where I live the votes will be soundly against the magic muslim marxist mulatto and his band of freedom hating commie/[bleep]/junkies. Team D (for diminish/damage/destroy/demolish) is almost universally scorned.

Dead Cat!



That was hilarious. I haven't had a good guffaw in a few days and that last post you made was hysterically funny.

New T.E.A. adage - if ya can't join 'em, beat 'em.

Hope Santorum starts to gain some steam, 'cause the lunar candidate, and health care candidate also share a common belief in man-caused global warming, second amendment restrictions, bailouts, and BEEG .gov.

I get a kick out of the party line folks who lampoon Paul for being in left field on one issue, then support the Newt, or Mittsy, who are in left field on a myraid of issues.

It also amuses me to read the admonishments for looking for "purity" in a candidate, while accepting the candidate(s) with the worst track records, and rejecting those with the best.

Originally Posted by Mako25
New T.E.A. adage - if ya can't join 'em, beat 'em.

Hope Santorum starts to gain some steam, 'cause the lunar candidate, and health care candidate also share a common belief in man-caused global warming, second amendment restrictions, bailouts, and BEEG .gov.

I get a kick out of the party line folks who lampoon Paul for being in left field on one issue, then support the Newt, or Mittsy, who are in left field on a myraid of issues.

It also amuses me to read the admonishments for looking for "purity" in a candidate, while accepting the candidate(s) with the worst track records, and rejecting those with the best.

Hate to tell you this but Santorum is history.

As I have long predicted the nominee will be Romney.

Perky for VP?
Of the the three leading candidates, Mittsy, the Newt, and Barry - only one is actually attempting to reach the "independent" voters with a meassage of smaller government, reductions in spending, reducing the scope of government, and individual freedom.

Not that I believe him, but the State of The Union was directed at what he sees as the middle.

Suppose it would be too much to expect that the R's would figure out they had (and continue to reject) those candidates that already had that appeal?
Hate to tell you this but Santorum is history.

As are a capitalist, free society if any of the three leading candidates (yeah, that includes Barry) win.

Suppose the Newt, or Mittsy will replace Biden?
Originally Posted by Mako25
Hate to tell you this but Santorum is history.

As are a capitalist, free society if any of the three leading candidates (yeah, that includes Barry) win.

Suppose the Newt, or Mittsy will replace Biden?

Now that don't make a lick 'o sense.

Go to youtube and take a look at Palin's rambling, narcissistic and virtually incoherent resignation from the governorship speech. You might also read some of the on-line analysis articles (some by conservatives) on the issue whether she is even Trig's mother. Sorry, but Sarah has one or more serious personality disorders and is utterly unfit to serve even as a city council woman. I won't say she is nut job, but she's close. She is beyond a joke.

In many ways I feel very sorry for her. She was never qualified for national office and it was completely unfair for McCain to thrust her into the spotlight unvetted and ill-prepared. As a consequence, she has been savaged (though much of it quite correct), but at the same time, one can't help but feel pity for the simpleton.

Sounds (reads) like you have some emotional/psychological issues in reference to Palin. That's interesting, from a psychiatric perspective. Thanks for the input.

Todd needs to do the country a favor by spanking Sarah, putting an apron on her, and having her fix him some biscuits and gravy.

The country has enough problems without allowing women to express their silly political opinions.
Originally Posted by Bristoe
Todd needs to do the country a favor by spanking Sarah, putting an apron on her, and having her fix him some biscuits and gravy.

The country has enough problems without allowing women to express their silly political opinions.

Well, with her predilection for making a fast buck, that might be a pay-per-view in the near future (for which I would gladly suscribe)...

On second thought, he might be the one who wears the apron in that family.
Originally Posted by Mako25
New T.E.A. adage - if ya can't join 'em, beat 'em.

I get a kick out of the party line folks who lampoon Paul for being in left field on one issue, then support the Newt, or Mittsy, who are in left field on a myraid of issues.

It also amuses me to read the admonishments for looking for "purity" in a candidate, while accepting the candidate(s) with the worst track records, and rejecting those with the best.

Reminds me of a LOT of conservatives who repeatedly say that Judge Napolitano is nothing short of great but scoff at RP no matter what he says and any other with solid conservative and/or libertarian leanings.
Interestingly, Judge Andrew N's book It is dangerous to be right when the governmenet is wrong. The case for personal freedom. is dedicated to Ron Paul:

"This book is dedicated to Congressman Ron Paul,
Physician, Philosopher, Economist, Public Servant,
and Defender of the Constitution.
Through his tireless efforts, Freedom itself has been rekindled in the hearts of millions of Americans."

How any of these "conservatives" can keep a strait face while saying what they say about RP is beyond me. He has his faults and there's things to be disagreed but he's head and shoulders above the Newt in almost every regard and miles above McRomney in all.

I probably never will grasp it.
Maybe they don't like Napolitano after all.
Maybe it's all just a game to them.

I don't even bother arguing things anymore.
I rarely even open RP threads. All tape recorded messages, what's the point.

Originally Posted by Bristoe
Todd needs to do the country a favor by spanking Sarah, putting an apron on her, and having her fix him some biscuits and gravy.

The country has enough problems without allowing women to express their silly political opinions.

in all due respect to my good friend, the Bristoe, he is absolutely correct. in the sense that the Matriarchy failed as the climate changed, now the Patriarchy is also failing. input from the feminine at this point is probably too late.

unless, we can re-set, and go with a feminine-masculine partnership, where each side is willing to bend 90 percent in any direction at any time.

some folks want's the gold ring, while some folks just wants to go back to Egypt to work for Pharoah and bake bricks for a living.
Originally Posted by Maverick940

Sounds (reads) like you have some emotional/psychological issues in reference to Palin. That's interesting, from a psychiatric perspective. Thanks for the input.


If the issues I raise lack merit, then I supposed one could infer that I have a factually or ideologically non-supportable (and hence perhaps irrational) opposition to her, in which case it might be logical to posit that I have "issues". But before we reach that conclusion, logically, we must first address the issues I raised with respect to Palin. The fact of the matter is her resignation speech is rambling, incoherent and narcissistic. There are dozens of reasons to conclude she is utterly unfit for national office. Conservatives electing her to any significant national office would be incredibly destructive to conservatism.
Originally Posted by Gus
input from the feminine at this point is probably too late.

It was from day 1.

Todd oughtta be ashamed for allowing Sarah to peddle her T&A to the 50+ male political set for profit.

But I suspect he's too busy servicing the Iditerod groupie set to really give a damn,...as long as the money keeps rolling in.
Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by Gus
input from the feminine at this point is probably too late.

It was from day 1.

Todd oughtta be ashamed for allowing Sarah to peddle her T&A to the 50+ male political set for profit.

But I suspect he's too busy servicing the Iditerod groupie set to really give a damn,...as long as the money keeps rolling in.

whew! that's some really cold logic there.

while i've raised packs of full Sibes and part-Sibes in the past, the Iditarod is quite the show, for sure.

in the next paradigm shift that occurs, maybe it'll be a God-Goddess partnership? we've tried everything else, including the Goddess and God religions, and none of it has worked into futuity.

in terms of who we are, where we are, and where we are going next, the present plan is both off-tract, and off-track.
Originally Posted by RobJordan

Go to youtube and take a look at Palin's rambling, narcissistic and virtually incoherent resignation from the governorship speech. You might also read some of the on-line analysis articles (some by conservatives) on the issue whether she is even Trig's mother. Sorry, but Sarah has one or more serious personality disorders and is utterly unfit to serve even as a city council woman. I won't say she is nut job, but she's close. She is beyond a joke.

In many ways I feel very sorry for her. She was never qualified for national office and it was completely unfair for McCain to thrust her into the spotlight unvetted and ill-prepared. As a consequence, she has been savaged (though much of it quite correct), but at the same time, one can't help but feel pity for the simpleton.

