I'll just leave this here.


Walters said he had faith that God would protect Word of Life from coronavirus.

“If there’s one person in this place, or two people, three people, perhaps, who may be carrying the coronavirus, we declare you’re healed in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah,” he said over the claps and cheers of his congregation.
Kiss the viper
Don't worry....
If you catch it ,I'll transfer it to a herd of pigs and run them off a cliff.
Uh huh. That'll work as well as a necklace of pike bones preserved people from the Black Death plague.
If you think so---
When our church roof started leaking, we raised money for a new roof, and prayed for the money.
I wonder if anyone in the church has ever spread a cold or influenza to anyone else in the congregation?
Originally Posted by Sauer200

Walters said he had faith that God would protect Word of Life from coronavirus.

“If there’s one person in this place, or two people, three people, perhaps, who may be carrying the coronavirus, we declare you’re healed in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah,” he said over the claps and cheers of his congregation.

Dumbass. Ask Rev. Walter how that worked out during the Black Plague, or any of the other pandemics that have afflicted the West since ~33 AD.
It makes people feel better, I guess.
If God created everything then he created Corona virus too. Pretty bold of them to go against God's plan like that.
God decides life or death. If it death, then you serve a new master.
There were a total of 13 people in local hospitals, with 2 deaths related to the Coronavirus. All were members of the same church. Some have recovered enough to go home, but some still there. No other cases locally that I'm aware of.
Beware of a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Originally Posted by justin10mm
If God created everything then he created Corona virus too. Pretty bold of them to go against God's plan like that.

Maybe they think if C19 takes them out it will only
hasten their passage to heaven, yet many other
Christians seem very afraid of meeting their maker
in paradise via C19.
God's gonna give em new fresh lungs when they gets to hevum....
God will protect the congregation from Corona-virus, just like he protected the Pentecostal Pastor from Kentucky.

see: https://abcnews.go.com/US/snake-handling-pentecostal-pastor-dies-snake-bite/story?id=22551754
Donot tempt thy God
Pastor Fubar?
Maybe God will protect that pastor when he gets sued and/or thrown in jail.
Just like the anti vaccine nut jobs
Originally Posted by JMR40
There were a total of 13 people in local hospitals, with 2 deaths related to the Coronavirus. All were members of the same church. Some have recovered enough to go home, but some still there. No other cases locally that I'm aware of.

Our Lady of Blessed Door Knob Lickers?
Lol. Some people ain’t got the sense God gave ‘em.

I just hope they don’t spread it to non-nut jobs.
Sounds like what a cult leader would say to his followers, then say the ones that caught it "had sinned."
Originally Posted by Sauer200
I'll just leave this here.


Walters said he had faith that God would protect Word of Life from coronavirus.

“If there’s one person in this place, or two people, three people, perhaps, who may be carrying the coronavirus, we declare you’re healed in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah,” he said over the claps and cheers of his congregation.

Its not God that protects, its God that gives us the ability to learn and understand and therefore, IF we pay attention, survive.

You know, the truck, the boat and the helicopter thing.... Duh.
My Dad often said, "God dislikes cowardice". Actually, his words were, "God hates a coward" but I knew what he meant. Anyway, I take it to mean that God will provide through our efforts.
I wonder which denomination will fair the best?
Originally Posted by rost495
Originally Posted by Sauer200
I'll just leave this here.


Walters said he had faith that God would protect Word of Life from coronavirus.

“If there’s one person in this place, or two people, three people, perhaps, who may be carrying the coronavirus, we declare you’re healed in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah,” he said over the claps and cheers of his congregation.

Its not God that protects, its God that gives us the ability to learn and understand and therefore, IF we pay attention, survive.

You know, the truck, the boat and the helicopter thing.... Duh.

I believe in guardian angels, you must not.
I want people there so they can donate.
And if I put a loaded gun to my head and pull the trigger, god is going to prevent the gun from going off. God can't protect you from stupidity.
Originally Posted by JGRaider
Originally Posted by rost495
Originally Posted by Sauer200
I'll just leave this here.


