This is an example of people fighting back against the liberal/commie jack wagons who infect Hollyweird.LOL

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A crew laminated vinyl stars and placed them on blank squares in Hollywood.

Donald Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame — destroyed on several occasions by detractors who sometimes wield a pick-ax — mysteriously multiplied over night so that on Thursday morning there were several dozen stars.

The effort comes from a conservative street artist who wishes to remain anonymous, but says he was motivated not only by the destruction of the president's real star, but also a recent unanimous vote by the West Hollywood City Council to recommend the removal of Trump's star due to accusations he has mistreated women.

The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce and Los Angeles City Council haven't weighed in on the matter, but those who oppose the proposal note that others in Hollywood who have also been accused of mistreating women still have stars on the Walk of Fame, most notably Bill Cosby.

The anonymous artist says he's not done with his mission to preserve Trump's star. "Rip up the president's Walk of Fame star or try to have it removed — like you're the mayor of West Hollywood or something — and 30 more will pop up," the artist tells The Hollywood Reporter.

The artist and his cohorts, who call themselves "The Faction" and are allies of prolific conservative artist Sabo, spent $1,000 on the stars, which they printed on sheets of floor vinyl with adhesive backing, and their mission was partially financed by "a young and anonymous entrepreneur."

The crew laminated the vinyl stars and placed them on blank squares on the Walk of Fame, though kept them covered until all were secured into place so that onlookers would not know exactly what was happening.

"I didn't want to get hit over the head from behind. We thought Trump Derangement Syndrome was a joke, but I'm pretty sure it's real," the artist said. "If no one peels these off, they could last there for 10 years."

But those stars were peeled off. One Ripley's Believe It or Not! employee said the stars began to be peeled off because "we didn't want to have what happened to the old star here. Not only would the star be destroyed, but it would damage our property."

A member of the cleaning service that deals with daily graffiti and vandalism on the Walk of Fame said, "We started at 5 o'clock in the morning and we've found about 50 stars." A street vendor added, "I was surprised, it looked pretty real."

That's pretty funny smile
Where can I get one?

Making Bumper Stickers Great Again!
Awesome. Keep those heads exploding!
Take notice of the second picture.The Trump stars surround one of Trumps critics,the loathsome Rob Reiner.LOL

These guys,who pulled this off,sure have a sense of irony and humor.
The New Star of David..er Trump.

I’m sensing a Marketing opportunity here.
Make the Walk of Fame Great Again!
CHUCKLE. = I'd bet that whoever that the Trump-HATING MORON was, who destroyed DT's original star, now wishes that he/she had stayed home.

Put 'em over the lefties' stars, and let them destroy them...
So someone that supports DJT asked a liberal rag to remain anonymous? Wonder how long before they print his name and address after they promised anonymity? Think they’ll get hacked? Or maybe a flash drive will be stolen. Good on him for fighting back and I wish him safety against the Brown Shirts.
Originally Posted by FatCity67
The New Star of David..er Trump.

I’m sensing a Marketing opportunity here.

They could probably sell a bunch at $19.99 a pop. Glue 'em down on sidewalks all over the US. Drive liberals crazy!!
Originally Posted by fburgtx
Put 'em over the lefties' stars, and let them destroy them...

Interesting idea.........

WHY didn't I think of that??
(I have an old school chum who made "a goodly pile of bucks", when we were in college, for his idea of putting JEWISH sayings in bagels.)

yours, satx
I'd like to see somebody install a real one rigged to explode with bear spray every time somebody hits it with a sledge hammer. Put warning signs all around it and stand back. I'm sure some Social Justice goofball won't be paying attention.
I'll see it in person tomorrow...flying out to see daughter, hubby and our new Grandson. We always go to Hollywood to see what the weirdos are up to.
Originally Posted by Hawk_Driver
Awesome. Keep those heads exploding!

If they really wanted to mess with them, they should put one on the driveway leading up to the front door of the White House.

Or, put one on the floor in the Briefing Room right in front of where Jim Acosta sits.
Originally Posted by sportingspecialist
Take notice of the second picture.The Trump stars surround one of Trumps critics,the loathsome Rob Reiner.LOL ...

First thing I noticed as well !

IF the vandal was going to destroy a star, too bad that he didn't destroy some of the LEFTIST, ANTI-AMERICAN, Holly-WEIRD celebrities stars.

yours, tex
Originally Posted by fburgtx
Put 'em over the lefties' stars, and let them destroy them...

Bingo ......I'm going to get the word out ...
Nice! laugh
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