There s little doubt that after HRC's stunning defeat in November that the Democrats and the Left banded together to create a strategy to bring down Trump and the GOP. Part of it they already had in place, which is the civil disobedience wing of the movement. We've lived through Code Pink, Occupy Wall Street, BLM and now they bring to us Antifa. Classic Communist AND Nazi strategies to destabilize a country ad a government. That is exactly what the Communists did in every country they went into. That we the strategy Che Guevara was so adept at. John Lewis and Hosea Williams were agitators for MLK. They would go into a city a week r two before a march and get the people all stirred up for King's arrival.

Second part of the Dem strategy is to block anything that Trump tries to accomplish, be it cabinet appointments or legislation. They are not going to play ball on anything. Cleaver because over sticky issues like Obamacare they are just going to sit back and let the GOP bicker among themselves while they sit smugly on the sidelines. There is no negotiation with them on anything. That is a huge difference between what Reagan had to work with and what Trump has to work with. The Dems negotiated with Reagan. No way will they oblige Trump.

Last is a constant attack on the people around Trump. Make no mistake, they want to bring Trump down, but are doing so by brings down his cabinet and staff. Manafort, Mathis, Sessions, Prebius, they are after Bannon now. This won't stop. They will always have another target. Alinisky at work - keep the pressure on.

What strategies can Trump use to combat the Left.

First of all, go through his staff and his cabinet and get rid of anybody not 100% on board. During the Civil War, Lincoln had to shuffle through generals until he settled on Grant to run things. No reason Trump shouldn't be allowed to do the same. He's only 200 days into his term. Get people that will stay the course and follow his leadership.

Second, I'd use direct messages to the American people other than Twitter. Youtube them. Make them the 21st Century version of FDRs Fireside Chats.

Third, Stop the leakers now! Rumor has it the White House is getting an ultra thorough search for bugs and listening devices left by BHO and company. Could be pure fantasy, but at this point, the leaks are coming from somewhere.

Last, unmask the organizers and the money sources for the ANTIFA and other paid protesters. Out them publicly. Explain to the people that these people are professional protest organizers, where they come from, what they have been involved in and who is paying them. Get it out there and get it out often. Use Alinsky against them. Isolate, polarize the opposition. Put them in the spotlight and on the defense.

Who has other strategies to combat the Left?
Other than open revolt like what happened in Charlottesville in response to the orchestrated riots from the left, I'm not seeing it. They own the means of communication and education. EVERY TV station, even here in the so-called conservative enclave of northern Florida is calling it 'The White Supremacist March'. It's everywhere and Lenin's axiom of if you tell a lie often and loud enough, it becomes reality. The Richmond event at the Robert e Lee statue will be the next big test.
I think you've hit the high points.

On the last issue, I.e., the outing of the Leftist guerillas, I'd be pretty aggressive. Since the FBI is packed with Democrat supporters, I'd form a new "squad" using a different agency... Secret, Service, for example. Initiate high level snooping on these folks, find their money men, their organizational charts, etc., and start arresting and prosecuting them. There's no point in complaining about them in the press, the media won't cover the story with anything like impartiality. Just arrest, prosecute, and imprison them. Nail them on tax evasion. Whatever it takes.
I agree with most all of that. As well as what we can do to stop it. (besides bullets, at this point)

One thing I find interesting and truly bottom of the barrel is the Left's new attack to remove and discredit him through racism.

The Russia narrative, although screamed at the top of their lungs for a year didn't invoke the violence, protests and riots they wanted...

So, they revert back to the race card to get what they want.

The violent race protests/riots and narrative not only paints Trump as a racist KKK supporter, but paints ALL of US with the same brush!

The media and liberals everywhere, even the Left Wing Republicans... will now get into high gear with this schidt.

Fuggin' Lindsey Graham, Little Marco, Paul Ryan and John McCain will join the choir along with many republicans.

How do we shut THAT down?
Originally Posted by hatari
...Use Alinsky against them. Isolate, polarize the opposition. Put them in the spotlight and on the defense....