The Washington Post recently ran a feature with Governor Palin, Mitch Daniels, Haley Barbour, and Herman Cain answering the question what they would be doing if they were campaigning for President. The Governor is the only one who cited crony capitalism as a problem and it seems that she has very negative feelings about this field:

Former governor of Alaska; Republican nominee for vice president in 2008
Given the concerns I have for some of the Republican field�s focus thus far, I must implore the candidates to do something that sounds self-promoting, but whatever. Candidates, please turn to Chapter Three of �Going Rogue� and read what it takes for our country to step toward energy independence. Note the lesson I share in the same chapter about taking on the �elite,� the crony capitalists and the permanent political establishment to get a job done.
Do you really realize what is at stake? What is at stake is our republic. The gravity of today�s situation is real. We count on you to lead our nation on the right path. Please let us know you realize this. Understand how the left�s terrifyingly naive assault on American industry exposes us to the mercy of foreign regimes whose prime objective is, at worst, our permanent demise and, at best, is stripping away our freedom. God has blessed America with ingenuity, natural resources and the strength of our workforce. Let�s use them. Tell voters that you understand this. Talk about this on the campaign trail. And quit gripin� and moaning about �inside baseball� partisan machinations and maneuvering. We have other things to worry about. Stay strong. Focus on defending our republic and how we�ll re-industrialize our most exceptional nation in order to defeat the incumbent and win for America.

The thing is, though, that conservatives won't and never will vote Sarah into national office. The only way she could ever achieve a post in any administration, is via appointment. And besides, it's highly unlikely that she'd ever run for a national election (presidency). And, I doubt she'd ever consider a bid for Congress, either.

You might also read some of the on-line analysis articles (some by conservatives) on the issue whether she is even Trig's mother.

You are not a Mormon, just who are you?
Bear Watcher:

Yes, that portion of Jordan's commentary pretty much summed up the psychiatric hypothesis in which it's apparent there are some emotional issues at play. I mean, who could even begin to consider a nonsensical idea as that of Ms Palin not being Trigg's mother? That's beyond ridiculous.

Originally Posted by watch4bear
You might also read some of the on-line analysis articles (some by conservatives) on the issue whether she is even Trig's mother.

You are not a Mormon, just who are you?

Pretty sure I have seen that headline while waiting at the checkout counter in my local grocery store.

There is a Difference in Trolls�
Some are More Slimy.

Best not to Feed Them�
Originally Posted by RobJordan

Go to youtube and take a look at Palin's rambling, narcissistic and virtually incoherent resignation from the governorship speech. You might also read some of the on-line analysis articles (some by conservatives) on the issue whether she is even Trig's mother. Sorry, but Sarah has one or more serious personality disorders and is utterly unfit to serve even as a city council woman. I won't say she is nut job, but she's close. She is beyond a joke.

In many ways I feel very sorry for her. She was never qualified for national office and it was completely unfair for McCain to thrust her into the spotlight unvetted and ill-prepared. As a consequence, she has been savaged (though much of it quite correct), but at the same time, one can't help but feel pity for the simpleton.

One of the nation's most influential Christian and family leaders, the Rev. Donald E. Wildmon, says Sarah Palin is right, Newt Gingrich is being "crucified" by the Republican establishment and forces allied with Mitt Romney

Wildmon, founder of the American Family Association, has strongly endorsed Gingrich for president, and this week has been urging fellow believers to vote in Florida's primary for the former House Speaker.

Wildmon has spent decades on the front-lines of the battle to protect American families and says Gingrich is the best choice for Christian conservatives who want a president to stand against a rising tide of secularism and anti-Christian sentiment.

On Thursday, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin stated on the Fox Business channel: "Look at Newt Gingrich, what's going on with him via the establishment's attacks. They're trying to crucify this man and rewrite history and rewrite what it is that he has stood for all these years.�

In an interview with Newsmax Friday, Wildmon told Newsmax �That�s very tough language. But I think it�s probably pretty accurate.�

Wildmon said Gingrich is up against entrenched political forces who are �absolutely� trying to dictate who wins the GOP nomination.

Read more on Newsmax.com: Rev. Wildmon: Palin Is Right, Newt Being 'Crucified'
I agree with Palin on this entirely. It is also why I'm likely to vote against incumbents to a very large degree. The entrenched power brokers need a message, that being business as usual is over. The GOP can continue to rail against the Tea Party, but should remember how the GOP came into existence.

Bows---If all you read is Newsmax you have the perfect excuse to keep pimping Perky.

From the beginning you have never been right about even one candidate. Do I take it you are now supporting The Newt? If so can we go another sawbuck to match the one you welched?

Come on I need another cheap cigar.

When is her contract up at Fox? Care to bet it is not renewed? It's almost painful to listen to her, the screechy voice that spouts naught but cliches, truisms, and non-sense babble is enough to make grown men groan.

There is no way in Hell she should run for anything higher than PTA secretary of little Trigger's pre-school.

I could go on...
There is no way in Hell she should run for anything higher than PTA secretary of little Trigger's pre-school.

..meanwhile bammy and cronies are making every end run they can to legacy liberalism..,and licking their chops at the possibility of stacking SCOTUS with a couple more sock puppets. And still the Palin whiners wail.

Originally Posted by noharleyyet
There is no way in Hell she should run for anything higher than PTA secretary of little Trigger's pre-school.

..meanwhile bammy and cronies are making every end run they can to legacy liberalism..,and licking their chops at the possibility of stacking SCOTUS with a couple more sock puppets. And still the Palin whiners wail.

Are you saying we should stop whining and nominate Perky?
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

I suppose Perky didn't see any of The Newt's ads?

Bows, do you think she's about to throw her bra in? Wouldn't that be a hoot(er)?

Sophomoric Spanokopitas makes his usual sexist contribution…

Yep he did, then in his next one he whines about her making money. Isn't that a shame; she's actually smart enough and ambitious enough to go out and do it.
Are you saying we should stop whining and nominate Perky

You are half right.
Originally Posted by watch4bear
You might also read some of the on-line analysis articles (some by conservatives) on the issue whether she is even Trig's mother.

You are not a Mormon, just who are you?

Bear he isn't a Mormon, he is a moron.
Originally Posted by arctic338
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

I suppose Perky didn't see any of The Newt's ads?

Bows, do you think she's about to throw her bra in? Wouldn't that be a hoot(er)?

Sophomoric Spanokopitas makes his usual sexist contribution…

Yep he did, then in his next one he whines about her making money. Isn't that a shame; she's actually smart enough and ambitious enough to go out and do it.

Never said she wasn't smart and ambitious.

She is smart enough to know she would not have lasted past one debate therefore she chose not to run. I call that very smart.

Ambitious? BYSA she is ambitious about making money which is a good thing. I never whined about her making money in fact I say, "Good on her, you go girly" just keep to the private sector and leave the elective politics to the experts.
Originally Posted by watch4bear
You might also read some of the on-line analysis articles (some by conservatives) on the issue whether she is even Trig's mother.

You are not a Mormon, just who are you?

And liberals think the "birthers" are insane. smirk

I ask: (expecting no coherent answers)
How many millions did the Palins pay to conceal the evidence of the birth?
How many grand mothers had to smothered with their pillow?
How many judges refuse to hear the case because whomever presented it has no standing to be asking such questions?
How many social security numbers does the baby have?

Truth is, that retarded baby probably already has more education than Obama could ever produce record of. It's smarter than all obama's fawning worshipers combined, too.

Take that, [bleep].

"Good on her, you go girly" just keep to the private sector and leave the elective politics to the experts.


And you've been elected Mayor, or Governor (ness?) of what, exactly?
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Palin Is Right, Newt Being 'Crucified'

Hope it isn't overly lingering, this long overdue campaign demise. I hate to see a man suffer needlessly, even when it IS all self inflicted.

