More democrat voters from Russia, no doubt. Gives a whole new meaning to polska kielbasa! http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324139404579016692141360158.html
We already have enough of our own damn queers here. We sure don't need to be importing any more stinking STD's and perversion. Hell, we still have Obama and the people in Chicago claim he's a queer and frequents the queer bathouses up there. No, we don't need no Russian crap packers!
We've come a loooong way from Ellis Island, and turning people away for diseases/criminal records/ etc. Heck - now we are LOOKING for deviants!
well, that will sure pay back Putin for giving asylum to Snowden, eh? We will just give asylum to millions of Russian [bleep].
Originally Posted by bigwhoop
More democrat voters from Russia, no doubt. Gives a whole new meaning to polska kielbasa! http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324139404579016692141360158.html
Only subscribers can read the article, but if it says what I think it does, it's likely homosexual propaganda creating the false impression that gays are persecuted in Russia. Homosexuals consider it persecution when laws are passed punishing them for corrupting society around them, most particularly children.
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