This is the best way to defeat them. Use every Alinsky tactic including ridiculing them, but do it in a way that doesn't resort to name-calling or cursing them. It can be done. Mock them, treat them as little children.

In their hubris, they neglect to recognize that they are subject to the same tactics, in fact they are more susceptible to them than we have been because (for the most part) they think on an emotional level, not a practical one. They underestimate us because we have allowed them to roll right over us time after time.

You don't have to get into a detailed argument with them, use their tactic of distraction by picking only one small part of their argument and then ridicule it. All they can see and hear is that they are being attacked, not their message. Remember, that is what they are they are doing to you.

Ignore the attack on you, it isn't about your message, it's trying to get you to emotionally react to them and make you look foolish or childish and they are the mature, adult one. This is pure psychological warfare, folks, not a game, not some left-over high school B.S. where you get to let your ego get hurt. This is for the win. The win over freedom. The win over control of your life, the lives of your children, and your grandchildren.

There's lessons from all over the world about how it's done.
When they're having a rally bring in the scooper trucks a la Soylent Green and haul them to the fertilizer factory. grin
What momentum they couldn't gain from the Russian Collusion narrative they will surely make up with this new Race Card attack.

There's no shortage of participants for both sides. Niether being smart enough to realize they are only pawns.

It could get bloody real quick.

Once the lid is off, there's no putting it back on.
Arrest Soro's, and put a hold on His money so that He can't hire "protesters". And any others that are found. Arrest those that break laws at protests. If the States will not do this, declare martial law and get it done. miles
Hatari-"Use Alinski against them" Absolutely, if your opposition has an effective weapon capture it and use it. Especially the use of mocking and derision. Expose their stupidity with satire and scorn. They can't stand to be made fun of and Trump is a master at exposing stupidity with biting insults. Judging from the county by county maps at least about 80% of the land area of this country votes with us.
Originally Posted by APDDSN0864
Originally Posted by hatari
...Use Alinsky against them. Isolate, polarize the opposition. Put them in the spotlight and on the defense....

This is the best way to defeat them. Use every Alinsky tactic including ridiculing them, but do it in a way that doesn't resort to name-calling or cursing them. It can be done. Mock them, treat them as little children.

In their hubris, they neglect to recognize that they are subject to the same tactics, in fact they are more susceptible to them than we have been because (for the most part) they think on an emotional level, not a practical one. They underestimate us because we have allowed them to roll right over us time after time.

You don't have to get into a detailed argument with them, use their tactic of distraction by picking only one small part of their argument and then ridicule it. All they can see and hear is that they are being attacked, not their message. Remember, that is what they are they are doing to you.

Ignore the attack on you, it isn't about your message, it's trying to get you to emotionally react to them and make you look foolish or childish and they are the mature, adult one. This is pure psychological warfare, folks, not a game, not some left-over high school B.S. where you get to let your ego get hurt. This is for the win. The win over freedom. The win over control of your life, the lives of your children, and your grandchildren.


Very good Ed.

When answering the lefts constant attacks, the right spends most of it's time on defense, so can accomplish little of substance to further the agenda of cleaning up America. The best you could do is ignore the left and move forward. Spend all your time replacing leftists wherever they're entrenched. Systematically root them out of positions of influence. Minimize, neuter, replace, marginalize,
Beat them to death with stubbornness, truth and the Constitution, Trump gets another couple picks, The Supreme's will take care of the rest.
Originally Posted by hatari
There s little doubt that after HRC's stunning defeat in November that the Democrats and the Left banded together to create a strategy to bring down Trump and the GOP. Part of it they already had in place, which is the civil disobedience wing of the movement. We've lived through Code Pink, Occupy Wall Street, BLM and now they bring to us Antifa. Classic Communist AND Nazi strategies to destabilize a country ad a government. That is exactly what the Communists did in every country they went into. That we the strategy Che Guevara was so adept at. John Lewis and Hosea Williams were agitators for MLK. They would go into a city a week r two before a march and get the people all stirred up for King's arrival.

