Posted By: watch4bear VA employees - 02/11/17
In 2015, employees at the Department of Veterans Affairs worked over 1 million hours for unions, despite being paid for that time by taxpayers, according to a recent report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO). Worse, a full 346 employees spent 100 percent of their time working for unions.

"While veterans are dying waiting for care, there are hundreds of employees at the VA who are spending their time working for big-government unions that fight any attempt to fix the VA," Dan Caldwell, policy director at Concerned Veterans for America (CVA), said in a statement.

The GAO report cited data from fiscal year 2015 showing that "employees spent approximately 1,057,000 hours on official time for union representational activities, and according to VA officials, unions represented almost 290,000 bargaining unit employees across the agency during this time." Furthermore, "the data show that 346 employees spent 100 percent of their time on official time." "Official time" means time spent doing union work on the taxpayers' dime.

Worse, the report found that the VA "has no standardized way for facilities to record and calculate official time, which hampers its ability to accurately track the amount of official time used agency-wide." So the 1 million hours? That's a rough estimate — because the VA does not actually know how big the real number is.

The major reason for the uncertainty comes from the fact that the VA uses two different systems to measure employees' time and attendance. The new system, the Veterans Affairs Time and Attendance System (VATAS) was launched in 2013 to replace the older system, the Enhanced Time and Attendance (ETA) system. The agency expects to complete the VATAS rollout by July 2018.

As the GAO reported, "VATAS provides specific codes for timekeepers to record the various uses of official time for union representational activities, but according to VA officials, ETA lacks such codes." In other words, the 1 million hours is likely an underestimate of the time worked for unions.

Another reason for uncertainty comes from employees splitting their work time, according to the report. "For example, an employee at one selected facility served as union president 80 percent of the time and as a pharmacist for the remaining 20 percent. Managers said it is sometimes difficult to accommodate such employees' use of official time because it may detract from these employees' non-union responsibilities."

Oh, now you tell us!! Working 80 percent of the time as a union president might — just maybe — detract from an employee's work as a pharmacist. Those long wait lines don't just create themselves...

VA Scandal: 4 Quit After OK Veteran Dies With Maggots in Wound
All those horror stories about a veteran dying with maggots in his wound, about 25,000 vets being misdiagnosed with Traumatic brain Injury (TBI), about a VA dentist exposing 600 vets to HIV and Hepatitis, about veterans committing suicide after being forced to wait months for treatment — how many of them can be explained by VA employees doing union work on the taxpayers' dime?

There are various bad factors involved at the VA. The case of Sharon Helman — former head of the VA in Phoenix, Ariz., who was one of the first people fired in 2014 but who nonetheless sued to get her job back — illustrates how difficult it is to terminate bad employees in the federal bureaucracy.

Even President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), the man whose "New Deal" helped establish the modern federal bureaucracy, opposed public employee unions. "The very nature and purposes of government make it impossible for administrative officials to represent fully or to bind the employer in mutual discussions with government employee organizations," Roosevelt wrote. "The employer is the whole people, who speak by means of laws enacted by their representatives in Congress."

FDR warned that any negotiation with a public employee union would constitute a loss of the people's authority. But the GAO report did not just find the prevalence of these unions at the VA, but that workers even spent 1 million hours working for them, at the expense of the taxpayer.

"There are virtually no accountability mechanisms in place for these employees, in part because VA unions are so intertwined with department leadership," the CVA policy director Dan Caldwell explained. "For far too long, big-government unions have stood in the way of veterans getting quality care and helped to perpetuate the toxic culture at the VA."

Caldwell condemned "this clear waste of taxpayer dollars at the hands of American veterans, who deserve much better than this."

As of yet, the Department of Veterans Affairs has not released a press release responding to the GAO report. It has, however, published news releases on the ten women veterans whose artwork was chosen for display around the country in March, and the VA's National Cemetery Administration's ranking first in customer satisfaction among the nation's top corporations and federal agencies. Bully for them!

