Posted By: ConradCA Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
A while ago we were having another discussion on evolution and someone gave a web address that was the best explanation of why it was true. This website provided evidence that showed that evolution is the only explanation for what we see in animals now.

Who was it and what was the website?

Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Here's one that will help set you straight. wink

Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Another good one.

Posted By: ConradCA Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Not what I was looking for.
Posted By: Bluedreaux Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by ConradCA
Not what I was looking for.

Got irony?
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by ConradCA
Not what I was looking for.
Just read Why Evolution Is True, by Biology professor Jerry Coyne.
Posted By: EdM Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Curious why one gives a [bleep] whether proof exists or not? Clearly it goes either way. Is it OK for some to believe and some not? I mean what the [bleep]? Seems it is a personal thing that is defined, quite personally, as required. Nothing wrong with that IMO... Some believe, some not and either will receive the "wrath" they believe. [bleep], at least simple really for those not so worried...
Posted By: ConradCA Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
The argument for evolution is almost as strong as that for electricity and nuclear weapons. The article that I an seeking did an excelent job of showing this.
Posted By: Dan_Chamberlain Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
If you look for "proof", you will find it, whether or not it's truth.
Posted By: Bluedreaux Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by Dan_Chamberlain
If you look for "proof", you will find it, whether or not it's truth.

That's the first thing I thought, when I read this....

Originally Posted by ConradCA
Not what I was looking for.
Posted By: temmi Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by ConradCA
A while ago we were having another discussion on evolution and someone gave a web address that was the best explanation of why it was true. This website provided evidence that showed that evolution is the only explanation for what we see in animals now.

Who was it and what was the website?


As of today there is no "only explanation"

Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Is this the one you are looking for?


Posted By: rattler Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Here's one that will help set you straight. wink


intellegent desing is the biggest crock of chit there is....for every one thing that fits there is a dozen that show the "designer" had to have been high off his arse when he came up with it....a rabbits digestive system comes to mind.....

not to mention the whole thing actually minimizes god when you get down to it....it teaches god is in the gaps there for the more science we understand the less god there is....but thats what you get from a theory that is mostly pushed by lawyers, not academics, not clergy.....its lawyers that picked up the ball an ran with this one to make money suing school districts....
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by rattler
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Here's one that will help set you straight. wink


intellegent desing is the biggest crock of chit there is....for every one thing that fits there is a dozen that show the "designer" had to have been high off his arse when he came up with it....a rabbits digestive system comes to mind.....

not to mention the whole thing actually minimizes god when you get down to it....it teaches god is in the gaps there for the more science we understand the less god there is....but thats what you get from a theory that is mostly pushed by lawyers, not academics, not clergy.....its lawyers that picked up the ball an ran with this one to make money suing school districts....

IIRC Intelligent design came out of the Discovery institute in Seattle. After they lost in court over creation, they rewrote "Of people and panda's" replacing the words creation with intelligent design.
Posted By: rattler Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by rattler
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Here's one that will help set you straight. wink


intellegent desing is the biggest crock of chit there is....for every one thing that fits there is a dozen that show the "designer" had to have been high off his arse when he came up with it....a rabbits digestive system comes to mind.....

not to mention the whole thing actually minimizes god when you get down to it....it teaches god is in the gaps there for the more science we understand the less god there is....but thats what you get from a theory that is mostly pushed by lawyers, not academics, not clergy.....its lawyers that picked up the ball an ran with this one to make money suing school districts....

IIRC Intelligent design came out of the Discovery institute in Seattle. After they lost in court over creation, they rewrote "Of people and panda's" replacing the words creation with intelligent design.

also findit hilarious that a couple of books they hold up as academics supporting have flat out lies in them to prove their point....and not even lies about biological process....they just flat lie about how things are taught.....

watched a funny video where one of the big proponents of intelligent design was taken to task about the Ernst Haeckel diagram still being taught and when they pulled a dozen school biology texts off the shelf in the guys office and IF Haeckel was mentioned at all(in 2/3's he wasnt mentioned at all) it was in passing that he was one of the early scientists....it sure isnt being taught as modern theory.....WTF flat out lie to people bout something so easily checked out....
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
When your audience if RobJordorn, or other who wonder why a person would care about evidence, it's easy to lie to them, because they will never fact check your lies. Now with the internet, not only are we able to fact check their lies, we have access achieves where other have already done the fact checking, or posted youtube video's deconstruction their lies with facts and logic.

Posted By: rattler Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
i just find it hilarious one of the big names supporting teh whole deal never bothered to even look at the books in his own office.....
Posted By: rattler Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
hell 2 of the biggest three pushers of intelligent design cannot even explain to you what intelligent design is because they dont care cause they dont need to know to sue school districts...they just need something else out there so that they can sue school districts......
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by ConradCA
The argument for evolution is almost as strong as that for electricity and nuclear weapons. The article that I an seeking did an excelent job of showing this.

Not even close my friend. For a good eye opener read Uncommon Dissent: Intellectuals Who Find Darwinism Unconvincing.

Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by ConradCA
The argument for evolution is almost as strong as that for electricity and nuclear weapons. The article that I an seeking did an excelent job of showing this.

Not even close my friend. For a good eye opener read Uncommon Dissent: Intellectuals Who Find Darwinism Unconvincing.


15 members of the discovery institute??

Steve says they are wrong, 1200 times over:

Project Steve
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by ConradCA
The argument for evolution is almost as strong as that for electricity and nuclear weapons. The article that I an seeking did an excelent job of showing this.

Not even close my friend. For a good eye opener read Uncommon Dissent: Intellectuals Who Find Darwinism Unconvincing.


Evolutionary and historical researcher John M. Lynch describes Uncommon Dissent:

"a collection of (largely) non-scientists bemoaning evolution and it�s perceived moral effects while rehashing arguments lifted from older anti-evolutionary sources. The tone is the usual paranoid delusion that American creationism seems to specialize in; Darwinism is an 'ideology' which exhibits 'overweening ambition', it�s a theory that is held 'dogmatically and even ruthlessly' by the 'Darwinian thought police' who are 'as insidious as any secret police at ensuring conformity and rooting out dissent'." --John M. Lynch[22]

Of the fifteen intellectuals in the book he says:

"It's indicative of something that the initial best case for the failure of Darwinism is given by a philosopher (Koons) with no apparent background in biology and the last word is given to an eight year old piece by a popularizer of mathematics, novelist, and 'accomplished poet'. In between we get a poor sandwich - all filling and no substance." --John M. Lynch[22]
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Here is another good one.


BTW, notice that Lynch's review does not discuss any of the arguments made in the book on the merits? If they are wrong, why not refute them instead of utilizing hit and run personal attacks? See a pattern? When evolutionists are challenged with evidence or arguments they can't defeat they try to camouflage that fact with snide personal attacks, hoping to reassure believers that there's nothing to doubt. That is not debate, that's obfuscation.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
The argument must have merits inorder to debate them:

Here a lecture covering the ID losses in court by one of the lead witnesses demolishing the so called "pure science" behind ID.

Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
I'll post a refutation of Miller later. He's actually a bit of a lightweight. BTW, the fact the courts have held ID not to be science tells us nothing about whether their arguments are correct, nor does it prove the truth of evolution. The establishment is heavily invested in a creation story that excludes God from the cosmos. This a priori commitment to naturalism includes the legal profession. Naturalism and empiricism however are not the same thing.

More later. Got to get back to work.

Posted By: temmi Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
What is the difference between natural selection and Evolution?


Posted By: Bluedreaux Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
I don't have the time to argue about this (I'm too busy being a psychopath in the "respect for animals" thread), but I would like to chime in briefly. I'll just copy and paste my thoughts from the last evolution discussion we had.

Originally Posted by Bluedreaux
Originally Posted by RISJR
No where else in the Bible do folks try to make "day" mean a thousand (or billion) years. If you take one figurative verse and make it literal, then use it out of context, just so that the Bible's account if creation fits your own pre-conceived notions about what happened at creation....You're doing it wrong.

Finally, someone who doesn't dance around the debate.

Blue...how does your good brain assimilate and process known science with Creation?

Pretend this Agnostic is 12 years old,is half way intelligent and in your 1st day of Bible studies class.

OK, here's my response to the twelve year old....Biblical creation vs. science....

Reference science....
History is full of examples of smart men who've had it all figured out. They knew exactly what was going on and knew all there was to know. Until someone came along and proved them wrong. At one point blood letting and leeches were considered "practicing medicine", and throwing your poop into the street was sanitary. This seems ridiculous by today's standards, but what we're doing now may be considered ridiculous 1,000 (or even 100) years from now. Back in the 50s X-Rays were considered much safer than they are today. Pregnant? Get an X-Ray. Need new shoes? Get an X-Ray. In hindsight this seems silly, but the brightest minds of the day assured us it was OK. Look at the current debate over global warming. The best minds we have available look at the same information and come up with completely differing views about what's going on with our climate.

The same thing is happening today with the creation argument. Information is available. Educated people have looked at that information and come up with completely opposite ideas about what the information means. There are scientists on both sides of the creation discussion that are well educated, intelligent people. And even within the two sides of the argument there are significant differences of opinion.

My point is that some things in science are pretty settled...The Earth is round, antibiotics will cure what ails ya, fermentation makes alcohol and alcohol affects your body. But some things are a long way from settled...Global warming, if a .30-06 is better than a .270 (for the 12 year old children of Campfire members), and biblical creation vs. any number of scientific explanations for how we got here.

So be wary when people tell you that they know exactly what's going on. Lotsa other guys thought (think) the same thing.

Reference Biblical Creation...
I believe the Biblical account of creation. I believe that God spoke the world and life into existence in six 24 hour periods and then rested.

I believe this because when I look around me I see the beauty and complexity of God's creation. The world I live in inspires me to believe in a God. To learn about God I turn to the Bible. A book written by so many men (who never met) over such a long time. I can see in throughout the Old Testament, starting in Genesis, promises of a saviour for man. Some promises we're general, some were specific, but all those years later those promises we're fulfilled by Christ and the church. The enormity of the revalation of God's plan for mankind over all those years baffles and humbles me.

The same Bible that tells me that Jesus would come, a thousand years before he did, also tells me that God created the world in six days. God could've easily told us that God created the world in a gazillion years, through a big bang and evolution, and it would have been just as awe inspiring to me. But the Bible says that he spoke MAN into existence on the sixth day of creation. I'm not going to try and change or explain away the simple explanation God gives us for creation. I'm just going to accept it.

You can see my thoughts on the thousand year comment in 2 Peter in my earlier post. Same / Same for other references to God's concept of time. God isn't bound by time, we are. And when he chose to explain the time it took for creation, he chose the word "day".

When God created Adam, he looked like a grown man. The trees looked grown, the animals looked grown, but they were all new. That the radioactive bugga-wugga in rocks says the Earth is a gazillion years old means nothing to me. God created a man in the middle of his life. He can do the same with the Earth. If I could go back in time and do anything I wanted, I'd go to the Garden of Eden and cut down a tree to see if it had rings or not. Know what I mean?

The main problem with discussions like this, and why I usually don't get involved, is the matter of authority. I accept God's revalation in the Bible as the authority n things that it speaks about. It speaks about creation and so I accept it's story of creation as truth. Some folks accept evolutionary scientists as their authority. Some folks try to use a little bit of both.

But I'm arguing from faith in God's word. And the other guy is arguing from faith in man's word. Unless we agree about the boundaries of our discussion (the authority for our beliefs) we're just going to be arguing in circles in perpetuity. I can't convince an evolutionary scientist that I might be right, and he'll not convince me that he might be right. Because fundamentally we disagree on the basis for our beliefs.

What I believe is based on faith, not the science of either side of the argument. The science is interesting, but really just doesn't matter to me. That makes me silly to some (clinging to my guns and religion and all) but that's me.

I really don't want to get into an argument about the science. Not because I'm afraid of the argument or can't support my position. But because the "scientists" can't even agree with what they believe....they have a dozen versions of their "facts" about what happened. There's a lot of information out there to support Biblical creation and refute evolution for those inclined to study it. And honestly anything I tell you would just be a dumbed down regurgitation of what's available. I'm not a complicated or well educated person, but lots of those type people have written a lot of complicated stuff about creation. I'd be happy to point you in the direction of that information if you're interested in it. I just don't have the time or emotional energy to argue with a bunch of folks. That might be wrong of me, but I just don't. If anyone would like an honest discussion of my stance I'd be happy to discuss it in PM, where it's easier to keep up with the conversation, but it's just too hard to live life and keep up with these multiple page conversations between so many people.
Posted By: Take_a_knee Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by temmi
What is the difference between natural selection and Evolution?



Pretty much. The fossil record demonstrates that species evolve, sort of. What really happens is genetic information is lost, IE, no more Cave Bears, or Wooly Mammoths, via extinction. This dovetails nicely with the laws of thermodynamics. Evolution flies in the face of physics.

The common terms are micro vs macro-evolution. IE, micro-evolution would be Darwin's finches he observed on the Galapogos Islands. They both started and ended as finches. Another evolutionary "proof" oft cited is the Peppered Moth. They changed colors due to smokestacks. IOW, a moth became....a moth. Quite the evolutionary leap.

What the fossil record doesn't demonstrate is how reptiles became birds. Stephan Jay Gould postulate his "Hopeful Monster" hypothesis to explain this away.

In a fairy tale, a princess kisses a frog, and you get a prince. With evolution, it just takes a few million years.
Posted By: Take_a_knee Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by Bluedreaux
I don't have the time to argue about this (I'm too busy being a psychopath in the "respect for animals" thread), but I would like to chime in briefly. I'll just copy and paste my thoughts from the last evolution discussion we had.

Originally Posted by Bluedreaux
Originally Posted by RISJR
No where else in the Bible do folks try to make "day" mean a thousand (or billion) years. If you take one figurative verse and make it literal, then use it out of context, just so that the Bible's account if creation fits your own pre-conceived notions about what happened at creation....You're doing it wrong.

Finally, someone who doesn't dance around the debate.

Blue...how does your good brain assimilate and process known science with Creation?

Pretend this Agnostic is 12 years old,is half way intelligent and in your 1st day of Bible studies class.

OK, here's my response to the twelve year old....Biblical creation vs. science....

Reference science....
History is full of examples of smart men who've had it all figured out. They knew exactly what was going on and knew all there was to know. Until someone came along and proved them wrong. At one point blood letting and leeches were considered "practicing medicine", and throwing your poop into the street was sanitary. This seems ridiculous by today's standards, but what we're doing now may be considered ridiculous 1,000 (or even 100) years from now. Back in the 50s X-Rays were considered much safer than they are today. Pregnant? Get an X-Ray. Need new shoes? Get an X-Ray. In hindsight this seems silly, but the brightest minds of the day assured us it was OK. Look at the current debate over global warming. The best minds we have available look at the same information and come up with completely differing views about what's going on with our climate.

The same thing is happening today with the creation argument. Information is available. Educated people have looked at that information and come up with completely opposite ideas about what the information means. There are scientists on both sides of the creation discussion that are well educated, intelligent people. And even within the two sides of the argument there are significant differences of opinion.

My point is that some things in science are pretty settled...The Earth is round, antibiotics will cure what ails ya, fermentation makes alcohol and alcohol affects your body. But some things are a long way from settled...Global warming, if a .30-06 is better than a .270 (for the 12 year old children of Campfire members), and biblical creation vs. any number of scientific explanations for how we got here.

So be wary when people tell you that they know exactly what's going on. Lotsa other guys thought (think) the same thing.

Reference Biblical Creation...
I believe the Biblical account of creation. I believe that God spoke the world and life into existence in six 24 hour periods and then rested.

I believe this because when I look around me I see the beauty and complexity of God's creation. The world I live in inspires me to believe in a God. To learn about God I turn to the Bible. A book written by so many men (who never met) over such a long time. I can see in throughout the Old Testament, starting in Genesis, promises of a saviour for man. Some promises we're general, some were specific, but all those years later those promises we're fulfilled by Christ and the church. The enormity of the revalation of God's plan for mankind over all those years baffles and humbles me.

The same Bible that tells me that Jesus would come, a thousand years before he did, also tells me that God created the world in six days. God could've easily told us that God created the world in a gazillion years, through a big bang and evolution, and it would have been just as awe inspiring to me. But the Bible says that he spoke MAN into existence on the sixth day of creation. I'm not going to try and change or explain away the simple explanation God gives us for creation. I'm just going to accept it.

You can see my thoughts on the thousand year comment in 2 Peter in my earlier post. Same / Same for other references to God's concept of time. God isn't bound by time, we are. And when he chose to explain the time it took for creation, he chose the word "day".

When God created Adam, he looked like a grown man. The trees looked grown, the animals looked grown, but they were all new. That the radioactive bugga-wugga in rocks says the Earth is a gazillion years old means nothing to me. God created a man in the middle of his life. He can do the same with the Earth. If I could go back in time and do anything I wanted, I'd go to the Garden of Eden and cut down a tree to see if it had rings or not. Know what I mean?

The main problem with discussions like this, and why I usually don't get involved, is the matter of authority. I accept God's revalation in the Bible as the authority n things that it speaks about. It speaks about creation and so I accept it's story of creation as truth. Some folks accept evolutionary scientists as their authority. Some folks try to use a little bit of both.

But I'm arguing from faith in God's word. And the other guy is arguing from faith in man's word. Unless we agree about the boundaries of our discussion (the authority for our beliefs) we're just going to be arguing in circles in perpetuity. I can't convince an evolutionary scientist that I might be right, and he'll not convince me that he might be right. Because fundamentally we disagree on the basis for our beliefs.

What I believe is based on faith, not the science of either side of the argument. The science is interesting, but really just doesn't matter to me. That makes me silly to some (clinging to my guns and religion and all) but that's me.

I really don't want to get into an argument about the science. Not because I'm afraid of the argument or can't support my position. But because the "scientists" can't even agree with what they believe....they have a dozen versions of their "facts" about what happened. There's a lot of information out there to support Biblical creation and refute evolution for those inclined to study it. And honestly anything I tell you would just be a dumbed down regurgitation of what's available. I'm not a complicated or well educated person, but lots of those type people have written a lot of complicated stuff about creation. I'd be happy to point you in the direction of that information if you're interested in it. I just don't have the time or emotional energy to argue with a bunch of folks. That might be wrong of me, but I just don't. If anyone would like an honest discussion of my stance I'd be happy to discuss it in PM, where it's easier to keep up with the conversation, but it's just too hard to live life and keep up with these multiple page conversations between so many people.

Well stated Blue.
Posted By: ironbender Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Geez, Conrad just asked a question about an information source, not an argument.

This place sometimes..........
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by temmi
What is the difference between natural selection and Evolution?



Natural selection is the force that drives evolution.
Posted By: eyeball Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
For sure.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by Take_a_knee
Originally Posted by temmi
What is the difference between natural selection and Evolution?



Pretty much. The fossil record demonstrates that species evolve, sort of. What really happens is genetic information is lost, IE, no more Cave Bears, or Wooly Mammoths, via extinction. This dovetails nicely with the laws of thermodynamics. Evolution flies in the face of physics.

The common terms are micro vs macro-evolution. IE, micro-evolution would be Darwin's finches he observed on the Galapogos Islands. They both started and ended as finches. Another evolutionary "proof" oft cited is the Peppered Moth. They changed colors due to smokestacks. IOW, a moth became....a moth. Quite the evolutionary leap.

What the fossil record doesn't demonstrate is how reptiles became birds. Stephan Jay Gould postulate his "Hopeful Monster" hypothesis to explain this away.

In a fairy tale, a princess kisses a frog, and you get a prince. With evolution, it just takes a few million years.

Yes, we do have transitional forms. We have so many paleontologist argue about their classification.

Posted By: Take_a_knee Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Sure there are:

The late Dr Colin Patterson, senior paleontologist of the British Museum of Natural History, wrote a book, Evolution. In reply to a questioner who asked why he had not included any pictures of transitional forms, he wrote:

I fully agree with your comments about the lack of direct illustration of evolutionary transitions in my book. If I knew of any, fossil or living, I would certainly have included them � . I will lay it on the line�there is not one such fossil for which one could make a watertight argument.2

The renowned evolutionist (and Marxist) Stephen Jay Gould wrote:

The absence of fossil evidence for intermediary stages between major transitions in organic design, indeed our inability, even in our imagination, to construct functional intermediates in many cases, has been a persistent and nagging problem for gradualistic accounts of evolution.3


I regard the failure to find a clear �vector of progress� in life�s history as the most puzzling fact of the fossil record.4

As Sunderland points out:

It of course would be no puzzle at all if he [Gould] had not decided before he examined the evidence that common-ancestry evolution was a fact, �like apples falling from a tree,� and that we can only permit ourselves to discuss possible mechanisms to explain that assumed fact.5


Posted By: EdM Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
So let's believe a book.
Posted By: ironbender Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Why do you say Gould was a Marxist?
Posted By: deflave Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
I think after reading Blue's thoughts I'm going to go to church on Sunday.

Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Nice out of context quote mine on Dr. Patterson:


In 1993 I attended a public lecture on the Queensland University of Technology (Australia) campus by Carl Wieland, the director of the Creation Science Foundation here in Brisbane. That was my first encounter with Carl Wieland and the CSF, and it wasn't to be my last. In his lecture Wieland made a string of absurd claims, to which I objected vocally much to his chagrin. On each point Wieland refused to answer my objections and stated that questions would be allowed at the conclusion of the lecture (where I was allowed to ask one whole question!). Anyway that's another story...

During the lecture a quotation of Dr. Colin Patterson was used to justify the standard creationist argument that 'there are no transitional forms.' Numerous other creationists I have encountered have used the quote, and an extended version (which fills in the text between the ellipsis) appears in the CSF "Revised Quote Book", published in 1990. So the quote is in wide usage, at least in Australia:

"I fully agree with your comments on the lack of direct illustration of evolutionary transitions in my book. If I knew of any, fossil or living, I would certainly have included them. . .I will lay it on the line, There is not one such fossil for which one might make a watertight argument."
-- Dr. Colin Patterson, senior paleontologist at the British Museum of Natural History.

I decided to get to the bottom of the matter. The quote is from a personal letter dated 10th April 1979 from Dr. Patterson to creationist Luther D. Sunderland and is referring to Dr. Patterson's book "Evolution" (1978, Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.). My first step was to read the book. (I believe it is now out of print, but most university libraries should have a copy.) Anyone who has actually read the book can hardly say that Patterson believed in the absence of transitional forms. For example (p131-133):

"In several animal and plant groups, enough fossils are known to bridge the wide gaps between existing types. In mammals, for example, the gap between horses, asses and zebras (genus Equus) and their closest living relatives, the rhinoceroses and tapirs, is filled by an extensive series of fossils extending back sixty-million years to a small animal, Hyracotherium, which can only be distinguished from the rhinoceros-tapir group by one or two horse-like details of the skull. There are many other examples of fossil 'missing links', such as Archaeopteryx, the Jurassic bird which links birds with dinosaurs (Fig. 45), and Ichthyostega, the late Devonian amphibian which links land vertebrates and the extinct choanate (having internal nostrils) fishes. . ."

Patterson goes on to acknowledge that there are gaps in the fossil record, but points out that this is possibly due to the limitations of what fossils can tell us. He finishes the paragraph with:

". . .Fossils may tell us many things, but one thing they can never disclose is whether they were ancestors of anything else."

It is actually this statement which is the key to interpreting the Sunderland quote correctly; it is not possible to say for certain whether a fossil is in the direct ancestral line of a species group. Archaeopteryx, for example, is not necessarily directly ancestral to birds. It may have been a species on a side-branch. However, that in no way disqualifies it as a transitional form, or as evidence for evolution. Evolution predicts that such fossils will exist, and if there was no link between reptiles and birds then Archaeopteryx would not exist, whether it is directly ancestral or not. What Patterson was saying to Sunderland was that, of the transitional forms that are known, he could not make a watertight argument for any being directly ancestral to living species groups.

Of course, my opinion on the interpretation was never going to impress a creationist -- I don't think anything is enough to convince a creationist -- so I decided to see if I could get the full text of the letter and see if it would clarify the context. Since the quote appears in the "Revised Quote Book", and the editor claims in the introduction that the text of each quote is held in full, I faxed the CSF and asked if they would supply me with the text of the letter. I received the following fax back from Carl Wieland (Dated 18 June 1993) who apparently remembered our exchange at QUT:

FAX to: Lionel T
From: Carl Wieland
Re: Your requests.

Our past exchanges would have served to show you (if your intention was bona fide) not only the bona fides, but the validity of many of the things you were challenging. Instead of coming back for a genuine discussion in the interests of discovering truth, you have sidestepped these issues and are moving into a totally unrelated area.

I can only assume that your intention is not, and is unlikely to become, bona fide and will therefore not permit our staff to give you the references etc you seek as you are clearly simply looking for the negative and cannot be relied upon to give an objective assessment (not meant as any personal disrespect, but from our encounter at Uni you are clearly so emotionally involved and hostile to our platform that it would serve no useful purpose for us to do your work for you. the quotes in the RQB are extensively referenced, and you have access to public libraries, etc. You are even free to write to the authors yourself, since most would be still alive.

The very reason the RQB is the Revised Quote Book is that the original "Quote Book", published in 1984, had been withdrawn due to an embarrassing number of errors. (Some quotes even seem to have been fabricated.) The introduction of the RQB coyly refers to that fiasco as follows:

"With CSF, as usual, sorely under-funded and overworked at the time, the original Quote Book had been hastily put together from quotes sent in by a number of people. Some of these turned out to have been simply written down on a card after listening to a creationist speaker at a lecture. . ."

It is ironic that so-called Creation 'scientists' (including those of the CSF) often complain that they are not treated with the respect they feel they deserve. Yet any scientist who published a work of such appalling scholarship would probably lose his or her job and certainly would never be taken seriously by the scientific community again. If the sort of 'science' peddled by those responsible for the "Quote Book" is not being taken seriously, it is because creationists are treated exactly the same way that any scientist who acts incompetently would be.

Looking through the RQB does not inspire any confidence that it is any better than the original "Quote Book". Many of the quotations are clearly out of context. Also, out of the 130 quotes, at least 13 (10%) are secondary references. Secondary quotes are a convenient way to misrepresent. Sure, the 'quote' might accurately reproduce the secondary text, but does the secondary text accurately reflect the original text? Then there are the 'uncheckable' quotations: sources like personal letters, lectures, TV interviews, etc. which cannot be referenced in a library. Interestingly, Dr. Colin Patterson is quoted five times. Every single one is from a source uncheckable in a library.

Hence the onus was clearly on the CSF to prove its own 'bona fide' intentions and allow its references to be checked. After all, what is the point of claiming to have the full text on file if no one is allowed to see it?

I wrote back to Carl Wieland and explained that the quote I was interested in was from a personal letter, and as such could hardly be referenced in a library. He was unsympathetic and so as a last resort I took Wieland's own advice and set about contacting Dr. Patterson personally. Wieland only has himself to blame for the response.

I phoned the British Museum of Natural History and to my delight discovered that Dr. Patterson was still working there. I faxed him the text of the quote and asked him whether my interpretation, the creationist interpretation, or some other interpretation of his words was correct. Here is his reply dated 16 August 1993:

Dear Mr Theunissen,
Sorry to have taken so long to answer your letter of July 9th. I was away for a while, and then infernally busy. I seem fated continually to make a fool of myself with creationists. The specific quote you mention, from a letter to Sunderland dated 10th April 1979, is accurate as far as it goes. The passage quoted continues "... a watertight argument. The reason is that statements about ancestry and descent are not applicable in the fossil record. Is Archaeopteryx the ancestor of all birds? Perhaps yes, perhaps no: there is no way of answering the question. It is easy enough to make up stories of how one form gave rise to another, and to find reasons why the stages should be favoured by natural selection. But such stories are not part of science, for there is no way to put them to the test."

I think the continuation of the passage shows clearly that your interpretation (at the end of your letter) is correct, and the creationists' is false.

That brush with Sunderland (I had never heard of him before) was my first experience of creationists. The famous "keynote address" at the American Museum of Natural History in 1981 was nothing of the sort. It was a talk to the "Systematics Discussion Group" in the Museum, an (extremely) informal group. I had been asked to talk to them on "Evolutionism and creationism"; fired up by a paper by Ernst Mayr published in Science just the week before. I gave a fairly rumbustious talk, arguing that the theory of evolution had done more harm than good to biological systematics (classification). Unknown to me, there was a creationist in the audience with a hidden tape recorder. So much the worse for me. But my talk was addressed to professional systematists, and concerned systematics, nothing else.

I hope that by now I have learned to be more circumspect in dealing with creationists, cryptic or overt. But I still maintain that scepticism is the scientist's duty, however much the stance may expose us to ridicule.

Yours Sincerely,


Colin Patterson

Click here to view a scan of the original letter [113k]
Note that not only does Patterson confirm that the creationist representation of the quote is false and that my interpretation is correct, but he goes on to point out that another quote which appears in the RQB has been misrepresented. (I only sent him the text of the one, but did mention the other four quotes in the RQB.) The quote which claims to be from a keynote address was actually from an informal talk, and is a comment on systematics only, rather than a general comment on evolution as it is represented in the RQB.

I sent Patterson's reply to the CSF requesting that they retract the quotes in question. Carl Wieland sent me a very long letter giving all sorts of contradictory reasons why the quotes were supposedly valid. For example:

"Incidentally, if space permitted, I would have been quite happy for the continuation of his quote to also go in to the Quote Book. Because I do NOT agree that the continuation shows clearly that your interpretation is correct. Nor is it fair for Patterson to comment on the creationist interpretation without a clearer definition of what is meant by 'transitional forms'..."

Wieland seems to completely miss the point. How can it be unfair to ask Dr. Patterson to comment on the meaning of his own words? What could be more fair? He is, after all, the only person who truly knows what he meant. Whether Wieland agrees with him or not is neither here nor there. As for the comment about a definition of transitional forms, the exact opposite is true; creationists should supply a clearer definition of 'transitional forms' when they quote scientists. When quoting scientists like Patterson or Gould as saying 'there are no transitional forms' they neglect to mention that they are only referring to transitional forms at the species level. They know full well that Gould has stated that transitional forms between orders and families are in fact abundant, and even a cursory read of Dr. Patterson's book will yield numerous examples of transitional forms.

Wieland's comments on the 'keynote address' were almost comical:

"Since we have the entire tape, I assure you that it is a typical example of somebody squirming [I hesitate to use this word re such an honest and genuine scientist as Dr Patterson seems to be] when a quotation has been used by creationists which they didn't want to be used. I assure you, the context does not alter the meaning, and in any case Dr Patterson does not say that it is taken out of context in the sense of a misquote, but merely states that it was an address 'to systematists'. Reading the entire address, it would scarcely matter if it were a girl guides meeting, the comments are valid."

I have to point out that Dr. Patterson certainly does imply that he was taken out of context. He states that his talk concerned systematics only, and nothing else. Yes, the comments are valid. But they are valid comments about systematics, not about evolution in general as implied in the RQB. I will also point out that at least in terms of my understanding of Australian Law, taping someone without their knowledge and then publishing excerpts is illegal. It's certainly unethical.

I think that this whole saga demonstrates just how deceitful creationists can be. Whether they are willingly deceitful or just don't know any better, I don't know. But deceitful they are. To top it off I wasn't surprised when soon after I had released the letter on fidonet, a creationist was posting the claim that I had written to Dr. Patterson and that he had confirmed that the quotes of him in the RQB were genuine, by selectively citing the following sentence:

"The specific quote you mention, from a letter to Sunderland dated 10th April 1979, is accurate as far as it goes."

It seems that no matter how thoroughly one destroys a creationist argument, you can be sure that they'll find some twisted way to justify using the same argument tomorrow. It is frustrating to have to repeat the same explanations over and over, but you really do need the patience of a saint to argue with a creationist. I guess the price of truth is eternal patience. Anyway, if there are still creationists who think the quotes of Patterson are valid, I'd like to know what part of the following sentence you don't understand:

"I think the continuation of the passage shows clearly that your interpretation (at the end of your letter) is correct, and the creationists' is false..."
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
You did the same thing with Gould:


Another way of misquotation is the result of the readers of the quoter and the readers of the quoted having different vocabularies, making different assumptions, and interpreting things in different ways. In science, words are often used in different ways than what they would mean to a general audience. And of course a word might mean different things in a different field or can mean different things depending on the context. If an evolution denier's readers don't realize this then they are vulnerable to being fooled by a misquotation. ◦ Many evolution deniers quote Stephen Jay Gould and other punctuated equilibria proponents as saying that transitional forms are very rare. Most non-specialists get ideas of "missing links" between higher taxa of animals when they hear about transitional forms. Gould has been very clear that these are common and yet he has been quoted many times that transitional forms are rare. What is going on here? In the context of punctuated equilibria, a transitional form is between immediately related species (say two species of squirrels, species of similar Devonian trilobites, etc.), and is not referring to a transition between human and non-human, whales and primitive land mammals, etc. Indeed the transitions Gould and other punctuated equilibria proponents are arguing about would be generally be dismissed as "microevolution" by many evolution deniers. Thus antievolutionists arguing against the existence of transitions between larger taxa are very likely guilty of misquotation if they quote Gould's writings on punctuated equilibria. For more details on this see Gould's10 classic essay "Evolution as Fact and Theory" where he explains his position on the fossil record as well as demonstrates young-earth creationist misrepresentations of his views.

Posted By: Take_a_knee Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by ironbender
Why do you say Gould was a Marxist?


Ain't it amazing, Jerry Falwell was a creationist, and Gould was a marxist evolutionist. Go figure....
Posted By: Take_a_knee Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Bullsch!t Ant. From your C&P:

"In several animal and plant groups, enough fossils are known to bridge the wide gaps between existing types. In mammals, for example, the gap between horses, asses and zebras (genus Equus) and their closest living relatives, the rhinoceroses and tapirs, is filled by an extensive series of fossils extending back sixty-million years to a small animal, Hyracotherium, which can only be distinguished from the rhinoceros-tapir group by one or two horse-like details of the skull. There are many other examples of fossil 'missing links', such as Archaeopteryx, the Jurassic bird which links birds with dinosaurs (Fig. 45), and Ichthyostega, the late Devonian amphibian which links land vertebrates and the extinct choanate (having internal nostrils) fishes. . ."

Patterson goes on to acknowledge that there are gaps in the fossil record, but points out that this is possibly due to the limitations of what fossils can tell us. He finishes the paragraph with:

They started with horses, they ended with, SURPRISE, more horses. Peppered moths. Again.
Posted By: ironbender Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by TaK's link
Gould's parents were New York leftists, and he once boasted that he had "learned his Marxism, literally at my daddy's knee." More recently, Gould added that his politics were "very different" from his father's, perhaps indicating his own rejection of Stalinism.

Whatever he meant, Gould remained politically active his whole life. While a visiting undergraduate in England in the early 1960s, Gould organized demonstrations outside a segregated dance hall until it admitted Blacks. Back in the U.S., he was an early opponent of the Vietnam War.
Posted By: Take_a_knee Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
You did the same thing with Gould:


Another way of misquotation is the result of the readers of the quoter and the readers of the quoted having different vocabularies, making different assumptions, and interpreting things in different ways. In science, words are often used in different ways than what they would mean to a general audience. And of course a word might mean different things in a different field or can mean different things depending on the context. If an evolution denier's readers don't realize this then they are vulnerable to being fooled by a misquotation. ◦ Many evolution deniers quote Stephen Jay Gould and other punctuated equilibria proponents as saying that transitional forms are very rare. Most non-specialists get ideas of "missing links" between higher taxa of animals when they hear about transitional forms. Gould has been very clear that these are common and yet he has been quoted many times that transitional forms are rare. What is going on here? In the context of punctuated equilibria, a transitional form is between immediately related species (say two species of squirrels, species of similar Devonian trilobites, etc.), and is not referring to a transition between human and non-human, whales and primitive land mammals, etc. Indeed the transitions Gould and other punctuated equilibria proponents are arguing about would be generally be dismissed as "microevolution" by many evolution deniers. Thus antievolutionists arguing against the existence of transitions between larger taxa are very likely guilty of misquotation if they quote Gould's writings on punctuated equilibria. For more details on this see Gould's10 classic essay "Evolution as Fact and Theory" where he explains his position on the fossil record as well as demonstrates young-earth creationist misrepresentations of his views.

Bullsch!t. He was a marxist, that is really all that needs to be said. Not much different than a Imam with a Koran. He's GOTTA tie it all together.
Posted By: Bluedreaux Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by deflave
I think after reading Blue's thoughts I'm going to go to church on Sunday.


I'm an inspirational kinda guy.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by Take_a_knee
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
You did the same thing with Gould:


Another way of misquotation is the result of the readers of the quoter and the readers of the quoted having different vocabularies, making different assumptions, and interpreting things in different ways. In science, words are often used in different ways than what they would mean to a general audience. And of course a word might mean different things in a different field or can mean different things depending on the context. If an evolution denier's readers don't realize this then they are vulnerable to being fooled by a misquotation. ◦ Many evolution deniers quote Stephen Jay Gould and other punctuated equilibria proponents as saying that transitional forms are very rare. Most non-specialists get ideas of "missing links" between higher taxa of animals when they hear about transitional forms. Gould has been very clear that these are common and yet he has been quoted many times that transitional forms are rare. What is going on here? In the context of punctuated equilibria, a transitional form is between immediately related species (say two species of squirrels, species of similar Devonian trilobites, etc.), and is not referring to a transition between human and non-human, whales and primitive land mammals, etc. Indeed the transitions Gould and other punctuated equilibria proponents are arguing about would be generally be dismissed as "microevolution" by many evolution deniers. Thus antievolutionists arguing against the existence of transitions between larger taxa are very likely guilty of misquotation if they quote Gould's writings on punctuated equilibria. For more details on this see Gould's10 classic essay "Evolution as Fact and Theory" where he explains his position on the fossil record as well as demonstrates young-earth creationist misrepresentations of his views.

Bullsch!t. He was a marxist, that is really all that needs to be said. Not much different than a Imam with a Koran. He's GOTTA tie it all together.

That's a nice redherring. You bring in Gould, claiming a quote of his disproves evolution, then claim he doesn't matter because of his politics. Nice distraction, but again, all you are engaging in is quote mining and ad hominids at this point.
Posted By: ironbender Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
22s worked for Gould!
Posted By: Take_a_knee Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by ironbender
22s worked for Gould!

Posted By: deflave Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by Bluedreaux
Originally Posted by deflave
I think after reading Blue's thoughts I'm going to go to church on Sunday.


I'm an inspirational kinda guy.


Posted By: ironbender Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by Take_a_knee
Originally Posted by ironbender
22s worked for Gould!


Good thing that's the ONLY place it gets cold.
Posted By: Take_a_knee Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by ironbender
Originally Posted by Take_a_knee
Originally Posted by ironbender
22s worked for Gould!


Good thing that's the ONLY place it gets cold.

True, but Bolio Lake at the Cold Regions Test Center at Greely holds the record for the all-time low in N. America. Montanan's just THINK it gets cold there.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Response to Miller's suppposed refutation of the bacterial flagellum as irreducibly complex.


Response on blood clotting to follow
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Response to Miller's suppposed refutation of the bacterial flagellum as irreducibly complex.


Response on blood clotting to follow

Then why did he loose the court case?
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Michael Behe's response to the supposed refutation of blood clotting as an example of an irreduciably complex system.

Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/15/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Response to Miller's suppposed refutation of the bacterial flagellum as irreducibly complex.


Response on blood clotting to follow

Then why did he loose the court case?

You're joking right? Seriously, is it your belief that judges are infallible? The issue is not whether a court ruled ID not to be scientific; the issue is whether such ruling was correct or not. So, for an allegedly intelligent man, you are asking a very ignorant, question-begging, well, question. I will provide you a link explaining the error of the court's ruling later tonight.

Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Response to Miller's suppposed refutation of the bacterial flagellum as irreducibly complex.


Response on blood clotting to follow

Listen to the video I posted, the read behe's response. He didn't address any of the critiques of his claims of irreducible complexity in the flagellum, he just ignored them like they never happened, and claimed he made a response.

Let's see what the Judge had to say about Behe:

"In fact, on cross-examination, Professor Behe was questioned concerning his 1996 claim that science would never find an evolutionary explanation for the immune system. He was presented with fifty-eight peer-reviewed publications, nine books, and several immunology textbook chapters about the evolution of the immune system; however, he simply insisted that this was still not sufficient evidence of evolution and that it was not "good enough" (23.19(behe))

And that was from a Bush appointed judge.
Posted By: ironbender Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by Take_a_knee

True, but Bolio Lake at the Cold Regions Test Center at Greely holds the record for the all-time low in N. America.

Colder than Prospect Cr.?
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Antelope Sniper:

See the PDF doc link in the second paragraph of this article.

Posted By: ingwe Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
I didn't read this whole thread and this is directed at no one in particular. But if you want proof of evolution, look in the mirror!

Can't believe there is a doubt about it in anyones mind�...
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Response to Miller's suppposed refutation of the bacterial flagellum as irreducibly complex.


Response on blood clotting to follow

Listen to the video I posted, the read behe's response. He didn't address any of the critiques of his claims of irreducible complexity in the flagellum, he just ignored them like they never happened, and claimed he made a response.

Let's see what the Judge had to say about Behe:

"In fact, on cross-examination, Professor Behe was questioned concerning his 1996 claim that science would never find an evolutionary explanation for the immune system. He was presented with fifty-eight peer-reviewed publications, nine books, and several immunology textbook chapters about the evolution of the immune system; however, he simply insisted that this was still not sufficient evidence of evolution and that it was not "good enough" (23.19(behe))

And that was from a Bush appointed judge.

The above is a textbook example of a standard Miller misrepresentation. The response below is what Behe actually said. Read it and then ask yourself whether you ought to be relying on someone who so blithely misrepresents what someone else actually said.

VII. Ken Miller and the Evolution of the Immune System: �Not Good Enough�?

A final area where Ken Miller misrepresents Behe�s arguments is regarding the origin of the immune system. In Only a Theory, Miller claims that when the plaintiffs' attorneys at the Dover trial did a literature-dump bluff on Behe during cross-examination�placing before him over 50 papers and nearly a dozen books purportedly explaining the evolution of the immune system�that Behe said that they were "not 'good enough.�" Miller even goes so far as to characterize Behe's response as follows: "Even when presented with every opportunity to make their case, the defenders of design resorted to little more than saying 'It's not good enough for me' in the face of overwhelming evidence for evolution."42 What did Behe really say?

If by overwhelming evidence for "evolution," Miller meant neo-Darwinian evolution, where random mutation and natural selection are the driving force generating biological complexity in an adaptive, step-by-step fashion, then Behe is on quite firm ground in doubting Miller's assertion of "overwhelming" evidence for the evolution of the immune system. Behe knew this, and thus stated during his cross examination about the immune system: "In many of [the papers] they're not actually discussing mutation. They're discussing similarities and sequences between parts of the immune system in
vertebrates and some elements of transposons."43

The plaintiffs� attorney wouldn�t give up. In another exchange Behe was asked "Now, these articles rebut your assertion that scientific literature has no answers on the origin of the vertebrate immune system?" and he replied:
�A. No, they certainly do not. My answer, or my argument is that the literature has no detailed rigorous explanations for how complex biochemical systems could arise by a random mutation and natural selection and these articles do not address that.
Q. So these are not good enough?
A. They're wonderful articles. They're very interesting. They simply just don't address the question that I pose."44
The relentless plaintiffs� attorney then pestered Behe again with nearly the same question �Is that your position today that these articles aren't good enough, you need to see a step-by-step description?� and Behe clearly replied, �These articles are excellent articles I assume. However, they do not address the question that I am posing. So it's not that they aren't good enough. It's simply that they are addressed to a different subject.�45
The plaintiffs� attorney continued pressing Behe, and later Behe again emphasized this point: �Most of them have evolution or related words in the title, so I can confirm that, but what I strongly doubt is that any of these address the question in a rigorous detailed fashion of how the immune system or irreducibly complex components of it could have arisen by random mutation and natural selection.�46

Does Behe say, as Miller characterizes it, "It's not good enough for me," or in Judge Jones' words, the papers are "not 'good enough��? Not at all, because Behe actually says: "These articles are excellent articles I assume. However, they do not address the question that I am posing. So it's not that they aren't good enough. It's
simply that they are addressed to a different subject."

In other words, Behe said precisely the opposite of what Miller claims Behe said. Of course Miller copied the error from Judge Jones, who copied the error from the ACLU's "Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law" brief,47 but unfortunately this false account of Behe�s testimony continues to be perpetuated by Miller in his books and lectures about Dover.
More important than all of this is the fact that Behe�s response to these papers was right on target: the papers dumped on Behe during cross-examination made for a nice display of courtroom theatrics, but they did not establish a step-by-step Darwinian explanation of the origin of the immune system. Instead, the papers made comparisons of DNA sequences�a type of evidence that doesn�t refute irreducible complexity, making the same mistake discussed earlier in Section III, �Confusing Evidence for Common Ancestry with Evidence for Darwinian Evolution.�
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
"�[I]rreducibly complex systems such as mousetraps and flagella serve both as negative arguments against gradualistic explanations like Darwin�s and as positive arguments for design."

This is exactly the statement that Miller so artfully takes apart, by demonstrating the flagellum is not irreducibly complex.

Intelligent design is not a super natural explanation??
They actually laughed at Behe when he said that in the court room, and it's just as laughable in print.

DNA does not demonstrate evolution.....common ancestor does not demonstrate evolution....

Everything his says is just laughable.

Heck, they didn't even try to cross examine the DNA evidence introduced at trial:


Behe lame late rebuttals reminds me of an old quote from the University of Chicago:

Everyone like to debate Milton Friedman, when Milton Friedman is not in the room.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Berkely Law Professor Phillip Johnson commenting on the Kitzmiller (Dover) ruling.

Posted By: DigitalDan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by ConradCA
A while ago we were having another discussion on evolution and someone gave a web address that was the best explanation of why it was true. This website provided evidence that showed that evolution is the only explanation for what we see in animals now.

Who was it and what was the website?


There is anecdotal evidence that evolution is a myth. Take a hard look at Africa.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Miller has never, ever demonstrated the flagellum is not irreduciably complex. Read the resources I posted above.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Phil Johnson, the same guy the say HIV does not cause AIDS???????????????????????????????????????????

Phil Johnson, the Father of the ID movement, Co-founder of the Discovery Group, who according to the Harvard Review engages in pseudo-science, and not real science....

Yea, that's perhaps the worst person you could choose for an appeal to authority.
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Phil Johnson, the same guy the say HIV does not cause AIDS???????????????????????????????????????????

Phil Johnson, the Father of the ID movement, Co-founder of the Discovery Group, who according to the Harvard Review engages in pseudo-science, and not real science....

Yea, that's perhaps the worst person you could choose for an appeal to authority.

To be fair, Johnson at (4:37 in RJ's link) did say that Jones was judicially correct in his ruling in Kitzmiller under SC guidelines. Johnson's total beef with Jones was that he thought that Jones was grandstanding beyond proper decorum.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Miller has never, ever demonstrated the flagellum is not irreduciably complex. Read the resources I posted above.

Of course he did. The resources you posted in no way refuted his arguments.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Phil Johnson, the same guy the say HIV does not cause AIDS???????????????????????????????????????????

Phil Johnson, the Father of the ID movement, Co-founder of the Discovery Group, who according to the Harvard Review engages in pseudo-science, and not real science....

Yea, that's perhaps the worst person you could choose for an appeal to authority.

Your apparent argument is that because everyone believes HIV does cause AIDS, and Johnson does not, ergo Johnson is wrong on evolution (or rather,he is a crackpot). Do I have it correct? Do you have the slightest idea what a ridiculously weak argument that is? At some point, virtually everyone believed the world was flat too. Kerry Mullis, a Nobel Laureate and discoverer of PCR (polymerase chain reaction) also does not believe the evidence establishes that HIV causes AIDS. There are other scientists---world leaders in their field---who also do not believe in the HIV-AIDS hypothesis. So your premise utterly begs the salient question. You (and Miller) employ a pattern of argument that is characteristic of discussants who actually have no argument: attack the intelligence, motivation or credentials of your opponent, misrepresent their arguments if you can get away with it----but don't ever actually refute them. I take the lack of refutation as evidence o of the inability to refute.

Notice also, I did not appeal to Johnson's authority. I cited him. His commentary on Kitzmiller (which I linked) speaks for itself.
As usual, you refuse to address the merits of Johnson's commentary. One of the important points about Kitzmiller is the role that the lawyer's had in the outcome. The Plaintiffs were heavily funded and served by the finest lawyers. The defendants were in the opposite position. The point is the outcome of a trial really tells us nothing about who was actually right: it only tells us who won.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by carbon12
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Phil Johnson, the same guy the say HIV does not cause AIDS???????????????????????????????????????????

Phil Johnson, the Father of the ID movement, Co-founder of the Discovery Group, who according to the Harvard Review engages in pseudo-science, and not real science....

Yea, that's perhaps the worst person you could choose for an appeal to authority.

To be fair, Johnson at (4:37 in RJ's link) did say that Jones was judicially correct in his ruling in Kitzmiller under SC guidelines. Johnson's total beef with Jones was that he thought that Jones was grandstanding beyond proper decorum.

Actually, to be fair Johnson said Jones found material in the record to justify a finding of religious purpose and that he was applying a Supreme Court doctrine that made religious motivation decisive. He did not say Kitzmiller was correct. The important part of the Kitzmiller decision is Jones's definition of science, which is incorrect.

Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by carbon12
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Phil Johnson, the same guy the say HIV does not cause AIDS???????????????????????????????????????????

Phil Johnson, the Father of the ID movement, Co-founder of the Discovery Group, who according to the Harvard Review engages in pseudo-science, and not real science....

Yea, that's perhaps the worst person you could choose for an appeal to authority.

To be fair, Johnson at (4:37 in RJ's link) did say that Jones was judicially correct in his ruling in Kitzmiller under SC guidelines. Johnson's total beef with Jones was that he thought that Jones was grandstanding beyond proper decorum.

Actually, to be fair Johnson said Jones found material in the record to justify a finding of religious purpose and that he was applying a Supreme Court doctrine that made religious motivation decisive. He did not say Kitzmiller was correct. The important part of the Kitzmiller decision is Jones's definition of science, which is incorrect.


Sounds like a law professor's endorsement of Jones to me.

What definition of Science would have been correct?
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Yes, the defense consisted of quacks and liars:

"Witnesses either testified inconsistently, or lied outright under oath on several occasions," Jones wrote. "The inescapable truth is that both [Alan] Bonsell and [William] Buckingham lied at their January 3, 2005 depositions. ... Bonsell repeatedly failed to testify in a truthful manner. ... Defendants have unceasingly attempted in vain to distance themselves from their own actions and statements, which culminated in repetitious, untruthful testimony." An editorial in the York Daily Record described their behaviour as both ironic and sinful, saying that the "unintelligent designers of this fiasco should not walk away unscathed".[41]

And my favorite quote from the Judge:

"The Citizens of Dover are were poorly served by the members of the Board who voted for the ID Policy. It is ironic that several of these individuals, who so staunchly and proudly touted their religious convictions in public, would time and again lie to cover their tracks and disguise the real purpose behind the ID Policy.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by carbon12
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by carbon12
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Phil Johnson, the same guy the say HIV does not cause AIDS???????????????????????????????????????????

Phil Johnson, the Father of the ID movement, Co-founder of the Discovery Group, who according to the Harvard Review engages in pseudo-science, and not real science....

Yea, that's perhaps the worst person you could choose for an appeal to authority.

To be fair, Johnson at (4:37 in RJ's link) did say that Jones was judicially correct in his ruling in Kitzmiller under SC guidelines. Johnson's total beef with Jones was that he thought that Jones was grandstanding beyond proper decorum.

Actually, to be fair Johnson said Jones found material in the record to justify a finding of religious purpose and that he was applying a Supreme Court doctrine that made religious motivation decisive. He did not say Kitzmiller was correct. The important part of the Kitzmiller decision is Jones's definition of science, which is incorrect.


What definition of Science would have been correct?

Well, for starters, a definition that presupposes the metahpysical freedom of the mind. The idea of "truth" presupposes that "truth" is intelligible. But scientific truth, or any kind of truth for that matter is logically impossible if one's starting premise is that "matter in motion" is all there is. Naturalism implicitly denies that the mind is free to apprehend truth---or rather, that truth is even possible---all the while purporting to discover the "truth" of evolution.

Here is a link that discussed the definition of science from another perspective.


Posted By: Take_a_knee Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by ironbender
Originally Posted by Take_a_knee

True, but Bolio Lake at the Cold Regions Test Center at Greely holds the record for the all-time low in N. America.

Colder than Prospect Cr.?

Wiki says Prospect hit -80F. The Army said the CRTC hit -81 in FEB/80.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Yes, the defense consisted of quacks and liars:

"Witnesses either testified inconsistently, or lied outright under oath on several occasions," Jones wrote. "The inescapable truth is that both [Alan] Bonsell and [William] Buckingham lied at their January 3, 2005 depositions. ... Bonsell repeatedly failed to testify in a truthful manner. ... Defendants have unceasingly attempted in vain to distance themselves from their own actions and statements, which culminated in repetitious, untruthful testimony." An editorial in the York Daily Record described their behaviour as both ironic and sinful, saying that the "unintelligent designers of this fiasco should not walk away unscathed".[41]

And my favorite quote from the Judge:

"The Citizens of Dover are were poorly served by the members of the Board who voted for the ID Policy. It is ironic that several of these individuals, who so staunchly and proudly touted their religious convictions in public, would time and again lie to cover their tracks and disguise the real purpose behind the ID Policy.

Bonsell and Buckingham were school board members and young earth creationists. Young earth creationism is not scientifically tenable. That does not mean ID is not.
Posted By: Take_a_knee Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

Phil Johnson, the Father of the ID movement, Co-founder of the Discovery Group, who according to the Harvard Review engages in pseudo-science, and not real science....

Ronald Reagan, the father of modern conservatism, originator of the Reagan Doctrine, who, according to the ACLU/SDS/PETA/Polesmokers of Amerika, sucked great big MOOSE COCK.....
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
atched a funny video where one of the big proponents of intelligent design was taken to task about the Ernst Haeckel diagram still being taught and when they pulled a dozen school biology texts off the shelf in the guys office and IF Haeckel was mentioned at all(in 2/3's he wasnt mentioned at all) it was in passing that he was one of the early scientists....it sure isnt being taught as modern theory.

Recently one of the evolution supporters on this very website used Haeckel's info as support for evolution. It has been almost 150 years since he was discredited, so why is he even mentioned in passing?
Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Creationism explained:

God + Adam + Eve - times - Cane - minus - Abel + Seth - divided by - Lilith - times - Eve's sister-in-law - divided by - dinosaurs - times - 42 - times - E=mc2 - divided by - Infinity + H2O - times - monosodiumglutimate - minus - The Monolith + hot air + the sound of a honking horn + The Secret Ingredient - minus - your opposable thumb = ALL THAT IS AND EVER SHALL BE! AMEN!

I hope that clears things up for you.

- taken from Urban Dictionary...I thought it was funny.
Posted By: rattler Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
atched a funny video where one of the big proponents of intelligent design was taken to task about the Ernst Haeckel diagram still being taught and when they pulled a dozen school biology texts off the shelf in the guys office and IF Haeckel was mentioned at all(in 2/3's he wasnt mentioned at all) it was in passing that he was one of the early scientists....it sure isnt being taught as modern theory.

Recently one of the evolution supporters on this very website used Haeckel's info as support for evolution. It has been almost 150 years since he was discredited, so why is he even mentioned in passing?

why is he mentioned in passing? same reason all kinds of people are mentioned in passing....they are a part of history....every history book is full of similar.....his stuff wasnt taught when i was in school but he was mentioned in the beginning of the biology texts as a scientist in the past....
Posted By: rattler Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
BTW on the whole transitional forms.....IF you actually chose to learn bout biology you would find out there are loads of them including living ones.....unfortunately most that seem to argue against it on here couldnt pass a basic biology class....least i put the effort in figuring out what the hell intelligent design was trying to sell.....it quickly fell apart cause as i said its main point has been to make lawyers money not to actually explain anything....
Posted By: Take_a_knee Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by rattler
BTW on the whole transitional forms.....IF you actually chose to learn bout biology you would find out there are loads of them including living ones.....unfortunately most that seem to argue against it on here couldnt pass a basic biology class....least i put the effort in figuring out what the hell intelligent design was trying to sell.....it quickly fell apart cause as i said its main point has been to make lawyers money not to actually explain anything....

I've passed a few biology classes, and I think you are FOS.

"Living" transitional forms, huh?
Posted By: rattler Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
yep....guessing you just dont understand what a transitional form is....there are plenty of plants and animals that dont fit neatly into an existing species....they are either on the way to something new or a dead end.....time will tell....
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Living transition forms reproduce after their kind. Did any of you evolutionists happen to notice that? But we could go back to the 1970's and accept the evolutionist Goldsmidt's (I think that's his name.) idea that a turtle laid an egg and a parakeet hatched. He called it the "hopeful monster mechanism" because he could not find a single un-challenged by an evolutionist transition form. He was laughed at by the evolutionary community. Now it is called the "punctuated equilibrium concept" and many scientists are no longer laughing.
Posted By: rattler Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Living transition forms reproduce after their kind. Did any of you evolutionists happen to notice that? But we could go back to the 1970's and accept the evolutionist Goldsmidt's (I think that's his name.) idea that a turtle laid an egg and a parakeet hatched. He called it the "hopeful monster mechanism" because he could not find a single un-challenged by an evolutionist transition form. He was laughed at by the evolutionary community. Now it is called the "punctuated equilibrium concept" and many scientists are no longer laughing.

man yo really have no clue about what you are talking about...cause the above makes no [bleep] sense what so ever....you gotta be trying to parrot someone else and have no clue what they are talking about...
Posted By: Take_a_knee Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by rattler
Originally Posted by Ringman
Living transition forms reproduce after their kind. Did any of you evolutionists happen to notice that? But we could go back to the 1970's and accept the evolutionist Goldsmidt's (I think that's his name.) idea that a turtle laid an egg and a parakeet hatched. He called it the "hopeful monster mechanism" because he could not find a single un-challenged by an evolutionist transition form. He was laughed at by the evolutionary community. Now it is called the "punctuated equilibrium concept" and many scientists are no longer laughing.

man yo really have no clue about what you are talking about...cause the above makes no [bleep] sense what so ever....you gotta be trying to parrot someone else and have no clue what they are talking about...

He's referring to S.J. Gould, as you well know, and "according to their kind" is why there is no such thing as a mule farm, but don't let reality get in the way of your pet theory.
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13

This has got me curious. What is a transitional form and please give me a couple of examples thereof.


Posted By: Bluedreaux Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by TF49

This has got me curious. What is a transitional form and please give me a couple of examples thereof.



I'd like to know how it's certain that they're transitioning and what they transitioned from.

I'm doubtful I'll be convinced, based on what I've heard before about the subject, but I'm still genuinely curious about the answer.
Posted By: EdM Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by ingwe
I didn't read this whole thread and this is directed at no one in particular. But if you want proof of evolution, look in the mirror!

Can't believe there is a doubt about it in anyones mind�...

Nice to hear you pipe up. So many others won't. Ya know, a bud on the 'fire and all...
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Miller has never, ever demonstrated the flagellum is not irreduciably complex. Read the resources I posted above.

Of course he did. The resources you posted in no way refuted his arguments.
These supposedly irreducibly complex structures only seem so when one starts with the premise that the end point was contemplated from the beginning of the structure's development. This is not how evolution postulates it occurs at all. Each tiny step served a function that merely increased survivability a little over other members of the species. Once that new adaptation became fully refined for that function by the process of natural selection, a further modification (hit upon by genetic variability/mutation) improved survivability a little more, etc., etc.. The end function of the end product (which can be very complex indeed) can even (and often does) have little or nothing to do with the original purpose of the earlier stages of development.

For example, our lungs (or rather that structure that became our lungs) originally served the function of equalizing buoyancy in our fish ancestors, i.e., it was an air sack that served no blood-oxygenation function at all. Our fish ancestors' gills (originally serving the function of blood-oxygenation) are now, in us, associated with producing speech, and no longer serve any blood-oxygenation function.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
atched a funny video where one of the big proponents of intelligent design was taken to task about the Ernst Haeckel diagram still being taught and when they pulled a dozen school biology texts off the shelf in the guys office and IF Haeckel was mentioned at all(in 2/3's he wasnt mentioned at all) it was in passing that he was one of the early scientists....it sure isnt being taught as modern theory.

Recently one of the evolution supporters on this very website used Haeckel's info as support for evolution. It has been almost 150 years since he was discredited, so why is he even mentioned in passing?
Because he was the popularizer of the idea that ontology recapitulates phylogeny, and this is irrefutably true and accepted in the biological sciences. Doesn't matter if his early illustrations have been found fault with. Science isn't stuck in the 19th Century.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by Take_a_knee

He's referring to S.J. Gould, as you well know, and "according to their kind" is why there is no such thing as a mule farm, but don't let reality get in the way of your pet theory.
You chose a poor example for your point of view, since the fact that a donkey and a horse can produce offspring, but not fertile offspring, is a strong argument in favor of speciation by evolution, i.e., it proves they are 1) not the same species, but 2) had a common ancestor not very distant in the past.
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan

Actually, to be fair Johnson said Jones found material in the record to justify a finding of religious purpose and that he was applying a Supreme Court doctrine that made religious motivation decisive. He did not say Kitzmiller was correct. The important part of the Kitzmiller decision is Jones's definition of science, which is incorrect.


Sounds like a law professor's endorsement of Jones to me.

What definition of Science would have been correct? [/quote]

Well, for starters, a definition that presupposes the metahpysical freedom of the mind. The idea of "truth" presupposes that "truth" is intelligible. But scientific truth, or any kind of truth for that matter is logically impossible if one's starting premise is that "matter in motion" is all there is. Naturalism implicitly denies that the mind is free to apprehend truth---or rather, that truth is even possible---all the while purporting to discover the "truth" of evolution.

Here is a link that discussed the definition of science from another perspective.


Jordan [/quote]

Quite a mouthful to simply say that ID (Creationism), Astrology, Scientology, Turtleworld

[Linked Image]

be taught along side Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Medicine, as Science in public teaching institutions.

Maybe Kitzmiller is wrong for you and perhaps your community but it was not for Dover, PA. After Kitzmiller, The people of the Dover School District showed their disdain of redefining Science, to be more inclusive of hocus pocus, by voting out all of the ID proponents on the school board in the very next election.
Posted By: Calvin Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
I'm taking a geology class in university right now. It's basically an evolution propaganda class, and here I thought I'd learn some stuff about rocks. Huge disappointment, and if I had paid anything for it, I'd be demanding a refund.

After reading all the crap I need to read and spit forth the information I need to get an A, I've come to the following conclusions..

1. The "scientists" who write all the papers and reports purposely write them so 99% of the people have zero idea what the heck they are talking about.. that way they can be full of [bleep], and 99% of the people don't know it.

2. You'd either have to be really bored or really "searching" to latch onto a belief like evolution. 90% of the stuff the write basically says "we have no clue, but this is a guess that we'll change in a few years".

3. If you want to believe in some weird religion of evolution so you can fit into some sort of "intellectual" crowd, go ahead. I'm sure it fits some need you have.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by Calvin
If you want to believe in some weird religion of the world being round instead of flat, or the earth orbiting the sun instead of the other way around, or that everything is made of some tiny invisible things called atoms, so you can fit into some sort of "intellectual" crowd, go ahead. I'm sure it fits some need you have.
Just to let you know, that's about what your statement sounds like to scientifically literate people reading it.
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by Calvin
I'm taking a geology class in university right now. It's basically an evolution propaganda class, and here I thought I'd learn some stuff about rocks. Huge disappointment, and if I had paid anything for it, I'd be demanding a refund.

After reading all the crap I need to read and spit forth the information I need to get an A, I've come to the following conclusions..

1. The "scientists" who write all the papers and reports purposely write them so 99% of the people have zero idea what the heck they are talking about.. that way they can be full of [bleep], and 99% of the people don't know it.

2. You'd either have to be really bored or really "searching" to latch onto a belief like evolution. 90% of the stuff the write basically says "we have no clue, but this is a guess that we'll change in a few years".

3. If you want to believe in some weird religion of evolution so you can fit into some sort of "intellectual" crowd, go ahead. I'm sure it fits some need you have.

Stay strong in your faith. Don't be complacent and waste the time in class on [bleep]. Raise your hand and demand the professor teach you the real truth of Geology. Do it or you will be just another limp putz.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
One of the main occupations of geologists today is working for the fossil fuel industry looking for oil and coal deposits. They are very effective, and could never be so were evolution false. That's because all the assumptions on which rest their techniques for finding fossil fuels are based on evolution being true. Were it not true, in fact, their techniques would be worthless.

"Faunal Succession: Similar to the law of superposition is the law of faunal succession, which states that groups of fossil animals and plants occur throughout the geologic record in a distinct and identifiable order. Following this law, sedimentary rocks can be "dated" by their characteristic fossil content. Particularly useful are index fossils, geographically widespread fossils that evolved rapidly through time."

- Utah Geological Survey
Posted By: Take_a_knee Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Take_a_knee

He's referring to S.J. Gould, as you well know, and "according to their kind" is why there is no such thing as a mule farm, but don't let reality get in the way of your pet theory.
You chose a poor example for your point of view, since the fact that a donkey and a horse can produce offspring, but not fertile offspring, is a strong argument in favor of speciation by evolution, i.e., it proves they are 1) not the same species, but 2) had a common ancestor not very distant in the past.

You're wrong, my example is top shelf. Gould's Punctuated Equilibria, or "hopeful monster" theory predicates that a pair mates and produces a "freak" unlike themselves (think mule) and THAT offspring must locate, and breed with, another "freak" with chromosomes close enough to its own to be able to produce viable offspring to perpetuate this "quantum leap". Bear in mind all this had to happen, TWICE, at least, in the same geographical area, at nearly the same time.

This is where mathematicians went off the reservation with Gould. They simply said the probability of this having ever occurred are so remote as to be utterly impossible, and just happening once would have changed nothing. It had to happen thousands and thousands of times.

Back to mules. Don't you think if there was anything to Gould's hypothesis, somewhere, ONE PAIR of mules would have gotten it on and produced a baby mule? And this is with a LOT of human intervention.

Bear in mind, Gould was a top-shelf paleontologist, and HE didn't see all those "living transitional forms" that Rattler keeps babbling about, which is why he cooked this stuff up in the first place.
Posted By: Calvin Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by carbon12
Originally Posted by Calvin
I'm taking a geology class in university right now. It's basically an evolution propaganda class, and here I thought I'd learn some stuff about rocks. Huge disappointment, and if I had paid anything for it, I'd be demanding a refund.

After reading all the crap I need to read and spit forth the information I need to get an A, I've come to the following conclusions..

1. The "scientists" who write all the papers and reports purposely write them so 99% of the people have zero idea what the heck they are talking about.. that way they can be full of [bleep], and 99% of the people don't know it.

2. You'd either have to be really bored or really "searching" to latch onto a belief like evolution. 90% of the stuff the write basically says "we have no clue, but this is a guess that we'll change in a few years".

3. If you want to believe in some weird religion of evolution so you can fit into some sort of "intellectual" crowd, go ahead. I'm sure it fits some need you have.

Stay strong in your faith. Don't be complacent and waste the time in class on [bleep]. Raise your hand and demand the professor teach you the real truth of Geology. Do it or you will be just another limp putz.

I'm taking that class online. I do write all of my answers as "it is believed"..
Posted By: Calvin Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Calvin
If you want to believe in some weird religion of the world being round instead of flat, or the earth orbiting the sun instead of the other way around, or that everything is made of some tiny invisible things called atoms, so you can fit into some sort of "intellectual" crowd, go ahead. I'm sure it fits some need you have.
Just to let you know, that's about what your statement sounds like to scientifically literal people reading it.

No, that's how you justify following one of the biggest scams going.

Have you actually taken the time to read all the evolution crap out there? Wild ass guesses, at best. It's like Jeff O wrote it.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by Take_a_knee
You're wrong, my example is top shelf. Gould's Punctuated Equilibria, or "hopeful monster" theory predicates that a pair mates and produces a "freak" unlike themselves (think mule) ...
Sorry, but there's little need for me to read further, since one assumes that what you have to say further rests on the premise contained in the above quote, which reveals a very fundamental misunderstanding on your part about what speciation by evolution proposes.

You're clearly a bright person. My personal theory is that you are experiencing some sort of social pressure to maintain the fiction of Intelligent Design. Perhaps your parish church is heavily dedicated to it, and you fear rejection were you ever to disagree. I cannot imagine, short of something like that, an intelligent person like yourself falling for something like ID.

Speaking for myself, my Christian faith doesn't depend in the least on the falsity of the discoveries made in the last hundred plus years by the biologic sciences.
Posted By: Take_a_knee Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
It ain't fiction to me Hawk. On this, you and I will likely always differ. So be it. And I've not, nor have I ever been "pressured" to adopt my stance. It is just where my feeble brain takes me I suppose.
Posted By: 5sdad Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Calvin
If you want to believe in some weird religion of the world being round instead of flat, or the earth orbiting the sun instead of the other way around, or that everything is made of some tiny invisible things called atoms, so you can fit into some sort of "intellectual" crowd, go ahead. I'm sure it fits some need you have.
Just to let you know, that's about what your statement sounds like to scientifically literal people reading it.

A little help here for the perpetually confused: what are "scientifically literal people"? Thanks
Posted By: Calvin Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
This is the scam:

They come up with a wild ass theory.

They make it complex, so that an advance degree is needed to teach it.

They make a fortune teaching such classes to kids in University. 100K + jobs.

They make the kids accept what they are teaching, or fail them and not let them into the field.

And, the scam keeps going, as the "believers" is this wild theory are the only ones who make it high enough to each at the university level.

Repeat this cycle a few dozen times, and people accept it as "truth".

Heaven forbid they actually teach about rocks in a Geology class.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by 5sdad
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Calvin
If you want to believe in some weird religion of the world being round instead of flat, or the earth orbiting the sun instead of the other way around, or that everything is made of some tiny invisible things called atoms, so you can fit into some sort of "intellectual" crowd, go ahead. I'm sure it fits some need you have.
Just to let you know, that's about what your statement sounds like to scientifically literate people reading it.

A little help here for the perpetually confused: what are "scientifically literal people"? Thanks
It should be self-explanatory, but if not, here's a cut and paste on the subject:

"A scientifically literate person is defined as one who has the capacity to understand experiment and reasoning as well as basic scientific facts and their meaning; ask, find, or determine answers to questions derived from curiosity about everyday experiences; describe, explain, and predict natural phenomena; read with understanding articles about science in the popular press and to engage in social conversation about the validity of the conclusions; identify scientific issues underlying national and local decisions and express positions that are scientifically and technologically informed; evaluate the quality of scientific information on the basis of its source and the methods used to generate it; pose and evaluate arguments based on evidence and to apply conclusions from such arguments appropriately."
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by Calvin
This is the scam:

They come up with a wild ass theory.

They make it complex, so that an advance degree is needed to teach it.

They make a fortune teaching such classes to kids in University. 100K + jobs.

They make the kids accept what they are teaching, or fail them and not let them into the field.

And, the scam keeps going, as the "believers" is this wild theory are the only ones who make it high enough to each at the university level.

Repeat this cycle a few dozen times, and people accept it as "truth".

Heaven forbid they actually teach about rocks in a Geology class.
Wow! Quite literally, none of what's routinely accomplished in the biological sciences today would be possible were speciation by evolution false. It's a foundational concept for all of it.
Posted By: ingwe Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by antlers
Creationism explained:

God + Adam + Eve - times - Cane - minus - Abel + Seth - divided by - Lilith - times - Eve's sister-in-law - divided by - dinosaurs - times - 42 - times - E=mc2 - divided by - Infinity + H2O - times - monosodiumglutimate - minus - The Monolith + hot air + the sound of a honking horn + The Secret Ingredient - minus - your opposable thumb = ALL THAT IS AND EVER SHALL BE! AMEN!

I hope that clears things up for you.

- taken from Urban Dictionary...I thought it was funny.


[Linked Image]
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
man yo really have no clue about what you are talking about...cause the above makes no [bleep] sense what so ever....you gotta be trying to parrot someone else and have no clue what they are talking about.

Since you don't know me and didn't watch me write that from memory you show you are a major speculator.

You are not a parrot? You have worked so extensively with animals you have produced living transitional forms? Show us your work! Science is observation, repeating, verifying, documenting, etc.
Posted By: ingwe Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by Calvin
This is the scam:

They come up with a wild ass theory.

They make it complex, so that an advance degree is needed to teach it.

They make a fortune teaching such classes to kids in University. 100K + jobs.

They make the kids accept what they are teaching, or fail them and not let them into the field.

And, the scam keeps going, as the "believers" is this wild theory are the only ones who make it high enough to each at the university level.

Repeat this cycle a few dozen times, and people accept it as "truth".

Heaven forbid they actually teach about rocks in a Geology class.

[Linked Image]
Posted By: Ghostinthemachine Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Literal? grin
Posted By: 5sdad Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Thank you, even one so unintelligent as I can figure out scientifically literate. Scienticially literal left me a bit puzzled.
Posted By: Take_a_knee Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by ingwe
Originally Posted by Calvin
This is the scam:

They come up with a wild ass theory.

They make it complex, so that an advance degree is needed to teach it.

They make a fortune teaching such classes to kids in University. 100K + jobs.

They make the kids accept what they are teaching, or fail them and not let them into the field.

And, the scam keeps going, as the "believers" is this wild theory are the only ones who make it high enough to each at the university level.

Repeat this cycle a few dozen times, and people accept it as "truth".

Heaven forbid they actually teach about rocks in a Geology class.

[Linked Image]

Travis can be a smartazz and actually be humorous on occasion. Just sayin.
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by Calvin
This is the scam:

They come up with a wild ass theory.

They make it complex, so that an advance degree is needed to teach it.

They make a fortune teaching such classes to kids in University. 100K + jobs.

They make the kids accept what they are teaching, or fail them and not let them into the field.

And, the scam keeps going, as the "believers" is this wild theory are the only ones who make it high enough to each at the university level.

Repeat this cycle a few dozen times, and people accept it as "truth".

Heaven forbid they actually teach about rocks in a Geology class.


Your post in Headlines.

University geology professors propagate a scam to make 100K.

University geology professor don't teach about rocks.

University geology professor fails students that don't learn what is taught.

Undergraduate non-believers restricted from teaching Geology at the university level.

Hilarious stuff Calvin. Keep it up.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Take_a_knee

He's referring to S.J. Gould, as you well know, and "according to their kind" is why there is no such thing as a mule farm, but don't let reality get in the way of your pet theory.
You chose a poor example for your point of view, since the fact that a donkey and a horse can produce offspring, but not fertile offspring, is a strong argument in favor of speciation by evolution, i.e., it proves they are 1) not the same species, but 2) had a common ancestor not very distant in the past.

There have been some cases lately of Jennies reproducing mules so who knows. I think the sperm donor was a horse though. I don't know if Jack can reproduce with a Jenny.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by 5sdad
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Calvin
If you want to believe in some weird religion of the world being round instead of flat, or the earth orbiting the sun instead of the other way around, or that everything is made of some tiny invisible things called atoms, so you can fit into some sort of "intellectual" crowd, go ahead. I'm sure it fits some need you have.
Just to let you know, that's about what your statement sounds like to scientifically literal people reading it.

A little help here for the perpetually confused: what are "scientifically literal people"? Thanks
Someone just pointed out to me that I have a typo. Literal should be literate. Make sense now?
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by Ghostinthemachine
Literal? grin
Literate. Typo corrected by auto correct to literal.
Posted By: Ghostinthemachine Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
That happens to me all the time with this iPad. Sometimes the replacement word is no where near to what the one I typed was. crazy
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by derby_dude
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Take_a_knee

He's referring to S.J. Gould, as you well know, and "according to their kind" is why there is no such thing as a mule farm, but don't let reality get in the way of your pet theory.
You chose a poor example for your point of view, since the fact that a donkey and a horse can produce offspring, but not fertile offspring, is a strong argument in favor of speciation by evolution, i.e., it proves they are 1) not the same species, but 2) had a common ancestor not very distant in the past.