Second part of the Dem strategy is to block anything that Trump tries to accomplish, be it cabinet appointments or legislation. They are not going to play ball on anything. Cleaver because over sticky issues like Obamacare they are just going to sit back and let the GOP bicker among themselves while they sit smugly on the sidelines. There is no negotiation with them on anything. That is a huge difference between what Reagan had to work with and what Trump has to work with. The Dems negotiated with Reagan. No way will they oblige Trump.

Last is a constant attack on the people around Trump. Make no mistake, they want to bring Trump down, but are doing so by brings down his cabinet and staff. Manafort, Mathis, Sessions, Prebius, they are after Bannon now. This won't stop. They will always have another target. Alinisky at work - keep the pressure on.

What strategies can Trump use to combat the Left.

First of all, go through his staff and his cabinet and get rid of anybody not 100% on board. During the Civil War, Lincoln had to shuffle through generals until he settled on Grant to run things. No reason Trump shouldn't be allowed to do the same. He's only 200 days into his term. Get people that will stay the course and follow his leadership.

Second, I'd use direct messages to the American people other than Twitter. Youtube them. Make them the 21st Century version of FDRs Fireside Chats.

Third, Stop the leakers now! Rumor has it the White House is getting an ultra thorough search for bugs and listening devices left by BHO and company. Could be pure fantasy, but at this point, the leaks are coming from somewhere.

Last, unmask the organizers and the money sources for the ANTIFA and other paid protesters. Out them publicly. Explain to the people that these people are professional protest organizers, where they come from, what they have been involved in and who is paying them. Get it out there and get it out often. Use Alinsky against them. Isolate, polarize the opposition. Put them in the spotlight and on the defense.

Who has other strategies to combat the Left?

Good post. Clean house inside the government of uniparty drones, and use law enforcement to bust up these ANTIFA agitators. If word gets out that your little payday for acting in a protest might end in a busted head or jail time, you'll see the number of public protest and agitation will drop dramatically. The best defense is a good offense. They're not gonna give our country back, We The People are gonna hafta TAKE IT BACK!
That means we got work to do as well. We allowed this to happen, and MAGA is a job for all of us. Trump is our leader, and he needs our support!
Start writing letters and calling congressmen. Make it clear that the President has our support, and that opposing him is gonna make them unemployed.
If we allow this to go on, we're gonna lose out.
A lot of this stuff lately has passed the Alinsky stage.

They have the smell of blood in their noses.
An ice ax worked on Trotsky.
I don't see much left other than violence, to combat what the left has done to America. The schools, the media,t he government are all devoted to the destruction of America as we know it. Culture wars are raging, we are losing.
At what point will the conservatives realize what they are up against, what the stakes are, and how little time we have left to combat it?
Treat them as nobodies. The anarchist left wants the TV time and the recognition because it gives them validity. Unfortunately someone has already said it. They own the media. They are so mad about Hillary the [bleep] losing they don't care if they take down the rest of the country. At this point and time the "white supremists" need to lay low and start sending their elected representatives letters telling them they support Mr. Trump and his efforts to drain the swamp. Victory can be had at the ballot box if they refocus their efforts. Hear again, that's a slow painful process and many want results right now.

I like the OP's second point I'm not sure why it hasn't been done already. As has already been pointed out the left controls the media and they establish the narratives and terminology. That in turn controls how the uninformed masses view the world. In today's internet work it's sad but true traditional msm news and TV are still the primary shapers of the political news. The good thing is that Trump could change that just as FDR did with radio, JFK used TV. Trump could use internet media outlets.
I cringe everytime I see a riot on TV and the left refers to it as "civil unrest" that's just one example of dozens In which the left changes terms through msm to shape public thought.
The media portrays the garbage in VA as "Nazis" attacking peace loving "counter protesters" while never mentioning a word about antifa being a group founded by communist and full of self declared communist and anarchist with a core belief that they have a right to use violence against anyone that they disagree with. Yet most of the general public just hears it being reported by msm and accepts it as fact.
As I said I think the idea of the President putting out his own media show is a great one but beyond that I don't know how much can be done.
The downfall of a democracy is that the masses are lazy morons and easily fooled by pop culture. Which is why our forefathers intended for this country to be a representational republic. Today the clowns are running the show and I'm not sure that America will ever be what it once was. How can it be it's already not what our forefathers intended. To many morons with a vote for silly politicians to pander to.
We are now experiencing the American version of Germany's "Kristallnacht", the Night of broken Glass of November 9, 1938. Removing the remaining statues of Civil War history will continue.