Posted By: Kodiakisland Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
Hmmmm. I'm a vet. My wifes a vet. My son is a Marine. I'm also a VA employee. I, as well as my peers, am paid far less than I would be in the private sector. We work hard and do as a good a job as anywhere. Sadly, much of our work is taken up with drunks and addicts. Many never even made it out of basic training. Most never deployed anywhere, much less served in combat. Much of our resources are spent on people who just abuse the system, just like Medicaid patients.

Yeah, you can find examples of bad employees anywhere. Plenty of sh*tbirds on active duty too. Does that make all the active duty bad? You can paint the VA with a broad brush, but for those who actually know something about it, you couldn't be more wrong.

You want to know what's going on at your VA? Go volunteer there. See for yourself. Maybe even go work there. Make things better instead of just bitching about it. It's not going to fix itself.
Posted By: watch4bear Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
Its a conspiracy by wikipedia, Washington Times and NPR to make the VA look bad.




Regardless how it looks though, VA employees are still getting bonuses


Well deserved for dealing with all those drunks and addicts.
Posted By: Kodiakisland Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
Yeah. I'll admit it. I got a $400 bonus last year. That's more than most of my coworkers. Even with the bonus I could easily make $10,000/yr more working for any other hospital.

Go work at your local VA. Make it better. Or just keep bitching about it and hope the government does something.
Posted By: watch4bear Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
Even with the bonus I could easily make $10,000/yr more working for any other hospital.

From the sounds of it; I'm sure your patients would appreciate if you did. wink
Posted By: Kodiakisland Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
Yeah. I don't have much sympathy for the sh*tbirds who are here to abuse the system. Unlike you though, I'm working here to take care of those who deserve it. But just keep bitching about something you have to google to get your information about. I'm sure it will do something.

Seriously though, your local VA is understaffed and in need of volunteers. Go volunteer. See for yourself what really goes on. Just like private facilities, there are good and bad. Go so what your tax dollars are really paying for. Things aren't going to get better if people don't do something. Bitching to and about the government isn't going to do anything.
Posted By: watch4bear Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
Really sounds to me like you hate your job. I imagine you tell yourself all the time you are worth more money.

Whats the reason you don't pursue the cash? Is it harder work? No place to hide? No bonuses? No free military housing?

You tell yourself you are worth more, but yet try and convince yourself you do it because you care; yet you think of your patients as worthless maggots.

You are correct that the government has done nothing more than throw money at the problem. The unions appreciate it, as do employees.
Posted By: Kodiakisland Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
I don't hate my job at all. I just don't like people who bitch about something they know nothing about. I don't like people who would rather bitch than actually go do something about it. I don't like people who are too lazy to do what they say someone else should do.

Before I worked here I worked at Landstuhl. I'm sure you'll have to google that too. I've spent over 20 years taking care of the nation's finest. Unfortunately, lots of sh*tbirds too. If you were on active duty you know how many of those people there are. If you were and don't know what I'm talking about, you are probably one of them. Yes, it does piss me off to see so many resources spent on them instead of the ones who deserve it. People who saw combat can't get an appointment and yet people who never even made it out of basic collect thousands every month, spend it on booze and drugs, and use the VA to avoid incarceration over and over.

But when it comes down to it, I'm here 12 hours a day providing care to the best and worst of society in a manner that is professional regardless of who I'm serving. What are you doing besides bitching?

You want to bitch because I got a $400 bonus for the year. That's fine. VA employees are still paid less than their private counterparts, even with that $400 bonus. Believe me, it's not all strippers and blow. As far as my worth? Who knows. As far as what I would make elsewhere? Yeah, I could make a lot more. I honestly don't care. I'm very comfortable financially and am not chasing dollars. It just rubs me the wrong way when you want to say VA employees are raking in the dough when we are actually making less than the market average. Again, if you actually worked at a VA you might know more than just what you google. Again, your local VA needs you. What's stopping you?

As far as the union, couldn't tell you one thing or another about them. Most of my peers couldn't either. All I know is there is one. I have no idea what they do or when they do it. No one from the union has ever talked to me and I've never talked to them.
Posted By: viking Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
Thanks for your service.