Walters said he had faith that God would protect Word of Life from coronavirus.

“If there’s one person in this place, or two people, three people, perhaps, who may be carrying the coronavirus, we declare you’re healed in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah,” he said over the claps and cheers of his congregation.

Its not God that protects, its God that gives us the ability to learn and understand and therefore, IF we pay attention, survive.

You know, the truck, the boat and the helicopter thing.... Duh.

I believe in guardian angels, you must not.
I believe in them too. But I also know God educated me to do the best I can for myself. I'm not waiting around for protection, I do what I can. Its why I carry a gun. Its why we lay low when a flu or crud thing breaks out, not to mention this. Its why we stash a bit of food etc.. for rainy days. Cash too.... I'm not going to just sit back and be waited on by God....YMMV and it may work for you. My understanding is God teaches me to be self sufficient.

And when my mom was ignorant to her surroundings years ago the voice from the back seat of the empty car on the way home in the country that said you are being followed... well that was a guardian angel.
Guardian angels appear to be very selective in their work.
Originally Posted by TheSOB
And if I put a loaded gun to my head and pull the trigger, god is going to prevent the gun from going off. God can't protect you from stupidity.

And when you see the guardian angel loading
and cocking the weapon for you,...
It must be Spring - I can hear the mockingbirds.
Originally Posted by P_Weed
It must be Spring - I can hear the mockingbirds.

How can anyone look at the world and say that there are guardian angels at work?

If a situation is survivable, the odds are that there will be survivors....even if it's a sole survivor of a plane crash, where with a bit harder impact nobody survives.

People fixate on seemingly miraculous cases while forgetting all the tragic deaths.
Originally Posted by rost495
I believe in them too. But I also know God educated me to do the best I can for myself. I'm not waiting around for protection, I do what I can. Its why I carry a gun. Its why we lay low when a flu or crud thing breaks out, not to mention this. Its why we stash a bit of food etc.. for rainy days. Cash too.... I'm not going to just sit back and be waited on by God....YMMV and it may work for you. My understanding is God teaches me to be self sufficient.

And when my mom was ignorant to her surroundings years ago the voice from the back seat of the empty car on the way home in the country that said you are being followed... well that was a guardian angel.

That''s great for the things you can control, not so great for the many things that you can't.
Scary thing is that there are parishioners here who think they are above the laws of nature and want to keep congregating. Like a bunch of vermin breeding and spreading the contagion through society.
Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by P_Weed
It must be Spring - I can hear the mockingbirds.

How can anyone look at the world and say that there are guardian angels at work?

If a situation is survivable, the odds are that there will be survivors....even if it's a sole survivor of a plane crash, where with a bit harder impact nobody survives.

People fixate on seemingly miraculous cases while forgetting all the tragic deaths.

And how can anyone be so blinded as to not see their work in the world?
Originally Posted by moosemike
Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by P_Weed
It must be Spring - I can hear the mockingbirds.

How can anyone look at the world and say that there are guardian angels at work?

If a situation is survivable, the odds are that there will be survivors....even if it's a sole survivor of a plane crash, where with a bit harder impact nobody survives.

People fixate on seemingly miraculous cases while forgetting all the tragic deaths.

And how can anyone be so blinded as to not see their work in the world?

Could mean that you see something that doesn't exist - it is treatable these days I believe
God lives, and will be be sending His answer soon enough,,
Originally Posted by moosemike
Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by P_Weed
It must be Spring - I can hear the mockingbirds.

How can anyone look at the world and say that there are guardian angels at work?

If a situation is survivable, the odds are that there will be survivors....even if it's a sole survivor of a plane crash, where with a bit harder impact nobody survives.

People fixate on seemingly miraculous cases while forgetting all the tragic deaths.

And how can anyone be so blinded as to not see their work in the world?