There have been some cases lately of Jennies reproducing mules so who knows. I think the sperm donor was a horse though. I don't know if Jack can reproduce with a Jenny.
Yeah, but it's rare. If they were the same species, producing fertile offspring would be the norm not the exception.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by Ghostinthemachine
That happens to me all the time with this iPad. Sometimes the replacement word is no where near to what the one I typed was. crazy

Heck, I have that with PC. I think the spell check program was written by the same guys that wrote ObamaCare.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by derby_dude
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Take_a_knee

He's referring to S.J. Gould, as you well know, and "according to their kind" is why there is no such thing as a mule farm, but don't let reality get in the way of your pet theory.
You chose a poor example for your point of view, since the fact that a donkey and a horse can produce offspring, but not fertile offspring, is a strong argument in favor of speciation by evolution, i.e., it proves they are 1) not the same species, but 2) had a common ancestor not very distant in the past.

There have been some cases lately of Jennies reproducing mules so who knows. I think the sperm donor was a horse though. I don't know if Jack can reproduce with a Jenny.
Yeah, but it's rare. If they were the same species, producing fertile offspring would be the norm not the exception.

It is pretty rare and has just been happening recently.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/16/13
Originally Posted by Take_a_knee
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Take_a_knee

He's referring to S.J. Gould, as you well know, and "according to their kind" is why there is no such thing as a mule farm, but don't let reality get in the way of your pet theory.
You chose a poor example for your point of view, since the fact that a donkey and a horse can produce offspring, but not fertile offspring, is a strong argument in favor of speciation by evolution, i.e., it proves they are 1) not the same species, but 2) had a common ancestor not very distant in the past.

You're wrong, my example is top shelf. Gould's Punctuated Equilibria, or "hopeful monster" theory predicates that a pair mates and produces a "freak" unlike themselves (think mule) and THAT offspring must locate, and breed with, another "freak" with chromosomes close enough to its own to be able to produce viable offspring to perpetuate this "quantum leap". Bear in mind all this had to happen, TWICE, at least, in the same geographical area, at nearly the same time.

This is where mathematicians went off the reservation with Gould. They simply said the probability of this having ever occurred are so remote as to be utterly impossible, and just happening once would have changed nothing. It had to happen thousands and thousands of times.

Back to mules. Don't you think if there was anything to Gould's hypothesis, somewhere, ONE PAIR of mules would have gotten it on and produced a baby mule? And this is with a LOT of human intervention.

Bear in mind, Gould was a top-shelf paleontologist, and HE didn't see all those "living transitional forms" that Rattler keeps babbling about, which is why he cooked this stuff up in the first place.

Your understanding of punctuated equilibrium is not accurate. Under punctuated equilibrium occurs rapidly on a geological time scale. A rapid change on a geological time scale does not require "freaks breaking with freaks", but just an increase in the evolutionary pressures such as a decrease in the genetic diversity of a population, or environmental changes migration into new area's that favor certain traits over others. In other words, no freaks required.
Posted By: ironbender Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13

What is the title of the course you are taking?

As an aside, these threads have never, and likely will never, change anyone's mind on the topic of evolution/creation.

I hope that someone was able to answer the OP via PM.
Posted By: Take_a_knee Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Take_a_knee
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Take_a_knee

He's referring to S.J. Gould, as you well know, and "according to their kind" is why there is no such thing as a mule farm, but don't let reality get in the way of your pet theory.
You chose a poor example for your point of view, since the fact that a donkey and a horse can produce offspring, but not fertile offspring, is a strong argument in favor of speciation by evolution, i.e., it proves they are 1) not the same species, but 2) had a common ancestor not very distant in the past.

You're wrong, my example is top shelf. Gould's Punctuated Equilibria, or "hopeful monster" theory predicates that a pair mates and produces a "freak" unlike themselves (think mule) and THAT offspring must locate, and breed with, another "freak" with chromosomes close enough to its own to be able to produce viable offspring to perpetuate this "quantum leap". Bear in mind all this had to happen, TWICE, at least, in the same geographical area, at nearly the same time.

This is where mathematicians went off the reservation with Gould. They simply said the probability of this having ever occurred are so remote as to be utterly impossible, and just happening once would have changed nothing. It had to happen thousands and thousands of times.

Back to mules. Don't you think if there was anything to Gould's hypothesis, somewhere, ONE PAIR of mules would have gotten it on and produced a baby mule? And this is with a LOT of human intervention.

Bear in mind, Gould was a top-shelf paleontologist, and HE didn't see all those "living transitional forms" that Rattler keeps babbling about, which is why he cooked this stuff up in the first place.

Your understanding of punctuated equilibrium is not accurate. Under punctuated equilibrium occurs rapidly on a geological time scale. A rapid change on a geological time scale does not require "freaks breaking with freaks", but just an increase in the evolutionary pressures such as a decrease in the genetic diversity of a population, or environmental changes migration into new area's that favor certain traits over others. In other words, no freaks required.

Nothing but obfuscation. I'll break it down for you. For there to be a next generation, animals have to copulate TODAY, and give birth to viable offspring at the end of a normal gestation period.

We are back to "mule farms" again. There are none, anywhere, on planet earth. Never will be because genetic code precludes it. Again, macro evolution flies in the face of what is knowable and observable, and Darwin's theory is neither.
Posted By: Calvin Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by ingwe
Originally Posted by Calvin
This is the scam:

They come up with a wild ass theory.

They make it complex, so that an advance degree is needed to teach it.

They make a fortune teaching such classes to kids in University. 100K + jobs.

They make the kids accept what they are teaching, or fail them and not let them into the field.

And, the scam keeps going, as the "believers" is this wild theory are the only ones who make it high enough to each at the university level.

Repeat this cycle a few dozen times, and people accept it as "truth".

Heaven forbid they actually teach about rocks in a Geology class.

[Linked Image]

Yep, and that's what they say too when you tell them man made climate change isn't real.
Posted By: AKtrapper26 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by ironbender

As an aside, these threads have never, and likely will never, change anyone's mind on the topic of evolution/creation.

I would be inclined to believe the above statement, at any rate laugh , but...speaking generally, not at any individual: everytime I see one of these discussions I wonder why it is that whenever people mention 'evolution' it is always immediately branded to mean evolution as in CREATION. No one has found proof yet of how creation came to be, period, hence the ongoing arguments. But there sure is a LOT of proof of evolution as far as living things continually changing, regardless of how/what they started out as.

For someone to say evolution is or isn't how humans came to be is still an open-ended statement. To say that evolution is not going on within and all around us, sounds un-informed.
Posted By: Sitka deer Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Posted By: stxhunter Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Posted By: calikooknic Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by EdM
Curious why one gives a [bleep] whether proof exists or not? Clearly it goes either way. Is it OK for some to believe and some not? I mean what the [bleep]? Seems it is a personal thing that is defined, quite personally, as required. Nothing wrong with that IMO... Some believe, some not and either will receive the "wrath" they believe. [bleep], at least simple really for those not so worried...

Sum bidch......... this works for all kinds of threads on here. Jusus, abortion, 223 vs 22-250, 270 vs 280 vs 30'06, chile with or without beans, ice or no ice in your whiskey/whisky/bourbon. Are Zebra print thongs gay and Leopard print masculine? Thanks.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by Take_a_knee

Nothing but obfuscation. I'll break it down for you. For there to be a next generation, animals have to copulate TODAY, and give birth to viable offspring at the end of a normal gestation period.

We are back to "mule farms" again. There are none, anywhere, on planet earth. Never will be because genetic code precludes it. Again, macro evolution flies in the face of what is knowable and observable, and Darwin's theory is neither.
Again, TAK, you reveal that you don't understand the fundamentals of evolution. Changes are gradual, not sudden like a horse giving birth to a donkey.

The horse and the donkey are branches off from a common ancestor that lived in the past. One subgroup of said ancestor species became isolated from the main group, and became exposed to slightly different environmental pressures, guiding natural selection in a different direction. Eventually, the two branches became sufficiently dissimilar genetically that they could no longer produce fertile offspring when they came across one another, despite still being able to produce infertile offspring, thus making for two distinct species.

The fact they could product infertile offspring indicates, however, that they branched away from each other relatively recently (on a geological time scale). For example, a cow and a horse can't produce any sort of offspring. This is because their common ancestor lived much further in the past than that of the horse and the donkey. A sheep and a goat, however, on very rare occasions (unlike horses and donkeys who can reliably produce infertile offspring), can produce living (though, of course, infertile) offspring.

This tells us that the split from the common ancestor of the sheep and the goat likely occurred further back in time than that of the horse and the donkey, but not as far back as that of the cow and the horse. The horse and the sea turtle had a common ancestor, too, but MUCH further distant in the past, as can be seen by the degree of their genetic dissimilarity.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by AKtrapper26
To say that evolution is not going on within and all around us, sounds un-informed.
Yes it does. Human history (which, on a geological scale, is a very short period of time) has observed this in the variety of subspecies we've created through human-directed selection, e.g., the dog from the wolf (and all the varied breeds of dog), and all the other various breeds of domesticated animals. Wild subspecies have even come about under the observation of human beings, such as species of lizard becoming geographically isolated within human history, causing the generation of an identifiable subspecies.

On a geological timescale, this occurred in the blink of an eye. Given hundreds of thousands of years of isolation, it's not hard at all to imagine sufficient genetic differentiation between two subgroups of the same species as to result in an inability to reliably generate fertile offspring, the first step in speciation.
Posted By: curdog4570 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by AKtrapper26
To say that evolution is not going on within and all around us, sounds un-informed.
Yes it does. Human history (which, on a geological scale, is a very short period of time) has observed this in the variety of subspecies we've created through human-directed selection, e.g., the dog from the wolf (and all the varied breeds of dog), and all the other various breeds of domesticated animals. Wild subspecies have even come about under the observation of human beings, such as species of lizard becoming geographically isolated within human history, causing the generation of an identifiable subspecies. On a geological timescale, this occurred in the blink of an eye. Given hundreds of thousands of years of isolation, it's not hard at all to imagine sufficient genetic differentiation as to result in an inability to generate fertile offspring.

I'm suspicious of ALL arguments presented with the zeal of a missionary, as if a man's welfare in some important area depends on his acceptance of the "message".

Belief, or unbelief, in Darwinian evolution, or any other school of thought which cannot be proven by replication has ZERO impact on an ordinary man's life.

Its importance can ONLY be established and magnified by the insistence of its adherents that it IS important.

The most favored technique in accomplishing this, probably because it requires ZERO genius on the part of the promoter, is to brand unbelievers as being too stupid to understand the message.

Even Al Gore was smart enough to understand that he had to convince people that "man made global-warming" adversely affected their lives before they would consider the truth of it.

So.... ALL you promoters on evolution posting on this thread may very well be more intelligent than doubters such as myself.

But ..... you are demonstrating that you are DUMBER THAN AL GORE.
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by curdog4570

Belief, or unbelief, in Darwinian evolution, or any other school of thought which cannot be proven by replication has ZERO impact on an ordinary man's life.

Maybe, maybe not.

Most probably realize that it would be a freak one-off if a belief conversion happens because of what is posted on threads such as this one. I tend to think that forum proponents of evolution post mainly for entertainment whereas non-believers of evolution post to glorify God. Each gets what they are after.


Posted By: ConradCA Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Give unto God what is Gods and give unto scientists what is science. The origin of life is science.
Posted By: curdog4570 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by ConradCA
Give unto God what is Gods and give unto scientists what is science. The origin of life is science.

The Scientific Community cannot even agree on when an individual human life begins.

How arrogant to grant to it the "right" to determine the origin of LIFE in general.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
For someone to say evolution is or isn't how humans came to be is still an open-ended statement. To say that evolution is not going on within and all around us, sounds un-informed.

You're conflating molecules to man with wolfs to dogs the way you are using the word "evolution". It is a logical fallacy.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
The origin of life is science.

Science is observable, testable, repeatable, and verifiable.

Please demonstrate the origin of life please.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by ConradCA
Give unto God what is Gods and give unto scientists what is science. The origin of life is science.

NO, the origin of life is not science, it is materialist philosophy comprised of "just so" stories and masquerading as science. And the "science" on origin of life evolution is so devoid of evidentiary support, or even a plausible theory, that Antony Flew---one of the great and prominent atheists and defender of evolution of the 20th century---renounced his atheism because of it, i.e., because of the complete lack of a plausible Darwinian scenario to account for the origins of life. Even great minds like Francis Crick can't make evolutionary theory plausibly explain the origin of life, so Crick posits visitors from outer space (and how life originated for them, Crick does not say).

That is how bad it is for origin of life Darwinian evolutionary theory. Darwinian evolution is a complete non-starter unless and until it can explain the origin of life, and it can't even do that.

Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by curdog4570

Belief, or unbelief, in Darwinian evolution, or any other school of thought which cannot be proven by replication has ZERO impact on an ordinary man's life.
Perhaps as regards an individual, but the same can be said about belief or unbelief in a spherical earth.

As to humanity as a whole, however, it makes a huge difference, since most of what the biological sciences regularly accomplish would not be possible if evolution were widely rejected by said scientists. An example of this is found in the old Soviet Union when Stalin sent all biologists who believed in evolution to the gulags and only permitted scientists to work if they rejected evolution, the competition leading to improvement and self regulating systems aspects of which were seen as contradicting Marxist theory. One direct consequence of this was repeated crop failures, as agriculture was centrally directed by scientists. Finally, they had to let the real scientists out of the gulags just to address this issue.

When the Soviet Union Chose the Wrong Side on Genetics and Evolution
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by AKtrapper26
Originally Posted by ironbender

As an aside, these threads have never, and likely will never, change anyone's mind on the topic of evolution/creation.

I would be inclined to believe the above statement, at any rate laugh , but...speaking generally, not at any individual: everytime I see one of these discussions I wonder why it is that whenever people mention 'evolution' it is always immediately branded to mean evolution as in CREATION. No one has found proof yet of how creation came to be, period, hence the ongoing arguments. But there sure is a LOT of proof of evolution as far as living things continually changing, regardless of how/what they started out as.

For someone to say evolution is or isn't how humans came to be is still an open-ended statement. To say that evolution is not going on within and all around us, sounds un-informed.

DITTOS. All is possible; nothing is impossible.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by curdog4570
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by AKtrapper26
To say that evolution is not going on within and all around us, sounds un-informed.
Yes it does. Human history (which, on a geological scale, is a very short period of time) has observed this in the variety of subspecies we've created through human-directed selection, e.g., the dog from the wolf (and all the varied breeds of dog), and all the other various breeds of domesticated animals. Wild subspecies have even come about under the observation of human beings, such as species of lizard becoming geographically isolated within human history, causing the generation of an identifiable subspecies. On a geological timescale, this occurred in the blink of an eye. Given hundreds of thousands of years of isolation, it's not hard at all to imagine sufficient genetic differentiation as to result in an inability to generate fertile offspring.

I'm suspicious of ALL arguments presented with the zeal of a missionary, as if a man's welfare in some important area depends on his acceptance of the "message".

Belief, or unbelief, in Darwinian evolution, or any other school of thought which cannot be proven by replication has ZERO impact on an ordinary man's life.

Its importance can ONLY be established and magnified by the insistence of its adherents that it IS important.

The most favored technique in accomplishing this, probably because it requires ZERO genius on the part of the promoter, is to brand unbelievers as being too stupid to understand the message.

Even Al Gore was smart enough to understand that he had to convince people that "man made global-warming" adversely affected their lives before they would consider the truth of it.

So.... ALL you promoters on evolution posting on this thread may very well be more intelligent than doubters such as myself.

But ..... you are demonstrating that you are DUMBER THAN AL GORE.

It is easier for a pseudo scientist such as ALGORE to sell bull crap than it is for a real scientist to sell the truth.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by curdog4570

Belief, or unbelief, in Darwinian evolution, or any other school of thought which cannot be proven by replication has ZERO impact on an ordinary man's life.
Perhaps as regards an individual, but the same can be said about belief or unbelief in a spherical earth.

As to humanity as a whole, however, it makes a huge difference, since most of what the biological sciences regularly accomplish would not be possible if evolution were widely rejected by said scientists. An example of this is found in the old Soviet Union when Stalin sent all biologists who believed in evolution to the gulags and only permitted scientists to work if they rejected evolution, the competition leading to improvement and self regulating systems aspects of which were seen as contradicting Marxist theory. One direct consequence of this was repeated crop failures, as agriculture was centrally directed by scientists. Finally, they had to let the real scientists out of the gulags just to address this issue.

When the Soviet Union Chose the Wrong Side on Genetics and Evolution

Boy, ain't that the truth.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by curdog4570

Belief, or unbelief, in Darwinian evolution, or any other school of thought which cannot be proven by replication has ZERO impact on an ordinary man's life.
Perhaps as regards an individual, but the same can be said about belief or unbelief in a spherical earth.

As to humanity as a whole, however, it makes a huge difference, since most of what the biological sciences regularly accomplish would not be possible if evolution were widely rejected by said scientists. An example of this is found in the old Soviet Union when Stalin sent all biologists who believed in evolution to the gulags and only permitted scientists to work if they rejected evolution, the competition leading to improvement and self regulating systems aspects of which were seen as contradicting Marxist theory. One direct consequence of this was repeated crop failures, as agriculture was centrally directed by scientists. Finally, they had to let the real scientists out of the gulags just to address this issue.

When the Soviet Union Chose the Wrong Side on Genetics and Evolution

But not the all important aspect of evolution. Every one agrees that microevolution occurs. It is microevolution which is at issue in plant breeding. The grand evolutionary questions (origins and speciation) are trivial and unimportant to actual practical biological sciences. Anti-biotic resistance and plant breeding involve the appearance in increased frequency of desireable or undersirable traits based on previously existing genetic information in a breeding population. They do not involve the creation of new information or altogether new species. It is how we get new information necessary for life and speciation where the fight is at; not whether the frequency of dark or light colored peppered moths changes with changes in air pollution, as an example.

The idea then that doubts about the grand Darwinian claims somehow constitute hostility to science is simply nonsense. Evolutionists like to conflate micro and macro evolution because it serves their agenda of confusing the public to marginalize dissent. How can anyone not believe in anti-biotic resistance (i.e. "evolution)? Only a religious nut. But the nuttiest religionist believes in microevolution. What nutty religionists and non-nutty non-religionists often don't believe is that micro-evolution is no proof whatsoever that chance and blind material natural processes can produce new genetic information and hence new life forms.
Posted By: Take_a_knee Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by curdog4570

Belief, or unbelief, in Darwinian evolution, or any other school of thought which cannot be proven by replication has ZERO impact on an ordinary man's life.
Perhaps as regards an individual, but the same can be said about belief or unbelief in a spherical earth.

As to humanity as a whole, however, it makes a huge difference, since most of what the biological sciences regularly accomplish would not be possible if evolution were widely rejected by said scientists. An example of this is found in the old Soviet Union when Stalin sent all biologists who believed in evolution to the gulags and only permitted scientists to work if they rejected evolution, the competition leading to improvement and self regulating systems aspects of which were seen as contradicting Marxist theory. One direct consequence of this was repeated crop failures, as agriculture was centrally directed by scientists. Finally, they had to let the real scientists out of the gulags just to address this issue.

When the Soviet Union Chose the Wrong Side on Genetics and Evolution

So, you are saying following actual evidence is better than blindly adhereing to a theory, in Lysenko's case Lamarck's? That sounds very familiar.....
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by curdog4570

Belief, or unbelief, in Darwinian evolution, or any other school of thought which cannot be proven by replication has ZERO impact on an ordinary man's life.
Perhaps as regards an individual, but the same can be said about belief or unbelief in a spherical earth.

As to humanity as a whole, however, it makes a huge difference, since most of what the biological sciences regularly accomplish would not be possible if evolution were widely rejected by said scientists. An example of this is found in the old Soviet Union when Stalin sent all biologists who believed in evolution to the gulags and only permitted scientists to work if they rejected evolution, the competition leading to improvement and self regulating systems aspects of which were seen as contradicting Marxist theory. One direct consequence of this was repeated crop failures, as agriculture was centrally directed by scientists. Finally, they had to let the real scientists out of the gulags just to address this issue.

When the Soviet Union Chose the Wrong Side on Genetics and Evolution

But not the all important aspect of evolution. Every one agrees that microevolution occurs. It is microevolution which is at issue in plant breeding. The grand evolutionary questions (origins and speciation) are trivial and unimportant to actual practical biological sciences. Anti-biotic resistance and plant breeding involve the appearance in increased frequency of desireable or undersirable traits based on previously existing genetic information in a breeding population. They do not involve the creation of new information or altogether new species. It is how we get new information necessary for life and speciation where the fight is at; not whether the frequency of dark or light colored peppered moths changes with changes in air pollution, as an example.

The idea then that doubts about the grand Darwinian claims somehow constitute hostility to science is simply nonsense. Evolutionists like to conflate micro and macro evolution because it serves their agenda of confusing the public to marginalize dissent. How can anyone not believe in anti-biotic resistance (i.e. "evolution)? Only a religious nut. But the nuttiest religionist believes in microevolution. What nutty religionists and non-nutty non-religionists often don't believe is that micro-evolution is no proof whatsoever that chance and blind material natural processes can produce new genetic information and hence new life forms.

That's like saying you believe in micro-economics but that macro-economics is just theory with no proof. You can't have one without the other.

If you have micro-evolution than you must have macro-evolution.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by derby_dude
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by curdog4570

Belief, or unbelief, in Darwinian evolution, or any other school of thought which cannot be proven by replication has ZERO impact on an ordinary man's life.
Perhaps as regards an individual, but the same can be said about belief or unbelief in a spherical earth.

As to humanity as a whole, however, it makes a huge difference, since most of what the biological sciences regularly accomplish would not be possible if evolution were widely rejected by said scientists. An example of this is found in the old Soviet Union when Stalin sent all biologists who believed in evolution to the gulags and only permitted scientists to work if they rejected evolution, the competition leading to improvement and self regulating systems aspects of which were seen as contradicting Marxist theory. One direct consequence of this was repeated crop failures, as agriculture was centrally directed by scientists. Finally, they had to let the real scientists out of the gulags just to address this issue.

When the Soviet Union Chose the Wrong Side on Genetics and Evolution

But not the all important aspect of evolution. Every one agrees that microevolution occurs. It is microevolution which is at issue in plant breeding. The grand evolutionary questions (origins and speciation) are trivial and unimportant to actual practical biological sciences. Anti-biotic resistance and plant breeding involve the appearance in increased frequency of desireable or undersirable traits based on previously existing genetic information in a breeding population. They do not involve the creation of new information or altogether new species. It is how we get new information necessary for life and speciation where the fight is at; not whether the frequency of dark or light colored peppered moths changes with changes in air pollution, as an example.

The idea then that doubts about the grand Darwinian claims somehow constitute hostility to science is simply nonsense. Evolutionists like to conflate micro and macro evolution because it serves their agenda of confusing the public to marginalize dissent. How can anyone not believe in anti-biotic resistance (i.e. "evolution)? Only a religious nut. But the nuttiest religionist believes in microevolution. What nutty religionists and non-nutty non-religionists often don't believe is that micro-evolution is no proof whatsoever that chance and blind material natural processes can produce new genetic information and hence new life forms.

That's like saying you believe in micro-economics but that macro-economics is just theory with no proof. You can't have one without the other.

If you have micro-evolution than you must have macro-evolution.

No, because micro-economics is not to macro-economics as micro-evolution is to macro-evolution. The analogy does not hold. Macro evolution involves the claim that blind, materialistic natural processes can create new genetic information and new species from essentially the same process involved in micro-evolution. But micro-evolution does not involve the creation of new genetic information or speciation. It only involves the change in frequency of gene expression in a population. The gene and its genetic information remains unchanged. It is the frequency of the expression that is affected by natural selection; not the creation of new information. There is literally no evidence that natural selection can create new genetic information or cause speciation, let alone the origin of genetic information in the first place (which is necessary before natural selection can even begin to work).

Just because the words "micro" and "macro" are also used in economics does not mean the relationship between those terms in economic theory is anything like their relationship in biology.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
But not the all important aspect of evolution. Every one agrees that microevolution occurs. It is microevolution which is at issue in plant breeding. The grand evolutionary questions (origins and speciation) are trivial and unimportant to actual practical biological sciences. Anti-biotic resistance and plant breeding involve the appearance in increased frequency of desireable or undersirable traits based on previously existing genetic information in a breeding population. They do not involve the creation of new information or altogether new species. It is how we get new information necessary for life and speciation where the fight is at; not whether the frequency of dark or light colored peppered moths changes with changes in air pollution, as an example.

The idea then that doubts about the grand Darwinian claims somehow constitute hostility to science is simply nonsense. Evolutionists like to conflate micro and macro evolution because it serves their agenda of confusing the public to marginalize dissent. How can anyone not believe in anti-biotic resistance (i.e. "evolution)? Only a religious nut. But the nuttiest religionist believes in microevolution. What nutty religionists and non-nutty non-religionists often don't believe is that micro-evolution is no proof whatsoever that chance and blind material natural processes can produce new genetic information and hence new life forms.
Speciation by evolution is already confirmed many times over by the science of genetics, none of which would make any sense whatsoever were speciation by evolution not a fact. Holdouts on this question are now, and have been for a very long time, solidly in the realm of flat earthers.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by RobJordan
But not the all important aspect of evolution. Every one agrees that microevolution occurs. It is microevolution which is at issue in plant breeding. The grand evolutionary questions (origins and speciation) are trivial and unimportant to actual practical biological sciences. Anti-biotic resistance and plant breeding involve the appearance in increased frequency of desireable or undersirable traits based on previously existing genetic information in a breeding population. They do not involve the creation of new information or altogether new species. It is how we get new information necessary for life and speciation where the fight is at; not whether the frequency of dark or light colored peppered moths changes with changes in air pollution, as an example.

The idea then that doubts about the grand Darwinian claims somehow constitute hostility to science is simply nonsense. Evolutionists like to conflate micro and macro evolution because it serves their agenda of confusing the public to marginalize dissent. How can anyone not believe in anti-biotic resistance (i.e. "evolution)? Only a religious nut. But the nuttiest religionist believes in microevolution. What nutty religionists and non-nutty non-religionists often don't believe is that micro-evolution is no proof whatsoever that chance and blind material natural processes can produce new genetic information and hence new life forms.
Speciation by evolution is already confirmed many times over by the science of genetics, none of which would make any sense whatsoever were speciation by evolution not a fact. Holdouts on this question are now, and have been for a very long time, solidly in the realm of flat earthers.

No. Speciation has been confirmed by the science of genetics, but not as a result of blind, materialistic evolution. Natural selection has never been shown to have the power to create new genetic information of any kind. And of course, if they are flat-earthers, then we have to ask why some of the most intelligent scientists, mathmeticians and intellectuals in the world find the Darwinian explanation lacking.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
No. Speciation has been confirmed by the science of genetics, but not as a result of blind, materialistic evolution. Natural selection has never been shown to have the power to create new genetic information of any kind. And of course, if they are flat-earthers, then we have to ask why some of the most intelligent scientists, mathmeticians and intellectuals in the world find the Darwinian explanation lacking.
Mainstream sciences in fields relevant to the question accept the reality of speciation by evolution, which involves natural selection as the primary factor. Everywhere they look they see confirmation of it staring them in the face. Failure to accept it is an indication someone is holding their eyes tightly shut on this question.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
For the evolution deniers: Are horses and donkeys the same species? If not, doesn't the fact that they can produce offspring suggest to you that they are close cousins, i.e., closely genetically related? After all, cows and donkeys cannot produce any offspring whatsoever. If genetically closely related, explain what that means in terms of their past. If God blinked each species into existence from scratch in their present form, doesn't that imply he made a mistake permitting offspring from two different species?

My answer is that God didn't blink all the species into existence, but rather commanded nature to do so (as stated in Genesis), and the method by which nature accomplished the command was evolution.

PS Evolution has nothing to offer with regard to the question of life origin, only speciation, so don't bother taking it there. Different field with different theories.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by RobJordan
No. Speciation has been confirmed by the science of genetics, but not as a result of blind, materialistic evolution. Natural selection has never been shown to have the power to create new genetic information of any kind. And of course, if they are flat-earthers, then we have to ask why some of the most intelligent scientists, mathmeticians and intellectuals in the world find the Darwinian explanation lacking.
Mainstream sciences in fields relevant to the question accept the reality of speciation by evolution, which involves natural selection as the primary factor. Everywhere they look they see confirmation of it staring them in the face. Failure to accept it is an indication someone is holding their eyes tightly shut on this question.

"Main stream science" has, in the course of human history, accepted as "fact" many theories and "proofs" which were subsequently determined to be incorrect. Unfortunately the integrity of science has been very much compromised by how research is funded and there is very much a political agenda at work in publishing and funding. I think it was a 5 or 6 years ago a scientist was essentially banished for publishing a "peer reviewed" article critical of evolution. (See the link below). So, what "main stream" science is allowed to "believe" is very much influenced by politics. One need look no further than global warming to see the practical effect of political influence on science.

In any event, I like the logic of Albert Einstein on this issue: when some aspect of Einstein's theory of relativity was challenged by the Third Reich by assembling a large collection of German scientist to simply assert Einstein was wrong, Einstein remarked "it takes only one to prove me wrong". So, appeals to numbers or what the majority says should not necessarily impress us.


Posted By: Plinker Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
For intelligent design deniers, how did basic elements in your big bang come together to make this and what did it "evolve" from?

Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
If one thinks that micro-evolution can occur but macro-evolution cannot, what biological or logical barriers prevent the former from becoming the latter...?
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan

In any event, I like the logic of Albert Einstein on this issue: when some aspect of Einstein's theory of relativity was challenged by the Third Reich by assembling a large collection of German scientist to simply assert Einstein was wrong, Einstein remarked "it takes only one to prove me wrong". So, appeals to numbers or what the majority says should not necessarily impress us.

Then why is it that your sort always claim large numbers of various sorts of scientists and mathematicians on your side? My response was a specific retort to this tactic on your part. I've already been through the scientific evidence many times over. It's like speaking to deaf people.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by antlers
If one thinks that micro-evolution can occur but macro-evolution cannot, what biological or logical barriers prevent the former from becoming the latter...?
Exactly. In fact, evolution is so much the norm in nature that it requires precisely the right circumstances to prevent it from happening.
Posted By: Plinker Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
So, how did the eye evolve? Pick any species you like. I'll wait.

Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by Plinker
So, how did the eye evolve? Pick any species you like. I'll wait.

Yes, it did:

1. This is the quintessential example of the argument from incredulity. The source making the claim usually quotes Darwin saying that the evolution of the eye seems "absurd in the highest degree". However, Darwin follows that statement with a three-and-a-half-page proposal of intermediate stages through which eyes might have evolved via gradual steps (Darwin 1872).

� photosensitive cell
� aggregates of pigment cells without a nerve
� an optic nerve surrounded by pigment cells and covered by translucent skin
� pigment cells forming a small depression
� pigment cells forming a deeper depression
� the skin over the depression taking a lens shape
� muscles allowing the lens to adjust

All of these steps are known to be viable because all exist in animals living today. The increments between these steps are slight and may be broken down into even smaller increments. Natural selection should, under many circumstances, favor the increments. Since eyes do not fossilize well, we do not know that the development of the eye followed exactly that path, but we certainly cannot claim that no path exists.

Evidence for one step in the evolution of the vertebrate eye comes from comparative anatomy and genetics. The vertebrate βγ-crystallin genes, which code for several proteins crucial for the lens, are very similar to the Ciona βγ-crystallin gene. Ciona is an urochordate, a distant relative of vertebrates. Ciona's single βγ-crystallin gene is expressed in its otolith, a pigmented sister cell of the light-sensing ocellus. The origin of the lens appears to be based on co-optation of previously existing elements in a lensless system.

Nilsson and Pelger (1994) calculated that if each step were a 1 percent change, the evolution of the eye would take 1,829 steps, which could happen in 364,000 generations.
Posted By: Ghostinthemachine Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
How about the Krebs Cycle?

Interesting discussion gents.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Plinker
So, how did the eye evolve? Pick any species you like. I'll wait.

Yes, it did:

1. This is the quintessential example of the argument from incredulity. The source making the claim usually quotes Darwin saying that the evolution of the eye seems "absurd in the highest degree". However, Darwin follows that statement with a three-and-a-half-page proposal of intermediate stages through which eyes might have evolved via gradual steps (Darwin 1872).

� photosensitive cell
� aggregates of pigment cells without a nerve
� an optic nerve surrounded by pigment cells and covered by translucent skin
� pigment cells forming a small depression
� pigment cells forming a deeper depression
� the skin over the depression taking a lens shape
� muscles allowing the lens to adjust

All of these steps are known to be viable because all exist in animals living today. The increments between these steps are slight and may be broken down into even smaller increments. Natural selection should, under many circumstances, favor the increments. Since eyes do not fossilize well, we do not know that the development of the eye followed exactly that path, but we certainly cannot claim that no path exists.

Evidence for one step in the evolution of the vertebrate eye comes from comparative anatomy and genetics. The vertebrate βγ-crystallin genes, which code for several proteins crucial for the lens, are very similar to the Ciona βγ-crystallin gene. Ciona is an urochordate, a distant relative of vertebrates. Ciona's single βγ-crystallin gene is expressed in its otolith, a pigmented sister cell of the light-sensing ocellus. The origin of the lens appears to be based on co-optation of previously existing elements in a lensless system.

Nilsson and Pelger (1994) calculated that if each step were a 1 percent change, the evolution of the eye would take 1,829 steps, which could happen in 364,000 generations.

There is no plausible evolutionary explanation for the eye whatsoever. It is irreducably complex for one thing. Merely articulating a "progression" of sorts does not explain how the genetic information was created nor does it explain how any of the above-referenced stages conferred a reproductive advantage on a specimen. I mean, the above-referenced "Just So" story does not even begin to capture the complexity of the human eye. Its all wishful thinking with no experimental verification whatsoever. Its true because it has to be true as a matter of philosophical necessity.

Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Yep, exactly right:

No, because micro-economics is not to macro-economics as micro-evolution is to macro-evolution. The analogy does not hold. Macro evolution involves the claim that blind, materialistic natural processes can create new genetic information and new species from essentially the same process involved in micro-evolution. But micro-evolution does not involve the creation of new genetic information or speciation. It only involves the change in frequency of gene expression in a population. The gene and its genetic information remains unchanged. It is the frequency of the expression that is affected by natural selection; not the creation of new information. There is literally no evidence that natural selection can create new genetic information or cause speciation, let alone the origin of genetic information in the first place (which is necessary before natural selection can even begin to work).

Just because the words "micro" and "macro" are also used in economics does not mean the relationship between those terms in economic theory is anything like their relationship in biology.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
In my opinion, to be able to grasp macro-evolution one needs to have a passing understanding of astrophysics.
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Nope,"speciation" has not been proven by science. The example of the horse and donkey is like looking at the history of the dog. Started with wolves and ended with dogs. Big dogs, small dogs, but still ALL dogs. Not a change in speciation. All is simply genetic variation WITHIN a species.

I have heard college professors use "equine evolution" as an example of evolution in the fossil record. This is nonsense. You have small horses and large horses and what not. BUT they are all horses of the same species. Different time periods to be sure, but all judged to be horses by their own statements.

Those who refuse to see the difference between genetic variation within a species versus the evolution from one species to another do not seem to be serious students of the subject.

Posted By: rockinbbar Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by TF49
Nope,"speciation" has not been proven by science. The example of the horse and donkey is like looking at the history of the dog. Started with wolves and ended with dogs. Big dogs, small dogs, but still ALL dogs. Not a change in speciation. All is simply genetic variation WITHIN a species.

I have heard college professors use "equine evolution" as an example of evolution in the fossil record. This is nonsense. You have small horses and large horses and what not. BUT they are all horses of the same species. Different time periods to be sure, but all judged to be horses by their own statements.

Those who refuse to see the difference between genetic variation within a species versus the evolution from one species to another do not seem to be serious students of the subject.


^^^ Pretty much sums up my beliefs ^^^

I believe in evolution within a species.

The species must first exist. Fish didn't turn into humans...

If man evolved from apes, then why are there still apes?

There are indeed forms of humanoid specimens that are extinct that resembled apes. Most particularly from the African continent. Some specimens still resemble apes. Humans are evolving now even more rapidly due to cross breeding with humans from areas of the world that travel has touched.

If you threw all breeds of canines onto an island, it wouldn't be long in the big scheme of things that you would have a breed of canine emerge from all of that with standard characteristics. But, it's still a canine, and it evolved within it's own species.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by Plinker
So, how did the eye evolve? Pick any species you like. I'll wait.

There's an entire chapter on this in Why Evolution Is True, by Jerry A. Coyne. Go to the library and read that chapter.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by TF49
Nope,"speciation" has not been proven by science. The example of the horse and donkey is like looking at the history of the dog. Started with wolves and ended with dogs. Big dogs, small dogs, but still ALL dogs. Not a change in speciation. All is simply genetic variation WITHIN a species.

I have heard college professors use "equine evolution" as an example of evolution in the fossil record. This is nonsense. You have small horses and large horses and what not. BUT they are all horses of the same species. Different time periods to be sure, but all judged to be horses by their own statements.

Those who refuse to see the difference between genetic variation within a species versus the evolution from one species to another do not seem to be serious students of the subject.

Oh brother! So, if donkeys and horses are the same species, why can't they produce (except in very rare cases) fertile offspring together?
Posted By: AKtrapper26 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
For someone to say evolution is or isn't how humans came to be is still an open-ended statement. To say that evolution is not going on within and all around us, sounds un-informed.

You're conflating molecules to man with wolfs to dogs the way you are using the word "evolution". It is a logical fallacy.

How so? ...I am saying that one CANNOT unite "molecules to man" (meaning evolution IS creation) with "wolves to dogs" (evolution IS undeniable, no matter where you put your finger as the starting point) and that is why one should not always be construed as the other as default.

Evolution is change - proven. Evolution is origin - ???...

There is quite a lot of logic in it...
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/17/13
Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Perissodactyla
Family: Equidae
Genus: Equus

E. asinus - Donkey
E. africanus - African Wild AS$
E. caballus - Domestic Horse
E. ferus - Wild Horse
E. grevyi - Grevy's Zebra
E. hemionus - Onager
E. kiang - Kiang
E. quagga - Plains Zebra
E. zebra - Mountain Zebra
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by rockinbbar

I believe in evolution within a species.

The species must first exist. Fish didn't turn into humans...

If man evolved from apes, then why are there still apes?

There are indeed forms of humanoid specimens that are extinct that resembled apes. Most particularly from the African continent. Some specimens still resemble apes. Humans are evolving now even more rapidly due to cross breeding with humans from areas of the world that travel has touched.

If you threw all breeds of canines onto an island, it wouldn't be long in the big scheme of things that you would have a breed of canine emerge from all of that with standard characteristics. But, it's still a canine, and it evolved within it's own species.

Are you saying that you would not have a problem that a 'Creator' created an evolutionary process to occur within species (an artificial, man-made, classification system) but inexplicably has not allowed that very exact same evolutionary process to generate eventual descendents, over the course of time, distance, different selective pressures, that differ enough from each other biologically to be classified as different species? Any thoughts as to why that might be so?

When you ask; "if man evolved from apes, why are there still apes?", it reveals that you do not understand the concept of evolution enough to rationally deny it on any level. Evolution claims that men and apes evolved from a common ancestor. Evolution does not claim that man was suddenly begotted by apes.
Posted By: Notropis Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
It really would be interesting and a great breakthrough for Biology of one of you folks could provide a definition of what a species is that holds in all cases and that allows a person to determine exactly when two organisms are in different species.

While you are at it, come up with an infallible definition of what life is.
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by Notropis
It really would be interesting and a great breakthrough for Biology of one of you folks could provide a definition of what a species is that holds in all cases and that allows a person to determine exactly when two organisms are in different species.

While you are at it, come up with an infallible definition of what life is.

Mr. Eastern Shiner,

I think I can see a gooey tar pit in either pursuit.

Is a software virus alive in the parallel digital universe? If so, software engineers that create them might be virtual Gods.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Jerry Coyne is one of those famous "Cretins who say that all Cretins are liars". In other words, he does not believe that there is any such thing as free will, in which case there is no such thing as truth either. Of course this competely refutes his truth claims about evolution. (If his books are the product of "matter in motion" and bind material processes, then there is no point in writing, or reading them, because they contain nothing but the product of materially determined elecro-chemical processes in Coyne's brain. Coyne has to somehow exempt himself from the strictures of his own theory when it comes time to discuss "truth". Francis Crick has made the same self-refuting claim, which Phillip Johnson did a beautiful job of skewering in his book Darwin on Trial. Also, for an excellent read by some leading intellectuals, you might also try: Uncommon Dissent: Intellectuals Who Find Darwinism Unconvincing. Its an excellent read from some top-flight minds.


For a couple of excellent books which do a nice job showing why neo-Darwinian evolution cannot possibly be true, take a look at:

Signature in the Cell and Darwin's Doubt by Stephen Meyer.
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
I see your understanding of philosophy is right up there with your understanding of biology.
Posted By: oldtrapper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by billhilly
I see your understanding of philosophy is right up there with your understanding of biology.

Decidedly unhelpful hubris. Just sayin.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13

My answer is that God didn't blink all the species into existence, but rather commanded nature to do so (as stated in Genesis), and the method by which nature accomplished the command was evolution.

It's O.K. for you to be an evolutionist. But to try to attach it to Genesis is foolish. Ten times in the first chapter of Genesis God tells the animals and plants to reproduce "after their kind". Donkeys and horses and zebras and other extinct horse kinds all came from an original horse kind. They didn't come from some pre-existing kind.

Give up on trying to make God's Word say something it does not say. You look foolish to the ardent evolutionists and you display ignorance of God's Word to those of us who do know what it says.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13

If one thinks that micro-evolution can occur but macro-evolution cannot, what biological or logical barriers prevent the former from becoming the latter...?

Try some real science and read George Washington Carvers studies. In a nutshell he wrote he could make a plum smaller and he could make a plum larger, but there were limits. They always came out a plum.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13

photosensitive cell

This is a nice start. From where did this photosensitive cell get its start?
Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
...you display ignorance of God's Word to those of us who do know what it says.

Just because someone professes to know God's Word, and even quotes Scripture, doesn't mean they are imparting truth correctly.
Even Satan knows Scripture.
Posted By: ironbender Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by ConradCA

Who was it and what was the website?

Realy hat to distract you fellers from you wizzing match, but did the question and the point of the post (which most managed to miss in there own small-mindedness) ever get answered?

Someone please give the link and lets get back to bashing the .gov.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by carbon12
When you ask; "if man evolved from apes, why are there still apes?", it reveals that you do not understand the concept of evolution enough to rationally deny it on any level. Evolution claims that men and apes evolved from a common ancestor. Evolution does not claim that man was suddenly begotted by apes.
This level of misinformation is typical in evolution deniers.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Ten times in the first chapter of Genesis God tells the animals and plants to reproduce "after their kind".
Evolution doesn't contradict this since at no stage in the evolutionary process could you look at the offspring of any particular animal and classify it as a species of another kind from its parents. You would need to compare two sample specimens separated by many thousands of generations to perceive the species distinction.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

If one thinks that micro-evolution can occur but macro-evolution cannot, what biological or logical barriers prevent the former from becoming the latter...?

Try some real science and read George Washington Carvers studies. In a nutshell he wrote he could make a plum smaller and he could make a plum larger, but there were limits. They always came out a plum.
A man's lifetime isn't remotely comparable to the time spans involved in evolutionary speciation.
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
If this was the case, would one expect the fossil record to be filled with these transitional types?

btw, given "today's" scientific lingo, you were correct about the word "species" as opposed to "genus." But, there are a few that point out difficulties in making a distinction between species and genus. A quick Wiki search turned up these statements:

The modern theory of evolution depends on a fundamental redefinition of "species". Prior to Darwin, naturalists viewed species as ideal or general types, which could be exemplified by an ideal specimen bearing all the traits general to the species. Darwin's theories shifted attention from uniformity to variation and from the general to the particular.

Most textbooks follow Ernst Mayr's definition of a species as "groups of actually or potentially interbreeding natural populations, which are reproductively isolated from other such groups".[9] It has been argued that this definition of species is not only a useful formulation, but is also a natural consequence of the effect of sexual reproduction on the dynamics of natural selection
Posted By: Scott F Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by EdM
Curious why one gives a [bleep] whether proof exists or not? Clearly it goes either way. Is it OK for some to believe and some not? I mean what the [bleep]? Seems it is a personal thing that is defined, quite personally, as required. Nothing wrong with that IMO... Some believe, some not and either will receive the "wrath" they believe. [bleep], at least simple really for those not so worried...

Nope, everyone MUST believe exactly like I do or the world will end!
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by TF49
If this was the case, would one expect the fossil record to be filled with these transitional types?

The fossil record is nothing but transitional types.
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Ringman

If one thinks that micro-evolution can occur but macro-evolution cannot, what biological or logical barriers prevent the former from becoming the latter...?

Try some real science and read George Washington Carvers studies. In a nutshell he wrote he could make a plum smaller and he could make a plum larger, but there were limits. They always came out a plum.
A man's lifetime isn't remotely comparable to the time spans involved in evolutionary speciation.

Hard not to notice that Ringman's questions and arguments against evolution are even more superficial and even less carefully thought out compared to earlier times.

Hope all is well with him.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Evolution doesn't contradict this since at no stage in the evolutionary process could you look at the offspring of any particular animal and classify it as a species of another kind from its parents. You would need to compare two sample specimens separated by many thousands of generations to perceive the species distinction.

Apparently you don't understand the concept "after its kind".
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Evolution doesn't contradict this since at no stage in the evolutionary process could you look at the offspring of any particular animal and classify it as a species of another kind from its parents. You would need to compare two sample specimens separated by many thousands of generations to perceive the species distinction.

Apparently you don't understand the concept "after its kind".

Exactly what does that phrase mean to you? Include an example if you can.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
The fossil record is nothing but transitional types.

Is that why the different dinosaurs are able to be classified like living animals?

There are none so blind as those who will not see.
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
The fossil record is nothing but transitional types.

Is that what the different dinosaurs are able to be classified like living animals?

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

The concept of irony is completely lost on you isn't it?
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

Is that what the different dinosaurs are able to be classified like living animals?

Do you mean "why" instead of "what"? And what are you trying to say?
Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Do you think dinosaurs and people lived on the earth at the same time...?
Do you think that dinosaurs were sent into Noah's Ark along with the other land animals...?
Posted By: curdog4570 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Some of you seem to argue that the Theory of Evolution does not have to account for the origin of life in order to be accepted as the origin of all the different life forms present and past.

That seems similar to walking into a theater at the middle of a play, throwing away the script and writing a new one for the second half of the play.

It's great when you get to make up your own "rules".
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by curdog4570
Some of you seem to argue that the Theory of Evolution does not have to account for the origin of life in order to be accepted as the origin of all the different life forms present and past.

That seems similar to walking into a theater at the middle of a play, throwing away the script and writing a new one for the second half of the play.

It's great when you get to make up your own "rules".

Not as great as when you can evoke, by mere faith, an omnipresent,omnipotent, omniscient, God that has absolutely zero constraints.

Zero rules trumps making up 'own "rules"'.
Posted By: 5sdad Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
What did Elmer have to say on the subject?
Posted By: curdog4570 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by carbon12
Originally Posted by curdog4570
Some of you seem to argue that the Theory of Evolution does not have to account for the origin of life in order to be accepted as the origin of all the different life forms present and past.

That seems similar to walking into a theater at the middle of a play, throwing away the script and writing a new one for the second half of the play.

It's great when you get to make up your own "rules".

Not as great as when you can evoke, by mere faith, an omnipresent,omnipotent, omniscient, God that has absolutely zero constraints.

Zero rules trumps making up 'own "rules"'.

Envisioning a "Creation without a Creator" does not seem to me to be a function of intelligence on the part of the "visionary".

The fact that you can accomplish it speaks to something other than our respective IQ's.

Adopting your position would condemn me to a lifetime of searching for answers that will NEVER be sufficient.

Having the "How" question removed, rather than answered, frees me to engage in the business of living as opposed to an endless practice of mental masturbation.

Having been in both "places". I much prefer my present position. I sincerely hope you are as content in your position.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

photosensitive cell

This is a nice start. From where did this photosensitive cell get its start?

A variety of proteins interact within a fully-functioning eye. Pax proteins are coordinators and attach directly to the DNA, turning on the necessary genes at the appropriate place and time. Oddly enough, Pax is the same in vertebrates and insects so must have evolved before they separated. Even organisms without eyes, such as sponges, have Pax genes; this finding suggests that Pax proteins originally controlled other processes and were later recruited into the eye. Those individuals born missing eyes had defects in the same gene- Pax6- this is required for normal eye development in all bilaterally symmetrical animals.

It appears that unicellular organisms had very primitive �eyespots�. These were made of photoreceptive proteins that sense light and dark, allowing these organisms to have photoperiodism- being able to time day and night. However, this is not sufficient enough for vision, as they cannot detect where the light is coming from, or distinguish shapes (Land and Fernald, 1992).

The three basic functions an eye needs are: light detection; shading, in the form of dark pigment, for sensing the direction light is coming from and connection to motor structures, for movement in response to light. Sometimes, all three of these functions are carried out by a single cell. The single-celled euglena has a light-sensitive spot, pigment granules for shading, and motor cilia. However, this is not considered as a true eye, but a stigma, a small splotch of red pigment which shades a collection of light sensitive crystals, and is located at its anterior end. With the flagellum, the eyespot allows the single-celled organism to move in response to light, often towards it to assist in photosynthesis (Land and Fernald, 1992). The most-basic structure that is widely accepted as an eye has just two cells: a photoreceptor that detects light, and a pigment cell that provides shading. The photoreceptor connects to ciliated cells, which engage to move the animal in response to light (Nilsson, D.-E., 2009).The marine ragworm embryo has a two-celled eye.

Complex optical systems started out as multicellular eyespots gradually developing a depressed cup, granting the organism the ability to detect the direction of light, and then in iner and finer directions as the pit deepened. Pit eyes were seen in the Cambrian and were seen in ancient snails, and modern representatives such as planaria. This animal can slightly differentiate the intensity and direction of light because of their cup-shaped, heavily pigmented retina cells, which shield the light-sensitive cells from exposure in all directions except for the single opening for the light. But, the proto-eye is still a lot more efficient at detecting the presence of lack of light, than its direction (Autrum, 1979).

As animals evolved more-complex bodies and behaviours, the eye too became more complex. Eyes evolved connections to muscle cells rather than cells that moved by waving cilia. Neurons evolved that could process signals and coordinate behaviour (Arendt, Hausen, Purschke, 2009). Based on cells, there appears to be two main designs for eyes- one is seen in the protostomes (molluscs, annelid worms and arthropods) and the other seen in deuterostomes (chordates and echinoderms) (Land and Fernald, 1992). The �pinhole camera� eye is seen in protostomes such as nautiloids. It developed as the pit deepened into a cup, then a chamber. By reducing the size of the opening, the organism achieved true imaging, allowing for fine directional sensing and even some shape-sensing. These animals� eyes have poor resolution and dim imaging, as they lack a cornea or lens, but are still a massive improvement from eyespots. To prevent infection, a transparent film of cells is grown over the pinhole (Dawkins, 1986). The segregated chamber contents specialised for optimisations such as colour filtering, higher refractive index, blocking of ultraviolet radiation, or the ability to operate in and out of water. It is likely that a key reason eyes specialise in detecting a narrow range of wavelengths on the electromagnetic spectrum- the visible spectrum- is because the earliest species to develop photosensitivity were aquatic, and only two specific wavelength ranges of electromagnetic radiation (blue and green visible light) can travel through water (Fernald, 2001).
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by curdog4570
Originally Posted by carbon12
Originally Posted by curdog4570
Some of you seem to argue that the Theory of Evolution does not have to account for the origin of life in order to be accepted as the origin of all the different life forms present and past.

That seems similar to walking into a theater at the middle of a play, throwing away the script and writing a new one for the second half of the play.

It's great when you get to make up your own "rules".

Not as great as when you can evoke, by mere faith, an omnipresent,omnipotent, omniscient, God that has absolutely zero constraints.

Zero rules trumps making up 'own "rules"'.

Envisioning a "Creation without a Creator" does not seem to me to be a function of intelligence on the part of the "visionary".

The fact that you can accomplish it speaks to something other than our respective IQ's.

Adopting your position would condemn me to a lifetime of searching for answers that will NEVER be sufficient.

Having the "How" question removed, rather than answered, frees me to engage in the business of living as opposed to an endless practice of mental masturbation.

Having been in both "places". I much prefer my present position. I sincerely hope you are as content in your position.

So your position has nothing to do with logic, and is just a matter of what is comfortable?
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by curdog4570

Having the "How" question removed, rather than answered, frees me to engage in the business of living as opposed to an endless practice of mental masturbation.

[bleep]' great that you trained yourself to do it; mental ejaculation without mental masturbation. Kudos.

The business of living for me, for the most part, is curiosity of 'How'. You must be retired.
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by billhilly
Originally Posted by TF49
If this was the case, would one expect the fossil record to be filled with these transitional types?

The fossil record is nothing but transitional types.

I already have my hands full on the �Killing Jesus� thread, but�

�The fossil record implies trial and error, an inability to anticipate the future, features inconsistent with an efficient Great Designer.�
Carl Sagan

Carl has always written clean and concise words of wisdom about the Cosmos.

I do not know if he was smoking anything or not when he wrote those words.

"Who is more humble? The scientist who looks at the universe with an open mind and accepts whatever it has to teach us, or somebody who says everything in this book must be considered the literal truth and never mind the fallibility of all the human beings involved?"
Interview with Charlie Rose (1996)

Posted By: curdog4570 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
"So your position has nothing to do with logic, and is just a matter of what is comfortable?"

Quite the opposite, my friend.

Your idea of a creation, which is inescapably apparent, without a Creator, is about as illogical a position as I can imagine.

The comfort I experience is a byproduct of accepting the Truth, which is that the creation we see is the product of a Creator.

Were it to be finally determined that the Creator was NOT the God of the Christian bible, but an amalgamation of the Hindu, Buddhist, and Pagan ideas, I would still be closer to the Truth than those of you who insist on a creation with no creative force as the originator.
Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
I believe in Creation through Evolution. I believe the world and life on this earth are God's Creation, and I believe that evolution was a very clever way that God used to achieve His creative objectives.
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by curdog4570

Your idea of a creation, which is inescapably apparent, without a Creator, is about as illogical a position as I can imagine.

So a busybody, micromanaging Creator is more logical? What about the possibility of a hands-off force that ultimately resulted in this creation? Seems logically equivocal to me.
Posted By: Notropis Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by carbon12
Originally Posted by Notropis
It really would be interesting and a great breakthrough for Biology of one of you folks could provide a definition of what a species is that holds in all cases and that allows a person to determine exactly when two organisms are in different species.

While you are at it, come up with an infallible definition of what life is.

Mr. Eastern Shiner,

I think I can see a gooey tar pit in either pursuit.

Is a software virus alive in the parallel digital universe? If so, software engineers that create them might be virtual Gods.

I didn't really think anybody would try to define some of the terms they are throwing around casually without really understanding what they mean. Gooey tar pit is about right. It is quite easy for some people to reject things they do not understand.
Posted By: curdog4570 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
What do you reckon the "hands off force" is involved in now?
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by curdog4570
What do you reckon the "hands off force" is involved in now?

Dunno. Perhaps expanding the Universe.

Not likely it is intentionally killing babies with massive typhoons. But then again.......??????
Posted By: tjm10025 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by Bluedreaux
That the radioactive bugga-wugga in rocks says the Earth is a gazillion years old means nothing to me. God created a man in the middle of his life. He can do the same with the Earth.

My brother-in-law is a geologist and producer-of-oil for a major international oil corporation. Also, a born-again Baptist who believes, or did at one time, that the earth is no more 6,000 years old.

I asked him once how he could ever find oil when he was supposed to be looking in rock formations that were far older than 6,000 years. He said something to the effect of, "For reasons we cannot possibly understand, God wants the Earth to appear to be billions of years old."

He would understand exactly about the radioactive bugga-wugga. grin
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by antlers
I believe in Creation through Evolution. I believe the world and life on this earth are God's Creation, and I believe that evolution was a very clever way that God used to achieve His creative objectives.

Sounds very much like Christian Deism to me. Nothing wrong with that.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by curdog4570
What do you reckon the "hands off force" is involved in now?

Fishing the last I heard. smile
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Ringman

photosensitive cell

This is a nice start. From where did this photosensitive cell get its start?

A variety of proteins interact within a fully-functioning eye. Pax proteins are coordinators and attach directly to the DNA, turning on the necessary genes at the appropriate place and time. Oddly enough, Pax is the same in vertebrates and insects so must have evolved before they separated. Even organisms without eyes, such as sponges, have Pax genes; this finding suggests that Pax proteins originally controlled other processes and were later recruited into the eye. Those individuals born missing eyes had defects in the same gene- Pax6- this is required for normal eye development in all bilaterally symmetrical animals.

It appears that unicellular organisms had very primitive �eyespots�. These were made of photoreceptive proteins that sense light and dark, allowing these organisms to have photoperiodism- being able to time day and night. However, this is not sufficient enough for vision, as they cannot detect where the light is coming from, or distinguish shapes (Land and Fernald, 1992).

The three basic functions an eye needs are: light detection; shading, in the form of dark pigment, for sensing the direction light is coming from and connection to motor structures, for movement in response to light. Sometimes, all three of these functions are carried out by a single cell. The single-celled euglena has a light-sensitive spot, pigment granules for shading, and motor cilia. However, this is not considered as a true eye, but a stigma, a small splotch of red pigment which shades a collection of light sensitive crystals, and is located at its anterior end. With the flagellum, the eyespot allows the single-celled organism to move in response to light, often towards it to assist in photosynthesis (Land and Fernald, 1992). The most-basic structure that is widely accepted as an eye has just two cells: a photoreceptor that detects light, and a pigment cell that provides shading. The photoreceptor connects to ciliated cells, which engage to move the animal in response to light (Nilsson, D.-E., 2009).The marine ragworm embryo has a two-celled eye.

Complex optical systems started out as multicellular eyespots gradually developing a depressed cup, granting the organism the ability to detect the direction of light, and then in iner and finer directions as the pit deepened. Pit eyes were seen in the Cambrian and were seen in ancient snails, and modern representatives such as planaria. This animal can slightly differentiate the intensity and direction of light because of their cup-shaped, heavily pigmented retina cells, which shield the light-sensitive cells from exposure in all directions except for the single opening for the light. But, the proto-eye is still a lot more efficient at detecting the presence of lack of light, than its direction (Autrum, 1979).

As animals evolved more-complex bodies and behaviours, the eye too became more complex. Eyes evolved connections to muscle cells rather than cells that moved by waving cilia. Neurons evolved that could process signals and coordinate behaviour (Arendt, Hausen, Purschke, 2009). Based on cells, there appears to be two main designs for eyes- one is seen in the protostomes (molluscs, annelid worms and arthropods) and the other seen in deuterostomes (chordates and echinoderms) (Land and Fernald, 1992). The �pinhole camera� eye is seen in protostomes such as nautiloids. It developed as the pit deepened into a cup, then a chamber. By reducing the size of the opening, the organism achieved true imaging, allowing for fine directional sensing and even some shape-sensing. These animals� eyes have poor resolution and dim imaging, as they lack a cornea or lens, but are still a massive improvement from eyespots. To prevent infection, a transparent film of cells is grown over the pinhole (Dawkins, 1986). The segregated chamber contents specialised for optimisations such as colour filtering, higher refractive index, blocking of ultraviolet radiation, or the ability to operate in and out of water. It is likely that a key reason eyes specialise in detecting a narrow range of wavelengths on the electromagnetic spectrum- the visible spectrum- is because the earliest species to develop photosensitivity were aquatic, and only two specific wavelength ranges of electromagnetic radiation (blue and green visible light) can travel through water (Fernald, 2001).

Here's a rebuttal.


Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by derby_dude
Originally Posted by antlers
I believe in Creation through Evolution. I believe the world and life on this earth are God's Creation, and I believe that evolution was a very clever way that God used to achieve His creative objectives.

Sounds very much like Christian Deism to me. Nothing wrong with that.

Except that I very much DO believe in the divinity of Jesus, as well as His moral teachings.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Ringman

photosensitive cell

This is a nice start. From where did this photosensitive cell get its start?

A variety of proteins interact within a fully-functioning eye. Pax proteins are coordinators and attach directly to the DNA, turning on the necessary genes at the appropriate place and time. Oddly enough, Pax is the same in vertebrates and insects so must have evolved before they separated. Even organisms without eyes, such as sponges, have Pax genes; this finding suggests that Pax proteins originally controlled other processes and were later recruited into the eye. Those individuals born missing eyes had defects in the same gene- Pax6- this is required for normal eye development in all bilaterally symmetrical animals.

It appears that unicellular organisms had very primitive ‘eyespots’. These were made of photoreceptive proteins that sense light and dark, allowing these organisms to have photoperiodism- being able to time day and night. However, this is not sufficient enough for vision, as they cannot detect where the light is coming from, or distinguish shapes (Land and Fernald, 1992).

The three basic functions an eye needs are: light detection; shading, in the form of dark pigment, for sensing the direction light is coming from and connection to motor structures, for movement in response to light. Sometimes, all three of these functions are carried out by a single cell. The single-celled euglena has a light-sensitive spot, pigment granules for shading, and motor cilia. However, this is not considered as a true eye, but a stigma, a small splotch of red pigment which shades a collection of light sensitive crystals, and is located at its anterior end. With the flagellum, the eyespot allows the single-celled organism to move in response to light, often towards it to assist in photosynthesis (Land and Fernald, 1992). The most-basic structure that is widely accepted as an eye has just two cells: a photoreceptor that detects light, and a pigment cell that provides shading. The photoreceptor connects to ciliated cells, which engage to move the animal in response to light (Nilsson, D.-E., 2009).The marine ragworm embryo has a two-celled eye.

Complex optical systems started out as multicellular eyespots gradually developing a depressed cup, granting the organism the ability to detect the direction of light, and then in iner and finer directions as the pit deepened. Pit eyes were seen in the Cambrian and were seen in ancient snails, and modern representatives such as planaria. This animal can slightly differentiate the intensity and direction of light because of their cup-shaped, heavily pigmented retina cells, which shield the light-sensitive cells from exposure in all directions except for the single opening for the light. But, the proto-eye is still a lot more efficient at detecting the presence of lack of light, than its direction (Autrum, 1979).

As animals evolved more-complex bodies and behaviours, the eye too became more complex. Eyes evolved connections to muscle cells rather than cells that moved by waving cilia. Neurons evolved that could process signals and coordinate behaviour (Arendt, Hausen, Purschke, 2009). Based on cells, there appears to be two main designs for eyes- one is seen in the protostomes (molluscs, annelid worms and arthropods) and the other seen in deuterostomes (chordates and echinoderms) (Land and Fernald, 1992). The ‘pinhole camera’ eye is seen in protostomes such as nautiloids. It developed as the pit deepened into a cup, then a chamber. By reducing the size of the opening, the organism achieved true imaging, allowing for fine directional sensing and even some shape-sensing. These animals’ eyes have poor resolution and dim imaging, as they lack a cornea or lens, but are still a massive improvement from eyespots. To prevent infection, a transparent film of cells is grown over the pinhole (Dawkins, 1986). The segregated chamber contents specialised for optimisations such as colour filtering, higher refractive index, blocking of ultraviolet radiation, or the ability to operate in and out of water. It is likely that a key reason eyes specialise in detecting a narrow range of wavelengths on the electromagnetic spectrum- the visible spectrum- is because the earliest species to develop photosensitivity were aquatic, and only two specific wavelength ranges of electromagnetic radiation (blue and green visible light) can travel through water (Fernald, 2001).

Here's a rebuttal.



Fill in one gap, it creates 2 more. Still all your "rebuttal" is, is an argument from incredulity.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by derby_dude
Originally Posted by antlers
I believe in Creation through Evolution. I believe the world and life on this earth are God's Creation, and I believe that evolution was a very clever way that God used to achieve His creative objectives.

Sounds very much like Christian Deism to me. Nothing wrong with that.

Except that I very much DO believe in the divinity of Jesus, as well as His moral teachings.

You are what is know as a borderline Deist or Christian take your pick. You aren't alone in that regard a number of the Founding Fathers fell into same pigeon hole. There are many borderline Christian Deist today.
Posted By: Bluedreaux Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by tjm10025
Originally Posted by Bluedreaux
That the radioactive bugga-wugga in rocks says the Earth is a gazillion years old means nothing to me. God created a man in the middle of his life. He can do the same with the Earth.

My brother-in-law is a geologist and producer-of-oil for a major international oil corporation. Also, a born-again Baptist who believes, or did at one time, that the earth is no more 6,000 years old.

I asked him once how he could ever find oil when he was supposed to be looking in rock formations that were far older than 6,000 years. He said something to the effect of, "For reasons we cannot possibly understand, God wants the Earth to appear to be billions of years old."

He would understand exactly about the radioactive bugga-wugga. grin

It's not a complicated idea, but some folks like things to be complicated, and it's a pretty dumb argument to them.
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/18/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan

Rebuttal? Not quite.

More of a whimpering whine that Giberson and Collins did not spell out every molecule involved in a molecular recipe for an eye.

Carefully reading and comprehending links before you post them might help you avoid the appearance of a 'spray and pray' debating style.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
A variety of proteins interact within a fully-functioning eye. Pax proteins are coordinators and attach directly to the DNA, turning on the necessary genes at the appropriate place and time. Oddly enough, Pax is the same in vertebrates and insects so must have evolved before they separated. Even organisms without eyes, such as sponges, have Pax genes; this finding suggests that Pax proteins originally controlled other processes and were later recruited into the eye. Those individuals born missing eyes had defects in the same gene- Pax6- this is required for normal eye development in all bilaterally symmetrical animals.

It appears that unicellular organisms had very primitive �eyespots�. These were made of photoreceptive proteins that sense light and dark, allowing these organisms to have photoperiodism- being able to time day and night. However, this is not sufficient enough for vision, as they cannot detect where the light is coming from, or distinguish shapes (Land and Fernald, 1992).

The three basic functions an eye needs are: light detection; shading, in the form of dark pigment, for sensing the direction light is coming from and connection to motor structures, for movement in response to light. Sometimes, all three of these functions are carried out by a single cell. The single-celled euglena has a light-sensitive spot, pigment granules for shading, and motor cilia. However, this is not considered as a true eye, but a stigma, a small splotch of red pigment which shades a collection of light sensitive crystals, and is located at its anterior end. With the flagellum, the eyespot allows the single-celled organism to move in response to light, often towards it to assist in photosynthesis (Land and Fernald, 1992). The most-basic structure that is widely accepted as an eye has just two cells: a photoreceptor that detects light, and a pigment cell that provides shading. The photoreceptor connects to ciliated cells, which engage to move the animal in response to light (Nilsson, D.-E., 2009).The marine ragworm embryo has a two-celled eye.

Complex optical systems started out as multicellular eyespots gradually developing a depressed cup, granting the organism the ability to detect the direction of light, and then in iner and finer directions as the pit deepened. Pit eyes were seen in the Cambrian and were seen in ancient snails, and modern representatives such as planaria. This animal can slightly differentiate the intensity and direction of light because of their cup-shaped, heavily pigmented retina cells, which shield the light-sensitive cells from exposure in all directions except for the single opening for the light. But, the proto-eye is still a lot more efficient at detecting the presence of lack of light, than its direction (Autrum, 1979).

As animals evolved more-complex bodies and behaviours, the eye too became more complex. Eyes evolved connections to muscle cells rather than cells that moved by waving cilia. Neurons evolved that could process signals and coordinate behaviour (Arendt, Hausen, Purschke, 2009). Based on cells, there appears to be two main designs for eyes- one is seen in the protostomes (molluscs, annelid worms and arthropods) and the other seen in deuterostomes (chordates and echinoderms) (Land and Fernald, 1992). The �pinhole camera� eye is seen in protostomes such as nautiloids. It developed as the pit deepened into a cup, then a chamber. By reducing the size of the opening, the organism achieved true imaging, allowing for fine directional sensing and even some shape-sensing. These animals� eyes have poor resolution and dim imaging, as they lack a cornea or lens, but are still a massive improvement from eyespots. To prevent infection, a transparent film of cells is grown over the pinhole (Dawkins, 1986). The segregated chamber contents specialised for optimisations such as colour filtering, higher refractive index, blocking of ultraviolet radiation, or the ability to operate in and out of water. It is likely that a key reason eyes specialise in detecting a narrow range of wavelengths on the electromagnetic spectrum- the visible spectrum- is because the earliest species to develop photosensitivity were aquatic, and only two specific wavelength ranges of electromagnetic radiation (blue and green visible light) can travel through water (Fernald, 2001).

In other words "We speculate...."
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
My brother-in-law is a geologist and producer-of-oil for a major international oil corporation. Also, a born-again Baptist who believes, or did at one time, that the earth is no more 6,000 years old.

I asked him once how he could ever find oil when he was supposed to be looking in rock formations that were far older than 6,000 years. He said something to the effect of, "For reasons we cannot possibly understand, God wants the Earth to appear to be billions of years old."

He would understand exactly about the radioactive bugga-wugga. grin

I have trouble believing your story. The geologists I have met use Noah's Flood to explain the oil and coal. Many years ago I met a geologists who was on staff for two oil companies because he was so good a telling them where to drill for oil. He based all his recommendations on his acceptance of Noah's Flood.

If oil and coal don't happen quickly they won't happen at all. I learned that from a Ph.D chemist who used to be an evolutionists professor. When he did research after college he became a young earth creationist.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Originally Posted by carbon12
Originally Posted by RobJordan

Rebuttal? Not quite.

More of a whimpering whine that Giberson and Collins did not spell out every molecule involved in a molecular recipe for an eye.

Carefully reading and comprehending links before you post them might help you avoid the appearance of a 'spray and pray' debating style.

Personal attacks don't impress. The "evolutionary scenarios" for the eye are pure speculation---"Just So" stories that are highly improbable (if not impossible) with not a shred of empirical proof. None of the scenarious imagined has a shred of laboratory evidence to support it. It is just so much wishful thinking.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Mathmetician David Berlinski comments on Richard Dawkins fanciful evolution eye scenario.


Keeping an Eye on Evolution: Richard Dawkins, a relentless Darwinian spear carrier, trips over Mount Improbable.
Review of Climbing Mount Improbable by Richard Dawkins (W. H. Norton & Company, Inc. 1996)
By: David Berlinski
The Globe & Mail
November 2, 1996

For more information about David Berlinski - his new books, video clips from interviews, and upcoming events - please visit his website at www.davidberlinski.org.

The theory of evolution is the great white elephant of contemporary thought. It is large, almost entirely useless, and the object of superstitious awe. Richard Dawkins is widely known as the theory's uncompromising champion. Having made his case in The Blind Watchmaker and River out of Eden, Dawkins proposes to make it yet again in Climbing Mount Improbable. He is not a man given to tiring himself by repetition.

Darwin's theory has a double aspect. The first is the doctrine of descent with modification; the second, the doctrine of random variation and natural selection. Descent with modification provides the pattern; random variation and natural selection, the mechanism. Dawkins' concern is with the mechanism; the pattern he takes for granted.

Biological structures such as the mammalian eye are complex in the sense that they contain many parts arranged in specific ways. It is unlikely that such structures could have been discovered by chance. No one, the astrophysicist N. C. Wickramasinghe once observed with some asperity, expects a tornado touching on a junkyard to produce a Boeing 747. This may suggest--it has suggested to some physicists--a disturbing gap between what life has accomplished and what the theory of evolution can explain. The suggestion provokes Dawkins to indignation. "It is grindingly, creakingly, crashingly obvious," he writes, mixing three metaphors joyously, that the discovery by chance of a complex object is improbable; but the Darwinian mechanism, he adds, "acts by breaking the improbability up into small manageable parts, smearing out the luck needed, going round the back of Mount Improbable and crawling up the gentle slopes...."

This is a fine image, one introduced originally by the American bio-mathematician Sewell Wright. Random variation offers the mountaineer an allowance of small changes. Chance is at work. Natural selection freezes the successful changes in place. And this process owes nothing to chance. In time, the successful changes form a connected path, a staircase to complexity.

The example that Dawkins pursues in greatest detail is the eye. Darwin himself wondered at its complexity, remarking in a letter to an American colleague that "the eye...gives me a cold shudder." That shudder notwithstanding, Darwin resolved his doubts in his own favor; the eye, he concluded, was created by a single-step series of improvements, what he called 'fine gradations.' Where Darwin went, Dawkins follows.

It is one thing, however, to appeal to a path up Mount Improbable, quite another to demonstrate its existence. Dawkins has persuaded himself that because such a path might exist, further argument is unnecessary. Impediments are simply directed to disappear: "There is no difficulty"; "there is a definite tendency in the right direction"; "It is easy to see that..."; "it is not at all difficult to imagine...."

In fact, the difficulties are very considerable. A single retinal cell of the human eye consists of a nucleus, a mitochondrial rod, and a rectangular array containing discrete layers of photon-trapping pigment. The evolutionary development of the eye evidently required an increase in such layers. An inferential staircase being required, the thing virtually constructs itself, Dawkins believes, one layer at a time. "The point," he writes, "is that ninety-one membranes are more effective...than ninety, ninety are more effective that eighty-nine, and so on back to one membrane, which is more effective than zero."

This is a plausible scheme only because Dawkins has considered a single feature of the eye in isolation. The parts of a complex artifact or object typically gain their usefulness as an ensemble. A Dixie Cup consists of a tube joined to a disk. Without the disk, the cup does not hold less water than it might; it cannot hold water at all. And ditto for the tube, the two items, disk and tube, forming an irreducibly complex system.

What holds for the Dixie Cup holds for the eye as well. Light strikes the eye in the form of photons, but the optic nerve conveys electrical impulses to the brain. Acting as a sophisticated transducer, the eye must mediate between two different physical signals. The retinal cells that figure in Dawkins' account are connected to horizontal cells; these shuttle information laterally between photoreceptors in order to smooth the visual signal. Amacrine cells act to filter the signal. Bipolar cells convey visual information further to ganglion cells, which in turn conduct information to the optic nerve. The system gives every indication of being tightly integrated, its parts mutually dependent.

The very problem that Darwin's theory was designed to evade now reappears. Like vibrations passing through a spider's web, changes to any part of the eye, if they are to improve vision, must bring about changes throughout the optical system. Without a correlative increase in the size and complexity of the optic nerve, an increase in the number of photoreceptive membranes can have no effect. A change in the optic nerve must in turn induce corresponding neurological changes in the brain. If these changes come about simultaneously, it makes no sense to talk of a gradual ascent of Mount Improbable. If they do not come about simultaneously, it is not clear why they should come about at all.

The same problem reappears at the level of biochemistry. Dawkins has framed his discussion in terms of gross anatomy. Each anatomical change that he describes requires a number of coordinate biochemical steps. "[T]he anatomical steps and structures that Darwin thought were so simple," the biochemist Mike Behe remarks in a provocative new book (Darwin's Black Box), "actually involve staggeringly complicated biochemical processes." A number of separate biochemical events are required simply to begin the process of curving a layer of proteins to form a lens. What initiates the sequence? How is it coordinated? And how controlled? On these absolutely fundamental matters, Dawkins has nothing whatsoever to say.

In addition to the eye, Dawkins discusses spiders and their webs, the origin of flight, and the nature of seashells. The natural history is charming.

Dawkins is a capable if somewhat dry prose stylist, although such expressions as 'designoid' and 'wince-makingly' are themselves wince-making. The science throughout is primitive. Difficulties are resolved by sleight-of-hand. "In real life," Dawkins remarks in a representative passage, "there may be formidable complications of detail." Yes? What of them, those formidable complications? "These emerge simply and without fuss."

Is the elephant's large nose truly the result of an evolutionary progression? Then some demonstration is required showing that intermediate-sized noses are valuable as well. None is forthcoming. "If a medium sized trunk were always less efficient," Dawkins writes, "than either a small nose or a big trunk, the big trunk would never have evolved." Indeed. The emergence of powered flight is treated as an engaging fable, one in which either arboreal animals glided downward from the tree tops or a primitive dinosaur hopped upward toward the sky. "The beauty of this theory," Dawkins affirms, commending the hopping scenario, "is that the same nervous circuits that were used to control the center of gravity in the jumping ancestor would, rather effortlessly, have lent themselves to controlling the flight surfaces later in the evolutionary story." It is the phrase "rather effortlessly" that gives to this preposterous assertion its antic charm.

A final note. In a book whose examples are chosen from natural history, it is important to get the details right. Hawks may soar or sail, but they cannot hover like helicopters. Not all organisms share precisely the same genetic code. And Gary Kasparov was defeated by IBM's Big Blue, and not a program entitled Genius 2.

Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by carbon12
Originally Posted by RobJordan

Rebuttal? Not quite.