My dad goes to one in ND, I haven't heard him complain. Must be locations.

But, why do Public employees get bonuses. I never understood that.
Posted By: Kodiakisland Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
Originally Posted by viking
Thanks for your service.

My dad goes to one in ND, I haven't heard him complain. Must be locations.

But, why do Public employees get bonuses. I never understood that.

I have no idea why we get a bonus. It is a yearly performance bonus based on an annual appraisal. Mine was $400 for the year for the highest rating. I certainly wouldn't throw $400 in the trash, but honestly, what does $400 matter on a yearly salary? It's certainly no incentive to do a better job than what I would already be doing.

As far as why the people in DC or the CEOs of the VISNs get bonuses, I suppose it's to get around salary cap limits that would inhibit hiring qualified people for those jobs. An argument can certainly be made as to whether those people are qualified and if not why they are not fired.
Posted By: rockinbbar Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
Wouldn't it make more sense to just issue vets a card that pays for hospital care wherever they want to go?

Many times I have seen the hardships families go through just to get a vet to a VA hospital. Hours away from home, forced to stay overnight, and sometimes extended times in high crime areas.

Being sick is hard enough without that.
Posted By: Kodiakisland Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
They have started to do just that with plans for more on the way. It is currently called Choice and it allows patients who live a certain number of miles away or who cannot get an appointment within a certain number of days to seek care through the private network.

Personally, I think the VA should get out of the normal medicine business and concentrate on mental health/PTSD/TBI type issues and trauma related issues like burns/skin grafts and prosthetics where is actually leading the world in research and innovation.
Posted By: Harry M Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
Originally Posted by Kodiakisland
They have started to do just that with plans for more on the way. It is currently called Choice and it allows patients who live a certain number of miles away or who cannot get an appointment within a certain number of days to seek care through the private network.

Personally, I think the VA should get out of the normal medicine business and concentrate on mental health/PTSD/TBI type issues and trauma related issues like burns/skin grafts and prosthetics where is actually leading the world in research and innovation.

The VA needs to be put out of business permanently...
Posted By: krupp Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
The Veterinarian Administration.
Posted By: websterparish47 Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
My uncle was a veteran of WWII and Korea. For 45 years the VA classified him as an alcoholic. Finally someone really looked at him and his history and found he was self medicateing. He was Bipolar and used the alcohol to try to stop the manic phase.

Once they properly diagnosed him and put him on medication he never drank again.
Posted By: Bama_Rick Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
Originally Posted by Kodiakisland
They have started to do just that with plans for more on the way. It is currently called Choice and it allows patients who live a certain number of miles away or who cannot get an appointment within a certain number of days to seek care through the private network.

Personally, I think the VA should get out of the normal medicine business and concentrate on mental health/PTSD/TBI type issues and trauma related issues like burns/skin grafts and prosthetics where is actually leading the world in research and innovation.

Thanks for your service. Veterans Choice sounds good and looks good on paper. As it is now though, it is just another level of bureaucracy. It can work but it is very slow to get the ball rolling. Dad is enrolled in Veterans Choice and they cover his dialysis in the private sector. When any other problem arises he has 3 choices: 1) Get in line at the VA and wait, 2) get a bunch of doctors and administrators to agree you need Veterans Choice for what ails you at the time, then wait, and wait, 3) go to an outside hospital and pay 20% that he will never get back.

Posted By: Bama_Rick Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
Originally Posted by Harry M
The VA needs to be put out of business permanently...

Logic never gets in your way does it? There are hundreds of VA facilities scattered across this country. They not only serve our veterans, they serve a vital role in our national defense. Believe it or not, active personnel get sick and beat up just like the vets. Outside care is not practical.
Posted By: Harry M Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
Logic takes a back seat in this case. The long standing FACTS have been known for some time. The VA has a disgraceful record of how it has treated our Vets.

Not only is your comment "they serve a vital role in our national defense" laughable it borders on bizarre.
Posted By: TBREW401 Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
The sad part is, vets die waiting for care. That is well documented.
The worse part is, those responsible cannot be fired, and they get bonuses.
Ain't unions great?
Posted By: fishdog52 Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
Most front line care providers, docs, nurses, PA's & NP's, are daily overwhelmed by the bureaucrats (administrators), while trying to do the best job they know how.

