Originally Posted by breachbangclear.com
“…one could view the U.S. news information system as a sort of trough into which propagandists, calling themselves PR professionals, regularly dump information; journalists and news organizations nose in hog-like to feed at the trough. The notion of an independent and objective news system conducted by truth-seeking journalists is highly romanticized, exaggerated and self serving in regard to the actual role of mass media journalists in interpreting reality.” B.A.Patrick


I came across this quote in the above-cited article on Facebook today. This was the THIRD post I shared on my timeline this morning whose main theme was harsh criticism of the national news media and its abject failure to report the truth during the past election and its aftermath.

Frankly, I've been appalled by the MSM's apparent abandonment of journalistic ethics in the past 25 years, and especially in the past 10 years. I guess I was somewhat ahead of the curve (as were many here on the 24HCF, of course) in recognizing this problem, but it seems to have caught populist fire in the past few weeks, and the fire is beginning to rage out of control.

Consider this short damning video from Denzel Washington, a cultural icon who cannot be attacked by the MSM because he is a) black and b) a star (either attribute alone would be insufficient protection, but taken together, he becomes untouchable by the celebrity-loving and racist-supersensitized Media):


And the topper for the morning, which I found to be more of a wake-up than my first cup of coffee, which I was drinking as I read this:


Here's what Yours Truly posted in introduction of this piece on my page:

This is an interesting opinion piece. I have to say that the open malice of the Palin-hating infotainment industry appalled me at the time the events of 2008 were happening, but like most people the unprecedented fake news attacks on her from the all-powerful MSM were so stunning that no one knew how to counter them. In effect, the anti-Palin "narratives" (which is media-speak for "made-up story") were so egregious that they triggered a surge of support for alternative media sources. One could say that the media's unfounded excoriation of Palin fanned the flames of the alt-right news movement, and ensured the election of Donald Trump.

Now, I'm not saying that three solid "hit pieces" against the MSM constitutes a groundswell. I'm not saying that I think anything is going to change... yet. But I am saying... yet...

I believe that the Boardrooms of the news networks are in chaos. Their ratings are in free-fall, and all the bullsh!t they've been putting out to try to release their reserve chutes--like attempting to blacklist all the conservative news sites on the internet as "fake news"--is nothing more than a sign that they are in a blind panic. Like the man who is trying to shoot the police coming to arrest him, but his empty revolver won't fire, and just keeps pulling the trigger again and again and again---click-click-click--the MSM keeps trying to use the same ugly tools it's been using for years, and they can't believe that it's not working.

I sincerely hope we are going to see a French Revolution in the news media over the next few months... a virtual Reign of Terror, in which producers and editors, newswriters and talking heads, are called to account by their Boards and fired ignominiously for their abject failure to adhere to anything resembling a journalistic ethic and their duty to report the truth.

"If it bleeds, it leads", and "first with the worst" have been bywords for over a century in the parlance of Established Journalism in their criticism of the tabloids and yellow journalism. But it's increasingly apparent in 2016 that yellow journalism has become mainstream, and there are no real journalists left. Or are there? Somewhere out there, is there still an honest news reporter?

I don't know how this is going to get fixed, but I do know who is going to fix it (the news corporation Boards). And I do predict it will be fixed.

And keep in mind, boys, when you read that prediction... that I am one of the few regulars here at the 24HCF who predicted that Hillary would go down in flames.

Who's your daddy...
The only access to anything resembling truth has to be gleaned from the internet.

Unfortunately, the American Communists have infiltrated some of the largest purveyors of social media and have been heavily censoring it since the Trump movement started to gain traction.

There's quite a bit of activity going on to build an infrastructure of internet sites which will be Commie proof, but it will take a while to get them in place.

If Trump's people are as smart as I think they are, they'll work to see that the truth is made available to the people before the 2020 elections.

The mainstream media is going to be working around the clock to kill the new American Nationalism in its crib,...as we've already witnessed.