If it was there to see, there would be no dispute....nobody argues over the existence of material objects and events that leave an evidence trail. Nobody argues over the existence of the verifiable things of the world, just matters of faith.
When this is all over this summer, hopefully, it would be great fun and instructive if we had the data and could put it in a spreadsheet, and see which denomination had the highest survival rate. Then we would know for sure...who , exactly were the "chosen ones". The Holy Roman Empire has the most treasure, and that is a very big deal, but they have been in business longer than the upstart protestants, so just wealth alone is not a fair way to judge which brand name carries the most weight with the gods. Truth in advertising should be our motto.
I have seen too many bad things happen to good people to believe that being a Christian protects you from pain and suffering. Doesn’t mean that He isn’t with you or that he isn’t using it for a greater good. Sometimes it just doesn’t make sense to us.
A natural world that offers no preferences to anyone or anything makes sense because that it how the world appears to work.
Originally Posted by MadMooner
Lol. Some people ain’t got the sense God gave ‘em.

I just hope they don’t spread it to non-nut jobs.

Originally Posted by 12344mag
Pastor Fubar?

Damn that’s funny !!
Joan of Arc was a catholic that claimed she
heard and saw angels telling her to take up
the sword...

Joan was later captured by Anglo-Burgundian forces,
tried for witchcraft and heresy and burned at the
stake with no guardian angel intervention.

Originally Posted by Starman
Joan of Arc was a catholic that claimed she
heard and saw angels telling her to take up
the sword...

Joan was later captured by Anglo-Burgundian forces,
tried for witchcraft and heresy and burned at the
stake with no guardian angel intervention.

You don’t fuggin say !
As I understand it God gave man free will.

You are free to be stupid
Your stupidity can and will be used against you in a court of Darwinism.
You are entitled to a lawyer. If you cannot afford a lawyer, TS, Sherlock

A lawyer can't help stupid anyway, tho It has been tried.
As I understand it man says god gave man free will - I think it's all Chinese whispers though
Originally Posted by ringworm
Don't worry....
If you catch it ,I'll transfer it to a herd of pigs and run them off a cliff.

So, good deal. I'm happy to know that. BTW, uh, just when did you become GOD anyway?
Originally Posted by Sauer200
I'll just leave this here.


Walters said he had faith that God would protect Word of Life from coronavirus.

“If there’s one person in this place, or two people, three people, perhaps, who may be carrying the coronavirus, we declare you’re healed in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah,” he said over the claps and cheers of his congregation.

Though shalt not test the Lord, thy God....

Totally healed is perfect. Not of this earth anymore. Dead. Passed over. Healed. In the great hereafter.
To you, death is finality. The end. The all is over.

Sad, when there is so much more. For some, there is evermore.
Sauer, how could it be that if a viper bites you and another viper bites a Christian and both of you die from the bite, that the Lords words are still true? The viper truly has not harmed one of them, according to HIM

Can you figure out how that could be, because that's the way it is, like it or not.
Originally Posted by las
As I understand it God gave man free will.

You are free to be stupid
Your stupidity can and will be used against you in a court of Darwinism.
You are entitled to a lawyer. If you cannot afford a lawyer, TS, Sherlock

A lawyer can't help stupid anyway, tho It has been tried.

Do people choose to be stupid? They have the option to be either an Einstein or an Idiot, but no, they choose stupidity because they have free will?
Originally Posted by TheSOB
God can't protect you from stupidity.

God can protect us from our our stupidity and probably does more than we know. There is nothing that God cannot do.

Saying that, it's best not to temp Him

Luke 4:12 KJV "And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God."
yea the Kentucky Govoner last week ,asked Churches to volunteer to shut down there services ,during this.A Pulaski county church held services anyway ,guess what ,right before that a person went to a church confrence in california and got the virus ,not knowing it ,came back ,went to church and now 40 people she infected at that church service are in quarinten
Originally Posted by Starman
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What did sphincter say?
The thing that allows people to function and even be charitable in the midst of pandemics is their faith that God's will be done, not that they will necessarily be spared from it.
Originally Posted by Slope77
I have seen too many bad things happen to good people to believe that being a Christian protects you from pain and suffering. Doesn’t mean that He isn’t with you or that he isn’t using it for a greater good. Sometimes it just doesn’t make sense to us.
Christianity is the only religion I'm aware of that guarantees pain and suffering. smile

But it also says the suffering doesn't have to be in vain.
Originally Posted by gonehuntin
Originally Posted by Sauer200
Walters said he had faith that God would protect Word of Life from coronavirus.