I wish it wasn't so as more blood will be spilled before this is over.....The propaganda machine of Joseph Goebbels in 1938 is no different than the liberal propaganda machine we have now.

Originally Posted by Mittenman

The media portrays the garbage in VA as "Nazis" attacking peace loving "counter protesters" while never mentioning a word about antifa being a group founded by communist and full of self declared communist and anarchist with a core belief that they have a right to use violence against anyone that they disagree with. Yet most of the general public just hears it being reported and accepts it as fact.

,...and the media has convinced you that those people who were attacked by Antifa is garbage.
Enforce the law.
Pretty much agree with most everything here, except using You-Tube, they are proving which side of this whole deal they are on with their censorship. mad
I would clean house in the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and the NSA. I would arrest the protesters and prosecute them.
Originally Posted by doctor_Encore
We are now experiencing the American version of Germany's "Kristallnacht", the Night of broken Glass of November 9, 1938. Removing the remaining statues of Civil War history will continue.

I wish it wasn't so as more blood will be spilled before this is over.....The propaganda machine of Joseph Goebbels in 1938 is no different than the liberal propaganda machine we have now.


I agree. I think that is a great way to attack them back. Trump is a Nazi? YOU'RE the ones doing the Kristallnacht.
Originally Posted by 280shooter
Enforce the law.

it appears that the law is complicit with those that are doing the destruction.
Having fiat currency and Federal taxation system to fund our demise isn't helping....
Those of you promoting violence as our only option left as conservatives to "Right" the country are doomed to be tossed into the dust bin of history.

I guarentee the first large scale attack that any "Conservative" group attempts will be met with an overwhelming negative response from the Majority of Americans inclusive of all sides. The entire country will line up against you to include those you thought would support your cause.

It's a nice pipe dream to comfort yourself from your arm chair while yelling at the Scumbag LIBTARDS on the TV but it ain't gonna happen.

You want to combat Liberalism? The first thing "conservatives" need to do off load those frigging idiots promoting "Overarching White Supremacy, Nazism(can't believe this is even a thing in this country) etc.....

Let the LIBTARDS keep their loontoons extremist groups.

Also this battle may have been lost decades ago when you "whites" decided other things were more important than protecting family values culture by having as many damn babies as you could.

We need more people like Charles Krauthammer, and Rush Limbaugh out front. Krauthammer can disarm the liberals so easily.
Take out their leaders.
Originally Posted by Mannlicher
Originally Posted by 280shooter
Enforce the law.

it appears that the law is complicit with those that are doing the destruction.


And the President should point that out in his next speech. Something like, "My administration has noted that the law enforcement presence at XYZ was ordered to 'stand down' by their superiors. I have instructed the Justice Department to investigate this allegation, and if found to be true, Federal civil rights charges will be brought against the officials responsible and they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, followed by imprisonment. It is the responsibility of elected officials of this nation at every level to see that the laws and Constitution of the United States are carried out, and violation of that trust is grounds for prosecution under Federal law."

You'd only need to see one mayor and/or police chief tried, found guilty, and sentenced to a prison sentence for failing to enforce the law for this whole Stand-down-itis epidemic to go bye-bye.
It does have a happy ending. They will eventually import enough Muslims that someone will get laugh whilst liberals are being beheaded by the truckload.
Originally Posted by Mannlicher
Originally Posted by 280shooter
Enforce the law.

it appears that the law is complicit with those that are doing the destruction.