Doc... the Yank news we have seen here over the past twenty years has been nothing but fairytales and gobbledygook and has been viewed by Australians as nothing but entertainment with the occasional bit of truth thrown in to spice it up.

You lot seem slow to catch on.
I sincerely hope we are going to see a French Revolution in the news media over the next few months... a virtual Reign of Terror, in which producers and editors, newswriters and talking heads, are called to account by their Boards and fired ignominiously for their abject failure to adhere to anything resembling a journalistic ethic and their duty to report the truth.
The 'boards' are just as guilty as their so-called 'reporters'.. Only way this changes is when they wake up and find their viewership has dropped so far that advertisers abandon 'em and they go bankrupt.

Serves 'em right, IYAM.

there was a time, when a free, and unfettered press was felt to be essential to the pursuit of freedom.
The thought is still valid, but we no longer have a free and unfettered press. The fear has always been that .gov would corrupt the press, and turn it from a watchdog, into a lapdog. That time has come.
"Trump News Network" for the real news would be a great start!
You have to be pretty intelligent to separate the real news from the propaganda these days.

Sadly, half of our country ISN'T that intelligent.
This is simply the outcome of a postmodern relativistic worldview.

If there is no such thing as objective truth, then why would anyone bother reporting it?

All that is left is deconstructionism. Puns intended.
It died with Walter.
Originally Posted by hanco
It died with Walter.

And Paul Harvey.
What the MSM has been reporting has largely been government-approved pap.
You guys are all a bit late. This crap started in the late 50's with corps. buying up all the regional news papers, radio stations, and televison stations. All the news became whatever the views of the elitest northeasterners .
Originally Posted by hanco
It died with Walter.

Bull [bleep], Walter was a player in the Media Propaganda indoctrination from the beginning.

In fact he was instrumental in the MSM success.
Originally Posted by hanco
It died with Walter.

And the allegiance to the DNC.

I will never trust the press that isn't objective to ALL political parties, not just the ones we oppose. As of now an objective reporter doesn't exist. A shame really, the most interesting news always seeks to uncover the truth, despite the corruption on either side of the aisle - and yes they have all been infested with plenty of snakes and rats.
Originally Posted by hanco
It died with Walter.

Walter was a flaming liberal.
When news becames a revenue generating 24/7 entertainment channel

When a Rachel Maddow or Bill O'Reilly type talking heads were considered "journalist" and not seen as actors pretending to be journalists.

When newspapers and magazines lost so much revenue to the internet they could no longer pay for investigative reporting and instead started relying on unnamed sources that were often other less reputable news outlets or even blogs.

When an Alex Jones or a Glen Beck are elevated to the status of peers to Rachel Maddow or Bill O'Reilly (see point #2 that people like Rachel Maddow or Bill O' Reilly are not journalists)

The reason why fake news is so prevalent is because Americans are now accustomed to finding a "friendly" news source that will give them a viewpoint they most agree with.

Facts are optional , unnecessary and often unwanted.

The internet and 24/7 news has created an environment where opposing viewpoints are actively opposed and Americans have the luxury to avoid them.

Back when there were 3 channels and talk radio was some crazy guy on a weak AM station no one listened to, Americans were forced to hear and deal with both sides of an issue.

We're they less informed? Absolutely, but that resulted in them having to form their own opinions as opposed to having some $20m bubble headed wannabe actor telling them what to think.

[quote=websterparish47]You guys are all a bit late. This crap started in the late 50's with corps. buying up all the regional news papers, radio stations, and televison stations. All the news became whatever the views of the elitest northeasterners .

Bingo" Give the man a cigar, I think he has got it. Cheers NC
Another swamp that needs drained.....
Originally Posted by hanco
It died with Edward R Murrow.

Fixed it.
Consider this short damning video from Denzel Washington, a cultural icon who cannot be attacked by the MSM because he is a) black and b) a star (either attribute alone would be insufficient protection, but taken together, he becomes untouchable by the celebrity-loving and racist-supersensitized Media):


Can you post a direct link to this video? That takes me to your facebook but I don't see it there and don't do facebook so can't login.
Denzel Washington thinks he's got it figured out. But the mainstream media doesn't spread misinformation just because they rush to be the first to break a story.