More of a whimpering whine that Giberson and Collins did not spell out every molecule involved in a molecular recipe for an eye.

Carefully reading and comprehending links before you post them might help you avoid the appearance of a 'spray and pray' debating style.

Personal attacks don't impress. The "evolutionary scenarios" for the eye are pure speculation---"Just So" stories that are highly improbable (if not impossible) with not a shred of empirical proof. None of the scenarious imagined has a shred of laboratory evidence to support it. It is just so much wishful thinking.

Don't you ever tire of short stroking into the argumentum ad ignorantiam illogical fallacy sand trap? It is as if you have a neurochemotaxic attraction response to them.
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Mathmetician David Berlinski comments on Richard Dawkins fanciful evolution eye scenario.


"In a book whose examples are chosen from natural history, it is important to get the details right. Hawks may soar or sail, but they cannot hover like helicopters. Not all organisms share precisely the same genetic code. And Gary Kasparov was defeated by IBM's Big Blue, and not a program entitled Genius 2."

Noteable that Berlinsky could only find factual faults on three rather trivial statements that have no bearing on the major premises of the Dawkins book.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
An abstract on the biochemistry of the eye....

How a nerve comes to be sensitive to light hardly concerns us more than how life itself originated. He had an excellent reason for declining the question: it was completely beyond nineteenth century science. How the eye works; that is, what happens when a photon of light first hits the retina simply could not be answered at that time. As a matter of fact, no question about the underlying mechanisms of life could be answered. How did animal muscles cause movement? How did photosynthesis work? How was energy extracted from food? How did the body fight infection? No one knew.

Darwins Black BoxTo Darwin vision was a black box, but today, after the hard, cumulative work of many biochemists, we are approaching answers to the question of sight. Here is a brief overview of the biochemistry of vision. When light first strikes the retina, a photon interacts with a molecule called 11-cis-retinal, which rearranges within picoseconds to trans-retinal. The change in the shape of retinal forces a change in the shape of the protein, rhodopsin, to which the retinal is tightly bound. The protein's metamorphosis alters its behavior, making it stick to another protein called transducin. Before bumping into activated rhodopsin, transducin had tightly bound a small molecule called GDP. But when transducin interacts with activated rhodopsin, the GDP falls off and a molecule called GTP binds to transducin. (GTP is closely related to, but critically different from, GDP.)

GTP-transducin-activated rhodopsin now binds to a protein called phosphodiesterase, located in the inner membrane of the cell. When attached to activated rhodopsin and its entourage, the phosphodiesterase acquires the ability to chemically cut a molecule called cGMP (a chemical relative of both GDP and GTP). Initially there are a lot of cGMP molecules in the cell, but the phosphodiesterase lowers its concentration, like a pulled plug lowers the water level in a bathtub.

Another membrane protein that binds cGMP is called an ion channel. It acts as a gateway that regulates the number of sodium ions in the cell. Normally the ion channel allows sodium ions to flow into the cell, while a separate protein actively pumps them out again. The dual action of the ion channel and pump keeps the level of sodium ions in the cell within a narrow range. When the amount of cGMP is reduced because of cleavage by the phosphodiesterase, the ion channel closes, causing the cellular concentration of positively charged sodium ions to be reduced. This causes an imbalance of charge across the cell membrane which, finally, causes a current to be transmitted down the optic nerve to the brain. The result, when interpreted by the brain, is vision.

My explanation is just a sketchy overview of the biochemistry of vision. Ultimately, though, this is what it means to "explain" vision. This is the level of explanation for which biological science must aim. In order to truly understand a function, one must understand in detail every relevant step in the process. The relevant steps in biological processes occur ultimately at the molecular level, so a satisfactory explanation of a biological phenomenon such as vision, or digestion, or immunity must include its molecular explanation.

DarwinNow that the black box of vision has been opened it is no longer enough for an "evolutionary explanation" of that power to consider only the anatomical structures of whole eyes, as Darwin did in the nineteenth century, and as popularizers of evolution continue to do today. Each of the anatomical steps and structures that Darwin thought were so simple actually involves staggeringly complicated biochemical processes that cannot be papered over with rhetoric. Darwin's simple steps are now revealed to be huge leaps between carefully tailored machines. Thus biochemistry offers a Lilliputian challenge to Darwin. Now the black box of the cell has been opened and a Lilliputian world of staggering complexity stands revealed. It must be explained.

The Darwinian model can't account for this. Show me a peer reviewed scientific article that articulates a plausible Darwinian scenario.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
An abstract on the biochemistry of the eye....

How a nerve comes to be sensitive to light hardly concerns us more than how life itself originated. He had an excellent reason for declining the question: it was completely beyond nineteenth century science. How the eye works; that is, what happens when a photon of light first hits the retina simply could not be answered at that time. As a matter of fact, no question about the underlying mechanisms of life could be answered. How did animal muscles cause movement? How did photosynthesis work? How was energy extracted from food? How did the body fight infection? No one knew.

Darwins Black BoxTo Darwin vision was a black box, but today, after the hard, cumulative work of many biochemists, we are approaching answers to the question of sight. Here is a brief overview of the biochemistry of vision. When light first strikes the retina, a photon interacts with a molecule called 11-cis-retinal, which rearranges within picoseconds to trans-retinal. The change in the shape of retinal forces a change in the shape of the protein, rhodopsin, to which the retinal is tightly bound. The protein's metamorphosis alters its behavior, making it stick to another protein called transducin. Before bumping into activated rhodopsin, transducin had tightly bound a small molecule called GDP. But when transducin interacts with activated rhodopsin, the GDP falls off and a molecule called GTP binds to transducin. (GTP is closely related to, but critically different from, GDP.)

GTP-transducin-activated rhodopsin now binds to a protein called phosphodiesterase, located in the inner membrane of the cell. When attached to activated rhodopsin and its entourage, the phosphodiesterase acquires the ability to chemically cut a molecule called cGMP (a chemical relative of both GDP and GTP). Initially there are a lot of cGMP molecules in the cell, but the phosphodiesterase lowers its concentration, like a pulled plug lowers the water level in a bathtub.

Another membrane protein that binds cGMP is called an ion channel. It acts as a gateway that regulates the number of sodium ions in the cell. Normally the ion channel allows sodium ions to flow into the cell, while a separate protein actively pumps them out again. The dual action of the ion channel and pump keeps the level of sodium ions in the cell within a narrow range. When the amount of cGMP is reduced because of cleavage by the phosphodiesterase, the ion channel closes, causing the cellular concentration of positively charged sodium ions to be reduced. This causes an imbalance of charge across the cell membrane which, finally, causes a current to be transmitted down the optic nerve to the brain. The result, when interpreted by the brain, is vision.

My explanation is just a sketchy overview of the biochemistry of vision. Ultimately, though, this is what it means to "explain" vision. This is the level of explanation for which biological science must aim. In order to truly understand a function, one must understand in detail every relevant step in the process. The relevant steps in biological processes occur ultimately at the molecular level, so a satisfactory explanation of a biological phenomenon such as vision, or digestion, or immunity must include its molecular explanation.

DarwinNow that the black box of vision has been opened it is no longer enough for an "evolutionary explanation" of that power to consider only the anatomical structures of whole eyes, as Darwin did in the nineteenth century, and as popularizers of evolution continue to do today. Each of the anatomical steps and structures that Darwin thought were so simple actually involves staggeringly complicated biochemical processes that cannot be papered over with rhetoric. Darwin's simple steps are now revealed to be huge leaps between carefully tailored machines. Thus biochemistry offers a Lilliputian challenge to Darwin. Now the black box of the cell has been opened and a Lilliputian world of staggering complexity stands revealed. It must be explained.

The Darwinian model can't account for this. Show me a peer reviewed scientific article that articulates a plausible Darwinian scenario.

From where, Answers in Genesis?
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
An abstract on the biochemistry of the eye....

How a nerve comes to be sensitive to light hardly concerns us more than how life itself originated. He had an excellent reason for declining the question: it was completely beyond nineteenth century science. How the eye works; that is, what happens when a photon of light first hits the retina simply could not be answered at that time. As a matter of fact, no question about the underlying mechanisms of life could be answered. How did animal muscles cause movement? How did photosynthesis work? How was energy extracted from food? How did the body fight infection? No one knew.

Darwins Black BoxTo Darwin vision was a black box, but today, after the hard, cumulative work of many biochemists, we are approaching answers to the question of sight. Here is a brief overview of the biochemistry of vision. When light first strikes the retina, a photon interacts with a molecule called 11-cis-retinal, which rearranges within picoseconds to trans-retinal. The change in the shape of retinal forces a change in the shape of the protein, rhodopsin, to which the retinal is tightly bound. The protein's metamorphosis alters its behavior, making it stick to another protein called transducin. Before bumping into activated rhodopsin, transducin had tightly bound a small molecule called GDP. But when transducin interacts with activated rhodopsin, the GDP falls off and a molecule called GTP binds to transducin. (GTP is closely related to, but critically different from, GDP.)

GTP-transducin-activated rhodopsin now binds to a protein called phosphodiesterase, located in the inner membrane of the cell. When attached to activated rhodopsin and its entourage, the phosphodiesterase acquires the ability to chemically cut a molecule called cGMP (a chemical relative of both GDP and GTP). Initially there are a lot of cGMP molecules in the cell, but the phosphodiesterase lowers its concentration, like a pulled plug lowers the water level in a bathtub.

Another membrane protein that binds cGMP is called an ion channel. It acts as a gateway that regulates the number of sodium ions in the cell. Normally the ion channel allows sodium ions to flow into the cell, while a separate protein actively pumps them out again. The dual action of the ion channel and pump keeps the level of sodium ions in the cell within a narrow range. When the amount of cGMP is reduced because of cleavage by the phosphodiesterase, the ion channel closes, causing the cellular concentration of positively charged sodium ions to be reduced. This causes an imbalance of charge across the cell membrane which, finally, causes a current to be transmitted down the optic nerve to the brain. The result, when interpreted by the brain, is vision.

My explanation is just a sketchy overview of the biochemistry of vision. Ultimately, though, this is what it means to "explain" vision. This is the level of explanation for which biological science must aim. In order to truly understand a function, one must understand in detail every relevant step in the process. The relevant steps in biological processes occur ultimately at the molecular level, so a satisfactory explanation of a biological phenomenon such as vision, or digestion, or immunity must include its molecular explanation.

DarwinNow that the black box of vision has been opened it is no longer enough for an "evolutionary explanation" of that power to consider only the anatomical structures of whole eyes, as Darwin did in the nineteenth century, and as popularizers of evolution continue to do today. Each of the anatomical steps and structures that Darwin thought were so simple actually involves staggeringly complicated biochemical processes that cannot be papered over with rhetoric. Darwin's simple steps are now revealed to be huge leaps between carefully tailored machines. Thus biochemistry offers a Lilliputian challenge to Darwin. Now the black box of the cell has been opened and a Lilliputian world of staggering complexity stands revealed. It must be explained.

The Darwinian model can't account for this. Show me a peer reviewed scientific article that articulates a plausible Darwinian scenario.

Do you think the biochemistry of vision is somehow molecularly completely different than the biochemistry of the bacterial flagellum?
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Not necessarily. But intelligent design is staring us right in the face.

Here are some quotes from Michael Denton on the complexity of the cell:

Michael Denton quotes (showing 1-6 of 6)

�The complexity of the simplest known type of cell is so great that it is impossible to accept that such an object could have been thrown together suddenly by some kind of freakish, vastly improbable, event. Such an occurrence would be indistinguishable from a miracle.�
― Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory In Crisis

tags: abiogenesis, biology, chance, chemical-evolution, coincidence, id, intelligent-design, irreducible-complexity, living-cells, naturalism, origin-of-life, science, serendipity



�Molecular biology has shown that even the simplest of all living systems on the earth today, bacterial cells, are exceedingly complex objects. Although the tiniest bacterial cells are incredibly small, weighing less than 10-12 gms, each is in effect a veritable micro-miniaturized factory containing thousands of exquisitely designed pieces of intricate molecular machinery, made up altogether of one hundred thousand million atoms, far more complicated than any machine built by man and absolutely without parallel in the nonliving world.�
― Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory In Crisis

tags: bacteria, biology, factory, id, intelligent-design, irreducible-complexity, living-cells, molecular-machines, science



�Considering the way the prebiotic soup is referred to in so many discussions of the origin of life as an already established reality, it comes as something of a shock to realize that there is absolutely no positive evidence for its existence.�
― Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory In Crisis

tags: abiogenesis, biology, chemical-evolution, darwinism, evolution, naturalism, origin-of-life, sciece



�To grasp the reality of life as it has been revealed by molecular biology, we must magnify a cell a thousand million times until it is twenty kilometers in diameter and resembles a giant airship large enough to cover a great city like London or New York. What we would then see would be an object of unparalleled complexity and adaptive design. On the surface of the cell we would see millions of openings, like the port holes of a vast space ship, opening and closing to allow a continual stream of materials to flow in and out. If we were to enter one of these openings we would find ourselves in a world of supreme technology and bewildering complexity.�
― Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory In Crisis

tags: biology, factory, id, intelligent-design, irreducible-complexity, living-cells, molecular-machines, science



�The theory of phlogiston was an inversion of the true nature of combustion. Removing phlogiston was in reality adding oxygen, while adding phlogiston was actually removing oxygen. The theory was a total misrepresentation of reality. Phlogiston did not even exist, and yet its existence was firmly believed and the theory adhered to rigidly for nearly one hundred years throughout the eighteenth century. ... As experimentation continued the properties of phlogiston became more bizarre and contradictory. But instead of questioning the existence of this mysterious substance it was made to serve more comprehensive purposes. ... For the skeptic or indeed to anyone prepared to step out of the circle of Darwinian belief, it is not hard to find inversions of common sense in modern evolutionary thought which are strikingly reminiscent of the mental gymnastics of the phlogiston chemists or the medieval astronomers.

To the skeptic, the proposition that the genetic programmes of higher organisms, consisting of something close to a thousand million bits of information, equivalent to the sequence of letters in a small library of one thousand volumes, containing in encoded form countless thousands of intricate algorithms controlling, specifying and ordering the growth and development of billions and billions of cells into the form of a complex organism, were composed by a purely random process is simply an affront to reason. But to the Darwinist the idea is accepted without a ripple of doubt - the paradigm takes precedence!�
― Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory In Crisis

tags: chance, coincidence, consensus, darwinism, evolution, macro-evolution, macroevolution, majority-view, naturalism, origin-of-information, origin-of-life, science, scientific-consensus, serendipity



�In the discoveries of science the harmony of the spheres is also now the harmony of life. And as the eerie illumination of science penetrates evermore deeply into the order of nature, the cosmos appears increasingly to be a vast system finely tuned to generate life and organisms of biology very similar, perhaps identical, to ourselves. All the evidence available in the biological sciences supports the core proposition of traditional natural theology - that the cosmos is a specially designed whole with life and mankind as a fundamental goal and purpose, a whole in which all facets of reality, from the size of galaxies to the thermal capacity of water, have their meaning and explanation in this central fact.

Four centuries after the scientific revolution apparently destroyed irretrievably man's special place in the universe, banished Aristotle, and rendered teleological speculation obsolete, the relentless stream of discovery has turned dramatically in favor of teleology and design, and the doctrine of the microcosm is reborn. As I hope the evidence presented in this book has shown, science, which has been for centuries the great ally of atheism and skepticism, has become at last, in the final days of the second millennium, what Newton and many of its early advocates had so fervently wished - the "defender of the anthropocentric faith.�
― Michael Denton, Nature's Destiny: How the Laws of Biology Reveal Purpose in the Universe
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Podcast from Denton. Interesting....

Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Originally Posted by carbon12
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by carbon12
Originally Posted by RobJordan

Rebuttal? Not quite.

More of a whimpering whine that Giberson and Collins did not spell out every molecule involved in a molecular recipe for an eye.

Carefully reading and comprehending links before you post them might help you avoid the appearance of a 'spray and pray' debating style.

Personal attacks don't impress. The "evolutionary scenarios" for the eye are pure speculation---"Just So" stories that are highly improbable (if not impossible) with not a shred of empirical proof. None of the scenarious imagined has a shred of laboratory evidence to support it. It is just so much wishful thinking.

Don't you ever tire of short stroking into the argumentum ad ignorantiam illogical fallacy sand trap? It is as if you have a neurochemotaxic attraction response to them.

Do you ever tire of misunderstanding logical fallacies---and making personal insults? It appears not.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Open this peer-reviewed abstract, read it and then get back to us with your simple mechanistic explanations for biological complexity.

Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
The staggering complexity of the cell...

Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Open this peer-reviewed abstract, read it and then get back to us with your simple mechanistic explanations for biological complexity.


No one is arguing that complexity does not exist. Just that ID is the least compelling explanation for it.
Posted By: Dave_Skinner Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
I thought this was going to be a thread on creatures of whatever species who appear evolution proof. Sigh.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Originally Posted by carbon12
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Open this peer-reviewed abstract, read it and then get back to us with your simple mechanistic explanations for biological complexity.


No one is arguing that complexity does not exist. Just that ID is the least compelling explanation for it.

The actual state of things is the exact opposite: the mechanistic, Darwinian "explanation" is no explanation at all; just a series of ad hoc "Just So Stories" which seeks, by a priori philosophic commitment to exclude any rival explanation. It is no longer a search for truth, but dogmatic adherence to philosophy masquerading as science.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by carbon12
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Open this peer-reviewed abstract, read it and then get back to us with your simple mechanistic explanations for biological complexity.


No one is arguing that complexity does not exist. Just that ID is the least compelling explanation for it.

The actual state of things is the exact opposite: the mechanistic, Darwinian "explanation" is no explanation at all; just a series of ad hoc "Just So Stories" which seeks, by a priori philosophic commitment to exclude any rival explanation. It is no longer a search for truth, but dogmatic adherence to philosophy masquerading as science.

If the creations possess ideas with greater explanatory power, why don't they publish them in peer reviewed journals?
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by carbon12
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Open this peer-reviewed abstract, read it and then get back to us with your simple mechanistic explanations for biological complexity.


No one is arguing that complexity does not exist. Just that ID is the least compelling explanation for it.

The actual state of things is the exact opposite: the mechanistic, Darwinian "explanation" is no explanation at all; just a series of ad hoc "Just So Stories" which seeks, by a priori philosophic commitment to exclude any rival explanation. It is no longer a search for truth, but dogmatic adherence to philosophy masquerading as science.

Interestingly, the concept of ID itself appears to be undergoing Darwinian selection. ID's fitness as an rival explanation to Darwin seems to lack robustness and long term viability in the world of Science which it wants to live. For example the ID on-line organ, Bio-Complexity that you cited, appears to be to be on life-support if not dead. Curious, does it have any fertile progeny?

Ironic, neh?

Oh yeah, almost forgot to add as another example of ID's lack of fitness, Kitzmiller and the electorate of Dover, PA that booted ID out of it's school system.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Originally Posted by carbon12
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by carbon12
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Open this peer-reviewed abstract, read it and then get back to us with your simple mechanistic explanations for biological complexity.


No one is arguing that complexity does not exist. Just that ID is the least compelling explanation for it.

The actual state of things is the exact opposite: the mechanistic, Darwinian "explanation" is no explanation at all; just a series of ad hoc "Just So Stories" which seeks, by a priori philosophic commitment to exclude any rival explanation. It is no longer a search for truth, but dogmatic adherence to philosophy masquerading as science.

Interestingly, the concept of ID itself appears to be undergoing Darwinian selection. ID's fitness as an rival explanation to Darwin seems to lack robustness and long term viability in the world of Science which it wants to live. For example the ID on-line organ, Bio-Complexity that you cited, appears to be to be on life-support if not dead. Curious, does it have any fertile progeny?

Ironic, neh?

Bingo!! Scientific truth is determined by its popularity---not on the soundness of its premises, conclusions or evidence. Thank you for proving my point.
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan

The actual state of things is the exact opposite: the mechanistic, Darwinian "explanation" is no explanation at all; just a series of ad hoc "Just So Stories" which seeks, by a priori philosophic commitment to exclude any rival explanation. It is no longer a search for truth, but dogmatic adherence to philosophy masquerading as science.

Interestingly, the concept of ID itself appears to be undergoing Darwinian selection. ID's fitness as an rival explanation to Darwin seems to lack robustness and long term viability in the world of Science which it wants to live. For example the ID on-line organ, Bio-Complexity that you cited, appears to be to be on life-support if not dead. Curious, does it have any fertile progeny?

Ironic, neh? [/quote]

Bingo!! Scientific truth is determined by its popularity---not on the soundness of its premises, conclusions or evidence. Thank you for proving my point. [/quote]

Popularity, perhaps. If ID had any real testable validity, it would be more popular.

Point unmade.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Right, like the Heliocentric view of the solar system prior to Copernicus! crazy Nice try 12. grin
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Right, like the Heliocentric view of the solar system prior to Copernicus! crazy Nice try 12. grin

Helio did not withstand the test of time. ID seems to be going by the wayside too. Think of them as failed 'transitional forms'
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Of course, you are being deliberately obtuse. Heliocentrism replaced Geocentrism--and it took many hundred years for that to occur. That is the comparison I was making, as you well know. Which theory is "winning" at any given moment tells us nothing about whether it is correct.
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Of course, you are being deliberately obtuse. Heliocentrism replaced Geocentrism--and it took many hundred years for that to occur. That is the comparison I was making, as you well know. Which theory is "winning" at any given moment tells us nothing about whether it is correct.

Correctness is, in large part, a function of its predictive value. ID has none.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Says who?
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Says who?

Go ahead, make some predictions based on ID.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
I asked first. Says who?
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
I asked first. Says who?

I retract my sentence that ID has no predictive value and replace it with: what unique predictive value does ID have?

Here is your opportunity to demonstrate the 'correctness' of ID and the fallacy of Darwin.
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
I'll take a shot at some predictions based on ID. Irreducible complexity arguments for ID will continue to be more narrowly focused as biological understanding increases. The more that is known, the less complex these biological systems seem to become. Irreducible complexity is just another version of argument from ignorance claiming cellular structure is too complex to have evolved.

Lots of things that were once thought too complex to understand are now very well understood and there is no reason why biological systems would be any different. Advances in genetic engineering will be unrecognizable in 20 years to today's level of understanding just like today's is from 20 years ago.

The ID arguments as we know them today will "evolve" accordingly though and there will be new arguments for a creator based on the then current level of understanding. This cycle has been going on since the geocentric vs. heliocentric days and beyond. It's the god of the gaps argument. The gaps keep getting smaller but there will always be unknowns so something new will become irreducibly complex and therefore an argument for a creator. Belief in a creator god is a personal issue of faith.

Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Originally Posted by RobJordon
Bingo!! Scientific truth is determined by its popularity---not on the soundness of its premises, conclusions or evidence. Thank you for proving my point.

You miss represent science. A scientific theory is never "right", it just hasn't been proven wrong. If we collect a larger data set that proves a theory wrong, it is no longer a theory.

Posted By: curdog4570 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
I posted these thoughts on the "Killing Jesus" thread. Most of the "scientists" are on this thread, so I offer them for comment:

"Who is more humble? The scientist who looks at the universe with an open mind and accepts whatever it has to teach us, or somebody who says everything in this book must be considered the literal truth and never mind the fallibility of all the human beings involved?
Carl Sagan"

This quote from Sagan is a perfect example of WHY I reject the "argument from science" in favor of atheism or agnosticism.

A truly open minded man would never approach the question of a God's existence by attempting to determine the validity of one book.

God either IS, or He Isn't.

Since a negative can never be proven on a "scientific basis", an open minded scientist would start his quest by looking for evidence in favor of the "God is" argument.

With all the testimony available to him of persons still living, why on earth would he spend time on a book compiled centuries ago by fallible men with an obvious political agenda?

If such an open minded scientist as Sagan alludes to actually exists, and if he dignifies Christianity by considering its arguments as a starting point in his attempts to prove the "God is" argument, he has an investigative route available to him which is far superior to focusing on the truths, or untruths, of its book.

The book's central claim is that Jesus of Nazareth IS God, is alive today in a miraculous manner, and eagerly wants to establish communication with us on an INDIVIDUAL basis.

Were a truly "open minded scientist" take the very logical step of attempting to establish communication with this Jesus of Nazareth, a simple step which- if successful- could settle the question of "God either Is, or He Isn't, with no need of further scientific research, he would find that he is NOT open minded at all.

An HONEST seeker would discover that he is actually of two minds. A part of his mind will not allow the question to go away, and another part has always been fervently occupied on the "God Isn't" side of the debate.

He would discover that he is unable to truly open his mind to the question. He cannot surrender his most prized possession....... his intellect.

He might remember from his reading that the Gospel writers predicted this very thing, and offered a remedy.

Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Again 12, Who says predictive value is the sine qua non of a valid scientific theory?

And Sniper, I wasn't intending to represent scientific theory. I was commenting on 12's apparent claim that "truth" is decided by vote.

Of course, scientific knowledge is provisional. Read "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" by Thomas Kuhn.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
So out of curiosity has anybody seen the evolution of the galaxies?

With the new space-based telescopes and land-base telescopes the evolution of the galaxies (space?) is becoming clearer. Astrophysics may solve the evolution debate once and for all and than again maybe not with "creationists".

BTW: I've never comfortable using the term "creationists" as that implies that only fundamental Christians can be "creationists" not Pagans, Deists, Agnostics, Atheists, etc.
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Originally Posted by curdog4570
I posted these thoughts on the "Killing Jesus" thread. Most of the "scientists" are on this thread, so I offer them for comment:

"Who is more humble? The scientist who looks at the universe with an open mind and accepts whatever it has to teach us, or somebody who says everything in this book must be considered the literal truth and never mind the fallibility of all the human beings involved?
Carl Sagan"

This quote from Sagan is a perfect example of WHY I reject the "argument from science" in favor of atheism or agnosticism.

A truly open minded man would never approach the question of a God's existence by attempting to determine the validity of one book.

God either IS, or He Isn't.

Since a negative can never be proven on a "scientific basis", an open minded scientist would start his quest by looking for evidence in favor of the "God is" argument.

With all the testimony available to him of persons still living, why on earth would he spend time on a book compiled centuries ago by fallible men with an obvious political agenda?

If such an open minded scientist as Sagan alludes to actually exists, and if he dignifies Christianity by considering its arguments as a starting point in his attempts to prove the "God is" argument, he has an investigative route available to him which is far superior to focusing on the truths, or untruths, of its book.

The book's central claim is that Jesus of Nazareth IS God, is alive today in a miraculous manner, and eagerly wants to establish communication with us on an INDIVIDUAL basis.

Were a truly "open minded scientist" take the very logical step of attempting to establish communication with this Jesus of Nazareth, a simple step which- if successful- could settle the question of "God either Is, or He Isn't, with no need of further scientific research, he would find that he is NOT open minded at all.

An HONEST seeker would discover that he is actually of two minds. A part of his mind will not allow the question to go away, and another part has always been fervently occupied on the "God Isn't" side of the debate.

He would discover that he is unable to truly open his mind to the question. He cannot surrender his most prized possession....... his intellect.

He might remember from his reading that the Gospel writers predicted this very thing, and offered a remedy.

Regardless of what he may or may not been smoking at the time Carl Sagan has profound words of wisdom for those who are not deaf.

He has said that he did not want to BELIEVE, he wants to KNOW.

He is my prophet for my time here on this beautiful blue ball.

Heed the words of the prophet�

�How is it that hardly any major religion has looked at science and concluded, �This is better than we thought!
The Universe is much bigger than our prophets said, grander, more subtle, more elegant?� Instead they say, �No, no, no! My god is a little god, and I want him to stay that way.�

A religion, old or new, that stressed the magnificence of the Universe as revealed by modern science might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by the conventional faiths.�
― Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space

�Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.�
― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Again 12, Who says predictive value is the sine qua non of a valid scientific theory?

And Sniper, I wasn't intending to represent scientific theory. I was commenting on 12's apparent claim that "truth" is decided by vote.

Of course, scientific knowledge is provisional. Read "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" by Thomas Kuhn.

Equating 'in large part' with 'sine qua non' is a bit of an overreach, no?

There was no claim that truth is by vote as you have noted by qualifying your statement with "apparent". There was an observation that the concepts of ID is undergoing a winnowing process not unlike natural selection.

Have you prepared a post with your ID based predictions so that we can examine how they may fair in the crucible of the Campfire?
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
TF49, anyone who 1) doesn't have ulterior motives for rejecting evolution (for example, they wrongly believe it threatens their faith if true), 2) has sufficient intelligence/education to understand the overwhelming myriad of evidence for it, and 3) actually researches said evidence, will always come away from doing so with full acceptance of the reality of it. I am thoroughly convinced of this. Therefore, when I come across someone who is a denier, I place them in the category of 1) having an ulterior motivation for rejecting it, therefore choosing to don intellectual blinders, 2) lacking sufficient intelligence/education to understand the evidence, and/or 3) having never done the research.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Evolution doesn't contradict this since at no stage in the evolutionary process could you look at the offspring of any particular animal and classify it as a species of another kind from its parents. You would need to compare two sample specimens separated by many thousands of generations to perceive the species distinction.

Apparently you don't understand the concept "after its kind".
Or perhaps it's you who do not.
Posted By: NeBassman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Of course, scientific knowledge is provisional. Read "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" by Thomas Kuhn.

Excellent book on how scientific revolutions occur.
Posted By: ironbender Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/19/13
Originally Posted by ConradCA
A while ago we were having another discussion on evolution and someone gave a web address that was the best explanation of why it was true. This website provided evidence that showed that evolution is the only explanation for what we see in animals now.

Who was it and what was the website?


Ever get your link, Conrad?
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/20/13
Originally Posted by ironbender
Originally Posted by ConradCA
A while ago we were having another discussion on evolution and someone gave a web address that was the best explanation of why it was true. This website provided evidence that showed that evolution is the only explanation for what we see in animals now.

Who was it and what was the website?


Ever get your link, Conrad?
I provided him with a book title that serves the same function.
Posted By: Ghostinthemachine Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/20/13
Haven't seen BrentD around lately.
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/20/13

Interesting comments. I have a view that is in some ways similar to yours. Here are some of my observations of �evolution proponents.�

First: It is vitally important to them that the process of evolution be seen as only a fully natural process by which all living things have developed and progressed; in the past and in the present and for the future. Most will reject the idea out of hand that organisms were designed. This idea is simply dismissed, almost with visceral reaction. In the same way some may fear that evolution threatens their god, evolutionists react in a remarkably similar when confronted with the �god thing.� Now many evolution proponents will say they �believe in god� but often provide only vague politically acceptable thoughts about God. One wonders if they believe in God, how can they limit God to �causing evolution?� Oh well.

Second: I have found that many believe in evolution simply because they were taught in schools that that was the truth. As you intimated, many don�t have an inquiring mind and simply accept what they have been told. Most obamathons fall into this category. Indoctrinated.

Third: I have seen many evolution proponents are quite proud of their views and denigrate those who see things differently as either simpletons of some sort of offminded zealot. They can mock and criticize the evolution skeptics and have the comfort of knowing that �the majority of scientists� believe as they do. They seem to like what I call �unsubstantiated dogmatic assertions.� Such as �the fossil record is full of transitional forms.� They say things loud enough and get others to rally to them like a bunch of high school kids rooting for a football team. While proclaiming �science,� they leave reason behind. Here is a quote that I have appreciated: �It is dangerous to follow the multitude because the majority is almost always on the wrong side in this world.�

Fourth: How many evolutionists would this apply to: Many believe in evolution because they have rejected god and therefore MUST believe in evolution or face the prospect and being held accountable to a Creator God. A God that in fact did create them.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/20/13
anyone who 1) doesn't have ulterior motives for rejecting evolution (for example, they wrongly believe it threatens their faith if true), 2) has sufficient intelligence/education to understand the overwhelming myriad of evidence for it, and 3) actually researches said evidence, will always come away from doing so with full acceptance of the reality of it. I am thoroughly convinced of this. Therefore, when I come across someone who is a denier, I place them in the category of 1) having an ulterior motivation for rejecting it, therefore choosing to don intellectual blinders, 2) lacking sufficient intelligence/education to understand the evidence, and/or 3) having never done the research.

Are you suggesting the many Ph.D scientists who convert to creationism from evolutionism fall into your categories above? Are you suggesting the Ph.D scientist who earned their degrees in non-religious colleges fall into your categories above?

Today in a lecture I heard such a notable evolutionist as Dr. Stephen J. Gould who said mutations will never move molecules to man. He said he didn't know what the mechanism was, but he knew it was not mutations. Dr. Lee Spetner says there is not one known mutation that will move life forms from molecules to man.

It seems like the theory sits in judgment on the evidence instead of the evidence sitting in judgment of the theory. Take a watch of the movie Expelled! No Intelligence Allowed.
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/20/13
Are you suggesting the many Ph.D scientists who convert to creationism from evolutionism fall into your categories above?

Yes, that is much more likely than talking snakes.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/20/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Again 12, Who says predictive value is the sine qua non of a valid scientific theory?

And Sniper, I wasn't intending to represent scientific theory. I was commenting on 12's apparent claim that "truth" is decided by vote.

Of course, scientific knowledge is provisional. Read "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" by Thomas Kuhn.

I guess you missed my clip above by a Nobel Prize winning physicist, because it was addressed in the first minute.
In addition, it's in every modern science text book you can pick up.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/20/13
Originally Posted by TF49
First:It is vitally important to them that the process of evolution be seen as only a fully natural process by which all living things have developed and progressed; in the past and in the present and for the future. Most will reject the idea out of hand that organisms were designed. This idea is simply dismissed, almost with visceral reaction.

I am an acceptor of the reality of evolution, as I am the reality of a heliocentric solar system, a round earth, gravitation, atomic theory, etc., because in good conscience I can be nothing else after a many-years research into the question.

I've been a Christian since the age of fourteen, and started as a young earth Creationist. As I came across the evidence for evolution, I found (after many years of immersing myself in Young Earth Creationist "answers" to evolutionists) young earth Creationism untenable, and was very pleased to fully adopt Intelligent Design after reading my first of many books (Starting with Darwin On Trial, by Johnson) proposing it as a way to shut the mouth of those oh-so-smug "evolutionists."

Gradually, however, I discovered that the answers to ID by those smug "evolutionists" were vastly more objective and scientific than the claims of the ID proponents, and thus immersed myself in the study of evolution in a search for its fundamental defects, finding, however, it to be many times more praising of God than any children's story (as Genesis is wrongly presented to us by Young Earth Creationists) or pseudo-scientific denial of it's reality.

As I reread the Genesis account of Creation, in the late 1990s, with this understanding as part of my basic conception of the world (as I also read the Bible understanding the earth is round, the earth orbits the sun, gravitation is a force causing massive objects to attract, everything's made of atoms, etc.,etc..), and the basic facts about biology (to include the evolutionary process), the reality began to stare me directly in the face that I could find nothing in it that in any way contradicted it. Not only that, it seemed to be telling the very same story, only in terms directed towards prescientific peoples ... sort of the way an adult explains how babies are made to a very young child, e.g., "When a man and woman love one another very much, a tiny baby appears in her belly, and that baby grows till it's too big to stay inside, then comes out." There's no lie in that. It's all true. It just leaves out details and brushes over many others that a young child couldn't possibly understand, such as the details of the actual biological processes that occur all along the way. The Biblical Creation account and modern evolutionary biology share the same sort of connection.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/20/13

Not only that, it seemed to be telling the very same story, only in terms directed towards prescientific peoples ... sort of the way an adult explains how babies are made to a very young child, e.g., "When a man and woman love one another very much, a tiny baby appears in her belly, and that baby grows till it's too big to stay inside, then comes out." There's no lie in that. It's all true. It just leaves out details and brushes over many others that a young child couldn't possibly understand, such as the details of the actual biological processes that occur all along the way. The Biblical Creation account and modern evolutionary biology share the same sort of connection.

You don't understand the concept of entropy. God created everything "very good" including people. If you and I, with our modern intellectual level, were somehow transported in time to before Noah's Flood we would be put in an institution for retarded people. Mutations go the wrong direction. They don't increase information. They destroy it.
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/20/13
Hawk eye,

Well said.

Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/20/13
Originally Posted by TF49
Hawk eye,

Well said.

Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/20/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
You don't understand the concept of entropy.
Actually, it's you who don't. Entropy is relevant to the universe as a whole, but doesn't predict decay in all subsets of the universe, such as the earth's biosphere, for example, which is constantly being barraged with solar energy, adding energy for the processes of life, to include evolution. Entropy predicts that eventually said energy input will cease, but till then there's lots of it available for systems of increasing complexity.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/20/13
I was referring to our brains which make up our minds. You posted that the original men were not as smart as we are. I maintain the exact opposite.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/20/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
I was referring to our brains which make up our minds. You posted that the original men were not as smart as we are.
No I didn't. Not at all. Are you suggesting that the ancients were scientifically sophisticated in modern terms, though? Just consider what were common beliefs about biology a mere two or three centuries ago, even among those thought to be enlightened in this regard.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/20/13
Just consider what were common beliefs about biology a mere two or three centuries ago,

What does that have to do with a civilization we don't know a thing about, except they lived on average 900 years?

even among those thought to be enlightened in this regard.

You think you are enlightened and yet reject God's Word in favor of fallible men's word.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/20/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
... yet reject God's Word in favor of fallible men's word.
That's a false premise unsupported by any facts. Don't you believe it to be a sin to bear false witness or to spread calumny?
Posted By: ironbender Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/20/13
So, no?

Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/20/13
Originally Posted By: Ringman
... yet reject God's Word in favor of fallible men's word.
That's a false premise unsupported by any facts. Don't you believe it to be a sin to bear false witness or to spread calumny?

Please. You reject Genesis and Jesus' words in favor of men's opinions and you want me to agree that I'm the one not telling the Truth. Get a grip! You are doing what Eve did. She sat in judgment of God's Word instead of believing Him.

By the way you didn't answer my question about the Ph.D evolutionist switching to creation or the Ph.D scientists coming out of non-religious colleges. You say they are not educated enough or intelligent enough. What is your highest science earned degree? In which field?
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/20/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Originally Posted By: Ringman
... yet reject God's Word in favor of fallible men's word.
That's a false premise unsupported by any facts. Don't you believe it to be a sin to bear false witness or to spread calumny?

Please. You reject Genesis and Jesus' words in favor of men's opinions and you want me to agree that I'm the one not telling the Truth. Get a grip! You are doing what Eve did. She sat in judgment of God's Word instead of believing Him.

By the way you didn't answer my question about the Ph.D evolutionist switching to creation or the Ph.D scientists coming out of non-religious colleges. You say they are not educated enough or intelligent enough. What is your highest science earned degree? In which field?

RM. There is more then one way to look at the dichotomy of what to believe.

You see it as a choice between the Bible (God), and Science (Man).

But the Bible was written by the hand of men. So others may see it as a comparison between the Bible (men) and Science (other men). In other words, it's not a decision between God and Man, but a weighing of two camps of fallible men. The scientific representations of the Bible have been falsified many times, yet Young Earth Creationist continue to claim it is infallible, and the evidence must be adjusted to meet the conclusion. In science, it's the conclusion that must be adjusted to match the evidence.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Originally Posted By: Ringman
... yet reject God's Word in favor of fallible men's word.
That's a false premise unsupported by any facts. Don't you believe it to be a sin to bear false witness or to spread calumny?

Please. You reject Genesis and Jesus' words in favor of men's opinions and you want me to agree that I'm the one not telling the Truth. Get a grip! You are doing what Eve did. She sat in judgment of God's Word instead of believing Him.

By the way you didn't answer my question about the Ph.D evolutionist switching to creation or the Ph.D scientists coming out of non-religious colleges. You say they are not educated enough or intelligent enough.
He still fits into the ulterior motive category.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Originally Posted By: Ringman
... yet reject God's Word in favor of fallible men's word.
That's a false premise unsupported by any facts. Don't you believe it to be a sin to bear false witness or to spread calumny?

Please. You reject Genesis and Jesus' words in favor of men's opinions and you want me to agree that I'm the one not telling the Truth.
Then I assume you will be consistent and deny that sperm meeting egg, forming a zygote, etc., has anything to do with human reproduction since the Bible only mentions men knowing women and conceiving. RIGHT? You're not, according to you, allowed to read into that a modern scientific understanding. So all conceptions were and are caused by men and women merely coming to know each other. If you believe otherwise, i.e., that there's more detail to it than that which was glossed over by the Bible, then you're choosing man's opinions against God's Word, which mentions nothing about sperms/eggs/zygotes, etc..
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Please. Grow up, The_Real_Hawkeye. You know you reject God's Word and accept men's. If you take a straight forward reading of God's Word you learn there was a world wide flood. Do you accept that? How can you and accept the geological column. A recent world wide flood destroy it and leave its own evidence.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
He still fits into the ulterior motive category.

Watch the movie Expelled! and tell me again these guys have an ulterior motive. You are amazing.
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
What is amazing is that there are still people who believe the earth is 6000 years old, people used to live for 900 years, and that every animal on earth lived within walking distance of Noah's house. You believe all that is the literal truth based on the writings of ancients yet selectively reject any and all real evidence if you even think it might contradict your particular interpretation of these writings.

Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Please. Grow up, The_Real_Hawkeye. You know you reject God's Word and accept men's. If you take a straight forward reading of God's Word you learn there was a world wide flood. Do you accept that? How can you and accept the geological column. A recent world wide flood destroy it and leave its own evidence.

Please answer Hawk's question on sperms/eggs/zygotes. Curious minds want to know.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
RM, Hillybilly brings up a good point. Did every animal on earth live within walking distance of Noah's house, and if they did, how did Noah fit all the dinosaurs onto the ark?
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
RM, Hillybilly brings up a good point. Did every animal on earth live within walking distance of Noah's house, and if they did, how did Noah fit all the dinosaurs onto the ark?

Dinosaurs are a made up fiction by the evolutionists. There is no such thing as a dinosaur. Sarcasm off.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13

To give you some idea of the complexity of a cell se the video below. The probabilities against chance and time assembling such a complicated chemical production factory are staggeringly small. But for the evolutionists, faith springs eternal....

Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan

To give you some idea of the complexity of a cell se the video below. The probabilities against chance and time assembling such a complicated chemical production factory are staggeringly small. But for the evolutionists, faith springs eternal....


That's because evolution is not the result of chance.

It's the result of selective forces.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
RM, Hillybilly brings up a good point. Did every animal on earth live within walking distance of Noah's house, and if they did, how did Noah fit all the dinosaurs onto the ark?

Many people, including geologists, believe in a single continent which broke up and formed the continents we now see. I happen to be one of those folks after watching a video called "In the Beginning". God brought the animals with the breath of life in their nostrils, including dinosaurs, to the ark. So, yes, everything was within walking distance. God gave Noah 120 years to build the ark so there was lot's of time. Maybe it took a couple generations,or maybe not, for the animals to get there. We have no way of knowing how long animals lived prior to the Flood when even the atmosphere was still "very good". Amber bubbles show there used to be a slightly higher atmospheric pressure and a higher amount of CO2. With higher pressure and higher CO2 plants would grow bigger and faster. This has been proven in modern scientific experiments.

A modern scientific discovery is the deterioration of the earth's magnetic field with a halflife of 1400 years. Another of modern scientific discoveries is the magnetic field blocks cosmic radiation. If we go back about 4,350 years when the flood happened the magnetic field would be at least eight or more times stronger than now. Another discovery is cosmic radiation can and does cause mutation and is deleterious to longevity. According to Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome The mutation accumulation rate in humans matches the decay rate of the patriarchs in Genesis Eleven. The author has over seventy patents on gene splicing so he knows a little about genetics.

Several people have come back from the Congo claiming to see a huge sauropod dinosaur. Others say they have seen flying reptiles in New Guinea. A few years ago a grave was unearth in Mexico. Apparently the guy buried there was a king or someone important. The diggers found the remains of a small dinosaur buried with him. Also scores of pottery were in the grave. Most had figurines of animals we are familiar with. About 20% had figurines of dinosaurs. The Bible talks about a flying serpent. Of course "everyone" knew that was an error. That is until a fossil of one was discovered in Southern Mexico.

If you are really serious about how Noah fit all the animals on the ark you could read the book Noah's Ark: A Feasibility Study. But let's take a look at it from an ignorant Bible thumper who didn't even get a GED till age fifty-one.

I am convinced all elephants and mastodons and mammoths were descended from the elephant kind. The same thing goes for elk, deer, moose, etc. They came from the "deer" kind. Throw in the horse kind to include horses, donkeys, zebras, etc. The same would apply to the different kinds of dinosaurs. Noah could bring in young animals and birds that would not breed until after the year long boat ride. So they could all be much smaller than adults. I read the average size of animals from shrew to supersaurus dinosaur is about the size of a sheep. So we are not looking at a bunch of monsters. We don't need any aquatic creatures on the ark.

Now the size of the ark: Cubits range in size from about 18" to 22" after the Flood. If they were the same prior to the Flood they would average 20". The ark was 300 cubits long with a ratio of six to one length to width. That number happens to coincide with modern large craft. Noah's ark was about 500 feet long based on that average. I don't know but I bet he could have fitted about 200 modern railroad double-decker cattle cars on it. I have no idea how many sheep can fit in one of those cars but I bet at least a hundred.

As far as the fesses goes, there is a simple modern concept used in cattle pens. From what I have heard the cattle are on grates close enough together so their feet are fine. Below them live worms which decompose the animal waist.

This should answer a lot more than you asked for.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Excellent debate with Stephen Meyer.

Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by RobJordan

To give you some idea of the complexity of a cell se the video below. The probabilities against chance and time assembling such a complicated chemical production factory are staggeringly small. But for the evolutionists, faith springs eternal....


That's because evolution is not the result of chance.

Uh, sorry Sniper, but all the leading evolutionists say it is chance mutations over time. Natural selection is just that: chance and time.

It's the result of selective forces.
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
RM, Hillybilly brings up a good point. Did every animal on earth live within walking distance of Noah's house, and if they did, how did Noah fit all the dinosaurs onto the ark?

Many people, including geologists, believe in a single continent which broke up and formed the continents we now see. I happen to be one of those folks after watching a video called "In the Beginning". God brought the animals with the breath of life in their nostrils, including dinosaurs, to the ark. So, yes, everything was within walking distance. God gave Noah 120 years to build the ark so there was lot's of time. Maybe it took a couple generations,or maybe not, for the animals to get there. We have no way of knowing how long animals lived prior to the Flood when even the atmosphere was still "very good". Amber bubbles show there used to be a slightly higher atmospheric pressure and a higher amount of CO2. With higher pressure and higher CO2 plants would grow bigger and faster. This has been proven in modern scientific experiments.

A modern scientific discovery is the deterioration of the earth's magnetic field with a halflife of 1400 years. Another of modern scientific discoveries is the magnetic field blocks cosmic radiation. If we go back about 4,350 years when the flood happened the magnetic field would be at least eight or more times stronger than now. Another discovery is cosmic radiation can and does cause mutation and is deleterious to longevity. According to Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome The mutation accumulation rate in humans matches the decay rate of the patriarchs in Genesis Eleven. The author has over seventy patents on gene splicing so he knows a little about genetics.

Several people have come back from the Congo claiming to see a huge sauropod dinosaur. Others say they have seen flying reptiles in New Guinea. A few years ago a grave was unearth in Mexico. Apparently the guy buried there was a king or someone important. The diggers found the remains of a small dinosaur buried with him. Also scores of pottery were in the grave. Most had figurines of animals we are familiar with. About 20% had figurines of dinosaurs. The Bible talks about a flying serpent. Of course "everyone" knew that was an error. That is until a fossil of one was discovered in Southern Mexico.

If you are really serious about how Noah fit all the animals on the ark you could read the book Noah's Ark: A Feasibility Study. But let's take a look at it from an ignorant Bible thumper who didn't even get a GED till age fifty-one.

I am convinced all elephants and mastodons and mammoths were descended from the elephant kind. The same thing goes for elk, deer, moose, etc. They came from the "deer" kind. Throw in the horse kind to include horses, donkeys, zebras, etc. The same would apply to the different kinds of dinosaurs. Noah could bring in young animals and birds that would not breed until after the year long boat ride. So they could all be much smaller than adults. I read the average size of animals from shrew to supersaurus dinosaur is about the size of a sheep. So we are not looking at a bunch of monsters. We don't need any aquatic creatures on the ark.

Now the size of the ark: Cubits range in size from about 18" to 22" after the Flood. If they were the same prior to the Flood they would average 20". The ark was 300 cubits long with a ratio of six to one length to width. That number happens to coincide with modern large craft. Noah's ark was about 500 feet long based on that average. I don't know but I bet he could have fitted about 200 modern railroad double-decker cattle cars on it. I have no idea how many sheep can fit in one of those cars but I bet at least a hundred.

As far as the fesses goes, there is a simple modern concept used in cattle pens. From what I have heard the cattle are on grates close enough together so their feet are fine. Below them live worms which decompose the animal waist.

This should answer a lot more than you asked for.

Wait, so evolution happened only really really fast huh? That and Pangaea broke up and the continents water skied across to their present locations in how many years?
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
So, it's your contention that the pangea separated and the continents moved into their current locations in the last 1650 year?
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
RM, Hillybilly brings up a good point. Did every animal on earth live within walking distance of Noah's house, and if they did, how did Noah fit all the dinosaurs onto the ark?

Many people, including geologists, believe in a single continent which broke up and formed the continents we now see. I happen to be one of those folks after watching a video called "In the Beginning". God brought the animals with the breath of life in their nostrils, including dinosaurs, to the ark. So, yes, everything was within walking distance. God gave Noah 120 years to build the ark so there was lot's of time. Maybe it took a couple generations,or maybe not, for the animals to get there. We have no way of knowing how long animals lived prior to the Flood when even the atmosphere was still "very good". Amber bubbles show there used to be a slightly higher atmospheric pressure and a higher amount of CO2. With higher pressure and higher CO2 plants would grow bigger and faster. This has been proven in modern scientific experiments.

A modern scientific discovery is the deterioration of the earth's magnetic field with a halflife of 1400 years. Another of modern scientific discoveries is the magnetic field blocks cosmic radiation. If we go back about 4,350 years when the flood happened the magnetic field would be at least eight or more times stronger than now. Another discovery is cosmic radiation can and does cause mutation and is deleterious to longevity. According to Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome The mutation accumulation rate in humans matches the decay rate of the patriarchs in Genesis Eleven. The author has over seventy patents on gene splicing so he knows a little about genetics.

Several people have come back from the Congo claiming to see a huge sauropod dinosaur. Others say they have seen flying reptiles in New Guinea. A few years ago a grave was unearth in Mexico. Apparently the guy buried there was a king or someone important. The diggers found the remains of a small dinosaur buried with him. Also scores of pottery were in the grave. Most had figurines of animals we are familiar with. About 20% had figurines of dinosaurs. The Bible talks about a flying serpent. Of course "everyone" knew that was an error. That is until a fossil of one was discovered in Southern Mexico.

If you are really serious about how Noah fit all the animals on the ark you could read the book Noah's Ark: A Feasibility Study. But let's take a look at it from an ignorant Bible thumper who didn't even get a GED till age fifty-one.

I am convinced all elephants and mastodons and mammoths were descended from the elephant kind. The same thing goes for elk, deer, moose, etc. They came from the "deer" kind. Throw in the horse kind to include horses, donkeys, zebras, etc. The same would apply to the different kinds of dinosaurs. Noah could bring in young animals and birds that would not breed until after the year long boat ride. So they could all be much smaller than adults. I read the average size of animals from shrew to supersaurus dinosaur is about the size of a sheep. So we are not looking at a bunch of monsters. We don't need any aquatic creatures on the ark.

Now the size of the ark: Cubits range in size from about 18" to 22" after the Flood. If they were the same prior to the Flood they would average 20". The ark was 300 cubits long with a ratio of six to one length to width. That number happens to coincide with modern large craft. Noah's ark was about 500 feet long based on that average. I don't know but I bet he could have fitted about 200 modern railroad double-decker cattle cars on it. I have no idea how many sheep can fit in one of those cars but I bet at least a hundred.

As far as the fesses goes, there is a simple modern concept used in cattle pens. From what I have heard the cattle are on grates close enough together so their feet are fine. Below them live worms which decompose the animal waist.

This should answer a lot more than you asked for.

Thanks for answering. It doesn't fit any of the science I know but thanks for answering. I guess I'll always be a block headed Deist evolutionist.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by RobJordan

To give you some idea of the complexity of a cell se the video below. The probabilities against chance and time assembling such a complicated chemical production factory are staggeringly small. But for the evolutionists, faith springs eternal....


That's because evolution is not the result of chance.

Uh, sorry Sniper, but all the leading evolutionists say it is chance mutations over time. Natural selection is just that: chance and time.

It's the result of selective forces.

The mutations are random. Some mutations are detrimental, most are benign, and some beneficial for the organisms conditions. It's the selective forces that determine which are most likely to be passed on to descendant generations. So, although the mutations are random, their prorogation is not.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Right. Are those selective forces random and undirected?
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
No. Selective forces act to cause non random changes of specific adaptive traits over time. As the name implies, selective forces are.....selective....not random....
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
So, it's your contention that the pangea separated and the continents moved into their current locations in the last 1650 year?

I have no idea where the 1650 year figure came from. What would happen to the coastal lands if the continents moved into their approximate present locations in nine months!? We are talking about many yards per second! Modern tsunamis would be embarrassed. Couple that with raining continuously twenty-four seven for six weeks and then sporadically for a total of five months.

Where did all the rain come from? From the steam generated by the volcanic action under the oceans. Guess what modern geologist have discovered about the ocean floor. Most are a result of HUGE volcanic activity. Then we can couple that with tides with nothing to stop them from eroding the continents to nothing.

The Flood easily explains the folded sedimentary rock and the ice age. The Flood explains why there is no fault freesia between the layers of strata supposedly out of order based on evolutionism.

At times you forget there is a miracle working God in charge. The Flood was a judgment on a violent world of people and animals. God's Word tells us the world that existed then was destroyed by water. In one of His stories, Jesus uses the extensiveness of the Flood as an illustration of how extensive His return will be.
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Many religions far older than the Bible have their own early versions of creation and world floods.

But none of them come close to explaining the stories told by the rocks. That story goes back millions of years.

It is in the rocks we find the Word.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Ok, maybe I had it backwards. You are saying Pangea existed 4350 years ago, and the continents expanded to cover an addition 1600 miles of the earth in the last 4k years? So continental drift has been moving at 4 miles per year?

What did the earths continents looks like in the time of Jesus and the Roman Empire?
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
I see. So the selective force is directed, or the outcome is directed? What is that selective force.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Please. Grow up, The_Real_Hawkeye. You know you reject God's Word and accept men's. If you take a straight forward reading of God's Word you learn there was a world wide flood. Do you accept that? How can you and accept the geological column. A recent world wide flood destroy it and leave its own evidence.
Considering the corner you've painted yourself into, I don't blame you for dodging my very straightforward question. Here it is again, though, so all know which question you refuse to answer:

"Then I assume you will be consistent and deny that sperm meeting egg, forming a zygote, etc., has anything to do with human reproduction since the Bible only mentions men knowing women and conceiving. RIGHT? You're not, according to you, allowed to read into that a modern scientific understanding. So all conceptions were and are caused by men and women merely coming to know each other. If you believe otherwise, i.e., that there's more detail to it than that which was glossed over by the Bible, then you're choosing man's opinions against God's Word, which mentions nothing about sperms/eggs/zygotes, etc.."
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
I see. So the selective force is directed, or the outcome is directed? What is that selective force.

Selective forces can very with conditions. As an example, during wet conditions that favor plants with small seeds, this selective force would favor birds with small beaks, where dry conditions that favor large tough seeds could favor birds with larger tougher beaks. As the conditions vary over time and space, they will favor different adaptive traits.

The force itself is not "directed", the force is the result of prevailing conditions that vary over time and space. When you can move your thinking away from false dichotomies you can begin to under stand the nature of evolution.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Mutation doesn't cut the mustard.

Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan

Discovery.org doesn't cut the mustard.

Do you have something from a peer reviewed source?
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by RobJordan

Discovery.org doesn't cut the mustard.

Do you have something from a peer reviewed source?

Can't respond to the merits of the argument so you fall back on peer review? Who peer reviewed Origin of Species before its publication?
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Here is how "science" deals with dissent.


What are they afraid of??
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Science also deals that way with people who think the earth is flat. Must be a conspiracy I guess.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by RobJordan
I see. So the selective force is directed, or the outcome is directed? What is that selective force.

Selective forces can very with conditions. As an example, during wet conditions that favor plants with small seeds, this selective force would favor birds with small beaks, where dry conditions that favor large tough seeds could favor birds with larger tougher beaks. As the conditions vary over time and space, they will favor different adaptive traits.

The force itself is not "directed", the force is the result of prevailing conditions that vary over time and space. When you can move your thinking away from false dichotomies you can begin to under stand the nature of evolution.

I see. Are you talking about Finch beaks in the Gallagapos? That would be an example of natural selection resulting in change in beak size; not creation of a new species or even the creation of new genetic information. How do we get from there to evidence that the power that can cause changes in beak size can create life from inanimate matter or create new body plans altogether?
Posted By: KCBighorn Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan

Who peer reviewed Origin of Species before its publication?

Jesus H. Christ...

Is this is the best comeback you have? You're so far over your head on this subject you will never catch up.

Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by KCBighorn
Originally Posted by RobJordan

Who peer reviewed Origin of Species before its publication?

Jesus H. Christ...

Is this is the best comeback you have? You're so far over your head on this subject you will never catch up.

I take it from your response that you are unable to answer the question. The fact is, The Origin of Species was published without peer review. That's just one example of an important scientific publication or new theory being published without "peer review". The point is, Peer review ,, or the lack thereof rather, tells us absolutely nothing about whether a theory or argument is or is not valid. When Sniper tried to invoke "peer review" as a response to my question above, that was just a way to try to avoid answering the merits of the question. Sniper, will you address the merits if the article I linked above or will you continue to try and evade?
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Um, ya gotta publish something before it can be reviewed. That's kinda the idea. You know, throw it out there and let people try and pick it apart like has been done with say Origin of Species for example these past 154 years.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by billhilly
Science also deals that way with people who think the earth is flat. Must be a conspiracy I guess.

No it does not. Science took on the question of whether the earth was flat and answered it. If your analogy was valid, science would welcome the opportunity to disprove a competing incorrect theory, if in fact it is incorrect, rather than trying to marginalize that theory on criteria irrelevant to its truth or falsity (as we have seen throughout this thread). This is, BTW, what caused Berkeley Law Professor Phillip Johnson to remark that one of the first clues he had to the weakness of Neo-Darwinism was the way its proponents defended the theory (the form of their arguments). What were they afraid of? Also, your analogy to the flat earth assumes that the criticisms of neo-Darwinism or nominally competing theories such as ID is as to Darwinism as the theory of a flat earth is relative to the theory that the earth is round. The roundness of the earth is a fact of present day observation. The all-important aspect of the theory of evolution (the creation of new genetic material and thus new survivable phenotypes) is a theory which everyone agrees is not observed in the "here and now" but is assumed based almost entirely (if not entirely) on historical evidence. So your analogy is invalid on that basis also.
Posted By: KCBighorn Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by KCBighorn
Originally Posted by RobJordan

Who peer reviewed Origin of Species before its publication?

Jesus H. Christ...

Is this is the best comeback you have? You're so far over your head on this subject you will never catch up.

The point is, Peer review ,, or the lack thereof rather, tells us absolutely nothing about whether a theory or argument is or is not valid.

Actually, it does.

A group of experts in a chosen field evaluate the data and attempt to repeat the experiment in the exact way as the original. If they find that they (and others) are able to obtain the same results the data will be approved and deemed "Peer Reviewed".

This of course is a very simplified explanation of the process, but if you think for a second that The Origin of Species hasn't been meticulously researched and found to be repeatable you are delusional.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by billhilly
Um, ya gotta publish something before it can be reviewed. That's kinda the idea. You know, throw it out there and let people try and pick it apart like has been done with say Origin of Species for example these past 154 years.

That is exactly what I am trying to do----but Sniper invoked Peer Review to avoid responding to the merits of the argument in the article I linked. You can't have it both ways: you can't argue for the invalidity of a new idea or theory based on lack of peer review and then deny it the opportunity for any kind of hearing. In any event, the lack of peer review tells us nothing about the validity of a new theory. Ask Francis Crick and that Watson fellow----and Charles Darwin.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by KCBighorn
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by KCBighorn
Originally Posted by RobJordan

Who peer reviewed Origin of Species before its publication?

Jesus H. Christ...

Is this is the best comeback you have? You're so far over your head on this subject you will never catch up.

The point is, Peer review ,, or the lack thereof rather, tells us absolutely nothing about whether a theory or argument is or is not valid.

Actually, it does.

A group of experts in a chosen field evaluate the data and attempt to repeat the experiment in the exact way as the original. If they find that they (and others) are able to obtain the same results the data will be approved and deemed "Peer Reviewed".

This of course is a very simplified explanation of the process, but if you think for a second that The Origin of Species hasn't been meticulously researched and found to be repeatable you are delusional.

Where did I ever say or imply that the Origin of Species had not been meticulously researched or reviewed. The salient point is it was not peer reviewed prior to publication. Again, the lack of peer review tells us nothing about whether a scientific theory is correct and many, many "peer reviewed" articles or research are subsequently discarded as erroneous. Peer review unfortunately is often used to exclude competition from new ideas. If you think science is not thoroughly politicized you are naieve. Take a look at global warming or resource scarcity. The entire field is dominated by an a priori political commitment to leftism and as a consequence, real science which does not tow the company line is often excluded from serious consideration, regardless of its merits. Go view the link to the movie Expelled above. The examples of this academic totalitarianism are really quite appalling.

What are they afraid of?
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by billhilly
Science also deals that way with people who think the earth is flat. Must be a conspiracy I guess.

No it does not. Science took on the question of whether the earth was flat and answered it. If your analogy was valid, science would welcome the opportunity to disprove a competing incorrect theory, if in fact it is incorrect, rather than trying to marginalize that theory on criteria irrelevant to its truth or falsity (as we have seen throughout this thread). This is, BTW, what caused Berkeley Law Professor Phillip Johnson to remark that one of the first clues he had to the weakness of Neo-Darwinism was the way its proponents defended the theory (the form of their arguments). What were they afraid of? Also, your analogy to the flat earth assumes that the criticisms of neo-Darwinism or nominally competing theories such as ID is as to Darwinism as the theory of a flat earth is relative to the theory that the earth is round. The roundness of the earth is a fact of present day observation. The all-important aspect of the theory of evolution (the creation of new genetic material and thus new survivable phenotypes) is a theory which everyone agrees is not observed in the "here and now" but is assumed based almost entirely (if not entirely) on historical evidence. So your analogy is invalid on that basis also.

ID is not a "competing theory". Science doesn't and cannot deal with the supernatural. If you were to claim aliens created life on earth, then fine. Present you evidence. Claiming something is so complicated that it could only have been created therefore goddidit is not science. That's religion. I don't know is a perfectly rational response to how complicated things work. Let's see if we can find out and what does the evidence say are even better. The minute you invoke the supernatural, you're no longer looking at the evidence objectively to figure out how things work, you've jumped into the why things work territory.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by RobJordan
I see. So the selective force is directed, or the outcome is directed? What is that selective force.

Selective forces can very with conditions. As an example, during wet conditions that favor plants with small seeds, this selective force would favor birds with small beaks, where dry conditions that favor large tough seeds could favor birds with larger tougher beaks. As the conditions vary over time and space, they will favor different adaptive traits.

The force itself is not "directed", the force is the result of prevailing conditions that vary over time and space. When you can move your thinking away from false dichotomies you can begin to understand the nature of evolution.
Well said.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by RobJordan

Discovery.org doesn't cut the mustard.

Do you have something from a peer reviewed source?

Can't respond to the merits of the argument so you fall back on peer review? Who peer reviewed Origin of Species before its publication?
No one. But after its publication, the entire biological science community peer reviewed it, all trying to shoot it down.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by RobJordan
I see. So the selective force is directed, or the outcome is directed? What is that selective force.

Selective forces can very with conditions. As an example, during wet conditions that favor plants with small seeds, this selective force would favor birds with small beaks, where dry conditions that favor large tough seeds could favor birds with larger tougher beaks. As the conditions vary over time and space, they will favor different adaptive traits.

The force itself is not "directed", the force is the result of prevailing conditions that vary over time and space. When you can move your thinking away from false dichotomies you can begin to under stand the nature of evolution.

I see. Are you talking about Finch beaks in the Gallagapos? That would be an example of natural selection resulting in change in beak size; not creation of a new species or even the creation of new genetic information. How do we get from there to evidence that the power that can cause changes in beak size can create life from inanimate matter or create new body plans altogether?
The accumulation of small changes over time result in larger changes over longer periods of time, till, eventually, the horse can no longer produce fertile offspring with the donkey, even though earlier in their isolation from one another they had been able to interbreed with no difficulty, and earlier still they were indistinguishable as members of the same species.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted By: Ringman
Please. Grow up, The_Real_Hawkeye. You know you reject God's Word and accept men's. If you take a straight forward reading of God's Word you learn there was a world wide flood. Do you accept that? How can you and accept the geological column. A recent world wide flood destroy it and leave its own evidence.
Considering the corner you've painted yourself into, I don't blame you for dodging my very straightforward question. Here it is again, though, so all know which question you refuse to answer:

"Then I assume you will be consistent and deny that sperm meeting egg, forming a zygote, etc., has anything to do with human reproduction since the Bible only mentions men knowing women and conceiving. RIGHT? You're not, according to you, allowed to read into that a modern scientific understanding. So all conceptions were and are caused by men and women merely coming to know each other. If you believe otherwise, i.e., that there's more detail to it than that which was glossed over by the Bible, then you're choosing man's opinions against God's Word, which mentions nothing about sperms/eggs/zygotes, etc.."

You weary me. You are not a serious student of either creation or evolution. According to my Bible Adam had "relations" with his wife and she conceived. The details of the creation story are there. God spoke and it was. Again it the Psalms it says God spoke and it stood. There is no room for all your foolishness of contradictory belief in evolutionism.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
If you were to claim aliens created life on earth, then fine.

The doctors who discovered the DNA molecule did just that. The even coined a word: Panspermia. They realized the molecule is so complex it could never happen without a maker.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
The accumulation of small changes over time result in larger changes over longer periods of time, till, eventually, the horse can no longer produce fertile offspring with the donkey, even though earlier in their isolation from one another they had been able to interbreed with no difficulty, and earlier still they were indistinguishable as members of the same species.

This is exactly what I said yesterday. The difference is if you read your own words you would realize they don't turn into a cow or a camel. If they change enough the offspring is dead and extinction follows.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by billhilly
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by billhilly
Science also deals that way with people who think the earth is flat. Must be a conspiracy I guess.

No it does not. Science took on the question of whether the earth was flat and answered it. If your analogy was valid, science would welcome the opportunity to disprove a competing incorrect theory, if in fact it is incorrect, rather than trying to marginalize that theory on criteria irrelevant to its truth or falsity (as we have seen throughout this thread). This is, BTW, what caused Berkeley Law Professor Phillip Johnson to remark that one of the first clues he had to the weakness of Neo-Darwinism was the way its proponents defended the theory (the form of their arguments). What were they afraid of? Also, your analogy to the flat earth assumes that the criticisms of neo-Darwinism or nominally competing theories such as ID is as to Darwinism as the theory of a flat earth is relative to the theory that the earth is round. The roundness of the earth is a fact of present day observation. The all-important aspect of the theory of evolution (the creation of new genetic material and thus new survivable phenotypes) is a theory which everyone agrees is not observed in the "here and now" but is assumed based almost entirely (if not entirely) on historical evidence. So your analogy is invalid on that basis also.

ID is not a "competing theory". Science doesn't and cannot deal with the supernatural. If you were to claim aliens created life on earth, then fine. Present you evidence. Claiming something is so complicated that it could only have been created therefore goddidit is not science. That's religion. I don't know is a perfectly rational response to how complicated things work. Let's see if we can find out and what does the evidence say are even better. The minute you invoke the supernatural, you're no longer looking at the evidence objectively to figure out how things work, you've jumped into the why things work territory.

ID is an inference to the best explanation for causation of complex systems based on our common experience in the world. Science infers to intelligent causes all the time in many fields. It is a myth and falsehood promulgated by Neo-Darwinists that ID is religion or that it is outside the realm of "real" science in order to protect Darwinian evolution from competition from an idea that explains complex biological systems
far better than neo-Darwinism. Methodological naturalism is a philosophy, not a deduction from empirical science. Proponents of ID are simply saying lets go wherever the evidence leads. Methodological naturalists fight that tooth and nail because they don't like where the evidence leads. Think about it: in the name of "science", Neo-Darwinists espouse a philosophical position that prohibits empirical explanations that compete with their ideas, claim (falsely) that only their philosophical definition of science is the correct one and then use their arbitrary definition to insulate their ideas from empirical competition. That is not a search for scientific truth; its dogmatic adherence to an a priori metaphysical position.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13

Did the finch beak variation of which you spoke involve the creation of any new genetic information? How about the Kettlewell Moth example? Did the change in frequency of appearance of light and dark colored moths involve the creation of any new genetic information?

The answer of course is that these paradigmatic examples of 'evolution" in action do not show natural selection creating new genetic information or new species. Rather, what they show is natural selection changing the frequency of the expression of previously existing genetic information in the phenotype.

From these examples of micro-evolution we are asked to infer that the same process can create new massive quantities of= new genetic information and entirely new species. There is no good reason to accept that extrapolation. It has never been observed to happen. Scientists can't even create new species using intelligence to try and manipulate the genome.

And of course, natural selection cannot even begin to work in the absence of organic material. The simplest living cell is believed to have over 250 coordinated proteins with their attendant manufacturing processes. How did that happen? How did life begin? Science literally doesn't have a clue.

Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
According to my Bible Adam had "relations" with his wife and she conceived.
Where does the Bible say that Adam's sperm fertilized Eve's eggs, forming zygotes that became Cain, Abel, Seth, etc.? If you believe any sperm, eggs, or zygotes were involved, you are (by your own stated standard) believing in man's opinions vs God's word, since none of that is specified in the account of how Cain, Abel, Seth, etc., came to be conceived and born. Please answer this question straightforwardly.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
The accumulation of small changes over time result in larger changes over longer periods of time, till, eventually, the horse can no longer produce fertile offspring with the donkey, even though earlier in their isolation from one another they had been able to interbreed with no difficulty, and earlier still they were indistinguishable as members of the same species.

This is exactly what I said yesterday. The difference is if you read your own words you would realize they don't turn into a cow or a camel. If they change enough the offspring is dead and extinction follows.
If the horse and the donkey become sufficiently differentiated species, both the horse and the donkey become extinct?? By what mechanism?? Do you realize how ignorant you sound?
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
I look at this evolutionary debate as a debate between the Bible thumpers and the Deists. It's interesting.
Posted By: Fireball2 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Funny, when I thought I knew I was stupid. Now that I know, I feel stupid for not having seen it before.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by derby_dude
I look at this evolutionary debate as a debate between the Bible thumpers and the Deists. It's interesting.

I don't know why you think that. First, evolution properly understood makes belief in God utterly superfluous and illogical. Daniel Dennett has said that if evolution is true, the following propositions follow as a matter of inescapable logic: (1) there is no God; (2) there is no free will; (3) there is no purpose to life and (4) there is no right or wrong. Morality is whatever we want it to be (or not be). So properly understood, the debate is between atheism on the one and. Now with respect to ID, the designer could be a supreme being or an extra-terrestrial. Francis Crick is a non-believer and posits panspermia for the information that the genetic code contains. So, as a matter of logical necessity, ID does not require the existence of a supernatural creator. Therefore, the debate is more properly understood as a debate between a system whose logical necessity is a denial of not merely God, but even the possibility of free will and a system or theory which posits intelligence as the source of the complex genetic information required to create life and differentiate species which intelligence may be super-natural or might not be. Finally, ID does not invoke Genesis, the Bible or any aspect of Young Earth creationism. I don't know why you would tie Biblical fundamentalism to ID when they have nothing to do with one another. It is true opponents of ID try to caricature the theory as creationism. But that is a caricature. In any event, there is literally no basis to associate it with Biblical fundamentalism. Actually, fundamentalists are often hostile to ID because it tends, in their minds, to devalue God and his role in creation.

Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
A. First, evolution properly understood makes belief in God utterly superfluous and illogical.
B. Daniel Dennett has said that if evolution is true, the following propositions follow as a matter of inescapable logic: (1) there is no God; (2) there is no free will; (3) there is no purpose to life and (4) there is no right or wrong. Morality is whatever we want it to be (or not be).

Translation = 'If you believe in evolution, then you're an atheist...and you don't believe in morality.'

What a crock...!
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Here is how "science" deals with dissent.


What are they afraid of??

All you have to do is watch Ben Steins portral of their first case of "discrimination", i.e the Sternberg peer review issue, then read The rest of the Story to understand how Stein is distorting events in a biased fashion. Sternberg peer reviewed himself, then refused to name the other the alleged reviewers. This is not exactly consistent with the peer review process.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by RobJordan

Discovery.org doesn't cut the mustard.

Do you have something from a peer reviewed source?

Can't respond to the merits of the argument so you fall back on peer review? Who peer reviewed Origin of Species before its publication?

There's nothing to respond to. Three out of context quote mines does not make an argument against the entire body of genetic research.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by RobJordon
Did the finch beak variation of which you spoke involve the creation of any new genetic information?

The finch example was an example of a selective force. I made no claim the selective force itself introduces the new genetic variation.
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by RobJordan
A. First, evolution properly understood makes belief in God utterly superfluous and illogical.
B. Daniel Dennett has said that if evolution is true, the following propositions follow as a matter of inescapable logic: (1) there is no God; (2) there is no free will; (3) there is no purpose to life and (4) there is no right or wrong. Morality is whatever we want it to be (or not be).

Translation = 'If you believe in evolution, then you're an atheist...and you don't believe in morality.'

What a crock...!

Believing in evolution has never require a disbelief in a Creator of the universe.

God and Evolution
Copyright � 1994-1998 by Warren Kurt VonRoeschlaub

3. Evolution and God
Q5. Does evolution deny the existence of God?
No. See question 1. There is no reason to believe that God was not a guiding force behind evolution. While it does contradict some specific interpretations of God, especially ones requiring a literal interpretation of Genesis 1, few people have this narrow of a view of God.
There are many people who believe in the existence of God and in evolution. Common descent then describes the process used by God. Until the discovery of a test to separate chance and God this interpretation is a valid one within evolution.
Q6. But isn't this Deism, the belief that God set the universe in motion and walked away?
While it could be Deism, the Bible speaks more of an active God, one who is frequently intervening in His creation. If the Bible represents such a God in historical times there is no reason to assume that He was not active in the universe before then. A guiding hand in evolution could exist, even in the time before humans came around. Just because people were not there to observe does not mean that there was nothing to observe.
Q7. So if God directed evolution, why not just say he created everything at once?
Mainly because all the evidence suggests otherwise. If God created the universe suddenly, he created it in a state that is indistinguishable from true age. If he did create it that way there must be a reason, otherwise God is a liar. Whatever that reason may be, a universe that is exactly like one that is old should be treated as if it were old.
Q8. By denying creation, aren't you denying God's power to create?
No. Because God did not create the world in seven days does not mean that he couldn't. What did, or did not, happen is not an indication of what could, or could not, have happened. All evidence suggests that evolution is the way things happened. Regardless of what could have happened, the evidence would still point to evolution.

�The idea that God is an oversized white male with a flowing beard, who sits in the sky and tallies the fall of every sparrow is ludicrous. But if by 'God,' one means the set of physical laws that govern the universe, then clearly there is such a God. This God is emotionally unsatisfying... it does not make much sense to pray to the law of gravity.�
― Carl Sagan
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by RobJordon
And of course, natural selection cannot even begin to work in the absence of organic material. The simplest living cell is believed to have over 250 coordinated proteins with their attendant manufacturing processes. How did that happen? How did life begin? Science literally doesn't have a clue.

You can't use a reloading manual to make cookies, you need a cookbook to make cookies. Abiogenesis and evolution are two different subjects. If you wish to change subjects we can do that.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by RobJordon
From these examples of micro-evolution we are asked to infer that the same process can create new massive quantities of= new genetic information and entirely new species. There is no good reason to accept that extrapolation.

How much genetic diversity was there after the flood?

How much genetic diversity is there among humans now?

How many species were on the Ark?