Actual providers do not create the rules.
Most do not belong to unions.
Most will admit that the VA is badly broken.
Most will describe the work environment as "hostile".
In spite of the rhetoric, it is getting worse.
Most retire at the earliest possible moment.

watch4bear, your "attack" is about 95% wrong and misplaced. You are responding to something you read!!!!
Kodiakisland is about 95% on target.
You are living it.
Name calling demans all of us.
Posted By: joken2 Re: VA employees - 02/11/17

An elderly friend, WW2 vet, now deceased, had no complaints whatsoever that I ever heard him say about the care and services he received through VA.

He had already had one leg amputated below the knee due to poor circulation and diabetes and fitted with a prosthesis some years earlier. He was scheduled to have the same procedure done to his remaining leg when he suddenly passed on.

He said his prosthesis was regularly checked and adjusted as needed as well as replaced when necessary. He told me his first amputation was done in a local civilian hospital by civilian medical professionals and VA picked up the tab and his next amputation would be too.

Also, I have a very close relative who works for VA as a medical professional. It was mentioned in passing a while back by them that VA does have their share of system abusers of one form or another.

Posted By: Harry M Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
The why can't we all get along mentality has fueled the extreme ambivalence that has allowed the Democrats and Republicans to become the parties of status quo.

Quite frankly we are well past the point of avoiding name calling.

And all public employees, and their fake unions, who speak here in defense of public employees and their fake unions, should issue a statement right up front that they are such.
Posted By: Bama_Rick Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
Originally Posted by Harry M
Logic takes a back seat in this case. The long standing FACTS have been known for some time. The VA has a disgraceful record of how it has treated our Vets.

Not only is your comment "they serve a vital role in our national defense" laughable it borders on bizarre.

Thanks for taking my comment out of context Harry. It helps explain why so many on here laugh at you. I'll try again.

Hundreds of facilities and thousands of employees across this country help serve active personnel who get sick or hurt protecting us. Is this not a vital role in the defense of this country? They also serve those who were lucky enough to make it home and need care.

The historical record of the VA is not good, but the idea of closing up shop completely is what is laughable. I stand behind our CIC. He has promised to help our Vets and stream-line the choke-holds on the VA system. I am fully confident he will do just that.
Posted By: AJ300MAG Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
Originally Posted by Kodiakisland
Hmmmm. I'm a vet. My wifes a vet. My son is a Marine. I'm also a VA employee. I, as well as my peers, am paid far less than I would be in the private sector. We work hard and do as a good a job as anywhere. Sadly, much of our work is taken up with drunks and addicts. Many never even made it out of basic training. Most never deployed anywhere, much less served in combat. Much of our resources are spent on people who just abuse the system, just like Medicaid patients.

Yeah, you can find examples of bad employees anywhere. Plenty of sh*tbirds on active duty too. Does that make all the active duty bad? You can paint the VA with a broad brush, but for those who actually know something about it, you couldn't be more wrong.

You want to know what's going on at your VA? Go volunteer there. See for yourself. Maybe even go work there. Make things better instead of just bitching about it. It's not going to fix itself.

My wife is a CNA at our local VA hospital. Her experience mirrors yours. Lots of fat lazy fűucks who blame their medical issues on their military service, some didn't make it through basic training.
Posted By: victoro Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
"Many never even made it out of basic training."

And they're Veterans????
Posted By: ratsmacker Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
As long as I have health insurance thru my employer, I won't go to the VA. Too many others who really NEED it don't need me getting in the way for an appt. or using up funds for guys who lost limbs or other issues.

I put in four years, but have no issues with this. I have good insurance with my employer.
Posted By: ldoret Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
All of you are talking about VA as if the hospital side VHA is the only part of VA. You might be interested to know that the organization, public or private who has had the highest scores six times running in the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI)is the National Cemetery Administration, one of the three administrations (VHA, VBA & NCA) that make up VA, with a score of 96%

Posted By: Harry M Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
Posted By: ribka Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
Originally Posted by Kodiakisland
I don't hate my job at all. I just don't like people who bitch about something they know nothing about. I don't like people who would rather bitch than actually go do something about it. I don't like people who are too lazy to do what they say someone else should do.