They spread misinformation because it's what they're being paid to do.
Originally Posted by Bristoe
Denzel Washington thinks he's got it figured out. But the mainstream media doesn't spread misinformation just because they rush to be the first to break a story.

They spread misinformation because it's what they're being paid to do.
Originally Posted by hanco
It died with Walter.

you are not seriously suggesting that Walter Cronkite was an unbiased reporter? He created a narrative that reflected his agenda. He did not report the news.

And Paul Harvey. [/quote]

I have yet to find anyone as interesting as Mr Harvey.
All my friends thought I was nuts because I used to listen to him during lunch break.
Originally Posted by Jim in Idaho

Can you post a direct link to this video? That takes me to your facebook but I don't see it there and don't do facebook so can't login.

SportingSpecialist put it up in his post about 1 page back...
Man, you guys are a bunch of defeatists and cynics!!
Originally Posted by Bristoe
Denzel Washington thinks he's got it figured out. But the mainstream media doesn't spread misinformation just because they rush to be the first to break a story.

They spread misinformation because it's what they're being paid to do.

well, yeah. but what to do about it?

we've got 7 billion plus people down here on the Urth, just needing to be fed, clothed & housed. the mainstream media won't be touching that truth, story or reality.

and der Pope, Allah, and the Protestants won't either. it's persona non grata. ya know?
Sam Donaldson and Dan Rather were two TV personalities who emoted their biases openly and from their time onward the MSM went on the back burner for me; there were others of course but they immediately come to mind. But I agree with Websterparish that the media began giving up their "watchdog of the republic" status in the 50's and onward with the infiltration of socialists, secular-progressives, and communists into education, government, and The Media. The Media, generally, have completely abdicated their role as journalists and have become snide, cynical, lying editorialists while poorly attempting to appear as neutral intelligentsia.

Doc Roc, I disagree that this will turn around due to owners, boards of directors, stock holders, etc., because enough of them are of the same infiltrated generation and more specifically, infiltrated power-brokers as those we see, hear, and read (if we still do). They are as idealogical as is Obama and post-modernism, hence multiculturalism, and everything under those umbrellas is a religion as much as is Christianity.

Trump is going to be fighting or circumventing The Media the whole way as they will be dedicated to delegitimizing him minimally or destroying him.
yep. then us lowly commoners will have to choose between der trumpman and his truths, and the msm versions of the truth.

those are the only two choices of the truth we have, right?

meanwhile there's 7 billion individuals, breeders, etc. loose down here on the earth, and no one makes a sound. surely, we'll all deserve what we get.

Gus, you might try American Thinker to sort of balance out your perspective on political and cultural reality.
thank you for your input. maybe they could use my input to help balance out their viewpoints?

Go for it Gus. Their submission criteria is on their website.

I LISTEN TO SRN NEWS. BRIEF to the point and factual.

BLOOMBERG and SOROS probably have something to do with the bias.
Walter Cronkite was also an outspoken, left wing anti-Second Amendment radical.I've heard him on his national radio show call for the banning and confiscation of all our firearms.

Also, when I lived in Los Angeles, around 1995 or 1996, in the Sunday Magazine edition of the Los Angeles Times, there was a very long interview of Cronkite. He admitted that he was and always had been a "Democratic Socialist." He also said that many, many very influincial people had begged him to run for President of the U.S., but he had declined to become President because he'd make so many people mad.

When the interviewer asked him why, he answered, "Because the first thing I'd do would be to have all guns confiscated?"

No, Cronkite and his fellow travelers were as skewed to the far left as they could be. Same as Donaldson, Rather, Brokaw, Mike Wallace, etc., etc. A plague on all of them, I say.

Originally Posted by rong

And Paul Harvey.

I have yet to find anyone as interesting as Mr Harvey.
All my friends thought I was nuts because I used to listen to him during lunch break. [/quote]

PH was the man, I could listen to him all day.
Who was it who said "never ascribe to malice, what can be adequately explained by incompetence"?