They're government employees, protecting and serving their pensions and bennies. That's a fact that can't be ignored.

Listen, I have the utmost respect for the LEO community, but the mortgage and groceries are always a deciding factor.
Originally Posted by wabigoon
We need more people like Charles Krauthammer, and Rush Limbaugh out front. Krauthammer can disarm the liberals so easily.

Not to mention Tucker Carlson, he destroys them.
Originally Posted by luv2safari
Originally Posted by Mannlicher
Originally Posted by 280shooter
Enforce the law.

it appears that the law is complicit with those that are doing the destruction.

They're government employees, protecting and serving their pensions and bennies. That's a fact that can't be ignored.

Listen, I have the utmost respect for the LEO community, but the mortgage and groceries are always a deciding factor.

Not for men.
Catch a number of the leftist thugs committing crimes and squeeze them to roll over on their Dear Leaders and look at who is paying them. Follow the trail up to Hillary, the DNC and Soros. Get them with RICO.
Originally Posted by doctor_Encore
We are now experiencing the American version of Germany's "Kristallnacht", the Night of broken Glass of November 9, 1938. Removing the remaining statues of Civil War history will continue.

I wish it wasn't so as more blood will be spilled before this is over.....The propaganda machine of Joseph Goebbels in 1938 is no different than the liberal propaganda machine we have now.


Unfortunately, I think you're right. I've often compared this country to early 1930s Germany.
I'm sure as hell not comparing Trump to Hitler. Quite the opposite. He's our last chance short of violence to avoid the fascist taking over.
Do you think the media, or anyone else for that matter, would attempt to stop progressives from purging conservatives out of government and public life? Did anyone raise a voice to question Zero and his replacement of military officers, or government appointees?
I involuntarily shudder to think about what might have happened under a Dark Princess presidency!
They keep referring to a leftist takeover. It's been going on for 30 years, but we were busy watching football. "Bread and Circuses"....
Originally Posted by FatCity67
Those of you promoting violence as our only option left as conservatives to "Right" the country are doomed to be tossed into the dust bin of history.

I guarentee the first large scale attack that any "Conservative" group attempts will be met with an overwhelming negative response from the Majority of Americans inclusive of all sides. The entire country will line up against you to include those you thought would support your cause.

It's a nice pipe dream to comfort yourself from your arm chair while yelling at the Scumbag LIBTARDS on the TV but it ain't gonna happen.

You want to combat Liberalism? The first thing "conservatives" need to do off load those frigging idiots promoting "Overarching White Supremacy, Nazism(can't believe this is even a thing in this country) etc.....

Let the LIBTARDS keep their loontoons extremist groups.

Also this battle may have been lost decades ago when you "whites" decided other things were more important than protecting family values culture by having as many damn babies as you could.

I'm promoting for people to pay their way; for starters to fund their own stupid assed ideas. A printing press and nit-picked taxation is the font.
The main reason being is that oldest of human natures: covetousness. Hitler played the guilt trip and the Jews and gypsies were the goat. With BLM, its whitey and the cops. "They are standing in your way, they are stealing from you", is Marxism, socialism, Communism and Nazism 101.

FYI, liberals and Nazi's are the same. If you can't believe Nazism is a thing in this country, then maybe La Raza, BLM, Occupy and any other Balkanization/identity NAZI group might spell out why it is a "thing".
In the end, the people that just want to be left alone will be forced to identify with some group, simply because there are too many people that want a war and resources they refuse to achieve peacefully.

If we didn't promote this nonsense from the local level upwards, the like mindedness that we used to have wouldn't be failing to the want of shiny objects.
In response to the question posed; worms. They need to ear also.
Originally Posted by ConradCA
Catch a number of the leftist thugs committing crimes and squeeze them to roll over on their Dear Leaders and look at who is paying them. Follow the trail up to Hillary, the DNC and Soros. Get them with RICO.

IMO, this has real potential. Once the hive is opened, never let them settle in enough to attack again.