Romney is every bit as annointed as Obama - only to what degree is in question. Myself, I figure "missed it by that much".
I'm not sure any of the Republican candidates can do much in the short-term if any of them happens to be elected. Romney seems electable, but we certainly won't see much change from the policies we have now. Newt might be electable, but there again, we won't see much change under a Newt Administration from what we have now, although we might have a better foreign policy and be involved in more conflicts abroad. It's a crap-shoot (Obama versus GOP) either way.
Newt might be electable, but there again, we won't see much change under a Newt Administration from what we have now,



The act of shedding your core beliefs, in favor of one who mirrors your opponent.

So if this is about getting elected, would it be a stroke of genius for Obama to offer the VP position to Paul, or Gingrich?
I could see that.
I still don't understand why so many gun owners and hunters show such disrespect for Sarah Palin. The misogynistic snotty name calling doesn't do any good for the conservative small government people who wish to show conservatism and people on the right as wise and worthy of support. Disagreement is one thing but sophomoric name calling attacks are another.

I agree, Ernie. I mean, considering the kinship between the Palin family and everyday sportsmen across this nation, you'd think there'd be a little more cohesiveness.
See what they did to Bachmann?

This after Palin single-handedly kept the last election from being the worst landslide in history.
Second amendment, and Romney?

Let's see what Gun Owners of America has to say 'bout that.

"...Romney signed a law to permanently ban many semi-automatic firearms. �These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense,� Romney said in 2004. �They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people.�

[color:#FF99FF]link to GOA review[/color]
Though, it still amazes me that Ms Bachmann was able to go as far as she went in the campaign portion of this whole election fiasco. In retrospect, I think the only one of the total campaigners - and that's also counting the incumbent, since he's always campaigning - who had any "testicles", was The Donald.
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas
leave the elective politics to the experts.

One thing you overlook my friend. One thing.

Same goes for the plenty right of center and smarter than average posters on sites like this one and the smarter than average lefty nut cases on liberal forums, blogs, and disgusting late night tv programming.

Most of America isn't smart.
And they're not going to be leaving everything up to the so called "experts" for very much longer.

People are pissed.
You ain't gotta be smart to get pissed off.
You ain't gotta be part of some inner circle of elites and overly educated (indoctrinated) nothing but book smarts having jack ass 10 million dollar men who think they're better and smarter and stronger and faster than any one has ever been before.

All you gotta be is pissed.

Millions are pissed now.

4 years from now a couple hundred millions more will join them.
A majority cometh.

Originally Posted by EWY
I still don't understand why so many gun owners and hunters show such disrespect for Sarah Palin. The misogynistic snotty name calling doesn't do any good for the conservative small government people who wish to show conservatism and people on the right as wise and worthy of support. Disagreement is one thing but sophomoric name calling attacks are another.


The right hates Palin more than the left.
Don't sweat it.
A majority cometh.
Their continuous noise will be drowned out by the volumous roar.

Originally Posted by Mako25
Second amendment, and Romney?

Let's see what Gun Owners of America has to say 'bout that.

"...Romney signed a law to permanently ban many semi-automatic firearms. �These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense,� Romney said in 2004. �They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people.�

I say he's flat wrong.
If anyone is reduced to muzzle loaders it needs to be the government.
Who's far and away the most dangerous?
Easy answer, that...

The roar cometh.

So, it kind of all goes back to what I wrote a little while ago; with what's out there to choose from among the incumbent and the two Republican candidates who might have somewhat of a chance at taking the Office away from him, we're not likely to see much if any change from what we already have. But, with that said, I'd take the swinger over the impostor, any day.
Originally Posted by Archerhunter
Originally Posted by EWY
I still don't understand why so many gun owners and hunters show such disrespect for Sarah Palin. The misogynistic snotty name calling doesn't do any good for the conservative small government people who wish to show conservatism and people on the right as wise and worthy of support. Disagreement is one thing but sophomoric name calling attacks are another.


The right hates Palin more than the left.
Don't sweat it.
A majority cometh.
Their continuous noise will be drowned out by the volumous roar.

Damn right the Right hates Palin more than the Left for very good reason. If she were to be again anywhere near the nomination it would be disaster for our side.

You may be sure the Left would be overjoyed to see Perky nominated. The only thing it would like more is to see the Nutty Doctor nominated.

Trust me Romney will be the nominee.

I think Democrats despise Palin because she actually stands for individuality, rather than the ideal of conformism. It is my belief that the Republicans are afraid of Palin because she has a proven track record of disrupting corrupt idealogues within the Republican party itself. Thus the reason why both sides seem to prefer that she stay "out-of-sight, out-of-mind". Regardless, she isn't a threat to anybody, actually. The incumbent will continue his six year campaign and the Republican party will battle it out between the two potential nominees and after the first of the year, we'll have another four years of about the same as we had the past four years, regardless as to which party has control of the Oval Office.
The war being waged between Newt and Romney may just cause a rift that will last until the election. I guess maybe our side should have our little civil war and get it over with.
I can't believe it's come down to Newt and Romney. What a damn embarrassment.

I'll vote just to do my duty in unseating Obama, but I won't be happy.
Originally Posted by RobJordan

Go to youtube and take a look at Palin's rambling, narcissistic and virtually incoherent resignation from the governorship speech. You might also read some of the on-line analysis articles (some by conservatives) on the issue whether she is even Trig's mother. Sorry, but Sarah has one or more serious personality disorders and is utterly unfit to serve even as a city council woman. I won't say she is nut job, but she's close. She is beyond a joke.

In many ways I feel very sorry for her. She was never qualified for national office and it was completely unfair for McCain to thrust her into the spotlight unvetted and ill-prepared. As a consequence, she has been savaged (though much of it quite correct), but at the same time, one can't help but feel pity for the simpleton.
If the issues I raise lack merit, then I supposed one could infer that I have a factually or ideologically non-supportable (and hence perhaps irrational) opposition to her, in which case it might be logical to posit that I have "issues". But before we reach that conclusion, logically, we must first address the issues I raised with respect to Palin. The fact of the matter is her resignation speech is rambling, incoherent and narcissistic. There are dozens of reasons to conclude she is utterly unfit for national office. Conservatives electing her to any significant national office would be incredibly destructive to conservatism.

Your issues lack merit.
And intelligence if you think Bowsinger needs to go to Youtube to find a speech Governor Palin gave back in 2009.
Or go to any of the other Palin hit pieces.

Do you want the whole transcript complete with the Governor�s accomplishments or just some of the Highlights?

July 3, 2009

�Nah, only dead fish �go with the flow�

�Some say things changed for me on August 29th last year � the day John McCain tapped me to be his running-mate � I say others changed�Political operatives descended on Alaska last August, digging for dirt.
The ethics law I championed became their weapon of choice.
Over the past nine months I�ve been accused of all sorts of frivolous ethics violations � such as holding a fish in a photograph, wearing a jacket with a logo on it, and answering reporters� questions�Every one � all 15 of the ethics complaints have been dismissed. We�ve won!
But it hasn�t been cheap � the State has wasted THOUSANDS of hours of YOUR time and shelled out some two million of YOUR dollars to respond to �opposition research� � that�s money NOT going to fund teachers or troopers � or safer roads.
And this political absurdity, the �politics of personal destruction� � Todd and I are looking at more than half a million dollars in legal bills in order to set the record straight.
And what about the people who offer up these silly accusations?
It doesn�t cost them a dime so they�re not going to stop draining public resources � spending other peoples� money in their game.�

And she went on to say:

�Life is too short to compromise time and resources� it may be tempting and more comfortable to just keep your head down, plod along, and appease those who demand: �Sit down and shut up�, but that�s the worthless, easy path; that�s a quitter�s way out. And a problem in our country today is apathy.
It would be apathetic to just hunker down and �go with the flow.�

�Nah, only dead fish �go with the flow� No.
Productive, fulfilled people determine where to put their efforts, choosing to wisely utilize precious time...I WILL support others who seek to serve, in or out of office, for the RIGHT reasons, and I don�t care what party they�re in or no party at all. Inside Alaska � or Outside Alaska.�

�Let me go back to a comfortable analogy for me � sports� basketball.
I use it because you�re na�ve if you don�t see the national full-court press picking away right now: A good point guard drives through a full court press, protecting the ball, keeping her eye on the basket� and she knows exactly when to pass the ball so that the team can WIN.

