Posted By: JakeBlues Assassination by Allegation - 09/24/18
You guys know that this tactic of assassination by allegation will never go away now right? They don't even have to prove anything. All they have to do is drop a burning bag of schit on the porch, ring the door bell and run away. And their media Eichmanns will do the rest. They can grind any process we want to a halt any time they want to. After the election, if we have the nuclear option, we should use it on everything we can and just say fugk them. That's it.
Posted By: 45_100 Re: Assassination by Allegation - 09/24/18
Unfortunately I am afraid you are correct.

Their belief that murdering babies,promoting sodomy/homosexuality/pedophilia and Communism will make this a better nation,is at risk with the appointment of Kavanaugh.

Their desperation is palpable.
Posted By: jnyork Re: Assassination by Allegation - 09/24/18
Originally Posted by JakeBlues
You guys know that this tactic of assassination by allegation will never go away now right? They don't even have to prove anything. All they have to do is drop a burning bag of schit on the porch, ring the door bell and run away. And their media Eichmanns will do the rest. They can grind any process we want to a halt any time they want to. After the election, if we have the nuclear option, we should use it on everything we can and just say fugk them. That's it.

Exactly. The precedent has been set, the tactic works to perfection.
Posted By: bbassi Re: Assassination by Allegation - 09/24/18
On election night 2016, I went to bed knowing that when I woke in the morning Hillery would be President. As much as I wanted Trump I *Knew* he couldn't overcome the media/Democratic Juggernaut.

Don't quit now. There's still at least a quarter left to play. For phugs sake the Bills beat the Vikings today. ANYTHING is possible.
Rush has always said that the Democratic Party play book maintains it is the seriousness of the allegation that is the most important thing . . . the truth of the charge is irrelevant.
Originally Posted by sportingspecialist
Their belief that murdering babies,promoting sodomy/homosexuality/pedophilia and Communism will make this a better nation,is at risk with the appointment of Kavanaugh.

They truly are disgusting "human beings". And they never stop trying to convince everyone we are the monsters. Friggin bizarro world.
Posted By: Diesel Re: Assassination by Allegation - 09/24/18
Originally Posted by JakeBlues
You guys know that this tactic of assassination by allegation will never go away now right? They don't even have to prove anything. All they have to do is drop a burning bag of schit on the porch, ring the door bell and run away. And their media Eichmanns will do the rest. They can grind any process we want to a halt any time they want to. After the election, if we have the nuclear option, we should use it on everything we can and just say fugk them. That's it.

Spot on.

The Trump hating rinos are weak and all too willing to join the media and socialists in destroying another constitutional judge. Collins, flake and others will fall to the dems tactics once again.

The dems stalled just long enough to convince another wacko to jump on the band wagon. Wiley Coyote is hammered again by the roadrunner
How long will the people of this nation tolerate this crap. I sure have had enough.
Even if there's indisputable evidence that he's innocent, a legion of angry, ugly liberal women will claim the powerful white men of the world colluded to keep them down, "just like Trump did to Hillary". So it doesn't matter how this thing forks down the road, there will be a truth or untruth they will exploit to their ends. So screw it, just force whatever we can down their throats.
Posted By: hanco Re: Assassination by Allegation - 09/24/18
This is bad for our country!
Posted By: Calvin Re: Assassination by Allegation - 09/24/18
All I have seen is a dude that jump on a chick at a party, and sex didn't happen. And then in college, he whipped out his shlong in front of another gal who "thinks" it could have been him.

No proof. Plenty of people saying it didn't happen.

This is a joke.
It is a joke but it's all in the presentation. And of course, the Dems are masters at putting lip stick on a pig.

It makes NO difference that this "whole BIG deal" is a PACK of DIMocRAT'S LIES as to quote a DIMocRAT politician from 2007, "The only important thing is the seriousness of the claim made by the victim".


yours, tex
Posted By: 79S Re: Assassination by Allegation - 09/24/18
Ol President Trump is just sitting back bidding his time waiting to pounce on Chuck Schumer, Diane Fienstein and the rest of that crew. It will be a bad day for them when he does, while he's at it he will probably fire Jeff Sessions as well and Rosenstien. the next couple of week swill be very interesting ones for this country.
I thought the accused is innocent until proven guilty- but today these damn democrats will rain a Schit storm on people they don’t like and want everyone to go with the flow. No another worthy dike is out accusing kavanaugh so sexual assault because they know fords story doesn’t hold a drop of water.
I disagree, the public will catch on. A big percentage of those who claim to believe Ford only do so because they want to, it's a willful ignorance, but I'm betting the truth is, only about 25% of Americans really can't see what is going on.
we all know this is about putting anti gun people in charge of the supreme court. for the libtards that's all they want is to be able to change the laws and take our rights away. I think its time the gun owners of this country spoke loudly . we need a few million people to gather and tell these idiots to stop the stupid chit or we will just kill them off.i think we've about come to the point that its the only way to shut them up.
Originally Posted by OrangeOkie
Rush has always said that the Democratic Party play book maintains it is the seriousness of the allegation that is the most important thing . . . the truth of the charge is irrelevant.

