
The Democratic Party is the party of slavery. Thanks to the Democrats’ cartoonish clown car of presidential candidates, the party of slavery is now the party of reparations for slavery.
This stampede of opportunistic dilettantes — conducting self-promotion campaigns posing as presidential bids — have all endorsed Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s (D-TX) resolution, H.R. 40, calling for a commission to “study and develop reparation proposals for African-Americans” and a national apology from the government “for the perpetration of gross human rights violations and crimes against humanity on African slaves and their descendants.”

Rep. Lee is not an idiot. Perhaps a quarter century in Washington has convinced her that you are. Why spend millions to fund a Congressional commission to study what we already know to be true? The Democratic Party is the party of slavery.

More in link above...
Yes Sir, you are absolutely correct. History confirms this. The KKK was the first Democrat PAC. Geeze, look at former senator Robert Byrd for pete's sake. Grand dragon, or whatever he was in the KKK. The dems gave glowing eulogies when he died. The democrats sure did figure out how to keep a lot of blacks on the modern day plantations, only now they are called projects/welfare. But the only product coming from them is votes for their masters so they can keep getting their "free" stuff and stay on the plantation, as it were.
Democrats: Always Exploiting Blacks by Whatever Means Available
The extent of my contribution will be a bucket of piss.
I'm going to tell you people something, and it will do no good whatsoever because some of you are either blind as a bat, or dumb as a box of rocks when it comes to this.........but there is absolutely no comparison whatsoever between the Democrat Party of today and the Democrat Party of the slavery era. As a matter of fact, if anything, the Democrat Party of today is more like the Republican Party of that time period than anything else.

Why........just as the Republican Party of Lincoln loved the Negro and wanted to free, today's Democrat Part also loves the Negro and has given them the keys to the kingdom. Just as Lincoln and Republicans chit all over the Constitution and wouldn't allow the Southern States to leave in peace, today's Democrats have also crapped all over the Constitution and wish to change it in order to suit themselves. The Republicans in the post War Between the States treated the Whites who had not agreed with them like criminals, taking away their rights, disarming them, and promoting the Negro ahead of them.......sounds familiar when compared to todays Democrats, doesn't it, who have decided that Whites don't count anymore.
Pretty much how I see it as well, except I'd say they don't love blacks, just black votes. There's no end to the way they prostitute themselves to pander for votes. Look at the way they pander to illegal immigrants and Hispanics. Gays and transgender as well. Everyone with two functioning brain cells knows there's only male and female. But the liberals are willing to go along with this mental illness for votes. They're playing low information voters. Hell, they're playing everybody.
Democrats aren't anyone's friends. They'll play that way for votes, but once they get control the mask will come off and the monster will show itself.
They care about power and the money that comes with power. People will find out it's just a game, and people lose. The winners are the ones in power.
Originally Posted by JamesJr
I'm going to tell you people something, and it will do no good whatsoever because some of you are either blind as a bat, or dumb as a box of rocks when it comes to this.........but there is absolutely no comparison whatsoever between the Democrat Party of today and the Democrat Party of the slavery era. As a matter of fact, if anything, the Democrat Party of today is more like the Republican Party of that time period than anything else.

Why........just as the Republican Party of Lincoln loved the Negro and wanted to free, today's Democrat Part also loves the Negro and has given them the keys to the kingdom. Just as Lincoln and Republicans chit all over the Constitution and wouldn't allow the Southern States to leave in peace, today's Democrats have also crapped all over the Constitution and wish to change it in order to suit themselves. The Republicans in the post War Between the States treated the Whites who had not agreed with them like criminals, taking away their rights, disarming them, and promoting the Negro ahead of them.......sounds familiar when compared to todays Democrats, doesn't it, who have decided that Whites don't count anymore.


Look up Dred Scott before you go spouting off about crapping on the Constitution, states rights and all the rest. You know, using the Federal government to get your way, ironically by a purely political Court.

Why are there any black people here? Did Lincoln and the Republicans bring them?
Originally Posted by keith_dunlap
Democrats: Always Exploiting Blacks by Whatever Means Available

I think the taxpayers are the ones being exploited.
Gee, a black lady with the name "Jackson Lee"; do people need an article to figure out the rest?
Originally Posted by HawkI
Gee, a black lady with the name "Jackson Lee"; do people need an article to figure out the rest?

Shouldn't she be forced to change her name.
What's the difference between reparations and welfare ? Nothing; really. It's free money either way. Except reparations is more "honorable". Slavery is outlawed but the democrats and welfare keep plenty of blacks on the "plantation" with just enough freebies to ensure they get taken care of but never get anywhere. Sort of like the old sexist mantra about women; " Keep 'em barefoot and pregnant" . Look at every major city that's been democrat controlled for decades. Chicago, Philly, Baltimore, etc...... Tons of welfare, lousy schools, breakdown of families, lousy government services, etc. etc. but it's never the fault of those running the show. It's always blamed on someone or something else.
Originally Posted by 22250rem
What's the difference between reparations and welfare ? Nothing; really. It's free money either way. Except reparations is more "honorable". Slavery is outlawed but the democrats and welfare keep plenty of blacks on the "plantation" with just enough freebies to ensure they get taken care of but never get anywhere. Sort of like the old sexist mantra about women; " Keep 'em barefoot and pregnant" . Look at every major city that's been democrat controlled for decades. Chicago, Philly, Baltimore, etc...... Tons of welfare, lousy schools, breakdown of families, lousy government services, etc. etc. but it's never the fault of those running the show. It's always blamed on someone or something else.

Reparations for what?

I've never seen or owned a slave in all my life.

Now.. back to the bucket of piss..
Let the DNC pay all the reparations; they had all the slaves.
Then let the registered dems pick up the tab
There should be no tab, not even for the demoncraps. If anything we should charge the blacks for the free ride their ancestors had to the greatest country in history.
It’s just a different kind of slavery.
Just another way the communists, err democrats have figured out to take more money from those who have jobs so they can give it to those who don't because they really don't want to work. Screw that!
Paul B.
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