You know the answer to intractable, festering problems, Hatari, cold steel and sunshine. ;-{>8
Originally Posted by oldtrapper

You know the answer to intractable, festering problems, Hatari, cold steel and sunshine. ;-{>8

I love it!
Enforcing the "law" as it is, is fine.

But the places this occurs is in democrat controlled cities or states on a local basis. The law enforcement they have is what the democrat constituency put there. Mayor, City Council, Sheriff...

No actual law enforcement will occur.

You will see a repeat of VA, Ferguson, Baltimore, etc....
its is insurgency, nothing less...

and the US Military has been doing counter insurgency action since the early days of Vietnam...

all of us that served took an oath, to defend the nation against all Threats..

foreign and DOMESTIC....

since these Anti Establishment groups are so funded from behind the scene types with plenty of money...

The Military needs to be allowed to do counter insurgency operations against them...

and do to the insurgents exactly what they did to them in Vietnam.
Originally Posted by HawkI
Originally Posted by FatCity67
Those of you promoting violence as our only option left as conservatives to "Right" the country are doomed to be tossed into the dust bin of history.

I guarentee the first large scale attack that any "Conservative" group attempts will be met with an overwhelming negative response from the Majority of Americans inclusive of all sides. The entire country will line up against you to include those you thought would support your cause.

It's a nice pipe dream to comfort yourself from your arm chair while yelling at the Scumbag LIBTARDS on the TV but it ain't gonna happen.

You want to combat Liberalism? The first thing "conservatives" need to do off load those frigging idiots promoting "Overarching White Supremacy, Nazism(can't believe this is even a thing in this country) etc.....

Let the LIBTARDS keep their loontoons extremist groups.

Also this battle may have been lost decades ago when you "whites" decided other things were more important than protecting family values culture by having as many damn babies as you could.

I'm promoting for people to pay their way; for starters to fund their own stupid assed ideas. A printing press and nit-picked taxation is the font.
The main reason being is that oldest of human natures: covetousness. Hitler played the guilt trip and the Jews and gypsies were the goat. With BLM, its whitey and the cops. "They are standing in your way, they are stealing from you", is Marxism, socialism, Communism and Nazism 101.

FYI, liberals and Nazi's are the same. If you can't believe Nazism is a thing in this country, then maybe La Raza, BLM, Occupy and any other Balkanization/identity NAZI group might spell out why it is a "thing".
In the end, the people that just want to be left alone will be forced to identify with some group, simply because there are too many people that want a war and resources they refuse to achieve peacefully.

If we didn't promote this nonsense from the local level upwards, the like mindedness that we used to have wouldn't be failing to the want of shiny objects.

I'm fully aware of the politics of Balkanization. My premise is that "Conservatives" need to offload their association with the extremist elements which align themselves and attach to Conservatism like intestinal parasites going along for the ride.

Allow the LIBTARDS to wallow around in the pig slop of their making.

As well The Silent Majority Center of this country would not support any major violent offensive to "Refresh The Tree of Liberty"

Our first step would be to clean out the deadhead R's in congress and replace them with R's who will do something. The 2018 primaries are crucial.
I would assassinate George Soros and his son.

I strongly do not recommend this nor do I recommend anyone attempt it since it is illegal and the NSA is watching. It is merely a hypothetical point of discussion.

But, hypothetically speaking, this would be the quickest and most effective way to remove the coordinated funding from the radical left. Any further organized demonstrations or protests would need to be orchestrated and self-funded by truly dedicated individuals, not paid operatives.
Originally Posted by FatCity67
Originally Posted by HawkI
Originally Posted by FatCity67
Those of you promoting violence as our only option left as conservatives to "Right" the country are doomed to be tossed into the dust bin of history.

I guarentee the first large scale attack that any "Conservative" group attempts will be met with an overwhelming negative response from the Majority of Americans inclusive of all sides. The entire country will line up against you to include those you thought would support your cause.