How many species are there on earth now?
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan

Did the finch beak variation of which you spoke involve the creation of any new genetic information? How about the Kettlewell Moth example? Did the change in frequency of appearance of light and dark colored moths involve the creation of any new genetic information?

The answer of course is that these paradigmatic examples of 'evolution" in action do not show natural selection creating new genetic information or new species. Rather, what they show is natural selection changing the frequency of the expression of previously existing genetic information in the phenotype.

From these examples of micro-evolution we are asked to infer that the same process can create new massive quantities of= new genetic information and entirely new species. There is no good reason to accept that extrapolation. It has never been observed to happen. Scientists can't even create new species using intelligence to try and manipulate the genome.

And of course, natural selection cannot even begin to work in the absence of organic material. The simplest living cell is believed to have over 250 coordinated proteins with their attendant manufacturing processes. How did that happen? How did life begin? Science literally doesn't have a clue.

There is no reason to think that the life around today is comparable in complexity to the earliest life. Over 99% of all species that ever lived are now extinct. All of the simplest life would almost certainly be extinct by now, outcompeted by more complex forms. Self-replicators can be incredibly simple, as simple as a strand of six DNA nucleotides (Sievers and von Kiedrowski 1994). This is simple enough to form via prebiotic chemistry. Self-replication sets the stage for evolution to begin, whether or not you call the molecules "life."
Nobody claims the first life arose by chance. To jump from the fact that the origin is unknown to the conclusion that it could not have happened naturally is the argument from incredulity.
Posted By: Take_a_knee Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

How many species are there on earth now?

Somewhere upwards of five-percent of all the species that have ever existed. The rest are gone for good, along with their genetic information, except in Speilberg movies.

You are really good at obfuscating and not answering Rob's pertinent questions Snipe, so I'll ask again. What proof is there that macroevolution produces new genetic material, IE, new-gene codes, not just a different expression of an existing set of genes, IE, peppered moths, etc?
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by RobJordan
A. First, evolution properly understood makes belief in God utterly superfluous and illogical.
B. Daniel Dennett has said that if evolution is true, the following propositions follow as a matter of inescapable logic: (1) there is no God; (2) there is no free will; (3) there is no purpose to life and (4) there is no right or wrong. Morality is whatever we want it to be (or not be).

Translation = 'If you believe in evolution, then you're an atheist...and you don't believe in morality.'

What a crock...!

This right here is the reason some go to such absurd lengths to deny the obvious. It threatens their belief system.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
First, evolution properly understood makes belief in God utterly superfluous and illogical.
This is absurd. It only makes a simplistic understanding of God, i.e., the sort of understanding propagated in children's books, implausible.

God ... the real God ... is the master even of probability and chance, i.e., he's capable of truly throwing dice to roll while, 1) knowing the outcome beforehand, yet 2) having the outcome of the roll truly be 100% random in the natural order of things.

The creation equivalent being that he commanded the earth by fiat to bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and commanded the waters by fiat to bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth, and the earth and the waters brought them forth abundantly in accordance with his command. Yet he didn't determine their developing forms, even though he knew beforehand every step and stage thereof, and knew from the start by means of divine omniscience, the moment he issued the command, that it was good, i.e., in accordance with his will.

PS Fiat is Latin for let it be done. When God said "Let the Earth bring forth abundantly ... etc," and "Let the waters bring forth abundantly ... etc," he was issuing a command to the earth and the waters in the fiat form.
Posted By: noKnees Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by Take_a_knee
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

How many species are there on earth now?

Somewhere upwards of five-percent of all the species that have ever existed. The rest are gone for good, along with their genetic information, except in Speilberg movies.

You are really good at obfuscating and not answering Rob's pertinent questions Snipe, so I'll ask again. What proof is there that macroevolution produces new genetic material, IE, new-gene codes, not just a different expression of an existing set of genes, IE, peppered moths, etc?

Its been demonstrated many times, But for a reference read Nasvall etal Science (2012) 388 pp384-387
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by Take_a_knee
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

How many species are there on earth now?

Somewhere upwards of five-percent of all the species that have ever existed. The rest are gone for good, along with their genetic information, except in Speilberg movies.

You are really good at obfuscating and not answering Rob's pertinent questions Snipe, so I'll ask again. What proof is there that macroevolution produces new genetic material, IE, new-gene codes, not just a different expression of an existing set of genes, IE, peppered moths, etc?

Documentation of mutations producing new features includes the following: � the ability of a bacterium to digest nylon (Negoro et al. 1994; Thomas n.d.; Thwaites 1985);
� adaptation in yeast to a low-phosphate environment (Francis and Hansche 1972; 1973; Hansche 1975);
� the ability of E. coli to hydrolyze galactosylarabinose (Hall 1981; Hall and Zuzel 1980);
� evolution of multicellularity in a unicellular green alga (Boraas 1983; Boraas et al. 1998);
� modification of E. coli's fucose pathway to metabolize propanediol (Lin and Wu 1984);
� evolution in Klebsiella bacteria of a new metabolic pathway for metabolizing 5-carbon sugars (Hartley 1984);

As for proof of macroevolution and new genetic diversity, here's 29 proofs:

Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Originally Posted by Take_a_knee
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

How many species are there on earth now?

Somewhere upwards of five-percent of all the species that have ever existed. The rest are gone for good
Correct, but many who recite that fact wrongly believe that it's down 95% from some high point at the beginning. That's not the correct interpretation of that fact. It refers to the fact that most species that have come to exist have also disappeared, but they came to exist at various times over billions of years, and disappeared at various times over billions of years. There was no starting point when they all existed. Another way to put it is that, although that is a true fact, there are about as many species alive today as there were six million years ago or sixty million years ago. Species came and left, but the number of species remains roughly the same, apart from the geologically short periods directly after mass extinction events.

This being the case, speciation by evolution would seem a no brainer, unless one meant to suggest that God was busy snapping into existence new species to replace the species that have been disappearing throughout time.
Posted By: Dave_Skinner Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/21/13
Well, I guess we'll find out who's right when we die.
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
One thing for sure, evolutionary dead-ends do not fit into the Bible story of Creation.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
One thing for sure, evolutionary dead-ends do not fit into the Bible story of Creation.
How so?
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
Documentation of mutations producing new features includes the following: � the ability of a bacterium to digest nylon (Negoro et al. 1994; Thomas n.d.; Thwaites 1985);
� adaptation in yeast to a low-phosphate environment (Francis and Hansche 1972; 1973; Hansche 1975);
� the ability of E. coli to hydrolyze galactosylarabinose (Hall 1981; Hall and Zuzel 1980);
� evolution of multicellularity in a unicellular green alga (Boraas 1983; Boraas et al. 1998);
� modification of E. coli's fucose pathway to metabolize propanediol (Lin and Wu 1984);
� evolution in Klebsiella bacteria of a new metabolic pathway for metabolizing 5-carbon sugars (Hartley 1984);

These creatures start as bacteria. Into what did they macro evolve?

After reading the article I realized the author didn't say anything with the multiplicity of words.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
Correct, but many who recite that fact wrongly believe that it's down 95% from some high point at the beginning. That's not the correct interpretation of that fact.

You're starting with your belief in evolution to support your idea. What observable, testable, repeatable, verifiable evidence do you have the 100% didn't live at the same time?

Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
One thing for sure, evolutionary dead-ends do not fit into the Bible story of Creation.
How so?

Common sense tells me that with Creationism there is no purpose for live forms that go nowhere.

Yet they came and went in a process of evolving.

Smarter men than me have said the same thing.

�The fossil record implies trial and error, an inability to anticipate the future, features inconsistent with an efficient Great Designer.�
Carl Sagan
Posted By: ConradCA Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
This is pretty amazing. I never expected that this would turn into such a huge discussion.

My take on this is

Give unto Caesar what is Caesars and give into God what is Gods. The same goes for science. The origin of the species is a matter for science and the scientific method. Your deceiving yourselves if you think this isn't true. Just consider all the amazing things that science has provided us from airplanes to nuclear power to cures for diseases. Science works and is the correct way to solve scientific problems.

The bible was written be wise men who knew a lot about people and that is the reason the it has value. They may have been inspired by God but they didn't have any knowledge of science or the scientific method which is the only way to determine scientific facts. So you can't rely on the to provide facts about science. What they did in regards to the origin of life was provide the best answer that they could to something they had no knowledge about other than myths from the past.

I think that it helps for you to consider that it would have been impossible for them to provide answers to any scientific questions. No one could think that they could have provided answers to any of the basic and funamental scientific facts that we have discovered. E = MC^2 is fundamental to the understanding of the universe but the men who wrote the bible had no way of determining it. They also didn't know about how our solar system is structured or of the universe of almost unlimited stars. They lacked the knowledge of chemistry and nuclear physics. They couldn't conceive of the nuclear bomb and its massive power. They had no way to determine scientific facts and the origin of life and species is a matter for science.

However, some people tie their faith in their religion to believing that the unscientific authors explanation of the origin of life and species. If they were wise the would realize that God works in mysterious ways and it's only after hundreds of years of study using the scientific method that we are starting to find out some of his methods.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER

Smarter men than me have said the same thing.

�The fossil record implies trial and error, an inability to anticipate the future, features inconsistent with an efficient Great Designer.�
Carl Sagan
Sagan was right when he said biology offers no evidence for a designer of species, but you are not in what you said. Right though Sagan was as to the above, he was wrong to the extent he suggested that evidence for the absence of a designer of species is evidence for the absence of God.

God clearly didn't design the physicality of any living creature on the earth. Said creatures, by all the available evidence, were the product of evolution, which brings about species through successive and varied adaptations to successive and varied environmental pressures over long periods of time.

The God of Genesis didn't design creatures. He commanded by fiat that nature bring them forth. He designed nature to bring forth living creatures via evolution. The fact that God knew beforehand every stage of said process (including the so called dead ends) in no way suggests his interference with the process as a designer. Causation and foreknowledge of process and outcomes don't equate to design. Nor do dead ends (a product of nature) imply the absence of God's intentional causal role in the process as a whole. God can permit his creations to make all sorts of errors, yet still produce end products pleasing to him in accordance with his will.

Look at the history of the Jews, for example. Were each of the leaders of the Jews, even those specifically chosen by God, perfect in their obedience to God? Certainly not. Far from it, in fact. Yet they served God's ultimate purpose (as God knew from the start that they would) in preserving revealed truth and ultimately bringing about Jesus, our Savior.

Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Correct, but many who recite that fact wrongly believe that it's down 95% from some high point at the beginning. That's not the correct interpretation of that fact.

You're starting with your belief in evolution to support your idea. What observable, testable, repeatable, verifiable evidence do you have the 100% didn't live at the same time?

They appear and disappear in strata in such a way as overwhelmingly to evince their appearance and disappearance at vastly differing times in geological history. It's repeatable at multiple points on the globe, as proven by the fact that geologists use this knowledge to find the proper depths and locations for fossil fuel drilling, and get paid handsomely for doing so.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13

God clearly didn't design the physicality of any living creature on the earth.

Genesis 2:7
"Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being."

How many proofs you're wrong do you need before you give up belief in the Bible as a reliable Book? You constantly contradict what It says. YOu don't accept the clear teaching of a Global Flood; which would have destroyed any evidence of a geological column.' Why don't you admit to yourself and us that you are your final authority and don't really beleive in the God of the Bible?
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13

They appear and disappear in strata in such a way as overwhelmingly to evince their appearance and disappearance at vastly differing times in geological history. It's repeatable at multiple points on the globe, as proven by the fact that geologists use this knowledge to find the proper depths and locations for fossil fuel drilling, and get paid handsomely for doing so.

You ever hear of out of place artifacts? It proves your above statement wrong. The artifacts are only out of place if one does not accept God's Word about a year long global flood. The artifacts of man or his bones are found in every strata as documented by the new science of Out Of Place Artifacts. It is called OOP-ART. Do yourself a favor and check into it.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
Well Ringman you are right about one thing I don't believe the "Word" of God is in the Bible. The Bible is a nice book with some good pointers but it is still a work of man. I believe God's "Word" is to be found in the study of science and natural observation. Hence, why I'm a Deist.
Posted By: noKnees Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

They appear and disappear in strata in such a way as overwhelmingly to evince their appearance and disappearance at vastly differing times in geological history. It's repeatable at multiple points on the globe, as proven by the fact that geologists use this knowledge to find the proper depths and locations for fossil fuel drilling, and get paid handsomely for doing so.

You ever hear of out of place artifacts? It proves your above statement wrong. The artifacts are only out of place if one does not accept God's Word about a year long global flood. The artifacts of man or his bones are found in every strata as documented by the new science of Out Of Place Artifacts. It is called OOP-ART. Do yourself a favor and check into it.

I did google it, I found a wiki entry that was pretty negative about it and a couple of Chritsian sites. Maybe you could help by telling us about some of the OOP-ART along with the primary documentation (and what the dissenting folks have to say)
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER

Smarter men than me have said the same thing.

�The fossil record implies trial and error, an inability to anticipate the future, features inconsistent with an efficient Great Designer.�
Carl Sagan
Sagan was right when he said biology offers no evidence for a designer of species, but you are not in what you said. Right though Sagan was as to the above, he was wrong to the extent he suggested that evidence for the absence of a designer of species is evidence for the absence of God.

God clearly didn't design the physicality of any living creature on the earth. Said creatures, by all the available evidence, were the product of evolution, which brings about species through successive and varied adaptations to successive and varied environmental pressures over long periods of time.

The God of Genesis didn't design creatures. He commanded by fiat that nature bring them forth. He designed nature to bring forth life via evolution. The fact that God knew beforehand every stage of said process (including the so called dead ends) in no way suggests his interference with the process as a designer. Causation and foreknowledge of process and outcomes don't equate to design. Nor do dead ends (a product of nature) imply the absence of God's intentional causal role in the process as a whole. God can permit his creations to make all sorts of errors, yet still produce end products pleasing to him in accordance with his will.

Look at the history of the Jews, for example. Were each of the leaders of the Jews, even those specifically chosen by God, perfect in their obedience to God? Certainly not. Far from it, in fact. Yet they served God's ultimate purpose (as God knew from the start that they would) in preserving revealed truth and ultimately bringing about Jesus, our Savior.

So now you are wrong about both Carl and I.

Once again you have demonstrated your God given ability to put words in people mouths that they never said.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

God clearly didn't design the physicality of any living creature on the earth.

Genesis 2:7
"Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being."
Believe me, I was fully expecting you to post this, but didn't wish to anticipate you. God formed man of the dust from the ground in precisely the same sense in which he formed the physicality of every living creature, i.e., by fiat command to nature to do so. Genesis also states many times that God was the creator of all living things. Yes indeed, because he created all the matter and energy in the universe, then commanded part of his creation to bring forth all living things from said matter (if you deny this, you call Scripture a liar), thus he formed us from the dust of the ground, as he did all living things.

As to man, however, he breathed a soul into us (making us living beings ... i.e., possessing supernatural life), which is not said of the other living creatures. In this sense, we are created ex nihilo in his image, distinct from the other animals.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Ringman

God clearly didn't design the physicality of any living creature on the earth.

Genesis 2:7
"Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being."
Believe me, I was fully expecting you to post this. God formed man of the dust from the ground in precisely the same sense in which he formed the physicality of every living creature, i.e., by fiat command to nature to do so. Genesis also states many times that God was the creator of all living things. Yes indeed, because he created all the matter and energy in the universe, than commanded part of his creation to bring forth all living things from said matter (if you deny this, you call Scripture a liar), thus he created us from the dust of the earth, as he did all living things, and all things period.

As to man, however, he breathed a soul into us, which is not said of the other living creatures. In this sense, we are created ex nihilo in his image, distinct from the other animals.

Makes sense to me. Most astrophysicists agree all matter including human matter comes from star dust and earth has been formed from star dust and I've always said that our soul has been made in the image of the Divine Soul not the human body.

Poor Ringman everybody is ganging up on him. grin
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Correct, but many who recite that fact wrongly believe that it's down 95% from some high point at the beginning. That's not the correct interpretation of that fact.

You're starting with your belief in evolution to support your idea. What observable, testable, repeatable, verifiable evidence do you have the 100% didn't live at the same time?

We have the strata.
We have mass extinction events in different strata, taking place millions of years apart.
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER

Smarter men than me have said the same thing.

�The fossil record implies trial and error, an inability to anticipate the future, features inconsistent with an efficient Great Designer.�
Carl Sagan

Sagan was right when he said biology offers no evidence for a designer of species, but you are not in what you said. Right though Sagan was as to the above, he was wrong to the extent he suggested that evidence for the absence of a designer of species is evidence for the absence of God.

So now you are wrong about both Carl and I.

Once again you have demonstrated your God given ability to put words in people mouths that they never said.

Carl Sagan never said there was no God.

�The fossil record implies trial and error, an inability to anticipate the future, features inconsistent with an efficient Great Designer.�
― Carl Sagan

Carl was talking about Creation theory losing the battle with Evolution theory.

Carl has always written clean and concise words of wisdom about the Cosmos.

I do not know if he was smoking anything or not when he wrote those words.

Here is a small part of what he said about God.

�The idea that God is an oversized white male with a flowing beard, who sits in the sky and tallies the fall of every sparrow is ludicrous. But if by 'God,' one means the set of physical laws that govern the universe, then clearly there is such a God. This God is emotionally unsatisfying... it does not make much sense to pray to the law of gravity.�
Carl Sagan

Who is more humble? The scientist who looks at the universe with an open mind and accepts whatever it has to teach us, or somebody who says everything in this book must be considered the literal truth and never mind the fallibility of all the human beings involved?
Carl Sagan Interview with Charlie Rose (1996)

An atheist has to know a lot more than I know. An atheist is someone who knows there is no god. By some definitions atheism is very stupid.
Carl Sagan
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
We have the strata.
We have mass extinction events in different strata, taking place millions of years apart.

You're starting with the assumption Noah's Flood didn't happen.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

God clearly didn't design the physicality of any living creature on the earth.

Genesis 2:7
"Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being."
This is an assertion unsupported by evidence.

You don't accept the clear teaching of a Global Flood; which would have destroyed any evidence of a geological column.'

We have the geological column. By your standards, this disproves the flood.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
We have the strata.
We have mass extinction events in different strata, taking place millions of years apart.

You're starting with the assumption Noah's Flood didn't happen.

Seriously, I actually feel sorry for you but I guess you prove ignorance is bliss. No offense intended.
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
We have the strata.
We have mass extinction events in different strata, taking place millions of years apart.

You're starting with the assumption Noah's Flood didn't happen.

Says the guy who takes the old testament as absolute, literal history and goes to absurd lengths to "adjust" any and all evidence to fit that conclusion.

Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
We have the strata.
We have mass extinction events in different strata, taking place millions of years apart.

You're starting with the assumption Noah's Flood didn't happen.

I did no such thing. I started with the EVIDENCE, and the evidence does not support the conclusion that the world experienced a world wide flood 4300 years ago. We do have strata that supports the occurrence of a LOCAL flood in the ancient Sumerian lands circa 2300 BCE, and stories predating the biblical accounts of this local flood, but no evidence to support the Biblical account of a world wide flood covering the top of Everest.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Ringman
We have the strata.
We have mass extinction events in different strata, taking place millions of years apart.

You're starting with the assumption Noah's Flood didn't happen.

I did no such thing. I started with the EVIDENCE, and the evidence does not support the conclusion that the world experienced a world wide flood 4300 years ago. We do have strata that supports the occurrence of a LOCAL flood in the ancient Sumerian lands circa 2300 BCE, and stories predating the biblical accounts of this local flood, but no evidence to support the Biblical account of a world wide flood covering the top of Everest.

Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
Some of ya'll need to read some Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn...
Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
Originally Posted by billhilly
Originally Posted by Ringman
We have the strata.
We have mass extinction events in different strata, taking place millions of years apart.

You're starting with the assumption Noah's Flood didn't happen.

Says the guy who takes the old testament as absolute, literal history and goes to absurd lengths to "adjust" any and all evidence to fit that conclusion.

Some folks grasp on their religious beliefs is so shaky, so tenuous they they are afraid the least puff of knowledge will blow it away...! If ones belief in God depends upon the non-existence of evolution or the universe not being billions of years old, then maybe you're in deeper trouble than you imagined...'oh ye of little faith'.
Those who hope to use the Bible to beat evolution, and a very old earth, into non-existence represent only a small fragment of real believing, church going, followers of Christ...the majority of whom have no problem with evolution or the reality of a very old earth.
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
Those who hope to use the Bible to beat evolution, and a very old earth, into non-existence represent only a small fragment of real believing, church going, followers of Christ...the majority of whom have no problem with evolution or the reality of a very old earth.

I would like to believe that. I really would but............



Forty-six percent of Americans believe in the creationist view that God created humans in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years. The prevalence of this creationist view of the origin of humans is essentially unchanged from 30 years ago, when Gallup first asked the question. About a third of Americans believe that humans evolved, but with God's guidance; 15% say humans evolved, but that God had no part in the process.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
Originally Posted by billhilly
Those who hope to use the Bible to beat evolution, and a very old earth, into non-existence represent only a small fragment of real believing, church going, followers of Christ...the majority of whom have no problem with evolution or the reality of a very old earth.

I would like to believe that. I really would but............



Forty-six percent of Americans believe in the creationist view that God created humans in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years. The prevalence of this creationist view of the origin of humans is essentially unchanged from 30 years ago, when Gallup first asked the question. About a third of Americans believe that humans evolved, but with God's guidance; 15% say humans evolved, but that God had no part in the process.

That's an interesting survey.
Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
I get your point, but it's likely that an emphasis should be place on the "real believing, church going, followers of Christ" part, as opposed to the "Forty-six percent of Americans" part.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/22/13
Originally Posted by antlers
Some folks grasp on their religious beliefs is so shaky, so tenuous they they are afraid the least puff of knowledge will blow it away...! If ones belief in God depends upon the non-existence of evolution or the universe not being billions of years old, then maybe you're in deeper trouble than you imagined...'oh ye of little faith'.
Those who hope to use the Bible to beat evolution, and a very old earth, into non-existence represent only a small fragment of real believing, church going, followers of Christ...the majority of whom have no problem with evolution or the reality of a very old earth.
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Carl Sagan is my prophet for my time here on this beautiful blue dot.

Heed the words of the prophet�

Interviewer: "Didn't [Sagan] want to believe?"
Druyan: "He didn't want to believe. He wanted to know.�
Ann Druyan

"Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return. And we can. Because the cosmos is also within us. We're made of star-stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.

The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.�
Carl Sagan, Cosmos

"For as long as there been humans we have searched for our place in the cosmos.
Where are we? Who are we?

We find that we live on an insignificant planet of a hum-drum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than people.

This perspective is a courageous continuation of our penchant for constructing and testing mental models of the skies; the Sun as a red-hot stone, the stars as a celestial flame, the Galaxy as the backbone of night.

If we long for our planet to be important, there is something we can do about it.

We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depth of our answers.

The major religions on the Earth contradict each other left and right.

You can�t all be correct. And what if all of you are wrong? It�s a possibility, you know.

You must care about the truth, right? Well, the way to winnow through all the differing contentions is to be skeptical.

I�m not any more skeptical about your religious beliefs than I am about every new scientific idea I hear about.

But in my line of work, they�re called hypotheses, not inspiration and not revelation."
Carl Sagan
Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
"The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.� - Carl Sagan, Cosmos

That's pretty cool...!
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Carl Sagan is my prophet for my time here on this beautiful blue dot.

Heed the words of the prophet�

Interviewer: "Didn't [Sagan] want to believe?"
Druyan: "He didn't want to believe. He wanted to know.�
Ann Druyan

"Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return. And we can. Because the cosmos is also within us. We're made of star-stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.

The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.�
Carl Sagan, Cosmos

"For as long as there been humans we have searched for our place in the cosmos.
Where are we? Who are we?

We find that we live on an insignificant planet of a hum-drum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than people.

This perspective is a courageous continuation of our penchant for constructing and testing mental models of the skies; the Sun as a red-hot stone, the stars as a celestial flame, the Galaxy as the backbone of night.

If we long for our planet to be important, there is something we can do about it.

We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depth of our answers.

The major religions on the Earth contradict each other left and right.

You can�t all be correct. And what if all of you are wrong? It�s a possibility, you know.

You must care about the truth, right? Well, the way to winnow through all the differing contentions is to be skeptical.

I�m not any more skeptical about your religious beliefs than I am about every new scientific idea I hear about.

But in my line of work, they�re called hypotheses, not inspiration and not revelation."
Carl Sagan

Carl Sagan is your "prophet?" Explains a lot. Maybe you and the democrat leadership should have a couple beers.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Here's the rebuttal. Notice what Miller did in your video: he did not address the argument that the mousetrap could not work as a mousetrap without all of its parts (that it is irreducibly complex). He simply showed that a mousetrap which could not work as a mousetrap (because it is missing an essential part) might work for some other purpose. In other words, his response utterly begs the salient question. Here is Behe destroying
Miller's evasion.

Behe frames the issues and exposes the flaw in Miller's argument (see link below for the full rebuttal).


Conceptual precursors vs. physical precursors

On his web site Professor McDonald was careful to make a critical distinction. He clearly stated "the reduced-complexity mousetraps . . . are intended to point out the logical flaw in the intelligent design argument; they're not intended as an analogy of how evolution works." Nonetheless Kenneth Miller discussed McDonald's examples in a way that would lead an audience to think that they were indeed relevant to Darwinian evolution. Only at the end of the presentation did he briefly mention the disanalogy. I believe such tactics are disingenuous at best, like tagging a brief warning onto the end of a cigarette commercial containing attractive images. The purpose of the images is to get you to buy the cigarettes, despite the warning. The purpose of citing McDonald's drawings is to get people to buy Darwinian evolution, despite the brief disclaimer.

The logical point Professor McDonald wished to make was that there are mousetraps that can work with fewer parts than the trap I pictured in my book. Let me say that I agree completely; in fact, I said so in my book (see below). For example, one can dig a steep hole in the ground for mice to fall into and starve to death. Arguably that has zero parts. One can catch mice with a glue trap, which has only one part. One can prop up a box with a stick, hoping a mouse will bump the stick and the box will fall on top of it. That has two parts. And so forth. There is no end to possible variation in mousetrap design. But, as I tried to emphasize in my book, the point that is relevant to Darwinian evolution is not whether one can make variant structures, but whether those structures lead, step-by-excruciatingly-tedious-Darwinian-step, to the structure I showed. I wrote(3):

To feel the full force of the conclusion that a system is irreducibly complex and therefore has no functional precursors we need to distinguish between a physical precursor and a conceptual precursor. The trap described above is not the only system that can immobilize a mouse. On other occasions my family has used a glue trap. In theory at least, one can use a box propped open with a stick that could be tripped. Or one can simply shoot the mouse with a BB gun. However, these are not physical precursors to the standard mousetrap since they cannot be transformed, step-by-Darwinian-step, into a trap with a base, hammer, spring, catch, and holding bar.

Since I agree with Professor McDonald that there could be mousetraps with fewer parts, the only relevant question is whether the mousetraps he drew are physical precursors, or merely conceptual precursors. Can they "be transformed, step-by-Darwinian-step" into the trap I pictured (essentially the same structure as the fifth trap shown below), as some people have been led to believe? No, they can't.

Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
I did no such thing. I started with the EVIDENCE,

It seems to me that you did start with a world view the Bible is wrong. I start with the world view the Bible is correct. You cannot explain the folded sedimentary rock without grasping at straws. The Flood story has no problem explaining them. The idea you found evidence of a local flood anywhere is a non sequitur for this conversation. You do know there are marine fossil discovered on Mt. Everest?

Those who hope to use the Bible to beat evolution, and a very old earth,

The real scientist does not need to use the Bible; although it is the foundation for knowledge and many Ph.D. scientists do use It.

There is a real problem with an old earth by accepting the scientific knowledge of the 1,400 year half-life of the deteriorating magnetic field of the earth. There is a real problem with accepting old diamonds, coal, oil, and natural gas, petrified wood, etc, since all, EVERY sample tested with an electron mass spectrometer shows carbon 14, again in all samples. There is a real problem with accepting an old earth/moon relationship because the moon's orbit recedes about 1 1/2" every year. There is this little problem called the Roshe Limit.

An infinite amount of scientific facts will not change your minds. You need an adjustment in your world view. Nearly impossible to accomplish on one's own.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Some folks grasp on their religious beliefs is so shaky, so tenuous they they are afraid the least puff of knowledge will blow it away...!

I totally agree with you about those who believe in evolution. They constantly reject facts.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Here's the rebuttal. Notice what Miller did in your video: he did not address the argument that the mousetrap could not work as a mousetrap without all of its parts (that it is irreducibly complex). He simply showed that a mousetrap which could not work as a mousetrap (because it is missing an essential part) might work for some other purpose. In other words, his response utterly begs the salient question. Here is Behe destroying Miller's evasion.
You and Behe miss the point completely. Evolution doesn't propose that all current structures started developing for the purpose of serving the functions they today serve. For example, the lungs we use for blood oxygenation in an air environment were previously used by our fish ancestors as simple volume-adjustable air sacks for maintaining buoyancy in water, having no blood oxygenation function.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Some folks grasp on their religious beliefs is so shaky, so tenuous they they are afraid the least puff of knowledge will blow it away...!

I totally agree with you about those who believe in evolution. They constantly reject facts.

You haven't presented any scientific facts yet at least to me.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Here's the rebuttal. Notice what Miller did in your video: he did not address the argument that the mousetrap could not work as a mousetrap without all of its parts (that it is irreducibly complex). He simply showed that a mousetrap which could not work as a mousetrap (because it is missing an essential part) might work for some other purpose. In other words, his response utterly begs the salient question. Here is Behe destroying Miller's evasion.

You and Behe miss the point completely. Evolution doesn't propose that all current structures started developing for the purpose of serving the functions they today serve. For example, the lungs we use for blood oxygenation in an air environment were previously used by our fish ancestors as simple volume-adjustable air sacks for maintaining buoyancy in water, having no blood oxygenation function.

No. You're missing the point. Darwin said if it could be shown that any complex structure could not be built up by small, successive modifications, his theory would be demolished. The mousetrap is used to illustrate such a structure to illustrate the concept. The problem with your fish air volume sack-mammalian lung example is that it assumes the the air sack evolved into a lung. It assumes the very thing at issue! The mouse trap is used to illustrate the concept: some structures are irreducibly complex, i.e., successive, small evolutionary steps could not have made them. If a supposedly irreducibly complex system involved, show us how. Show us the modeling, the genetics, the mutations. Even human intelligence cannot create new, functional biological complexity. Why not---if neo-Darwinism is true? Show us in the lab how natural selection creates the necessary new information to create these biological nano-factories. It has not been shown and cannot be shown. All the hand waving in world can't change that fact.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
No. You're missing the point. Darwin said if it could be shown that any complex structure could not be built up by small, successive modifications, his theory would be demolished. The mousetrap is used to illustrate such a structure to illustrate the concept. The problem with your fish air volume sack-mammalian lung example is that it assumes the the air sack evolved into a lung. It assumes the very thing at issue! The mouse trap is used to illustrate the concept: some structures are irreducibly complex, i.e., successive, small evolutionary steps could not have made them. If a supposedly irreducibly complex system involved, show us how. Show us the modeling, the genetics, the mutations. Even human intelligence cannot create new, functional biological complexity. Why not---if neo-Darwinism is true? Show us in the lab how natural selection creates the necessary new information to create these biological nano-factories. It has not been shown and cannot be shown. All the hand waving in world can't change that fact.
You have proven many times over that you're 1) immune to logic and facts presented to you, and 2) lack any interest in overcoming your ignorance with study. The answers to all your questions are readily available to you in books addressed specifically to people like yourself. Just read Why Evolution Is True, and all your hero's arguments will be demolished for you, but that's clearly not something you desire.
Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Some folks grasp on their religious beliefs is so shaky, so tenuous they they are afraid the least puff of knowledge will blow it away...!

I totally agree with you about those who believe in evolution. They constantly reject facts.

Except that you haven't presented a single 'fact' throughout this entire discussion.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
An excellent article by Phillip Johnson illustrating what is at issue.

Phillip E. Johnson
The orthodox explanation of what is wrong with creationism goes something like this:

Science has accumulated overwhelming evidence for evolution. Although there are controversies among scientists regarding the precise mechanism of evolution, and Darwin's particular theory of natural selection may have to be modified or at least supplemented, there is no doubt whatsoever about the fact of evolution. All of today's living organisms including humans are the product of descent with modification from common ancestors, and ultimately in all likelihood from a single microorganism that itself evolved from nonliving chemicals. The only persons who reject the fact of evolution are biblical fundamentalists, who say that each species was separately created by God about 6,000 years ago, and that all the fossils are the products of Noah's Flood. The fundamentalists claim to be able to make a scientific case for their position, but "scientific creationism" is a contradiction in terms. Creation is inherently a religious doctrine, and there is no scientific evidence for it. This does not mean that science and religion are necessarily incompatible, because science limits itself to facts, hypotheses, and theories and does not intrude into questions of value, such as whether the universe or mankind has a purpose. Reasonable persons need have no fear that scientific knowledge conflicts with religious belief.

Like many other official stories, the preceding description contains just enough truth to mislead persuasively. In fact, there is a great deal more to the creation-evolution controversy than meets the eye, or rather than meets the carefully cultivated media stereotype of "creationists" as Bible-quoting know-nothings who refuse to face up to the scientific evidence. The creationists may be wrong about many things, but they have at least one very important point to argue, a point that has been thoroughly obscured by all the attention paid to Noah's Flood and other side issues. What the science educators propose to teach as "evolution," and label as fact, is based not upon any incontrovertible empirical evidence, but upon a highly controversial philosophical presupposition. The controversy over evolution is therefore not going to go away as people become better educated on the subject. On the contrary, the more people learn about the philosophical content of what scientists are calling the "fact of evolution," the less they are going to like it.

To understand why this is so, we have to define the issue properly, which means that we will have to redefine some terms. Nobody doubts that evolution occurs, in the narrow sense that certain changes happen naturally. The most famous piece of evidence for Darwinism is a study of an English peppered-moth population consisting of both dark- and light-colored moths. When industrial smoke darkened the trees, the percentage of dark moths increased, due to their relative advantage in hiding from predators. When the air pollution was reduced, the trees became lighter and more light moths survived. Both colors were present throughout, and so no new characteristics emerged, but the percentage of dark moths in the population went up and down as changing conditions affected their relative ability to survive and produce offspring.

Examples of this kind allow Darwinists to assert as beyond question that "evolution is a fact," and that natural selection is an important directing force in evolution. If they mean only that evolution of a sort has been known to occur, and that natural selection has observable effects upon the distribution of characteristics in a population, then there really is nothing to dispute. The important claim of "evolution," however, is not that limited changes occur in populations due to differences in survival rates It is that we can extrapolate from the very modest amount of evolution that can actually be observed to a grand theory that explains how moths, trees, and scientific observers came to exist in the first place.

Orthodox science insists that we can make the extrapolation. The "neoDarwinian synthesis" (hereafter Darwinism) begins with the assumption that small random genetic changes (mutations) occasionally have positive survival value. Organisms possessing these favorable variations should have a relative advantage in survival and reproduction, and they will tend to pass their characteristics on to their descendants. By differential survival a favorable characteristic spreads through a population, and the population becomes different from what it was. If sufficient favorable mutations show up when and where they are needed, and if natural selection allows them to accumulate in a population then it is conceivable that by tiny steps over vast amounts of time a bacterial ancestor might produce descendants as complex and varied as trees, moths, and human beings.

That is only a rough description of the theory, of course, and there are all sorts of arguments about the details. Some Darwinists, such as Harvard Professor Steven Jay Gould, say that new mechanisms are about to be discovered that will produce a more complicated theory, in which strictly Darwinian selection of individual organisms will play a reduced role. There is also a continuing debate about whether it is necessary to "decouple macroevolution from microevolution." Some experts do not believe that major changes and the appearance of new forms (i.e., macroevolution) can be explained as the products of an accumulation of tiny mutations through natural selection of individual organisms (microevolution). If classical Darwinism isn't the explanation for macroevolution, however, there is only speculation as to what sort of alternative mechanisms might have been responsible. In science, as in other fields, you can't beat something with nothing, and so the Darwinist paradigm remains in place.

For all the controversies over these issues, however, there is a basic philosophical point on which the evolutionary biologists all agree. Some say new mechanisms have to be introduced and others say the old mechanisms are adequate, but nobody with a reputation to lose proposes to invoke a supernatural creator or a mystical "life force" to help out with the difficulties. The theory in question is a theory of naturalistic evolution, which means that it absolutely rules out any miraculous or supernatural intervention at any point. Everything is conclusively presumed to have happened through purely material mechanisms that are in principle accessible to scientific investigation, whether they have yet been discovered or not.

That there is a controversy over how macroevolution could have occurred is largely due to the increasing awareness in scientific circles that the fossil evidence is very difficult to reconcile with the Darwinist scenario. If all living species descended from common ancestors by an accumulation of tiny steps, then there once must have existed a veritable universe of transitional intermediate forms linking the vastly different organisms of today (e.g., moths, trees, and humans) with their hypothetical common ancestors. From Darwin's time to the present, paleontologists have hoped to find the ancestors and transitional intermediates and trace the course of macroevolution. Despite claims of success in some areas, however, the results have been on the whole disappointing. That the fossil record is in important respects hostile to a Darwinist interpretation has long been known to insiders as the "trade secret of paleontology," and the secret is now coming out in the open. New forms of life tend to be fully formed at their first appearance as fossils in the rocks. If these new forms actually evolved in gradual steps from pre-existing forms, as Darwinist science insists, the numerous intermediate forms that once must have existed have not been preserved.

To illustrate the fossil problem, here is what a particularly vigorous advocate of Darwinism, Oxford Zoology Professor (and popular author) Richard Dawkins, says in The Blind Watchmaker about the "Cambrian explosion," i.e., the apparently sudden appearance of the major animal forms at the beginning of the Cambrian era:

The Cambrian strata of rocks, vintage about 600 million years, are the oldest ones in which we find most of the major invertebrate groups. And we find many of them in an advanced state of evolution, the very first time they appear. It is as though they were just planted there, without any evolutionary history. Needless to say, this appearance of sudden planting has delighted creationists. Evolutionists of all stripes believe, however, that this really does represent a very large gap in the fossil record, a gap that is simply due to the fact that, for some reason, very few fossils have lasted from periods before about 600 million years ago.

The "appearance of sudden planting" in this important instance is not exceptional. There is a general pattern in the fossil record of sudden appearance of new forms followed by "stasis" (i.e., absence of basic evolutionary change). The fossil evidence in Darwin's time was so discouraging to his theory that he ruefully conceded: "Nature may almost be said to have guarded against the frequent discovery of her transitional or linking forms." Leading contemporary paleontologists such as David Raup and Niles Eldredge say that the fossil problem is as serious now as it was then, despite the most determined efforts of scientists to find the missing links. This situation (along with other problems I am passing over) explains why many scientist would dearly love to confirm the existence of natural mechanisms that can produce basically new forms of life from earlier and simpler organisms without going through all the hypothetical intermediate steps that classical Darwinism requires.

Some readers may wonder why the scientists won't admit that there are mysteries beyond our comprehension, and that one of them may be how those complex animal groups could have evolved directly from pre-existing bacteria and algae without leaving any evidence of the transition. The reason that such an admission is out of the question is that it would open the door to creationism, which in this context means not simply biblical fundamentalism, but any invocation of a creative intelligence or purpose outside the natural order. Scientists committed to philosophical naturalism do not claim to have found the precise answer to every problem, but they characteristically insist that they have the important problems sufficiently well in hand that they can narrow the field of possibilities to a set of naturalistic alternatives. Absent that insistence, they would have to concede that their commitment to naturalism is based upon faith rather than proof Such a concession could be exploited by promoters of rival sources of knowledge, such as philosophy and religion, who would be quick to point out that faith in naturalism is no more "scientific" (i.e. empirically based) than any other kind of faith.

Immediately after the passage above about the Cambrian explosion, Dawkins adds the remark that, whatever their disagreements about the tempo and mechanism of evolution, scientific evolutionists all "despise" the creationists who take delight in pointing out the absence of fossil transitional intermediates. That word "despise" is well chosen. Darwinists do not regard creationist as sincere doubters but as dishonest propagandists, persons who probably only pretend to disbelieve what they must know in their hearts to be the truth of naturalistic evolution. The greater their apparent intelligence and education, the greater their fault in refusing to acknowledge the truth that is staring them in the face. These are "dark times," Dawkins noted last year in the New York Times, because nearly half of the American people, including many who should know better," refuse to believe in evolution. That such people have any rational basis for their skepticism is out of the question, of course, and Dawkins tells us exactly what to think of them: "It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid, or insane (or wicked, but I'd rather not consider that)."

Darwinists disagree with creationists as a matter of definition, of course, but the degree of contempt that they express for creation in principle requires some explanation beyond the fact that certain creationists have used unfair tactics such as quoting scientists out of context. It is not just the particular things that creationists do that infuriate the Darwinists; the creationists' very existence is infuriating. To understand why this is so, we must understand the powerful assumptions that mainstream scientists find it necessary to make, and the enormous frustration they feel when they are asked to take seriously persons who refuse to accept those assumptions.

What Darwinists like Dawkins despise as "creationism" is something much broader than biblical fundamentalism or even Christianity and what they proclaim as "evolution" is something much narrower than what the word means in common usage. All persons who affirm that "God creates" are in an important sense creationists, even if they believe that the Genesis story is a myth and that God created gradually through evolution over billions of years. This follows from the fact that the theory of evolution in question is naturalistic evolution, meaning evolution that involves no intervention or guidance by a creator outside the world of nature.

Naturalistic evolution is consistent with the existence of "God" only if by that term we mean no more than a first cause which retires from further activity after establishing the laws of nature and setting the natural mechanism in motion. Persons who say they believe in evolution, but who have in mind a process guided by an active God who purposely intervenes or controls the process to accomplish some end, are using the same term that the Darwinists use, but they mean something very different by it. For example, here is what Douglas Futuyma, the author of a leading college evolutionary biology textbook, finds to be the most important conflict between the theory of evolution and what he thinks of as the "fundamentalist" perspective:

Perhaps most importantly, if the world and its creatures developed purely by material, physical forces, it could not have been designed and has no purpose or goal. The fundamentalist, in contrast, believes that everything in the world, every species and every characteristic of every species, was designed by an intelligent, purposeful artificer, and that is was made for a purpose. Nowhere does this contrast apply with more force than to the human species. Some shrink from the conclusion that the human species was not designed, has no purpose, and is the product of mere material mechanisms-but this seems to be the message of evolution. (Science on Trial: The Case for Evolution)

It is not only "fundamentalism," of course, but theists of any description who believe that an intelligent artificer made humanity for a purpose, whether through evolution or otherwise. Futuyma's doctrinaire naturalism is not just some superfluous philosophical addition to Darwinism that can be discarded without affecting the real "science" of the matter. If some powerful conscious being exists outside the natural order, it might use its power to intervene in nature to accomplish some purpose, such as the production of beings having consciousness and free will. If the possibility of an "outside" intervention is allowed in nature at any point, however, the whole naturalistic worldview quickly unravels.

Occasionally, a scientist discouraged by the consistent failure of theories purporting to explain some problem like the first appearance of life will suggest that perhaps supernatural creation is a tenable hypothesis in this one instance. Sophisticated naturalists instantly recoil with horror, because they know that there is no way to tell God when he has to stop. If God created the first organism, then how do we know he didn't do the same thing to produce all those animal groups that appear so suddenly in the Cambrian rocks? Given the existence of a designer ready and willing to do the work, why should we suppose that random mutations and natural selection are responsible for such marvels of engineering as the eye and the wing?

Because the claims of Darwinism are presented to the public as "science" most people are under the impression that they are supported by direct evidence such as experiments and fossil record studies This impression is seriously misleading. Scientists cannot observe complex biological structures being created by random mutations and selection in a laboratory or elsewhere. The fossil record, as we have seen, is so unhelpful that the important steps in evolution must be assumed to have occurred within its "gaps." Darwinists believe that the mutation-selection mechanism accomplishes wonders of creativity not because the wonders can be demonstrated, but because they cannot think of a more plausible explanation for the existence of wonders that does not involve an unacceptable creator, i.e., a being or force outside the world of nature. According to Gareth Nelson, "evidence, or proof, of origins of the universe, of life, of all the major groups of life, of all the minor groups of life, indeed of all the species-is weak or nonexistent when measured on an absolute scale." Nelson, a senior zoologist at the American Museum of Natural History, wrote that statement in the preface to a recent book by Wendell Bird, the leading attorney for the creationist organizations. Nelson himself is no creationist, but he is sufficiently disgusted with Darwinist dogmatism that he looks benignly upon unorthodox challengers.

Philosophical naturalism is so deeply ingrained in the thinking of many educated people today, including theologians, that they find it difficult even to imagine any other way of looking at things. To such people, Darwinism seems so logically appealing that only a modest amount of confirming evidence is needed to prove the whole system, and so they point to the peppered-moth example as virtually conclusive. Even if they do develop doubts whether such modest forces can account for large-scale change, their naturalism is undisturbed. Since there is nothing outside of nature, and since something must have produced all the kinds of organisms that exist, a satisfactory naturalistic mechanism must be waiting to be discovered.

The same situation looks quite different to people who accept the possibility of a creator outside the natural order. To such people, the peppered-moth observations and similar evidence seem absurdly inadequate to prove that natural selection can make a wing, an eye, or a brain. From their more skeptical perspective, the consistent pattern in the fossil record of sudden appearance followed by stasis tends to prove that there is something wrong with Darwinism, not that there is something wrong with the fossil record. The absence of proof "when measured on an absolute scale" is unimportant to a thoroughgoing naturalist, who feels that science is doing well enough if it has a plausible explanation that maintains the naturalistic worldview. The same absence of proof is highly significant to any person who thinks it possible that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in naturalistic philosophy.

Victory in the creation-evolution dispute therefore belongs to the party with the cultural authority to establish the ground rules that govern the discourse. If creation is admitted as a serious possibility, Darwinism cannot win, and if it is excluded a priori Darwinism cannot lose. The point is illustrated by the logic which the Natural Academy of Sciences employed to persuade the Supreme Court that "creation-scientists" should not be given an opportunity to present their case against the theory of evolution in science classes. Creation-Science is not science, said the Academy, because

it fails to display the most basic characteristic of science: reliance upon naturalistic explanations. Instead, proponents of "creation- science" hold that the creation of the universe, the earth, living things, and man was accomplished through supernatural means inaccessible to human understanding.

Besides, the Academy's brief continued, creationists do not perform scientific research to establish the mechanism of supernatural creation, that being by definition impossible. Instead, they seek to discredit the scientific theory of evolution by amassing evidence that is allegedly consistent with the relatively recent, abrupt appearance of the universe, the earth, living things, and man in substantially the same form as they now have.

"Creation-science" is thus manifestly a device designed to dilute the persuasiveness of the theory of evolution. The dualistic mode of analysis and the negative argumentation employed to accomplish this dilution is, moreover, antithetical to the scientific method.

The Academy's brief went on to cite evidence for evolution, but evidence was unnecessary. Creationists are disqualified from making a positive case, because science by definition is based upon naturalism. The rules of science also disqualify any purely negative argumentation designed to dilute the persuasiveness of the theory of evolution. Creationism is thus out of courtand out of the classroom-before any consideration of evidence. Put yourself in the place of a creationist who has been silenced by that logic, and you may feel like a criminal defendant who has just been told that the law does not recognize so absurd a concept as "innocence."

With creationist explanations disqualified at the outset, it follows that the evidence will always support the naturalistic alternative. We can be absolutely certain that the Academy will not say, "The evidence on the whole supports the theory of evolution, although we concede that the apparent abrupt appearance of many fully formed animal groups in the Cambrian rocks is in itself a point in favor of the creationists." There are no scientific points in favor of creation and there never will be any as long as naturalists control the definition of science, because creationist explanations by definition violate the fundamental commitment of science to naturalism. When the fossil record does not provide the evidence that naturalism would like to see, it is the fossil record, and not the naturalistic explanation, that is judged to be inadequate.

When pressed about the unfairness of disqualifying their opponents a priori, naturalists sometimes portray themselves as merely insisting upon a proper definition of "science," and not as making any absolute claims about "truth." By this interpretation, the National Academy of Sciences did not say that it is untrue that "the creation of the universe, the earth, living things and man was accomplished through supernatural means inaccessible to human understanding," but only that this statement is unscientific. Scientific naturalists who take this line sometimes add that they do not necessarily object to the study of creationism in the public schools, provided it occurs in literature and social science classes rather than in science class.

This naturalist version of balanced treatment is not a genuine attempt at a fair accommodation of competing worldviews, but a rhetorical maneuver. It enables naturalists effectively to label their own product as fact and its rival as fantasy, without having to back up the decision with evidence. The dominant culture assumes that science provides knowledge, and so in natural science classes fundamental propositions can be proclaimed as objectively true, regardless of how many dissenters believe them to be false. That is the powerful philosophical meaning of the claim that "evolution is a fact." By contrast, in literature class we read poetry and fiction, and in social science we study the subjective beliefs of various cultures from a naturalistic perspective. If you have difficulty seeing just how loaded this knowledge-belief distinction is, try to imagine the reaction of Darwinists to the suggestion that their theory should be removed from the college biology curriculum and studied instead in a course devoted to nineteenth-century intellectual history.

By skilful manipulation of categories and definitions, the Darwinists have established philosophical naturalism as educational orthodoxy in a nation in which the overwhelming majority of people express some form of theistic belief inconsistent with naturalism. According to a 1982 Gallup poll aimed at measuring nationwide opinion, 44 percent of respondents agreed with the statement that "God created man pretty much in his present form at one time within the last 10,000 years." That would seem to mark those respondents as creationists in a relatively narrow sense. Another 38 percent accepted evolution as a process guided by God. Only 9 percent identified themselves as believers in a naturalistic evolutionary process not guided by God. The philosophy of the 9 percent is now to be taught in the schools as unchallengeable truth.

Cornell University Professor William Provine, a leading historian of Darwinism, concluded from Gallup's figures that the American public simply does not understand what the scientists means by evolution. As Provine summarized the matter, "The destructive implications of evolutionary biology extend far beyond the assumptions of organized religion to a much deeper and more pervasive belief, held by the vast majority of people, that non-mechanistic organizing designs or forces are somehow responsible for the visible order of the physical universe, biological organisms, and human moral order." Provine blamed the scientific establishment itself for misleading the public about the absolute incompatibility of contemporary Darwinism with any belief in God, designing forces, or absolute standards of good and evil. Scientific leaders have obscured the conflict for fear of jeopardizing public support for their funding, and also because some of them believe that religion may still play a useful role in maintaining public morality. According to Provine, "These rationalizations are politic but intellectually dishonest."

The organizations that speak officially for science continue to deny that there is a conflict between Darwinism and "religion." This denial is another example of the skilful manipulation of definitions, because there are evolution-based religions that embrace naturalism with enthusiasm. Stephen Jay Gould holds up the geneticist Theodosius Dobzhansky, "the greatest evolutionist of our century and a lifelong Russian Orthodox," as proof that evolution and religion are compatible. The example is instructive, because Dobzhansky made a religion out of evolution. According to a eulogy by Francisco Ayala, "Dobzhansky was a religious man, although he apparently rejected fundamental beliefs of traditional religion, such as the existence of God and of life beyond physical death. His religiosity was grounded on the conviction that there is meaning in the universe. He saw that meaning in the fact that evolution has produced the stupendous diversity of the living world and has progressed from primitive forms of life to mankind...He believed that somehow mankind would eventually evolve into higher levels of harmony and creativity." In short, Dobzhansky was what we would today call a New Age pantheist. Of course evolution is not incompatible with religion when the religion is evolution.

Dobzhansky was one of the principal founders of the neo- Darwinian synthesis. Another was Julian Huxley, who promoted a religion of "evolutionary humanism." A third was the paleontologist George Gaylord Simpson. Simpson explained in his book The Meaning of Evolution that "there are some beliefs still current, labeled as religious and involved with religious emotions, that conflict with evolution and are therefore intellectually untenable in spite of their emotional appeal." Simpson added that it is nonetheless "self-evident ...that evolution and true religion are compatible." By true religion he meant naturalistic religion, which accepts that "man is the result of a purposeless and natural process that did not have him in mind." Because efforts have been made to obscure the point, it should be emphasized that Simpson's view is not some personal opinion extraneous to the real "science" of Darwinism. It is an expression of the same naturalism that gives Darwinists confidence that mutation and natural selection, Darwinism's "blind watchmaker," can do all the work of a creator.

Against this background readers may perceive the cruel irony in Justice Brennan's opinion for the Supreme Court majority, holding the Louisiana "balanced treatment" statute unconstitutional because the creationists who promoted it had a "religious purpose." Of course they had a religious purpose, if by that we mean a purpose to try to do something to counter the highly successful efforts of proponents of naturalism to) have their philosophy established in the public schools as "fact." If creationists object to naturalistic evolution on religious grounds, they are admonished that it is inappropriate for religion to meddle with science. If they try to state scientific objections, they are disqualified instantly by definitions devised for that purpose by their adversaries. Sisyphys himself, eternally rolling his stone up that hill in Hades, must pity their frustration.

The Darwinists are also frustrated, however, because they find the resurgence of creationism baffling. Why can't these people learn that the evidence for evolution is overwhelming? Why do they persist in denying the obvious? Above all, how can they be so dishonest as to claim that scientific evidence supports their absurd position? Writing the introduction to a collection of polemics titled Scientists Confront Creationism, Richard Lewontin attempted to explain why creationism is doomed by its very nature. Because he is a dedicated Marxist as well as a famous geneticist, Lewontin saw the conflict between creation and evolution as a class struggle, with history inevitably awarding the victory to the naturalistic class. The triumph of evolution in the schools in the post-Sputnik era signaled that "the culture of the dominant class had triumphed, and traditional religious values, the only vestige of control that rural people had over their own lives and the lives of their families, had been taken away from them." In fact, many creationists are urban professionals who make their living from technology, but Lewontin's basic point is valid. The "fact of evolution" is an instrument of cultural domination and it is only to be expected that people who are being consigned t the dustbin of history should make some protest.

Lewontin was satisfied that creationism cannot survive because its acceptance of miracles puts it at odds with the more rational perception of the world as a place where all events have natural causes. Even a creationist "crosses seas not on foot but in machines, finds the pitcher empty when he has poured out its contents, and the cupboard bare when he has eaten the last of the loaf" Lewontin thus saw creationism as falsified not so much by any discoveries of modern science as by universal human experience, a thesis that does little to explain either why so absurd a notion has attracted so many adherents or why we should expect it to lose ground in the near future.

Once again we see how the power to define can be used to distort, especially when the critical definition is implicit rather than exposed to view. (I remind the reader that to Lewontin and myself, a "creationist" is not necessarily a biblical literalist, but rather any person who believes that God creates.) If creationists really were people who live in an imaginary world of continual miracles, there would be very few of them. On the contrary, from a creationist point of view, the very fact that the universe is on the whole orderly, in a manner comprehensible to our intellect, is evidence that we and it were fashioned by a common intelligence. What is truly a miracle, in the pejorative sense of an event having no rational connection with what has gone before, is the emergence of a being with consciousness, free will, and a capacity to understand the laws of nature in a universe which in the beginning contained only matter in mindless motion.

Once we understand that biologists like Lewontin are employing their scientific prestige in support of a philosophical platform, there is no longer any reason to be intimidated by their claims to scientific expertise. On the contrary, the inability of most biologist to make any sense out of creationist criticisms of their presuppositions is evidence of their own philosophical naivete' The "overwhelming evidence for naturalistic evolution" no longer overwhelms when the naturalistic worldview is itself called into question, and that worldview is as problematical as any other set of metaphysical assumptions when it is placed on the table for examination rather than being taken for granted as "the way we think today."

The problem with scientific naturalism as a worldview is that it takes a sound methodological premise of natural science and transforms it into a dogmatic statement about the nature of the universe. Science is committed by definition to empiricism, by which I mean that scientists seek to find truth by observation, experiment, and calculation rather than by studying sacred books or achieving mystical states of mind. It may well be, however, that there are certain questions-important questions, ones to which we desperately want to know the answers-that cannot be answered by the methods available to our science. These may include not only broad philosophical issues such as whether the universe has a purpose, but also questions we have become accustomed to think of as empirical, such as how life first began or how complex biological systems were put together.

Suppose, however, that some people find it intolerable either to be without answers to these questions or to allow the answers to come from anyone but scientists. In that case science must provide answers, but to do this, it must invoke scientism, a philosophical doctrine which asserts arbitrarily that knowledge comes only through the methods of investigation available to the natural sciences. The Soviet Cosmonaut who announced upon landing that he had been to the heavens and had not seen God was expressing crudely the basic philosophical premise that underlies Darwinism. Because we cannot examine God in our telescopes or under our microscopes, God is unreal. It is meaningless to say that some entity exists if in principle we can never have knowledge of that entity.

With the methodology of scientism in mind, we can understand what it means to contrast scientific "knowledge" with religious "belief," and what follows from the premise that natural science is not suitable for investigating whether the universe has a purpose. Belief is inherently subjective, and includes elements such as fantasy and preference. Knowledge is in principle objective, and includes elements such as facts and laws. If science does not investigate the purpose of the universe, then the universe effectively has no purpose, because a purpose of which we can have no knowledge is meaningless to us. On the other hand, the universe does exist, and all its features must be explicable in terms of forces and causes accessible to scientific investigation. It follows that the best naturalistic explanation available is effectively true, with the proviso that it may eventually be supplanted by a better or more inclusive theory. Thus naturalistic evolution is a fact, and the fact implies a critical guiding role for natural selection.

Scientism itself is not a fact, however, nor is it attractive as a philosophy once its elements and consequences are made explicit. Persons who want naturalistic evolution to be accepted as unquestioned fact must therefore use their cultural authority to enact rules of discourse that protect the purported fact from the attacks of unbelievers. First, they can identify science with naturalism, which means that they insist as a matter of first principle that no consideration whatever be given to the possibility that mind or spirit preceded matter. Second, they can impose a rule of procedure that disqualifies purely negative argument, so that a theory which obtains some very modest degree of empirical support can become immune to disproof until and unless it is supplanted by a better naturalistic theory. With these rules in place, Darwinists can claim to have proved that natural selection crafted moths, trees, and people, and point to the peppered-moth observation as proof.

The assumption of naturalism is in the realm of speculative philosophy, and the rule against negative argument is arbitrary. It is as if a judge were to tell a defendant that he may not establish his innocence unless he can produce a suitable substitute to be charged with the crime. Such vulnerable rules of discourse need protection from criticism, and two distinct rhetorical strategies have been pursued to provide it. First, we have already seen that the direct conflict between Darwinism and theism has been blurred, so that theists who are not committed to biblical inerrancy are led to believe that they have no reason to be suspicious of Darwinism. The remaining objectors can be marginalized as fundamentalists, whose purportedly scientific objections need not be taken seriously because "everybody knows" that people like that will believe, and say, anything.

The second strategy is to take advantage of the prestige that science enjoys in an age of technology, by asserting that anyone who disputes Darwinism must be an enemy of science, and hence of rationality itself This argument gains a certain plausibility from the fact that Darwinism is not the only area within the vast realm of science where such practices as extravagant extrapolation, arbitrary assumptions, and metaphysical speculation have been tolerated. The history of scientific efforts to explain human behavior provides many examples, and some aspects of cosmology, such as its Anthropic Principle, invite the label "cosmo-theology." What makes the strategy effective, however. is not the association of Darwinism with the more speculative aspects of cosmology, but its purported link with technology. Donald Johanson put the point effectively, if crudely: "You can't accept one part of science because it brings you good things like electricity and penicillin and throw away another part because it brings you some things you don't like about the origin of life."

But why can't you do exactly that? That scientists can learn a good deal about the behavior of electrons and bacteria does not prove that they know how electrons or bacteria came into existence in the first place. It is also possible that contemporary scientists are insightful upon some matters and, like their predecessors, thoroughly confused about others. Twentiethcentury experience demonstrates that scientific technology can work wonders, of course. It also demonstrates that dubious doctrines based upon philosophy can achieve an undeserved respectability by cloaking themselves in the mystique of science. Whether Darwinism is another example of pseudoscience is the question, and this question cannot be answered by a vague appeal to the authority of science.

For now, things are going well for Darwinism in America. The Supreme Court has dealt the creationists a crushing blow, and state boards of education are beginning to adopt "science frameworks." These policy statements are designed to encourage textbook publishers to proclaim boldly the fact of evolution-and therefore the naturalistic philosophy that underlies the fact-instead of minimizing the subject to avoid controversy. Efforts are also under way to bring under control any individual teachers who express creationist sentiments in the classroom, especially if they make use of unapproved materials. As ideological authority collapses in other parts of the world, the Darwinists are successfully swimming against the current.

There will be harder times ahead, however. The Darwinist strategy depends upon a certain blurring of the issues, and in particular upon maintaining the fiction that what is being promoted is an inoffensive "fact of evolution," which is opposed only by a discredited minority of religious fanatics. As the Darwinists move out to convert the nation's school children to a naturalistic outlook, it may become more and more difficult to conceal the religious implications of their system. Plenty of people within the Darwinist camp know what is being concealed, and cannot be relied upon to maintain a discreet silence. William Provine, for example, has been on a crusade to persuade the public that it has to discard either Darwinism or God, and not only God but also such non-materialistic concepts as free will and objective standards of morality. Provine offers this choice in the serene confidence that the biologists have enough evidence to persuade the public to choose Darwinism, and to accept its philosophical consequences.

The establishment of naturalism in the schools is supposedly essential to the improvement of science education, which is in such a dismal state in America that national leaders are truly worried. It is not likely, however, that science education can be improved in the long run by identifying science with a worldview abhorred by a large section of the population, and then hoping that the public never finds out what is being implied. The project requires that the scientific establishment commit itself to a strategy of indoctrination, in which the teachers first tell students what they are supposed to believe and then inform them about any difficulties only later, when it is deemed safe to do so. The weakness that requires such dogmatism is evident in Philip Kitcher's explanation of why it is "insidious" to propose that the creationists be allowed to present their negative case in the classroom:

There will be ...much dredging up of misguided objections to evolutionary theory. The objections are spurious-but how is the teacher to reveal their errors to students who are at the beginning of their science studies? ...What Creationists really propose is a situation in which people without scientific training-fourteen-year-old students, for example-are asked to decide a complex issue on partial evidence.

A few centuries ago, the defenders of orthodoxy used the same logic to explain why the common people needed to be protected from exposure to the spurious heresies of Galileo. In fairness, the creationists Kitcher had in mind are biblical fundamentalists who want to attack orthodox scientific doctrine on a broad front I do not myself think that such advocacy groups should be given a platform in the classroom. In my experience, however, Darwinists apply the same contemptuous dismissal to any suggestion, however well-informed and modestly stated, that in constructing their huge theoretical edifice upon a blind commitment to naturalism, they may have been building upon the sand. As long as the media and the courts are quiescent, they may retain the power to marginalize dissent and establish their philosophy as orthodoxy. What they do not have the power to do is to make it true.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by RobJordan
No. You're missing the point. Darwin said if it could be shown that any complex structure could not be built up by small, successive modifications, his theory would be demolished. The mousetrap is used to illustrate such a structure to illustrate the concept. The problem with your fish air volume sack-mammalian lung example is that it assumes the the air sack evolved into a lung. It assumes the very thing at issue! The mouse trap is used to illustrate the concept: some structures are irreducibly complex, i.e., successive, small evolutionary steps could not have made them. If a supposedly irreducibly complex system involved, show us how. Show us the modeling, the genetics, the mutations. Even human intelligence cannot create new, functional biological complexity. Why not---if neo-Darwinism is true? Show us in the lab how natural selection creates the necessary new information to create these biological nano-factories. It has not been shown and cannot be shown. All the hand waving in world can't change that fact.
You have proven many times over that you're 1) immune to logic and facts presented to you, and 2) lack any interest in overcoming your ignorance with study. The answers to all your questions are readily available to you in books addressed specifically to people like yourself. Just read Why Evolution Is True, and all your hero's arguments will be demolished for you, but that's clearly not something you desire.

Its actually the opposite. For a good education on shy Neo-Darwinism is not true take a look at: "The Deniable Darwin by David Berlinski" (Princeton and Stanford Mathamatician, "Darwin's Doubt" by Stephen Meyer (Cambridge Univ. Phd.) and Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False by Thomas Nagel. (About Nagel: Thomas Nagel is University Professor in the Department of Philosophy and the School of Law at New York University. His books include The Possibility of Altruism, The View from Nowhere, and What Does It All Mean?: A Very Short Introduction to Philosophy. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy. In 2008, he was awarded the Rolf Schock Prize in Logic and Philosophy and the Balzan Prize in Moral Philosophy.) You might also read Antony Flew's "There is a God" which chronicles how one of the great philosophic champions of evolution went from unbelief to belief based on evolution's explanatory difficulties.


Read the link below and then ask yourself how seriously you should take Jerry Coyne?

Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
What I want to know is where are the astrophysicists in this debate? Astrophysics is going to solve this debate one way or the other.
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
I want to know what a "scientific fact" is defined as? Seems many here throw it around pretty loosely.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
I want to know what a "scientific fact" is defined as? Seems many here throw it around pretty loosely.

Something that doesn't come out of a book of mythology pretending to be fact.

Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
I want to know what a "scientific fact" is defined as? Seems many here throw it around pretty loosely.

scientific fact - any scientific observation that has been repeatedly confirmed and accepted as true, and has not been disproven.
Example: The structure of a cell membrane is considered a scientific fact.
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by Jcubed
I want to know what a "scientific fact" is defined as? Seems many here throw it around pretty loosely.

scientific fact - any scientific observation that has been repeatedly confirmed and accepted as true, and has not been disproven.
Example: The structure of a cell membrane is considered a scientific fact.

Sad to say this but...be careful how you define your terms.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by derby_dude
Originally Posted by Jcubed
I want to know what a "scientific fact" is defined as? Seems many here throw it around pretty loosely.

Something that doesn't come out of a book of mythology pretending to be fact.

I agree completely Derby---like Origin of Species. grin
Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by Jcubed
I want to know what a "scientific fact" is defined as? Seems many here throw it around pretty loosely.

scientific fact - any scientific observation that has been repeatedly confirmed and accepted as true, and has not been disproven.
Example: The structure of a cell membrane is considered a scientific fact.

Sad to say this but...be careful how you define your terms.

Care to elaborate...?
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
I think I did earlier with my reference to Popper and Kuhn.

Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Succinctly, you all are talking in facts and proof. ..at best science gives you approximations.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13

You have proven many times over that you're 1) immune to logic and facts presented to you, and 2) lack any interest in overcoming your ignorance with study. The answers to all your questions are readily available to you in books. You reject the most important one: The Bible.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Except that you haven't presented a single 'fact' throughout this entire discussion.

There are none so blind as those who will not see. You didn't see the post about magnetism?
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by derby_dude
Originally Posted by Jcubed
I want to know what a "scientific fact" is defined as? Seems many here throw it around pretty loosely.

Something that doesn't come out of a book of mythology pretending to be fact.

I agree completely Derby---like Origin of Species. grin

Origin of Species is not mythology. Mythology is defined as stories about gods. Origin of Species is not stories about gods.
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
I hope everyone is reading Kuhn and Popper. Lots of reading :-D
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Carl Sagan is my prophet for my time here on this beautiful blue dot.

Heed the words of the prophet�

Interviewer: "Didn't [Sagan] want to believe?"
Druyan: "He didn't want to believe. He wanted to know.�
Ann Druyan

"Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return. And we can. Because the cosmos is also within us. We're made of star-stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.

The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.�
Carl Sagan, Cosmos

"For as long as there been humans we have searched for our place in the cosmos.
Where are we? Who are we?

We find that we live on an insignificant planet of a hum-drum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than people.

This perspective is a courageous continuation of our penchant for constructing and testing mental models of the skies; the Sun as a red-hot stone, the stars as a celestial flame, the Galaxy as the backbone of night.

If we long for our planet to be important, there is something we can do about it.

We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depth of our answers.

The major religions on the Earth contradict each other left and right.

You can�t all be correct. And what if all of you are wrong? It�s a possibility, you know.

You must care about the truth, right? Well, the way to winnow through all the differing contentions is to be skeptical.

I�m not any more skeptical about your religious beliefs than I am about every new scientific idea I hear about.

But in my line of work, they�re called hypotheses, not inspiration and not revelation."
Carl Sagan

Carl Sagan is your "prophet?" Explains a lot. Maybe you and the democrat leadership should have a couple beers.

The words of Carl Sagan speak for themselves. Elegantly.

The fact that he and I would not have agreed on politics or smoking dope has precious little to do with his words.

Maybe you should read them sometime.

Sagan was deeply concerned about our ability to self-destruct:

"Those worlds in space are as countless as all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the Earth. Each of those worlds is as real as ours. In every one of them, there's a succession of incidence, events, occurrences which influence its future.

Countless worlds, numberless moments, an immensity of space and time. And our small planet, at this moment, here we face a critical branch-point in the history.
What we do with our world, right now, will propagate down through the centuries and powerfully affect the destiny of our descendants.

It is well within our power to destroy our civilization, and perhaps our species as well.
If we capitulate to superstition, or greed, or stupidty we can plunge our world into a darkness deeper than time between the collapse of classical civilization and the Italian Renaissaince.

But, we are also capable of using our compassion and our intelligence, our technology and our wealth, to make an abundant and meaningful life for every inhabitant of this planet.
To enhance enormously our understanding of the Universe, and to carry us to the stars."
Carl Sagan explains the immensity of space and time. This clip is from Carl Sagan's Cosmos episode 8, "Journeys in Space and Time."
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Carl Sagan is my prophet for my time here on this beautiful blue dot.

Heed the words of the prophet�

Interviewer: "Didn't [Sagan] want to believe?"
Druyan: "He didn't want to believe. He wanted to know.�
Ann Druyan

"Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return. And we can. Because the cosmos is also within us. We're made of star-stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.

The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.�
Carl Sagan, Cosmos

"For as long as there been humans we have searched for our place in the cosmos.
Where are we? Who are we?

We find that we live on an insignificant planet of a hum-drum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than people.

This perspective is a courageous continuation of our penchant for constructing and testing mental models of the skies; the Sun as a red-hot stone, the stars as a celestial flame, the Galaxy as the backbone of night.

If we long for our planet to be important, there is something we can do about it.

We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depth of our answers.

The major religions on the Earth contradict each other left and right.

You can�t all be correct. And what if all of you are wrong? It�s a possibility, you know.

You must care about the truth, right? Well, the way to winnow through all the differing contentions is to be skeptical.

I�m not any more skeptical about your religious beliefs than I am about every new scientific idea I hear about.

But in my line of work, they�re called hypotheses, not inspiration and not revelation."
Carl Sagan

Carl Sagan is your "prophet?" Explains a lot. Maybe you and the democrat leadership should have a couple beers.

The words of Carl Sagan speak for themselves. Elegantly.

The fact that he and I would not have agreed on politics or smoking dope has precious little to do with his words.

Maybe you should read them sometime.

Sagan was deeply concerned about our ability to self-destruct:

"Those worlds in space are as countless as all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the Earth. Each of those worlds is as real as ours. In every one of them, there's a succession of incidence, events, occurrences which influence its future. Countless worlds, numberless moments, an immensity of space and time. And our small planet, at this moment, here we face a critical branch-point in the history. What we do with our world, right now, will propagate down through the centuries and powerfully affect the destiny of our descendants. It is well within our power to destroy our civilization, and perhaps our species as well. If we capitulate to superstition, or greed, or stupidty we can plunge our world into a darkness deeper than time between the collapse of classical civilization and the Italian Renaissaince. But, we are also capable of using our compassion and our intelligence, our technology and our wealth, to make an abundant and meaningful life for every inhabitant of this planet. To enhance enormously our understanding of the Universe, and to carry us to the stars."
Carl Sagan explains the immensity of space and time. This clip is from Carl Sagan's Cosmos episode 8, "Journeys in Space and Time."

Actually, it says a lot about you philosophically. Don't assume I haven't read Sagan.
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Then you should respond to his words.
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Then you should respond to his words.

Lol. Why?
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Then you should respond to his words.

Lol. Why?

Well, maybe not�if they are over your head.
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Then you should respond to his words.

Lol. Why?

Well, maybe not�if they are over your head.

Lol good one. Keep trying.
Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Succinctly, you all are talking in facts and proof. ..at best science gives you approximations.

There is some truth to that regarding certain things; that's the way science works...observations that have been confirmed repeatedly carry a lot of weight, especially if critics are unable to disprove those observations. On the other hand, science has given us many things...from space flight to nuclear power to medical advances...and those things are more than just approximations. They are reality. The example of a cell membrane, a scientific fact, is a reality.
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
To be honest with you BOW, I don't think you understand in the slightest what Sagan believes and espouses. If you did, judging from you love of Palin and "conservative" principles, you would be denigrating him just like you do Obama.
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Succinctly, you all are talking in facts and proof. ..at best science gives you approximations.

There is some truth to that regarding certain things; that's the way science works...observations that have been confirmed repeatedly carry a lot of weight, especially if critics are unable to disprove those observations. On the other hand, science has given us many things...from space flight to nuclear power to medical advances...and those things are more than just approximations. They are reality. The example of a cell membrane, a scientific fact, is a reality.

No. Your cell membrane is just an approximation. In fact, it is an approximation based on approximations that came before it in the literature.

Take Newton's" LAWS" of physics. Laws until Einstein came along. ..then Einstein was the standard and "law" but wait then you have quantum physics...all approximations and best guesses to what the truth really is...
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
It seems to me that you did start with a world view the Bible is wrong.

Again, I did not such thing. About 30 years ago I started with the worldview that the Bible was correct, and I searched for corroborating evidence. Upon close examination, the evidence proved the exact opposite.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Good article. Some historical stuff on Sagan.

The Unraveling of Scientific Materialism

Phillip E. Johnson

In a retrospective essay on Carl Sagan in the January 9, 1997 New York Review of Books, Harvard Genetics Professor Richard Lewontin tells how he first met Sagan at a public debate in Arkansas in 1964. The two young scientists had been coaxed by senior colleagues to go to Little Rock to debate the affirmative side of the question: "RESOLVED, that the theory of evolution is as proved as is the fact that the earth goes around the sun." Their main opponent was a biology professor from a fundamentalist college, with a Ph.D. from the University of Texas in Zoology. Lewontin reports no details from the debate, except to say that "despite our absolutely compelling arguments, the audience unaccountably voted for the opposition."

Of course, Lewontin and Sagan attributed the vote to the audience's prejudice in favor of creationism. The resolution was framed in such a way, however, that the affirmative side should have lost even if the jury had been composed of Ivy League philosophy professors. How could the theory of evolution even conceivably be "proved" to the same degree as "the fact that the earth goes around the sun"? The latter is an observable feature of present-day reality, whereas the former deals primarily with non-repeatable events of the very distant past. The appropriate comparison would be between the theory of evolution and the accepted theory of the origin of the solar system.

If "evolution" referred only to currently observable phenomena like domestic animal breeding or finch-beak variation, then winning the debate should have been no problem for Lewontin and Sagan even with a fundamentalist jury. The statement "We breed a great variety of dogs," which rests on direct observation, is much easier to prove than the statement that the earth goes around the sun, which requires sophisticated reasoning. Not even the strictest biblical literalists deny the bred varieties of dogs, the variation of finch beaks, and similar instances within types. The more controversial claims of large-scale evolution are what arouse skepticism. Scientists may think they have good reasons for believing that living organisms evolved naturally from nonliving chemicals, or that complex organs evolved by the accumulation of micromutations through natural selection, but having reasons is not the same as having proof. I have seen people, previously inclined to believe whatever "science says," become skeptical when they realize that the scientists actually do seem to think that variations in finch beaks or peppered moths, or the mere existence of fossils, proves all the vast claims of "evolution." It is as though the scientists, so confident in their answers, simply do not understand the question.

Carl Sagan described the theory of evolution in his final book as the doctrine that "human beings (and all the other species) have slowly evolved by natural processes from a succession of more ancient beings with no divine intervention needed along the way." It is the alleged absence of divine intervention throughout the history of life--the strict materialism of the orthodox theory--that explains why a great many people, only some of whom are biblical fundamentalists, think that Darwinian evolution (beyond the micro level) is basically materialistic philosophy disguised as scientific fact. Sagan himself worried about opinion polls showing that only about 10 percent of Americans believe in a strictly materialistic evolutionary process, and, as Lewontin's anecdote concedes, some of the doubters have advanced degrees in the relevant sciences. Dissent as widespread as that must rest on something less easily remedied than mere ignorance of facts.