“If there’s one person in this place, or two people, three people, perhaps, who may be carrying the coronavirus, we declare you’re healed in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah,” he said over the claps and cheers of his congregation.

Dumbass. Ask Rev. Walter how that worked out during the Black Plague, or any of the other pandemics that have afflicted the West since ~33 AD.
It worked out great. Catholics were the only ones tending to the sick.
To say that God will protect you from disease is one of the most foolhardy things I've heard. He may, He may not. To say that He will as a fact implies that through all the plagues, epidemics and pandemics no Christians died. That would be a foolish belief.

What God does is encourage you through the ordeal. Faith implies lack of fear. That does not mean you take foolish risks but act wisely. It does not mean you fail to prepare, it means you don't act out of fear and panic as you do so. Who panics, yes, it's someone racked with fear.

I make wise choices because I am saved and am not oppressed and overwhelmed by fear. That also means that if I die, or a loved one dies, I don't fear it. I don't fear death. "Oh death, where is thy sting?" Do I feel sorrow that they are out of my life? Of course, but I know that is sorrow for myself.

God does not provide a detour most times, he provides an escort.
You can say what you will about the foolishness of this sort of bravado but those who are attacking his sincerity I think have it all wrong.

I applaud his courage of conviction. He is right there in the assembly taking as much risk as anyone else.

Anyone who is of this “word of faith” persuasion and isn’t continuing to meet should reassess what they claim to believe IMO.

These folks, misguided as they are, are matching their practice with their confession. Gotta admire that.
"All of Israel will be saved"
Originally Posted by Tyrone
Originally Posted by gonehuntin

Dumbass. Ask Rev. Walter how that worked out during the Black Plague, or any of the other pandemics that have afflicted the West since ~33 AD.
It worked out great. Catholics were the only ones tending to the sick.

Yep but it wasn’t because they believed God granted them immunity it was because their faith allowed them to se that there is something beyond physical death that can give a person strength to serve in these sorts of circumstances.

We could learn a lot from them on that point.
Yes, they died in droves. They knew their likely fate too but helped others anyway. That some miracles may/may not have happened was beside their point.
Originally Posted by efw
You can say what you will about the foolishness of this sort of bravado but those who are attacking his sincerity I think have it all wrong.

I applaud his courage of conviction. He is right there in the assembly taking as much risk as anyone else.

Anyone who is of this “word of faith” persuasion and isn’t continuing to meet should reassess what they claim to believe IMO.

These folks, misguided as they are, are matching their practice with their confession. Gotta admire that.

Never admired stupidity. The aforementioned preacher is daring his flock to come together and share a potentially lethal pathogen. One which they will then spread to the community at large.

At least Jim Jones and David Koresh kept the death toll within the congregation.

Hey, if the whole congregation wants to lock itself inside their church until they all die of starvation or pestilence, I have no problem with it. It is when they bring it out on the street that I have an issue.

The fact that they take their minor children in with them is a different topic.
Creflo needs his dollars
Wrote this last week. I give my permission for all to use where needed..........

My friends - as best I can tell, this virus crisis is real. It is true that there have been fraudulent finger pointing and scare mongering, but the threat to our health and our economy is real. The 1918 pandemic with an estimated one third of the world population contracting the virus and 10% of those ending in a very *miserable* death should be on our minds. I don't mean to suggest that it will be that bad this time, but it is bad enough that we should do what we reasonably can.


What we currently know is that there is no stopping this virus from spreading. But what we can do, and what it appears our government is trying to get us to help doing, is to slow the infection to a manageable level. If we do not do our part, it is a given that our medical facilities and supplies will be overwhelmed. What that means is not only will there not be enough care for those with the covid19 virus, but other unrelated illnesses and injuries will be neglected by necessity through triage.

I'm going to try to say this as gently and respectfully as I can. These times we face are sure to show who among us are the loving members of our communities and who are the selfish. Those who are saying "not my problem" for whatever reason are being selfish and short sighted.