It's a nice pipe dream to comfort yourself from your arm chair while yelling at the Scumbag LIBTARDS on the TV but it ain't gonna happen.

You want to combat Liberalism? The first thing "conservatives" need to do off load those frigging idiots promoting "Overarching White Supremacy, Nazism(can't believe this is even a thing in this country) etc.....

Let the LIBTARDS keep their loontoons extremist groups.

Also this battle may have been lost decades ago when you "whites" decided other things were more important than protecting family values culture by having as many damn babies as you could.

I'm promoting for people to pay their way; for starters to fund their own stupid assed ideas. A printing press and nit-picked taxation is the font.
The main reason being is that oldest of human natures: covetousness. Hitler played the guilt trip and the Jews and gypsies were the goat. With BLM, its whitey and the cops. "They are standing in your way, they are stealing from you", is Marxism, socialism, Communism and Nazism 101.

FYI, liberals and Nazi's are the same. If you can't believe Nazism is a thing in this country, then maybe La Raza, BLM, Occupy and any other Balkanization/identity NAZI group might spell out why it is a "thing".
In the end, the people that just want to be left alone will be forced to identify with some group, simply because there are too many people that want a war and resources they refuse to achieve peacefully.

If we didn't promote this nonsense from the local level upwards, the like mindedness that we used to have wouldn't be failing to the want of shiny objects.

I'm fully aware of the politics of Balkanization. My premise is that "Conservatives" need to offload their association with the extremist elements which align themselves and attach to Conservatism like intestinal parasites going along for the ride.

Allow the LIBTARDS to wallow around in the pig slop of their making.

As well The Silent Majority Center of this country would not support any major violent offensive to "Refresh The Tree of Liberty"

They most certainly would.

Trump got elected because politically, the people who go to work, keep their nose down and MYOB got tired of being called racists, Nazis, anti-immigrant scum while paying for the ride. This, of course, didnt have any support either.

If you claim to understand Balkanization, you missed it by using more identity labels.

America has a long tradition of silent people who just want to live in peace and have an interest in their kids having the same; dont say "never"...

Your everyday average American IS an extremist. Just keep pissing him/her off....

Originally Posted by Jim in Idaho
I would assassinate George Soros and his son.

I strongly do not recommend this nor do I recommend anyone attempt it since it is illegal and the NSA is watching. It is merely a hypothetical point of discussion.

But, hypothetically speaking, this would be the quickest and most effective way to remove the coordinated funding from the radical left. Any further organized demonstrations or protests would need to be orchestrated and self-funded by truly dedicated individuals, not paid operatives.

The majority of it is funded by your TAXES....and, of course, printed currency beyond the treasury's ability to back it.....

Im fuggin wasting my time.
Hat, I think we could make great strides with baseball bats. whistle

Surely those assisting Trump know of which you speak. Do you think efforts are being made in the area of trying to establish connections between Soros and organized protesters?

Note. Jay Sekulow was on Hannity radio this pm with what he referred to as huge news. He said that due to the FBI having previkusly ignored their requests for the fbi info on the Clinton /Lynch meeting which was found in the DOJ after fbi denied existance of, that now the fbi is ordered to open its files on a huge amount of Clinton dealings. He is very excited about what information will be forthcoming.

I didnt catch the entire discourse, but he is going to be on Hannity tv tonight discussing it.

Im thinking new people at the FBI OR DOJ may be breaking down some barriers to the truth.
Originally Posted by gunner500
Beat them to death with stubbornness, truth and the Constitution, Trump gets another couple picks, The Supreme's will take care of the rest.

Gunner, It appears to me the left and rinos are planning on taking him out just after the midterms. Im not sure that will be a viable option.
Originally Posted by luv2safari
Take out their leaders.

The Bildenberghs Rockefellers, and King of Saudi Arabia are going to be hard to take out. They are our handlers and the handlers of the press.
Originally Posted by Steelhead
Originally Posted by luv2safari
Originally Posted by Mannlicher
Originally Posted by 280shooter
Enforce the law.

it appears that the law is complicit with those that are doing the destruction.

