Posted By: g5m CNN UNhappy with the President! - 06/19/19
Hard to imagine that they would be:

LOL, that’s great!
The Propaganda Corps will make up most of the initial casualties on the coming battlefield.
Every day, they criticize Trump, but heaven forbid, THEY are criticized. Name another “profession” where lack of “due diligence” in doing your job reqquires nothing more than issuing a “correction”?? Where else do you actually have to show “malicious intent” to be held accountable??

The rest of us, in the “real world”, have “standards of practice” we are held to, and face litigation if we do not adhere to such practices. The media and government employees do whatever they want, and get by with a correction or apology...
Originally Posted by Stormin_Norman
LOL, that’s great!

Yep. I love it when Trump makes Libertard Heads explode.

MAGA in 2020 !!!
The left, democrats, liberals, communist, socialist, islamites, the news media, and globalist want power/control of the American people. They hate Americans, the Constitution, and the US
LOL, Perfect!!
CNN's heads are so far up their collective arsses - they are blind to the real news.
Elite's Utopia
The elite's utopia is not the Star Trek federation ideal but rather and complete controlled on dominated society consisting of the elite and their slaves.
Population Reduction to less than 1 Billion people
The elite firmly believe the earth is overpopulated and the population must by any and all means (war, starvation and pandemics included) be reduced to less than 1 billion people. The elite believe that the current level of resource consumption is unsustainable in the long run and consequently the world must enter a post industrial society once again based on a form of scientific feudalism.
Originally Posted by mtnsnake
The left, democrats, liberals, communist, socialist, islamites, the news media, and globalist want power/control of the American people. They hate Americans, the Constitution, and the US

Enemies Domestic.
Typical bullies....they can dish it out, but can't take it..
Trump needz to stop doging them.... ..while pointing at them call them dnc cheerleaders!
Here's a better one:


And here's and even better one: https://www.yelp.com/biz/orlando-sentinel-orlando-5

...and another: Readers react to Orlando Sentinel’s ‘not Donald Trump’ 2020 endorsement
CNN and the Democrats colluding in lock step to affect the 2020 election. Who needs the Russians!

Like that bought and paid for communist bag of asshandles ever contributed anything positive to our country.
Does anyone really GAF what CNN sez/does???
CNN is a cancer on America.
A fellow named Mathis (I think that is his name) back in the early 1800s said Europe had outstripped its food production and the world would if the population grew too much. Never happened in 200 years.

Doom and gloom predictors do not factor in things such as:

1. Better farming tools, equipment.
2. Hybrid plants resulting in much higher yields.
3. Greenhouse farming (the Netherlands produces so much food in greenhouses, it is exported to other European countries, it is the 3rd largest exporter of food in the world, and a really small country).
4. Electrical power to operate these greenhouses on year round bases.
5. Chickens grown in greenhouse, catfish in farm ponds, tilapia in tanks.
6. Better transportation systems to bring food to everyone, highways, railroads, shipping.

I read a book that said America could support a population the size of China with our current standard of living. It would have to build more nuclear power plants, grow more food in greenhouses, but it could be done.

Hmm. Like global warming, it is the lefts idea of control. China with it's one child policy, but look, they are adapting capitalism to produce for them and their standard of living is rising and they are feeding themselves, as well as India. I remember reading in the 1960's that by the mid-70's China and India would have massive starvation. Hmm, hybrid crops were developed and solved that problem.

Also, substitute materials were and are being developed for materials in short supply. Copper pipes being replaced with plastic for instance. Fracking for more oil and natural gas. Computer chips to replace transistors and vacuum tubes. Simple things that have been replaced over time. Also most of our metals are recycled now. Aluminum, copper, as well as steel, even paper.

People in capitalist countries find a way, find substitutes, recycle, and are more productive.
Live tv of people shouting "CNN sucks" is the closest CNN has come to actual reporting in ages.
Talk about a bunch of whiners!

This non-endorsement isn’t defaulting to whomever the Democrats choose. This newspaper has a history of presidential appointments favoring Republicans starting in the mid-20th century. Except for Lyndon Johnson in 1964, the Sentinel backed Republican presidential nominees from 1952 through 2004, when we recommended John Kerry over another four years of George W. Bush.
As recently as 2012 we recommended Republican Mitt Romney because of what seemed at the time to be Obama’s failure to adequately manage the nation’s finances.
If — however unlikely — a Republican like Romney, now a senator from Utah, or former Ohio Gov. John Kasich successfully primaried the president, we would eagerly give them a look. Same if an independent candidate mounted a legitimate campaign.
We’d even consider backing Trump if, say, he found the proverbial cure for cancer or — about as likely — changed the essence of who he is (he won’t).
The nation must endure another 1½ years of Trump. But it needn’t suffer another four beyond that.
We can do better. We have to do better.

The OS Editorial Board is busy patting itself on the back for backing GOP candidates from 1954-2004. My wife grew up in Orlando and her family is still there. Orlando of 2020 isn't the sam Orlando of 1960, 1990 or even 2004. The newspaper business certainly is NOT the same.

Meanwhile, Trump draws larger crowds and has more enthusiasm than any other candidate. He has the power of incumbency. He has a strong economy. (love how the Orlando Sentinel praises Obama for seeing the market in his first 2 years 50%+ yet didn't endorse him due to "Obama’s failure to adequately manage the nation’s finances." Which is it? Was Obama the genius for making the markets roar after the banking crisis (ha!) or and idiot for doubling the debt? (Winner!)

The OS is butthurt because Trump is willing to fight back against the MSM, which they are part of. The fact that they'd come out the FIRST day of his campaign with such a stance shows they have TDS in a bad way.
Surely, they KNOW they suck, don't they? Everyone else knows. Everyone that matters.
I stopped buying Levi decades ago, for being anti gun.
I stopped buying NIKE a year ago for being liberal.
Well of course CNN cut the cameras, if they would have left them on they would be televising the truth and we all know that "truth" and CNN go together like oil and water.
Originally Posted by kenjs1
Live tv of people shouting "CNN sucks" is the closest CNN has come to actual reporting in ages.

And they cut away from it.
Clinton news network =one way noise
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