And I�m doing that � keeping our eye on the ball that represents sound priorities � smaller government, energy independence, national security, freedom!
And I know when it�s time to pass the ball � for victory.� Sarah Palin

If she hadn't, "Passed the ball" she would have fouled out in her first debate and never gotten the Fox gig.


I totally agree with you in reference to Mitt and Newt as the contenders we now have to choose from, other than choosing "Prez" Obama. It's sad that once again we're forced as voters to choose between the lesser of two evils in the primary and again, during the general election. I've often wondered what it would've been like to have The Trump as "Prez". Oh well, we won't know that until maybe the next go round, in 2016.


You never posted a word in this whole thread that I don't agree with. I guess we're on the same page.

I know the political establishment would love to see an Obamy vs. Romney election. That way the established can keep on carrying on. Lots of Republicans can pat themselves on the back if Romney wins. The D will become an R!!! and that's all that matters to most. The progress rate of the Progressives may slow up just a bit for an election or two -- Probably not much though -- and we'll all arrive at the same destination eventually anyway.

Palin might not be the sharpest crayon in in the box (according to some), but she is a heck of a lot smarter than all the Romney backers who would sell their soul for the magic irrelevant "R".

Fortunately Perky is not in the mix.
I've seen enough of your posts to be absolutely certain of one thing -- "Perky" is a hell of a lot smarter than you.
Originally Posted by RobJordan

Go to youtube and take a look at Palin's rambling, narcissistic and virtually incoherent resignation from the governorship speech. You might also read some of the on-line analysis articles (some by conservatives) on the issue whether she is even Trig's mother. Sorry, but Sarah has one or more serious personality disorders and is utterly unfit to serve even as a city council woman. I won't say she is nut job, but she's close. She is beyond a joke.

In many ways I feel very sorry for her. She was never qualified for national office and it was completely unfair for McCain to thrust her into the spotlight unvetted and ill-prepared. As a consequence, she has been savaged (though much of it quite correct), but at the same time, one can't help but feel pity for the simpleton.

Here are more highlights from �Palin's rambling, narcissistic and virtually incoherent resignation from the governorship speech.�
July 3, 2009
Here�s some of the things we�ve done:
We created a petroleum integrity office to oversee safe development. We held the line FOR Alaskans on Point Thomson � and finally for the first time in decades � they�re drilling for oil and gas
We have AGIA, the gasline project � a massive bi-partisan victory (the vote was 58 to 1!) � also succeeding as intended � protecting Alaskans as our clean natural gas will flow to energize us, and America, through a competitive, pro-private sector project. This is the largest private sector energy project, ever. THIS is energy independence.
And ACES � another bipartisan effort � is working as intended and industry is publicly acknowledging its success.
Our new oil and gas �clear and equitable formula� is so Alaskans will no longer be taken advantage of.
ACES incentivizes NEW exploration and development and JOBS that were previously not going to happen with a monopolized North Slope oil basin.

We cleaned up previously accepted unethical actions; we ushered in bi-partisan Ethics Reform.
We also slowed the rate of government growth, we worked with the Legislature to save billions of dollars for the future, and I made no lobbyist friends with my hundreds of millions of dollars in budget vetoes� but living beyond our means today is irresponsible for tomorrow.
We took government out of the dairy business and put it back into private-sector hands � where it should be.
We provided unprecedented support for education initiatives, and with the right leadership, finally filled long-vacant public safety positions.
We built a sub-Cabinet on Climate Change and took heat from Outside special interests for our biologically-sound wildlife management for abundance.
We broke ground on the new prison.

And we made common sense conservative choices to eliminate personal luxuries like the jet, the chef, the junkets� the entourage.
And the Lt. Governor and I said �no� to our pay raises.
So much success in this first term � and with this success I am proud to take credit� for hiring the right people!
Our goal was to achieve a gasline project, more fair oil and gas valuation, and ethics reform in four years.
We did it in two.
It�s because of the people� good public servants surrounding the Governor�s office, with servants� hearts and astounding work ethic� THEY are Alaska�s success!

If she had such a great half term as Governor why didn't she continue her illustrious career as Governor instead of quiting and becoming a minor celebrity?
The answer to that of course is the legal defense fund it would have taken to fend off the lawsuits being threatened wasn't something she could (or should have to) afford. A literal army of lawyers, reporters, and politicos were dispatched to end her career.

Initially we were lead to belive it was all lefties wailing, and gnashing their teeth - now, I'm not so sure.
....but she is a heck of a lot smarter than all the Romney backers who would sell their soul for the magic irrelevant "R".

Yeah, a lot of the impetus came from the Right during her half-term as governor. Soon as she achieved office, she started sinking he teeth into those boys and exposing their corruption. They didn't like that.
You're crazy Bow. She's a freaking conservative, not what we want, though Newt isn't conservative enough. crazy
Originally Posted by eyeball
You're crazy Bow. She's a freaking conservative, not what we want, though Newt isn't conservative enough. crazy

You have to judge Newt by the company he keeps; endorsed by Palin,Cain,Perry and Cunningham. Newt has divided the party between the kids and grown-ups, the embarrassing and the presentable, the preposterous and the sober.
Fox did a segment this AM on the hit job the GOP is trying to pull on him this am. Unreal.
Originally Posted by JacquesLaRami
I've seen enough of your posts to be absolutely certain of one thing -- "Perky" is a hell of a lot smarter than you.

Ha ha, now there's some sub minute accuracy. IMO, Gov. Palin is an enemy of my enemy and I don't give one ounce of class envy about how much dough she makes either.

The more she makes the less likely she is to mess in elected politics, good for her and good for the Country.

You go girly.
Originally Posted by EWY
I still don't understand why so many gun owners and hunters show such disrespect for Sarah Palin. The misogynistic snotty name calling doesn't do any good for the conservative small government people who wish to show conservatism and people on the right as wise and worthy of support. Disagreement is one thing but sophomoric name calling attacks are another.


That's the best that stupid Spanky can do.
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

If she had such a great half term as Governor why didn't she continue her illustrious career as Governor instead of quiting and becoming a minor celebrity?

Jealous little punk, aren't you.
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

If she had such a great half term as Governor why didn't she continue her illustrious career as Governor instead of quiting and becoming a minor celebrity?

Staying in office would have cost the tax payers millions fighting off the endless assault of meaningless drivel-filled lawsuits from the liberal left.

You might recall, the liberals went after Palin as though she were running against dingleBarry. They hardly lifted a finger against McLame.... and they won't against McRomney, either, for the exact same reasons....

Palin was saving tax payer's money, plain and simple.
What a novel concept. Almost something you'd expect from a public servant...

Go back and read up on what she did to the deeply rooted establishment hacks in AK. When she's POTUS she'll do the same thing in DC. If you think people fought against her in the past, just wait. You ain't seen nothing yet!

Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

If she had such a great half term as Governor why didn't she continue her illustrious career as Governor instead of quiting and becoming a minor celebrity?