The MSM came into the internet age at the same time as their owners started being hit by competition. The owners put the news staff on short leashes for cost reasons, and it took only a few short years for those reporters to basically never leave the building. You could do interviews via the phone and email, research on the internet, and bingo, you have a perfect bubble the journalists never got out of.

I don't know how many reporters and talking heads I heard say this cycle that they basically knew NOBODY that voted for Trump.

That's because they know NOBODY outside their hyper-provincial urban world.
Dutch--good post.
Originally Posted by Mannlicher
The fear has always been that .gov would corrupt the press, and turn it from a watchdog, into a lapdog.

Quote of the day/week/month/year right there.
Originally Posted by pal
Dutch--good post.

the urban vs. the rural. things are beginning to come into focus.

just listen to the mass-media, and then see in which direction things are drifting.

wake-up or become enslaved. that's my viewpoint. what's yours?
Originally Posted by Dutch
Who was it who said "never ascribe to malice, what can be adequately explained by incompetence"?


"No one in this world, so far as I know—and I have researched the records for years, and employed agents to help me—has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby." HL Mencken, 'Notes On Journalism' in the Chicago Tribune, 19 September 1926
Originally Posted by websterparish47
You guys are all a bit late. This crap started in the late 50's with corps. buying up all the regional news papers, radio stations, and televison stations. All the news became whatever the views of the elitest northeasterners .

The other facet to this mess is the switch in the 60's from "disinterested third party" reporting to "advocacy journalism" as taught at Harvard.

There, the budding SJW culture, fostered by the Communists and Socialists in the faculty, emphasized that "journalists" are required to take a side in any story and "report" from that point of view.

Once that took hold, propaganda became the stuff we read and heard until the Internet freed people to think and see for themselves.

"O" turning control of the Internet over to the faceless globalists means that they will do their best to control the message and limit our ability to discern the truth.

There are some journalists still out there, Sharyl Attkisson, former CBS reporter being one. These folks need every bit of our support.

Originally Posted by Gus
yep. then us lowly commoners will have to choose between der trumpman and his truths, and the msm versions of the truth.

those are the only two choices of the truth we have, right?

meanwhile there's 7 billion individuals, breeders, etc. loose down here on the earth, and no one makes a sound. surely, we'll all deserve what we get.

Presumably by your presence here, you have a portal into the collective knowledge of humankind - e.g. the internet?

Research, verify, validate. All of the data is out there, some good, some bad. You just need to figure out which is which.

Originally Posted by rlott
Originally Posted by Gus
yep. then us lowly commoners will have to choose between der trumpman and his truths, and the msm versions of the truth.

those are the only two choices of the truth we have, right?

meanwhile there's 7 billion individuals, breeders, etc. loose down here on the earth, and no one makes a sound. surely, we'll all deserve what we get.

Presumably by your presence here, you have a portal into the collective knowledge of humankind - e.g. the internet?

Research, verify, validate. All of the data is out there, some good, some bad. You just need to figure out which is which.

honestly, i'm probably too ignorant to argue. if we have the internet, we ought to make the max use of it, agreed?

7,000,000,000 humans and the internet. what a concept.
Originally Posted by DocRocket

And keep in mind, boys, when you read that prediction... that I am one of the few regulars here at the 24HCF who predicted that Hillary would go down in flames.

Who's your daddy...

You rang? smile

Yes Doc, you do get the Nostradamus award for prognostication.

I've watched the media go from Leftists attempting to be neutral to dropping all pretense of neutrality to the current outright advocacy.

In the Press, I saw it start in the 1980's with my hometown ATL newspapers. Morning was liberal
Op Ed, afternoon was conservative. They merged and appoint Cynthia "I'm a racial SWJ" Tucker to head the Op Ed page. Soon, SJW race chit was in every section. The 1990's were a Clinton love fest and while the population of ATL went from 2 to 4 million in that period, circulation tanked because too many couldn't stomach the pervasive liberal slant everywhere, even the Sports Op Eds. After the point of no return, they dumped Tucker and TRY to present the Right as well as the Left, but they poisoned the well by 2000 and have never recovered, and WON'T!

