,...as long as we get rid of the white people,...



If eating each other is the only option left when white farmers leave. Then it is fine, we will do it. People do eat people sometimes to survive."
Just look at this fuggin' Ork.

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Well, it's traditional for that continent, anyway. I hope they start with his azz, though, so he can show his commitment to the cause.
Originally Posted by Bristoe
Just look at this fuggin' Ork.

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I thought Idi Amin was dead.

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Maybe they'll eat each other to the point of extinction.
Let them eat schidt.
Outrage from the "international community" should be along any minute now. whistle
Nothing new...
KFC South Africa is gonna have to buy bigger buckets.
Any continent that does this:


or this:


Nothing surprises me when it comes to the most violent backwards critters this world has ever seen.
Originally Posted by Steelhead
KFC South Africa is gonna have to buy bigger buckets.


And dark meat only.
I'd rather die than eat that ugly goon.
"Cannibalism is found in its simplest form in Africa. In that continent the majority of cannibal tribes eat human flesh because they like it, and not from any magical motive or from lack of other animal food. In fact it is noticeable that the tribes most addicted to this practice inhabit just those districts where game is most plentiful. Among the true negroes it is confined mainly to the Welle and Ubangi districts, though found sporadically (and due to magical motives) on the west coast, and among the Bantu negroids in the south-western part of Belgian Congo and the Gabun." - 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
"Cannibalism is found in its simplest form in Africa. In that continent the majority of cannibal tribes eat human flesh because they like it, and not from any magical motive or from lack of other animal food. In fact it is noticeable that the tribes most addicted to this practice inhabit just those districts where game is most plentiful. Among the true negroes it is confined mainly to the Welle and Ubangi districts, though found sporadically (and due to magical motives) on the west coast, and among the Bantu negroids in the south-western part of Belgian Congo and the Gabun." - 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

^ ^

Cracker written racism.
I'm just waitin' for the chinks to colonize Africa.
A practice also among Caucasians when times become somewhat extreme.
Originally Posted by sawbuck
I'm just waitin' for the chinks to colonize Africa.

They have already surveyed and done the estimating.
Tell me again why having the colonial powers running the continent was bad? It seems those sub-human bastards earned all the apartheid they got.

I wonder if old Ruth Baader-Ginsu thinks that this is what makes SA's constitution superior to the US Constitution?

Originally Posted by sawbuck
I'm just waitin' for the chinks to colonize Africa.

There's a new sheriff coming to town. Advance parties are already there making themselves at home out-working and out-enterprising the lower-life forms currently inhabiting the region. Unlike the spineless west, China isn't going to get all squishy when folks start crying foul.
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
"Cannibalism is found in its simplest form in Africa. In that continent the majority of cannibal tribes eat human flesh because they like it, and not from any magical motive or from lack of other animal food. In fact it is noticeable that the tribes most addicted to this practice inhabit just those districts where game is most plentiful. Among the true negroes it is confined mainly to the Welle and Ubangi districts, though found sporadically (and due to magical motives) on the west coast, and among the Bantu negroids in the south-western part of Belgian Congo and the Gabun." - 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

I think it is based on witchcraft as a means to take the enemies skills and wit for the diners earthly benefit.
Originally Posted by 1minute
A practice also among Caucasians when times become somewhat extreme.

But caucasians dont purposely cause conditions that would obviously lead to that extreme activity.

They are getting rid of the white farmers when the blacks cant farm.
Originally Posted by 1minute
A practice also among Caucasians when times become somewhat extreme.
How were the roads over Donner Pass this last winter?
My what a civilized world we live in today...

Ain't nothin' changed since we learned to walk upright.

Well, some of us anyway.
Wrong Barry. Then we learned how to make fire and cook.

Two cannibals just got their hands on a corpse. One says to the other, "I'll start at the head, you start at the feet."

They start to eat, and after awhile the one at the head yells to the other one, "Hey, how's it going?"

The other replies, "I'm having a ball!"

Getting mad, the one at the head yells, "Dammit, slow down, you're eating too fast!"

Did you hear the one about the cannibal who passed his brother in the jungle the other day?

Two cannibals were eating a circus clown. One looked at the other and said "does this taste funny?".
You can take the wog out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of the wog.
Just another 'Vine Swinger'!!
At about the same time, SA has banned "doggy style" intercourse.

Perhaps one of the big thinkers here can connect the dots on any coincidence here. I'm drawing a blank.
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
"Cannibalism is found in its simplest form in Africa. In that continent the majority of cannibal tribes eat human flesh because they like it, and not from any magical motive or from lack of other animal food. In fact it is noticeable that the tribes most addicted to this practice inhabit just those districts where game is most plentiful. Among the true negroes it is confined mainly to the Welle and Ubangi districts, though found sporadically (and due to magical motives) on the west coast, and among the Bantu negroids in the south-western part of Belgian Congo and the Gabun." - 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

I acquired my knowledge about African culture mainly from reading Tarzan books.
The whole idea of that is gross. People surely don’t taste like chicken.
Originally Posted by hanco
The whole idea of that is gross. People surely don’t taste like chicken.

No. They taste like pork.
Damn, old old Rosy would feed a whole family for a week.
While I'd argue that cannibalism is grounds for leniency in the case of a murder on the grounds it's less wasteful, calling it ok is a bit of a stretch.
Originally Posted by Bristoe
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You mean this

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I remember reading an account of the French and Indian war in which a French Soldier was unknowingly fed a stew by the Indians which contained an unlucky Brit. He said it tasted like beef.

yours, tex
Originally Posted by Bristoe
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Those teeth look like our local meth heads' teeth...
same with how Messed up the face is....

Instead of the white farmers moving to Australia....
why doesn't the USA, Australia, Britain, New Zealand and Canada
just go take over South Africa again and get rid of all the natives?

its okay with liberals for the Africans to kill whites... but bad for the
whites to kill Africans...

recall an old internet joke ...

was a picture of two sharks, and a pair of black legs moving below the water...

one shark, says to the other... Oh, you can have him... he's black... damn things give me the Schitts.

I think that would apply to South Africa's minister here....

Escargot anjou, vichyssoise, turbot bette meuniere, prime rare roast of long pig.... and a side of Fries. grin

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