Lewontin eventually parted company with Sagan over how to explain why the theory of evolution seems so obviously true to mainstream scientists and so doubtful to much of the public. Sagan attributed the persistence of unbelief to ignorance and hucksterism and set out to cure the problem with popular books, magazine articles, and television programs promoting the virtues of mainstream science over its fringe rivals. Lewontin, a Marxist whose philosophical sophistication exceeds that of Sagan by several orders of magnitude, came to see the issue as essentially one of basic intellectual commitment rather than factual knowledge.

The reason for opposition to scientific accounts of our origins, according to Lewontin, is not that people are ignorant of facts, but that they have not learned to think from the right starting point. In his words, "The primary problem is not to provide the public with the knowledge of how far it is to the nearest star and what genes are made of. . . . Rather, the problem is to get them to reject irrational and supernatural explanations of the world, the demons that exist only in their imaginations, and to accept a social and intellectual apparatus, Science, as the only begetter of truth." What the public needs to learn is that, like it or not, "We exist as material beings in a material world, all of whose phenomena are the consequences of material relations among material entities." In a word, the public needs to accept materialism, which means that they must put God (whom Lewontin calls the "Supreme Extraterrestrial") in the trash can of history where such myths belong.

Although Lewontin wants the public to accept science as the only source of truth, he freely admits that mainstream science itself is not free of the hokum that Sagan so often found in fringe science. As examples he cites three influential scientists who are particularly successful at writing for the public: E. O. Wilson, Richard Dawkins, and Lewis Thomas,

each of whom has put unsubstantiated assertions or counterfactual claims at the very center of the stories they have retailed in the market. Wilson's Sociobiology and On Human Nature rest on the surface of a quaking marsh of unsupported claims about the genetic determination of everything from altruism to xenophobia. Dawkins' vulgarizations of Darwinism speak of nothing in evolution but an inexorable ascendancy of genes that are selectively superior, while the entire body of technical advance in experimental and theoretical evolutionary genetics of the last fifty years has moved in the direction of emphasizing nonselective forces in evolution. Thomas, in various essays, propagandized for the success of modern scientific medicine in eliminating death from disease, while the unchallenged statistical compilations on mortality show that in Europe and North America infectious diseases . . . had ceased to be major causes of mortality by the early decades of the twentieth century.

Lewontin laments that even scientists frequently cannot judge the reliability of scientific claims outside their fields of specialty, and have to take the word of recognized authorities on faith. "Who am I to believe about quantum physics if not Steven Weinberg, or about the solar system if not Carl Sagan? What worries me is that they may believe what Dawkins and Wilson tell them about evolution."

One major living scientific popularizer whom Lewontin does not trash is his Harvard colleague and political ally Stephen Jay Gould. Just to fill out the picture, however, it seems that admirers of Dawkins have as low an opinion of Gould as Lewontin has of Dawkins or Wilson. According to a 1994 essay in the New York Review of Books by John Maynard Smith, the dean of British neo-Darwinists, "the evolutionary biologists with whom I have discussed his [Gould's] work tend to see him as a man whose ideas are so confused as to be hardly worth bothering with, but as one who should not be publicly criticized because he is at least on our side against the creationists. All this would not matter, were it not that he is giving non biologists a largely false picture of the state of evolutionary theory." Lewontin fears that non-biologists will fail to recognize that Dawkins is peddling pseudoscience; Maynard Smith fears exactly the same of Gould.

If eminent experts say that evolution according to Gould is too confused to be worth bothering about, and others equally eminent say that evolution according to Dawkins rests on unsubstantiated assertions and counterfactual claims, the public can hardly be blamed for suspecting that grand-scale evolution may rest on something less impressive than rock-solid, unimpeachable fact. Lewontin confirms this suspicion by explaining why "we" (i.e., the kind of people who read the New York Review) reject out of hand the view of those who think they see the hand of the Creator in the material world:

We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism. It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counterintuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door. The eminent Kant scholar Lewis Beck used to say that anyone who could believe in God could believe in anything. To appeal to an omnipotent deity is to allow that at any moment the regularities of nature may be ruptured, that miracles may happen.

That paragraph is the most insightful statement of what is at issue in the creation/evolution controversy that I have ever read from a senior figure in the scientific establishment. It explains neatly how the theory of evolution can seem so certain to scientific insiders, and so shaky to the outsiders. For scientific materialists the materialism comes first; the science comes thereafter. We might more accurately term them "materialists employing science." And if materialism is true, then some materialistic theory of evolution has to be true simply as a matter of logical deduction, regardless of the evidence. That theory will necessarily be at least roughly like neo-Darwinism, in that it will have to involve some combination of random changes and law-like processes capable of producing complicated organisms that (in Dawkins' words) "give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose."

The prior commitment explains why evolutionary scientists are not disturbed when they learn that the fossil record does not provide examples of gradual macroevolutionary transformation, despite decades of determined effort by paleontologists to confirm neo-Darwinian presuppositions. That is also why biological chemists like Stanley Miller continue in confidence even when geochemists tell them that the early earth did not have the oxygen-free atmosphere essential for producing the chemicals required by the theory of the origin of life in a prebiotic soup. They reason that there had to be some source (comets?) capable of providing the needed molecules, because otherwise life would not have evolved. When evidence showed that the period available on the early earth for the evolution of life was extremely brief in comparison to the time previously posited for chemical evolution scenarios, Carl Sagan calmly concluded that the chemical evolution of life must be easier than we had supposed, because it happened so rapidly on the early earth.

That is also why neo-Darwinists like Richard Dawkins are not troubled by the Cambrian Explosion, where all the invertebrate animal groups appear suddenly and without identifiable ancestors. Whatever the fossil record may suggest, those Cambrian animals had to evolve by accepted neo-Darwinian means, which is to say by material processes requiring no intelligent guidance or supernatural input. Materialist philosophy demands no less. That is also why Niles Eldredge, surveying the absence of evidence for macroevolutionary transformations in the rich marine invertebrate fossil record, can observe that "evolution always seems to happen somewhere else," and then describe himself on the very next page as a "knee-jerk neo-Darwinist." Finally, that is why Darwinists do not take critics of materialist evolution seriously, but speculate instead about "hidden agendas" and resort immediately to ridicule. In their minds, to question materialism is to question reality. All these specific points are illustrations of what it means to say that "we" have an a priori commitment to materialism.

The scientific leadership cannot afford to disclose that commitment frankly to the public. Imagine what chance the affirmative side would have if the question for public debate were rephrased candidly as "RESOLVED, that everyone should adopt an a priori commitment to materialism." Everyone would see what many now sense dimly: that a methodological premise useful for limited purposes has been expanded to form a metaphysical absolute. Of course people who define science as the search for materialistic explanations will find it useful to assume that such explanations always exist. To suppose that a philosophical preference can validate a cherished scientific theory is to define "science" as a way of supporting prejudice. Yet that is exactly what the Darwinists seem to be doing, when their evidence is evaluated by critics who are willing to question materialism.

One of those critics, bearing impeccable scientific credentials, is Michael Behe, who argues that complex molecular systems (such as bacterial and protozoan flagella, immune systems, blood clotting, and cellular transport) are "irreducibly complex." This means that the systems incorporate elements that interact with each other in such complex ways that it is impossible to describe detailed, testable Darwinian mechanisms for their evolution. (My review of Behe's Darwin's Black Box appeared in FT, October 1996.) Never mind for now whether you think that Behe's argument can prevail over sustained opposition from the materialists. The primary dispute is not over who is going to win, but about whether the argument can even get started. If we know a priori that materialism is true, then contrary evidence properly belongs under the rug, where it has always duly been swept.

For Lewontin, the public's determined resistance to scientific materialism constitutes "a deep problem in democratic self-governance." Quoting Jesus' words from the Gospel of John, he thinks that "the truth that makes us free" is not an accumulation of knowledge, but a metaphysical understanding (i.e., materialism) that sets us free from belief in supernatural entities like God. How is the scientific elite to persuade or bamboozle the public to accept the crucial starting point? Lewontin turns for guidance to the most prestigious of all opponents of democracy, Plato. In his dialog the Gorgias, Plato reports a debate between the rationalist Socrates and three sophists or teachers of rhetoric. The debaters all agree that the public is incompetent to make reasoned decisions on justice and public policy. The question in dispute is whether the effective decision should be made by experts (Socrates) or by the manipulators of words (the sophists).

In familiar contemporary terms, the question might be stated as whether a court should appoint a panel of impartial authorities to decide whether the defendant's product caused the plaintiff's cancer, or whether the jury should be swayed by rival trial lawyers each touting their own experts. Much turns on whether we believe that the authorities are truly impartial, or whether they have interests of their own. When the National Academy of Sciences appoints a committee to advise the public on evolution, it consists of persons picked in part for their scientific outlook, which is to say their a priori acceptance of materialism. Members of such a panel know a lot of facts in their specific areas of research and have a lot to lose if the "fact of evolution" is exposed as a philosophical assumption. Should skeptics accept such persons as impartial fact-finders? Lewontin himself knows too much about cognitive elites to say anything so naive, and so in the end he gives up and concludes that "we" do not know how to get the public to the right starting point.

Lewontin is brilliantly insightful, but too crankily honest to be as good a manipulator as his Harvard colleague Stephen Jay Gould. Gould displays both his talent and his unscrupulousness in an essay in the March 1997 issue of Natural History, entitled "Nonoverlapping Magisteria" and subtitled "Science and religion are not in conflict, for their teachings occupy distinctly different domains." With a subtitle like that, you can be sure that Gould is out to reassure the public that evolution leads to no alarming conclusions. True to form, Gould insists that the only dissenters from evolution are "Protestant fundamentalists who believe that every word of the Bible must be literally true." Gould also insists that evolution (he never defines the word) is "both true and entirely compatible with Christian belief." Gould is familiar with nonliteralist opposition to evolutionary naturalism, but he blandly denies that any such phenomenon exists. He even quotes a letter written to the New York Times in answer to an op-ed essay by Michael Behe, without revealing the context. You can do things like that when you know that the media won't call you to account.

The centerpiece of Gould's essay is an analysis of the complete text of Pope John Paul's statement of October 22, 1996 to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences endorsing evolution as "more than a hypothesis." He fails to quote the Pope's crucial qualification that "theories of evolution which, in accordance with the philosophies inspiring them, consider the spirit as emerging from the forces of living matter or as a mere epiphenomenon of this matter, are incompatible with the truth about man." Of course, a theory based on materialism assumes by definition that there is no "spirit" active in this world that is independent of matter. Gould knows this perfectly well, and he also knows, just as Richard Lewontin does, that the evidence doesn't support the claims for the creative power of natural selection made by writers such as Richard Dawkins. That is why the philosophy that really supports the theory has to be protected from critical scrutiny.

Gould's essay is a tissue of half-truths aimed at putting the religious people to sleep, or luring them into a "dialogue" on terms set by the materialists. Thus Gould graciously allows religion to participate in discussions of morality or the meaning of life, because science does not claim authority over such questions of value, and because "Religion is too important to too many people for any dismissal or denigration of the comfort still sought by many folks from theology." Gould insists, however, that all such discussion must cede to science the power to determine the facts, and one of the facts is an evolutionary process that is every bit as materialistic and purposeless for Gould as it is for Lewontin or Dawkins. If religion wants to accept a dialogue on those terms, that's fine with Gould--but don't let those religious people think they get to make an independent judgment about the evidence that supposedly supports the "facts." And if the religious people are gullible enough to accept materialism as one of the facts, they won't be capable of causing much trouble.

The debate about creation and evolution is not deadlocked. Propagandists like Gould try to give the impression that nothing has changed, but essays like Lewontin's and books like Behe's demonstrate that honest thinkers on both sides are near agreement on a redefinition of the conflict. Biblical literalism is not the issue. The issue is whether materialism and rationality are the same thing. Darwinism is based on an a priori commitment to materialism, not on a philosophically neutral assessment of the evidence. Separate the philosophy from the science, and the proud tower collapses. When the public understands this clearly, Lewontin's Darwinism will start to move out of the science curriculum and into the department of intellectual history, where it can gather dust on the shelf next to Lewontin's Marxism.

Phillip E. Johnson is Professor of Law at the University of California at Berkeley and author, most recently, of Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds (InterVarsity Press).
Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Succinctly, you all are talking in facts and proof. ..at best science gives you approximations.

There is some truth to that regarding certain things; that's the way science works...observations that have been confirmed repeatedly carry a lot of weight, especially if critics are unable to disprove those observations. On the other hand, science has given us many things...from space flight to nuclear power to medical advances...and those things are more than just approximations. They are reality. The example of a cell membrane, a scientific fact, is a reality.

No. Your cell membrane is just an approximation.

laugh Whatever...are space flight, nuclear power, and medical advances just "approximations" too...?
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Pretty much...
Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Pretty much...


Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Please show me a scientific fact
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Amazing how short disagreements get at this point...kinda like poker
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by RobJordan
No. You're missing the point. Darwin said if it could be shown that any complex structure could not be built up by small, successive modifications, his theory would be demolished. The mousetrap is used to illustrate such a structure to illustrate the concept. The problem with your fish air volume sack-mammalian lung example is that it assumes the the air sack evolved into a lung. It assumes the very thing at issue! The mouse trap is used to illustrate the concept: some structures are irreducibly complex, i.e., successive, small evolutionary steps could not have made them. If a supposedly irreducibly complex system involved, show us how. Show us the modeling, the genetics, the mutations. Even human intelligence cannot create new, functional biological complexity. Why not---if neo-Darwinism is true? Show us in the lab how natural selection creates the necessary new information to create these biological nano-factories. It has not been shown and cannot be shown. All the hand waving in world can't change that fact.
You have proven many times over that you're 1) immune to logic and facts presented to you, and 2) lack any interest in overcoming your ignorance with study. The answers to all your questions are readily available to you in books addressed specifically to people like yourself. Just read Why Evolution Is True, and all your hero's arguments will be demolished for you, but that's clearly not something you desire.

Its actually the opposite. For a good education on shy Neo-Darwinism is not true take a look at: "The Deniable Darwin by David Berlinski" (Princeton and Stanford Mathamatician, "Darwin's Doubt" by Stephen Meyer (Cambridge Univ. Phd.) and Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False by Thomas Nagel. (About Nagel: Thomas Nagel is University Professor in the Department of Philosophy and the School of Law at New York University. His books include The Possibility of Altruism, The View from Nowhere, and What Does It All Mean?: A Very Short Introduction to Philosophy. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy. In 2008, he was awarded the Rolf Schock Prize in Logic and Philosophy and the Balzan Prize in Moral Philosophy.) You might also read Antony Flew's "There is a God" which chronicles how one of the great philosophic champions of evolution went from unbelief to belief based on evolution's explanatory difficulties.


Read the link below and then ask yourself how seriously you should take Jerry Coyne?


Three philosophers and a lawyer. Not all that impressive.
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13

All your examples are pretty much examples of engineering...

Ask the pure physicists what they think about engineering!
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed

All your examples are pretty much examples of engineering...

Ask the pure physicists what they think about engineering!

We have people on this forum denying the existence of the Geological Colum. We have enough transitional fossils in the human line of evolution to fill a swimming pool, and they still insist "there are no transitional forms". In this instance do you really think examples from quantum mechanics would create better illustrations then engineering?.
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13

Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
I just think words such as "fact, proof, proves, etc" really need to be toned back and really evaluated for what they really mean. Also, science should never intimidate others into silence, that isn't its purpose.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by RobJordan
No. You're missing the point. Darwin said if it could be shown that any complex structure could not be built up by small, successive modifications, his theory would be demolished. The mousetrap is used to illustrate such a structure to illustrate the concept. The problem with your fish air volume sack-mammalian lung example is that it assumes the the air sack evolved into a lung. It assumes the very thing at issue! The mouse trap is used to illustrate the concept: some structures are irreducibly complex, i.e., successive, small evolutionary steps could not have made them. If a supposedly irreducibly complex system involved, show us how. Show us the modeling, the genetics, the mutations. Even human intelligence cannot create new, functional biological complexity. Why not---if neo-Darwinism is true? Show us in the lab how natural selection creates the necessary new information to create these biological nano-factories. It has not been shown and cannot be shown. All the hand waving in world can't change that fact.
You have proven many times over that you're 1) immune to logic and facts presented to you, and 2) lack any interest in overcoming your ignorance with study. The answers to all your questions are readily available to you in books addressed specifically to people like yourself. Just read Why Evolution Is True, and all your hero's arguments will be demolished for you, but that's clearly not something you desire.

Its actually the opposite. For a good education on shy Neo-Darwinism is not true take a look at: "The Deniable Darwin by David Berlinski" (Princeton and Stanford Mathamatician, "Darwin's Doubt" by Stephen Meyer (Cambridge Univ. Phd.) and Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False by Thomas Nagel. (About Nagel: Thomas Nagel is University Professor in the Department of Philosophy and the School of Law at New York University. His books include The Possibility of Altruism, The View from Nowhere, and What Does It All Mean?: A Very Short Introduction to Philosophy. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy. In 2008, he was awarded the Rolf Schock Prize in Logic and Philosophy and the Balzan Prize in Moral Philosophy.) You might also read Antony Flew's "There is a God" which chronicles how one of the great philosophic champions of evolution went from unbelief to belief based on evolution's explanatory difficulties.


Read the link below and then ask yourself how seriously you should take Jerry Coyne?


Three philosophers and a lawyer. Not all that impressive.

Of course, logically, a person's academic degrees tell us nothing about whether his arguments about a particular subject are
correct or not. No one with even a rudimentary understanding of logic would try to refute another with such a silly, ad hominem argument. You should be embarrassed.

Certainly their probable intelligence is relevant in assessing whether they might be capable of making a good argument, but in the final analysis, we need to analyze what they wrote. FWIW, Johnson went to Harvard at age 17 and graduated first in his class at University of Chicago. One of his critics once said of Johnson that if he and Darwin had been at the same class at Harvard, Johnson would have finished at the top of his class and Darwin at the bottom. Louis Agassiz, who was a lifelong critic of Darwin's philosophy (and a genius who Darwin greatly respected and whose arguments about the fossil evidence Darwin essentially conceded) was a scientist. His criticisms on the basis of the fossil record are as valid today as they were when he made them in 1860 because the fossil record, in the relevant respects, looks pretty much the same today as it did in Darwin's day. Thomas Nagel is one of the most respected philosophers in the world. He is highly regarded. Likewise, Antony Flew was one of the most respected philosophers in the world and one of the greatest champions of evolution of the 20th Century---until he became a nominal deist! David Berlinski is an absolutely brilliant mathematician.

I am 100% certain (based on the way you argue) that each of these men are far more intelligent than you are. Why don't you read what they have written and then refute it?---instead of trying to dismiss them (without even reading what they wrote) with fallacious reasoning, as you have frequently done in this thread!
Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
...science should never intimidate others into silence...

I think it's likely that religion has sought to intimidate and silence a lot more people than science ever did...!
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by antlers
...science should never intimidate others into silence...

I think it's likely that religion has sought to intimidate and silence a lot more people than science ever did...!

Neither should, perhaps I should have added that so as to not pick on science.

Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
But I'm still waiting for an irrefutable scientific fact...
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Rob, your arguments have basically degenerated into the fallacy of 1000 questions. Here's 4 books, lets here you dispute those!!

If you have specific points from these volumes you wish to discuss, great, lets do so. But if you are seeking a detailed analysis of multiple books, you need to pull out the checkbook, because I don't to that kind of work for free.
Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
But I'm still waiting for an irrefutable scientific fact...

The wingspan of a Boeing 747 is longer than the Wright brother�s first flight.
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by Jcubed
But I'm still waiting for an irrefutable scientific fact...

The wingspan of a Boeing 747 is longer than the Wright brother�s first flight.


OK. So when speaking in terms of relativity and the above isn't true. ..are you still claiming it is a fact?
Posted By: zxc Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Fairies wear boots, and you gotta believe me................
Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by Jcubed
But I'm still waiting for an irrefutable scientific fact...

The wingspan of a Boeing 747 is longer than the Wright brother�s first flight.

OK. So when speaking in terms of relativity and the above isn't true. ..are you still claiming it is a fact?

Plays on words aside...the above is something that has really occurred and is actually the case. A fact.
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by Furprick
Fairies wear boots, and you gotta believe me................

Thanks for backing me up!
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Rob, your arguments have basically degenerated into the fallacy of 1000 questions. Here's 4 books, lets here you dispute those!!

If you have specific points from these volumes you wish to discuss, great, lets do so. But if you are seeking a detailed analysis of multiple books, you need to pull out the checkbook, because I don't to that kind of work for free.

My name is Jordan. There is no such fallacy as "the fallacy of 1000 questions". I did not initiate the appeal to written authority. Hawkeye did with his referral to the work of Jerry Coyne. I simply responded with four authors who take Coyne apart. If logic is really important to you, you might be a little consistent and call Hawkeye to task on his frequent resort to the ad hominem. grin

Sorry, but I very much doubt that your disinclination to read commentaries which call into question your own faith on this matter have anything to do with the price of a Kindle download. wink

The articles by Phillip Johnson are useful for understanding the philosophic issues at stake. He brings great clarity to the debate.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Jordon, the fallacy of 1000 questions is a fallacy. It's sometimes called the fallacy of many questions, but I prefer not to use that terms because it's sometimes used as a synonym for the "loaded question" or "complex question" fallacy.


Ask many different questions. They may be related with a central theme. They may also be unrelated.


When and where will you expect me to be and how often do you want this to happen and what will be the time of day and which weeks?

Tell me what you want to do next, and then let me know what we can do tomorrow. I want to know from you exactly what you think about the show we did and also which way it is to the middle of town and whether we should go there today or tomorrow. Oh, and, do you want pizza for tea or will David be home this evening?


When listening to a complex question or statement, we have a limited ability to understand everything. This causes confusion and we may stumble through a partial answer or say nothing, letting the speaker pick up again and perhaps answer the question in the way they want, or just to continue.

If unrelated questions are asked, the effect is multiplied as the listener not only tries to remember them but also make sense of them with regard to the relationship between them.


Attack, Distraction

Also known as

Plurium Interrogationum

See also

Bounded Rationality, Confusion principle

As for my reading, time is a limited resource, and I choose to invest it in those ways that will yield the greatest return. Investing my time in the fairytales of the Discovery Institute isn't a good investment.

As for what's at stake, yes, I'm well aware of what's at stake:

Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
I will concede the debate has not occurred in a very orderly fashion. I've been busy at work and have had to kind of shotgun it when I can find time. I'd like to see us discuss three issues: (1) the fossil record (pro and con); (2) extrapolating from micro to macro evolution and whether the evidence supports the extrapolation;(3) biochemistry and finally, the philosophy of science. Homology would be worth discussing too.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Yes, but I'd never heard it as "1000 questions", which is why I said there was no such fallacy. As I said, the debate has not been orderly, but I don't think I've employed the plurium interrogationum fallacy. At least, I did not intend to. I've not had time to keep up with all the posting and respond in an orderly fashion to all. I come in at night, see some new post or two and respond, plus, the debate has not been well structured. Its been way too ad hoc and too directed toward one side or the other winning, as opposed to fairly discussing the issues.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Jordon, the fallacy of 1000 questions is a fallacy. It's sometimes called the fallacy of many questions, but I prefer not to use that terms because it's sometimes used as a synonym for the "loaded question" or "complex question" fallacy.


Ask many different questions. They may be related with a central theme. They may also be unrelated.


When and where will you expect me to be and how often do you want this to happen and what will be the time of day and which weeks?

Tell me what you want to do next, and then let me know what we can do tomorrow. I want to know from you exactly what you think about the show we did and also which way it is to the middle of town and whether we should go there today or tomorrow. Oh, and, do you want pizza for tea or will David be home this evening?


When listening to a complex question or statement, we have a limited ability to understand everything. This causes confusion and we may stumble through a partial answer or say nothing, letting the speaker pick up again and perhaps answer the question in the way they want, or just to continue.

If unrelated questions are asked, the effect is multiplied as the listener not only tries to remember them but also make sense of them with regard to the relationship between them.


Attack, Distraction

Also known as

Plurium Interrogationum

See also

Bounded Rationality, Confusion principle

As for my reading, time is a limited resource, and I choose to invest it in those ways that will yield the greatest return. Investing my time in the fairytales of the Discovery Institute isn't a good investment.

As for what's at stake, yes, I'm well aware of what's at stake:

You assume they are fairy tales, but you've not read them. I don't think you'd find the work of Berlinski, Meyers, Flew or Nagel "fairy tales". Their detractors take them seriously. Calling them "fairy tales" is just your way of convincing yourself not to read them. You're really not a very open minded person, are you? By the way, speaking of fairy tales, for a really hilarious take down of Richard Dawkins, you should read David Stove's "Darwinian Fairytales". Stove has a first rate mind and absolutely eviscerates Richard Dawkins and sociobiology and is hilarious in doing so.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
I saw your video. Incredibly shallow and ill-informed. Do you actually find that kind of stuff persuasive?! I think its actually the tension in the West (especially in this country) between Reason and Revelation that has given us our dynamism. In addition, Judeo-Christian morality and ethics are hugely important in limiting government and providing a fertile ground for freedom. I presume you are aware that Darwinism provided a justification for Nazism. Naturalism itself denies that free will is possible, that truth is possible or that there is any such thing as right or wrong. We could be headed for a very dark night....
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Even Michael had to breathe sometimes! Slow dowm there rJORDAN
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
I will concede the debate has not occurred in a very orderly fashion. I've been busy at work and have had to kind of shotgun it when I can find time. I'd like to see us discuss three issues: (1) the fossil record (pro and con); (2) extrapolating from micro to macro evolution and whether the evidence supports the extrapolation;(3) biochemistry and finally, the philosophy of science. Homology would be worth discussing too.

Jordon, these discussion are never as orderly as we might like. Life has this tendency to get in the way. crazy

As for the fossil record, yes, we have the fossils.
Extrapolating from micro to macro. An argument claiming there can be no leap from micro to macro evolution is just an argument from incredulity. Claiming small changes over time cannot turn into something very large is a denial of the most powerful force in the universe, Compound Interest. smile

Here's a simple thought experiment: Human DNA has 25,000 allels, and has a mutation rate of aprox 150 mutations per generation (most of which are neutral). 150/25000 = .006. The lower estimates of how long homosapien sapien been around is about 100k years, and reproduction starts around age 15. 100,000/15=6667 generations of homosapien sapiens.....

Lets, take 1, Multiple it by 1.006, and do that 6,667 times. What do you get? 208,036,471,404,374,000
Small changes can accumulate into large differences over time.

The intersection of science, philosophy, and morality? Yea, there's a lot we could discuss there.

Homology, again, we have the fossils, and we have the DNA.

The problem is, places like the Discovery Institute choose to ignore basic facts in an attempt to push a religious agenda, and claim it's science. They offer no theories with any predictive value, and when they do attempt to make predictions, they are shown to be false. They start with the conclusion (God did it), and not the evidence, and offer no empirical experiments to test the validity of their conclusion. In stead, they insisted we accept non-natural answers i.e. supernatural or magical answers, to natural questions. It's for these reasons we don't see Creationist papers in peer reviewed scientific journals. Magic is not Science. When the Alchemist couldn't change lead to gold, they morphed into the modern Chemist. Chemistry is Science. It works. Alchemy is Magic, it doesn't work.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
I saw your video. Incredibly shallow and ill-informed. Do you actually find that kind of stuff persuasive?! I think its actually the tension in the West (especially in this country) between Reason and Revelation that has given us our dynamism. In addition, Judeo-Christian morality and ethics are hugely important in limiting government and providing a fertile ground for freedom. I presume you are aware that Darwinism provided a justification for Nazism. Naturalism itself denies that free will is possible, that truth is possible or that there is any such thing as right or wrong. We could be headed for a very dark night....

Jordon, you are wrong on every point.
Hitler was a Catholic. In Mein Kampf he states that God created the Arians as a superior race. Hitler justified the Holocaust with Creationism, not evolution. It was the same type of logic the Israelites used to justify their over 30 genocides during their entry into the promised land.

The ethics that lead to the success of the United States is not the philosophies of the Bible, it's the philosophies of John Locke and Adam Smith. The declaration of Independence was plagiarized almost directly out of the works of John Locke. Although the Declaration does reference God, it references "Natures God", not the Biblical God.

Within the Constitution, the only references to God are limits upon his place in government. Lets compare the First Commandment with the First Amendment:

20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
20:5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

Lets compare that with the First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

There statement are polar opposites, and there is no moral equivalence between them. Notice how God sentences people for the crimes of their Father? This violates the 5th amendement:

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

In addition, there is no relationship between an eternal punishment for a finite crime, and the 8th Amendment: Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted Again, these value are in direct conflict with the Christian concept of Hell.

As for free will, some Naturalist hold we have no "contra-casual" free will, which is different from saying we are not free to make choices.

As for a dark night, yes, if we return to a theistic religion and deny science, which provides us with the ability to multiply our productive powers, yes, we could be headed to a very dark night.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

You have proven many times over that you're 1) immune to logic and facts presented to you, and 2) lack any interest in overcoming your ignorance with study. The answers to all your questions are readily available to you in books. You reject the most important one: The Bible.
To the contrary. I'm often astonished how consistent the Bible is with the discoveries of modern science. I'm talking about the actual Bible, not fairytales that have been spread around for centuries by prescientific people as interpretations thereof.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
But I'm still waiting for an irrefutable scientific fact...
In order for any assertion to be classified as scientific it needs to be theoretically disprovable, i.e., were it false, its falsity must be possible to demonstrate. In this sense, there are not literally any scientific facts, only scientific assertions that are so heavily substantiated by their failure of disproof, and by their predictive value, that they may ordinarily be taken as facts. Speciation by evolution falls into this category.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
I did not initiate the appeal to written authority. Hawkeye did with his referral to the work of Jerry Coyne.
Completely wrong. I was referring you to a work of his which very cogently lays out the logical refutations to your arguments, and the evidence for evolution, both of which speak for themselves. If Bozo The Clown wrote a book doing that, I'd refer you to it, too.

An appeal to authority would be to assert that so and so agrees with me on this point, therefore it's true. Quite a thing apart from what I did.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
When the Alchemists couldn't change lead to gold, they divided into the modern Chemists and the modern bankers.
Fixed it for you. wink
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
To be honest with you BOW, I don't think you understand in the slightest what Sagan believes and espouses. If you did, judging from you love of Palin and "conservative" principles, you would be denigrating him just like you do Obama.


Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13

Again, I did not such thing. About 30 years ago I started with the worldview that the Bible was correct, and I searched for corroborating evidence. Upon close examination, the evidence proved the exact opposite.

That is very interesting. My experience was the exact opposite. I started with the idea the Bible would warp people's minds.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13

I'm talking about the actual Bible,

Please tell me where to get one!
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13

I will have a detailed response for you later today.

Hawkeye, AS criticized me for citing written works instead of actually making arguments. I responded that I was simply responding to what you did first (citing Coyne as a short-hand way of rebutting rather than actually making an argument.) I did not accuse you of "appealing to authority". I merely pointed out to AS that you were the first discussant to do the very thing he was criticizing me for (and why did he exempt you from his criticism of me?). In your response you left off the word "written" and left only the word authority, thereby misrepresenting what I actually wrote and attempting to leave the misimpression that I accused you of an appeal to authority, which I did not do. (BTW, dishonest tactics have been typical of you through out this discussion.)

Here is what you wrote, and then my response:

"Just read Why Evolution Is True, and all your hero's arguments will be demolished for you, but that's clearly not something you desire." Hawkeye

"Its actually the opposite. For a good education on why Neo-Darwinism is not true take a look at: "The Deniable Darwin by David Berlinski" (Princeton and Stanford Mathematician, "Darwin's Doubt" by Stephen Meyer (Cambridge Univ. Phd.) and Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False by Thomas Nagel. (About Nagel: Thomas Nagel is University Professor in the Department of Philosophy and the School of Law at New York University. His books include The Possibility of Altruism, The View from Nowhere, and What Does It All Mean?: A Very Short Introduction to Philosophy. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy. In 2008, he was awarded the Rolf Schock Prize in Logic and Philosophy and the Balzan Prize in Moral Philosophy.) You might also read Antony Flew's "There is a God" which chronicles how one of the great philosophic champions of evolution went from unbelief to belief based on evolution's explanatory difficulties." Jordan

As anyone can see, you cited Coyne claiming he would demolish the arguments of what you termed my "heroes" and I responded with a list of authors and works which take down Coyne and his arguments. I no more appealed to authority than you did.

You have a very nasty habit of misrepresenting things Hawkeye.
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

I'm talking about the actual Bible,

Please tell me where to get one!

Meanwhile, back on the merry-go-round�

Source: Christianity Stack Exchange
There are two major variations in the Bible which has caused rifts over time: translation and canon.
It's important to not underestimate the value of translation. The New World Translation, for example, is a translation used exclusively by the Jehovah's Witnesses. This "Bible" can be considered the Jehovah's Witness Bible.
Other denominations have exclusive translations as well, such as the Inspired Version, which is a partial translation exclusive to Mormonism (although, being a partial translation, is not their primary Bible).
There are also many, many canons of the Bible. Some of these were for doctrinal purposes, such as Luther's attempt to remove the books of Hebrews, James, Jude and Revelations from the canon. Others were from political reasons, such as the Ethiopian Christians accepting a different canon from the Roman Catholics. Then there's the authentic reasons for excluding particular books.

Regardless how you come at it, these different canons have resulted in differences in Bibles. The Bible as used by Roman Catholics, for example, contains the Deuterocanonical books, which are not part of the Protestant Bible. The varying Orthodox canons include text that are not found in the Roman Catholic canon.
Unfortunately, there are many different "Bibles"--a separation caused by both the translation and canonization processes.
Historical translations and canons also broaden the spectrum to an extreme (such as Luther's canon).

Source: Gideon Research Date: 4.28.2013
Number of total Bibles Printed 6,001,500,000
Approximate number of languages spoken in the world today 6,900
Number of translations into new languages currently in progress 1,300
Number of languages with a translation of the New Testament 1,185
Number of languages with a translation of the Bible (Protestant Canon) 451
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan

You have a very nasty habit of misrepresenting things Hawkeye
Talk about irony.

I suggested that if you were actually interested in learning where you err, you would have already accessed sources like the book I mentioned. The fact that you won't is evidence that you have no real interest in discovering your error.
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by RobJordan

You have a very nasty habit of misrepresenting things Hawkeye
Talk about irony.

I suggested that if you were actually interested in learning where you err, you would have already accessed sources like the book I mentioned. The fact that you won't is evidence that you have no real interest in discovering your error.

You know, you are a really nasty discussant. You seem incapable of debating without making it personal. I spent alot of time researching evolution about 15 years ago. I read everything I could get my hands on and pretty much arrived at my conclusions then. I work full-time in a demanding profession and have alot of irons in the fire, so I haven't revisited the evolution debate much except for reading on-line articles and excerpts. However, in the last year I have read Darwinian Dissent: Intellectuals Who Find Darwimism Unconvincing and Signature in the Cell and from time to time over the last 10 or so years, I have read numerous articles in the popular press that summarize the state of the debate. In both of the afore-referenced books, the leadings arguments for Evolution and against ID are addressed in detail, ncluding arguments by Coyne. BTW, there is nothing novel in Coyne's book; he simply marshalls the standard pro-evolution arguments and evidence under one cover. His book presents nothing new or original. So, while I have not read Coyne's entire book, I have read resounding refutations of his central arguments (and those of Miller and others) by Phillip Johnson, Stephen Meyer, David Berlinski and many others.

Now, I suspect you have approached the issue much as I have, but from the other side. The difference between us, is I don't go around accusing you of being an ignoramus when we have a principled disagreement. Phillip Johnson once said that one of the first things that convinced him that evolutionists had something to hide was the way they argued their case. Their style projected considerable insecurity! Your style does the same thing!

Have you read any of the works I have cited?

Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by RobJordan

You have a very nasty habit of misrepresenting things Hawkeye
Talk about irony.

I suggested that if you were actually interested in learning where you err, you would have already accessed sources like the book I mentioned. The fact that you won't is evidence that you have no real interest in discovering your error.

You know, you are a really nasty discussant. You seem incapable of debating without making it personal. I spent alot of time researching evolution about 15 years ago. I read everything I could get my hands on and pretty much arrived at my conclusions then. I work full-time in a demanding profession and have alot of irons in the fire, so I haven't revisited the evolution debate much except for reading on-line articles and excerpts. However, in the last year I have read Darwinian Dissent: Intellectuals Who Find Darwimism Unconvincing and Signature in the Cell and from time to time over the last 10 or so years, I have read numerous articles in the popular press that summarize the state of the debate. In both of the afore-referenced books, the leadings arguments for Evolution and against ID are addressed in detail, ncluding arguments by Coyne. BTW, there is nothing novel in Coyne's book; he simply marshalls the standard pro-evolution arguments and evidence under one cover. His book presents nothing new or original. So, while I have not read Coyne's entire book, I have read resounding refutations of his central arguments (and those of Miller and others) by Phillip Johnson, Stephen Meyer, David Berlinski and many others.

Now, I suspect you have approached the issue much as I have, but from the other side. The difference between us, is I don't go around accusing you of being an ignoramus when we have a principled disagreement. Phillip Johnson once said that one of the first things that convinced him that evolutionists had something to hide was the way they argued their case. Their style projected considerable insecurity! Your style does the same thing!

Have you read any of the works I have cited?

You, Jordon, will believe what you will believe, the facts be damned. You've made that very clear.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by Furprick
Fairies wear boots, and you gotta believe me................

Some Faeries wear boots and some Faeries don't. You gotta believe me. grin
Posted By: RobJordan Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by RobJordan
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by RobJordan

You have a very nasty habit of misrepresenting things Hawkeye
Talk about irony.

I suggested that if you were actually interested in learning where you err, you would have already accessed sources like the book I mentioned. The fact that you won't is evidence that you have no real interest in discovering your error.

You know, you are a really nasty discussant. You seem incapable of debating without making it personal. I spent alot of time researching evolution about 15 years ago. I read everything I could get my hands on and pretty much arrived at my conclusions then. I work full-time in a demanding profession and have alot of irons in the fire, so I haven't revisited the evolution debate much except for reading on-line articles and excerpts. However, in the last year I have read Darwinian Dissent: Intellectuals Who Find Darwimism Unconvincing and Signature in the Cell and from time to time over the last 10 or so years, I have read numerous articles in the popular press that summarize the state of the debate. In both of the afore-referenced books, the leadings arguments for Evolution and against ID are addressed in detail, ncluding arguments by Coyne. BTW, there is nothing novel in Coyne's book; he simply marshalls the standard pro-evolution arguments and evidence under one cover. His book presents nothing new or original. So, while I have not read Coyne's entire book, I have read resounding refutations of his central arguments (and those of Miller and others) by Phillip Johnson, Stephen Meyer, David Berlinski and many others.

Now, I suspect you have approached the issue much as I have, but from the other side. The difference between us, is I don't go around accusing you of being an ignoramus when we have a principled disagreement. Phillip Johnson once said that one of the first things that convinced him that evolutionists had something to hide was the way they argued their case. Their style projected considerable insecurity! Your style does the same thing!

Have you read any of the works I have cited?

You, Jordon, will believe what you will believe, the facts be damned. You've made that very clear.

You repeat that like a mantra, but you ignore everything I have written and refused to engage substantively the arguments of any of the works I've cited. This is becoming pointless.
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by Jcubed
To be honest with you BOW, I don't think you understand in the slightest what Sagan believes and espouses. If you did, judging from you love of Palin and "conservative" principles, you would be denigrating him just like you do Obama.


Your views are antithetical.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

Again, I did not such thing. About 30 years ago I started with the worldview that the Bible was correct, and I searched for corroborating evidence. Upon close examination, the evidence proved the exact opposite.

That is very interesting. My experience was the exact opposite. I started with the idea the Bible would warp people's minds.

Ringman, Isn't it interesting how we cannot assume where a person started based upon where they ended up?

I hear what you are saying about the Bibles potential to warp minds. In a lot of way, I think it's moral Rorschach test. Good people will find and embrace the good parts while discounting the evil, and those with a less pure heart will do the opposite. In the US today, most people who experience the Bible, do so through the guidance of individuals with a good heart. Our Churches and Sunday schools, for the most part, emphasize those areas that encourage living together in harmony, and de-emphasize the slaughter and genocides unless they are being used as a fear tactic to encourage living together in harmony. Since such a large portion of our population is comprised of low information voters who could get lost on a circular walking path, it's no wonder many never venture into the less traveled areas of the Bible to contemplate the meaning of these avoided areas. After all, that could cause thinking, and for the low information voter, thinking causes pain, so it's best to just listen to the preacher and read what he tell you to read.

The danger comes when you get something like the Discovery Institute pushing their non-science, pre-enlightenment, dark age, Earth Centric Universe Theory. If events conspired to place this kind of thinking on top of the liberal lefts dream of Unified Federal Education Lesson Plans, our nation could take it's new place right next to the Muslims for scientific excellence...or lack there of... In such a scenario, it wouldn't be long before the quest for world hegemony switched to a competition between the new Chi-Capitalist, and the post Caste system Hindu's. The best and the brightest would no longer flow to the United States, but to Hong Kong, Singapore, and Delhi.

The other danger of organizations such as the Discovery Institute is how they unintentionally ostracize a large portion of the conservative moral thinkers from the leading edge of moral debate. A majority of the outspoken atheist have leftist views. As a result, it is this leftist thinking that is shaping the perceived meaning of a Universe without a Theistic Creator God. Of course, they are as wrong about this as they are their about politics, and the resulting discussion is turning into this fallacious false dichotomy between the religious right, and the secular left. The correct answer remains the one envisioned by your Deist Founding Fathers.....a Secular Right Nation.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13

Pick the single best point for the works you sited and present it. Not the 10 best, or the 5 best, but their single best. That is how you place these threads back on a thoughtful path, because, as you mentioned, we all have busy lives and none of us are going to read 4 books in a timeframe that will allow a meaningful impact on this discussion.

So, give us your single best.....
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/23/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by Jcubed
To be honest with you BOW, I don't think you understand in the slightest what Sagan believes and espouses. If you did, judging from you love of Palin and "conservative" principles, you would be denigrating him just like you do Obama.


Your views are antithetical.

Not in the slightest. You are the one dragging Palin and politics into proving evolution.

Are you one of those that think everyone has to agree with your theology?
More than a few churches think that way.
What a small world they live in.

I think Sagan has more clear perception into the subject of this debate than anything else posted. He and I disagree on politics. So what?

Palin and I are on the same page, big time, about Politics. We do not share the same religious beliefs. So what?
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/24/13
Nevermind BOW. I hope you and yours have a great Thanksgiving.
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/24/13
�It takes a fearless, unflinching love and deep humility to accept the universe as it is.
The most effective way he [Sagan} knew to accomplish that, the most powerful tool at his disposal, was the scientific method, which over time winnows out deception.
It can't give you absolute truth because science is a permanent revolution, always subject to revision, but it can give you successive approximations of reality.�
Ann Druyan
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/24/13
Thanks for the quote B
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/24/13

You may or may not be surprised by me not believing in the Sunday School god. One day I picked up a hitchhiker. I started to talk about God. He retorted,
"O yea, I know about 'God is love' and don't want to hear it again."
"Whow! Get ready for a little different God. The God I am going to tell you about is The God of the Bible, not some mushy Christian class. The God of the Bible is ruthless, harsh and even vindictive. He cursed the entire universe because His crowing glory creation, man, disobeyed Him. He loves His creation. Not like we love 'cause he killed His Kid to redeem it. Makes no sense to me, but He is the Rule Maker. If you don't do it His way he will kill you. He says if you don't accept His Gift of His Son He will eventually kill you and send you to Hell where He can torment you forever."
"What!?" he said, "I never heard that before. Where'd you get this stuff?"
"I read the Bible and accept It for what It says. Isn't that the way a book is supposed to be read? He sent some soldiers into a geographic area and told them to kill every man, woman, child and animal because the people were burning their kids in worship of a false God."

I see in one of your lines a scientific mistake. Here it is,
"Earth Centric Universe Theory". In the 1920's Edwin Hubble, you've heard of him, discovered Red Shift. His discovery showed the Milky Way Galaxy is surrounded by concentric spheres of galaxies. The spheres are about a million light years apart with an occasional single galaxy sprinkled here and there. The spheres would be like a BB (earth) inside a pea inside a marble inside a ping pong ball inside a golf ball etc. etc, for fifteen billion light years. He wrote his discovery showing the earth appeared to be in a "Special Location", that is the center of the universe bothered him greatly. Again in the 1970's another astronomer (I forgot his name) made the same discovery. Recently I heard it is common knowledge of Ph.D astronomers.

One cannot appeal to the "hyperspace" or "baloon space" theory to get around it. According to calculations if the earth were only two million light years off in any direction the Red Shifts would blend things together.

This is a scientific observation that any astronomer can check. For me as a Bible believing creationist it makes sense. After all the earth is where God's Son died to reclaim the universe from entropy and save sinners from sin.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/24/13
Although we may be in the center of the observable Universe, this does not mean we are in the true center of the Universe. Observation is limited by the time and distance required for light from distant object to travel to our location. Consequently, if you looked up at the night sky from a Galaxy 100 million light years from here, you will still appear to be in the center of the observable universe. This is common knowledge among astrophysicist.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/24/13
Consequently, if you looked up at the night sky from a Galaxy 100 million light years from here, you will still appear to be in the center of the observable universe. This is common knowledge among astrophysicist.

Since no one, including all astrophysicists, has ever gone out and checked it this is still speculation. What scientists observe is we are at the center, based on observation. Like I posted, moving from here and the concentric spheres would blend together.
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/24/13
What is not so good about riding on these merry-go-round threads is that while we go round and round and up and down; we never get anywhere.

What is good about riding on these merry-go-round threads is that we can get off anywhere we want and take a look at the whole fairgrounds.

New Evidence Earth is Center of Universe - Dark Energy or Geocentrism? Modern Science at a Crossroads by Robert Sungenis, Ph.D.
10th December 2008


More Evidence Earth is Not Center of Universe
by Nancy Atkinson on December 31, 2008

The problem is that 2008...2010 was back in the ancient times.

Today we have a map�and we ain�t in the middle�

Astronomers create 3-D map of known universe | The Sideshow ...

The Sideshow
Astronomers create 3-D map of known universe
By Mike Krumboltz June 14, 2013
Ever wonder what the universe actually looks like? Today's your lucky day

A team of astronomers have created an 18-minute video highlighting their incredibly detailed 3-D model of the known universe.

If you pay close attention, you might see the tiny blue dot that is planet Earth. Feel insignificant yet?

The video attempts to give context to something that is, to put it mildly, rather hard to comprehend. In the video narrated by Helene Courtois of the University of Lyon in France, viewers are treated to an overview of 120 million light-years' worth of space, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Of course, that's not the entire universe, because nobody (not even your science teacher) knows how big that is.

University of Hawaii astrophysicist R. Brent Tully, who worked on the video, told the Los Angeles Times that the map represents just a small fraction of what could be out there.
�So we�re only going 1 percent of the way out,� Tully said. �We�re looking at a little local pocket of the universe.�

Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/24/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Jcubed
But I'm still waiting for an irrefutable scientific fact...
In order for any assertion to be classified as scientific it needs to be theoretically disprovable, i.e., were it false, its falsity must be possible to demonstrate. In this sense, there are not literally any scientific facts, only scientific assertions that are so heavily substantiated by their failure of disproof, and by their predictive value, that they may ordinarily be taken as facts. Speciation by evolution falls into this category.

There it is. Thanks TRH. Have you done much reading on the philosophy of science?
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/24/13
There it is. Thanks TRH. Have you done much reading on the philosophy of science?

He doesn't always answer questions. I asked him about his degree. Still waiting.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/24/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Consequently, if you looked up at the night sky from a Galaxy 100 million light years from here, you will still appear to be in the center of the observable universe. This is common knowledge among astrophysicist.

Since no one, including all astrophysicists, has ever gone out and checked it this is still speculation. What scientists observe is we are at the center, based on observation. Like I posted, moving from here and the concentric spheres would blend together.

Ringman, I was expecting more of a response then an Argument from Ignorance. Would you like to take a Mulligan on this one?
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/24/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Jcubed
But I'm still waiting for an irrefutable scientific fact...
In order for any assertion to be classified as scientific it needs to be theoretically disprovable, i.e., were it false, its falsity must be possible to demonstrate. In this sense, there are not literally any scientific facts, only scientific assertions that are so heavily substantiated by their failure of disproof, and by their predictive value, that they may ordinarily be taken as facts. Speciation by evolution falls into this category.

There it is. Thanks TRH. Have you done much reading on the philosophy of science?
Well, as a holder of a Master of Science degree, I suppose I have. smile
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/24/13
Figured as much from the above answer. Do you personally find any faults with inductive reasoning?
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/24/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Figured as much from the above answer. Do you personally find any faults with inductive reasoning?
It's nonscientific, but I find no fault with it as far as it goes. Falsifiability is essential for an assertion to be classified as scientific (Which is why Freudianism isn't a science). So long as that distinction is made, I have no problems with either deductive or inductive reasoning.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/24/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Jcubed
But I'm still waiting for an irrefutable scientific fact...
In order for any assertion to be classified as scientific it needs to be theoretically disprovable, i.e., were it false, its falsity must be possible to demonstrate. In this sense, there are not literally any scientific facts, only scientific assertions that are so heavily substantiated by their failure of disproof, and by their predictive value, that they may ordinarily be taken as facts. Speciation by evolution falls into this category.

There it is. Thanks TRH. Have you done much reading on the philosophy of science?
Well, as a holder of a Master of Science degree, I suppose I have. smile

Well there you go! No wonder you don't know anything!!!

Doctor Sheldon Lee Cooper says you need a Phd. to really know anything. grin
Posted By: ConradCA Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/24/13
We know that we aren't at the center of the universe and we know were it is. As stars move their is a light shift that we can measure. We use this information to determine their speed and direction. All stars are moving outwards away from the center of the universe.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/24/13
Originally Posted by derby_dude

Well there you go! No wonder you don't know anything!!!

Doctor Sheldon Lee Cooper says you need a Phd. to really know anything. grin
Yeah, poor Wolowitz always gets razzed for that. smile I also hold a doctorate, though. wink
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/24/13
In the sciences...

The BS grad thinks they know everything

The MS student begins to realize how little they know

And the PhD realizes daily they know next to nothing...
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/24/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
In the sciences...
Not the doctorate..
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/24/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Jcubed
In the sciences...
Not the doctorate..

My experiences...
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/24/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
In the sciences...

The BS grad thinks they know everything

The MS student begins to realize how little they know

And the PhD realizes daily they know next to nothing...

In the Liberal Arts, the PHD thinks he knows how to run everyone else's life for them.
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/24/13
Funny how that works, eh?
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/24/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Jcubed
In the sciences...

The BS grad thinks they know everything

The MS student begins to realize how little they know

And the PhD realizes daily they know next to nothing...

In the Liberal Arts, the PHD thinks he knows how to run everyone else's life for them.

Can't disagree with that one.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/25/13

Since no one, including all astrophysicists, has ever gone out and checked it this is still speculation. What scientists observe is we are at the center, based on observation. Like I posted, moving from here and the concentric spheres would blend together.

Ringman, I was expecting more of a response then an Argument from Ignorance. Would you like to take a Mulligan on this one?

We are all ignorant about most things. At the sake of sounding like a smart alack I will remind you that no one has traveled out there. You are trying to get around the obvious. I brought up concentric spheres not the apparent center of the universe. There is no way we, on earth, can see concentric spheres from our location and someone a hundred million light years away could also see concentric spheres from there location. Are you trying to appeal to "curved space"?
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/25/13
Large Masses curve Space/Time, but the Universe is open and Flat:

But the strange truth of the matter is, we live in a 13.7 billion year old universe, but due to the expansion of space, we can see objects 46 billion light years away from us, and the furthest reaches of space are expanding away from us faster then the speed of light, but since this is due to an expansion of space, it does not violate the universal speed limit, C.

It gets even stranger since there is no center of the universe, but from the point of the observer, ever point in the universe appear to be the center...Remember, it started as a singularity where all points of the universe were at the same point......

Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/25/13
This is based on the idea the Bible is not correct. No one on earth knows what is happening beyond the solar system. His idea does not explain the concentric spheres of galaxies.

Dr. Russel Humphreys has a different idea and his is based on God's Word being correct. His does explain the concentric spheres of galaxies. Until we know, we will believe the scientists we want.

It would be great to have these two guys debate. I would pay to see it.
Posted By: Middlefork_Miner Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/25/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
In the sciences...

The BS grad thinks they know everything

The MS student begins to realize how little they know

And the PhD realizes daily they know next to nothing...

We've just learned how to crawl (barely)...as to the OP looking for evolution proof, look in the mirror...look all around you. Every life form currently living has evolved to live in its current niche of our little rock. Any life form that fails to adapt/evolve to changing geologic/atmospheric conditions dies. Intelligent design? I don't know...
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/25/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
This is based on the idea the Bible is not correct. No one on earth knows what is happening beyond the solar system. His idea does not explain the concentric spheres of galaxies.

Dr. Russel Humphreys has a different idea and his is based on God's Word being correct. His does explain the concentric spheres of galaxies. Until we know, we will believe the scientists we want.

It would be great to have these two guys debate. I would pay to see it.

But Dr. Humphreys hypothesis requires a Universe that is 13.7 Billion years old. Do you concede the universe is billions of years old?

Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/25/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

Since no one, including all astrophysicists, has ever gone out and checked it this is still speculation. What scientists observe is we are at the center, based on observation. Like I posted, moving from here and the concentric spheres would blend together.

Ringman, I was expecting more of a response then an Argument from Ignorance. Would you like to take a Mulligan on this one?

We are all ignorant about most things. At the sake of sounding like a smart alack I will remind you that no one has traveled out there. You are trying to get around the obvious. I brought up concentric spheres not the apparent center of the universe. There is no way we, on earth, can see concentric spheres from our location and someone a hundred million light years away could also see concentric spheres from there location. Are you trying to appeal to "curved space"?

But we have traveled out there. Too bad the authors of the Good Book did not have a Hubble telescope. Or any telescope. They might have done a better job.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/25/13
But Dr. Humphreys hypothesis requires a Universe that is 13.7 Billion years old. Do you concede the universe is billions of years old?

Obviously you don't know what he says. He is a young UNIVERSE six day creationist. If you are interested I will send you a copy of Starlight and Time. Following are publications and awards in non-creationist material.

science publications and awards
Recently measured helium diffusion rate for zircon suggests inconsistency with U-Pb age for Awards Fenton Hill granodiorite (lead author is Humphreys), Eos, Transactions of the American and Geophysical Union 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V32C-1047 (December 2003). Poster at <http://www.icr.org/pdf/research/AGUHeliumPoster_Humphreys.pdf>.
The enigma of the ubiquity of 14C in organic samples older than 100 ka (lead author is J. R. Baumgardner), Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V32C-1045 (December 2003). Poster at <http://www.icr.org/pdf/research/AGUC-14_Poster_Baumgardner.pdf>.
U.S. Patent No. 6,350,015 (26 Feb 2002) Magnetic drive systems and methods for a micromachined fluid ejector.
Sandia National Laboratories Award for Excellence 1995.
Comparison of experimental results and calculated detector responses for PBFA II thermal source experiments, Review of Scientific Instruments 63(10), October 1992.
Sandia National Laboratories Award for Excellence in developing and executing new and innovative light ion target theory, 1990.
Inertial confinement fusion with light ion beams, 13th Internat. Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Washington, D.C. 1�6, October 1990.
Reducing aspect ratios in inertial confinement fusion targets, JOWOG 37 Conference, Albuquerque, NM, January 1990. (Contents classified).
U.S. Patent No. 4,808,368 (28 Feb. 1989) �High voltage supply for neutron tubes in well-logging applications.�
Sandia National Laboratories Exceptional Contribution Award, for Rimfire laser-triggered gas-insulated switch, 1988.
Progress toward a superconducting opening switch, Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Arlington, Virginia, 1987, pp. 279�282.
Scaling relations for the Rimfire multi-stage gas switch, Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Arlington, VA, 29 June � 1 August 1987.
Industrial Research Magazine IR-100 award to PBFA-II project, 1986.
Rimfire: a six megavolt laser-triggered gas-filled switch for PBFA-II, Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Arlington, Virginia, 10�12 June 1985, pp. 262�269.
PBFA II, a 100 TW pulsed power driver for the inertial confinement fusion program, Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Arlington, Virginia, 10�12 June 1985.
Uranium logging with prompt fission neutrons, International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 34:261�268, 1983.
Scientific creationism, Physics Today 35:84�86, June 1982.
Uranium logging with prompt fission neutrons, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, NS�28 (1981) 1691�1695.
Pulsed neutron gamma ray logging for minerals associated with uranium, 6th Conf. on Small Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, November 3�5, 1980. Sandia National Laboratories document no. SAND80-1531.
Industrial Research Magazine IR-100 award for lightning waveform recorder (to D. R. Humphreys and two others), 1978.
U.S. Patent No. 4,054,835 (18 Oct. 1977) �Rapid-response electric field sensor.�
Wide-range multi-channel analog switch, Nuclear Instruments and Methods 121:505�508, 1974.
The 1/&#947; velocity dependence of nucleon-nucleus optical potentials, Nuclear Physics A182 (1972) 580.
Studies of hadron interactions at energies around 10 TeV using an ionization spectrometer�emulsion chamber combination, Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on Cosmic Rays, Budapest 1969, in Acta Physica Acad. Sci. Hungaricae 29 (1970) 497�503.
Wide-range multi-input pulse height recording system, Review of Scientific Instruments 38 (1967) 1123�1127.
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/25/13
Never use two words when a dozen will do. Impresses some folks.

I�m as guilty as the next guy in trotting out my favorite astrophysicists. To shore up our unshakeable opinions.

We are going way overboard with the fancy words those scholars like to use.

The story of Creation in the Bible is really quite simple.
For some.

God tell us through the Bible that the earth is immovable and is the center of the universe.
Sometimes he or she made the sun stop moving around the earth.
That is because those stars and the sun and moon have different laws of physics than here on earth. Everybody knows that.

Psalms 19:4-6
yet their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them he has set a tent for the sun, which comes forth like a bridegroom leaving his chamber, and like a strong man runs his course with joy. Its rising is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the end of them; and there is nothing hid from its heat.
Ecclesiastes 1:5
The sun rises and the sun goes down, and hastens to the place where it rises.
Joshua 10:12-13
Then spoke Joshua to the Lord in the day when the Lord gave the Amorites over to the men of Israel; and he said in the sight of Israel, "Sun, stand thou still at Gibeon, and thou Moon in the valley of Aijalon." And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the nation took vengeance on their enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Jashar? The sun stayed in the midst of heaven, and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day.
Habakkuk 3:11
The sun and moon stood still in their habitation at the light of thine arrows as they sped, at the flash of thy glittering spear.

�Use of the phrase �solar system� should therefore be avoided in favor of the more accurate �geosystem.� "

The sky is a solid roof; a dome. We poor souls live under that firm barrier and only a few chosen ones get to see the other side.

Job 22:14
Thick clouds enwrap him, so that he does not see, and he walks on the vault of heaven.
Job 37:18
Can you, like him, spread out the skies, hard as a molten mirror?
Proverbs 8:27-29
When he established the heavens, I was there, when he drew a circle on the face of the deep, when he made firm the skies above, when he established the fountains of the deep, when he assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters might not transgress his command, when he marked out the foundations of the earth,
Isaiah 40:22
It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in;

The term "outer space" is a notion perpetrated by secular humanists, new age gurus, and other freethinkers.�

Stars are tiny specks of light either leaking though our roof or hanging from the rafters.
They can fall down and litter our earth.

Isaiah 14:12-13
How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low! You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far north;
Daniel 8:10
It grew great, even to the host of heaven; and some of the host of the stars it cast down to the ground and trampled upon them.
Matthew 24:29
Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken;
Mark 13:25
and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.
Revelation 6:13
and the stars of the sky fell to earth as the fig tree sheds its winter fruit when shaken by a gale

The notion of "distant suns" is nothing more than a theory entertained by misguided scientists.�

God says the earth is flat and has ends or edges. The Bible talks many times about the Ends of the Earth. Four Corners. That you can look down from Heaven and see the whole thing at the same time. No matter how hard we try, we cannot see all sides of a solid sphere at the same time.

Job 28:24
For he looks to the ends of the earth, and sees everything under the heavens.
Psalms 19:4-6
yet their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them he has set a tent for the sun, which comes forth like a bridegroom leaving his chamber, and like a strong man runs his course with joy. Its rising is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the end of them; and there is nothing hid from its heat.

The placement of globes in public classrooms can only serve to promote ecology as a possible state religion.�
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/25/13
Now don�t think for a minute that I took it upon myself to do all this Biblical research.
Others have saved me a lot of time.
The highlighted quotes are included above because I thought they were funny. Always the funniest stuff is based on truth.

I got them from a funny guy:
The Scriptural Basis for a Geocentric Cosmology
� 1992-2008 by Glenn Elert
All Rights Reserved -- Fair Use Encouraged

You'd think Ralph Reed and Jerry Falwell would be up in arms over these facts.
Massive government bureaucracies send spacecraft to distant planets. The liberal media are awash in images of a spherical earth. (The Universal Studios logo is a globe!)

Children in public schools are taught from Kindergarten that the earth revolves around the sun.
With the exceptions of the persistent use of the terms "sunrise" and "sunset," our modern world is flooded with images of heretical cosmologies that remove the earth from its God-given place at the center of all things.

Only an atheist would buy the notion that we live on a tiny rock, circling an insignificant star in a galaxy of billions of stars in a universe of billions of galaxies.

Why would God place his most holy of all creations in such location? Surely, no true believer in the Scriptures -- the divine and unerring word of God -- would accept the scientific notion that we live in place that is not special in the eyes of our Creator.

I find it quite reasonable to insist on a Constitutional amendment requiring all Supreme Court justices to swear their allegiance to geocentrism and flat-earthism.
Our souls and the souls of our children lie in their hands.

Who said so? Why is this the way it is? Why should I care about this? Is this going to be on the next test
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/25/13
Its thesis is that the Earth is about six thousand years old, and the outer edge of an expanding and rotating 3-dimensional universe is billions of years old (when measured from earth). It proposes, using the principles of relativity, to postulate that time ticked at different rates during the universe's origin.[4] In other words, according to his theory, clocks on earth registered the six days of creation, while those at the edge of the universe counted the approximately 15 billion years needed for light from the most distant galaxies to reach earth.[4] The model places the Milky Way galaxy relatively near the center of the cosmos
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/26/13
Its thesis is that the Earth is about six thousand years old, and the outer edge of an expanding and rotating 3-dimensional universe is billions of years old (when measured from earth). It proposes, using the principles of relativity, to postulate that time ticked at different rates during the universe's origin.[4] In other words, according to his theory, clocks on earth registered the six days of creation, while those at the edge of the universe counted the approximately 15 billion years needed for light from the most distant galaxies to reach earth.[4] The model places the Milky Way galaxy relatively near the center of the cosmos

He got the idea of time dilation from Einstein. Time dilation has been proven beyond doubt. I believe it was in Hawking's book I learned about event horizon. Humphrey mentioned the event horizon spreading from the center, where we are, to the outer reaches of the universe during the six days of earth time.
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/26/13
An event horizon is sort of an an "entrance" to a black hole. If we're at the center of one powerful enough to warp time throughout the entire universe, where's all the gravity?
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/26/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Its thesis is that the Earth is about six thousand years old, and the outer edge of an expanding and rotating 3-dimensional universe is billions of years old (when measured from earth). It proposes, using the principles of relativity, to postulate that time ticked at different rates during the universe's origin.[4] In other words, according to his theory, clocks on earth registered the six days of creation, while those at the edge of the universe counted the approximately 15 billion years needed for light from the most distant galaxies to reach earth.[4] The model places the Milky Way galaxy relatively near the center of the cosmos

Science marches on�

We have known for some time now�the Earth is not the center of our Solar System. Duh!

The point is that we are not at the center of our own Solar System.

And the latest information is that out of the 100-400 billion stars in our average-sized galaxy our Sun is about 27,000 light-years from the center. In that center is a black hole that some think of as the Gates of Hell.

The point is that we are not at the center of our own galaxy.


Our "Milky Way" galaxy is not in the center of our �Local Group� of galaxies.

Our �Local Group� of galaxies is not in the center of our cluster of groups of galaxies we call the �Virgo Supercluster�.

Our �Virgo Supercluster� of galaxies is probably not in the center of our known universe as no one has located the center.

If you can�t see the edges you can�t locate the center. Everywhere we go, that looks like the center to us.

If we can �See� about 13.8 billion light-years away from us in all direction, then we know that the �Observable Universe� is at least that old. Of course, the parts we can�t see may make it a lot older and a lot bigger.

So the more than 170 billion galaxies in the �Observable Universe� is the low-ball estimate.

When they multiplied 170 billion by the number of stars in our average size galaxy, they came up with a 1 followed by twenty-four zeros.

A septillion stars is a lot of stars, but there could be a lot more.

Don�t take my word for this�Check out the latest pictures� 08/03/2013 Earth's Location in the Observable Universe Gets Pictured, Might Shock You
at http://www.techeblog.com/index.php/...ured-might-shock-you#7cUu3QLEYlFRzYwd.99
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/26/13
where's all the gravity?

Spread out throughout the universe. Read the book Starlight and Time.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/26/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Its thesis is that the Earth is about six thousand years old, and the outer edge of an expanding and rotating 3-dimensional universe is billions of years old (when measured from earth). It proposes, using the principles of relativity, to postulate that time ticked at different rates during the universe's origin.[4] In other words, according to his theory, clocks on earth registered the six days of creation, while those at the edge of the universe counted the approximately 15 billion years needed for light from the most distant galaxies to reach earth.[4] The model places the Milky Way galaxy relatively near the center of the cosmos

He got the idea of time dilation from Einstein. Time dilation has been proven beyond doubt. I believe it was in Hawking's book I learned about event horizon. Humphrey mentioned the event horizon spreading from the center, where we are, to the outer reaches of the universe during the six days of earth time.

So lets think about this.

Essentially, his theory is that at the moment of creation, all the matter was concentrated at the center of the universe. As the universe expanded, all this matter remained in the center, creating a time contraction. The concentration of mass was so dense that the local speed of light was slowed 99.99999999988% for over 13 billion years. Basically, what you are proposing, is the earth formed in a gravity well greater then the middle of a supermassive black hole.

Sure, time dilation due to gravity occurs, but fruiting trees doesn't grow in the middle of super massive black holes.
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/26/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
where's all the gravity?

Spread out throughout the universe. Read the book Starlight and Time.

Gotcha. So I guess the event horizon here at earth "channels" all this remote gravity or something. I don't know why I respond to your ramblings. The absurd contortions you go through to try and match bronze age myth to modern science is truly amazing.
Posted By: wswolf Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/26/13

Perhaps this is the link you were looking for: www.evolution.burkeley.edu/evolibrary/article/evo_01

This a good one on cladistics:
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/26/13
So lets think about this.

Essentially, his theory is that at the moment of creation, all the matter was concentrated at the center of the universe. As the universe expanded, all this matter remained in the center, creating a time contraction. The concentration of mass was so dense that the local speed of light was slowed 99.99999999988% for over 13 billion years. Basically, what you are proposing, is the earth formed in a gravity well greater then the middle of a supermassive black hole.

Sure, time dilation due to gravity occurs, but fruiting trees doesn't grow in the middle of super massive black holes.

Please. Read the book. Then you won't sound like you don't know what you are talking about. I offered to send you one.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/26/13

Gotcha. So I guess the event horizon here at earth "channels" all this remote gravity or something. I don't know why I respond to your ramblings. The absurd contortions you go through to try and match bronze age myth to modern science is truly amazing.

The idea that nothing became something and something became a rock and a rock became thinking people requires too much faith for me.

You guys want to believe in a miracle without a Miracle Working God. I have no idea how God created outside of His Word Which says He called everything that is created into being.
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
where's all the gravity?

Spread out throughout the universe. Read the book Starlight and Time.

Starlight and Time Solving the Puzzle of a Young Universe in a Universe with Distant Starlight is a Young Earth creationist book written by Russell Humphreys. The book advances the pseudoscientific idea of white hole cosmology. Curiously, its science is so flawed that it has been criticised even by other creationists. Now that takes some doing�

Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by Ringman
where's all the gravity?

Spread out throughout the universe. Read the book Starlight and Time.

Starlight and Time Solving the Puzzle of a Young Universe in a Universe with Distant Starlight is a Young Earth creationist book written by Russell Humphreys. The book advances the pseudoscientific idea of white hole cosmology. Curiously, its science is so flawed that it has been criticised even by other creationists. Now that takes some doing&#133;

White Holes have even more problems:

Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

Gotcha. So I guess the event horizon here at earth "channels" all this remote gravity or something. I don't know why I respond to your ramblings. The absurd contortions you go through to try and match bronze age myth to modern science is truly amazing.

The idea that nothing became something and something became a rock and a rock became thinking people requires too much faith for me.

You guys want to believe in a miracle without a Miracle Working God. I have no idea how God created outside of His Word Which says He called everything that is created into being.

Define "nothing". I'd like to hear your OT contortions that account for quantum mechanics. Your astrophysics and biology "explanations" have certainly been entertaining.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13
Define "nothing".
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13

Maybe you would enlighten us about where the universe came from. Or if it always existed why does it still display usable energy?
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13
I don't know "where the universe came from" or if that is even a valid question. Where do you think energy goes when it gets all "used up"?
Where did god come from of if he's always existed, how is it that something powerful enough to create the universe leaves no evidence of itself?
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by Ringman
where's all the gravity?

Spread out throughout the universe. Read the book Starlight and Time.

Starlight and Time Solving the Puzzle of a Young Universe in a Universe with Distant Starlight is a Young Earth creationist book written by Russell Humphreys. The book advances the pseudoscientific idea of white hole cosmology. Curiously, its science is so flawed that it has been criticised even by other creationists. Now that takes some doing&#133;

White Holes have even more problems:

Love the last line�


Cdk007 who put together these videos knows a lot more about worm holes than I do.

I�m still waiting for answers to the questions I posted before about the Bible stating that the earth is a flat fixed world with definite corners, under a dome, that is sitting in the very center of the universe.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13
how is it that something powerful enough to create the universe leaves no evidence of itself?

Psalm 19:1
The heavens declare the glory of God.
Romans 1:18-23
"God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man�and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things."

Where do you think energy goes when it gets all "used up"?

To me a better question is from where did all the organization and energy in universe come? But to your question. Even the religion of evolutionism has an eschatology. From where did entropy come? Entropy, without God, dictates that all energy dissipates into a total heat death. It is no longer available for "work".

Where did god come from of if he's always existed,

From Where Did God Come?

July 31, 1997

Any beliefs about The Beginning are held by faith since no human was there to observe and record the event. No matter how strongly one holds a position of faith, and no matter how much one desires it to be science, it is still a religious/philosophical belief. Science is the result of observation. It is verifiable by testing with the scientific method.

Scientists use concepts they call �laws of physics�. One of these laws states something to the effect that matter cannot create itself nor be destroyed, another states everything tends to deteriorate; thus go in the direction of increasing disorder or chaos. This second one is casually referred to as �entropy�. The statements above are commonly called the �First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics�. They have no legitimate antagonists in science. By �legitimate�, I mean they have never been demonstrated to be unreliable. Ever! All tests that scientists have devised to falsify them have proven they are one hundred percent reliable. Even in an open system. That is science.

Generally, it is accepted that for every effect there must be a greater cause. This is the bed rock of science. Consequently, any belief that tries to circumvent these laws is certainly analogous to an adult believing in Santa Claus. Taking a strictly scientific position forces one to realize The Beginning is a result of Something greater.

Archeologists unearth ancient artifacts and fragments on a regular basis. The fragments are pieced together. These items form the basis for assumptions about how the people lived around the time of the articles� deposition. They cannot prove these opinions, but the circumstantial evidence can be quite persuasive. They know one thing positively: The artifacts are a result of a greater cause.

Archeologists realize their discoveries are infinitely less complex than this cosmos, which some want to believe spontaneously generated itself. Scientists can look at facts that are available to them, but they are still humans with personal biases and prejudices. A universe of information to ponder and study is available. There are probably more fields of study than a single individual could list from memory. Therefore, no one person can know very much about ALL there is to know. Nevertheless, we can learn about a few specifics.

Possession of an abundance of intelligence does not preclude its owners from using a great deal of faith. Often extremely intelligent individuals appeal to very unscientific personal philosophies to explain The Beginning without a Greater Cause. They invoke an immensity of time and a belief matter is eternal for a substitute. Of course, this is a matter of faith. They hold to the unsubstantiatable belief that by some fortuitous fluke of nature, matter arranged itself into ALL that now is; from meteorites to men. This is certainly believing in miracles without a Miracleworker.

Considerable faith is required to accept this in view of the major problem of entropy. The law of entropy states that everything tends toward disintegration, disorder and chaos. If the material were infinitely old, wouldn�t it have lost its available energy to integrate itself into anything an infinite amount of time in the past?

Faith in something other than hopeful speculation is more desirable for those who are not trying to defend a pet theory. People choose to believe or disbelieve the first chapter of The Bible by faith. Even Einstein was convinced time and mater had a beginning. It is, in fact, actually more scientific to believe that a Supreme Being supernaturally created space, time and matter than that time and space are infinite and matter spontaneously generated itself. Even if matter did spontaneously generate itself, contrary to the known scientific First law of thermodynamics, how would it direct itself to formulate ANY of ALL that is in nature contrary to the known scientific Second law of thermodynamics?

In order to create time, space and matter it is imperative the Supreme Being transcends them. For us space is infinite. Consequently the Creator of infinite space, The Supreme Being, is infinite.

All that mankind observes is observed in space during the time in which it is being observed. In other words, matter and mankind are confined to time like someone listening to a tape player. He cannot instantly jump to another place on the tape. The Supreme Being of the Bible, commonly called �God�, on the other hand, enjoys a position more like a compact disc player. He accesses all of reality instantly and simultaneously. When God sent the angel to inform Zechariah his wife was going to have a baby, it was not necessary for Him to wait six months before sending the angel to notify Mary she was going to bare The Child. God simultaneously sent Gabriel to the specific points in time and space where He wanted. God, being the Creator of time, as mentioned before, transcends time and has no beginning. The Infinite God exists in Eternity.*

Some who don�t understand infinite will asked, �Well, who made God?� But this is akin to asking, �To whom is the bachelor married?� or "How long have you been dead?" Trying to be clever does not change the nature of God. It only displays the ignorance or desperation of the challenger.

*�For thus says the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity, Whose name is Holy.� Isaiah 57:15
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13
So the universe as we perceive it had a first cause? Maybe, although that doesn't take into account cyclic or most multidimensional hypotheses so who knows.

The "evidence" you present for this infinite god who transcends space, time, and the physical universe are just quotes from the bible and are also true of every other god there ever was. The "you have to believe to see" argument also works for people who think they're Napoleon. Seems like an entity that transcends the physical world yet is continually tinkering with it would leave some evidence of its presence. According to the bible, wasn't god pretty keen on proving he exists to nonbelievers at one time? Egyptians come to mind along with Elijah and Ahaziah. Why did he stop along about the time people started keeping records?
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13
Good Lord. Can no one really close this thread up?
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13
Originally Posted by billhilly
So the universe as we perceive it had a first cause? Maybe, although that doesn't take into account cyclic or most multidimensional hypotheses so who knows.

The "evidence" you present for this infinite god who transcends space, time, and the physical universe are just quotes from the bible and are also true of every other god there ever was. The "you have to believe to see" argument also works for people who think they're Napoleon. Seems like an entity that transcends the physical world yet is continually tinkering with it would leave some evidence of its presence. According to the bible, wasn't god pretty keen on proving he exists to nonbelievers at one time? Egyptians come to mind along with Elijah and Ahaziah. Why did he stop along about the time people started keeping records?
You ask reasonable questions, Hillbilly. Still the same, folks who hear the good news with good will in their hearts can see God in it clear as day.
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
You ask reasonable questions, Hillbilly. Still the same, folks who hear the good news with good will in their hearts can see God in it clear as day.

I bet irrational fear (from some radio thumper's fable) of eternal damnation affects some folk's vision too.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13
Originally Posted by carbon12
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
You ask reasonable questions, Hillbilly. Still the same, folks who hear the good news with good will in their hearts can see God in it clear as day.

I bet irrational fear (from some radio thumper's fable) of eternal damnation affects some folk's vision too.
Sorry you feel that way.