CNN started with an attempt to be neutral, but after Newt and the GOP took over in 1994, Bernard Shaw and Wolf Blitzer shed all pretense. Once FOX got going, CNN went as far Left as possible to get viewers after conservatives turned them off for good.

The Obamagasm of 2008 was a joyful celebration of the Bush interlude, who the Left still has hanging chad hysteria about. W should have never been POTUS in their eyes. They expected Gore and basically more of Bill Clinton policy. 2008 they had a choice of HRC or BRO-bama. They had cosmic orgasms knowing no GOP candidate stood a chance. Since 2008, they have been wetting their moist little panties at the prospect of HRC running this country. They did everything in their power to elect her (still doing) and it blew up in the face. Phouc Them!

They will not change. They think they are intellectually and morally superior to you. They will have the undying devotion of roughly 1/2 of the country, and they will see the adoration they get in NY, Boston and Cali and think that's the whole country.

Good news here? There is a new media and Trump can bypass them all and he is! Facebook, Twiitter and Youtube. Trumps wants to get something out without the Press distorting it? Youtube, baby! The MSM is obligated to cover since MILLIONS will see it almost instantly. They can't edit it or distort it. They are screwed.

I love it!
the truth shall set us free, according to the Rev King.
Originally Posted by gunner500
Originally Posted by rong

And Paul Harvey.

I have yet to find anyone as interesting as Mr Harvey.
All my friends thought I was nuts because I used to listen to him during lunch break.

Yes , check out his "And god made a farmer " this was a tribute we did to my a couple weeks ago at his funeral. Along with a video we made of all his favorite toys (tractors) . Was damn hard for me to help make. Even harder to watch.
Originally Posted by Gus
the truth shall set us free, according to the Rev King.

Truth is, he's dead. He's free at last, but still dead. I'm still here.
Originally Posted by George_De_Vries_3rd
Sam Donaldson and Dan Rather were two TV personalities who emoted their biases openly and from their time onward the MSM went on the back burner for me; there were others of course but they immediately come to mind. But I agree with Websterparish that the media began giving up their "watchdog of the republic" status in the 50's and onward with the infiltration of socialists, secular-progressives, and communists into education, government, and The Media. The Media, generally, have completely abdicated their role as journalists and have become snide, cynical, lying editorialists while poorly attempting to appear as neutral intelligentsia.

Doc Roc, I disagree that this will turn around due to owners, boards of directors, stock holders, etc., because enough of them are of the same infiltrated generation and more specifically, infiltrated power-brokers as those we see, hear, and read (if we still do). They are as idealogical as is Obama and post-modernism, hence multiculturalism, and everything under those umbrellas is a religion as much as is Christianity.

Trump is going to be fighting or circumventing The Media the whole way as they will be dedicated to delegitimizing him minimally or destroying him.

Don't disagree, George. But, what I believe Trump should do is what I've been spouting since his win and the MSM continued their lies. Create his own news force. MSM members don't speak truthfully? Easy call. "You're out".
Only Trump's hand-picked news staff would have exclusive access to him. Kill the snake. Kill the poison.
Originally Posted by Leanwolf
Walter Cronkite was also an outspoken, left wing anti-Second Amendment radical.I've heard him on his national radio show call for the banning and confiscation of all our firearms.

Also, when I lived in Los Angeles, around 1995 or 1996, in the Sunday Magazine edition of the Los Angeles Times, there was a very long interview of Cronkite. He admitted that he was and always had been a "Democratic Socialist." He also said that many, many very influincial people had begged him to run for President of the U.S., but he had declined to become President because he'd make so many people mad.

When the interviewer asked him why, he answered, "Because the first thing I'd do would be to have all guns confiscated?"