But Spankpanky, that was all posted a couple of pages ago: part of Governor �Palin's rambling, narcissistic and virtually incoherent resignation from the governorship speech.�

July 3, 2009 �Nah, only dead fish �go with the flow�
�Some say things changed for me on August 29th last year � the day John McCain tapped me to be his running-mate � I say others changed�Political operatives descended on Alaska last August, digging for dirt.
The ethics law I championed became their weapon of choice.
Over the past nine months I�ve been accused of all sorts of frivolous ethics violations � such as holding a fish in a photograph, wearing a jacket with a logo on it, and answering reporters� questions�Every one � all 15 of the ethics complaints have been dismissed. We�ve won!
But it hasn�t been cheap � the State has wasted THOUSANDS of hours of YOUR time and shelled out some two million of YOUR dollars to respond to �opposition research� � that�s money NOT going to fund teachers or troopers � or safer roads.
And this political absurdity, the �politics of personal destruction� � Todd and I are looking at more than half a million dollars in legal bills in order to set the record straight.
And what about the people who offer up these silly accusations?
It doesn�t cost them a dime so they�re not going to stop draining public resources � spending other peoples� money in their game.�

And she went on to say:
�Life is too short to compromise time and resources� it may be tempting and more comfortable to just keep your head down, plod along, and appease those who demand: �Sit down and shut up�, but that�s the worthless, easy path; that�s a quitter�s way out. And a problem in our country today is apathy.
It would be apathetic to just hunker down and �go with the flow.�

�Nah, only dead fish �go with the flow� No.
Productive, fulfilled people determine where to put their efforts, choosing to wisely utilize precious time...I WILL support others who seek to serve, in or out of office, for the RIGHT reasons, and I don�t care what party they�re in or no party at all. Inside Alaska � or Outside Alaska.�

Bows, my boy, do you think Perky will get the Nomination this year? Please say no.
The spastic wailing by the wounded RINOs is like sweet music. They still may rally to install the masshole as their guy who loses to the kenyan, rather than a slightly shorter horned Newt, & certainly any real conservative will be attacked with the heat of a thousand suns. The shots smoking across their RINO bow may help to affect future platforms and candidate choices. May.. Fire at will.

More likely is an even more terribly fractured party that splits and ensures the lib/progressive/socialists win for the foreseeable future.

It looks like we haven't come anywhere near the pain threshold required for the status quo fellers to bite off a piece of smaller government, yet. Everything in good time. Pain is coming & it is thanks to the guys with sharp horns on their noses. The clear lesson of 2010 has been squandered, again. No surprise, again.

The party shill, board trolls are hard at work here, as they are on other sites. You can see their cut & paste strategy flooding every site on the net. "Electable" is one of their main battle crys, again, plus the alinsky tactics are popular, as well. It's kinda fun to toss it back, just for sport, sometimes. [bleep] 'em. smile

[quote=BOWSINGER]Why is Sarah Palin still my first choice?


Help me out here a bit.... Who is Sarah Palin? Does she do a show like Jersey Shores or does she cool Meth in Wasilla?
Originally Posted by Mako25
The answer to that of course is the legal defense fund it would have taken to fend off the lawsuits being threatened wasn't something she could (or should have to) afford. A literal army of lawyers, reporters, and politicos were dispatched to end her career.

Initially we were lead to belive it was all lefties wailing, and gnashing their teeth - now, I'm not so sure.

Well, maybe if she hadn't been so frigging ethically challenged, there would not have been any lawsuits. crazy An army dispatched to ender her career? So, she didn't do anything wrong? She's just a victim? Read the transcript of Todd's deposition where he admits pressuring the head of law enforcement for Alaska to fire Sarah's sister's former husband and then tell me there were no ethical issues.
How convenient. Pick and choose (and not in quotes) but ignore the actual video. I dare you to post the link of the video and then defend it. She embarrassed herself in that speech.
Originally Posted by RobJordan
How convenient. Pick and choose (and not in quotes) but ignore the actual video. I dare you to post the link of the video and then defend it. She embarrassed herself in that speech.

If you weren't such an idiot you would realize how stupid you sound every time you open your mouth. The lawsuits were frivilous with NO basis in fact and were brought by liberals trying to discredit her. And an army did come up here looking for dirt and found none. As with every news organization in the country that thought they would hit the mother load when thousands of pages of her emails were released; and they found nothing. You and Spanky should worry first about what a [bleep] up mess your state is and not how we do things up here.
Originally Posted by arctic338

The lawsuits were frivilous with NO basis in fact and were brought by liberals trying to discredit her. And an army did come up here looking for dirt and found none.

I'm not sure how you could have any faith in a potential leader who would turn tail and run when things got tough.

If she was as innocent as some of you say, it doesn't say much for her character not to take a stand and fight for her good name. No matter the cost.

She's a quitter in every sense of the word.
July 3, 2009
�Some say things changed for me on August 29th last year � the day John McCain tapped me to be his running-mate � I say others changed�Political operatives descended on Alaska last August, digging for dirt.

The ethics law I championed became their weapon of choice.

Over the past nine months I�ve been accused of all sorts of frivolous ethics violations � such as holding a fish in a photograph, wearing a jacket with a logo on it, and answering reporters� questions

Every one � all 15 of the ethics complaints have been dismissed. We�ve won!

But it hasn�t been cheap � the State has wasted THOUSANDS of hours of YOUR time and shelled out some two million of YOUR dollars to respond to �opposition research� � that�s money NOT going to fund teachers or troopers � or safer roads.

And this political absurdity, the �politics of personal destruction� � Todd and I are looking at more than half a million dollars in legal bills in order to set the record straight.

And what about the people who offer up these silly accusations?

It doesn�t cost them a dime so they�re not going to stop draining public resources � spending other peoples� money in their game.� Sarah Palin
So again, instead of fighting for what was right, she took the easy way out.

Not exactly the type of person I'd want representing me.

Originally Posted by arctic338
Originally Posted by RobJordan
How convenient. Pick and choose (and not in quotes) but ignore the actual video. I dare you to post the link of the video and then defend it. She embarrassed herself in that speech.

If you weren't such an idiot you would realize how stupid you sound every time you open your mouth. The lawsuits were frivilous with NO basis in fact and were brought by liberals trying to discredit her. And an army did come up here looking for dirt and found none. As with every news organization in the country that thought they would hit the mother load when thousands of pages of her emails were released; and they found nothing. You and Spanky should worry first about what a [bleep] up mess your state is and not how we do things up here.

Yeah Arctic, the subject is her rambling, incoherent, poorly written resignation speech. And I agree---Kalifornia is a mess. But how does that absolve Perky of the charge of stupidity??
Originally Posted by arctic338
Originally Posted by RobJordan
How convenient. Pick and choose (and not in quotes) but ignore the actual video. I dare you to post the link of the video and then defend it. She embarrassed herself in that speech.

If you weren't such an idiot you would realize how stupid you sound every time you open your mouth. The lawsuits were frivilous with NO basis in fact and were brought by liberals trying to discredit her. And an army did come up here looking for dirt and found none. As with every news organization in the country that thought they would hit the mother load when thousands of pages of her emails were released; and they found nothing. You and Spanky should worry first about what a [bleep] up mess your state is and not how we do things up here.

I have no problem how you do things up there.

Who cares what a very small third world state does? But please don't export your halftime governor and expect us to like her any much better than our local pole dancer.

Keep her, please.

Originally Posted by RobJordan
How convenient. Pick and choose (and not in quotes) but ignore the actual video. I dare you to post the link of the video and then defend it. She embarrassed herself in that speech.

And you call Palin the simpleton????

I asked you if�

Do you want the whole transcript complete with the Governor�s accomplishments or just some of the Highlights?

And I quoted Sarah�s actual transcript�

You want video links????