They're government employees, protecting and serving their pensions and bennies. That's a fact that can't be ignored.

Listen, I have the utmost respect for the LEO community, but the mortgage and groceries are always a deciding factor.

Not for men.

Seems even the FBI has a derth of them.
I want to see more of this!

Originally Posted by jaguartx
Hat, I think we could make great strides with baseball bats. whistle

Surely those assisting Trump know of which you speak. Do you think efforts are being made in the area of trying to establish connections between Soros and organized protesters?

Note. Jay Sekulow was on Hannity radio this pm with what he referred to as huge news. He said that due to the FBI having previkusly ignored their requests for the fbi info on the Clinton /Lynch meeting which was found in the DOJ after fbi denied existance of, that now the fbi is ordered to open its files on a huge amount of Clinton dealings. He is very excited about what information will be forthcoming.

I didnt catch the entire discourse, but he is going to be on Hannity tv tonight discussing it.

Im thinking new people at the FBI OR DOJ may be breaking down some barriers to the truth.
Trump fought back today using some of these tactics. It was a good strong showing. From another thread:

Originally Posted by hatari

I just watched this link. Trump did a very nice job and he kept the message - Jobs! He routed back to it at every chance, he did not seat detoured.

I will agree with Fost and others who observe the libs in the Press were frustrated that they couldn't make Trump back down AND he called out the Antifa for what they are.

Good showing and good tactics and execution.
The Bolsheviks/antifa/et al will not quit until they're in a jail cell or a grave.
Originally Posted by gonehuntin
The Bolsheviks/antifa/et al will not quit until they're in a jail cell or a grave.

Pain is a wonderfully effective deterrent to undesirable behavior. Tied to a rack receiving a very thorough caning would do the trick as well.
Originally Posted by Jim in Idaho
I would assassinate George Soros and his son.

I strongly do not recommend this nor do I recommend anyone attempt it since it is illegal and the NSA is watching. It is merely a hypothetical point of discussion.

But, hypothetically speaking, this would be the quickest and most effective way to remove the coordinated funding from the radical left. Any further organized demonstrations or protests would need to be orchestrated and self-funded by truly dedicated individuals, not paid operatives.

I'm not advocating their demise, either. Still, you have to admit it might sober up some of these power drunk anarchists.
One thing that needs to combat the Leftist strategy is to kill Affirmative Action.

Affirmative Action is racist going both ways #1 It assumes that AAs can't overcome racism like the Asians have and #2 It assumes that white people are so racist that AAs will never have a chance. Oh, and how about #3? It actively discriminates against Asians, especially in college admissions.
All in all, isn't considering race in hiring or admissions itself a racists act? How can it not be?
Originally Posted by gunner500
Beat them to death with stubbornness, truth and the Constitution, Trump gets another couple picks, The Supreme's will take care of the rest.

I wonder. The left is vile enough to kill Justices so they can appoint their equally vile ones. I'm nearly certain that was evidenced with Scalia.
I certainly don't believe Scalia died of natural causes, too hushed, and too damn little said about it after, if the left starts a campaign to murder SCJ's they will draw a very short stick on that deal.
Combat it?

Same way they cut down the buffalo population some years ago.
Originally Posted by DigitalDan
Combat it?

Same way they cut down the buffalo population some years ago.

Roasting snowflake marshmallows with cast lead and black powder would damn near be better than a blow-job.
Originally Posted by gunner500
Originally Posted by DigitalDan
Combat it?

Same way they cut down the buffalo population some years ago.

Roasting snowflake marshmallows with cast lead and black powder would damn near be better than a blow-job.

You do have a way with words sometimes... smile
Originally Posted by hatari
Originally Posted by gunner500
Originally Posted by DigitalDan
Combat it?

Same way they cut down the buffalo population some years ago.

Roasting snowflake marshmallows with cast lead and black powder would damn near be better than a blow-job.

You do have a way with words sometimes... smile

I've been accused of that. grin
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