All a Christian is obliged to do is introduce the Gospel. The Holy Spirit then finishes the job, but only with regard to those with a heart open to the message.

No point in arguing. Christ's flock knows the voice of the true shepherd when they hear it. "Many are called, but few are chosen." �Enter ye through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many there are that go that way. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

It's a sad reality, the unavoidable result of free will, but was necessary for God's plan. Just think, even the angels lost a third of their numbers to damnation, and they could look God in the face and see he was real. They too possessed free will.

"And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."

- Revelations
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13
You mentioned "every other god there ever was" in the same serious sentence with the God of the Bible. If you carefully go over their statements you will see they are self contradicting. If you do the same with the God of the Bible you will discover it does not. If you read enough evolutionists you discover everyone is discredited by another evolutionist. It also is self destructing.

Why did he stop along about the time people started keeping records?

I guess you missed the obvious that the Bible is a record. There is a book coming out next month. Its title is And These Signs Will Follow. The author is yours truly and documents signs, wonders, healings, and miracles that I have actually participated in. So He did not stop.
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13
See how easy it is to dismiss all those other gods? No matter how self revealing they may have been (or still are) to their followers or how sincere and widespread belief in them was/is, you can wave them away as easily as unicorns and the tooth fairy because it is obvious to you they are made up. We agree on that.

It's all over the news every time a statue leaks sewage, a tree leaks sap, or somebody sees god in their toast. Miracles it would seem do not suffer from a lack of news coverage but they sure ain't what they supposedly used to be.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Good Lord. Can no one really close this thread up?

This one is just getting started.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Good Lord. Can no one really close this thread up?

This one is just getting started.

Yup. grin

I keep checking in to see the crazy stuff being put up as Biblical fact. smile
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Any beliefs about The Beginning are held by faith since no human was there to observe and record the event. No matter how strongly one holds a position of faith, and no matter how much one desires it to be science, it is still a religious/philosophical belief. Science is the result of observation. It is verifiable by testing with the scientific method.

Ringman, the thesis you posted fails in the first paragraph. If a theory is falsifiable by evidence, it is not based on faith, it is based on evidence. We can make observations that allow us to deduce more then the raw observation. As an example, Pluto was discovered in 1930, which is only 83 years ago, but by observing only a portion of it's rotational period, we were able to calculate it's orbital period at 248 earth years. Consequently, the "No One Was There" argument fails.

Of course no one who wrote the Bible was there either....

Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
You mentioned "every other god there ever was" in the same serious sentence with the God of the Bible. If you carefully go over their statements you will see they are self contradicting. If you do the same with the God of the Bible you will discover it does not. If you read enough evolutionists you discover everyone is discredited by another evolutionist. It also is self destructing.

Why did he stop along about the time people started keeping records?

I guess you missed the obvious that the Bible is a record. There is a book coming out next month. Its title is And These Signs Will Follow. The author is yours truly and documents signs, wonders, healings, and miracles that I have actually participated in. So He did not stop.

Did you do any statistical analysis on your signs and wonders to see if their rate of occurrence rose above that of random chance?
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

Gotcha. So I guess the event horizon here at earth "channels" all this remote gravity or something. I don't know why I respond to your ramblings. The absurd contortions you go through to try and match bronze age myth to modern science is truly amazing.

The idea that nothing became something and something became a rock and a rock became thinking people requires too much faith for me.

You guys want to believe in a miracle without a Miracle Working God. I have no idea how God created outside of His Word Which says He called everything that is created into being.

Argument from Incredulity.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Psalm 19:1
The heavens declare the glory of God.
Romans 1:18-23
"God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man�and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things."

Circular reasoning.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13
Originally Posted by ringman
To me a better question is from where did all the organization and energy in universe come? But to your question. Even the religion of evolutionism has an eschatology. From where did entropy come? Entropy, without God, dictates that all energy dissipates into a total heat death. It is no longer available for "work".

When dealing with entropy, it's important to remember there is a distinction between open and closed systems. The earth is an open system because it receives energy from the Sun.
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
You mentioned "every other god there ever was" in the same serious sentence with the God of the Bible. If you carefully go over their statements you will see they are self contradicting. If you do the same with the God of the Bible you will discover it does not. If you read enough evolutionists you discover everyone is discredited by another evolutionist. It also is self destructing.

Why did he stop along about the time people started keeping records?

I guess you missed the obvious that the Bible is a record. There is a book coming out next month. Its title is And These Signs Will Follow. The author is yours truly and documents signs, wonders, healings, and miracles that I have actually participated in. So He did not stop.


Even if it was 'published' by a vanity press.
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/27/13
Originally Posted by carbon12
Originally Posted by Ringman
You mentioned "every other god there ever was" in the same serious sentence with the God of the Bible. If you carefully go over their statements you will see they are self contradicting. If you do the same with the God of the Bible you will discover it does not. If you read enough evolutionists you discover everyone is discredited by another evolutionist. It also is self destructing.

Why did he stop along about the time people started keeping records?

I guess you missed the obvious that the Bible is a record. There is a book coming out next month. Its title is And These Signs Will Follow. The author is yours truly and documents signs, wonders, healings, and miracles that I have actually participated in. So He did not stop.


Even if it was 'published' by a vanity press.


Even if we don�t agree on much of anything.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/28/13

Did you do any statistical analysis on your signs and wonders to see if their rate of occurrence rose above that of random chance?

About the time I was thirty-one I had never seen an open wound heal while I watched, the blood disappear before my eyes. I never heard of a bone cancer victim being healed instantly and three weeks later winning a 110 mile desert race. What are the odd of someone with a broken ankle being prayed for and the next second he is fine? The book has about twenty-five or more things like this.

Do you have some experience with statistics on these kinds of things? I sure would like to see them.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/28/13
Circular reasoning.

Exactly. The evolutionist uses circular reasoning to defend his position. The difference is the Scripture goes back to an Infinitely Intelligent First Cause for support while the evolutionist depends on his fallible and dying brain.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/28/13
When dealing with entropy, it's important to remember there is a distinction between open and closed systems. The earth is an open system because it receives energy from the Sun.

If an influx of energy is all that's necessary for evolution to occur, from where did the nothingness get its energy to become something?

If energy is all that's necessary for evolution to occur then Hiroshima and Nagasaki should be filled with new and better animal life.

The error here is an influx of energy is by itself is destructive. You can prove this to yourself by laying in the sun un-clothed for a day. To produce "work" with the energy one must have an energy harnessing system, an energy directing system, a "blueprint" to direct the energy towards an end, and some kind of system which can read and implement the system.

With raw energy entropy rules.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/28/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
When dealing with entropy, it's important to remember there is a distinction between open and closed systems. The earth is an open system because it receives energy from the Sun.

If an influx of energy is all that's necessary for evolution to occur, from where did the nothingness get its energy to become something?

If energy is all that's necessary for evolution to occur then Hiroshima and Nagasaki should be filled with new and better animal life.

The error here is an influx of energy is by itself is destructive. You can prove this to yourself by laying in the sun un-clothed for a day. To produce "work" with the energy one must have an energy harnessing system, an energy directing system, a "blueprint" to direct the energy towards an end, and some kind of system which can read and implement the system.

With raw energy entropy rules.
Oh man! To folks with basic scientific literacy, Ringman, you have no idea what you sound like.

He was merely refuting your entropy argument, and soundly.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/28/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Ringman
When dealing with entropy, it's important to remember there is a distinction between open and closed systems. The earth is an open system because it receives energy from the Sun.

If an influx of energy is all that's necessary for evolution to occur, from where did the nothingness get its energy to become something?

If energy is all that's necessary for evolution to occur then Hiroshima and Nagasaki should be filled with new and better animal life.

The error here is an influx of energy is by itself is destructive. You can prove this to yourself by laying in the sun un-clothed for a day. To produce "work" with the energy one must have an energy harnessing system, an energy directing system, a "blueprint" to direct the energy towards an end, and some kind of system which can read and implement the system.

With raw energy entropy rules.
Oh man! To folks with basic scientific literacy, Ringman, you have no idea what you sound like.

He was merely refuting your entropy argument, and soundly.

And I thought it was just me with my basic science understanding. Glad to see Ringman doesn't make any sense to you too.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/28/13
Originally Posted by derby_dude
And I thought it was just me with my basic science understanding. Glad to see Ringman doesn't make any sense to you too.
I've got nothing against Ringman, but he needs to heed the advice of St. Augustine on this question:

"Usually, even a non-Christian knows something about the earth, the heavens, and the other elements of this world, about the motion and orbit of the stars and even their size and relative positions, about the predictable eclipses of the sun and moon, the cycles of the years and the seasons, about the kinds of animals, shrubs, stones, and so forth, and this knowledge he holds to as being certain from reason and experience.

Now, it is a disgraceful and dangerous thing for an infidel to hear a Christian, presumably giving the meaning of Holy Scripture, talking nonsense on these topics; and we should take all means to prevent such an embarrassing situation, in which people show up vast ignorance in a Christian and laugh it to scorn.

The shame is not so much that an ignorant individual is derided, but that people outside the household of faith think our sacred writers held such opinions, and, to the great loss of those for whose salvation we toil, the writers of our Scripture are criticized and rejected as unlearned men.

If they find a Christian mistaken in a field which they themselves know well and hear him maintaining his foolish opinions about our books, how are they going to believe those books in matters concerning the resurrection of the dead, the hope of eternal life, and the kingdom of heaven, when they think their pages are full of falsehoods and on facts which they themselves have learned from experience and the light of reason?

Reckless and incompetent expounders of Holy Scripture bring untold trouble and sorrow on their wiser brethren when they are caught in one of their mischievous false opinions and are taken to task by those who are not bound by the authority of our sacred books. For then, to defend their utterly foolish and obviously untrue statements, they will try to call upon Holy Scripture for proof and even recite from memory many passages which they think support their position, although they understand neither what they say nor the things about which they make assertion."

- St. Augustine
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/28/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by derby_dude
And I thought it was just me with my basic science understanding. Glad to see Ringman doesn't make any sense to you too.
I've got nothing against Ringman, but he needs to heed the advice of St. Augustine on this question:

"Usually, even a non-Christian knows something about the earth, the heavens, and the other elements of this world, about the motion and orbit of the stars and even their size and relative positions, about the predictable eclipses of the sun and moon, the cycles of the years and the seasons, about the kinds of animals, shrubs, stones, and so forth, and this knowledge he holds to as being certain from reason and experience.

Now, it is a disgraceful and dangerous thing for an infidel to hear a Christian, presumably giving the meaning of Holy Scripture, talking nonsense on these topics; and we should take all means to prevent such an embarrassing situation, in which people show up vast ignorance in a Christian and laugh it to scorn.

The shame is not so much that an ignorant individual is derided, but that people outside the household of faith think our sacred writers held such opinions, and, to the great loss of those for whose salvation we toil, the writers of our Scripture are criticized and rejected as unlearned men.

If they find a Christian mistaken in a field which they themselves know well and hear him maintaining his foolish opinions about our books, how are they going to believe those books in matters concerning the resurrection of the dead, the hope of eternal life, and the kingdom of heaven, when they think their pages are full of falsehoods and on facts which they themselves have learned from experience and the light of reason?

Reckless and incompetent expounders of Holy Scripture bring untold trouble and sorrow on their wiser brethren when they are caught in one of their mischievous false opinions and are taken to task by those who are not bound by the authority of our sacred books. For then, to defend their utterly foolish and obviously untrue statements, they will try to call upon Holy Scripture for proof and even recite from memory many passages which they think support their position, although they understand neither what they say nor the things about which they make assertion."

- St. Augustine


Ringman doesn't seem to understand that I as a Deist believe in a Deity and that that Deity is the First Cause, The Supreme Ultimate, The One. The Divine Soul, and yes even The Creator. It's just that I look to the study of science and the observation of Nature for the revealed Word of God rather than a collections of books and try to contort those books into some meaning of sorts to understand science and Nature.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/28/13
Originally Posted by derby_dude
Ringman doesn't seem to understand that I as a Deist believe in a Deity and that that Deity is the First Cause, The Supreme Ultimate, The One. The Divine Soul, and yes even The Creator. It's just that I look to the study of science and the observation of Nature for the revealed Word of God rather than a collections of books and try to contort those books into some meaning of sorts to understand science and Nature.
I doubt he much concerns himself with your particular religious beliefs, Derby. No offense intended by that.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/28/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by derby_dude
Ringman doesn't seem to understand that I as a Deist believe in a Deity and that that Deity is the First Cause, The Supreme Ultimate, The One. The Divine Soul, and yes even The Creator. It's just that I look to the study of science and the observation of Nature for the revealed Word of God rather than a collections of books and try to contort those books into some meaning of sorts to understand science and Nature.
I doubt he much concerns himself with your particular religious beliefs, Derby. No offense intended by that.

None taken. I understand Ringman his faith is totally based on a book. If the book is ever proved wrong he has no faith. I've read a number of fictional stories where the book (Bible) has been irrefutably proven wrong but the heroes chose never to tell the world at large because of the damage it would do. For many ignorance really is bliss. His faith is a weak faith but he doesn't realize that. I'm glad I never based my faith on a book.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/28/13
Oh man! To folks with basic scientific literacy, The_Real_Hawkeye, you have no idea what you sound like.

Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/28/13

Originally Posted By: derby_dude
And I thought it was just me with my basic science understanding. Glad to see Ringman doesn't make any sense to you too.
I've got nothing against Ringman, but he needs to heed the advice of St. Augustine on this question:

"Usually, even a non-Christian knows something about the earth, the heavens, and the other elements of this world, about the motion and orbit of the stars and even their size and relative positions, about the predictable eclipses of the sun and moon, the cycles of the years and the seasons, about the kinds of animals, shrubs, stones, and so forth, and this knowledge he holds to as being certain from reason and experience.

Now, it is a disgraceful and dangerous thing for an infidel to hear a Christian, presumably giving the meaning of Holy Scripture, talking nonsense on these topics; and we should take all means to prevent such an embarrassing situation, in which people show up vast ignorance in a Christian and laugh it to scorn.

The shame is not so much that an ignorant individual is derided, but that people outside the household of faith think our sacred writers held such opinions, and, to the great loss of those for whose salvation we toil, the writers of our Scripture are criticized and rejected as unlearned men.

If they find a Christian mistaken in a field which they themselves know well and hear him maintaining his foolish opinions about our books, how are they going to believe those books in matters concerning the resurrection of the dead, the hope of eternal life, and the kingdom of heaven, when they think their pages are full of falsehoods and on facts which they themselves have learned from experience and the light of reason?

Reckless and incompetent expounders of Holy Scripture bring untold trouble and sorrow on their wiser brethren when they are caught in one of their mischievous false opinions and are taken to task by those who are not bound by the authority of our sacred books. For then, to defend their utterly foolish and obviously untrue statements, they will try to call upon Holy Scripture for proof and even recite from memory many passages which they think support their position, although they understand neither what they say nor the things about which they make assertion."

- St. Augustine

You would do well to accept God's Word rather than fallible men.
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/28/13
St. Augustine was right Ringman. You and your kind do more to dissuade people from Christianity by being ridiculous than all the atheists protesting nativity scenes and such.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/28/13

St. Augustine was right Ringman. You and your kind do more to dissuade people from Christianity by being ridiculous than all the atheists protesting nativity scenes and such.

How many unbelievers did you interview to come to this erroneous conclusion?
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/28/13
I've heard from quite a few actually. Non believers and more interestingly, Christian who aren't really that involved in their religion anymore. They agree that petty protests and freaking out over religious symbols are retarded and it gives them a bad impression of the "new atheist" movement. They're also very turned off, embarrassed, and repulsed by people who make claims such as you do just like they're repulsed by Fred Phelps and his merry band of literalists. A lot of people it seems don't want to be associated with kooks.
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/28/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

Did you do any statistical analysis on your signs and wonders to see if their rate of occurrence rose above that of random chance?

About the time I was thirty-one I had never seen an open wound heal while I watched, the blood disappear before my eyes. I never heard of a bone cancer victim being healed instantly and three weeks later winning a 110 mile desert race. What are the odd of someone with a broken ankle being prayed for and the next second he is fine? The book has about twenty-five or more things like this.

Do you have some experience with statistics on these kinds of things? I sure would like to see them.

Wasn't it pretty common on late night televangelist TV shows years ago? It was nothing special to watch the blind see, the cripple walk, and the mute speak after being prayed for and touched by the televangelist, just before a call to tithe.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13

Happy Thanksgiving.

Today is a day of rest and giving Thanks.

I'll pick up the debate in a day or two.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13

I've heard from quite a few actually. Non believers and more interestingly, Christian who aren't really that involved in their religion anymore. They agree that petty protests and freaking out over religious symbols are retarded and it gives them a bad impression of the "new atheist" movement. They're also very turned off, embarrassed, and repulsed by people who make claims such as you do just like they're repulsed by Fred Phelps and his merry band of literalists. A lot of people it seems don't want to be associated with kook

Claiming to be Christian does not make one a Bible Christian. Read what Jesus has to say on the subject.

Matthew 7:13-23

�'Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep�s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them. Not everyone who says to Me, "Lord, Lord," shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?" And then I will declare to them, "I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!"'"
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Didn't see anything in the quote about twisting evidence to fit your particular interpretation of the OT. It says " You will know them by their fruits" not "You will know them because they're fruits". I'm sure the Phelps clan believes they're right too.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13

Didn't see anything in the quote about twisting evidence to fit your particular interpretation of the OT.

Please give me an example where I have not taken the Old Testament at face value.
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13

Dang it, you've got me curious. What stories are you referring to?



I've read a number of fictional stories where the book (Bible) has been irrefutably proven wrong but the heroes chose never to tell the world at large because of the damage it would do. For many ignorance really is bliss.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13

I've read a number of fictional stories where the book (Bible) has been irrefutably proven wrong

Please give us a couple examples where the Bible has been irrefutably proven wrong, please.
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

Didn't see anything in the quote about twisting evidence to fit your particular interpretation of the OT.

Please give me an example where I have not taken the Old Testament at face value.

Of course you take the OT at absolute literal face value. That was my point; that you twist any and all evidence to fit that perspective.
You can't even wrap your head around the concept of evidence existing outside the bible can you?

Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

I've read a number of fictional stories where the book (Bible) has been irrefutably proven wrong

Please give us a couple examples where the Bible has been irrefutably proven wrong, please.

Do you understand what the word fictional means? Oh, and that was DD that said that, not TF49.
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Seems to me that science is about describing and measuring �things� and perhaps figuring out �how� things work. It attempts to describe the creation, not the Creator. The Bible is much more personal. It is about God, Jesus and Man and how relationships work and how those relationships are affected by the character of the participants. The Bible and its teachings were relevant 3000 thousand years ago and is still relevant today. Remarkable.

Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
The Bible and its teachings were relevant 3000 thousand years ago????
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13

Well, forgive a little hyperbole. The initial scriptures first came into being about 2400 years ago. I suspect you knew that. I also suspect you knew the "bible" as we know it today came into being after the birth of Christ.

Did you have any relevant comment on the point of the post or did you miss it?


Posted By: Notropis Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Please give me an example where I have not taken the Old Testament at face value.

The two different versions of Creation in Genesis is one.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted by Notropis
Originally Posted by Ringman
Please give me an example where I have not taken the Old Testament at face value.

The two different versions of Creation in Genesis is one.
There's no validity to that objection. It's been debunked on several occasions at the Fire. Fully make the argument and I will debunk it again.
Posted By: Notropis Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Notropis
Originally Posted by Ringman
Please give me an example where I have not taken the Old Testament at face value.

The two different versions of Creation in Genesis is one.
There's no validity to that objection. It's been debunked on several occasions at the Fire. Fully make the argument and I will debunk it again.

He talked about face value.

I know what the situation is with the two version. Each was written at a different time under very different situations to portray a different personality of God. One was while the Jews were whupping up on other people and the other was while they were in servitude.

Ringman, however, was talking about face value. If he wants to learn the background of one passage to understand the meaning, he should learn the background of all passages to learn their meanings. He should not pick and choose which he wants to believe at face value as they are written in one particular version.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted by TF49

Dang it, you've got me curious. What stories are you referring to?



I've read a number of fictional stories where the book (Bible) has been irrefutably proven wrong but the heroes chose never to tell the world at large because of the damage it would do. For many ignorance really is bliss.

These are just fictional novels that are good mysteries but do not take them seriously or at face value.

Dan Brown's Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code are a couple of good ones and Raymond Khoury's The Last Templar is another good mystery. There are others I've read over the years that either aren't available any more or I can't remember the titles.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

I've read a number of fictional stories where the book (Bible) has been irrefutably proven wrong

Please give us a couple examples where the Bible has been irrefutably proven wrong, please.

Read the post to TF49. The books I listed are fictional works do not take the books seriously.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
The evolution deniers like to make the probability argument about the remote chance that matter could, without intelligent direction, form into something complex. What about a snowflake? It forms from simple water molecules into something quite complex, and in a matter of minutes, not hundreds of millions of years. What are the odds of that happening without intelligent direction? Yet it happens all the time, billions of times a day, at least. What provides the direction is nature, not God, although God created nature such as to be capable of forming such crystals, and all sorts of other complexities from simplicities, such as the evolutionary process exemplifies.

[Linked Image]
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Of course you take the OT at absolute literal face value. That was my point; that you twist any and all evidence to fit that perspective.
You can't even wrap your head around the concept of evidence existing outside the bible can you?

The evidence is what sent me to the Bible.
I dont' have to make excuses for scientific evidence show by electron mass spectrometers that all fossils, fossil fuels, diamonds, petrified wood show traces of carbon 14.
I don't have to try to explain why the oceans are not toxic with chemicals from continental runoff.
I don't have to try to explain why the moon is still visible with a recession rate of about 1 1/2" per year.
I don't have to depend on an invented Oort Cloud, something that has never been documented to exist, to explain the presents of comments.
I don't have to try to explain why man's artifacts or his fossils are found in all strata.
I don't have to try to explain severely folded sedimentary rock is not broken.
I don't have to try to explain why, based on the known accumulation rate of human genetic mutations, there would not be any mutation only 6,000 years ago.
I don't have to defend the foolishness of accepting the dating of a rock when it give three or four different dates.
I have no problem with the the new science of Out Of Place Artifacts commonly called OOP ART.

These are what I can remember here in about two or three minutes. All these absolutely don't fit with the evolutionary world view.
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13


Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Do you understand what the word fictional means?

Did you know Middle East archaeologists use the Bible to help them know where to dig and how to date their discoveries?
Give me a break about the Bible being fiction.
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13

I don't know about this. There may be other examples of what you are communicating. Snowflakes seem to me to be have a very simple scientific explanation relating to the "bipolar" nature of the water molecule. Seemingly well understood by all.


Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
The initial scriptures first came into being about 2400 years ago.

Are you sure the date is not more like 3,400 year ago?
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted by TF49
Seems to me that science is about describing and measuring �things� and perhaps figuring out �how� things work. It attempts to describe the creation, not the Creator. The Bible is much more personal. It is about God, Jesus and Man and how relationships work and how those relationships are affected by the character of the participants. The Bible and its teachings were relevant 3000 thousand years ago and is still relevant today. Remarkable.


Actually, most historians and scientists believe the books of the Old Testament are about 6,000 years old and the New Testament is about 2,000 years old.

The Bible is a collection of myths written by the Ancients trying to explain the experiences and observations of Nature and their God in antiquity. If people wish to have a faith based on a collection of mythological stories that's fine with me. I prefer to understand and see the face of the Deity in science, space, and Nature.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Do you understand what the word fictional means?

Did you know Middle East archaeologists use the Bible to help them know where to dig and how to date their discoveries?
Give me a break about the Bible being fiction.
He wasn't saying the Bible is fiction. He's saying books like The Da Vinci Code are fiction. The Bible is an excellent historical source of information, and as you say has proven a valuable guide to archeology.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted By: Ringman
Please give me an example where I have not taken the Old Testament at face value.

The two different versions of Creation in Genesis is one.

Are you smoking dope. When moses wrote Genesis there were no chapters and verses brakes. The First Chapter as we know it relates what God created during the creation week. The extension of that is Chapter Two and informs us what God did specifically on the sixth day.
Posted By: Notropis Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
There you go not taking it at face value again.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted by TF49

I don't know about this. There may be other examples of what you are communicating. Snowflakes seem to me to be have a very simple scientific explanation relating to the "bipolar" nature of the water molecule. Seemingly well understood by all.


The point being that it's an example of natural processes creating complexity from simplicity absent intelligent design. No intelligence directs the creation of each snow flake. Natural processes do. Nature is not intelligent, but is a machine capable of creating complexity from simplicity.

Take any snowflake as you find it, not knowing anything about what brought it into existence, and ask what the probability is that it formed without having been created by an intelligence. This is the evolution denier's argument against evolution of species, i.e., that complexity cannot come from simplicity absent an intelligent maker bringing it into existence, like a wristwatch demands an intelligent maker.

It actually doesn't. An intelligent maker could make a machine that itself lacks any intelligence whatsoever yet churns out working wristwatches by the thousands. I'm saying nature is analogous to such a machine vis-a-vis the origin of species. And this is consistent with Genesis, as it recounts God's creation of nature, followed by his fiat command to nature (e.g., the waters and the earth) to bring forth all living creatures.

Now, this is not to deny God's hand in creation, since he made nature, then commanded nature to bring forth living creatures, thus God is the "Prime Mover" as Aristotle, then later Thomas Aquinas, would say.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted by Notropis
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Notropis
Originally Posted by Ringman
Please give me an example where I have not taken the Old Testament at face value.

The two different versions of Creation in Genesis is one.
There's no validity to that objection. It's been debunked on several occasions at the Fire. Fully make the argument and I will debunk it again.

He talked about face value.

I know what the situation is with the two version. Each was written at a different time under very different situations to portray a different personality of God. One was while the Jews were whupping up on other people and the other was while they were in servitude.

Ringman, however, was talking about face value. If he wants to learn the background of one passage to understand the meaning, he should learn the background of all passages to learn their meanings. He should not pick and choose which he wants to believe at face value as they are written in one particular version.

I understand where you are coming from.

I listen to a CD this summer on one of my boring drives on the Book of Genesis. Scientists and historians have dated the mythology of Genesis back to stories usually from the Persians sometimes to the Egyptians. The Jews took the stories and tweaked the stories to fit the Jewish methodology.

But in order to accept that history one has to accept the fact that humanity is older than the Book of Genesis.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13

The evolution deniers like to make the probability argument about the remote chance that matter could, without intelligent direction, form into something complex. What about a snowflake? It forms from simple water molecules into something quite complex, and in a matter of minutes, not hundreds of millions of years. What are the odds of that happening without intelligent direction? Yet it happens all the time, billions of times a day, at least. What provides the direction is nature, not God, although God created nature such as to be capable of forming such crystals, and all sorts of other complexities from simplicities, such as the evolutionary process exemplifies.

You never cease to entertain me. You thing these molecules act on there own!? You think God's intelligence does not direct each molecule? Molecules are deaf, dumb, blind, stupid, dead, etc. They do nothing without God directing their activity. Nature is the name we give to the processes God uses.

You remind me of a friend who was in Bible College. From the time I met him when he was in high school I used to suggest he asked to be filled with the Holy Spirit. For years he told me one gets all of God he is ever going to get when he accepts Jesus. I continued to pester him.

One day about half way through his junior year he called. I said,
"You asked to be filled with the Holy Spirit, didn't you?"
"How did you know?" he wanted to know.
"You are both ecstatic and despondent at the same time," I told him.
"Yesterday I knew 360 Christians. Today I know two! Yesterday I gave no thought to what is being taught here at this Bible college. Today I am appalled!

The_Real_Hawkeye, you need to ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Do you understand what the word fictional means?

Did you know Middle East archaeologists use the Bible to help them know where to dig and how to date their discoveries?
Give me a break about the Bible being fiction.

I don't think anybody said the Bible is a collection of fiction. Many have said the Bible is a collection of mythology. A big difference.

Books of the many different pagans have been used to find and identify pagan digs so it is not a surprise that the Bible can be used to find and date Judeo/Christian digs.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted by Notropis
There you go not taking it at face value again.
grin Exactly. He's interpreting instead of just accepting it as written. He's being a bad Christian.
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
I believe in God, only I spell it "Nature".
Frank Lloyd Wright, in Quote magazine (14 August 1966).
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Do you understand what the word fictional means?

Did you know Middle East archaeologists use the Bible to help them know where to dig and how to date their discoveries?
Give me a break about the Bible being fiction.

You could use a bit of help with your reading comprehension. You completely missed my point then I explained it and you missed it again. Are you sure you're the right guy to be telling the rest of us how to interpret the bible? I guess every circus needs a clown............
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
The point being that it's an example of natural processes creating complexity from simplicity absent intelligent design. No intelligence directs the creation of each snow flake. Natural processes do. Nature is not intelligent, but is a machine capable of creating complexity from simplicity.

Take any snowflake as you find it, not knowing anything about what brought it into existence, and ask what the probability is that it formed without having been created by an intelligence. This is the evolution denier's argument against evolution of species, i.e., that complexity cannot come from simplicity absent an intelligent maker bringing it into existence, like a wristwatch demands an intelligent maker. It actually doesn't. An intelligent maker could make a machine that itself lacks any intelligence whatsoever yet churns out working wristwatches by the thousands. I'm saying nature is analogous to such a machine vis-a-vis the origin of species. And this is consistent with Genesis, as it recounts God's creation of nature, followed by his fiat command to nature (e.g., the waters and the earth) to bring forth all living creatures.

I'm thinking the CNC machines here. Once the creator creates the program the CNC machine can produce the widgets as the creator designed the widgets.

Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Now, this is not to deny God's hand in creation, since he made nature, then commanded nature to bring forth living creatures, thus God is the "Prime Mover" as Aristotle, then later Thomas Aquinas, would say.

And the First Cause as Thomas Paine would say.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Notropis
There you go not taking it at face value again.
grin Exactly. He's interpreting instead of just accepting it as written. He's being a bad Christian.

I keep saying Ringman's faith IS the Bible. I've met people like this before.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Nature is the name we give to the processes God uses.
Then, in this sense, we're on the same page, since I assert that God formed nature with the intent of forming you and me, i.e., he is the master, due to his unique position, even of randomness.

In other words, God can throw the dice, knowing full well what will turn up (intending it, even), yet without directing the dice as they roll. This is because randomness only has meaning within God's creation, while he stands outside of it.

It is for the same reason that, while each person exercises free will as to the Gospel message, God knew from the beginning of time who would and would not embrace it, yet without interfering with each person's free will.

Foreknowledge, in other words, is not direction of process. God, however, occupying a position as prime mover in possession of foreknowledge, can bring about any outcome he chooses without interfering with the element of chance. He doesn't need to, due to his unique position with relation to his creation.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
I believe in God, only I spell it "Nature".
Frank Lloyd Wright, in Quote magazine (14 August 1966).
But who made nature?
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
The_Real_Hawkeye, you need to ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Been doing so since I was about fourteen.

I don't agree with the unstated premise behind your recommendation, however, that one needs to put blinders on regarding the advances of scientific knowledge in order to be a proper Christian. They are distinct fields, as I see them.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Then, in this sense, we're on the same page,

We're not even in the same book. You sound like a "Christian" who tried to convince me the Muslims and we worship the same god. You believe in a god who from his balcony in the sky looked down with his son and saw an ape like creature. Then god says to his son,
"Look, son, there is an ape like creature who looks a little like you. Go down there and breathe into him and make him a living soul."
"How 'bout his wife? Where are you going to get one?" the son asked.
"I don't know. Maybe you can figure that out when you're there."

You and I don't serve the same God. The God of the Bible is not of confusion but of order. Evolutionisn originally was developed by men as a haphazard non-directional system with no goal which demands death to reach where it is now.

God tells us he will restore his creation to "very good". Does that mean death will continue? According to the God of the Bible death is an enemy and will be eliminated from this universe.

No. In a sense we're not on the same page.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Then, in this sense, we're on the same page,

We're not even in the same book. You sound like a "Christian" who tried to convince me the Muslims and we worship the same god. You believe in a god who from his balcony in the sky looked down with his son and saw an ape like creature. Then god says to his son,
"Look, son, there is an ape like creature who looks a little like you. Go down there and breathe into him and make him a living soul."
"How 'bout his wife? Where are you going to get one?" the son asked.
"I don't know. Maybe you can figure that out when you're there."

You and I don't serve the same God. The God of the Bible is not of confusion but of order. Evolutionisn originally was developed by men as a haphazard non-directional system with no goal which demands death to reach where it is now.

God tells us he will restore his creation to "very good". Does that mean death will continue? According to the God of the Bible death is an enemy and will be eliminated from this universe.

No. In a sense we're not on the same page.
As you wish, but I don't think you're capable of understanding where you and I agree and disagree, if what you've said there is any indication.
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Re: ...advances in scientific knowledge....

I am fully supportive of scientific endeavor and wholeheartedly believe in investigation and coming up with new ways to learn about and to describe our universe and our living earth. Scientific discovery has made impressive has made leaps and bounds in the last 200 years. What the scientific community �knew� 200 years ago has been �upgraded� and one can only imagine what upgrades the next 200 years will bring.

It is fascinating that the Big Bang Theory received acceptance by both the scientific and religious community so quickly. It was acceptable to those who were looking for an explanation of how it all got here. It was also acceptable to "creationist" as they saw the hand of God in it. Now it seems that as scientists learn more about the cosmos, there are more and more nagging questions about the validity of the BBT. Great, we should endeavor to learn more and continue to expand our knowledge.

But, it would not surprise me at all if the BBT, while the "best explanation for today" may in fact come into further scrutiny and be supplanted by some other theory. Nothing wrong with this.

What will the next 200 years bring? I doubt the BBT will be around then and folks will be talking about how the "primitive scientists" of the 20th century could not see what is seen by scientists in the year 2213.

Posted By: Notropis Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Notropis
There you go not taking it at face value again.
grin Exactly. He's interpreting instead of just accepting it as written. He's being a bad Christian.

He just asked about an example dealing with face value. I gave him one. It has nothing to do with interpretations.

If he takes this part of the Bible at face value, which evidently he claims to but does not, then he should take the entire Bible at face value. I know many who do. That can lead to great confusion and doubt.

If he wants to seek the real message of this part of the Bible, then he should seek the real message in all parts of the Bible.

We all see different meanings in the passages of the Bible. What I get out of it suits me just fine. It is when someone holier than thou comes by and tries to say that the message I get is wrong and that their message is the only true message that I refuse to take seriously their rantings and ravings. He is welcome to believe what he wants. I will only mock his beliefs when he tries to mock mine.

I also refuse to take seriously the interpretations of science from someone who obviously knows very little about the scientific field being discussed.

I do not know everything about this subject but do know enough about it to be able to recognize when certain things are just plain wrong. You very often do not have to have a complete right answer to be able to recognize a wrong answer.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted by TF49
Re: ...advances in scientific knowledge....

I am fully supportive of scientific endeavor and wholeheartedly believe in investigation and coming up with new ways to learn about and to describe our universe and our living earth. Scientific discovery has made impressive has made leaps and bounds in the last 200 years. What the scientific community �knew� 200 years ago has been �upgraded� and one can only imagine what upgrades the next 200 years will bring.

It is fascinating that the Big Bang Theory received acceptance by both the scientific and religious community so quickly. It was acceptable to those who were looking for an explanation of how it all got here. It was also acceptable to "creationist" as they saw the hand of God in it. Now it seems that as scientists learn more about the cosmos, there are more and more nagging questions about the validity of the BBT. Great, we should endeavor to learn more and continue to expand our knowledge.

But, it would not surprise me at all if the BBT, while the "best explanation for today" may in fact come into further scrutiny and be supplanted by some other theory. Nothing wrong with this.

What will the next 200 years bring? I doubt the BBT will be around then and folks will be talking about how the "primitive scientists" of the 20th century could not see what is seen by scientists in the year 2213.


Well from what I have the BBT is alive and well and has an even more prominent role today. I don't see the BBT going away anytime soon.
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13

"Well from what I have the BBT is alive and well and has an even more prominent role today. I don't see the BBT going away anytime soon."

Well yeah, unless your idea of "not soon" is 200 years.

Scientific theory seems likely to adapt and change as new findings and "new facts" present themselves. When presented with new data, the scientific community usually responds, although not quickly, with changes to whatever "theory" has been called into question. A simple internet search shows many questions being asked about the BBT and many new theories and explanations for these "problems."

Too bad we cannot know what the next 200 years will bring. Our own "horizons" are just now far enough. Wonder what Einstein or Newton would think if they could be here today and see what is being thought about.

Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Well unless stars stop blowing up in the next 200 years the BBT is here to stay.
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13

Well unless stars stop blowing up in the next 200 years the BBT is here to stay.

Well, that sure is an unsubstantiated dogmatic assertion. Keep repeating it at ever increasing volume. Are you starting to sound like Ringman?

Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/29/13
Originally Posted by TF49

Well unless stars stop blowing up in the next 200 years the BBT is here to stay.

Well, that sure is an unsubstantiated dogmatic assertion. Keep repeating it at ever increasing volume. Are you starting to sound like Ringman?


How the heck do you think our solar system was made? From an exploding star and that is well substantiated. There are many DVD's and books on the subject. I admit I have a slight advantage in this regard as I'm a member of the Museum of The Rockies which is a natural history museum with a world class planetarium and our very own astronaut.
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13

"How the heck do you think our solar system was made? From an exploding star and that is well substantiated. There are many DVD's and books on the subject. I admit I have a slight advantage in this regard as I'm a member of the Museum of The Rockies which is a natural history museum with a world class planetarium and our very own astronaut."

Wow, your very own astronaut. I guess that puts me in my place!


Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13

How many nova and super novas should there be in a multiple billion year old universe? How many are documented?
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by TF49

"How the heck do you think our solar system was made? From an exploding star and that is well substantiated. There are many DVD's and books on the subject. I admit I have a slight advantage in this regard as I'm a member of the Museum of The Rockies which is a natural history museum with a world class planetarium and our very own astronaut."

Wow, your very own astronaut. I guess that puts me in my place!


Here's a DVD I picked up at the Museum of The Rockies, "How the Universe Works" hosted by Mike Rowe. It's a Discovery Channel series. If you don't like that one Stephan Hawkins has some out on the universe as well.

I don't know what else to say. I'm fortunate to have access to a museum and university that does a lot of space exploration and experiments for NASA and others and I'm able listen to and watch many presentations on space as well as earth for that matter.

To me the Bible is a collection of mythologies and legends and while it does have some moral teachings the Bible is not the beginning and the end for me. There is no way in heck that anybody can convince me that the Bible is a science text book.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
I'm fortunate to have access to a museum and university that does a lot of space exploration and experiments for NASA and others

Man oh man! What kind of budget do they have!?!
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13

"Here's a DVD I picked up at the Museum of The Rockies, "How the Universe Works" hosted by Mike Rowe. It's a Discovery Channel series. If you don't like that one Stephan Hawkins has some out on the universe as well.

I don't know what else to say. I'm fortunate to have access to a museum and university that does a lot of space exploration and experiments for NASA and others and I'm able listen to and watch many presentations on space as well as earth for that matter.

To me the Bible is a collection of mythologies and legends and while it does have some moral teachings the Bible is not the beginning and the end for me. There is no way in heck that anybody can convince me that the Bible is a science text book

First,my apology is extended to Ringman.

Second, DD, you have missed the point entirely. I offered up a general opinion about how scientific theory evolves as new findings and conclusions emerge. I said I was supportive of scientific research. I speculated that the next 200 years will find the BBT altered or even supplanted by something new. You missed that and chose to interpret the post as a denial of the BBT. At least, that what it appears. Who knows. Then you go and bring your denial of the Bible into this discussion. LOL, that dog barks too loud.

Oh yeah, S. Hawkings, he's the guy that said he could prove the universe came from nothing then got skewered by his own community as in the book he had to "assume gravity." Krauss ran into a similar issue.

I still fully expect scientific discovery to alter or change the ideas of the origins of the universe. You however, seem to think we know all about the origins of the universe all right now. Is that correct?

I am reminded of this quote. This knife cuts both ways:

"Can a skeptic ever really know and accept the proof they claim to seek? Can the vast evidence available ever be viewed by skeptics as proof positive of God and Creation or of proof positive of evolution or the proof that there is no God? What skeptics call an "open mind" may well be a closed heart. Closed to any evidence that doesn't support a preconceived viewpoint."


Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
DD, You say you are not convinced that the Bible is a science book. Knocking down a straw man of your own making?

Here is my opinion again:

Seems to me that science is about describing and measuring �things� and perhaps figuring out �how� things work. It attempts to describe the creation, not the Creator. The Bible is much more personal. It is about God, Jesus and Man and how relationships work and how those relationships are affected by the character of the participants. The Bible and its teachings were relevant �2400� years ago and is still relevant today. Remarkable.

It is vitally important to know that the Bible does not tell us HOW God created the world but THAT HE DID. He is the CREATOR GOD and He created YOU. As a CREATOR GOD, you have to answer to HIM.

Discrediting the Bible for not being a "science book" is avoiding the real issue..... Each one of us has a responsibility to the CREATOR God. This is why religion and Christianity is anathema to many in the scientific community. If the Creator God exists, then man has a responsibility to him and will be judged. This is anathema to those who want to live as if there is no God.

"Evolution" seemingly "gets us off the hook." If there is evolution and the universe "just happened" then we are not responsible to a Creator God.

Ask yourself, am I believing a sweet sounding lie?

The reality of God and the reality of judgment is NOT affected by "what you believe." If one chooses to believe a lie, so be it. Truth is better but many choose to believe lies.

OK, rant mode off......

Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by TF49
"Evolution" seemingly "gets us off the hook." If there is evolution and the universe "just happened" then we are not responsible to a Creator God.

Believing in a very old earth, and believing in evolution doesn't cause me to disbelieve in a Creator God...nor does it cause me to feel that I'm not responsible to Him.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by TF49
DD, You say you are not convinced that the Bible is a science book. Knocking down a straw man of your own making?

Here is my opinion again:

Seems to me that science is about describing and measuring �things� and perhaps figuring out �how� things work. It attempts to describe the creation, not the Creator. The Bible is much more personal. It is about God, Jesus and Man and how relationships work and how those relationships are affected by the character of the participants. The Bible and its teachings were relevant �2400� years ago and is still relevant today. Remarkable.

It is vitally important to know that the Bible does not tell us HOW God created the world but THAT HE DID. He is the CREATOR GOD and He created YOU. As a CREATOR GOD, you have to answer to HIM.

Discrediting the Bible for not being a "science book" is avoiding the real issue..... Each one of us has a responsibility to the CREATOR God. This is why religion and Christianity is anathema to many in the scientific community. If the Creator God exists, then man has a responsibility to him and will be judged. This is anathema to those who want to live as if there is no God.

"Evolution" seemingly "gets us off the hook." If there is evolution and the universe "just happened" then we are not responsible to a Creator God.

Ask yourself, am I believing a sweet sounding lie?

The reality of God and the reality of judgment is NOT affected by "what you believe." If one chooses to believe a lie, so be it. Truth is better but many choose to believe lies.

OK, rant mode off......

I really like what you wrote there, and agree with everything in it, other than the bolded portion, which I would only agree with if the word seemingly is emphasized.

My reading of Genesis is that God, by fiat, commanded nature to bring forth all living creatures, making God the prime mover/first cause in our creation, but through the vehicle of nature, which he created ex nihilo for the purpose of life creation, having foreknowledge of the outcome from the start, though exercising no control over the process (that not being necessary to an omniscient and omnipotent being for determining outcomes in accordance with his will). That is to say, the various and sundry species that live, and/or have lived, on the earth are not "intelligently designed."

Evolution theory in no way contradicts this.
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Antlers & TRH,

I am ok with those that state their beliefs and state their own conclusions. That leaves room for discussion and inquiry. Might lead to a better understanding.

There is certainly that which I do not understand.


added: It seems to me that if one sees himself as accountable to a Creator God, his beliefs about origins of the universe and evolution are less important.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by TF49
"Evolution" seemingly "gets us off the hook." If there is evolution and the universe "just happened" then we are not responsible to a Creator God.

Believing in a very old earth, and believing in evolution doesn't cause me to disbelieve in a Creator God...nor does it cause me to feel that I'm not responsible to Him.
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
I believe in God, only I spell it "Nature".
Frank Lloyd Wright, in Quote magazine (14 August 1966).
But who made nature?

�God� and �Nature� are interchangeable to many depending on definitions of those words.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

Did you do any statistical analysis on your signs and wonders to see if their rate of occurrence rose above that of random chance?

About the time I was thirty-one I had never seen an open wound heal while I watched, the blood disappear before my eyes. I never heard of a bone cancer victim being healed instantly and three weeks later winning a 110 mile desert race. What are the odd of someone with a broken ankle being prayed for and the next second he is fine? The book has about twenty-five or more things like this.

Do you have some experience with statistics on these kinds of things? I sure would like to see them.

Good Morning old Friend.

I've convinced more then one person they've seen a jackalope with their own eyes, so for me, the burden of proof for a miracle is pretty high. Recently one of the large "faith healer" revealed how he and his family was involved in deceptive healings for decades....
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13

For someone to accept evolutionism they discredit Jesus. Jesus says man and woman were created at the beginning of creation.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

For someone to accept evolutionism they discredit Jesus. Jesus says man and woman were created at the beginning of creation.
Please provide your citation as it's likely a matter of interpretation.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Circular reasoning.

Exactly. The evolutionist uses circular reasoning to defend his position. The difference is the Scripture goes back to an Infinitely Intelligent First Cause for support while the evolutionist depends on his fallible and dying brain.

Sorry RM, but's that's not the case. The proposition that the Bible is true, because the Bible says it is true is circular reasoning. When Darwin wrote the origin of species his evidence was not his own book, instead it was observations from nature. Likewise when a biological anthropologist lays out a succession of transitional fossils showing transitions from on species to another they are displaying evidence. Hence young earth creationism relies upon circular reasoning, science such as evolution, does not.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

For someone to accept evolutionism they discredit Jesus. Jesus says man and woman were created at the beginning of creation.
Are you referring to Matthew XIX, 4?

"And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female ..."

"The beginning" here refers to the beginning of the species called man. The point being that they were always, for as long as they've existed as a species, divided by sex between man and woman. There's no forced conclusion from the text that he's referring to the beginning of Creation.

Here's the English Standard Version:

"He answered, Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female ..."

From the text alone, there's no indication of a reference to a time close to the creation of the universe.
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13

I have got to get started on my chores but before I go, I would make a couple of comments.

"For someone to accept evolutionism they discredit Jesus. Jesus says man and woman were created at the beginning of creation."

My thoughts are equivocal here: The first order of business for the "someone" noted above seems to be to come to grips with Jesus first. After that, the "someone" can wrestle with other issues.

My own experience: I was trained as a geologist and engineer. I became a follower of Jesus but in those days had not abandoned my previously held scientific beliefs. There were those in the church I attended that flat out told me that I could not be a Christian and hold these scientific beliefs. They were of course wrong, I was just a new Christian, somewhat late in life, and for me, Jesus came first and then my changing of beliefs about God, the world etc came later. So, I had beliefs that were wrong, yet there was no desire not intent to discredit Jesus. He was patient with me and brought me along.


Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
When dealing with entropy, it's important to remember there is a distinction between open and closed systems. The earth is an open system because it receives energy from the Sun.

If an influx of energy is all that's necessary for evolution to occur, from where did the nothingness get its energy to become something? Here you are taking three different questions, and combining them into one. Evolution, abiogenesis, and the creation of the universe, are three different area's of study. As for the second part of your statement, I never said that an influx of energy was a sufficient condition for evolution, and that all influxes of energy would result in evolution. You misrepresented the second law of thermodynamics as applying to evolution, I demonstrated where that specific claim falls short.

If energy is all that's necessary for evolution to occur then Hiroshima and Nagasaki should be filled with new and better animal life.

The error here is an influx of energy is by itself is destructive. You can prove this to yourself by laying in the sun un-clothed for a day. To produce "work" with the energy one must have an energy harnessing system, an energy directing system, a "blueprint" to direct the energy towards an end, and some kind of system which can read and implement the system.

With raw energy entropy rules.

� entropy is not the same as disorder. Sometimes the two correspond, but sometimes order increases as entropy increases. (Aranda-Espinoza et al. 1999; Kestenbaum 1998) Entropy can even be used to produce order, such as in the sorting of molecules by size (Han and Craighead 2000).
� even in a closed system, pockets of lower entropy can form if they are offset by increased entropy elsewhere in the system.
In short, order from disorder happens on earth all the time.
The only processes necessary for evolution to occur are reproduction, heritable variation, and selection. All of these are seen to happen all the time, so, obviously, no physical laws are preventing them. In fact, connections between evolution and entropy have been studied in depth, and never to the detriment of evolution (Demetrius 2000).

Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
For someone to accept evolutionism they discredit Jesus.

Nothing could be further from the truth than the above statement. I believe evolution was a very clever way that God used to achieve His creative objectives.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

I've read a number of fictional stories where the book (Bible) has been irrefutably proven wrong

Please give us a couple examples where the Bible has been irrefutably proven wrong, please.

Eden, and the 6 literal days of creation
The Firmament.
Just for starters.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Ringman

I've read a number of fictional stories where the book (Bible) has been irrefutably proven wrong

Please give us a couple examples where the Bible has been irrefutably proven wrong, please.

Eden, and the 6 literal days of creation
The Firmament.
Just for starters.
"Wrong" only applies in these cases if one interprets everything in the most literal sense, and if one discounts allegory as the intention of the author for the purpose of teaching higher truths.

Allegory: a story in which the characters and events are symbols that stand for ideas about human life or for a political or historical situation.

- Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by TF49

"Here's a DVD I picked up at the Museum of The Rockies, "How the Universe Works" hosted by Mike Rowe. It's a Discovery Channel series. If you don't like that one Stephan Hawkins has some out on the universe as well.

I don't know what else to say. I'm fortunate to have access to a museum and university that does a lot of space exploration and experiments for NASA and others and I'm able listen to and watch many presentations on space as well as earth for that matter.

To me the Bible is a collection of mythologies and legends and while it does have some moral teachings the Bible is not the beginning and the end for me. There is no way in heck that anybody can convince me that the Bible is a science text book

First,my apology is extended to Ringman.

Second, DD, you have missed the point entirely. I offered up a general opinion about how scientific theory evolves as new findings and conclusions emerge. I said I was supportive of scientific research. I speculated that the next 200 years will find the BBT altered or even supplanted by something new. You missed that and chose to interpret the post as a denial of the BBT. At least, that what it appears. Who knows. Then you go and bring your denial of the Bible into this discussion. LOL, that dog barks too loud.

Oh yeah, S. Hawkings, he's the guy that said he could prove the universe came from nothing then got skewered by his own community as in the book he had to "assume gravity." Krauss ran into a similar issue.

I still fully expect scientific discovery to alter or change the ideas of the origins of the universe. You however, seem to think we know all about the origins of the universe all right now. Is that correct?

I am reminded of this quote. This knife cuts both ways:

"Can a skeptic ever really know and accept the proof they claim to seek? Can the vast evidence available ever be viewed by skeptics as proof positive of God and Creation or of proof positive of evolution or the proof that there is no God? What skeptics call an "open mind" may well be a closed heart. Closed to any evidence that doesn't support a preconceived viewpoint."


You are right I did miss your point. Science does evolve as we learn more and I'm sure there will be tweaks to the BBT over time but the basic premise will remain unless stars stop blowing up.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by TF49
DD, You say you are not convinced that the Bible is a science book. Knocking down a straw man of your own making?

Here is my opinion again:

Seems to me that science is about describing and measuring �things� and perhaps figuring out �how� things work. It attempts to describe the creation, not the Creator. The Bible is much more personal. It is about God, Jesus and Man and how relationships work and how those relationships are affected by the character of the participants. The Bible and its teachings were relevant �2400� years ago and is still relevant today. Remarkable.

It is vitally important to know that the Bible does not tell us HOW God created the world but THAT HE DID. He is the CREATOR GOD and He created YOU. As a CREATOR GOD, you have to answer to HIM.

Discrediting the Bible for not being a "science book" is avoiding the real issue..... Each one of us has a responsibility to the CREATOR God. This is why religion and Christianity is anathema to many in the scientific community. If the Creator God exists, then man has a responsibility to him and will be judged. This is anathema to those who want to live as if there is no God.

"Evolution" seemingly "gets us off the hook." If there is evolution and the universe "just happened" then we are not responsible to a Creator God.

Ask yourself, am I believing a sweet sounding lie?

The reality of God and the reality of judgment is NOT affected by "what you believe." If one chooses to believe a lie, so be it. Truth is better but many choose to believe lies.

OK, rant mode off......


I do not believe in revealed religion no matter who's collection of books are used. I also do not buy into the Jewish God or that Jesus is God. I do accept that Jesus was an apocalyptic Jew who preached morality for the end times whatever those end times might be. I believe that Paul created the Christian religion and made Jesus God. Hence, I'll never accept the Bible for anything other than collection of myths and legends.

As to the straw man argument, you are the guys trying to turn the Bible into a science text book not me.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Ringman old friend. Let us take a look at your arguments:

Originally Posted by Ringman
Of course you take the OT at absolute literal face value. That was my point; that you twist any and all evidence to fit that perspective.
You can't even wrap your head around the concept of evidence existing outside the bible can you?

The evidence is what sent me to the Bible.
I dont' have to make excuses for scientific evidence show by electron mass spectrometers that all fossils, fossil fuels, diamonds, petrified wood show traces of carbon 14.
Most man-made chemicals are made of fossil fuels, such as petroleum or coal, in which the carbon-14 should have long since decayed. However, such deposits often contain trace amounts of carbon-14 (varying significantly, but ranging up to 1% the ratio found in living organisms, a concentration comparable to an apparent age of 40,000).[23] This may indicate possible contamination by small amounts of bacteria, underground sources of radiation causing the 14N(n,p) 14C reaction, direct uranium decay (although reported measured ratios of 14C/U in uranium-bearing ores[24] would imply roughly 1 uranium atom for every two carbon atoms in order to cause the 14C/12C ratio, measured to be on the order of 10&#8722;15), or other unknown secondary sources of carbon-14 production. Presence of carbon-14 in the isotopic signature of a sample of carbonaceous material possibly indicates its contamination by biogenic sources or the decay of radioactive material in surrounding geologic strata. In connection with building the Borexino solar neutrino observatory, petroleum feedstock (for synthesizing the primary scintillant) was obtained with low 14C content. In the Borexino Counting Test Facility, a 14C/12C ratio of 1.94�10&#8722;18 was determined;[25] probable reactions responsible for varied levels of 14C in different petroleum reservoirs, and the lower 14C levels in methane, have been discussed by Bonvicini et al.[26]

I don't have to try to explain why the oceans are not toxic with chemicals from continental runoff.

Two letters: BP.

I don't have to try to explain why the moon is still visible with a recession rate of about 1 1/2" per year.

The moon is receding at about 3.8 cm per year. Since the moon is 3.85 � 1010 cm from the earth, this is already consistent, within an order of magnitude, with an earth-moon system billions of years old. The magnitude of tidal friction depends on the arrangement of the continents. In the past, the continents were arranged such that tidal friction, and thus the rates of earth's slowing and the moon's recession, would have been less. The earth's rotation has slowed at a rate of two seconds every 100,000 years (Eicher 1976).

The rate of earth's rotation in the distant past can be measured. Corals produce skeletons with both daily layers and yearly patterns, so we can count the number of days per year when the coral grew. Measurements of fossil corals from 180 to 400 million years ago show year lengths from 381 to 410 days, with older corals showing more days per year (Eicher 1976; Scrutton 1970; Wells 1963; 1970). Similarly, days per year can also be computed from growth patterns in mollusks (Pannella 1976; Scrutton 1978) and stromatolites (Mohr 1975; Pannella et al. 1968) and from sediment deposition patterns (Williams 1997). All such measurements are consistent with a gradual rate of earth's slowing for the last 650 million years.

The clocks based on the slowing of earth's rotation described above provide an independent method of dating geological layers over most of the fossil record. The data is inconsistent with a young earth

I don't have to depend on an invented Oort Cloud, something that has never been documented to exist, to explain the presents of comments. Where does the Bible speak of the Kuiper Belt in a manner that allowed us to predict it's existence before it's discovery in 1992? The difference between Faith and Science, is science makes predictions that are falsifiable. To date, we have discovered 4 trans-neptune objects thought to be possible candidates of Oort cloud, 90377 Sedna, 2000 CR105, 2006 SQ372, and 2008 KV42

I don't have to try to explain why man's artifacts or his fossils are found in all strata.
This is just false. Please show me a single documented case of human fossils or artifacts being discovered at the KT boundary.

I don't have to try to explain severely folded sedimentary rock is not broken.
We understand how crustal movements can do this.

I don't have to try to explain why, based on the known accumulation rate of human genetic mutations, there would not be any mutation only 6,000 years ago. I think you misstated this argument. In any event, we have evidence of mutations from one generation to the next, and mutations accumulating over millions of years. Either way, this argument does not move forward you position.

I don't have to defend the foolishness of accepting the dating of a rock when it give three or four different dates. Cross checking is not foolish
Independent measurements, using different and independent radiometric techniques, give consistent results (Dalrymple 2000; Lindsay 1999; Meert 2000). Such results cannot be explained either by chance or by a systematic error in decay rate assumptions.
Radiometric dates are consistent with several nonradiometric dating methods. For example:

� The Hawaiian archipelago was formed by the Pacific ocean plate moving over a hot spot at a slow but observable rate. Radiometric dates of the islands are consistent with the order and rate of their being positioned over the hot spot (Rubin 2001).

� Radiometric dating is consistent with Milankovitch cycles, which depend only on astronomical factors such as precession of the earth's tilt and orbital eccentricity (Hilgen et al. 1997).

� Radiometric dating is consistent with the luminescence dating method (Thompson n.d.; Thorne et al. 1999).

� Radiometric dating gives results consistent with relative dating methods such as "deeper is older" (Lindsay 2000).
The creationist claim that radiometric dates are inconsistent rest on a relatively few examples. Creationists ignore the vast majority of radiometric dates showing consistent results (e.g., Harland et al. 1990).

I have no problem with the the new science of Out Of Place Artifacts commonly called OOP ART. This is a common strategy used by believers in paranormal activity, and space aliens. I didn't expect to see you using arguments aligned with such fringe groups. If you have some specific objects that you believe are useful in making your case we can discuss those, but you will see that on a case-by-case basis this is not a strong argument.

These are what I can remember here in about two or three minutes. All these absolutely don't fit with the evolutionary world view.
One final unsupported false assertions.

Sorry but none of these arguments are convincing to the scientifically educated.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

How many nova and super novas should there be in a multiple billion year old universe? How many are documented?

Many more SNRs have been found, including many Stage 3 remnants older than 20,000 years. And the census is not over yet. If the universe is old, many SNRs should have reached the third, oldest stage, and that is what we see. The evidence contradicts a young universe, not an old one.

Davies's estimate of what proportion of SNRs should be visible to us is grossly oversimplified. It is impossible to say with certainty what proportion should be visible. Furthermore, he ignores data, including observations of possible old remnants, that would weaken his case.
SNRs are relatively hard to see. They would not be visible for one million years, the figure Davies used in his calculations. A million years is the theoretical lifetime of a remnant; it will be visible for a much shorter time because of background noise and obscuring dust and interstellar matter. Fewer than 1 percent of SNRs last more than 100,000 years. It may be that as few as 15-20 percent of supernova events are visible at all through the interstellar matter.

Supernovas are evidence for an old universe in other ways: � Supernovas are evidence that stars have reached the end of their lifetime, which for many stars is billions of years.
� The formation of new stars indicates that many are second generation; the universe must be old enough for some stars to go through their entire lifetime and for the dust from their supernovas to collect into new stars.
� It takes time for the light from the supernovas to reach us. All supernovas and SNRs are more than 7,000 light-years from us. SN 1987A was 167,000 +/- 4,000 light years away.

Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Ringman

I've read a number of fictional stories where the book (Bible) has been irrefutably proven wrong

Please give us a couple examples where the Bible has been irrefutably proven wrong, please.

Eden, and the 6 literal days of creation
The Firmament.
Just for starters.
"Wrong" only applies in these cases if one interprets everything in the most literal sense, and if one discounts allegory as the intention of the author for the purpose of teacher higher truths.

Allegory: a story in which the characters and events are symbols that stand for ideas about human life or for a political or historical situation.

- Merriam-Webster Dictionary

I was only arguing against the literal interpretation.
It's easy to see allegory in these stories. The story of Adam and Eve is (IMO) a perfect allegory for Marriage.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
According to my Bible Adam had "relations" with his wife and she conceived.
Where does the Bible say that Adam's sperm fertilized Eve's eggs, forming zygotes that became Cain, Abel, Seth, etc.? If you believe any sperm, eggs, or zygotes were involved, you are (by your own stated standard) believing in man's opinions vs God's word, since none of that is specified in the account of how Cain, Abel, Seth, etc., came to be conceived and born. Please answer this question straightforwardly.
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13

Ok, duly noted, but why do you believe that there were 6 literal days of creation?


Whoops, I see in a subsequent post that AS has room for allegory. My mistake.
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13

"I do not believe in revealed religion no matter who's collection of books are used. I also do not buy into the Jewish God or that Jesus is God. I do accept that Jesus was an apocalyptic Jew who preached morality for the end times whatever those end times might be. I believe that Paul created the Christian religion and made Jesus God. Hence, I'll never accept the Bible for anything other than collection of myths and legends.

As to the straw man argument, you are the guys trying to turn the Bible into a science text book not me

Ok, I can accept that you do not believe the Bible is anything but "myths and legends." That is your choice.

But as to your second paragraph, I am not trying to turn the Bible into a "science text book." I explained my views on this earlier.

So, out of curiosity, do you believe there is a god?



Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13

"Where does the Bible say that Adam's sperm fertilized Eve's eggs, forming zygotes that became Cain, Abel, Seth, etc.? If you believe any sperm, eggs, or zygotes were involved, you are (by your own stated standard) believing in man's opinions vs God's word, since none of that is specified in the account of how Cain, Abel, Seth, etc., came to be conceived and born. Please answer this question straightforwardly."

Ok, the Bible does not say that sperm, zygotes etc. happened. But does that mean it DIDN'T happen?

Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by TF49

Ok, duly noted, but why do you believe that there were 6 literal days of creation?


Whoops, I see in a subsequent post that AS has room for allegory. My mistake.

Reasonable question. I call it the Sophomore English Rule. We addressing an audience every sophomore already knows you address your audience in the terms they understand. Since the Bible's audience is human, God's would use human days/month/years/ etc. in his descriptions. The 6 literal days have been falsified, and Christian Apologist have been searching for a way around this ever since.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by TF49

"Where does the Bible say that Adam's sperm fertilized Eve's eggs, forming zygotes that became Cain, Abel, Seth, etc.? If you believe any sperm, eggs, or zygotes were involved, you are (by your own stated standard) believing in man's opinions vs God's word, since none of that is specified in the account of how Cain, Abel, Seth, etc., came to be conceived and born. Please answer this question straightforwardly."

Ok, the Bible does not say that sperm, zygotes etc. happened. But does that mean it DIDN'T happen?

My point exactly. It's Ringman's contention that since evolution wasn't mentioned in Genesis, to hold that it occurred is to place the opinions of men over the word of God. This, as you say, doesn't follow, since neither are sperms, eggs, or zygotes mentioned with respect to the many accounts of human reproduction found in the Bible. The reason they are not mentioned is that the Bible wasn't designed to bring scientifically unsophisticated people up to speed on the facts of biology as they are understood by folks living in the modern era.
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Notropis
Originally Posted by Ringman
Please give me an example where I have not taken the Old Testament at face value.

The two different versions of Creation in Genesis is one.
There's no validity to that objection. It's been debunked on several occasions at the Fire. Fully make the argument and I will debunk it again.

The Devil is in the details�

�Most biblical scholars believe that the first two chapters of Genesis actually contain two creation myths spliced together, along with "editorial comments" from the compiler.
In the first myth, the stages of creation are separated into six days. The second myth does not mention any separation of time periods.
In Genesis 1:6-8, the earth is covered in water. God (Elohim) commands the waters covering the earth to separate, forming land and sea. In Genesis 2:5-6, the earth is dry. God (v.2 YHWH-Elohim) had not caused it to rain yet. He then causes water to spring up from beneath the earth.
In Genesis 1:27-28, God (Elohim) creates man and woman (both unnamed) together, then tells them to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. In Genesis 2:7, the LORD (YHWH-Elohim) creates Adam, then creates Eve from Adam's rib in Genesis 2:21-22. Adam and Eve are not told to be fruitful and multiply.
In the first myth, God gives the man and woman dominion over the earth. In the second myth, the LORD does not.
The first myth contains no reference to a self-contained Garden of Eden where the man and woman must remain. The Garden of Eden first appears in the second myth.
The first myth lacks geographical references. In the second myth, the Editors inserted names of the rivers and lands near the Garden of Eden.
In the first myth, the animals of the sea and air were created on Thursday, while the animals of the land, including man, were created on Friday. In the second myth, man is created before any plants are even created, let alone any animals to eat them.

The roots of Genesis have been traced far back before the Biblical version.
Back to more ancient Mesopotamian religions
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by TF49

"I do not believe in revealed religion no matter who's collection of books are used. I also do not buy into the Jewish God or that Jesus is God. I do accept that Jesus was an apocalyptic Jew who preached morality for the end times whatever those end times might be. I believe that Paul created the Christian religion and made Jesus God. Hence, I'll never accept the Bible for anything other than collection of myths and legends.

As to the straw man argument, you are the guys trying to turn the Bible into a science text book not me

Ok, I can accept that you do not believe the Bible is anything but "myths and legends." That is your choice.

But as to your second paragraph, I am not trying to turn the Bible into a "science text book." I explained my views on this earlier.

So, out of curiosity, do you believe there is a god?



I'm a Deist and do believe in a Deity that I personally call the Divine Soul. I follow the Divine Feminine Principle/Polarity of the Divine Soul.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Notropis
Originally Posted by Ringman
Please give me an example where I have not taken the Old Testament at face value.

The two different versions of Creation in Genesis is one.
There's no validity to that objection. It's been debunked on several occasions at the Fire. Fully make the argument and I will debunk it again.

The Devil is in the details�

�Most biblical scholars believe that the first two chapters of Genesis actually contain two creation myths spliced together, along with "editorial comments" from the compiler.
In the first myth, the stages of creation are separated into six days. The second myth does not mention any separation of time periods.
In Genesis 1:6-8, the earth is covered in water. God (Elohim) commands the waters covering the earth to separate, forming land and sea. In Genesis 2:5-6, the earth is dry. God (v.2 YHWH-Elohim) had not caused it to rain yet. He then causes water to spring up from beneath the earth.
In Genesis 1:27-28, God (Elohim) creates man and woman (both unnamed) together, then tells them to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. In Genesis 2:7, the LORD (YHWH-Elohim) creates Adam, then creates Eve from Adam's rib in Genesis 2:21-22. Adam and Eve are not told to be fruitful and multiply.
In the first myth, God gives the man and woman dominion over the earth. In the second myth, the LORD does not.
The first myth contains no reference to a self-contained Garden of Eden where the man and woman must remain. The Garden of Eden first appears in the second myth.
The first myth lacks geographical references. In the second myth, the Editors inserted names of the rivers and lands near the Garden of Eden.
In the first myth, the animals of the sea and air were created on Thursday, while the animals of the land, including man, were created on Friday. In the second myth, man is created before any plants are even created, let alone any animals to eat them.

The roots of Genesis have been traced far back before the Biblical version.
Back to more ancient Mesopotamian religions

No arguments from me but boy this ought to open up a can worms. smile
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Yea, that will put he "no contradictions" crowd into a tizzy.
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13

"I'm a Deist and do believe in a Deity that I personally call the Divine Soul. I follow the Divine Feminine Principle/Polarity of the Divine Soul."

OK, but if you care to answer, does the Divine Soul have a personality and do you communicate with it?



Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by TF49

"I'm a Deist and do believe in a Deity that I personally call the Divine Soul. I follow the Divine Feminine Principle/Polarity of the Divine Soul."

OK, but if you care to answer, does the Divine Soul have a personality and do you communicate with it?



He's a deist. A deist believes a great creator but the universe in motion and has not interfered since. By definition the answer to both of your questions is no. A theist would have a personal God they talk
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
This is one of my favorite exchanges with Ringman:
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Ringman
The fossil record has trillions of single cell creatures. It has millions of million cell creature with nothing in between. Outside of human speculation where's the evidence for this fairy tale?

[Linked Image]

The adult caenorhabditis elegans (seen above) possesses only about a thousand somatic cells.

It's from this thread: Link I particularly love the juxtaposition of the fairytale accusation with the video clip of a living specimen debunking the charge.
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
According to the scholars�

The Enuma Elish (also known as The Seven Tablets of Creation) is the Mesopotamian creation story that the scholars say, may well be the oldest recorded in the world. These scholars found the order of Creation out of chaos and that man was created on the 6th day in God�s image.
The strange idea of light being created before the sun.�
And Utnapishtim built himself an Ark.

The Sumerians gave us a �Eden;� a garden paradise surrounded by desert, Eve (life) created from man�s rib, and eating forbidden fruit and getting kicked out.

In Greek mythos, Pandora's curiosity messed up the great gig we had going for ourselves.
And Deucalion grabbed himself an boat to survive his deluge.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
One of the early versions involved 6 generations of gods, and the 7th Generation made man as their servants so the gods could rest.
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13

Ok, where to start?

Here is what was in the post:

Most biblical scholars believe that the first two chapters of Genesis actually contain two creation myths spliced together, along with "editorial comments" from the compiler.
In the first myth, the stages of creation are separated into six days. The second myth does not mention any separation of time periods.
In Genesis 1:6-8, the earth is covered in water. God (Elohim) commands the waters covering the earth to separate, forming land and sea. In Genesis 2:5-6, the earth is dry. God (v.2 YHWH-Elohim) had not caused it to rain yet. He then causes water to spring up from beneath the earth.
In Genesis 1:27-28, God (Elohim) creates man and woman (both unnamed) together, then tells them to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. In Genesis 2:7, the LORD (YHWH-Elohim) creates Adam, then creates Eve from Adam's rib in Genesis 2:21-22. Adam and Eve are not told to be fruitful and multiply.
In the first myth, God gives the man and woman dominion over the earth. In the second myth, the LORD does not.
The first myth contains no reference to a self-contained Garden of Eden where the man and woman must remain. The Garden of Eden first appears in the second myth.
The first myth lacks geographical references. In the second myth, the Editors inserted names of the rivers and lands near the Garden of Eden.
In the first myth, the animals of the sea and air were created on Thursday, while the animals of the land, including man, were created on Friday. In the second myth, man is created before any plants are even created, let alone any animals to eat them.

Not sure about "most bible scholars" rendering opinions about "myth" but so what. I do not see myth and I do not see the contradiction. Calling something a myth does not make it so. It may only reveal the bias of the writer.

Having said that, it seems clear to me that an overview is given first and then some details are added later. Simple as that. I used to make presentations in business and did this all the time. Give an overview and then go back and add details as needed.

The point was made that the devil is in the details. Sure enough. One of the points in the text referred to is that God created Man. He did so and made man in the image of Himself. The elephant in the dining room is that God created Man, not that there is a problem with the table settings. So, if one does not want to address the real issue of God creating Man, then to be sure, they will make comment on the table settings.

Further, there is an important point here about choices.

Does one CHOOSE what to believe? Does one DECIDE what to believe based on the entire data set or based on what he chooses to extract from the data set?


btw, this is a great discussion, my thanks to you all, but I have got to get back to my chores. I'm sure there will something to follow up on later.
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13

He's a deist. A deist believes a great creator but the universe in motion and has not interfered since. By definition the answer to both of your questions is no. A theist would have a personal God they talk

OK...clear enough.


Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by TF49

"I'm a Deist and do believe in a Deity that I personally call the Divine Soul. I follow the Divine Feminine Principle/Polarity of the Divine Soul."

OK, but if you care to answer, does the Divine Soul have a personality and do you communicate with it?



Well yes and no. As AS said most Deists do not have a personal God in the sense you mean. Also most Deists do not pray but most do say prayers of a sort for thanks as we believe that is okay because we are not asking for anything especially to break natural law.

However, many Deists do put a prefix in front of Deist such as Christian Deist and do to some degree personalize the Deity. I myself have put a prefix in front of Deist and call myself a Pagan Deist because of my Pagan beliefs and have found a suitable Female Deity to make meditation easier for me.

A pure Deist would have no personalize icon to represent a Deity and would use pure reason as a religion. I've yet to find a pure Deist as anyone who starts out as a pure Deist mostly likely will gravitate toward atheism. This was the case during The Age of Reason or The Enlightenment of the 18th century.

I think most Deists whether they'll admit it or not have personalize the Deity to some degree. I know when I use to spend time on Deist forums and blogs most Deists were former Christians of one stripe or another. One blog I read of a Deist had been a former Catholic priest.

So as AS said a true Deist would have no personalize God but we Deists are human after all. smile
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by TF49

Ok, where to start?

Not sure about "most bible scholars" rendering opinions about "myth" but so what. I do not see myth and I do not see the contradiction. Calling something a myth does not make it so. It may only reveal the bias of the writer.

Having said that, it seems clear to me that an overview is given first and then some details are added later. Simple as that. I used to make presentations in business and did this all the time. Give an overview and then go back and add details as needed.

The point was made that the devil is in the details. Sure enough. One of the points in the text referred to is that God created Man. He did so and made man in the image of Himself. The elephant in the dining room is that God created Man, not that there is a problem with the table settings. So, if one does not want to address the real issue of God creating Man, then to be sure, they will make comment on the table settings.

Further, there is an important point here about choices.

Does one CHOOSE what to believe? Does one DECIDE what to believe based on the entire data set or based on what he chooses to extract from the data set?


btw, this is a great discussion, my thanks to you all, but I have got to get back to my chores. I'm sure there will something to follow up on later.
Well said, TF. I've debunked this in precisely the same way for years here at the Fire. It just keeps getting resurrected, though, as is the nature of such things.
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by TF49

Ok, where to start?

Here is what was in the post:

Most biblical scholars believe that the first two chapters of Genesis actually contain two creation myths spliced together, along with "editorial comments" from the compiler.
In the first myth, the stages of creation are separated into six days. The second myth does not mention any separation of time periods.
In Genesis 1:6-8, the earth is covered in water. God (Elohim) commands the waters covering the earth to separate, forming land and sea. In Genesis 2:5-6, the earth is dry. God (v.2 YHWH-Elohim) had not caused it to rain yet. He then causes water to spring up from beneath the earth.
In Genesis 1:27-28, God (Elohim) creates man and woman (both unnamed) together, then tells them to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. In Genesis 2:7, the LORD (YHWH-Elohim) creates Adam, then creates Eve from Adam's rib in Genesis 2:21-22. Adam and Eve are not told to be fruitful and multiply.
In the first myth, God gives the man and woman dominion over the earth. In the second myth, the LORD does not.
The first myth contains no reference to a self-contained Garden of Eden where the man and woman must remain. The Garden of Eden first appears in the second myth.
The first myth lacks geographical references. In the second myth, the Editors inserted names of the rivers and lands near the Garden of Eden.
In the first myth, the animals of the sea and air were created on Thursday, while the animals of the land, including man, were created on Friday. In the second myth, man is created before any plants are even created, let alone any animals to eat them.

Not sure about "most bible scholars" rendering opinions about "myth" but so what. I do not see myth and I do not see the contradiction. Calling something a myth does not make it so. It may only reveal the bias of the writer.

Having said that, it seems clear to me that an overview is given first and then some details are added later. Simple as that. I used to make presentations in business and did this all the time. Give an overview and then go back and add details as needed.

The point was made that the devil is in the details. Sure enough. One of the points in the text referred to is that God created Man. He did so and made man in the image of Himself. The elephant in the dining room is that God created Man, not that there is a problem with the table settings. So, if one does not want to address the real issue of God creating Man, then to be sure, they will make comment on the table settings.

Further, there is an important point here about choices.

Does one CHOOSE what to believe? Does one DECIDE what to believe based on the entire data set or based on what he chooses to extract from the data set?


btw, this is a great discussion, my thanks to you all, but I have got to get back to my chores. I'm sure there will something to follow up on later.

Ok, where to start?

I start with man using his �God-given� intellect to understand as much as we can within our limits.