Raw Video: Palin Says Goodbye at Picnic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouSgfogb-vI
Sarah Palin Announces Resignation as Governor, Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqC1afO3Uo4&NR=1
Sarah Palin Announces Resignation as Governor, Part 2http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9f9YQMbQMn0&feature=channel

Sarah Palin Farewell Address (1/2) � 7.26.09 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0u5mOXzCKA&feature=player_embedded
Sarah Palin Farewell Address (2/2) � 7.26.09 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3h-jgDRWbh8&feature=player_embedded
Sarah Palin Resigns http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1tnUvtjaaY

Part 1 of Sarah Palin�s Speech in India �My Vision of America� http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0O5HH5OlxA0
Part 2 of Sarah Palin�s Speech in India �My Vision of America� http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGGRVaxlnTc
Part 3 of Sarah Palin�s Speech in India �My Vision of America�

Sarah Palin On North Korea And The Culture Of Life http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7f0cLXK5Jdw&feature=player_embedded

Sarah Palin speaks in St. Louis 10/7/11 PART 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rkngqwfe5W4&list=UU93KZqqTXUGMwqxrrwY7f2A&feature=plcp
Sarah Palin speaks in St. Louis 10/7/11 PART 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLbHiVEZ600&list=UU93KZqqTXUGMwqxrrwY7f2A&feature=plcp
Sarah Palin speaks in St. Louis 10/7/11 PART 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmrvZVh6TSU
Sarah Palin speaks in St. Louis 10/7/11 PART 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SK_t_oWCGfs&list=UU93KZqqTXUGMwqxrrwY7f2A&feature=plcp

Governor Palin�s Speech at the �Restoring America� Tea Party of America Rally in Indianola, Iowa (Video and Transcript) Posted on September 04, 2011 http://www.sarahpac.com/posts/gover...y-in-indianola-iowa-video-and-transcript

FULL SPEECH: Sarah Palin at Tea Party Rally in New Hampshire http://www.therightscoop.com/full-speech-sarah-palin-at-tea-party-rally-in-new-hampshire/

Gov. Sarah Palin�s June 5, 2011 Chris Wallace interview pt 1 of 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DrvvEXF_tA
Gov. Sarah Palin�s June 5, 2011 Chris Wallace interview pt 2 of 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtWXU_6JZms

FOX News Video: GOP Victory in Wisconsin? Sarah Palin Weighs In, Part 1 http://video.foxnews.com/v/4579483/gop-victory-in-wisconsin-sarah-palin-weighs-in-part-1/
GOP Victory in Wisconsin? Sarah Palin Weighs In, Part 2 http://video.foxnews.com/v/4579482/gop-victory-in-wisconsin-sarah-palin-weighs-in-part-2/

Beck, Palin, Faith, Hope, and Charity Hundreds of thousands rally in Washington http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/beck-palin-faith-hope-and-charity
Gov. Palin�s Restoring Honor Speech w/transcript (link from her FB Note) http://www.c-spanvideo.org/videoLibrary/clip.php?appid=598703627

Sarah Palin Keynote Speech at the National Tea Party Convention (5 videos) http://www.leftcoastrebel.com/2010/02/sarah-palin-keynote-speech-at-national.html

Governor Palin rejects nearly half of federal stimulus money (video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgdhKI-7gBI&feature=player_embedded

Governor Palin�s Address To The 2009 Special Olympics In Boise, Idaho http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izn63SHXPMw&eurl=http://www.teamsarah.org/profiles/blogs/governor-palins-address-to-the&feature=player_embedded

69% of GOP Voters Say Palin Helped McCain
(RASMUSSEN REPORTS) http://www.rasmussenreports.com/pub...69_of_gop_voters_say_palin_helped_mccain

Full Vice Presidential Debate with Gov. Palin and Sen. Biden

Vice Presidential Candidate Gov. Sarah Palin (AK) Full Speech at the RNC

Sarah Palin�s Energy Policy Speech http://bit.ly/Xjm6p

Governor Sarah Palin Speaks at Troop Deployment Ceremony http://bit.ly/4GlMJY
Sarah Palin Welcomes Home Strykers, Including Son http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kB0Ym1G2xs

Sarah Palin Fires Military Weapon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsx0rWGVkRY
Sarah Palin Rifle Training http://bit.ly/440EDB

The Real Lesson of Trig Trutherism: Stupid Politics Attracts Stupid People http://bit.ly/pHdI0

The Undefeated Official Movie Trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch&v=WVo_-RAiX3M
Undefeated � Call to Action http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZfxc9uO0oQ
Yeah, I've read the speech Bow--and the grammer, syntax and sentence structure are barely junior high level. I mean, its beyond a joke. Its just embarassing beyond words, but what is worse are the people who actually consider her a serious candidate for national office! I guess PT Barnum was right when he said "no one ever went broke underestimating the stupidiy of the American people".

Look, I reaally don't have anything against Sarah. Its the delusional people who are so gullible as to think she is a contender and want to foist her off on the rest of the world that my comments are mostly directed at. The woman can barely string sentences together in even a semi-coherent fashion. Her own family is a complete disaster. (And here I genuinely salute Todd Palin for trying to raise those kids, 'cause apparently Sarah didn't want to.) Her tenure as Mayor of Wasilla was beyond a joke.

And its not even Sarah's fault. She got thrust into the limelight because the media (and the rest of us) refused to do our due dilligence. The problem is people like you continue to be in denial in the face of over-whelming evidence that Sarah Palin is generally an ignorant, narcissistic diva who reached the level of her own competence when she was mayor of Wasilla.
Give it a rest. She is history.

Well said.

She may not be intelligent and her obvious lack of formal education makes her a pain to listen to but she is "smart", smart enough to parlay a halftime Governor's job and a miserably failed VP campaign into a many million dollar career as a screeching head on the national stage.

I am absolutely sure she will remain that and nothing more for as long as the retards pay to see her act.

I suspect it won't be much longer before she and her daughter (I forget her name) will be the undercard on the Ladies Mud Wrestling channel
Originally Posted by rrroae
Originally Posted by arctic338

The lawsuits were frivilous with NO basis in fact and were brought by liberals trying to discredit her. And an army did come up here looking for dirt and found none.

I'm not sure how you could have any faith in a potential leader who would turn tail and run when things got tough.

If she was as innocent as some of you say, it doesn't say much for her character not to take a stand and fight for her good name. No matter the cost.

She's a quitter in every sense of the word.

Most sane people would choose not to put their family in hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt for a job.

Most sane multi-millionairs would spend money to clear their family name.
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

Well said.

She may not be intelligent and her obvious lack of formal education makes her a pain to listen to but she is "smart", smart enough to parlay a halftime Governor's job and a miserably failed VP campaign into a many million dollar career as a screeching head on the national stage.

I am absolutely sure she will remain that and nothing more for as long as the retards pay to see her act.

I suspect it won't be much longer before she and her daughter (I forget her name) will be the undercard on the Ladies Mud Wrestling channel

"Most sane multi-millionairs would spend money to clear their family name."

You sir, as well as making your usual Sophomoric Sexist contribution are completely clueless�

Every one � all 15 of the ethics complaints have been dismissed. We�ve won!
But it hasn�t been cheap � the State has wasted THOUSANDS of hours of YOUR time and shelled out some two million of YOUR dollars to respond to �opposition research� � that�s money NOT going to fund teachers or troopers � or safer roads.
And this political absurdity, the �politics of personal destruction� � Todd and I are looking at more than half a million dollars in legal bills in order to set the record straight.
And what about the people who offer up these silly accusations?
It doesn�t cost them a dime so they�re not going to stop draining public resources � spending other peoples� money in their game
.� Sarah Palin

Originally Posted by RobJordan

Go to youtube and take a look at Palin's rambling, narcissistic and virtually incoherent resignation from the governorship speech.

You might also read some of the on-line analysis articles (some by conservatives) on the issue whether she is even Trig's mother.

Sorry, but Sarah has one or more serious personality disorders and is utterly unfit to serve even as a city council woman. I won't say she is nut job, but she's close. She is beyond a joke.

