Incredible presentation. Thanks for sharing.
Sorry bastid will prolly kill a bunch of folks this year with bad prescriptions. smirk whistle

Yep, too many skinny people with uncontrollable blood sugar and subsequent retinal atrophy without any signs of diabetic retinopathy.

Som ting wong.
Originally Posted by jaguartx
Sorry bastid will prolly kill a bunch of folks this year with bad prescriptions. smirk whistle

Yep, too many skinny people with uncontrollable blood sugar and subsequent retinal atrophy without any signs of diabetic retinopathy.

Som ting wong.


Keep your head up the AMA ass.The proof for type 2 diabetes control has been around a very long time. Suggesting you can prove a negative with your absurd statement is pathetic. Too bad you failed to listen to the video, But if you refuse to understand the difference between correlation and cause-and-effect you would never get it anyway.
Oh, forgot the truly pathetic part...

Type 2 diabetes is routinely controlled via diet sans ALL prescriptions. Attached as you obviously are to Big Pharma's nipple the concept of flying solo probably scares you...
Whoo,Touchy, touchy.

Routinely on Most people, but what about those who can't est enough to stay alive without running high blood sugar.

Well, its plain to see you should have been a diabetic specialist.
Originally Posted by jaguartx
Whoo,Touchy, touchy.

Routinely on Most people, but what about those who can't est enough to stay alive without running high blood sugar.

Well, its plain to see you should have been a diabetic specialist.

If you had a clue...

Argumentum ad absurdum is a weak attempt at undermining a serious problem complicated by [bleep] that created the patient you use as an example.
Patients, patients who go blind from diabetes without ever developing diabetic retinopathy.

So, the good dr was fine in his initial consideration of the lady needing amputation. Ok.

You would have undoubtedly made a great doc.
Originally Posted by jaguartx

You would have undoubtedly made a great doc.

You obviously did not...
You first lied saying I didnt watch the video. You just stated the second one. I have a few hundred patients who would disagree.

Let me act as stupid as you. You're not worth a crap at what you do, and that can be proven by a previous customer or two. wink whistle

I never kept any eyeball I worked on. grin

I guess we can now see what an asswhole one of your customers claimed you to be. frown
You are NOT an Endocrinologist. You are an antiquated Opthalmologist with a very narrow view of research done two decades ago. Arguments to Authority ("My patients love me") are bullshit and without them you have no where to go. And I may very well be inflating your credentials.

There are few posters that could make a post against me that would concern me less than yours. You cannot even do a simple cut and paste when posting another of your constant barrage of idiotic links to yawnville. You cannot be bothered to make a comment on your posts, let alone a simple cut and posts so no one has to go down the same ridiculous rabbitholes you seem to love.

You also appear to be a total dipshit when posting things you have no clue about. Please enlighten all on what you have not the first clue about, again.

Please [bleep] off and die.

And on the diabetes research, you are decades behind outdated..
Oh, there is a huge difference between accusing you of not watching the video and thinking you may have watched it.

Based on your response there are but two possible assumptions:
1) You did watch the video and you are an idiot.

2) You did not watch the video and wanted to accuse me of lying, and you are an idiot.

I've watched a good bit pf Peter Attia's lectures. I'm pretty sure he is much smarter than most of his critics.

Thanks RDW, for helping get the word out.
As a nurse with strong background in oncology, orthopedics and chronic illness, I was very impressed with this doctor's presentation. I too share a deep bias against overweight patients. But I had to so some memory searching and have to admit, that overweight patients in my experience were more likely to have co-morbidities like heart disease and musculoskeletal issues, but not necessarily diabetes. I've given a schidt load of insulin to skinny people.
"I've given a schidt load of insulin to skinny people."

I've never known a skinny person that Type 2 diabetes. I worked with one diabetic guy that looked skinny because he had no muscle tissue but he had fat around his belly and was an alcoholic.
Originally Posted by Sitka deer
You are NOT an Endocrinologist. You are an antiquated Opthalmologist with a very narrow view of research done two decades ago. Arguments to Authority ("My patients love me") are bullshit and without them you have no where to go. And I may very well be inflating your credentials.

There are few posters that could make a post against me that would concern me less than yours. You cannot even do a simple cut and paste when posting another of your constant barrage of idiotic links to yawnville. You cannot be bothered to make a comment on your posts, let alone a simple cut and posts so no one has to go down the same ridiculous rabbitholes you seem to love.

You also appear to be a total dipshit when posting things you have no clue about. Please enlighten all on what you have not the first clue about, again.

Please [bleep] off and die.

And on the diabetes research, you are decades behind outdated..


But hey, its not nice to question the "Odessa I Doctor". laugh
I liked that presentation. Metabolic Syndrome IS a very important problem today. It was first called Syndrome X when early work was being done. Studies have shown that the combo of high triglyceride and low HDL is about as bad as high cholesterol regarding cardiovascular risks.

Triglyceride is made from glucose. By engaging in an Atkins type, glucose fast, high triglyceride levels can be radically lowered in just a few weeks. Now, there are issues with the Atkins approach, I don't think it's the answer to all of life's problems, but it is what it is, does what it does.

Exercise is also important in addressing insulin resistance. But, as Dr. Attia noted, there is no one answer. Genetics play a role, for sure.

Another interesting tidbit. Some with high cholesterol don't have CV problems. Some with normal cholesterol have CV issues. Statins used to lower cholesterol may have their biggest impact as an anti inflammatory agent, cutting down vascular inflammation and thus vascular disease. It's not all as it seems. Mysteries still exist.


Originally Posted by victoro
"I've given a schidt load of insulin to skinny people."

I've never known a skinny person that Type 2 diabetes. I worked with one diabetic guy that looked skinny because he had no muscle tissue but he had fat around his belly and was an alcoholic.

I have seen many...
Originally Posted by Sitka deer
Originally Posted by victoro
"I've given a schidt load of insulin to skinny people."

I've never known a skinny person that Type 2 diabetes. I worked with one diabetic guy that looked skinny because he had no muscle tissue but he had fat around his belly and was an alcoholic.

I have seen many...

Are you sure they are all Type II?

I’ve seen many diabetics and the only thin ones I recall are Type I. Not saying it’s not so, but my observation.
Yup, and I know a few type I.
OK, I listened to it all. Nothing ground breaking or earth shattering there. There is no 100% known truth of what causes insulin resistance. Many assume it’s our increased diet of refined foods. That’s really not a new way of thinking. Cut out the corn syrup and limit how much food you eat that comes in a box/bag. Cook with actual meat and vegetables. Still won’t reduce your risk to nothing as diabetes has always been around.

Try to eat right. Exercise. Hope you have great genetics. If those don’t work, look for a doc you trust. Contrary to some opinions, I’ve yet to work with a doc who gives one [bleep] about big pharma, so every doc out there isn’t just doing what makes someone else rich.

My experience is it’s 50/50 if a patient will stick to a decent diet or not. Diabetes patients can be extremely frustrating to treat as some just want drugs to make up for their bad diet. You're stuck with watching them kill themselves quickly without your help or slowly with your help. My goal is always to get people off drugs or use less, but that not always the patients. Current guidelines are for 3-6 months of behavior modification prior to starting any drugs. Those who are motivated to make changes often need less drugs or no drugs at all.
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