And to push those limits as far and for as long as we can. What lays beyond goes by many names. Call it �God.� Call it the �Unknown.� Whatever. Call it �Fine.�

This thread is about faith or belief in the little bit we have figured out about this Earth, this Universe, this Cosmos.

Versus those who literally believe and have faith in a Bible written a long time ago. Before Hubble.

Nothing wrong and a lot that is right about the discussion. My problem has always been with the smug Christians and their closed universe. Their way or the highway.

But I am also kinda glad that my disagreements with those gentle followers of Christ will no longer get me burned at the stake. Or stoned to death in the village square by those who came before Christ.

He was a braver man than me. For him it seemed to be a close call between being stoned by the Jews or crucified by the Romans. He could not and would not just shut up and walk away.

That much I take as fact. Believed by both theologians and many if not most historians.

Burning at the stake for Heresy came later.
Posted By: Notropis Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
I've debunked this in precisely the same way for years here at the Fire. It just keeps getting resurrected, though, as is the nature of such things.

Go ahead and run through your debunking one more time or give us a reference to a thread that contains it.
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 11/30/13

"This thread is about faith or belief in the little bit we have figured out about this Earth, this Universe, this Cosmos.

Versus those who literally believe and have faith in a Bible written a long time ago. Before Hubble.

Nothing wrong and a lot that is right about the discussion. My problem has always been with the smug Christians and their closed universe. Their way or the highway

You frame the difference as one between well thought out and researched science and silly myth and belief in a book written many years ago. I don't see it that way at all. As I have said before, I am all for science and do not see any problem with scientific endeavor. As for the Bible, we should not try to make it say what it does not say. Much mischief has been made by "isogesis" as opposed to "exegesis."

Isogesis happens when you begin with a thought or idea and then transpose that thought into a piece of scripture. You read something "into" the scripture that is not there. It is my observation that scientists fall victim to this bias as well. I have seen articles and comments where "scientists" will read their bias into "microevolution" and call it proof of "macroevolution." Another silly myth of science. (recognize the wording?)

The aforementioned issues with both Hawking and Krauss where both were embarrassed by their own community by claiming they can prove that everything (the universe) came from nothing. As I said before, the knife cuts both ways.

Again: "The Bible is much more personal. It is about God, Jesus and Man and how relationships work and how those relationships are affected by the character of the participants."

Also, I do agree with you about the idea of "my way or the highway." There is truth and there is untruth.

The fundamental issue for Christians is the individual and Jesus. It is my firm belief that this is the greatest issue for both you and I; and of course everybody else.

Seek and you will find... easy..

Matthew 7:7-8

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened"

Luke 11:9

"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

One interesting thing I did with my father was to ask him to ask Jesus to make himself "real" to him. I asked him to "seek." It is a somewhat bold move for many. It was a bit difficult for me. But, I was prompted and I sought and I found.


Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/01/13
Originally Posted by Notropis
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
I've debunked this in precisely the same way for years here at the Fire. It just keeps getting resurrected, though, as is the nature of such things.

Go ahead and run through your debunking one more time or give us a reference to a thread that contains it.
The last time was in the context of my responding to Bob who had essentially made Bowsinger's argument. Feel free to look for it. I sure don't want to take the time and effort to do so. Or just save the time and effort and reread what TF49 wrote, which is essentially the same in concept as my rebuttal to Bob.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/01/13
Originally Posted by TF49

"This thread is about faith or belief in the little bit we have figured out about this Earth, this Universe, this Cosmos.

Versus those who literally believe and have faith in a Bible written a long time ago. Before Hubble.

Nothing wrong and a lot that is right about the discussion. My problem has always been with the smug Christians and their closed universe. Their way or the highway

You frame the difference as one between well thought out and researched science and silly myth and belief in a book written many years ago. I don't see it that way at all. As I have said before, I am all for science and do not see any problem with scientific endeavor. As for the Bible, we should not try to make it say what it does not say. Much mischief has been made by "isogesis" as opposed to "exegesis."

Isogesis happens when you begin with a thought or idea and then transpose that thought into a piece of scripture. You read something "into" the scripture that is not there. It is my observation that scientists fall victim to this bias as well. I have seen articles and comments where "scientists" will read their bias into "microevolution" and call it proof of "macroevolution." Another silly myth of science. (recognize the wording?)

The aforementioned issues with both Hawking and Krauss where both were embarrassed by their own community by claiming they can prove that everything (the universe) came from nothing. As I said before, the knife cuts both ways.

Again: "The Bible is much more personal. It is about God, Jesus and Man and how relationships work and how those relationships are affected by the character of the participants."

Also, I do agree with you about the idea of "my way or the highway." There is truth and there is untruth.

The fundamental issue for Christians is the individual and Jesus. It is my firm belief that this is the greatest issue for both you and I; and of course everybody else.

Seek and you will find... easy..

Matthew 7:7-8

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened"

Luke 11:9

"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

One interesting thing I did with my father was to ask him to ask Jesus to make himself "real" to him. I asked him to "seek." It is a somewhat bold move for many. It was a bit difficult for me. But, I was prompted and I sought and I found.


Excellent post, TF.
Posted By: Notropis Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/01/13
Originally Posted by Notropis
Originally Posted by Ringman
Please give me an example where I have not taken the Old Testament at face value.

The two different versions of Creation in Genesis is one.

TRH, I don't really want to spend the time any more than you do looking for something that actually has very little relevance to the answer I gave Ringman. He asked about taking something from the OT at face value. Face value does not allow any interpretation, historical perspective, scholarly interpretations, or anything except the words as they appear on the page.

Genesis does, indeed, contain two very different versions of Creation if you take what is written in Genesis at face value.

You can debunk interpretations all you want but would have a hard time debunking the absolute fact that Genesis in most recent versions of the OT does contain conflicting accounts if you take the words at face value as written.

Does this mean that I take the words at face value? Not at all. That would lead to a considerable amount of confusion. I seek to understand the message rather than just the words, and such things as historical perspective and scholarly interpretations are quite useful in gaining understanding.

Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/01/13

Please provide your citation as it's likely a matter of interpretation.

I'm sure it is. You don't accept God's Word in the beginning. Jesus actually accepts Genesis as real history. You won't accept God's Word from Jesus. He was talking about divorce. I posted this earlier on this thread. You need to get out your rescuing device for this one.

Mark 10:6
"But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female."
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/01/13

Does this mean that I take the words at face value? Not at all. That would lead to a considerable amount of confusion. I seek to understand the message rather than just the words, and such things as historical perspective and scholarly interpretations are quite useful in gaining understanding.

It is interesting that I find many authors with advanced degrees in science and theology who read, accept, and understand Genesis chapters One through Eleven the same way I do. Are they confused? Or could it be you have been deceived?
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/01/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Mark 10:6
"But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female."
This still doesn't demand the interpretation you're attempting to impose upon it, Ringman. Not even close.

In fact, if anything, it would be impossible to interpret it in the literal sense you insist upon. Why? Because there's no one who advocates the position that on day one (i.e., the beginning of creation per se) God made man, not even the most staunch literalist. I'm quite certain, in fact, that not even you advocate such a reading of Genesis (Are you contradicting Jesus, then, or did Jesus mean something other than literally the beginning of creation?). Therefore we can discard completely the notion that Jesus literally meant the beginning of creation.

Context must be incorporated into our interpretation in order to accurately derive Christ's meaning in Mark 10:6.

Therefore, what's left? What's left is the beginning of man's creation. Jesus' point was only that man (the species) has always (i.e., since he's existed as man) been male and female. That's the context in which you must interpret the meaning of his words, i.e., he was discussing the nature of man, not of the universe. Man's nature in this instance being the context, "the beginning of creation" (in Mark 10:6) refers to the beginning of man's creation.

In Biblical exegesis, you cannot ignore context or you will come to wrong conclusions.

Since the strictly literal (and acontextual) sense you were attempting to impose on the words of Christ in Mark 10:6 have been shown to be impossible (unless you suggest he wished to contradict the words contained in Genesis chapters 1&2 as to the creation sequence), we find ourselves back to square one on the question of when man first appeared on the scene, i.e., you haven't advanced your case.
Posted By: Notropis Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/01/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

Does this mean that I take the words at face value? Not at all. That would lead to a considerable amount of confusion. I seek to understand the message rather than just the words, and such things as historical perspective and scholarly interpretations are quite useful in gaining understanding.

It is interesting that I find many authors with advanced degrees in science and theology who read, accept, and understand Genesis chapters One through Eleven the same way I do. Are they confused? Or could it be you have been deceived?

That is interesting because there must be a substantial lack of reading comprehension if they do not find conflicts trying to accept it AT FACE VALUE without any interpretation the way you claim you accept it.

edit: Do you really believe women have more ribs than do men?
Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/01/13
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
1. My problem has always been with the smug Christians...Their way or the highway.
2. But I am also kinda glad that my disagreements with those gentle followers of Christ will no longer get me burned at the stake.

1. Yep. 'Christians' do more damage to Christianity than anything else does. It's likely they're not winning any favor with God by driving others further away from Him.
2. I'm thankful for that also.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/01/13
Originally Posted by Notropis
TRH, I don't really want to spend the time any more than you do looking for something that actually has very little relevance to the answer I gave Ringman. He asked about taking something from the OT at face value. Face value does not allow any interpretation, historical perspective, scholarly interpretations, or anything except the words as they appear on the page.

Genesis does, indeed, contain two very different versions of Creation if you take what is written in Genesis at face value.

You can debunk interpretations all you want but would have a hard time debunking the absolute fact that Genesis in most recent versions of the OT does contain conflicting accounts if you take the words at face value as written.

Does this mean that I take the words at face value? Not at all. That would lead to a considerable amount of confusion. I seek to understand the message rather than just the words, and such things as historical perspective and scholarly interpretations are quite useful in gaining understanding.

Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/01/13
Originally Posted by Notropis
Originally Posted by Ringman

Does this mean that I take the words at face value? Not at all. That would lead to a considerable amount of confusion. I seek to understand the message rather than just the words, and such things as historical perspective and scholarly interpretations are quite useful in gaining understanding.

It is interesting that I find many authors with advanced degrees in science and theology who read, accept, and understand Genesis chapters One through Eleven the same way I do. Are they confused? Or could it be you have been deceived?

That is interesting because there must be a substantial lack of reading comprehension if they do not find conflicts trying to accept it AT FACE VALUE without any interpretation the way you claim you accept it.

edit: Do you really believe women have more ribs than do men?

If the words cannot be taken at face value, doesn't that falsify the idea the Bible is the perfect, unerring word of God?
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/01/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
If the words cannot be taken at face value, doesn't that falsify the idea the Bible is the perfect, unerring word of God?
No. The Christian tradition on this is that the meaning intended by the words of the Bible are unerring, but the intended meaning is subject to correct and incorrect interpretation, just like that of anyone who communicates with words, written or spoken.

Protestants don't have a solution to this conundrum that I'm aware of, since they've always upheld the notion that everyone gets to interpret according to their own personal lights (resulting in dozens of denominations of Protestants), but Roman Catholics have always accepted the Christ-appointed authority of the Church in correctly interpreting Scripture, so have never had this particular problem in logical consistency, since they equate "the Church" with the institutional Roman Catholic Church with regard to what they refer to as the Deposit of Faith therein preserved.

"The Deposit of Faith is the body of doctrines handed down from Jesus to the Apostles, from the Apostles to their successors, and so forth to our times. The Deposit of Faith contains the complete body of doctrines that make up the Catholic Faith. Nothing new can be added that is not at least implicitly contained within the Deposit of Faith, and nothing can be taken away, for public revelation ceased with the death of the last Apostle.

The means by which the Deposit of Faith has been passed down to us is through the written word of God (as contained in the New Testament) and the unwritten word of God (handed down orally by the Apostles). The written word of God � the Holy Bible - exhorts us to hold fast to both the written and unwritten Traditions we have received � �therefore, brethren, hold fast to the traditions which you have received, whether by word or by epistle� (2 Thess. 2:14). Holding fast to both the written and unwritten Traditions is necessary to preserve the integrity of the Gospel."

- Catholic Answers
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/01/13

If the words cannot be taken at face value, doesn't that falsify the idea the Bible is the perfect, unerring word of God?

Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/01/13
edit: Do you really believe women have more ribs than do men?

Do you believe Adam didn't have a belly button? I have to go. When I get back I will answer you and hawk.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/01/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
If the words cannot be taken at face value, doesn't that falsify the idea the Bible is the perfect, unerring word of God?
No. The Christian tradition on this is that the meaning intended by the words of the Bible are unerring, but the intended meaning is subject to correct and incorrect interpretation, just like that of anyone who communicates with words, written or spoken.

Protestants don't have a solution to this conundrum that I'm aware of, since they've always upheld the notion that everyone gets to interpret according to their own personal lights (resulting in dozens of denominations of Protestants), but Roman Catholics have always accepted the Christ-appointed authority of the Church in correctly interpreting Scripture, so have never had this particular problem in logical consistency, since they equate "the Church" with the institutional Roman Catholic Church with regard to what they refer to as the Deposit of Faith therein preserved.

"The Deposit of Faith is the body of doctrines handed down from Jesus to the Apostles, from the Apostles to their successors, and so forth to our times. The Deposit of Faith contains the complete body of doctrines that make up the Catholic Faith. Nothing new can be added that is not at least implicitly contained within the Deposit of Faith, and nothing can be taken away, for public revelation ceased with the death of the last Apostle. The means by which the Deposit of Faith has been passed down to us is through the written word of God, as contained in the New Testament, and the unwritten word of God, handed down orally by the Apostles. The written word of God � the Holy Bible - exhorts us to hold fast to both the written and unwritten Traditions we have received � �therefore, brethren, hold fast to the traditions which you have received, whether by word or by epistle� (2 Thess. 2:14). Holding fast to both the written and unwritten Traditions is necessary to preserve the integrity of the Gospel."

- Catholic Answers

Well interesting. I was going to comment on what I saw on the main post. When I hit the quote button I saw the rest of the post that didn't appear at first in the main post.

What I was going to say and it hasn't changed is that I had not thought of that before that the Protestants do not speak with one voice whereas the Catholics do. Hence, dozens of different Protestant sects by only one Roman Catholic sect.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/01/13
Originally Posted by TRH
No. The Christian tradition on this is that the meaning intended by the words of the Bible are unerring, but the intended meaning is subject to correct and incorrect interpretation, just like that of anyone who communicates with words, written or spoken.

In other words, the "perfect" God wasn't capable of saying what he meant, so his words must be "interpreted" by imperfect man to figure out what he really meant.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/01/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by TRH
No. The Christian tradition on this is that the meaning intended by the words of the Bible are unerring, but the intended meaning is subject to correct and incorrect interpretation, just like that of anyone who communicates with words, written or spoken.

In other words, the "perfect" God wasn't capable of saying what he meant, so his words must be "interpreted" by imperfect man to figure out what he really meant.
You've placed your finger on the Protestant conundrum, but as I said, this isn't an issue for Roman Catholics for reasons stated above. The interpretive authority for them lies with the institutional Roman Catholic Church by means of its preservation of the Deposit of Faith (guarded for them by the Holy Spirit), which Church they believe was appointed with said authority (i.e., that of preserving and passing down the Deposit of Faith) by Christ while on earth.

PS All words may either be correctly or incorrectly interpreted. I would have thought that this was a given, and not a new concept to you or anyone who's spent any time thinking on the matter.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/01/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by TRH
No. The Christian tradition on this is that the meaning intended by the words of the Bible are unerring, but the intended meaning is subject to correct and incorrect interpretation, just like that of anyone who communicates with words, written or spoken.

In other words, the "perfect" God wasn't capable of saying what he meant, so his words must be "interpreted" by imperfect man to figure out what he really meant.

Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/01/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by TRH
No. The Christian tradition on this is that the meaning intended by the words of the Bible are unerring, but the intended meaning is subject to correct and incorrect interpretation, just like that of anyone who communicates with words, written or spoken.

In other words, the "perfect" God wasn't capable of saying what he meant, so his words must be "interpreted" by imperfect man to figure out what he really meant.
You've placed your finger on the Protestant conundrum, but as I said, this isn't an issue for Roman Catholics for reasons stated above. The interpretive authority for them lies with the institutional Roman Catholic Church by means of its preservation of the Deposit of Faith (guarded for them by the Holy Spirit), which Church they believe was appointed with said authority (i.e., that of preserving and passing down the Deposit of Faith) by Christ while on earth.

PS All words may either be correctly or incorrectly interpreted. I would have thought that this was a given, and not a new concept to you or anyone who's spent any time thinking on the matter.

Of course it's a problem for them. All you have to do is look at the Medici Popes to understand Gods Vickers are no where close to perfect, as is the entire interpretative agency. This piece of apologetics may be 2k years old, but it's still just a piece of apologetics.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/01/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

Of course it's a problem for them. All you have to do is look at the Medici Popes to understand Gods Vickers are no where close to perfect, as is the entire interpretative agency. This piece of apologetics may be 2k years old, but it's still just a piece of apologetics.
Well, not being a practicing Roman Catholic myself, I'm not actually out to defend the Catholic position here. It just so happens that I know the Catholic viewpoint, having been one for a large chunk of my life.

That said, the Deposit of Faith is thought by them not to depend on the goodness of the various Popes throughout history, many of whom were terrible. It's more that something is considered by them to be a part of the Deposit only if it can be shown that it has always been so taught by the Church, or that it's a syllogistically logical conclusion that can be drawn from what has always been taught by the Church.

PS Apologetics is a subcategory of theology. It's not a bad or insulting word.

"Apologetics (from the Greek word meaning "speaking in defense") is the discipline of defending a position (often religious) through the systematic use of information."

- Wikipedia
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/01/13
"Stone disobedient children" (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/01/13
Originally Posted by derby_dude
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by TRH
No. The Christian tradition on this is that the meaning intended by the words of the Bible are unerring, but the intended meaning is subject to correct and incorrect interpretation, just like that of anyone who communicates with words, written or spoken.

In other words, the "perfect" God wasn't capable of saying what he meant, so his words must be "interpreted" by imperfect man to figure out what he really meant.


Nah, when someone starts out a statement by saying "in other words" that is exactly what he is using: other words; not yours and he intends to inject his meaning into the conversation.


Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/01/13
"Stone disobedient children" (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)

I had intended to respond with info on the OT principle of "purging the evil" but thought, nope this is just an internet troll.

Don't feed the trolls is always good advice.

Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by TF49
"Stone disobedient children" (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)

I had intended to respond with info on the OT principle of "purging the evil" but thought, nope this is just an internet troll. TF

Post looks and smells like what my hens drop all over the yard.
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by TF49
"Stone disobedient children" (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)

I had intended to respond with info on the OT principle of "purging the evil" but thought, nope this is just an internet troll.

Don't feed the trolls is always good advice.


Not stoning children is probably pretty good advice too don't ya think?
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by TF49
Originally Posted by derby_dude
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by TRH
No. The Christian tradition on this is that the meaning intended by the words of the Bible are unerring, but the intended meaning is subject to correct and incorrect interpretation, just like that of anyone who communicates with words, written or spoken.

In other words, the "perfect" God wasn't capable of saying what he meant, so his words must be "interpreted" by imperfect man to figure out what he really meant.


Nah, when someone starts out a statement by saying "in other words" that is exactly what he is using: other words; not yours and he intends to inject his meaning into the conversation.


Yes. I restated the consequences of his words.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by TF49
Originally Posted by derby_dude
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by TRH
No. The Christian tradition on this is that the meaning intended by the words of the Bible are unerring, but the intended meaning is subject to correct and incorrect interpretation, just like that of anyone who communicates with words, written or spoken.

In other words, the "perfect" God wasn't capable of saying what he meant, so his words must be "interpreted" by imperfect man to figure out what he really meant.


Nah, when someone starts out a statement by saying "in other words" that is exactly what he is using: other words; not yours and he intends to inject his meaning into the conversation.


Well I've said many times what AS said and I agree with his assessment.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by TF49
"Stone disobedient children" (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)

I had intended to respond with info on the OT principle of "purging the evil" but thought, nope this is just an internet troll.

Don't feed the trolls is always good advice.


Bowsingers' a regular participant in the religion threads, and far from a troll on this subject. If you would take his post in context, you would notice it's continuation on my previously stated theme of falsification, but in this case falsification of the hypothesis of an all kind/loving God.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
So, after 700 posts in this thread, and 10's of thousands of posts on these very same topics on the Campfire, I'm left with one question...

Has anybody been convinced to change their stance? laugh

An exercise in futility my friends...
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
So, after 700 posts in this thread, and 10's of thousands of posts on these very same topics on the Campfire, I'm left with one question...

Has anybody been convinced to change their stance? laugh

An exercise in futility my friends...

No, but it does occupy time! laugh
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
I'm solidly on the opposing side of the argument as antelope_sniper and BOWSINGER, but consider them both well read, well studied, and civil in their discourse when they disagree, as long as they are treated civilly in return.

I'd truly love to spend time around a campfire with either of them. Tim, Derby_Dude could come too.

Fine, polite gentlemen, the lot of them.

Even if they are misguided and wrong grin
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Over 15k views.

There are way more people viewing this thread then posting to it. Those are the minds that can be changed.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by derby_dude
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
So, after 700 posts in this thread, and 10's of thousands of posts on these very same topics on the Campfire, I'm left with one question...

Has anybody been convinced to change their stance? laugh

An exercise in futility my friends...

No, but it does occupy time! laugh

laugh and we get to sound smart! (at least in our own minds)
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
I'm solidly on the opposing side of the argument as antelope_sniper and BOWSINGER, but consider them both well read, well studied, and civil in their discourse when they disagree, as long as they are treated civilly in return.

I'd truly love to spend time around a campfire with either of them. Tim, Derby_Dude could come too.

Fine, polite gentlemen, the lot of them.

Even if they are misguided and wrong grin

Thanks. As to being misguided and wrong, according to humanity I've been misguided and wrong since before birth. laugh
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
I'm solidly on the opposing side of the argument as antelope_sniper and BOWSINGER, but consider them both well read, well studied, and civil in their discourse when they disagree, as long as they are treated civilly in return.

I'd truly love to spend time around a campfire with either of them. Tim, Derby_Dude could come too.

Fine, polite gentlemen, the lot of them.

Even if they are misguided and wrong grin

Another 20 years or so, and you will come around.
In the mean time, I'd sip bourbon around a fire with you guys anytime.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Over 15k views.

There are way more people viewing this thread then posting to it. Those are the minds that can be changed.

I'd be interested to hear if any minds have actually been changed. That would really be fascinating to me.

It's like Christian "Tracks", those little leaflets that they pass out that tell you the "4 Steps to Salvation" and whatnot. I've been witnessing for Jesus for over 25 years now, have seen hundreds of people develop a relationship with Him, but have NEVER met anybody that has ever had their lives changed with a track...
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
I'm solidly on the opposing side of the argument as antelope_sniper and BOWSINGER, but consider them both well read, well studied, and civil in their discourse when they disagree, as long as they are treated civilly in return.

I'd truly love to spend time around a campfire with either of them. Tim, Derby_Dude could come too.

Fine, polite gentlemen, the lot of them.

Even if they are misguided and wrong grin

Another 20 years or so, and you will come around.

laugh I'm too experienced and have seen too many things to be persuaded otherwise. But, I would sure welcome the attempt!

I find these conversations much more educational among friends, in person, than on forums.
Posted By: Rug3 Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Don Rumsey
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Over 15k views.

There are way more people viewing this thread then posting to it. Those are the minds that can be changed.

I'd be interested to hear if any minds have actually been changed. That would really be fascinating to me.

It's like Christian "Tracks", those little leaflets that they pass out that tell you the "4 Steps to Salvation" and whatnot. I've been witnessing for Jesus for over 25 years now, have seen hundreds of people develop a relationship with Him, but have NEVER met anybody that has ever had their lives changed with a track...

Tracks are not supposed to change a persons life. They are just marketing material designed to start a conversation allowing a witness/priest/missionary an opportunity to determine if the prospect has a need for their product in his/her life. It's what follows that may, or may not, change a persons life.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
I'm solidly on the opposing side of the argument as antelope_sniper and BOWSINGER, but consider them both well read, well studied, and civil in their discourse when they disagree, as long as they are treated civilly in return.

I'd truly love to spend time around a campfire with either of them. Tim, Derby_Dude could come too.

Fine, polite gentlemen, the lot of them.

Even if they are misguided and wrong grin

Another 20 years or so, and you will come around.

laugh I'm too experienced and have seen too many things to be persuaded otherwise. But, I would sure welcome the attempt!

I find these conversations much more educational among friends, in person, than on forums.

Regardless of your position, these conversations are very educational. Ethics, epistemology, Biology, Abiogenesis, Genetics, anatomy, evolution, paleontology, geology, astronomy, cosmology, physics, archaeology, history, and theology, and logic, just to name a few of the subjects we've covered in this thread.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Over 15k views.

There are way more people viewing this thread then posting to it. Those are the minds that can be changed.

I'd be interested to hear if any minds have actually been changed. That would really be fascinating to me.

It's like Christian "Tracks", those little leaflets that they pass out that tell you the "4 Steps to Salvation" and whatnot. I've been witnessing for Jesus for over 25 years now, have seen hundreds of people develop a relationship with Him, but have NEVER met anybody that has ever had their lives changed with a track...

Tracks are not supposed to change a persons life. They are just marketing material designed to start a conversation allowing a witness/priest/missionary an opportunity to determine if the prospect has a need for their product in his/her life. It's what follows that may, or may not, change a persons life.

Very true! I'm impressed!

Sadly, this is not how they are most often used. Usually they are not used as conversation starters. They are either left about in the hopes that somebody would pick one up and read it themselves, or they are passed out much like fliers at a concert.

If more were used in the manner you pointed out, I'm sure that there would be a lot more fruit from them.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
I'm solidly on the opposing side of the argument as antelope_sniper and BOWSINGER, but consider them both well read, well studied, and civil in their discourse when they disagree, as long as they are treated civilly in return.

I'd truly love to spend time around a campfire with either of them. Tim, Derby_Dude could come too.

Fine, polite gentlemen, the lot of them.

Even if they are misguided and wrong grin

Another 20 years or so, and you will come around.

laugh I'm too experienced and have seen too many things to be persuaded otherwise. But, I would sure welcome the attempt!

I find these conversations much more educational among friends, in person, than on forums.

Regardless of your position, these conversations are very educational. Ethics, epistemology, Biology, Abiogenesis, Genetics, anatomy, evolution, paleontology, geology, astronomy, cosmology, physics, archaeology, history, and theology, and logic, just to name a few of the subjects we've covered in this thread.

Oh I totally agree! I know that I've learned a lot from these. I wasn't proposing that these are futile in the sense that people can't learn cool new things. I'm merely suggesting that any attempt to change one's perspective through this is what's futile.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
I'm certain we've altered some perspectives during these conversations. Someone can change their perspective without totally changing sides. A theist could move from a literalist to thinking some interpretation is necessary, or become a functional deist while maintaining an overall belief in God. Perhaps someone begins to wonder about the Gnostics or other early sects who believed in a purely spiritual Jesus who never walked the earth, and sees the advantage, how this could allow a broader relationship among themselves, science, reason, and a personal Christ.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Mark 10:6
"But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female."

This still doesn't demand the interpretation you're attempting to impose upon it, Ringman. Not even close.

In fact, if anything, it would be impossible to interpret it in the literal sense you insist upon. Why? Because there's no one who advocates the position that on day one (i.e., the beginning of creation per se) God made man, not even the most staunch literalist. I'm quite certain, in fact, that not even you advocate such a reading of Genesis (Are you contradicting Jesus, then, or did Jesus mean something other than literally the beginning of creation?). Therefore we can discard completely the notion that Jesus literally meant the beginning of creation.

Context must be incorporated into our interpretation in order to accurately derive Christ's meaning in Mark 10:6.

Therefore, what's left? What's left is the beginning of man's creation. Jesus' point was only that man (the species) has always (i.e., since he's existed as man) been male and female. That's the context in which you must interpret the meaning of his words, i.e., he was discussing the nature of man, not of the universe. Man's nature in this instance being the context, "the beginning of creation" (in Mark 10:6) refers to the beginning of man's creation.

In Biblical exegesis, you cannot ignore context or you will come to wrong conclusions.

Since the strictly literal (and acontextual) sense you were attempting to impose on the words of Christ in Mark 10:6 have been shown to be impossible (unless you suggest he wished to contradict the words contained in Genesis chapters 1&2 as to the creation sequence), we find ourselves back to square one on the question of when man first appeared on the scene, i.e., you haven't advanced your case.

Let's say someone built a house ten or fifteen years ago. As soon as the house is finished it is decorated. Someone comes by and visits the owner in his home. The visitor asked,
"That's a beautiful painting. When did you hang it?"
"I hung that up in the beginning when I built the house."

When Jesus, as The Son of Man, mentioned "from the beginning of creation" about four thousand years already passed. From His perspective the sixth day of creation was still the beginning. We are looking at 0.00048% of time. Not statically significant for most applications.

Today you made me realize something. Arrogance is a mental illness. If you asked someone if they are arrogant they will emphatically tell you, "NO!" How could they be? They are too cool.

I see the same thing happening with someone who claims to know more than Jesus.

antelope sniper got it right when he tried to help you and others in an earlier post. The first act to becoming a Christian is to humble one's self. Thinking God is not able to have his prophets write exactly what He wants said and His readers to understand does not embody any humility.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Let's say someone built a house ten or fifteen years ago. As soon as the house is finished it is decorated. Someone comes by and visits the owner in his home. The visitor asked,
"That's a beautiful painting. When did you hang it?"
"I hung that up in the beginning when I built the house."

When Jesus, as The Son of Man, mentioned "from the beginning of creation" about four thousand years already passed. From His perspective the sixth day of creation was still the beginning. We are looking at 0.00048% of time. Not statically significant for most applications.
That's your way of admitting that you are indeed required to understand, from context, what a verse is meant to communicate rather than taking it literally out of context. You're growing. Keep it up. You'll get there.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13

I'd be interested to hear if any minds have actually been changed. That would really be fascinating to me.

It's like Christian "Tracks", those little leaflets that they pass out that tell you the "4 Steps to Salvation" and whatnot. I've been witnessing for Jesus for over 25 years now, have seen hundreds of people develop a relationship with Him, but have NEVER met anybody that has ever had their lives changed with a track...

About a decade ago I wrote an essay titled The Pot and the Bird. Like any artist I delight in some of my work and think some of the other stuff needs more work. Sometime a lot.

When I finished the The Pot and the Bird it looked better than good, it looked great. I sent it to Institute for Creation Research. Someone there went over it and wrote back. I was told they made a copy and put it in the lunch room for everyone to read. They went on to suggest "every junior high and high school student in the world should read this."

The essay was about three pages long. I figured kids will not read this so I asked my 4.0 fourth grade granddaughter to help me edit it. With her help I reduced it to four paragraphs and made book marks with two paragraphs on each side. One time I gave one to a Mexican fellow in a store. A few minutes he found me and said,
"I read this before, but it was in Spanish." That means someone saw its value and had translated it and printed some.

About the time I passed out about 10,000 I was sorta tired. I began to wonder the same thing you are. Then one day a guy sent me an email. He gave one to his friend who was getting a divorce. He read it accepted Jesus and gave it to his soon to be ex-wife. She read it and accepted the Lord and they got back together. I can not tell you how much encouragement that meant to me. Since then I have past out at least another 15,000.

This long post is to encourage you.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Thank you sir
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13

That's your way of admitting that you are indeed required to understand, from context, what a verse is meant to communicate rather than taking it literally out of context. You're growing. Keep it up. You'll get there.

Context is the only way one can understand Genesis. Trying to put you own spin on It as you and others do is a disservice to evolutionism and creationism. Re-read antelope sniper's post again.
Posted By: Notropis Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

That's your way of admitting that you are indeed required to understand, from context, what a verse is meant to communicate rather than taking it literally out of context. You're growing. Keep it up. You'll get there.

Context is the only way one can understand Genesis. Trying to put you own spin on It as you and others do is a disservice to evolutionism and creationism. Re-read antelope sniper's post again.

Wow!!! You admit that you can not take passages in the Bible AT FACE VALUE as you said you did. FACE VALUE cannot incorporate any context or interpretation. FACE VALE must be just as it appears on the page.

Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

That's your way of admitting that you are indeed required to understand, from context, what a verse is meant to communicate rather than taking it literally out of context. You're growing. Keep it up. You'll get there.

Context is the only way one can understand Genesis. Trying to put you own spin on It as you and others do is a disservice to evolutionism and creationism. Re-read antelope sniper's post again.
I've read all of his posts. Which one in particular would you like me to reread?

As far as putting spin on Genesis, it's you and your ilk who do so by placing a prescientific spin on what it says, so much so as to miss clear language indicating that the waters and the earth brought forth all the species of living creatures in response to God's command. How you can miss that is beyond me. You must don blinders when you read your Bible.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13

Originally Posted By: Ringman

That's your way of admitting that you are indeed required to understand, from context, what a verse is meant to communicate rather than taking it literally out of context. You're growing. Keep it up. You'll get there.

Context is the only way one can understand Genesis. Trying to put you own spin on It as you and others do is a disservice to evolutionism and creationism. Re-read antelope sniper's post again.

Wow!!! You admit that you can not take passages in the Bible AT FACE VALUE as you said you did. FACE VALUE cannot incorporate any context or interpretation. FACE VALE must be just as it appears on the page.

You caught me contradicting myself.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13

As far as putting spin on Genesis, it's you and your ilk who do so by placing a prescientific spin on what it says, so much so as to miss clear language indicating that the waters and the earth brought forth all the species of living creatures in response to God's command. How you can miss that is beyond me. You must don blinders when you read your Bible

According to God's Word the earth is four days older than the stars. God said that. There are thousands of Ph.D scientists, if not millions, who accept this fact.

According to you and your supporting scientists the earth is billions of years younger than the sun. Whose spinning God's Word?

You are not accepting Jesus' Words that man and woman were made at the beginning. You teach they came along billions of years later. Whose spinning God's Word?
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by carbon12
Originally Posted by TF49
"Stone disobedient children" (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)

I had intended to respond with info on the OT principle of "purging the evil" but thought, nope this is just an internet troll. TF

Post looks and smells like what my hens drop all over the yard.

This has to be a �Campfire first. To be called a troll for quoting the Bible�

Bible quotes are not chicken poop�
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
BS, C12 was referring to TF49's hit and run, not your original post.
Posted By: carbon12 Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by carbon12
Originally Posted by TF49
"Stone disobedient children" (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)

I had intended to respond with info on the OT principle of "purging the evil" but thought, nope this is just an internet troll. TF

Post looks and smells like what my hens drop all over the yard.

This has to be a �Campfire first. To be called a troll for quoting the Bible�

Bible quotes are not chicken poop�

My post was in response to TF49's chickensh!t.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
According to God's Word the earth is four days older than the stars. God said that. There are thousands of Ph.D scientists, if not millions, who accept this fact.

According to you and your supporting scientists the earth is billions of years younger than the sun. Whose spinning God's Word?
Genesis nowhere says that the earth is four days older than the stars. That's what you superimpose on the words of Genesis because that's the interpretation given to those words by most pre-scientific peoples who've read it in the past, and said tradition has persevered, of which tradition you are a part. What Genesis actually says is that 1) God, on a sequence of days, issued commands that this and that should occur, 2) those things did occur, and 3) God saw instantly that same was good, i.e., the result was pleasing to him. There is no place in the Genesis account where it is said that the things God commanded to occur occurred in a way that you or I would consider instantaneously or even remotely quickly.

As for God seeing that the results of his commands were good, this is no trick for an omniscient being who isn't constrained to existence inside time/space.

You are not accepting Jesus' Words that man and woman were made at the beginning. You teach they came along billions of years later. Whose spinning God's Word?
You insist on leaving out of your above quote that Jesus included the words of creation. There's a reason you leave those words out, and that reason is that they operate against your argument that Jesus' words need to be taken acontextually and literally. With the inclusion of those words, a literal reading of Jesus' statement becomes impossible, since it would contradict Genesis itself, since Genesis has man's creation at a later point than the beginning of creation. If you had failed to exclude the words in question from your quote, you'd be forced to abandon your claim to a perfectly literal reading, which then leaves open a contextual interpretation, which brings in a discussion of what Jesus was actually talking about, i.e., the nature of the species man having always (i.e., for as long as he's been a species in existence) been divided by sex. In other words, interpreted within context, Jesus was referring to the beginning of the creation of man, not of matter/energy/time/space. He did so without identifying when man's creation occurred in relation to the latter.

This brings us back to square one, failing to advance your argument in the least, i.e., that man has existed since the first several days of the existence of matter/energy/time/space.
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by carbon12
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by carbon12
Originally Posted by TF49
"Stone disobedient children" (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)

I had intended to respond with info on the OT principle of "purging the evil" but thought, nope this is just an internet troll. TF

Post looks and smells like what my hens drop all over the yard.

This has to be a �Campfire first. To be called a troll for quoting the Bible�

Bible quotes are not chicken poop�

My post was in response to TF49's chickensh!t.

I�m all mixed up��Never Mind� �Miss Litella/Roseanne Roseannadanna/Gilda Radner
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

As far as putting spin on Genesis, it's you and your ilk who do so by placing a prescientific spin on what it says, so much so as to miss clear language indicating that the waters and the earth brought forth all the species of living creatures in response to God's command. How you can miss that is beyond me. You must don blinders when you read your Bible

According to God's Word the earth is four days older than the stars. God said that. There are thousands of Ph.D scientists, if not millions, who accept this fact.

According to you and your supporting scientists the earth is billions of years younger than the sun. Whose spinning God's Word?

You are not accepting Jesus' Words that man and woman were made at the beginning. You teach they came along billions of years later. Whose spinning God's Word?

Ringman, quoting scientific discovery is not "spinning the Bible", it just showing where the contents of the Bible is inconsistent with what we've learned through a rigorous pursuit of knowledge. Yes, The Universe formed 13.7 Billion years ago stars formation began 13.5 billion years ago, and galaxies began forming over 13 billion years ago.

About 4.6 Billion years ago the gravitational collapse of a molecular cloud lead to the creation of our solar system, with our sun turning on 50 million year after the collapse. 50-100 moon to mars sized inner system plant embryos formed 4.5 billion years ago. For another 100 million years them embryos interacted, and collided with each other, with some thrown clear of the systems, until around 4.4 billion years ago we had an inner solar system with the planets we see today, including Earth. Life on earth began around 3.8 Billion years ago, just after the end of the heavy bombardment. Life evolved over the next 3.7 billion years, with emergence of modern man somewhere around 100k years ago.

This short general narrative describes what we've learned through the rigorous process of inquiry we call Science. It's not "twisting the Bible", however, what is undeniable, is the creation narratives of Genesis in no way match what we've learned, and were in no way helpful to scientist investigating the origins of the Universe, Earth, or Man.

If the Bible was the unerring word of God, the creator of the Universe, Earth, and Man, his unerring narrative of creation would be supported by the evidence. The Genesis narrative is NOT supported by the evidence, therefor the Bible is NOT the unerring word of the creator God. Consequently, as thinking people we must subject the remainder of the Bible to scrutiny as well.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
... the Bible is NOT the unerring word of the creator God.
To clarify, unerring, as that word is applied to the Bible by Christians (inerrant, to be more precise), means that what was intended to be conveyed by the authors is devoid of error. It doesn't mean that what was intended to be conveyed by the authors fully expounds all truth and that to the last detail. We Christians assert that there is no error in the Bible, even if various interpretations of the Bible may well be in error.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Ringman, quoting scientific discovery is not "spinning the Bible", it just showing where the contents of the Bible is inconsistent with what we've learned through a rigorous pursuit of knowledge. Yes, The Universe formed 13.7 Billion years ago stars formation began 13.5 billion years ago, and galaxies began forming over 13 billion years ago.

About 4.6 Billion years ago the gravitational collapse of a molecular cloud lead to the creation of our solar system, with our sun turning on 50 million year after the collapse. 50-100 moon to mars sized inner system plant embryos formed 4.5 billion years ago. For another 100 million years them embryos interacted, and collided with each other, with some thrown clear of the systems, until around 4.4 billion years ago we had an inner solar system with the planets we see today, including Earth. Life on earth began around 3.8 Billion years ago, just after the end of the heavy bombardment. Life evolved over the next 3.7 billion years, with emergence of modern man somewhere around 100k years ago.

This short general narrative describes what we've learned through the rigorous process of inquiry we call Science. It's not "twisting the Bible", however, what is undeniable, is the creation narratives of Genesis in no way match what we've learned, and were in no way helpful to scientist investigating the origins of the Universe, Earth, or Man.

If the Bible was the unerring word of God, the creator of the Universe, Earth, and Man, his unerring narrative of creation would be supported by the evidence. The Genesis narrative is NOT supported by the evidence, therefor the Bible is NOT the unerring word of the creator God. Consequently, as thinking people we must subject the remainder of the Bible to scrutiny as well.

As a Deist, I follow your line of reason.
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

As far as putting spin on Genesis, it's you and your ilk who do so by placing a prescientific spin on what it says, so much so as to miss clear language indicating that the waters and the earth brought forth all the species of living creatures in response to God's command. How you can miss that is beyond me. You must don blinders when you read your Bible

According to God's Word the earth is four days older than the stars. God said that. There are thousands of Ph.D scientists, if not millions, who accept this fact.

According to you and your supporting scientists the earth is billions of years younger than the sun. Whose spinning God's Word?

You are not accepting Jesus' Words that man and woman were made at the beginning. You teach they came along billions of years later. Whose spinning God's Word?

I'm curious as to where these millions of Ph.D scientists are. According to this article, there are 34000 new ones each year so that's 29.4 years to get to 1 million. Out of that, how many are YEC's do ya think?

Scientists who attain a PhD are rightly proud � they have gained entry to an academic elite. But it is not as elite as it once was. The number of science doctorates earned each year grew by nearly 40% between 1998 and 2008, to some 34,000, in countries that are members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13

Ringman, quoting scientific discovery is not "spinning the Bible", it just showing where the contents of the Bible is inconsistent with what we've learned through a rigorous pursuit of knowledge. Yes, The Universe formed 13.7 Billion years ago stars formation began 13.5 billion years ago, and galaxies began forming over 13 billion years ago.

About 4.6 Billion years ago the gravitational collapse of a molecular cloud lead to the creation of our solar system, with our sun turning on 50 million year after the collapse. 50-100 moon to mars sized inner system plant embryos formed 4.5 billion years ago. For another 100 million years them embryos interacted, and collided with each other, with some thrown clear of the systems, until around 4.4 billion years ago we had an inner solar system with the planets we see today, including Earth. Life on earth began around 3.8 Billion years ago, just after the end of the heavy bombardment. Life evolved over the next 3.7 billion years, with emergence of modern man somewhere around 100k years ago.

This short general narrative describes what we've learned through the rigorous process of inquiry we call Science. It's not "twisting the Bible", however, what is undeniable, is the creation narratives of Genesis in no way match what we've learned, and were in no way helpful to scientist investigating the origins of the Universe, Earth, or Man.

If the Bible was the unerring word of God, the creator of the Universe, Earth, and Man, his unerring narrative of creation would be supported by the evidence. The Genesis narrative is NOT supported by the evidence, therefor the Bible is NOT the unerring word of the creator God. Consequently, as thinking people we must subject the remainder of the Bible to scrutiny as well.

You forgot no one was there to see these speculated on events. Science is observable, testable, repeatable, and verifiable.

On the other hand God was there and told us what He did. Just as fervently as you believe what you beleive I and many scientists believe what I believe.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13

Genesis nowhere says that the earth is four days older than the stars.

Let's see if you can understand this:

Genesis 1:1-5

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, 'Let there be light'; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day."

Genesis 1:14-19

"Then God said, 'Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth;' and it was so. Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the fourth day."

You insist on leaving out of your above quote that Jesus included the words of creation.

Sorry I left out the word "creation". I thought that is what we are discussing so it was implied. Including an implied word does not in any way change what Jesus says. You reject God's Word in favor of man's.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13

I'm curious as to where these millions of Ph.D scientists are. According to this article, there are 34000 new ones each year so that's 29.4 years to get to 1 million. Out of that, how many are YEC's do ya think?

If you read the post you would know I suggested there are thousands, perhaps millions.

Do you think a single article is the definitive and final answer on this subject? WOW! Never the less, if I was the only person accepting God's Word, that would make me in good company. Noah was the only one accepting God's Word in his generation.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
You forgot no one was there to see these speculated on events. science is observable, testable, repeatable, and verifiable.

On the other hand God was there and told us what He did. Just as fervently as you believe what you believe I and many scientists believe what I believe.

I forget nothing. Events in the past leave traces in the present, and we can look at that evidence today. If I find a dead deer, see an entrance wounds, I could hypothesize that someone shot it with a gun. I could predict I should find and exit wound, or the bullet, and/or bullet fragments in the deer. There are all testable perditions that could be used to test my hypothesis. If and a bullet falls out when I skin it, I've confirmed my hypothesis even though I have no eye witnesses that were present for the event. This is a simple example of why the "you were not there" argument is one of the weakest anti-science arguments presented. If you want a more scientific response, I refer you back to my statements regarding the orbit of Pluto.

A more logical way to state your position is to ask "HOW do you know?" If scientist cannot answer the question HOW, then it's reasonable to question their conclusions.

When you are asked HOW do YOU know, it's an application of Faith, and not rigorous inquiry.

As for your claim that God was there, and he told us so:
What is your evidence he was there?
What is the evidence that those writing the Bible were writing the word of God?
Does the chain of custody of the scriptures withstand scrutiny?

For each of these, I would appreciate an evidence based, and not a Faith based answer.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

Genesis nowhere says that the earth is four days older than the stars.

Let's see if you can understand this:

Genesis 1:1-5

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, 'Let there be light'; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day."

Genesis 1:14-19

"Then God said, 'Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth;' and it was so. Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the fourth day."

You insist on leaving out of your above quote that Jesus included the words of creation.

Sorry I left out the word "creation". I thought that is what we are discussing so it was implied. Including an implied word does not in any way change what Jesus says. You reject God's Word in favor of man's.

Where's this firmament of which you speak?
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13

I forget nothing. Events in the past leave traces in the present, and we can look at that evidence today. If I find a dead deer, see an entrance wounds, I could hypothesize that someone shot it with a gun. I could predict I should find and exit wound, or the bullet, and/or bullet fragments in the deer. There are all testable perditions that could be used to test my hypothesis. If and a bullet falls out when I skin it, I've confirmed my hypothesis even though I have no eye witnesses that were present for the event. This is a simple example of why the "you were not there" argument is one of the weakest anti-science arguments presented. If you want a more scientific response, I refer you back to my statements regarding the orbit of Pluto.

You are using present processes to try to construct what an Infinitely Intelligent Agent used to create. It is never going to happen. One time I was loading a truck with a guy. I asked him for the sake of conversation to allow me creative powers. He said,
"I just created a five foot diameter tree. We core drill it and discover it has 400 rings. How old is it?" I asked.
"It's 400 years old," he informed.
"No[b][/b]! It's brand new. I just spoke it into existence."

A more logical way to state your position is to ask "HOW do you know?" If scientist cannot answer the question HOW, then it's reasonable to question their conclusions.

There is no need to ask this question. God told us He spoke things into existence.

As for your claim that God was there, and he told us so:
What is your evidence he was there?
What is the evidence that those writing the Bible were writing the word of God?
Does the chain of custody of the scriptures withstand scrutiny?

All one has to do is look at the concept without the God of the Bible there would be nothing. Only the God of the Bible makes science possible. God has given us moral laws, beauty, laws of logic, and uniformity of nature. We know the future will be like the past because God says He upholds it.

If we go with other religious figures they self destruct by contradicting themselves.

If we go with the religion of evolution we can't depend on anything including our own minds. For this discussion I will say our minds are synonymous with our brains. Based on evolution our brains are nothing more than a chance happening of chemicals which may change at any time. After all the whole idea of evolution is mindless nothing became mindless something. Mindless something became a mindless rock and a mindless rock became people.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13

Where's this firmament of which you speak?

I didn't speak of a firmament. I quoted God's Word. The context shows us the firmament is space.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

Where's this firmament of which you speak?

I didn't speak of a firmament. I quoted God's Word. The context shows us the firmament is space.

Firmament, translated from the Greek stereoma "firm or solid structure,"

So where is it?
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
There is no need to ask this question. God told us He spoke things into existence.

Who specifically did God tell? When did he tell them, and what is the chain of custody from that first telling to the Bible as it is written now?
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Ringman is a card. laugh
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
All one has to do is look at the concept without the God of the Bible there would be nothing. This is an argument from incredulity

Only the God of the Bible makes science possible. Assertion without evidence
God has given us moral laws Hammurabi and other legal systems predated the Bible , beauty, laws of logic Logic actually came from the Pagan Greeks , and uniformity of nature. We know the future will be like the past because God says He upholds it. Just one more Faith based claim with no supporting evidence.

If we go with other religious figures they self destruct by contradicting themselves. Just like a literal interpretation of the Bible does.

If we go with the religion of evolution the Theory of Evolution is based on evidence, not Faith, therefore it is science and not religion we can't depend on anything including our own minds. This untrue statement is not held anywhere in the Theory of Evolution or any other scientific theory For this discussion I will say our minds are synonymous with our brains. Based on evolution our brains are nothing more than a chance happening no, being acted upon my selective forces means the results are not random of chemicals which may change at any time. do you see how much you have to misrepresent biochemistry and evolution attempting to make this argument from incredulity? After all the whole idea of evolution is mindless nothing became mindless something. Mindless something became a mindless rock and a mindless rock became people You only skipped about a million steps. Science holds were are mostly Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, and Nitrogen, which also happen to be the most common non-inert elements in our solar system. Rocks largely consist of Silicon, so any suggestion that Science suggest we can from rocks is just inaccurate. .

By contrast, it is the Bible that suggest man was created from rocks, and not organic chemicals:

Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

In conclusion, you offered a lot of arguments from incredulity, and faith based arguments, but none based on science, logic, or reason.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by derby_dude
Ringman is a card. laugh

True, but it doesn't change the fact that he's a good person, and I look forward to swapping stories with him over a real fire.

As I've said before, religions are moral Rorschach tests which a person can use to justify any type of behavior they so choose. Ringman has chosen to see the moral charitable side of Christianity and spread these principles throughout his community. Our major area's of discussion with him revolve around the implications of faith upon inquiry and discovery, and we have few, if any significant disagreements regarding essential core values, or how we should treat one another on a daily basis.

The true irony is RM and I hold very similar values and expectations. The difference is, he believes we must act in a specific manner because it is God Will, where I believe we must act in a similar manner because there in no god, and it's incumbent upon us to make things work out.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

Genesis nowhere says that the earth is four days older than the stars.

Let's see if you can understand this:

Genesis 1:1-5

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, 'Let there be light'; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day."

Genesis 1:14-19

"Then God said, 'Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth;' and it was so. Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the fourth day."

You insist on leaving out of your above quote that Jesus included the words of creation.

Sorry I left out the word "creation". I thought that is what we are discussing so it was implied. Including an implied word does not in any way change what Jesus says. You reject God's Word in favor of man's.
Ringman, you proceed as though I hadn't answered all this. Just reread my last post to you. No point in my stating it all over again.

I'm quite familiar with the words of Genesis. Those words confirm my statements on this question, not yours. Show me where any statement in Genesis asserts that this or that occurred in a time span that you or I would consider short. I want to see words like "that day," "that instant," "immediately," etc., indicating this.

The fact that it states a day passes to the next before the next command is given doesn't tell us that the command was accomplished that day prior to the next command being issued. God can see that the results of his commands are good whether they are accomplished instantly or (by our reckoning) billions of years in the future, so "He saw that it was good" isn't any help to your position.

God is not bound by time as you and I are. All of time, from the beginning to the end, is laid out before him like a tapestry. He's not bound within three dimensional time/space as you are I are, anymore than a potter is restricted to existence inside of the pottery he makes. This is why he knew everything you and I would say and do from the beginning of time.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Nevertheless, if I was the only person accepting God's Word, that would make me in good company. Noah was the only one accepting God's Word in his generation.
I believe that you believe that it's God's word that all of existence as we know it today was popped into being six thousand years ago, but you believe it because you superimpose this belief on the words contained in Scripture based on your preconditioning to do so.

A child who believes that babies pop out of a woman's navel would likely read Biblical references to women conceiving and bearing sons and daughters with this interpretation, too. Once a child matures enough to realize that's not how it scientifically works, he reads those Biblical passages with all the correct scientific understanding of the processes involved.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

Where's this firmament of which you speak?
That's the sky, or the atmosphere of the earth.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
God told us He spoke things into existence.
Some things he simply spoke into existence, and some things he commanded part of his creation to bring into existence. He commanded part of his creation to bring into existence the various species of living creatures, e.g., "And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven."
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Ringman

Where's this firmament of which you speak?

I didn't speak of a firmament. I quoted God's Word. The context shows us the firmament is space.

Firmament, translated from the Greek stereoma "firm or solid structure,"

So where is it?
The Greek was a translation from the Hebrew. And rather than solid, it can mean permanent.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Ringman
God told us He spoke things into existence.
Some things he simply spoke into existence, and some things he commanded part of his creation to bring into existence. He commanded part of his creation to bring into existence the various species of living creatures, e.g., "And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven."

Did the fowl come from the waters as above, or the Earth as below?

Genesis 2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Did the fowl come from the waters as above, or the Earth as below?

Genesis 2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
You and I, who understand speciation by evolution, understand that one can flip a coin when choosing how to phrase that, since all species experienced at least part of their origins (the first part, at least) in the waters. Fish, for one, have never had a land existence, so in their case you'd need to exclude the land as part of their origin, unless loosely referring to silt. The Bible doesn't identify fish as coming from the land, however, so no issue there.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Ringman

Where's this firmament of which you speak?

I didn't speak of a firmament. I quoted God's Word. The context shows us the firmament is space.

Firmament, translated from the Greek stereoma "firm or solid structure,"

So where is it?
The Greek was a translation from the Hebrew. And rather than solid, it can mean permanent.

From the Hebrew Raqa, creating a dish by hammering a lump of metal into a thin bowl shape. ....turn over the dish and you have a solid metal dome.....
Posted By: northwestalaska Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
You guys know that this is a pointless argument don't you? You were either raised to believe blindly or you were raised to ask questions, the rest is a waste of time.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
From the Hebrew Raqa, creating a dish by hammering a lump of metal into a thin bowl shape. ....turn over the dish and you have a solid metal dome.....
Have you never employed a metaphor? The author wasn't writing a scientific text about the properties of the sky.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
From the Hebrew Raqa, creating a dish by hammering a lump of metal into a thin bowl shape. ....turn over the dish and you have a solid metal dome.....
Have you never employed a metaphor? The author wasn't writing a scientific text about the properties of the sky.

And when did that understanding change from a literal understanding to one of metaphor??

Picture, circa 1888.

[Linked Image]
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
From the Hebrew Raqa, creating a dish by hammering a lump of metal into a thin bowl shape. ....turn over the dish and you have a solid metal dome.....
Have you never employed a metaphor? The author wasn't writing a scientific text about the properties of the sky.

And when did that understanding change from a literal understanding to one of metaphor??

Picture, circa 1888.

[Linked Image]
I'm speaking of the author's intent, not the reader's interpretations, of which there can be any number.
Posted By: 406_SBC Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Ringman, quoting scientific discovery is not "spinning the Bible", it just showing where the contents of the Bible is inconsistent with what we've learned through a rigorous pursuit of knowledge. Yes, The Universe formed 13.7 Billion years ago stars formation began 13.5 billion years ago, and galaxies began forming over 13 billion years ago.

About 4.6 Billion years ago the gravitational collapse of a molecular cloud lead to the creation of our solar system, with our sun turning on 50 million year after the collapse. 50-100 moon to mars sized inner system plant embryos formed 4.5 billion years ago. For another 100 million years them embryos interacted, and collided with each other, with some thrown clear of the systems, until around 4.4 billion years ago we had an inner solar system with the planets we see today, including Earth. Life on earth began around 3.8 Billion years ago, just after the end of the heavy bombardment. Life evolved over the next 3.7 billion years, with emergence of modern man somewhere around 100k years ago.

This short general narrative describes what we've learned through the rigorous process of inquiry we call Science. It's not "twisting the Bible", however, what is undeniable, is the creation narratives of Genesis in no way match what we've learned, and were in no way helpful to scientist investigating the origins of the Universe, Earth, or Man.

If the Bible was the unerring word of God, the creator of the Universe, Earth, and Man, his unerring narrative of creation would be supported by the evidence. The Genesis narrative is NOT supported by the evidence, therefor the Bible is NOT the unerring word of the creator God. Consequently, as thinking people we must subject the remainder of the Bible to scrutiny as well.
You've made substantial claims; I'd like to see your proof--eyewitness testimony, reproducible experiments, etc. I'm suspicious you're drawing conclusions from the common methods of extrapolation and deduction. Part of the scientific method for certain, but a long ways from verifiable.

You should temper your "knowledge" with humility, cause your science will in all likelihood (based on all previous attempts) draw different conclusions, again based on extrapolation and deductions, in the not too distant future.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
From the Hebrew Raqa, creating a dish by hammering a lump of metal into a thin bowl shape. ....turn over the dish and you have a solid metal dome.....
Have you never employed a metaphor? The author wasn't writing a scientific text about the properties of the sky.

And when did that understanding change from a literal understanding to one of metaphor??

Picture, circa 1888.

[Linked Image]
I'm speaking of the author's intent, not the reader's interpretations, of which there can be any number.

And to whom do you ascribe authorship?
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
And to whom do you ascribe authorship?
Authorship is traditionally attributed to Moses, who did so under divine inspiration.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by 406_SBC
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Ringman, quoting scientific discovery is not "spinning the Bible", it just showing where the contents of the Bible is inconsistent with what we've learned through a rigorous pursuit of knowledge. Yes, The Universe formed 13.7 Billion years ago stars formation began 13.5 billion years ago, and galaxies began forming over 13 billion years ago.

About 4.6 Billion years ago the gravitational collapse of a molecular cloud lead to the creation of our solar system, with our sun turning on 50 million year after the collapse. 50-100 moon to mars sized inner system plant embryos formed 4.5 billion years ago. For another 100 million years them embryos interacted, and collided with each other, with some thrown clear of the systems, until around 4.4 billion years ago we had an inner solar system with the planets we see today, including Earth. Life on earth began around 3.8 Billion years ago, just after the end of the heavy bombardment. Life evolved over the next 3.7 billion years, with emergence of modern man somewhere around 100k years ago.

This short general narrative describes what we've learned through the rigorous process of inquiry we call Science. It's not "twisting the Bible", however, what is undeniable, is the creation narratives of Genesis in no way match what we've learned, and were in no way helpful to scientist investigating the origins of the Universe, Earth, or Man.

If the Bible was the unerring word of God, the creator of the Universe, Earth, and Man, his unerring narrative of creation would be supported by the evidence. The Genesis narrative is NOT supported by the evidence, therefor the Bible is NOT the unerring word of the creator God. Consequently, as thinking people we must subject the remainder of the Bible to scrutiny as well.
You've made substantial claims; I'd like to see your proof--eyewitness testimony, reproducible experiments, etc. I'm suspicious you're drawing conclusions from the common methods of extrapolation and deduction. Part of the scientific method for certain, but a long ways from verifiable.

You should temper your "knowledge" with humility, cause your science will in all likelihood (based on all previous attempts) draw different conclusions, again based on extrapolation and deductions, in the not too distant future.

A new player, how fun. grin

Science is the rigorous pursuit of knowledge. As such we expect progress and new discoveries. It is science that is falsifiable and subject to change as the evidence improves.

Can you say the same for your Faith?
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
And to whom do you ascribe authorship?
Authorship is traditionally attributed to Moses, who did so under divine inspiration.

Do you subscribe to this specific tradition?
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/02/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
And to whom do you ascribe authorship?
Authorship is traditionally attributed to Moses, who did so under divine inspiration.

Do you subscribe to this specific tradition?
I've never given that question much thought, so will hold off answering it till I have.
Posted By: 406_SBC Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/03/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
A new player, how fun. grin

Science is the rigorous pursuit of knowledge. As such we expect progress and new discoveries. It is science that is falsifiable and subject to change as the evidence improves.

Can you say the same for your Faith?
Still awaiting proof of your claims. Do you have a photo of when nothing became something 13.7 billion years ago? Perhaps an eyewitness? It's well and good to believe what you will with the evidence you claim, but please allow that your evidence is a long ways from proof.

Some might believe Adam had a belly button...........
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/03/13
And some might believe the individual named Adam never existed, or that the name Adam derived from the Akkadin myth where man was fashioned from Red clay as a Golem and Adam means Red Dirt.

Quantum Mechanics can answer how something can come from nothing, we can even model what the "nothing" inside a proton looks like, fast forward to 18:00

Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/03/13

Firmament, translated from the Greek stereoma "firm or solid structure,"

So where is it?

It start at the ground or ocean and proceeds to the edge of the universe. Space is considered "firm" by many scientists. It is certainly able to stretch according to Einstein.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/03/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
And to whom do you ascribe authorship?
Authorship is traditionally attributed to Moses, who did so under divine inspiration.

Do you subscribe to this specific tradition?
I've never given that question much thought, so will hold off answering it till I have.

That's a respectable answer.
The preponderance of scholars now believe it was written much later, and some now doubt the existence of Moses as a literal person. Just something to consider while you conduct your research.
Posted By: 406_SBC Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/03/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
And some might believe the individual named Adam never existed, or that the name Adam derived from the Akkadin myth where man was fashioned from Red clay as a Golem and Adam means Red Dirt.

Quantum Mechanics can answer how something can come from nothing, we can even model what the "nothing" inside a proton looks like, fast forward to 18:00

These are blunt stabs at an objective reality. Nothing isn't something and it has no properties at all. The sloppy argument being made here begins with something--gravity, energy and space as a minimum. Quantum mechanics doesn't answer this dilemma (something from nothing) and to suggest otherwise is telling about your perspective and convictions.

Still awaiting proof--you must have more than extrapolations and deductions of the same for such firm convictions.
Posted By: 406_SBC Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/03/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
That's a respectable answer.
The preponderance of scholars now believe it was written much later, and some now doubt the existence of Moses as a literal person. Just something to consider while you conduct your research.
This is entirely dependent upon your definition of "scholar."
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/03/13

Who specifically did God tell? When did he tell them, and what is the chain of custody from that first telling to the Bible as it is written now?

God told Moses. He spoke to him face to face about 3,500 years ago. It was written down by Moses. According to a couple lecture I heard the Jews had scribes whose only job was to make copies of manuscripts. The letters of each line were counted. The lines of each page were counted. There is nothing in antiquity that compares to the accuracy of God's Word. Consider how close the the Dead Sea Scrolls are to the modern texts for example.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/03/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

It start at the ground or ocean and proceeds to the edge of the universe.

On which tangent?
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/03/13
Originally Posted by 406_SBC
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
And some might believe the individual named Adam never existed, or that the name Adam derived from the Akkadin myth where man was fashioned from Red clay as a Golem and Adam means Red Dirt.

Quantum Mechanics can answer how something can come from nothing, we can even model what the "nothing" inside a proton looks like, fast forward to 18:00

These are blunt stabs at an objective reality. Nothing isn't something and it has no properties at all. The sloppy argument being made here begins with something--gravity, energy and space as a minimum. Quantum mechanics doesn't answer this dilemma (something from nothing) and to suggest otherwise is telling about your perspective and convictions.

Still awaiting proof--you must have more than extrapolations and deductions of the same for such firm convictions.

Proof is your word, not mine. I've been speaking in terms of evidence and falsifiable arguments.

Where has Quantum Mechanics been falsified?
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/03/13

On which tangent?

anywhere perpendicular to the surface of the earth.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/03/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

Who specifically did God tell? When did he tell them, and what is the chain of custody from that first telling to the Bible as it is written now?

God told Moses. He spoke to him face to face about 3,500 years ago. It was written down by Moses. According to a couple lecture I heard the Jews had scribes whose only job was to make copies of manuscripts. The letters of each line were counted. The lines of each page were counted. There is nothing in antiquity that compares to the accuracy of God's Word. Consider how close the the Dead Sea Scrolls are to the modern texts for example.

Then what is the oldest historical event that can be verified by non-biblical sources to which you will concede?
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/03/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

On which tangent?

anywhere perpendicular to the surface of the earth.

So by your reckoning, it would be at ALL points of the earth to the edge of the universe?

Is the Firmament fixed or expanding?
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/03/13

Quantum Mechanics can answer how something can come from nothing,

It is a subterfuge. This speaker does not understand the word "nothing". Or is attempting to deceive his listeners. Or he is deceived and believes what he is saying. If something is boiling it is not nothing. Nothing has no weight because there is nothing to weigh. He is speculating when he says whatever he is speaking about pops into and out of existence.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/03/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

Quantum Mechanics can answer how something can come from nothing,

It is a subterfuge. This speaker does not understand the word "nothing". Or is attempting to deceive his listeners. Or he is deceived and believes what he is saying. If something is boiling it is not nothing. Nothing has no weight because there is nothing to weigh. He is speculating when he says whatever he is speaking about pops into and out of existence.

Watch the whole thing. He give several definitions of "nothing" and differentiates between the "nothing " between the quarks in a proton, and the "nothing" required for something to begin.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/03/13
From my reading of The Acts of the Apostles, it appears that St. Luke (author of Acts) attributes the Pentateuch to Moses, therefore I will not disagree with him.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/03/13

Then what is the oldest historical event that can be verified by non-biblical sources to which you will concede?

You are pushing me way back. I think about 1974 I attended a lecture by Clifford A. Wilson. He was the most educated person I ever attended with at least four Ph.D's and one masters. After attending classes at Institute for Creation Research he became a young earth creationist.

I will digress a little to support the lecturer. About that time I read a book called Zen Combat. The author traced the beginnings of martial arts from the East to the Middle East. One of the swordsman in the book could catch flies with chopsticks. He told us about Abraham living about 2,000 years before Jesus. I remember him saying the battle of Abraham taking his 318 trained servants to rescue his nephew Lot was in ancient literature. He told his audience the five kings Abraham went up against had 135,00 soldiers. I remember thinking 135,000 normally trained soldiers would not stand a chance against 318 advance martial arts trained warriors. The soldiers are possibly conscripted and not there for a fight. The warriors are looking for a chance to utilize their advance abilities.

Think what would happen if a couple Samurai warriors or Ninja warriors went up against a hundred regularly trained soldiers of their era.
Posted By: 406_SBC Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/03/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Proof is your word, not mine. I've been speaking in terms of evidence and falsifiable arguments.

Where has Quantum Mechanics been falsified?
It's actually the OP's word, not mine. Forgive me if I understood you to say too much. Perhaps you intend to say that you have only one perspective, of which there are many, and that you are neither right nor wrong. Perhaps you meant only to say that there is no proof of evolution, only evidence.

As for failings in Quantum Mechanics, not my field of expertise. However when there is something that is measured and then deemed as being nothing, I'm more than skeptical. Their nothing exists in a universe of something and is therefor a sub-component of something by its definition and not a void of nothing. It takes something that exists, finds nothing and claims that out of the nothing they find/measure something exists. The self-contradicting logic in this is overwhelming.

I'm not a fan of or in agreement with WLC on most things, but this is an easily understandable rejoinder to your YouTube video....

We do not disagree so much in the nature of the evidence as in the presuppositions that undergird the various interpretations of the evidence. NO ONE comes to the evidence in neutral, most certainly not the physicist.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/03/13

Watch the whole thing. He give several definitions of "nothing" and differentiates between the "nothing " between the quarks in a proton, and the "nothing" required for something to begin.

My brother gave me five DVD's with sermons on them the other day. I didn't take time to watch them and I won't take time to watch this guy. Nothing is nothing. The more he tries to convince me nothing is something the more I think he is mentally ill. Guys like this are like liberals. They make up their own facts and spoon feed them to their followers.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/03/13
So by your reckoning, it would be at ALL points of the earth to the edge of the universe?

Is the Firmament fixed or expanding?


Based on the universal slowing down rate of all space craft that have reached the edge of the solar system I think it might still be expanding. That "I think" holds absolutely zero scientific validity. I think my wildcat is better than a factory cartridge falls in the same category.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/03/13
Oh common on, this is now on the back page 4. Surely we can keep this going until we hit 100 pages? grin

BTW: Do we really want to give Ringman the last word? laugh
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/03/13
NO. Never. No last word.

The sky is a solid roof; a dome. We poor souls live under that firm barrier and only a few chosen ones get to see the other side.

Job 22:14
Thick clouds enwrap him, so that he does not see, and he walks on the vault of heaven.

Job 37:18
Can you, like him, spread out the skies, hard as a molten mirror?

Proverbs 8:27-29
When he established the heavens, I was there, when he drew a circle on the face of the deep, when he made firm the skies above, when he established the fountains of the deep, when he assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters might not transgress his command, when he marked out the foundations of the earth,

Isaiah 40:22
It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in;

The term "outer space" is a notion perpetrated by secular humanists, new age gurus, and other freethinkers.�
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/03/13
Common guys let's keep it going only 26 pages to go before we hit a 100. I know we can do it. grin
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/03/13
My page count is only 37. How can this be?

Is 37 a metaphor for 74? Can I not take 37 as the literal number?

Something to ponder�
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
I'm pondering, I'm pondering. No, 34 has to evolve into 74 so says Ringman.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Originally Posted by 406_SBC
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Proof is your word, not mine. I've been speaking in terms of evidence and falsifiable arguments.

Where has Quantum Mechanics been falsified?
It's actually the OP's word, not mine. Forgive me if I understood you to say too much. Perhaps you intend to say that you have only one perspective, of which there are many, and that you are neither right nor wrong. Perhaps you meant only to say that there is no proof of evolution, only evidence.

As for failings in Quantum Mechanics, not my field of expertise. However when there is something that is measured and then deemed as being nothing, I'm more than skeptical. Their nothing exists in a universe of something and is therefor a sub-component of something by its definition and not a void of nothing. It takes something that exists, finds nothing and claims that out of the nothing they find/measure something exists. The self-contradicting logic in this is overwhelming.

I'm not a fan of or in agreement with WLC on most things, but this is an easily understandable rejoinder to your YouTube video....

We do not disagree so much in the nature of the evidence as in the presuppositions that undergird the various interpretations of the evidence. NO ONE comes to the evidence in neutral, most certainly not the physicist.

Yes, it is counter-intuitive.
The difference between the scientist and the theologian, is the scientist can be wrong, and learn from it....

It's interesting to note how Craig just made an argument from incredulity, but never mounted any attack on the underlying science itself.
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Could the universe have been created with age?
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
As to a firmament, some theorize that the Earth was surrounded in a layer of water. They surmise that this created a greenhouse effect on the Earth that left most of the surface tropical.

They attribute the loss of this layer to the Biblical flood.

Interesting theory, and one I'm not so sure that I ascribe to. But, it's one way to consider what this biblical firmament was, and where it went...
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Could the universe have been created with age?

If you believe in the existence of a creator, then sure! This is some of the stance that Old Earth Creationist hold to. They point to the account that God made a fully grown man, not a baby. If He could do that, then He could make a fully developed universe...
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Yes, it is counter-intuitive.
The difference between the scientist and the theologian, is the scientist can be wrong, and learn from it....

Rather unfair and inaccurate statement IMO...

Many theologians admit the errors of their ways, and many scientist don't...

Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Could the universe have been created with age?

If you believe in the existence of a creator, then sure! This is some of the stance that Old Earth Creationist hold to. They point to the account that God made a fully grown man, not a baby. If He could do that, then He could make a fully developed universe...

If this is the case, then why wouldn't one just state it was all created with age? Seems an easier argument to make as just take the billions of years and say it fits your account as well instead of trying to disprove the billions of years claim.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
I tend to hold to that concept. I certainly fall under the Old Earth Creationist model...

If you really want to get both sides of the argument into a tizzy, suggest that God did that about 6,000-ish years ago...

Both the Young Earth Creationist and Evolutionist get wound up over that theory...

As for me, I don't speculate to know how long ago creation actually occurred.

As one that has studied the Biblical languages to a small degree, I don't see the Genesis account as limited and literal as the Young Earth guys do. The language just isn't there to suggest it...
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Kind of what I was suggesting....created with age x thousands of years ago.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
As to a firmament, some theorize that the Earth was surrounded in a layer of water. They surmise that this created a greenhouse effect on the Earth that left most of the surface tropical.

They attribute the loss of this layer to the Biblical flood.

Interesting theory, and one I'm not so sure that I ascribe to. But, it's one way to consider what this biblical firmament was, and where it went...
But the word is clearly used elsewhere as a synonym for the sky, as Genesis says the birds brought forth by nature (in response to God's command) flew in the firmament above.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Yes, it is more correctly translated as "expanse" in modern English...

Like looking out over the expanse of the ocean while sitting on a shore, or looking up into the expanse of the sky.

The English word "firmament" carried that connotation in the 1600's when we started getting English vernacular translations.

It carries different meaning today, as we like to look more to etymology, just as Antelope_Sniper pointed out.

Using a greek based word, converted into English vernacular, of a Hebrew word doesn't translate well today...
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Yes, it is counter-intuitive.
The difference between the scientist and the theologian, is the scientist can be wrong, and learn from it....

Rather unfair and inaccurate statement IMO...

Many theologians admit the errors of their ways, and many scientist don't...

�It can't give you absolute truth because science is a permanent revolution, always subject to revision, but it can give you successive approximations of reality.�
Ann Druyan


The major religions on the Earth contradict each other left and right. You can�t all be correct. And what if all of you are wrong? It�s a possibility, you know.
You must care about the truth, right? Well, the way to winnow through all the differing contentions is to be skeptical.

I�m not any more skeptical about your religious beliefs than I am about every new scientific idea I hear about.

But in my line of work, they�re called hypotheses, not inspiration and not revelation.
Carl Sagan
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Interesting article written about the word "firmament".

Raqiya (Hebrew)
Raqiya is a Hebrew word that has been translated as "firmament" (KJV, ASV), "expanse" (NIV, ESV, NASB), "dome" (NRSV), and "vault" (TNIV, NJB). The term and its referent are relevant to our understanding of ancient culture, interpretations of the creation account, and the possible condition of the earth prior to the Genesis Flood.

Differing views
G. K. Beale explains,

"Some believe that the [raqiya] was rock-solid and formed a dome over the earth, reflecting the ANE mythological viewpoint without any qualification or critique... For example, P. H. Seely argues for such a view in an article published in the Westminster Theological Journal. He contends that the [raqiya`] in Genesis 1:6, 14, 17, 20 and in Ezekiel must be considered solid since this was the common ANE view, both from the mythological perspective and from the viewpoint of the ancient common person."^[1]^
P.H. Seely himself writes,

"[S]cientifically naive peoples employed their concept of a solid sky in their mythology, but that they nevertheless thought of the solid sky as an integral part of their physical universe. And it is precisely because ancient peoples were scientifically naive that they did not distinguish between the appearance of the sky and their scientific concept of the sky. They had no reason to doubt what their eyes told them was true, namely, that the stars above them were fixed in a solid dome and that the sky literally touched the earth at the horizon. So, they equated appearance with reality and concluded that the sky must be a solid physical part of the universe just as much as the earth itself... "[N]aive peoples around the world from the Pacific Islands to North America, from Siberia to Africa, have perceived the sky as a solid inverted bowl touching the earth at the horizon. Nor is this common conception of a firmament merely myth, metaphor, or phenomenal language. It is an integral part of their scientific view of the universe. It is within the context of geography, astronomy, and natural science that they really believe that if they would travel far enough they could 'touch the sky with one's fingers,' that migrating birds live 'on the other side of the celestial vault,' that an arrow or lance could 'fasten in the sky,' that the sky can have 'a hole in it,' that at the horizon 'the dome of the sky is too close to earth to permit navigation,' that where the sky touches the earth you can 'lean a pestle against it' or 'climb up it,' that the sky is 'smooth and hard. . . of solid rock, . . . as thick as a house,' that the sky can 'fall down' and someday 'will fall down crushing the earth.' "Equally important, this perception of the firmament is not selective. It is almost completely universal. True, there are occasional variations on the solid dome conception, such as several worlds piled up on top of each other, each with its own firmament; but I know of no evidence that any scientifically naive people anywhere on earth believed that the firmament was just empty space or atmosphere. The only exception to this is the Chinese and that not until AD 200. Apart from a scientific education, it is just too natural for people to think of the sky as something solid. So true is this that it is generally regarded by scholars as 'the usual primitive conception.' One scholar goes so far as to call it 'a general human belief.'"^[2]^
Seely furthermore argues that we do not have "any evidence from biblical times that suggests the Hebrews were ever more scientifically sophisticated than their neighbors", and that "patriarchs and Abraham in particular... most likely held the Babylonian view of the sky as solid." Additionally, Moses "was schooled in the thinking of the Egyptians. That schooling would certainly have included the assumption that the sky was solid". He assures however that "Genesis 1 is free of the mythological and polytheistic religious concepts of the ancient Near East... [T]he religious knowledge of Israel, though clearly superior to that of its neighbors, was expressed through the religious cultural forms of the time."^[3]^

The view of the expanse as a literal firmament was shared by "virtually everyone else up to the time of the Renaissance!" Of the Jews and early Christians Seely writes,

"Jews speculated as to what material the firmament was made of: clay or copper or iron (3 Apoc. Bar. 3.7). They differentiated between the firmament and the empty space or air between it and the earth (Gen. Rab. 4.3.a; 2 Apoc. Bar. 21.4). They tried to figure out how thick it was by employing biblical interpretation (Gen. Rab. 4.5.2). Most tellingly they even tried to calculate scientifically the thickness of the firmament (Pesab. 49a). "Christians speculated as to whether it was made of earth, air, fire, or water (the basic elements of Greek science). Origen called the firmament "without doubt firm and solid" (First Homily on Genesis, FC 71). Ambrose, commenting on Gen 1:6, said, 'the specific solidity of this exterior firmament is meant' (Hexameron, FC 42.60). Augustine said the word firmament was used 'to indicate not that it is motionless but that it is solid and that it constitutes an impassable boundary between the waters above and the waters below' (The Literal Meaning of Genesis, ACW 41.1.61)."^[4]^
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Could the universe have been created with age?