In many ways I feel very sorry for her. She was never qualified for national office and it was completely unfair for McCain to thrust her into the spotlight unvetted and ill-prepared. As a consequence, she has been savaged (though much of it quite correct), but at the same time, one can't help but feel pity for the simpleton.

All I had to do is post Sarah�s own words and list her accomplishments to put the LIE to your own �non-supportable (and hence perhaps irrational)� ramblings.

This I have done.
To belatedly take a dose of my own advice not to feed the freaking Trolls and return to the OP and Palin�s words about the War between the Establishment and the Tea Party grassroots.

Palin is asking Santorum and Paul voters in Florida to consider a good reason to vote for Newt. Not to endorse Newt, but to stop Mitt.

This last weekend at different times and on different venues; a summary of Sarah�s strategy:

��We need somebody who is engaged in sudden and relentless reform and is not afraid to shake up the establishment.�

�So, if for no other reason, rage against the machine, vote for Newt, annoy a liberal,�

�vote Newt, keep this vetting process going, keep the debate going��

�The math is the math�

Florida is a winner-take-all state.

With Romney polling an RCP average of 42, Gingrich 29, Santorum 13, and Paul 10; only Newt is close enough to have a fighting chance to stop Mitt.
And to stick it good and hard to those who want to ram the Bob Dole, John McCain, Mitt Romney parade of losers down our throats again.

The odds are long but IF Newt could pick up about 6 or 7 from Santorum and 5 or 6 from Paul�it could happen��The math is the math�
Precisely, as long as the Ron-Pauler's continue to support his "already lost" bid for the Presidency, Newt has a tough row to hoe in beating Rom-noid. Those moderate swing voters are the ones who'll end up putting El Romnificent in office. The Newt really needs to gather more support from Santorum and Paul supporters in the next few months, or even sooner, if we're to see anyone other than Romni-Bama in the general election.
How about Newt and Sarah as a ticket?

Now that is enough to scare the Shi% out of all of us!

For Gods sake understand that Palin is not our governor, VP or President and never will be. There is nothing for her in politics for period. She is a quitter and the worst VP candidate ever and that includes Joe Biden and Dan Quayle.

Perky will be left on the side lined looking for her next speaking fee from very dull and boring people like yourself.

The end.

Did you all see The Screech on Hannity tonight? Embarrassing to say the very least.

She will be doing the Mud wrestling circuit soon.

Did you all see The Screech on Hannity tonight? Embarrassing to say the very least.

She will be doing the Mud wrestling circuit soon.
I take it she didn't accept your proposal?
No, but I cannot remember offering one. Perhaps you might enlighten me?
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

Did you all see The Screech on Hannity tonight? Embarrassing to say the very least.

She will be doing the Mud wrestling circuit soon.


Palin as usual, did very well on Hannity tonight�that is why Sean keeps having her back�week after week�

And Sophomoric Spanokopitas makes his usual sexist contribution�

I have to credit Spanky, his obsession with Palin was the only reason I knew she'd been interviewd, so I took the time to watch the rebroadcast.

She was correct in her positions, the delivery was adequate, and the message continues to grate on the GOP like a sharp file.

Good for her.
Originally Posted by Mako25
I have to credit Spanky, his obsession with Palin was the only reason I knew she'd been interviewd, so I took the time to watch the rebroadcast.

She was correct in her positions, the delivery was adequate, and the message continues to grate on the GOP like a sharp file.

Good for her.
Exactly.. I hope she keeps right on grating..
Missed Hannity's show, but did catch The Donald on Greta's show.

In reference to Spanky, I think he's got a physical thing for Sarah.

You know the old saying - "We hate that which we love".

Anyway ........
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
To belatedly take a dose of my own advice not to feed the freaking Trolls and return to the OP and Palin�s words about the War between the Establishment and the Tea Party grassroots.

Palin is asking Santorum and Paul voters in Florida to consider a good reason to vote for Newt. Not to endorse Newt, but to stop Mitt.

This last weekend at different times and on different venues; a summary of Sarah�s strategy:

��We need somebody who is engaged in sudden and relentless reform and is not afraid to shake up the establishment.�

�So, if for no other reason, rage against the machine, vote for Newt, annoy a liberal,�

�vote Newt, keep this vetting process going, keep the debate going��

�The math is the math�

Florida is a winner-take-all state.

With Romney polling an RCP average of 42, Gingrich 29, Santorum 13, and Paul 10; only Newt is close enough to have a fighting chance to stop Mitt.
And to stick it good and hard to those who want to ram the Bob Dole, John McCain, Mitt Romney parade of losers down our throats again.

The odds are long but IF Newt could pick up about 6 or 7 from Santorum and 5 or 6 from Paul�it could happen��The math is the math�

A new InsiderAdvantage poll conducted Sunday night of likely Republican voters in the state of Florida shows a significant surge for former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

The poll has former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney leading with 36 percent of voters, followed by Gingrich at 31 percent.

The Sunday results of 646 likely GOP voters are as follows:
Romney 36 percent
Gingrich 31 percent
Santorum 12 percent
Paul 12 percent
Other/Undecided 9 percent
"The race will be tighter than expected," Matt Towery, chief pollster of InsiderAdvantage told Newsmax.

Towery noted that his poll showed a surge for Romney on Wednesday, with him leading Gingrich by 8 points. The InsiderAdvantage poll was among the first to show Romney's resurgence after his dismal showing in the S. Carolina primary.

The InsiderAdvantage poll was also the first to show Gingrich's rise in S. Carolina and accurately forecast his win there.

"The trend is favoring Gingrich," Towery said, noting that while Romney's lead was still outside the margin of error of 3.8 percent, "It's not by much."

Towery said Gingrich is doing "substantially better" with men than Romney, 38 to 28, but the former House Speaker still faces a "gender gap," as women are still favoring Romney.

"Men are moving in droves to Gingrich and away from Romney," Towery said.

As for Florida's important Latino vote, InsiderAdvantage has Gingrich beating Romney by a large margin, leading 42 percent to 29 percent.

Read more on Newsmax.com: InsiderAdvantage Poll: Gingrich Surging, Race 'Tighter Than Expected'

Arguing with the Perky pimps is worse than arguing with the Paultards.

She was on Hannitty because she is paid to be on Hannitty not for any altruistic reason. I don't think Fox will be renewing her contract.

Now go back to talking about how to defeat Romney and lose the election.
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

Arguing with the Perky pimps is worse than arguing with the Paultards.

She was on Hannitty because she is paid to be on Hannitty not for any altruistic reason. I don't think Fox will be renewing her contract.
LMAO.. Even YOU won't be so stupid as to take that bet..

Bet? What bet?
Originally Posted by Redneck
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

Arguing with the Perky pimps is worse than arguing with the Paultards.

She was on Hannitty because she is paid to be on Hannitty not for any altruistic reason. I don't think Fox will be renewing her contract.

LMAO.. Even YOU won't be so stupid as to take that bet..

I don�t know who �Hannitty� is�never seen his show�but Palin is on Hannity for the same reason she is on the other FOX shows.

For the same reason all the regular talking heads repeat on FOX�RATINGS

And you don�t get those ratings and remain a FOX regular unless you are really good.

I think there is a very good chance that Sarah may not be with FOX much longer.

When she starts endorsing Tea Party candidates as she did in 2010 and for sure when she endorses a Presidential candidate, Palin will have to bail out on FOX.

Today, Todd Palin started robo-calling in Florida and campaigning for Newt�
Pimpin' be hod wuwk, don't be dissin' pimpin'...now you beast be gettin' back ta yellin' at the chillun walkin' cross yo yawd. cool

Bows---I think you might be right she will have to resign after she announces her candidacy the week before the Convention.