No, Cronkite and his fellow travelers were as skewed to the far left as they could be. Same as Donaldson, Rather, Brokaw, Mike Wallace, etc., etc. A plague on all of them, I say.


Cronkite was a spinner of yarns, a purveyor of half truths in a time when that was the attainable outer edge of socialist journalism.
"That's the way it was" was never the way it really was.
Originally Posted by hatari
Originally Posted by Gus
the truth shall set us free, according to the Rev King.

Truth is, he's dead. He's free at last, but still dead. I'm still here.

true enough. his body, etc is out of here.

the ideology he possessed and attempted to advance forward is successful or not.

once again, with feeling, we have 7,000,000,000 humans walking the Urth. surely somebody has a plan for how to deal with the process as we move forward?
In God I trust. He'll snuff us out when he's ready.
Originally Posted by Dutch
Who was it who said "never ascribe to malice, what can be adequately explained by incompetence"?

The MSM came into the internet age at the same time as their owners started being hit by competition. The owners put the news staff on short leashes for cost reasons, and it took only a few short years for those reporters to basically never leave the building. You could do interviews via the phone and email, research on the internet, and bingo, you have a perfect bubble the journalists never got out of.

I don't know how many reporters and talking heads I heard say this cycle that they basically knew NOBODY that voted for Trump.

That's because they know NOBODY outside their hyper-provincial urban world.

TRUTH - life inside the elite bubble.
Originally Posted by local_dirt
Originally Posted by George_De_Vries_3rd
Sam Donaldson and Dan Rather were two TV personalities who emoted their biases openly and from their time onward the MSM went on the back burner for me; there were others of course but they immediately come to mind. But I agree with Websterparish that the media began giving up their "watchdog of the republic" status in the 50's and onward with the infiltration of socialists, secular-progressives, and communists into education, government, and The Media. The Media, generally, have completely abdicated their role as journalists and have become snide, cynical, lying editorialists while poorly attempting to appear as neutral intelligentsia.

Doc Roc, I disagree that this will turn around due to owners, boards of directors, stock holders, etc., because enough of them are of the same infiltrated generation and more specifically, infiltrated power-brokers as those we see, hear, and read (if we still do). They are as idealogical as is Obama and post-modernism, hence multiculturalism, and everything under those umbrellas is a religion as much as is Christianity.

Trump is going to be fighting or circumventing The Media the whole way as they will be dedicated to delegitimizing him minimally or destroying him.

Don't disagree, George. But, what I believe Trump should do is what I've been spouting since his win and the MSM continued their lies. Create his own news force. MSM members don't speak truthfully? Easy call. "You're out".
Only Trump's hand-picked news staff would have exclusive access to him. Kill the snake. Kill the poison.

Could be. It's why I used the word "circumventing". I hope he does that in some imaginative way.
Originally Posted by Dutch
Who was it who said "never ascribe to malice, what can be adequately explained by incompetence"?

The MSM came into the internet age at the same time as their owners started being hit by competition. The owners put the news staff on short leashes for cost reasons, and it took only a few short years for those reporters to basically never leave the building. You could do interviews via the phone and email, research on the internet, and bingo, you have a perfect bubble the journalists never got out of.

I don't know how many reporters and talking heads I heard say this cycle that they basically knew NOBODY that voted for Trump.

That's because they know NOBODY outside their hyper-provincial urban world.

Good post, Dutch.

The key element to understanding the problem is the deeper meaning of the "competition" you refer to. Competition, in the news business, means who gets advertisers' dollars. Higher circulation = higher ratings = higher prices for ads, which means more revenue.

In the days of William Randolph Hearst, owning a newspaper was as good as owning the mint. You printed money, not news.

Up until the 1920's, news was delivered thru newspapers. Newspapers didn't really get any real competition until cable news came along; then the internet came along, and BOTH the newspapers and cable news got shafted.

We're watching the emergence of a new news paradigm. Who knows what it will look like?

Remember, it was Walter who told us the Vietnam war was lost and we had no business being there. I really am glad that he was so smart, and finally showed his stripes!
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