I find it distressing that so many are willing to risk the lives and fortunes of others rather than participate in a temporary change of habits. No one is asking anyone to change what they're doing forever (well, okay - except better hygiene in general). If we can't pause or modify for a few weeks or months our usual elective activities to slow the spread while the health care system gets ahead of it, what kind of people are we? Even if we don't believe it's real, what harm is there in acting as if it is - minus the panic? How can we have the total disregard for the well-being of others that would lead us to roll the dice on the possibility that every news source and every health care professional is lying to us?

This is not about you and it's not about me. It's about all of us and all whom we love....and others we may never meet. We are sure to learn more about what we should and should not be doing as time progresses, but for right now, we need to keep to ourselves as much as possible. Yeah - that means avoiding all non-essential large group activities. And we must make extra effort to practice good hygiene. (I know *I* can do better shocked )

Now, I know I'm maybe going to ruffle some feathers, but I'm going to insist that this includes religious gatherings. Before anyone brings up analogies of forces that keep people from worshiping in groups indefinitely, let me just say - these are all bad analogies and don't have any relevance. This is a temporary thing that is reasonable and prudent *for the good of others*. My fellow Christians, I do not believe that the Lord is going to punish you for not attending church services so as to slow the progress of this pandemic. If that is *your* belief, I urge you to start fresh your Biblical studies. Do not let your heart be imprisoned by dogma or legalism.

I am open to any real discussion of why I may be wrong, but you better come prepared with iron-clad argument. "God will protect us" won't fly. Besides the fact that it is not about you or "us"; it's about everyone you don't know....there is this from Luke 4....

9 The devil led him to Jerusalem and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down from here. 10 For it is written:

“‘He will command his angels concerning you
to guard you carefully;
11 they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’”

12 Jesus answered, “It is said: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.”

I will contend that insisting on gathering at this time compares pretty reasonably with throwing yourself (or your brother) off a high place. It is neither necessary, nor wise. No one can stop you from worshiping your God on your own. Besides - this isn't China and it isn't more than temporary.

I want to stress again.....this too shall pass. It's not about a vain attempt to "stop" the virus (common misstatements aside). It's about slowing it and spreading it over time to make it manageable. Odds are, about half of us are going to get it - maybe more. Let's not all do it at once. Let's think about others.

Feel free to share, or copy and post.

Peace be with you all.
Except hiding prevents herd immunity from developing.

Everyone in low risk groups who do not regularly contact high risk persons should contract this to build herd immunity. That will save lives.
Well, Sour, it sure as heck wont be those progressive lieberal dimocraps.
Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by las
As I understand it God gave man free will.

You are free to be stupid
Your stupidity can and will be used against you in a court of Darwinism.
You are entitled to a lawyer. If you cannot afford a lawyer, TS, Sherlock

A lawyer can't help stupid anyway, tho It has been tried.

Do people choose to be stupid? They have the option to be either an Einstein or an Idiot, but no, they choose stupidity because they have free will?

Apparently some people do choose to not use their given intelligence to best advantage (brain farts don't count) , choosing to exercise an IQ of 70 out of 100 available, but....

"Foolish" should have been the word used and meant in the strictest sense. Assuming the good pastor and his minions are of reasonable intelligence of course.

One wonders.

This guy and his cheering congregation reminds me of a former Darwin Award winner.

Out on a lake in an aluminum boat when a storm came up, he stood up in the bow, stretched his arms out wide and shouted "Lord, take me!"

The guy running the motor survived the lightening strike.
Originally Posted by Tyrone
Except hiding prevents herd immunity from developing.

Everyone in low risk groups who do not regularly contact high risk persons should contract this to build herd immunity. That will save lives.