Yeah, that goes all the way back to the Iran-Contra thing, when some Democrat was trying to have Bush the First investigated, and said that it was the seriousness of the charge that mattered, not the amount of proof.

I have always believed in the importance of sticking to the rules, and going through the motions of due process, when it comes to such things as nominating a SCOTUS judge. But, it would not bother me in the least if Trump said "screw y'all, I'm going to name Brett Kavanaugh to the SCOTUS right now, and screw anyone that tries to stop me."

I know that sexual assaults happen, but I also know that not every man is guilty of having committed one. But, there is no doubt in my mind that ANY candidate that Trump nominates from here on out is going to be accused of it. Most of these accusers are women who probably wish some man had groped them.
Originally Posted by hanco
This is bad for our country!

Understatement of the century.
Thoroughly sickening.

Something needs to change.
Originally Posted by bbassi
..........For phugs sake the Bills beat the Vikings today. ANYTHING is possible.
It took hours to wipe the grin off my face... laugh laugh
It has been working with surprising regularity. Judge Roy Moore was the latest to go down in defeat due to baseless allegations. It might not have the desired effect on Judge Kavanagh due to the high percentage of women in support of him.
Originally Posted by rainshot
It has been working with surprising regularity. Judge Roy Moore was the latest to go down in defeat due to baseless allegations. It might not have the desired effect on Judge Kavanagh due to the high percentage of women in support of him.

I think there is a big difference between Moore and Kavanaugh. Moore was a loose cannon to begin with, and probably should have never gotten as far politically as he did, while there is absolutely nothing on Kavanaugh's record to show he is anywhere close to what he's being portrayed as being.
Posted By: RAS Re: Assassination by Allegation - 09/24/18
Because these are tactics of the Democratic Party, I have come to the following.

If there isn’t a Red wave in November, then the country is pretty much in the toilet.

Due Process is a fabric of our society. Kavanaugh has been denied that, and it angers me. But Bill Clinton speaks everywhere and applauded as a hero by these people. Ted Kennedy killed a woman. Another hero of the Left. Every GOP nominee for anything is going to be accused as a predator from now on, if this tactic is successful.

Absolutely play hard ball with these people. Take the vote, and confirm. The GOP will not suffer for it in November. Right minded people know this a game at this point.

Originally Posted by JamesJr
Originally Posted by rainshot
It has been working with surprising regularity. Judge Roy Moore was the latest to go down in defeat due to baseless allegations. It might not have the desired effect on Judge Kavanagh due to the high percentage of women in support of him.

I think there is a big difference between Moore and Kavanaugh. Moore was a loose cannon to begin with, and probably should have never gotten as far politically as he did, while there is absolutely nothing on Kavanaugh's record to show he is anywhere close to what he's being portrayed as being.

Yes, Judge Moore was a strong supporter of the 10 commandments. As you know the liberals have a hard time will these and anyone who supports them. Hasbeen
I know one thing..........I sure as hell will vote this November! And will attempt to get every Republican I know to do the same!
Congress needs to pass laws who make people accountable for false accusations...

they are essentially lying to a congressional investigation..

why is that not prosecuted when they prosecute others for other reasons, by lying to congress..

both the liars, those behind the scenes paying them to come forward ALL need to be prosecuted...

that would end this democRATic process in a hurry...

While all of this over Kavanaugh is going on, what about the accusations with proof against Keith Ellison
from Minnesota..... seems he can get away with his physical abuses to women because he is a black, a Muslim and a democRAT....

what about Bill Clinton, Hillary, Bob Menendez... etc etc etc...

Republicans need to quit being Mr Nice Guy and start playing hardball with these damn democRATS...
use their rule book on them and start prosecuting their political improprieties...

play by your opponents rule book....nice guys finish last.
Originally Posted by Barkoff
I disagree, the public will catch on. A big percentage of those who claim to believe Ford only do so because they want to, it's a willful ignorance, but I'm betting the truth is, only about 25% of Americans really can't see what is going on.

I think you give the general population way too much credit. I would say 50% of the country believes it because that's what their Trump hating politicians tell them to think.
Also, notice how the 2nd allegation came right when their plan started losing a little steam? After the initial knee jerk reaction, people started asking hard questions about the credibility of the accusations, then BOOM, 2nd allegation. So now the strategy is not standing behind any given accuser, but instead creating a pattern of accusations. After all, even if there isn't a shred of proof, if there a pattern, he must be guilty right? Don't be surprised if there's a 3rd by week's end.
I'm sure they already have several phony accusation letters "in the can." But something is going awry. Even the New York Slimes is expressing doubts that the second one is true.
I would say that establishing a new standard should worry Democrats as well as Repubilcans but Democrats would already have had their nominee confirmed.
There will be another accuser every few days till this is over. It's in the playbook.
There needs to be hell to pay.

EXACTLY SO. = ImVho, it needs to be prohibited to make any accusation against any nominee for federal office, absent a firm notification that all accusations MUST be made UNDER OATH & a notification given that them accuser will be prosecuted for criminal perjury, IF they make false statements.

yours, tex
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