
Just point and laugh.

Gun violence has declined nearly 50% nationally in the last 20 years but I'm sure all thanks go to Boxer, Schumer and Feinstein.
Ya it really worked yesterday didn't it Boxturd.

wait till Sanchez takes her place we will really be screwed then.
All of them are lying sacks of CRAP
Sad thing is I really think she believes all that crap she is spewing!!
I guess she doesn't see the irony of her comment.
For Ms. boxer.

[Linked Image]

I century ago she would have been hung by the neck until dead for the crime of treason.
Bless her heart.
A terminal case of body crabs would be too good for that POS.
demothink - always disconnected from reality.
She's as blind as she is stupid.
And here is Fiorina shoving Boxer's statement up her ass...

Originally Posted by RobJordan
And here is Fiorina shoving Boxer's statement up her ass...


It's OK Mr. Johnson...you can have a candidate that you don't have to jerk off over to pretend you are not a commy cali queer.

You've caught the bowsinger.
Three bloodlines in that vid should have ended in an oven.
Originally Posted by philgood80
Sad thing is I really think she believes all that crap she is spewing!!
Sure they do - it's a problem with a disease known as LGDS - Liberal Genetic Deficiency Syndrome..
female; logic ...never the two shall meet...
Democrat logic requires the cessation of all reality.
Schumer and Boxer are the 2 biggest gun grabbers. All you need to know is in the first 4 secs of that clip from Schumer:

"We will keep at this, and we will win."

Let me translate. Schumer is being as clear as was Hitler in Mein Kampf about his intentions. He and Boxer are content to use every publicized shooting as a crisis to enact restrictive gun laws.

You need to look no further than the Gun Control Act of 1968 to see what kind of knee jerk regulations you can get after a high profile shooting. In that case it was the killing of JFK, RFK and MLK that allowed Teddy to write and get the most sweepingly restricting gun control bill ever through Congress.

The anti gunners will use that as a template, and are willing to be as patient as Ho Chi Minh to achieve their goal of no guns. If it takes 99 shootings and 50 years, they don't care.
Do you think any of the SB victim family members would prefer true 'sensible' gun laws......where individuals have an opportunity to defend themselves?

Federal politicians have spent us $20,000,000,000,000 in debt. Imagine how empowered they would be, if the electorate was disarmed.

California has proven Cities CAN go bankrupt, nothing more.
Paddler, where are you lil buddy? one of your heroes is speaking about gun control.

heck you probably even look a lil like Barbara
Originally Posted by 2legit2quit
Paddler, where are you lil buddy? one of your heroes is speaking about gun control.

heck you probably even look a lil like Barbara

His nose is so far up her ass that her buttcheeks are imprinted with his eyelashes.
Really Barbara and that's why this happened because of reasonable gun control in Kaliforniastan. The guns had been modified and were not legal under state law. No betch criminals and terrorist will never follow any law. People like you are only hurting law abiding people for your own political reasons.
She and her bodyguards will be okay.
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