Herd immunity is as effective when acquired over six months as when acquired over two months.
The buses and trains are still running here. Got to get the cleaning lady over to dust you know.
We went to church last Sunday, the turn out is so low we can sit 10+ ft away from each other. I think its worth the risk. Our preacher has no problem with politics in the pulpit and that alone can make my heart sing. I can take the physical church or leave it however my wife needs it, so as long as we can we will attend. They are working on live streaming so folks that can't go or are scared to can watch from home.
No serpent lickers but they sure love to glad hand at every opportunity, I point my elbow at them.
Life will go on for most but some will die. Just like every other day that rolls around, sometimes it just speeds up a bit.
Originally Posted by Tyrone
Except hiding prevents herd immunity from developing.

Everyone in low risk groups who do not regularly contact high risk persons should contract this to build herd immunity. That will save lives.

The point is to not all get it at once. It will spread through the herd without your help.
My idea is to keep the country from going bankrupt.
Originally Posted by rost495
Originally Posted by JGRaider
Originally Posted by rost495
Originally Posted by Sauer200
I'll just leave this here.


Walters said he had faith that God would protect Word of Life from coronavirus.

“If there’s one person in this place, or two people, three people, perhaps, who may be carrying the coronavirus, we declare you’re healed in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah,” he said over the claps and cheers of his congregation.

Its not God that protects, its God that gives us the ability to learn and understand and therefore, IF we pay attention, survive.

You know, the truck, the boat and the helicopter thing.... Duh.

I believe in guardian angels, you must not.
I believe in them too. But I also know God educated me to do the best I can for myself. I'm not waiting around for protection, I do what I can. Its why I carry a gun. Its why we lay low when a flu or crud thing breaks out, not to mention this. Its why we stash a bit of food etc.. for rainy days. Cash too.... I'm not going to just sit back and be waited on by God....YMMV and it may work for you. My understanding is God teaches me to be self sufficient.

And when my mom was ignorant to her surroundings years ago the voice from the back seat of the empty car on the way home in the country that said you are being followed... well that was a guardian angel.

I’m your guardian angel and I’m here to tell you if you don’t step away from the computer and get some fresh air you’re going to have a heart attack. Stop your sodium intake. You have high blood pressure,


Originally Posted by Tyrone
My idea is to keep the country from going bankrupt.

Attending church is going to bankrupt the country?
When you consider the report that one man in New York infected 137 others (IIRC) with the virus, it is something to consider strongly.

But I think Tyrone is one who wishes for us all to carry on as usual. Damn the torpedoes, or the death toll, full speed ahead.
Some countries are carrying on business as usual, I think Sweden was mentioned.
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
When you consider the report that one man in New York infected 137 others (IIRC) with the virus, it is something to consider strongly.

But I think Tyrone is one who wishes for us all to carry on as usual. Damn the torpedoes, or the death toll, full speed ahead.

Somewhere between his idea, and your idea to curl up in the corner into a fetal position and not move until big brother tells you too is where I'd land.
1st case of the coronavirus in Cheatham County TN occurred recently. It was a minister. They did not tell the congregation because they did not want to start a panic.
Originally Posted by JGRaider
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
When you consider the report that one man in New York infected 137 others (IIRC) with the virus, it is something to consider strongly.

But I think Tyrone is one who wishes for us all to carry on as usual. Damn the torpedoes, or the death toll, full speed ahead.
Somewhere between his idea, and your idea to curl up in the corner into a fetal position and not move until big brother tells you too is where I'd land.
Mine is basically the same protocol as someone who works in a nursing home.
Originally Posted by JGRaider
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
When you consider the report that one man in New York infected 137 others (IIRC) with the virus, it is something to consider strongly.

But I think Tyrone is one who wishes for us all to carry on as usual. Damn the torpedoes, or the death toll, full speed ahead.

Somewhere between his idea, and your idea to curl up in the corner into a fetal position and not move until big brother tells you too is where I'd land.

You are far, far wrong on my response. I have no problem taking care of necessary business in town, grocery store, pharmacy, etc. And I am working fifty hours/week.

All I have ever done here is ask people to understand the actual contagious factor of this virus. Listen to what the experts in the field are telling us, and follow instructions from authorities. Quit crying because it might cost you a few bucks. This is nothing compared to previous issues overcome within this nation. Nothing compared to sacrifices made by our parents and grandparents.
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