Which solution are you proposing?
The universe is big, and the speed of light used to be faster, or the speed of light is constant and all the objects in the sky are within 6k light years of earth?

Hint. Both solutions are unstable, and we would not be here.
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Take the present moment and say the universe went from nothing to being created in this moment. Age, distance, all things as they are created in a moment.

Medicine must be kicking in...
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
As to a firmament, some theorize that the Earth was surrounded in a layer of water. They surmise that this created a greenhouse effect on the Earth that left most of the surface tropical.

They attribute the loss of this layer to the Biblical flood.

Interesting theory, and one I'm not so sure that I ascribe to. But, it's one way to consider what this biblical firmament was, and where it went...
But the word is clearly used elsewhere as a synonym for the sky, as Genesis says the birds brought forth by nature (in response to God's command) flew in the firmament above.

Job 22:14
Thick clouds enwrap him, so that he does not see, and he walks on the vault of heaven.
Job 37:18
Can you, like him, spread out the skies, hard as a molten mirror?
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Could the universe have been created with age?

If you believe in the existence of a creator, then sure! This is some of the stance that Old Earth Creationist hold to. They point to the account that God made a fully grown man, not a baby. If He could do that, then He could make a fully developed universe...

If this is the case, then why wouldn't one just state it was all created with age? Seems an easier argument to make as just take the billions of years and say it fits your account as well instead of trying to disprove the billions of years claim.

The whole "he created it with age to test our faith" argument?

Explain why that argument is more compelling an alternative, that the bronze age writer was incapable of imagining the true age size and complexity of the universe.
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Come again?
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Yes, it is counter-intuitive.
The difference between the scientist and the theologian, is the scientist can be wrong, and learn from it....

Rather unfair and inaccurate statement IMO...

Many theologians admit the errors of their ways, and many scientist don't...

�It can't give you absolute truth because science is a permanent revolution, always subject to revision, but it can give you successive approximations of reality.�
Ann Druyan


The major religions on the Earth contradict each other left and right. You can�t all be correct. And what if all of you are wrong? It�s a possibility, you know.
You must care about the truth, right? Well, the way to winnow through all the differing contentions is to be skeptical.

I�m not any more skeptical about your religious beliefs than I am about every new scientific idea I hear about.

But in my line of work, they�re called hypotheses, not inspiration and not revelation.
Carl Sagan

My friend, where this falls apart is in our different experiences. Science is based upon what can be experienced, right?

My experience is that I've met the living Jesus. My experience is that a girl that I grew up with, went to summer camp with, had her arm broken into a compound fracture (that's bone extruding from the skin) in a game of Red Rover right in front of me. My experience is that we prayed for her as we waited for the ambulance to arrive. My experience is that her arm was completely healed the very next day. No break, no cut, no scar.

My experience is seeing cancer there one day and gone the next.

My experience is seeing a man born without a tongue grow one, instantly.

These are things that I have witnessed first hand with my own eyes, knowing personally the people to whom it happened to.

I'd submit that a man with an experience is rarely at the mercy of a man with a theory. For me, it's not a matter of what I believe, it's a matter of what I know, and I know for a fact that Jesus is alive and well.

My skepticism to those facts dissipated with what I've experienced and the fact that science has no answer for it.

Even my own father's back, that science (with all of it's modern technology) said was missing cartilage between a few vertebrae one day, had it the next and he was completely healed.

Skepticism is a good thing. The Bible says that if we seek, we'll find. If skepticism keeps you seeking, then embrace it. smile
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Yes, it is counter-intuitive.
The difference between the scientist and the theologian, is the scientist can be wrong, and learn from it....

Rather unfair and inaccurate statement IMO...

Many theologians admit the errors of their ways, and many scientist don't...

Not really. In the face of 2000 years of science some theologian are still sticking to bishop ushers chronology based upon a bronze age manuscript.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Could the universe have been created with age?

If you believe in the existence of a creator, then sure! This is some of the stance that Old Earth Creationist hold to. They point to the account that God made a fully grown man, not a baby. If He could do that, then He could make a fully developed universe...

If this is the case, then why wouldn't one just state it was all created with age? Seems an easier argument to make as just take the billions of years and say it fits your account as well instead of trying to disprove the billions of years claim.

The whole "he created it with age to test our faith" argument?

Explain why that argument is more compelling an alternative, that the bronze age writer was incapable of imagining the true age size and complexity of the universe.

I don't think He did it to test faith. I don't see that supported anywhere.

Why He did it isn't my business really. I still can't figure out why He'd waste His time creating us, we generally suck. The only thing that the Bible says about why He does anything, is for His own Glory. I guess that's the privilege of being God...
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Yes, it is counter-intuitive.
The difference between the scientist and the theologian, is the scientist can be wrong, and learn from it....

Rather unfair and inaccurate statement IMO...

Many theologians admit the errors of their ways, and many scientist don't...

Not really. In the face of 2000 years of science some theologian are still sticking to bishop ushers chronology based upon a bronze age manuscript.

Key word, some, which makes my point...

In the face of 2000 years of science some scientist have held to a universe concept, yet now some are making the case for a multiverse...

Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
I can't believe I've been sucked into this conversation again on here... laugh
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Take the present moment and say the universe went from nothing to being created in this moment. Age, distance, all things as they are created in a moment.

Medicine must be kicking in...

Sounds like you are just moving the goal posts.
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Figured that would be the response. Seems to me there is no definitive proof of any of the theories presented in this thread.

Presenting a theory that claims creation with age just creates competition for your chosen point of view...thus we declare the theory moves the goal posts?

Btw I'm not supporting the theory just was wondering if it had been proposed.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Come again?

Some YEC's claim God did exactly what you suggest as a way to test people's faith. They claim he intentionally provided us with over whelming evidence contradicting the bible as a means of testing the faith of humans. It's interesting, because in postulating this argument, they admit all the evidence is against their position....
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Figured that would be the response. Seems to me there is no definitive proof of any of the theories presented in this thread.

Presenting a theory that claims creation with age just creates competition for your chosen point of view...thus we declare the theory moves the goal posts?

Btw I'm not supporting the theory just was wondering if it had been proposed.

What evidence do you have to support this theory?
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
I was asking about such a theory existing, friend.

But the evidence would be the natural world. Your counter to that will be the natural world supports evolution...to which I would counter that science has misinterpreted lots of evidence before lol
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
I hadn't read the whole thread, and I don't care to weigh into it too much as I just don't have the time or energy right now, but if it hadn't been proposed yet, it's a theory that I would have submitted.

Ringman is very much against Old Earth structures as He see's it as counter to the Biblical account. I don't, but I don't limit myself to English translations or modern understanding of things.

For example, Young Earth guys see the English word "day" and they insist that it's a 24 hour period. Those of us that study culture and linguistics know that the word for "day" used in the Genesis account and in other places throughout the Bible is the Hebrew word "yom".

The Hebrew word for day (yom) can indicate either:

1. Part of the daylight hours
2. All of the daylight hours
3. Twenty-four hours
4. A long but finite period of time

As TRH pointed out, the account does not say how much time there were between days.

So, an Old Earth concept, imo, isn't counter to Scripture, but perfectly aligned with it.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Figured that would be the response. Seems to me there is no definitive proof of any of the theories presented in this thread.

Presenting a theory that claims creation with age just creates competition for your chosen point of view...thus we declare the theory moves the goal posts?

Btw I'm not supporting the theory just was wondering if it had been proposed.

What evidence do you have to support this theory?

Here is a good resource for that line of thinking...
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Figured that would be the response. Seems to me there is no definitive proof of any of the theories presented in this thread.

Presenting a theory that claims creation with age just creates competition for your chosen point of view...thus we declare the theory moves the goal posts?

Btw I'm not supporting the theory just was wondering if it had been proposed.

Can you disprove there's an invisible unicorns flying around Pluto. Just because you can postulate an falsifiable argument, it doesn't make that argument creditable.
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Ok so on the same lines...what evidence would falsify the theory of evolution in your eyes?

Is there any?
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
I hadn't read the whole thread, and I don't care to weigh into it too much as I just don't have the time or energy right now, but if it hadn't been proposed yet, it's a theory that I would have submitted.

Ringman is very much against Old Earth structures as He see's it as counter to the Biblical account. I don't, but I don't limit myself to English translations or modern understanding of things.

For example, Young Earth guys see the English word "day" and they insist that it's a 24 hour period. Those of us that study culture and linguistics know that the word for "day" used in the Genesis account and in other places throughout the Bible is the Hebrew word "yom".

The Hebrew word for day (yom) can indicate either:

1. Part of the daylight hours
2. All of the daylight hours
3. Twenty-four hours
4. A long but finite period of time

As TRH pointed out, the account does not say how much time there were between days.

So, an Old Earth concept, imo, isn't counter to Scripture, but perfectly aligned with it.

Genesis 1:8 And the evening and the morning were the second day.

One evening, one morning....not millions or billions of evenings and mornings.....one of each.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Again, English words. The Hebrew words are not limited to that.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Ok so on the same lines...what evidence would falsify the theory of evolution in your eyes?

Is there any?

Human fossils in the belly of a T-REX (fossils out of order)
Humans have one fewer pairs of chromosomes then our close realities. If we were unable to find where the fusion occurred that would of falsified evolution, if mutation rates were too slow, just to name a few.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
A Biblical Case for Long Days rather than 24 hour one's...
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
Again, English words. The Hebrew words are not limited to that.

Your saying they can't even get evening, morning and day correct during translation???

If you cannot even trust the works day, morning, and evening, shouldn't you reject the entire work are unreliable?
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/04/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
I was asking about such a theory existing, friend.

But the evidence would be the natural world. Your counter to that will be the natural world supports evolution...to which I would counter that science has misinterpreted lots of evidence before lol

Actually my point was you (they) have no evidence. My counter to a position without evidence, remains....there is no evidence....

Here's your argument:
I have no evidence.
My position cannot be falsified.
Therefore my argument is true.

That's some pretty weak logic....isn't it?
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
No. My argument simply was that everything presented here is theory. I inquired about a possible other theory. What you quote above was me being a smartass...this forum needs a sarcasm button.

Nothing more.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
No, not at all. The language is solid. Morning and Evening are correctly translated, but they are done so in a limiting manner.

Anyone that studies language knows that things don't always have a good translated word to capture the use of the origin.

For example, we have the word "love" and that means several different things. Loving your wife isn't the same as loving your rifle or your dog or your best friend or even your brother.

Greeks for one, have several different words each describing a specific kind of love. If they were to translate from us, things could be translated correctly but with the improper use.

The same thing with the word "word". The Greek word logos is translated into English as the word "word" but what it really means is the entirety of all things written about a specific topic. They also have the word rhema which means the spoken word. These are both properly translated into our word "word" but the use of them isn't completely captured in our word.

It doesn't make the translation wrong, what it does is fail to communicate the understand that the original readers would have comprehended in their time and culture.

Vernacular changes over time in every language.

Translation isn't so simple as matching words. Context really comes into play at that point.

Take the Genesis account. The first three days have a morning and an evening, yet they do not have a sun or a moon yet. For the original reader of that culture, this is not a problem because they would understand all that to be a period of time, not a literal rising and setting of a sun, especially since there was no sun. The context helps settle that.

This is clearly understood even in the English.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Jcubed
I was asking about such a theory existing, friend.

But the evidence would be the natural world. Your counter to that will be the natural world supports evolution...to which I would counter that science has misinterpreted lots of evidence before lol

Actually my point was you (they) have no evidence. My counter to a position without evidence, remains....there is no evidence....

Here's your argument:
I have no evidence.
My position cannot be falsified.
Therefore my argument is true.

That's some pretty weak logic....isn't it?

Scientific "evidence" is always being changed and altered. So, in fact, there is no such thing as solid, concrete evidence for any theory. The theories themselves evolve...
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Yes, it is counter-intuitive.
The difference between the scientist and the theologian, is the scientist can be wrong, and learn from it....

Rather unfair and inaccurate statement IMO...

Many theologians admit the errors of their ways, and many scientist don't...

Not really. In the face of 2000 years of science some theologian are still sticking to bishop ushers chronology based upon a bronze age manuscript.

Key word, some, which makes my point...

In the face of 2000 years of science some scientist have held to a universe concept, yet now some are making the case for a multiverse...

I provide a 2000 year old hidebound dogma, and you attempt to draw an equivalent with bleeding edge research.

How many astrophysics still believe in an earth centric solar system, or static universe?
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
The science based argument is this...

A lab came up with this result.
This result is a provable fact.
This position cannot be falsified.
Therefore my argument is true.

This discounts the fact that what is understood about any "result" is so often thrown out and considered invalid the next day, week, 100 years...

Hardly something that is trustworthy, IMO...
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
I provide a 2000 year old hidebound dogma, and you attempt to draw an equivalent with bleeding edge research.

How many astrophysics still believe in an earth centric solar system, or static universe?

Each cases that go to prove my point. Thank you...

btw, the static universe thing is still hotly contested by several astrophysics guys...

Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Jcubed
I was asking about such a theory existing, friend.

But the evidence would be the natural world. Your counter to that will be the natural world supports evolution...to which I would counter that science has misinterpreted lots of evidence before lol

Actually my point was you (they) have no evidence. My counter to a position without evidence, remains....there is no evidence....

Here's your argument:
I have no evidence.
My position cannot be falsified.
Therefore my argument is true.

That's some pretty weak logic....isn't it?

Scientific "evidence" is always being changed and altered. So, in fact, there is no such thing as solid, concrete evidence for any theory. The theories themselves evolve...

Correct. It's called progress. Telescopes get bigger. Detectors become more sensitive, computers become more powerful, new mathematics are developed. In your version of science, if someone measures an object with a ruler 100 years ago, no one should ever measure it with a micrometer, or laser to gain a more accurate measurement? No experiment should lead to a new experiment, nor falsify any concept that was mistaken? By this reckoning, we should live with our mistakes forever, in a world where big objects fall faster then small objects, the earth is the center of the solar system, and diseases are caused by demons.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
I provide a 2000 year old hidebound dogma, and you attempt to draw an equivalent with bleeding edge research.

How many astrophysics still believe in an earth centric solar system, or static universe?

Each cases that go to prove my point. Thank you...

btw, the static universe thing is still hotly contested by several astrophysics guys...


No, it's not.
Now you are just making stuff up.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Not making things up, I didn't invent that article written by an astrophysicist....

What may be more accurate is that I'm a language guy, not a science guy, so it's quite possible that I'm just speaking out my ass. smile

I can see how a static universe, and constants within physics are not the same thing. Instead of explaining that to me, you infer that I'm inventing stuff...

After doing a Google search, I now know what you meant by static universe verses a dynamic one. Simple misunderstanding for a nonscience dude to make. I thought you were discussing the laws of the universe. My mistake.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
In the future, I'll try to stick to subjects that I know better. I know the History and origins of the Bible and I know Biblical language, and I know Biblical culture.

That's where I can be best utilized in these discussions. smile
Posted By: 406_SBC Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Yes, it is counter-intuitive.
The difference between the scientist and the theologian, is the scientist can be wrong, and learn from it....

It's interesting to note how Craig just made an argument from incredulity, but never mounted any attack on the underlying science itself.
Being wrong and learning from it are two very different things..... as Krauss so eloquently displays.

Just for clarity, scientists live, study and quantify a universe made of something. That nothing exists in such a universe is not counter-intuitive, is is contradictory--though I'm confident they will proceed with that elephant firmly planted in the room. Their plausible theory makes great water cooler talk, but is a lot further from the scientific community than they will admit.

Not to defend WLC, but not discussing science fiction as science is hardly a fair critique. At the end of the day, what is being discussed as "plausible" could just as readily and accurately be deemed as "fanciful."

I still await your proof.........
Posted By: 406_SBC Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Jcubed
I was asking about such a theory existing, friend.

But the evidence would be the natural world. Your counter to that will be the natural world supports evolution...to which I would counter that science has misinterpreted lots of evidence before lol

Actually my point was you (they) have no evidence. My counter to a position without evidence, remains....there is no evidence....

Here's your argument:
I have no evidence.
My position cannot be falsified.
Therefore my argument is true.

That's some pretty weak logic....isn't it?
Actually there is a great deal of biochemical evidence that refutes Darwinian evolutionary premises. These things are frequently ignored, but that's not the same thing as "no evidence." But of course any scientist that views the evidence supporting ID is an idiot and unworthy of your time.

Still awaiting proof..............
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

Again, English words. The Hebrew words are not limited to that.

You don't now what you are posting about on this one.

Everytime the word "day", in the Old Testament, is modified by evening and morning or day and night or a numerical qualifier it refers to a twenty-four day. Why is it the folks who spout this foolishness don't try to use it in other places in God's Word. Did it rain forty days and nights? Was Jesus in the desert forty days? Did Joshua walk around Jericho seven days? Was Jesus in the grave three days?
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

Originally Posted By: HugAJackass
Again, English words. The Hebrew words are not limited to that.

Your saying they can't even get evening, morning and day correct during translation???

If you cannot even trust the works day, morning, and evening, shouldn't you reject the entire work are unreliable?

Absolutely! These people try to accommodate man's theories with God's Word and everytime God comes out on the short end. Why not give up on such a weak god?
Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Allegories or symbolic stories or parables were sometimes used by the men who wrote the Bible...they weren't meant to be taken literal history.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

Take the Genesis account. The first three days have a morning and an evening, yet they do not have a sun or a moon yet. For the original reader of that culture, this is not a problem because they would understand all that to be a period of time, not a literal rising and setting of a sun, especially since there was no sun. The context helps settle that.

Why do reject God's Word? God's Word says He created light. From where did it come? From where did the creation come? It came from God. There was no need for the sun. God's Word tells us he will do away with the sun at the end. And yet he says there will be light! What is your explanation? I, along with antelope_sniper, await your speculation.
Posted By: Jcubed Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Unexpected turn of events...
Posted By: Spotshooter Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
The condescension of people who prosecute others on beliefs that they themselves can't prove has always bothered me.

Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by 406_SBC
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Jcubed
I was asking about such a theory existing, friend.

But the evidence would be the natural world. Your counter to that will be the natural world supports evolution...to which I would counter that science has misinterpreted lots of evidence before lol

Actually my point was you (they) have no evidence. My counter to a position without evidence, remains....there is no evidence....

Here's your argument:
I have no evidence.
My position cannot be falsified.
Therefore my argument is true.

That's some pretty weak logic....isn't it?
Actually there is a great deal of biochemical evidence that refutes Darwinian evolutionary premises. These things are frequently ignored, but that's not the same thing as "no evidence." But of course any scientist that views the evidence supporting ID is an idiot and unworthy of your time.

Still awaiting proof..............

If you have something that falsifies evolution, lets see it.

As for proof....that's your word not mine. Much evidence has been offered, none of which you accept. Here s thumb nail of it:

Nothing in the real world can be proved with absolute certainty. However, high degrees of certainty can be reached. In the case of evolution, we have huge amounts of data from diverse fields. Extensive evidence exists in all of the following different forms (Theobald 2004). Each new piece of evidence tests the rest. � All life shows a fundamental unity in the mechanisms of replication, heritability, catalysis, and metabolism.
� Common descent predicts a nested hierarchy pattern, or groups within groups. We see just such an arrangement in a unique, consistent, well-defined hierarchy, the so-called tree of life.
� Different lines of evidence give the same arrangement of the tree of life. We get essentially the same results whether we look at morphological, biochemical, or genetic traits.
� Fossil animals fit in the same tree of life. We find several cases of transitional forms in the fossil record.
� The fossils appear in a chronological order, showing change consistent with common descent over hundreds of millions of years and inconsistent with sudden creation.
� Many organisms show rudimentary, vestigial characters, such as sightless eyes or wings useless for flight.
� Atavisms sometimes occur. An atavism is the reappearance of a character present in a distant ancestor but lost in the organism's immediate ancestors. We only see atavisms consistent with organisms' evolutionary histories.
� Ontogeny (embryology and developmental biology) gives information about the historical pathway of an organism's evolution. For example, as embryos whales and many snakes develop hind limbs that are reabsorbed before birth.
� The distribution of species is consistent with their evolutionary history. For example, marsupials are mostly limited to Australia, and the exceptions are explained by continental drift. Remote islands often have species groups that are highly diverse in habits and general appearance but closely related genetically. Squirrel diversity coincides with tectonic and sea level changes (Mercer and Roth 2003). Such consistency still holds when the distribution of fossil species is included.
� Evolution predicts that new structures are adapted from other structures that already exist, and thus similarity in structures should reflect evolutionary history rather than function. We see this frequently. For example, human hands, bat wings, horse legs, whale flippers, and mole forelimbs all have similar bone structure despite their different functions.
� The same principle applies on a molecular level. Humans share a large percentage of their genes, probably more than 70 percent, with a fruit fly or a nematode worm.
� When two organisms evolve the same function independently, different structures are often recruited. For example, wings of birds, bats, pterosaurs, and insects all have different structures. Gliding has been implemented in many additional ways. Again, this applies on a molecular level, too.
� The constraints of evolutionary history sometimes lead to suboptimal structures and functions. For example, the human throat and respiratory system make it impossible to breathe and swallow at the same time and make us susceptible to choking.
� Suboptimality appears also on the molecular level. For example, much DNA is nonfunctional.
� Some nonfunctional DNA, such as certain transposons, pseudogenes, and endogenous viruses, show a pattern of inheritance indicating common ancestry.
� Speciation has been observed.
� The day-to-day aspects of evolution -- heritable genetic change, morphological variation and change, functional change, and natural selection -- are seen to occur at rates consistent with common descent.

Furthermore, the different lines of evidence are consistent; they all point to the same big picture. For example, evidence from gene duplications in the yeast genome shows that its ability to ferment glucose evolved about eighty million years ago. Fossil evidence shows that fermentable fruits became prominent about the same time. Genetic evidence for major change around that time also is found in fruiting plants and fruit flies (Benner et al. 2002).

The evidence is extensive and consistent, and it points unambiguously to evolution, including common descent, change over time, and adaptation influenced by natural selection. It would be preposterous to refer to these as anything other than facts.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

How many astrophysics still believe in an earth centric solar system, or static universe?

Science is not a consensus endeavor. I know a Ph.D astrophysic scientist who says there is no a shred of evidence for evolution. He calls it a superstition. He worked on the SOHO spacecraft project. That means the minority is correct on this one. smile
Posted By: Spotshooter Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Evolution has been proved already by some breads mixing, and by stand alone changes in genetics.

So get off that one.

The real question here is does evolution disprove the existence of God.

A clean NOPE - would suffice
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by antlers
Allegories or symbolic stories or parables were sometimes used by the men who wrote the Bible...they weren't meant to be taken literal history.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Spotshooter
Evolution has been proved already by some breads mixing, and by stand alone changes in genetics.

So get off that one.

The real question here is does evolution disprove the existence of God.

A clean NOPE - would suffice

Does evolution disprove God, that depends on the individuals understanding of God. For those who believe in the Bible is the perfect unerring word of God, Evolution demonstrates an error in the creation story. For those who believe in a purely spiritual, allegorical, or Deist version of God, it provides no problem at all.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

How many astrophysics still believe in an earth centric solar system, or static universe?

Science is not a consensus endeavor. I know a Ph.D astrophysic scientist who says there is no a shred of evidence for evolution. He calls it a superstition. He worked on the SOHO spacecraft project. That means the minority is correct on this one. smile

I certainly won't call him if I get sick!!

Your friend....what are his feelings about the age of the universe?
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Jcubed
Ok so on the same lines...what evidence would falsify the theory of evolution in your eyes?

Is there any?
That's the beauty of it. Were evolution false, it would be quite easy to disprove. One way would be to find a fossil out of place, such as a horse fossil in undisturbed Cambrian strata. Were evolution false, that sort of thing would be quite common. This sort of thing is never found, however.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

� All life shows a fundamental unity in the mechanisms of replication, heritability, catalysis, and metabolism.
� Common descent predicts a nested hierarchy pattern, or groups within groups.

These points can be used by the creationists.

We see just such an arrangement in a unique, consistent, well-defined hierarchy, the so-called tree of life. � Different lines of evidence give the same arrangement of the tree of life. We get essentially the same results whether we look at morphological, biochemical, or genetic traits. � Fossil animals fit in the same tree of life. We find several cases of transitional forms in the fossil record.
� The fossils appear in a chronological order, showing change consistent with common descent over hundreds of millions of years and inconsistent with sudden creation.

Do an internet search for the trunk and branches of the "tree of life". They don't exist. More support for the creationist.
Based on the new science of Out Of Place Artifacts fossils are NOT found in the order depicted in the text books. There is no order like what was originally discovered back in Darwin's day.

� Many organisms show rudimentary, vestigial characters, such as sightless eyes or wings useless for flight.

You want this to be vestigial. Why? Could it be they were created very good and mutations have caused deterioration in their genes resulting in what used to be wings or other things?

� Ontogeny (embryology and developmental biology) gives information about the historical pathway of an organism's evolution. For example, as embryos whales and many snakes develop hind limbs that are reabsorbed before birth.

What evidence do you have to show they are not used by the embryo? Just as humans used to have scores of vestigial organs. Modern medical discoveries show these were not, but used sometime during the hosts life.

� Evolution predicts that new structures are adapted from other structures that already exist, and thus similarity in structures should reflect evolutionary history rather than function. We see this frequently. For example, human hands, bat wings, horse legs, whale flippers, and mole forelimbs all have similar bone structure despite their different functions.
� The same principle applies on a molecular level. Humans share a large percentage of their genes, probably more than 70 percent, with a fruit fly or a nematode worm.
� When two organisms evolve the same function independently, different structures are often recruited. For example, wings of birds, bats, pterosaurs, and insects all have different structures. Gliding has been implemented in many additional ways. Again, this applies on a molecular level, too.
� The constraints of evolutionary history sometimes lead to suboptimal structures and functions. For example, the human throat and respiratory system make it impossible to breathe and swallow at the same time and make us susceptible to choking.
� Suboptimality appears also on the molecular level. For example, much DNA is nonfunctional.

This could just as easily suggest a Common Creator.

� Some nonfunctional DNA, such as certain transposons, pseudogenes, and endogenous viruses, show a pattern of inheritance indicating common ancestry.

This very week I read a refutation of this.

� Speciation has been observed.

This is predicted by creationists.

� The day-to-day aspects of evolution -- heritable genetic change, morphological variation and change, functional change, and natural selection -- are seen to occur at rates consistent with common descent.

You are conflating micro-evolution with macro-evolution. What scientists see today is bacteria changing into bacteria. Fish with eyes changing into fish without eyes. ETC.

Furthermore, the different lines of evidence are consistent; they all point to the same big picture. For example, evidence from gene duplications in the yeast genome shows that its ability to ferment glucose was created about 6,000 year ago.

The evidence is extensive and consistent, and it points unambiguously to recent creation, including Common Creator, change over time, and adaptation influenced by natural selection written about by Edward Blythe about ten years before Darwin's book. It would be preposterous to refer to these as anything other than facts.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Genesis 1:8 And the evening and the morning were the second day.

One evening, one morning....not millions or billions of evenings and mornings.....one of each.
This doesn't matter. That was an account of God issuing commands and seeing the results were good, day by day. It was not necessarily an account of things popping into existence from one day to the next. It's missing common Biblical language for such things like, "and that very moment," or "instantly." God can see that the results of his commands are good not only the instant he issues them, but the instant he conceives of them, being an omniscient being, so his ability to do that doesn't mean his commands came to fruition from one day to another instantly after the commands were issued.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

I certainly won't call him if I get sick!!

Nor should you. He's not a medical doctor.

Your friend....what are his feelings about the age of the universe?

Democrats have feelings about things. He uses scientific evidence to show the universe is about 6,000 years old.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

That's the beauty of it. Were evolution false, it would be quite easy to disprove. One way would be to find a fossil out of place, such as a horse fossil in undisturbed Cambrian strata. Were evolution false, that sort of thing would be quite common. This sort of thing is never found, however.

Wake up. The fossil record is no longer neat and tidy like you used to read in the text book.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Genesis 1:8 And the evening and the morning were the second day.

One evening, one morning....not millions or billions of evenings and mornings.....one of each.
This doesn't matter. That was an account of God issuing commands and seeing the results were good, day by day. It was not necessarily an account of things popping into existence from one day to the next. It's missing common Biblical language for such things like, "and that very moment," or "instantly." God can see that the results of his commands are good not only the instant he issues them, but the instant he conceives of them, being an omniscient being.

Lets take a look at day one:
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
1:4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

God gave the command and saw the light all in the first day. If the light did not come for a billion years, how is he dividing that which is not there on day one, during day one. Your reading defies all common language usage rules.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by antlers
Allegories or symbolic stories or parables were sometimes used by the men who wrote the Bible...they weren't meant to be taken literal history.
Do you think it shocks Christians to discover that men wrote every book of the Bible?? Christians believe said books were inspired by God, not written by him.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

That's the beauty of it. Were evolution false, it would be quite easy to disprove. One way would be to find a fossil out of place, such as a horse fossil in undisturbed Cambrian strata. Were evolution false, that sort of thing would be quite common. This sort of thing is never found, however.

Wake up. The fossil record is no longer neat and tidy like you used to read in the text book.

Ok, show us the papers.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by TRH
Do you think it shocks Christians to discover that men wrote every book of the Bible?? Christians believe they were inspired by God, not written by him.

We agree that it was written by men. What's lacking is your evidence fo inspiration.

Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

This doesn't matter. That was an account of God issuing commands and seeing the results were good, day by day. It was not necessarily an account of things popping into existence from one day to the next. It's missing common Biblical language for such things like, "and that very moment," or "instantly." God can see that the results of his commands are good not only the instant he issues them, but the instant he conceives of them, being an omniscient being.

Do you think it shocks Christians to discover that men wrote every book of the Bible?? Christians believe said books were inspired by God, not written by him.

Why are you so convinced God is not able to inspire His servants to communicate what He wants His people to understand? In the first two Scriptures Moses claims God spoke to him face to face. In the third one God wrote it Himself.

Genesis 1:31
"Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Genesis 2:1-3

"Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made."

Written by the finger of God in stone.

Exodus 20:9-12

"'Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.'"
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
God gave the command and saw the light all in the first day.
He issued the command, and there was light, doesn't equate to instantaneousness, due to the time perspective from which it was first written, i.e., looking backwards. Hear me out. If I tell you that "on such and such a date Pharaoh ordered that there be a pyramid made in his honor, and there was one," would you assume that it came into existence instantly? I could even say "On June fifth of the year 2034 BC the Pharaoh commanded that there be a pyramid in his honor, and there was one. Then, on June sixth of 2034 BC Pharaoh commanded that there be in his honor a three hundred foot golden obelisk, and there was one." Does that demand an interpretation that these things appeared instantly? I think you will agree not. Not only that, it could even be that the obelisk was completed before the pyramid, even though the command for the obelisk occurred a day after the command for the pyramid.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

I will make another post so it doesn't get too big.


Wake up. The fossil record is no longer neat and tidy like you used to read in the text book.

Ok, show us the papers.

Give me a little time. I will try to post it by tomorrow evening.

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Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by TRH
Do you think it shocks Christians to discover that men wrote every book of the Bible?? Christians believe they were inspired by God, not written by him.

We agree that it was written by men. What's lacking is your evidence fo inspiration.

I've offered you none.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Genesis 1:31
"Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Genesis 2:1-3
I guess you don't understand the concept of omniscience, Ringman. I don't know how to be more clear. God's sight isn't limited to any particular time as ours is. All of eternity is laid out before him like a tapestry.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
God gave the command and saw the light all in the first day.
He issued the command, and there was light, doesn't equate to instantaneousness, due to the time perspective from which it was first written, i.e., looking backwards. Hear me out. If I tell you that "on such and such a date Pharaoh ordered that there be a pyramid made in his honor, and there was one," would you assume that it came into existence instantly? I could even say "On June fifth of the year 2034 BC the Pharaoh commanded that there be a pyramid in his honor, and there was one. Then, on June sixth of 2034 Pharaoh commanded that there be a three hundred foot golden obelisk, and there was one." Does that demand an interpretation that these things appeared instantly?

On June fifth of the year 2034 BC pharaoh ordered the building of a sand castle. He inspected the castle and declared it fit, and that was the end of June fifth of the year 2034 BC....yes, that would require it the structure was completed in the same day.

When you read about he construction of the Edwardian Castles in Wales, they tell you when the castles were ordered, when construction commences, and when they were complete.

Let there be light: and there was light.
That's instantaneous.
God Said, Let there be light, and the light appeared a billion years later would not be instantaneous.

We mentioned inspiration....the degree you must twist the words on the paper in order to attempt to avoid contradiction with know science suggest any inspiration was less then divine....
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Why are you so convinced God is not able to inspire His servants to communicate what He wants His people to understand?

Then how is it that so many sincere people come to so many different conclusions about it? Each one feels that they are correct in their mutually exclusive interpretations.
Posted By: Notropis Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Ringman really loves to throw out the thoughts of Ph.D's. Those Ph.D's he cites often seem to be from sciences other than Biology. I am not sure I would really want to cite an astrophysicist in a discussion of Biology. Being a Ph.D does not instantly give a person infallibility and perfect knowledge, especially in disciplines outside that person's area of expertise.

Earning a Ph.D does mean that a person is generally reasonably intelligent and is persistent. I know a large number of people with Ph.D degrees in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. I grew up with them as family members and neighbors and worked with them for over three decades. I learned very early in life not to accept as being true everything they said because there was always someone else with just as many letters behind their name who expressed a different view.

Some of the Ph.D's I have know are or were real crackpots. Some have definite political agendas and let those agendas control their thoughts and words. Some were indistinguishable from total morons outside the sanctuary of their labs. Some had magnificent minds and changed for the better the lives of all of us. Several of my friends helped build the Bomb. You can't paint all Ph.D's with the same brush any more than you can paint all non-Ph.D's with the same brush. Accepting the ideas of a person just because they earned a Ph.D will occasionally lead you down strange and unusual paths that may not lead to the truth.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
On June fifth of the year 2034 BC pharaoh ordered the building of a sand castle. He inspected the castle and declared it fit, and that was the end of June fifth of the year 2034 BC....yes, that would require it the structure was completed in the same day.
Because when we're talking about Pharaoh, we're not talking about an omniscient being.
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
God gave the command and saw the light all in the first day.
He issued the command, and there was light, doesn't equate to instantaneousness, due to the time perspective from which it was first written, i.e., looking backwards. Hear me out. If I tell you that "on such and such a date Pharaoh ordered that there be a pyramid made in his honor, and there was one," would you assume that it came into existence instantly? I could even say "On June fifth of the year 2034 BC the Pharaoh commanded that there be a pyramid in his honor, and there was one. Then, on June sixth of 2034 Pharaoh commanded that there be a three hundred foot golden obelisk, and there was one." Does that demand an interpretation that these things appeared instantly?

On June fifth of the year 2034 BC pharaoh ordered the building of a sand castle. He inspected the castle and declared it fit, and that was the end of June fifth of the year 2034 BC....yes, that would require it the structure was completed in the same day.

When you read about he construction of the Edwardian Castles in Wales, they tell you when the castles were ordered, when construction commences, and when they were complete.

Let there be light: and there was light.
That's instantaneous.
God Said, Let there be light, and the light appeared a billion years later would not be instantaneous.

We mentioned inspiration....the degree you must twist the words on the paper in order to attempt to avoid contradiction with know science suggest any inspiration was less then divine....

I read somewhere that "Old earth creationists must twist the bible to fit the evidence whereas the young earth creationists must twist the evidence to fit the bible." Seems about right.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
We mentioned inspiration....the degree you must twist the words on the paper in order to attempt to avoid contradiction with know science suggest any inspiration was less then divine....
I would contend that the twisting occurred when the texts were interpreted by a prescientific people, i.e., twisted to match up with prescientific notions when the text doesn't demand said twisting. But said twisting was only common with respect to naturalistic concepts, not with respect to morality and salvation (although there's been a good bit of that, too). This has to do with the fact that the Bible was never intended as a science text, but rather a source of information about morality and salvation.
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
How would you know if it was interpreted and what was and wasn't interpreted without being able to reference the original?
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by billhilly
How would you know if it was interpreted and what was and wasn't interpreted without being able to reference the original?
You mean in the original languages? They exist. I don't speak those languages, though, so I read what I believe are good English translations.
Posted By: 406_SBC Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
If you have something that falsifies evolution, lets see it.

As for proof....that's your word not mine. Much evidence has been offered, none of which you accept. Here s thumb nail of it:

Nothing in the real world can be proved with absolute certainty. However, high degrees of certainty can be reached. In the case of evolution, we have huge amounts of data from diverse fields. Extensive evidence exists in all of the following different forms (Theobald 2004). Each new piece of evidence tests the rest. � All life shows a fundamental unity in the mechanisms of replication, heritability, catalysis, and metabolism.
� Common descent predicts a nested hierarchy pattern, or groups within groups. We see just such an arrangement in a unique, consistent, well-defined hierarchy, the so-called tree of life.
� Different lines of evidence give the same arrangement of the tree of life. We get essentially the same results whether we look at morphological, biochemical, or genetic traits.
� Fossil animals fit in the same tree of life. We find several cases of transitional forms in the fossil record.
� The fossils appear in a chronological order, showing change consistent with common descent over hundreds of millions of years and inconsistent with sudden creation.
� Many organisms show rudimentary, vestigial characters, such as sightless eyes or wings useless for flight.
� Atavisms sometimes occur. An atavism is the reappearance of a character present in a distant ancestor but lost in the organism's immediate ancestors. We only see atavisms consistent with organisms' evolutionary histories.
� Ontogeny (embryology and developmental biology) gives information about the historical pathway of an organism's evolution. For example, as embryos whales and many snakes develop hind limbs that are reabsorbed before birth.
� The distribution of species is consistent with their evolutionary history. For example, marsupials are mostly limited to Australia, and the exceptions are explained by continental drift. Remote islands often have species groups that are highly diverse in habits and general appearance but closely related genetically. Squirrel diversity coincides with tectonic and sea level changes (Mercer and Roth 2003). Such consistency still holds when the distribution of fossil species is included.
� Evolution predicts that new structures are adapted from other structures that already exist, and thus similarity in structures should reflect evolutionary history rather than function. We see this frequently. For example, human hands, bat wings, horse legs, whale flippers, and mole forelimbs all have similar bone structure despite their different functions.
� The same principle applies on a molecular level. Humans share a large percentage of their genes, probably more than 70 percent, with a fruit fly or a nematode worm.
� When two organisms evolve the same function independently, different structures are often recruited. For example, wings of birds, bats, pterosaurs, and insects all have different structures. Gliding has been implemented in many additional ways. Again, this applies on a molecular level, too.
� The constraints of evolutionary history sometimes lead to suboptimal structures and functions. For example, the human throat and respiratory system make it impossible to breathe and swallow at the same time and make us susceptible to choking.
� Suboptimality appears also on the molecular level. For example, much DNA is nonfunctional.
� Some nonfunctional DNA, such as certain transposons, pseudogenes, and endogenous viruses, show a pattern of inheritance indicating common ancestry.
� Speciation has been observed.
� The day-to-day aspects of evolution -- heritable genetic change, morphological variation and change, functional change, and natural selection -- are seen to occur at rates consistent with common descent.

Furthermore, the different lines of evidence are consistent; they all point to the same big picture. For example, evidence from gene duplications in the yeast genome shows that its ability to ferment glucose evolved about eighty million years ago. Fossil evidence shows that fermentable fruits became prominent about the same time. Genetic evidence for major change around that time also is found in fruiting plants and fruit flies (Benner et al. 2002).

The evidence is extensive and consistent, and it points unambiguously to evolution, including common descent, change over time, and adaptation influenced by natural selection. It would be preposterous to refer to these as anything other than facts.
You read like a remedial class in evolutionary doctrine. If you're drinking that Kool-Aid who am I to stop you.

Your final paragraph is one last hooray for conjecture and for that I am grateful. What you believe is as dogmatic as any bishop in Rome, all-be-it with the same evidence.......

Darwinian interpreters have fertile imaginations and I'm confident you'll continue drinking the same Kool-Aid, but just in case you want to see the evidence for something other than Darwinian thought investigate the nature of biochemical processes such as sight, ciliary motion, blood clotting or other biochemical processes that might be labeled as irreducibly complex mechanisms. Taken seriously, they are a stumbling block for you and your ilk.........

With that, I am still awaiting proof--not conjecture...........
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

I made a mistake and attached the info to a previous post. I think it is on page 82.

Here's more info.

[Linked Image]

I tried to get quotes from evolutionist most would recognize. I can't find the one I want, but these few torpedo the fossil record to the objective reader.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
I guess you don't understand the concept of words used to communicate, The_Real_Hawkeye. I don't know how to be more clear. God's sight isn't limited to any particular time as ours is. All of eternity is laid out before him like a tapestry. God didn't write the Bible for Himself. He wrote it for humans to understand without resorting to all kinds of twisting.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Alright, I'm proud of you guys 83 pages and counting. I know you guys can take it to a 100 pages.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

Then how is it that so many sincere people come to so many different conclusions about it? Each one feels that they are correct in their mutually exclusive interpretations.

Proverbs 3:5-6

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths."

The confusion comes because people reject God's Word. Antelope_sniper has no trouble understanding the clear teaching and he has no ax to grind in this Bible argument.
Posted By: Notropis Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by derby_dude
Alright, I'm proud of you guys 83 pages and counting. I know you guys can take it to a 100 pages.

That should not be difficult. Perhaps we should aim higher than 100.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

Ringman really loves to throw out the thoughts of Ph.D's. Those Ph.D's he cites often seem to be from sciences other than Biology. I am not sure I would really want to cite an astrophysicist in a discussion of Biology. Being a Ph.D does not instantly give a person infallibility and perfect knowledge, especially in disciplines outside that person's area of expertise.

Antelope_sniper brought up an astrophysicist. I responded in kind.

Earning a Ph.D does mean that a person is generally reasonably intelligent and is persistent. I know a large number of people with Ph.D degrees in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. I grew up with them as family members and neighbors and worked with them for over three decades. I learned very early in life not to accept as being true everything they said because there was always someone else with just as many letters behind their name who expressed a different view.

Exactly! We use the ones who agree with us!

Some of the Ph.D's I have know are or were real crackpots. Some have definite political agendas and let those agendas control their thoughts and words. Some were indistinguishable from total morons outside the sanctuary of their labs. Some had magnificent minds and changed for the better the lives of all of us. Several of my friends helped build the Bomb. You can't paint all Ph.D's with the same brush any more than you can paint all non-Ph.D's with the same brush. Accepting the ideas of a person just because they earned a Ph.D will occasionally lead you down strange and unusual paths that may not lead to the truth.

You are making my point! Thank you.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
I guess you don't understand the concept of words used to communicate, The_Real_Hawkeye. I don't know how to be more clear. God's sight isn't limited to any particular time as ours is. All of eternity is laid out before him like a tapestry. God didn't write the Bible for Himself. He wrote it for humans to understand without resorting to all kinds of twisting.
But he didn't write it, and the inspiration given its authors wasn't to write a naturalistic or scientific text.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

Again, English words. The Hebrew words are not limited to that.

You don't now what you are posting about on this one.

Everytime the word "day", in the Old Testament, is modified by evening and morning or day and night or a numerical qualifier it refers to a twenty-four day. Why is it the folks who spout this foolishness don't try to use it in other places in God's Word. Did it rain forty days and nights? Was Jesus in the desert forty days? Did Joshua walk around Jericho seven days? Was Jesus in the grave three days?

You should probably read up on the various DIFFERENT languages used in the references you are giving before you say that I don't know what I'm talking about....

You also need to reread what I've written about this. I've already answered all those questions....
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
On June fifth of the year 2034 BC pharaoh ordered the building of a sand castle. He inspected the castle and declared it fit, and that was the end of June fifth of the year 2034 BC....yes, that would require it the structure was completed in the same day.
Because when we're talking about Pharaoh, we're not talking about an omniscient being.

We are talking about being able to write your intent at least as well as a 5th grader.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

Again, English words. The Hebrew words are not limited to that.

You don't now what you are posting about on this one.

Everytime the word "day", in the Old Testament, is modified by evening and morning or day and night or a numerical qualifier it refers to a twenty-four day. Why is it the folks who spout this foolishness don't try to use it in other places in God's Word. Did it rain forty days and nights? Was Jesus in the desert forty days? Did Joshua walk around Jericho seven days? Was Jesus in the grave three days?

You should probably read up on the various DIFFERENT languages used in the references you are giving before you say that I don't know what I'm talking about....

You also need to reread what I've written about this. I've already answered all those questions....
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

I read somewhere that "Old earth creationists must twist the bible to fit the evidence whereas the young earth creationists must twist the evidence to fit the bible." Seems about right.

Evidence like the recession of the moon's orbit?
Evidence like the the chemicals in the ocean?
Evidence like carbon 14 in all fossils, fossils fuels, diamonds, petrified wood, etc?
Evidence like the accumulation rate of mutations in the human genome?
Evidence like marine fossils on Mt Everest?
Evidence like huge folded strata with no breaks?
Evidence like comets?
Evidence like the half life of the earths magnetism?
Evidence like moonquakes?

Evolutionists like to talk about how many more evolutionists there are over the number of creationist. Does that hold true for evidence? There is about ten time more evidence for a young earth than there is for an old earth. The Bible believer need not be embarrassed by his accepting God's Word the way it is written.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

I would contend that the twisting occurred when the texts were interpreted by a prescientific people, i.e., twisted to match up with prescientific notions when the text doesn't demand said twisting.

Is that why so many masters degree and Ph.D scientist accept God's Word the way it is written?

This has to do with the fact that the Bible was never intended as a science text, but rather a source of information about morality and salvation.

Where did you learn this foolishness? It is intended as a historical document on the things it addresses as history. That includes creation as it was given to Moses by God.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

This has to do with the fact that the Bible was never intended as a science text, but rather a source of information about morality and salvation.

God wrote with His finger on stone in the middle of the Ten Commandments He created in six days.
Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
The confusion comes because people reject God's Word.

Is it your assertion that if folks don't accept your belief that the earth is only 6000 years old...then they are rejecting God's word...?
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

I will make another post so it doesn't get too big.


Wake up. The fossil record is no longer neat and tidy like you used to read in the text book.

Ok, show us the papers.

Give me a little time. I will try to post it by tomorrow evening.

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The alleged quote from Gould does not appear in the footnoted paper.


What I'm seeing, is a series of quote mines. One liners with no context. If you have a full scientific paper, in context, that falsifies evolution, that would be a good point for us to pick up.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

We are talking about being able to write your intent at least as well as a 5th grader.
The intent was not to produce a science text.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

You should probably read up on the various DIFFERENT languages used in the references you are giving before you say that I don't know what I'm talking about....

You also need to reread what I've written about this. I've already answered all those questions....

I discussed this at length with a fellow who can read both the Hebrew and the Greek. What I posted came right from him. His credentials consist of, among other things, a doctorate in biblical philosophy. He has no problem accepting six solar twenty-four days for creation. He also quoted several Jewish rabbis who agree with his understanding that God's Word means six regular days. They still believe in evolution and millions of years.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Is that why so many masters degree and Ph.D scientist accept God's Word the way it is written?
The one's you're speaking of aren't accepting the words as they are written. They have a deeply ingrained cultural predisposition to read it in such as way as to image that things popped into existence instantly, and that's the meaning they give to the texts as they read them, even though said texts do not demand such.
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by Ringman
The confusion comes because people reject God's Word.

Is it your assertion that if folks don't accept your belief that the earth is only 6000 years old...then they are rejecting God's word...?

That's what it appears to be to me.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

Is it your assertion that if folks don't accept your belief that the earth is only 6000 years old...then they are rejecting God's word...?

You don't get it. I didn't even get a GED till I was fifty-one years old. I accept what educated people teach me supported with evidence. If people don't accept God's Word then they are rejecting it. Jesus says there is no middle ground. You are either with Him or against Him.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

This has to do with the fact that the Bible was never intended as a science text, but rather a source of information about morality and salvation.

God wrote with His finger on stone in the middle of the Ten Commandments He created in six days.
If you have a verse, please cite it.
Posted By: Notropis Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
Is that why so many masters degree and Ph.D scientist accept God's Word the way it is written?

I thought you just admitted that you do not accept it the way it is written but must try to come up with some interpretation that suits you.

You are getting away from the argument of whether the Bible is right or wrong and moving to the argument of whether your interpretation is right or wrong. There is a big difference between the two.

I see you are basing much of your argument on those magic Ph.D's again.
Posted By: calikooknic Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Jeezus F Christ, you would have thought this was an abortion thread. Everybody is right, you are wrong, no one can see the other side, and won't even give it a flippin chance.
Nature has a way of developing the next stage. Didn't work? It died. Did work, goes on till the next cold or hot spell, see how it does there. Too wet, too dry, it f#kcn died again.

Did god have his hand in this? Thumpers say yes.
Did nature have its hand in this? The bible is full of lies.

Good luck changin some one else's mind.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

If you have a verse, please cite it.

I already did, but will do it again.

Exodus 20:9-11

"'Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.'"

Deuteronomy 5:22 Moses speaking to the crowd:

�These words the Lord spoke to all your assembly, in the mountain from the midst of the fire, the cloud, and the thick darkness, with a loud voice; and He added no more. And He wrote them on two tablets of stone and gave them to me.
Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

Is it your assertion that if folks don't accept your belief that the earth is only 6000 years old...then they are rejecting God's word...?

I accept what educated people teach me supported with evidence. If people don't accept God's Word then they are rejecting it. Jesus says there is no middle ground. You are either with Him or against Him.

It seems to me that you are saying that if people don't 'interpret' God's word the way that 'you' interpret it...then they are rejecting God's word.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by billhilly
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
God gave the command and saw the light all in the first day.
He issued the command, and there was light, doesn't equate to instantaneousness, due to the time perspective from which it was first written, i.e., looking backwards. Hear me out. If I tell you that "on such and such a date Pharaoh ordered that there be a pyramid made in his honor, and there was one," would you assume that it came into existence instantly? I could even say "On June fifth of the year 2034 BC the Pharaoh commanded that there be a pyramid in his honor, and there was one. Then, on June sixth of 2034 Pharaoh commanded that there be a three hundred foot golden obelisk, and there was one." Does that demand an interpretation that these things appeared instantly?

On June fifth of the year 2034 BC pharaoh ordered the building of a sand castle. He inspected the castle and declared it fit, and that was the end of June fifth of the year 2034 BC....yes, that would require it the structure was completed in the same day.

When you read about he construction of the Edwardian Castles in Wales, they tell you when the castles were ordered, when construction commences, and when they were complete.

Let there be light: and there was light.
That's instantaneous.
God Said, Let there be light, and the light appeared a billion years later would not be instantaneous.

We mentioned inspiration....the degree you must twist the words on the paper in order to attempt to avoid contradiction with know science suggest any inspiration was less then divine....

I read somewhere that "Old earth creationists must twist the bible to fit the evidence whereas the young earth creationists must twist the evidence to fit the bible." Seems about right.

That my friend, is one of the best quotes one the subject I've ever seen.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

I thought you just admitted that you do not accept it the way it is written but must try to come up with some interpretation that suits you.

You are getting away from the argument of whether the Bible is right or wrong and moving to the argument of whether your interpretation is right or wrong. There is a big difference between the two.

I see you are basing much of your argument on those magic Ph.D's again.

I do the best I can at communicating. I don't know what else to tell you.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

I made a mistake and attached the info to a previous post. I think it is on page 82.

Here's more info.

[Linked Image]

I tried to get quotes from evolutionist most would recognize. I can't find the one I want, but these few torpedo the fossil record to the objective reader.

I can't find that full article anywhere one line.
Do you have a link?
Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by billhilly
I read somewhere that "Old earth creationists must twist the bible to fit the evidence whereas the young earth creationists must twist the evidence to fit the bible." Seems about right.
That my friend, is one of the best quotes one the subject I've ever seen.

Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

quote]It seems to me that you are saying that if people don't 'interpret' God's word the way that 'you' interpret it...then they are rejecting God's word.[/quote]

There is no more interpretation required in the Bible than there is for me to understand your post. It is straight forward and clear.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

If you have a verse, please cite it.

I already did, but will do it again.

Exodus 20:9-11

"'Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.'"

Deuteronomy 5:22 Moses speaking to the crowd:

�These words the Lord spoke to all your assembly, in the mountain from the midst of the fire, the cloud, and the thick darkness, with a loud voice; and He added no more. And He wrote them on two tablets of stone and gave them to me.
You're taking a very concrete perspective on God, Ringman. Like I said, from God's perspective, all was complete the moment he contemplated creation. The fact that from our perspective (being creatures limited by time and space) it took eons is beside the point.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

Did you go back to page 81 and see the other info?

I can't find that full article anywhere one line.
Do you have a link?

I will give Tom a call tomorrow to come up with one if it is available.
Posted By: Notropis Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

I thought you just admitted that you do not accept it the way it is written but must try to come up with some interpretation that suits you.

You are getting away from the argument of whether the Bible is right or wrong and moving to the argument of whether your interpretation is right or wrong. There is a big difference between the two.

I see you are basing much of your argument on those magic Ph.D's again.

I do the best I can at communicating. I don't know what else to tell you.

I don't think the problem is how you are saying things but rather the message you are trying to communicate.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

Take the Genesis account. The first three days have a morning and an evening, yet they do not have a sun or a moon yet. For the original reader of that culture, this is not a problem because they would understand all that to be a period of time, not a literal rising and setting of a sun, especially since there was no sun. The context helps settle that.

Why do reject God's Word? God's Word says He created light. From where did it come? From where did the creation come? It came from God. There was no need for the sun. God's Word tells us he will do away with the sun at the end. And yet he says there will be light! What is your explanation? I, along with antelope_sniper, await your speculation.

And this is where you always run into problems. You become arrogant, condescending, and rude. It's not conducive to civil discourse. Funny seeing you speak for others...

Nothing I said counters what you've just submitted. I absolutely believe that the Scripture wasn't kidding when Jesus says, "I am the light of the world."

My comment, if you'd lay down the attitude, was a counter to the concept that "morning" and "evening" referred to the rising, and setting of the sun as was referred to in the quote...

If you'd like, I'd be happy to give you a lesson on tense as the languages use them. For example, did you know that "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning." is incorrect because of the use of the english word "a". Greek sentence structure doesn't even contain that option. That's why when Mormans attempt to change "The Word was with God, and the Word was God" into "The Word was with God, and the Word was a God."

You dare to say that I don't believe God's word. Not only do I believe it, I care enough to study enough to know what was originally said. I could make the argument that you reject the original inspired Word of God by neglecting the original languages, but that would make me like you. I don't know your heart, so I can't make such asinine assumptions.

Several modern English translations, such as the King James Bible, were based off of the Latin Vulgate Bible by Jerome. That has been proven over and over to be one of the worst works of translation ever conducted.

Fortunately, God is bigger than our misconceptions and uses His Rhema through the Holy Spirit to guide people through the Scripture, rather than relying on man's fallible mind.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

Ringman really loves to throw out the thoughts of Ph.D's. Those Ph.D's he cites often seem to be from sciences other than Biology. I am not sure I would really want to cite an astrophysicist in a discussion of Biology. Being a Ph.D does not instantly give a person infallibility and perfect knowledge, especially in disciplines outside that person's area of expertise.

Antelope_sniper brought up an astrophysicist. I responded in kind.

Earning a Ph.D does mean that a person is generally reasonably intelligent and is persistent. I know a large number of people with Ph.D degrees in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. I grew up with them as family members and neighbors and worked with them for over three decades. I learned very early in life not to accept as being true everything they said because there was always someone else with just as many letters behind their name who expressed a different view.

Exactly! We use the ones who agree with us!

Some of the Ph.D's I have know are or were real crackpots. Some have definite political agendas and let those agendas control their thoughts and words. Some were indistinguishable from total morons outside the sanctuary of their labs. Some had magnificent minds and changed for the better the lives of all of us. Several of my friends helped build the Bomb. You can't paint all Ph.D's with the same brush any more than you can paint all non-Ph.D's with the same brush. Accepting the ideas of a person just because they earned a Ph.D will occasionally lead you down strange and unusual paths that may not lead to the truth.

You are making my point! Thank you.

Lawrence Krauss is a great astrophysics, however I believe we differ greatly regarding it's implications on the meaning of life.
Posted By: antlers Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman
It seems to me that you are saying that if people don't 'interpret' God's word the way that 'you' interpret it...then they are rejecting God's word.

There is no more interpretation required in the Bible than there is for me to understand your post. It is straight forward and clear.

If it's so "straight forward and clear" then why are there thousands and thousands of Christian denominations...?

All of those thousands and thousands of Christian denominations are likely based on disagreements over the interpretation of Scripture.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

You're taking a very sloppy perspective on God, The_Real_Hawkeye. Like I said, from God's perspective, all was complete the moment he contemplated creation. The fact that from our perspective (being creatures limited by time and space) it took six twenty-four hours is the point. God's Word is for men to understand, not God. God does deceive those who wish to believe a lie. Do you want a verse for that?
Posted By: ltppowell Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
[bleep]. I though you meant evolution proof, like "bullet proff".

Posted By: cooper57m Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
I put as much stock into the bible and it's creation story as I do the native American belief that the world was created on the back of a giant sea turtle, or, that I will be reincarnated as a jersey cow. Religion is just stuff made up by various cultures to explain those things we didn't know or couldn't understand. As we started to learn things thru science, little by little, fairy tales we told ourselves became replaced with verifiable, explainable truths. (Well for some of us.) The more we will learn, the less need we'll have (hopefully) for stories and fairy tales. What fairly tales we are told is more a function of where we were born than any truth contained therein.

Certain men in history found religion to be a great concept that can be used to control and predict other people's behavior. When encountering a person we didn't know, how best to prevent them from taking your life, stealing your stuff, or screwing your wife than to create the concept of a god that disapproves of these things and will punish you for eternity for doing any of that. The trick was getting people to believe in your god. Lots of wars were and are being fought over that. All non-sense. But how to get people to believe this non-sense without any proof - ah faith. It's true because it was written into these books. See I went up to this mountain and there was this burning bush. Come on! Really? Religion is all about control, getting people to behave the way someone wanted others to behave.

I.D. is just another way to get otherwise would-be free-thinking people to buy into some fairly tale religious control system. "How did I get here?" I'm here because my parents had sex. From witnessing the experience of others I know someday I'll die. "What will happen to me when I die?" I'll just cease to be. That is all and I don't need fairy tales to sugar coat that.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

I read somewhere that "Old earth creationists must twist the bible to fit the evidence whereas the young earth creationists must twist the evidence to fit the bible." Seems about right.

Evidence like the recession of the moon's orbit?
Evidence like the the chemicals in the ocean?
Evidence like carbon 14 in all fossils, fossils fuels, diamonds, petrified wood, etc?
Evidence like the accumulation rate of mutations in the human genome?
Evidence like marine fossils on Mt Everest?
Evidence like huge folded strata with no breaks?
Evidence like comets?
Evidence like the half life of the earths magnetism?
Evidence like moonquakes?

Evolutionists like to talk about how many more evolutionists there are over the number of creationist. Does that hold true for evidence? There is about ten time more evidence for a young earth than there is for an old earth. The Bible believer need not be embarrassed by his accepting God's Word the way it is written.

I believe I've already address everyone of these except Moonquakes.

Moonquakes can be explained by tidal stresses and by lunar contraction (due to the highlands gradually sinking). Moonquakes, in fact, provide evidence that the moon has a solid core, consistent with its old age. There is no evidence for recent lava flows not associated with meteor impacts. Outgassing is consistent with an old moon. It can take a long time for gasses to work their way to the surface.

Thanks for the new objection.

Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

You're taking a very sloppy perspective on God, The_Real_Hawkeye. Like I said, from God's perspective, all was complete the moment he contemplated creation. The fact that from our perspective (being creatures limited by time and space) it took six twenty-four hours is the point. God's Word is for men to understand, not God. God does deceive those who wish to believe a lie. Do you want a verse for that?
The problem comes when you attempt to make the Bible a science text from which you think you're meant to derive scientific facts. When you do that you're taking statements that weren't intended to impart scientific knowledge and reading into them your predisposed viewpoint vis-a-vis scientific questions.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

And this is where you always run into problems. You become arrogant, condescending, and rude. It's not conducive to civil discourse. Funny seeing you speak for others...

Sorry. That is not my intent.

Nothing I said counters what you've just submitted. I absolutely believe that the Scripture wasn't kidding when Jesus says, "I am the light of the world."

Good. That's not what we are arguing here.

My comment, if you'd lay down the attitude, was a counter to the concept that "morning" and "evening" referred to the rising, and setting of the sun as was referred to in the quote...

For the first four days of creation there was no rising of the sun.

I wasn't finished. I don't know hat happened for this post to go when it did.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

Is it your assertion that if folks don't accept your belief that the earth is only 6000 years old...then they are rejecting God's word...?

You don't get it. I didn't even get a GED till I was fifty-one years old. I accept what educated people teach me supported with evidence. If people don't accept God's Word then they are rejecting it. Jesus says there is no middle ground. You are either with Him or against Him.

You put up some good arguments for a guy with just a GED.
Posted By: calikooknic Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by ltppowell
[bleep]. I though you meant evolution proof, like "bullet proff".

Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

I will try to pick up where I left off.

If you'd like, I'd be happy to give you a lesson on tense as the languages use them. For example, did you know that "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning." is incorrect because of the use of the english word "a". Greek sentence structure doesn't even contain that option. That's why when Mormans attempt to change "The Word was with God, and the Word was God" into "The Word was with God, and the Word was a God."

This has nothing to do with our conversation. You are bringing Greek. Genesis was written in Hebrew.

You dare to say that I don't believe God's word. Not only do I believe it, I care enough to study enough to know what was originally said. I could make the argument that you reject the original inspired Word of God by neglecting the original languages, but that would make me like you. I don't know your heart, so I can't make such asinine assumptions.

Then why are you having so much trouble understanding what God's Word says?

Several modern English translations, such as the King James Bible, were based off of the Latin Vulgate Bible by Jerome. That has been proven over and over to be one of the worst works of translation ever conducted.

Fortunately, God is bigger than our misconceptions and uses His Rhema through the Holy Spirit to guide people through the Scripture, rather than relying on man's fallible mind.

Fortunately I use the New American Standard Bible and the New King James Version.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by HAJ
Several modern English translations, such as the King James Bible, were based off of the Latin Vulgate Bible by Jerome. That has been proven over and over to be one of the worst works of translation ever conducted.
Jerome was fluent in all the original languages.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

You should probably read up on the various DIFFERENT languages used in the references you are giving before you say that I don't know what I'm talking about....

You also need to reread what I've written about this. I've already answered all those questions....

I discussed this at length with a fellow who can read both the Hebrew and the Greek. What I posted came right from him. His credentials consist of, among other things, a doctorate in biblical philosophy. He has no problem accepting six solar twenty-four days for creation. He also quoted several Jewish rabbis who agree with his understanding that God's Word means six regular days. They still believe in evolution and millions of years.


I've done the same with numerous PHD's in these languages as well. Some, I've had the honor of studying under. They would disagree with your guys. What's your point?

I also have worked with nonreligious linguist that specialize in these languages as well, that support what I've put forth here.
Posted By: Notropis Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

Exactly! We use the ones who agree with us!

You are making my point! Thank you.

No, we should listen to a variety of opinions while forming our own opinion.

I don't think so. You still seem to be portraying Ph.D's and even people with Master degrees as some sort of gods of knowledge.
Posted By: Ringman Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13

Several modern English translations, such as the King James Bible, were based off of the Latin Vulgate Bible by Jerome. That has been proven over and over to be one of the worst works of translation ever conducted.

Fortunately, God is bigger than our misconceptions and uses His Rhema through the Holy Spirit to guide people through the Scripture, rather than relying on man's fallible mind.

I went for the pretest because I had no idea where I might be deficient. The lady gave me a test and waited for a couple minutes till it was straight up 6PM. That was for ease of timing. At 6:40PM another woman came in and looked at my test.
"What time did you start?" she asked
"The other lady started me at six" I told her.
"No you didn't! she angrily exclaimed.
The other lady came to the table.
"What time did you start this man?" she ask still a little annoyed.
"I started him at 6PM," she explained.

The second lady snached up my test, looked though it and threw it down and with a great deal of annoyance informed me,
"You don't need to be here."

The first lady told me I was already on the third test. My answers looked good and I could leave.

I gotta go shave. You gentlemen enjoy.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

And this is where you always run into problems. You become arrogant, condescending, and rude. It's not conducive to civil discourse. Funny seeing you speak for others...

Sorry. That is not my intent.

Forgiven. Thank you.

Originally Posted by Ringman

My comment, if you'd lay down the attitude, was a counter to the concept that "morning" and "evening" referred to the rising, and setting of the sun as was referred to in the quote...

For the first four days of creation there was no rising of the sun.

That was my point.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

I will try to pick up where I left off.

If you'd like, I'd be happy to give you a lesson on tense as the languages use them. For example, did you know that "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning." is incorrect because of the use of the english word "a". Greek sentence structure doesn't even contain that option. That's why when Mormans attempt to change "The Word was with God, and the Word was God" into "The Word was with God, and the Word was a God."

This has nothing to do with our conversation. You are bringing Greek. Genesis was written in Hebrew.

I'm well aware of the fact that Genesis was written in Hebrew. That's what I've been saying this whole time. You challenged my use of the Hebrew words by asking if Jesus was buried for three days. The Gospels were written in koine Greek.

That's why I pointed out that you were asking about different languages completely. You basically asked me to answer for the Hebrew usage of a word by using Greek.

I didn't bring up Greek until after you did, and I did it to demonstrate how words don't directly translate.

Originally Posted by Ringman

You dare to say that I don't believe God's word. Not only do I believe it, I care enough to study enough to know what was originally said. I could make the argument that you reject the original inspired Word of God by neglecting the original languages, but that would make me like you. I don't know your heart, so I can't make such asinine assumptions.

Then why are you having so much trouble understanding what God's Word says?

It seems that I'm not the one with this problem here...

Originally Posted by Ringman

Several modern English translations, such as the King James Bible, were based off of the Latin Vulgate Bible by Jerome. That has been proven over and over to be one of the worst works of translation ever conducted.

Fortunately, God is bigger than our misconceptions and uses His Rhema through the Holy Spirit to guide people through the Scripture, rather than relying on man's fallible mind.

Fortunately I use the New American Standard Bible and the New King James Version.

Good, me too. Those happen to be decent attempts at directly translating word for word. The problem is that languages don't translate perfectly word for word.

Vernacular usage is often lost. That's why using a translation like the NIV (which does not attempt word for word, but focuses more on vernacular usage) along with your NASB is always a good way to study a subject.

Still, nothing beats the original inspired language. To say that God's Word emphatically says something, when you neglect what the original languages actually say is silly.

Why do you neglect what God inspired the original authors to write?
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by Ringman

Then how is it that so many sincere people come to so many different conclusions about it? Each one feels that they are correct in their mutually exclusive interpretations.

Proverbs 3:5-6

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths."

The confusion comes because people reject God's Word. Antelope_sniper has no trouble understanding the clear teaching and he has no ax to grind in this Bible argument.

That was intended as a reply to TRH. I actually agree with you (and AS I think) that the Bible means what it says.
Posted By: billhilly Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by billhilly
I read somewhere that "Old earth creationists must twist the bible to fit the evidence whereas the young earth creationists must twist the evidence to fit the bible." Seems about right.
That my friend, is one of the best quotes one the subject I've ever seen.


Thanks. Wish I could take credit for it.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by HAJ
Several modern English translations, such as the King James Bible, were based off of the Latin Vulgate Bible by Jerome. That has been proven over and over to be one of the worst works of translation ever conducted.
Jerome was fluent in all the original languages.

No, he was fluent in Greek, not Hebrew or Aramaic he was only familiar with those languages.

In fairness though, part of the issue with the Vulgate is the material that Jerome had available to work with.
Posted By: The_Real_Hawkeye Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by HAJ
Several modern English translations, such as the King James Bible, were based off of the Latin Vulgate Bible by Jerome. That has been proven over and over to be one of the worst works of translation ever conducted.
Jerome was fluent in all the original languages.

No, he was fluent in Greek, not Hebrew or Aramaic he was only familiar with those languages.

In fairness though, part of the issue with the Vulgate is the material that Jerome had available to work with.
Setting aside for the moment your disparagement of Jerome's mastery of all the original languages, the only edition of the Old Testament recognized as authoritative by the Eastern Orthodox Churches is the Septuagint, originally written in Greek by Jewish scholars, all masters of ancient Hebrew. Jerome used it extensively. It was the accepted study Bible for the Jews of Palestine at the time of Christ. Hebrew was only at that time read ceremonially by ordinary Jews (i.e., non-scholars). Christ quoted the Septuagint whenever he quoted what we call the Old Testament.

I'd venture to say that these facts give some degree of authority to the Septuagint, and therefore also to the Vulgate and the King James.
Posted By: HugAJackass Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Jerome's mastery of ALL of the original languages!? laugh

Okay, yeah we'll set that aside...

The things that you say about the Septuagint is absolutely correct. The problem is that you understanding of who Jerome was and what he used is not accurate.

Indeed, Jerome was a master of the Greek language. There is no contesting that. This was one of the reasons that he was chosen. When the Roman Catholic cleric Jerome was commissioned by the Bishop of Rome to produce a new Latin version, he wrote a letter in 383 A. D. to the person commissioning the translation stating: "Thou compellest me to make a new work out of an old so that after so many copies of the Scriptures have been dispersed throughout the whole world I am as it were to occupy the post of arbiter, and seeing they differ from one another am to determine which of them are in agreement with the original Greek. If they maintain that confidence is to be reposed in the Latin exemplars, let them answer which, for there are almost as many copies of the translations as manuscripts. But if the truth is to be sought from the majority, why not rather go back to the Greek original, and correct the blunders which have been made by incompetent translators, made worse rather then better by the presumption of unskillful correctors, and added to or altered by careless scribes." It was Jerome's contention that in his day a number of manuscripts existed that had been "altered, " "corrected," and otherwise corrupted by "careless scribes" and "incompetent translators," and the only way to insure the new Latin translation was to be accurate was to allow him to go to the majority of the Greek manuscripts that were in common usage in his time. Unfortunately, has Roman masters did not allow him to do so, and his Vulgate was simply a revision of the already existing Latin versions using the Western textform. Not some translation of the Septuagint.

To modernize this in a way that modern Bible readers can understand what happened, let's consider the various modern versions of the Bible that are paraphrased editions rather than directly translated editions. Such as The Message. Nobody would suggest that this version is a good one to use for Biblical study as it's an attempt at English vernacular.

Vernacular is another way of saying "common speak". It's the modern localized lingo used in the streets, not academic at all. This is important to understand because it helps understand the significance of Western textform. The Greek language at that time was largely split into two major dialects, Alexanderian, and Byzantinian. Think American English versus British English. For us, the word "boot" can carry different meanings. It can be a noun in the case of it being an article of clothing in American English, and the trunk of a car in British English. It can also be a verb as in, "I'll boot his ass out of here!" The Western Textform was written in Byzantinian Greek, not Alexanderian as the Septuagint was.

On top of that there is the fun use of koine Greek which is a vernacular version of Alexanderian Greek. This is what the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were primarily written in. One such way you can see this is with the use of the word baptizo which is one of the words from which we get our English word baptized. The literal translation means "immersed" but the actual cultural use was a slang term used by fishermen meaning "the ship is in the water and the water is in the ship".

Jerome wasn't allowed to do as you submit and extensively use the Septuagint, so instead he went to the personal Library of Pamphilus of Caesarea and extensively used the "Old Latin" Bible which closely mirrored the koine Greek Textus Receptus.

So, what you have is the original, written in vernacular of one language, translated into academia, and then Jerome shows up and translates that into a more modern Latin vernacular.

Everyone should see the problems with that process as even Jerome protested it. He was under orders though...
Posted By: derby_dude Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Hey great we are back on track. grin
Posted By: TF49 Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
"Hey great we are back on track. grin"

Back in track. Yep!

Anyway, sorry for the "hit and run" but have gone on a road trip and internet is a sometimes thing.

Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/05/13
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Is this the one you are looking for?


Evolution, the overarching concept that unifies the biological sciences, in fact embraces a plurality of theories and hypotheses.

In evolutionary debates one is apt to hear evolution roughly parceled between the terms "microevolution" and "macroevolution".

Microevolution, or change beneath the species level, may be thought of as relatively small scale change in the functional and genetic constituencies of populations of organisms. That this occurs and has been observed is generally undisputed by critics of evolution.

What is vigorously challenged, however, is macroevolution. Macroevolution is evolution on the "grand scale" resulting in the origin of higher taxa. In evolutionary theory, macroevolution involves common ancestry, descent with modification, speciation, the genealogical relatedness of all life, transformation of species, and large scale functional and structural changes of populations through time, all at or above the species level (Freeman and Herron 2004; Futuyma 1998; Ridley 1993).

Universal common descent is a general descriptive theory concerning the genetic origins of living organisms (though not the ultimate origin of life).

The theory specifically postulates that all of the earth's known biota are genealogically related, much in the same way that siblings or cousins are related to one another. Thus, universal common ancestry entails the transformation of one species into another and, consequently, macroevolutionary history and processes involving the origin of higher taxa.

Because it is so well supported scientifically, common descent is often called the "fact of evolution" by biologists.

For these reasons, proponents of special creation are especially hostile to the macroevolutionary foundation of the biological sciences.
Posted By: antelope_sniper Re: Evolution Proof? - 12/06/13
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Is this the one you are looking for?


Evolution, the overarching concept that unifies the biological sciences, in fact embraces a plurality of theories and hypotheses.

In evolutionary debates one is apt to hear evolution roughly parceled between the terms "microevolution" and "macroevolution".

Microevolution, or change beneath the species level, may be thought of as relatively small scale change in the functional and genetic constituencies of populations of organisms. That this occurs and has been observed is generally undisputed by critics of evolution.

What is vigorously challenged, however, is macroevolution. Macroevolution is evolution on the "grand scale" resulting in the origin of higher taxa. In evolutionary theory, macroevolution involves common ancestry, descent with modification, speciation, the genealogical relatedness of all life, transformation of species, and large scale functional and structural changes of populations through time, all at or above the species level (Freeman and Herron 2004; Futuyma 1998; Ridley 1993).

Universal common descent is a general descriptive theory concerning the genetic origins of living organisms (though not the ultimate origin of life).

The theory specifically postulates that all of the earth's known biota are genealogically related, much in the same way that siblings or cousins are related to one another. Thus, universal common ancestry entails the transformation of one species into another and, consequently, macroevolutionary history and processes involving the origin of higher taxa.

Because it is so well supported scientifically, common descent is often called the "fact of evolution" by biologists.

For these reasons, proponents of special creation are especially hostile to the macroevolutionary foundation of the biological sciences.

I was looking for the full article buy T.N George published in Science Progress.

Since no one can seem to find it, I'm beginning to wonder about it's authenticity as well. Keep in mind, this is not an accusation against Ringman, I've just found that some of the creationist organizations play really loose with the footnotes.
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