Palin as usual, did very well on Hannity tonight�that is why Sean keeps having her back�week after week�

And Sophomoric Spanokopitas makes his usual sexist contribution�


Palin will always do well on FOX, she works there and she excites the base. Keep in mind that the base she excites is about 25 hard core Righties. She offers no cross over voters so she offers nothing to the GOP in a general election and will thus be looking at the White house for the next 4 years screaming about the crimes being committed.

Palin is on a sinking ship and Newt is your captain and Palin is the head cheerleader. Go Team!

I think that 25 number might be a little high...
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

I think that 25 number might be a little high...

Why are you so mean to the Base?
Spanky and NWA feeding off each other....how apropo

[Linked Image]
got me!
Originally Posted by northwestalaska


Palin as usual, did very well on Hannity tonight�that is why Sean keeps having her back�week after week�

And Sophomoric Spanokopitas makes his usual sexist contribution�

Palin will always do well on FOX, she works there and she excites the base.
Keep in mind that the base she excites is about 25 hard core Righties.
She offers no cross over voters so she offers nothing to the GOP in a general election and will thus be looking at the White house for the next 4 years screaming about the crimes being committed.

Palin is on a sinking ship and Newt is your captain and Palin is the head cheerleader. Go Team! [/quote]

Hot Air Pre-Florida Survey Results
January 30, 2012
5265 mostly conservative voters.

Gingrich 2144 voters 41%
Romney 1729 voters 33%
Santorum 1166 voters 22%
Paul 221 voters 4%

Gingrich 3016 voters 57%
Romney 2249 voters 43%

Santorum 2761voters 52%
Gingrich 2504 voters 48%

Santorum 3188 voters 61%
Romney 2077 voters 39%

Palin 3190 voters 61%
Christie 2075voters 39%

I am not much of a betting man buy just between friends lets place a bet on who wins FL. Mitt by 8 points. Are ya game?
I am thinking that Mitt by 8 is about right�not the double digits many polls have him at.

The huge absentee votes cast in the last few weeks (and before South Carolina) make it hard to call, but should favor Mitt.
Wow! We have agreed on something!

Keep in mind that Mitt will take Nevada and Michigan leaving Newt with ????
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by northwestalaska


Palin as usual, did very well on Hannity tonight�that is why Sean keeps having her back�week after week�

And Sophomoric Spanokopitas makes his usual sexist contribution�

Palin will always do well on FOX, she works there and she excites the base.
Keep in mind that the base she excites is about 25 hard core Righties.
She offers no cross over voters so she offers nothing to the GOP in a general election and will thus be looking at the White house for the next 4 years screaming about the crimes being committed.

Palin is on a sinking ship and Newt is your captain and Palin is the head cheerleader. Go Team!

Hot Air Pre-Florida Survey Results
January 30, 2012
5265 mostly conservative voters.

Gingrich 2144 voters 41%
Romney 1729 voters 33%
Santorum 1166 voters 22%
Paul 221 voters 4%

Gingrich 3016 voters 57%
Romney 2249 voters 43%

Santorum 2761voters 52%
Gingrich 2504 voters 48%

Santorum 3188 voters 61%
Romney 2077 voters 39%

Palin 3190 voters 61%
Christie 2075voters 39%

Hot Air Poll? The name says it all.
Back to the Palin OP about the Bob Dole/John McCain/Mitt Romney road to winning VS. the Ron Reagan/Strong Conservative/insert name here/ proven road to success.

Romney ran up $17 million on his credit card to win 50 delegates in Florida.

But at what cost to the GOP and the widening split between the Elite buying the nomination Crowd VS. the Tea Party voter enthusiasm that worked in 2010?

Sarah Palin
"I think that with $17 million purchasing some ads and some false narrative it was very, very difficult for Newt Gingrich and the other candidates to counter that bombardment of advertisements," Palin said Tuesday night on Fox News.

"$17 million spent in one state, that purchased a lot of darts and arrows that were flown in one direction and then a lot of darts and arrows were flown back and you know a lot of that negativity sure didn't paint the party and the cause in very attractive colors," Palin said. "I think that hurts the electorate and ultimately diminishes the energy necessary to move forward in the general election."

"I think that, added to a process that thus far has not been very attractive to the electorate," Palin said, "is unfortunately what keeps good people from wanting to run for office and wanting to be engaged in our own government process of electing our leaders."
So is she implying that Gingrich and Romney aren't two peas in a pod?

I can't see a substantive difference between them policy-wise; only in their personalities and the ways in which they would govern once their party establishment backing gets them where they want to be.

At the risk of sounding spanky-like, my prediction is that Romney gets his butt kicked this November, and in '16 the so-called GOP puts up Newt (it'll be his turn, after all) and he gets whooped, too...
I forgot to add that $17 million in negative ads in Florida resulted in the election turnout down about 14 percent.

It was up 35 percent in South Carolina�
Here with better words than mine is the reason I started this thread and why I keep bumping it.

Why Sarah Palin is right about having a competitive primary season
posted on February 2, 2012 by J.E. Dyer
The short answer is that Mitt Romney isn�t a small-government conservative.
The slightly longer answer is that Barack Obama has been � as he promised to be � a game-changer, and the 2012 election is the one in which libertarian anti-statism will either have a voice in the Republican Party, or will have to do something else.

This primary season is a fight for the character of the GOP.
The fight is not the perennial standoff between �social cons� and �fiscal cons�; it is a long-postponed dispute over the size and charter of government, and how the GOP will approach it.
It is the most basic possible dispute over ideas about man and the state and their consequences.

It�s also a dispute only the Republican Party could have.
The Democratic Party does not have such a diversity of viewpoint, at least not in any politically consequential way.
The decision about whether America will continue on a fiscally unsustainable path of ever-growing statism comes down to the GOP�s fight with itself.

The Romney wing represents the attitude that America is really OK with the size of government we have now: it just needs better management and some tweaking on the margins.
The other wing � the one that has been getting behind a different candidate every few weeks � believes precisely that America is not OK with the size of government we have now.
Its main point is that our fiscal and economic problems, and many of our social ones, result directly from the size and interventionist activities of government.
The size of government is the problem � already, today � and if it isn�t fixed, America literally cannot survive as a republic with the intellectual and lifestyle liberties we have enjoyed up to now.
I believe Palin has a strategic view of America�s future that looks beyond the 2012 election itself.
The most important thing now is that the small-government perspective continue to have a chance to express itself on its terms.
If it is silenced in electoral politics, there will be no hope of changing America�s path. And the only way for it to have a voice is for this primary season to continue on a competitive basis.
That is the mechanism through which the voice of either wing of the party matters to the industry of politics.
That�s where the noise has to be made.

Palin is right. This is an incredibly �political� year, more so than any year I can remember other than maybe 1979.
Americans are more engaged in political ideas than I have ever seen them. Obama�s poll numbers aren�t good, but perhaps more importantly, those numbers and others on GOP candidates keep shifting.
People�s choices haven�t been set in stone.
They�re not sure what�s going on, they�re still trying to find a candidate who says what they�re waiting to hear, and they haven�t made up their minds.
The media will do what they�re going to do, but the people are having a separate dialogue with themselves, and it isn�t over.

I believe the GOP would be out of step with the remarkable nature of this year to crown a big-government-as-usual candidate early, on the theory that we need to damp down philosophical debate and concentrate on �campaigning� as early as possible before November.
The campaigning is what is annoying the living bejeebers out of the voters; it�s the philosophical debate that matters this year.
Shutting it down would be a tactical as well as a strategic error.

The only way to force Romney to the right is to keep the primary season competitive.

It�s also the way to keep quality attention on the most important debate America has had on the nature of government since 1860

J.E. Dyer�s articles have appeared at The Green Room, Commentary�s �contentions,� Patheos, The Weekly Standard online, and her own blog, The Optimistic Conservative.
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