Before I worked here I worked at Landstuhl. I'm sure you'll have to google that too. I've spent over 20 years taking care of the nation's finest. Unfortunately, lots of sh*tbirds too. If you were on active duty you know how many of those people there are. If you were and don't know what I'm talking about, you are probably one of them. Yes, it does piss me off to see so many resources spent on them instead of the ones who deserve it. People who saw combat can't get an appointment and yet people who never even made it out of basic collect thousands every month, spend it on booze and drugs, and use the VA to avoid incarceration over and over.

But when it comes down to it, I'm here 12 hours a day providing care to the best and worst of society in a manner that is professional regardless of who I'm serving. What are you doing besides bitching?

You want to bitch because I got a $400 bonus for the year. That's fine. VA employees are still paid less than their private counterparts, even with that $400 bonus. Believe me, it's not all strippers and blow. As far as my worth? Who knows. As far as what I would make elsewhere? Yeah, I could make a lot more. I honestly don't care. I'm very comfortable financially and am not chasing dollars. It just rubs me the wrong way when you want to say VA employees are raking in the dough when we are actually making less than the market average. Again, if you actually worked at a VA you might know more than just what you google. Again, your local VA needs you. What's stopping you?

As far as the union, couldn't tell you one thing or another about them. Most of my peers couldn't either. All I know is there is one. I have no idea what they do or when they do it. No one from the union has ever talked to me and I've never talked to them.

Being a vet I saw first hand the number of lazy people who gravitate to the military. Getting through basic training is a joke now and if you dont want to run do pt it is easy to get a waiver. Can show up for duty and find a place to sleep. This occurs in the admin and combat support units quite often.Amazing the number who abuse the system and are on full disability for made up ailments.

those that served in the military know exactly where you are coming from

thanks for your work
Posted By: AJ300MAG Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
Originally Posted by victoro
"Many never even made it out of basic training."

And they're Veterans????

Medical discharged from basic.
Posted By: Gringo Loco Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
Originally Posted by Kodiakisland
Hmmmm. Yeah, you can find examples of bad employees anywhere. Plenty of sh*tbirds on active duty too. Does that make all the active duty bad? You can paint the VA with a broad brush, but for those who actually know something about it, you couldn't be more wrong.

I'm not sure why this article offends you. It, nor everyone reading it, assumes that all VA employees are wasters. It merely highlights the need to address a problem.
Posted By: Steelhead Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
There are lots of sheitbirds milking the system, just like SSID. I have no more love for them than I do those milking SSID.

I've never used the VA and I doubt I ever will as I don't need to use the VA.

In my mind, battle/training exercise type stuff takes front row.
Posted By: Calvin Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
Lets face it, many vets are either alcoholics, drug addicts, or morbidly obese. Went to a local VA meeting and this was obvious. The Healthcare costs for these folks must be staggering.

I'm all for taking care of wounded vets, legit 20 year retired vets, and perhaps folks who take care of themselves. But the folks who let themselves go to crap, I feel like we are enabling them by giving them the VA healthcare. Not to mention the tax dollars that support them.
Posted By: hanco Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
My son goes to see VA doctors, he has no complaints.
Posted By: ratsmacker Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
Originally Posted by ldoret
All of you are talking about VA as if the hospital side VHA is the only part of VA. You might be interested to know that the organization, public or private who has had the highest scores six times running in the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI)is the National Cemetery Administration, one of the three administrations (VHA, VBA & NCA) that make up VA, with a score of 96%

That is probably because the ones USING the NCA are in no position to complain...............
Posted By: kingston Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
I'm not sure why public employees need a union. Further, Union business should be done on the union's dime.
Posted By: ldoret Re: VA employees - 02/11/17
Your right they're not, but they're not the ones answering the survey either
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