Posted By: arctic338 Lisa votes for dream act.... - 12/19/10
Voting with the dems to try and allow more ways for illegals to beat the system. What a beech. Thanks, all of you entitlement loving azzwipes that are putting her back for six more years.
She's bought and paid for.. We had our chance to get rid of her. That stings a little.

WTF were people thinking?? Illegals and gays, impressive Lisa you idiot liberal.
She feels she can now do whatever she wants. She'll never lose an election.
Shocked that she would vote that way, shocked!
Posted By: sep Re: Lisa votes for dream act.... - 12/19/10
New guy here.

Imagine that...Lisa voting for the Dream Act...and the repeal of don't ask, don't tell, and for earmarks, and for Eric Holder. My fellow Alaskans...you're getting exactly what you deserve.

Reagan granted amnesty for 3 million illegals back in the 80s..now we have 12 million. Yea, that worked out great. So, should we expect amnesty for 12 million leading to 48 million more illegals in our country in the 2040s? We can only absorb a certain amount of immigration that's why we have limits on it.

I would encourage all of you to email Lisa and Begich on every issue that frosts your flakes. It only takes a couple minutes and both usually send you a nice email back explaining why you don't understand the issue. Because of course they are right and you are wrong. After all, you are just one of the many unwashed masses. They are the elite...the elite who are running this country into bankruptcy and they're too short-sighted to see the situation for what it is.
Some of us dont deserve this sep. I know I didnt vote for baggage or leeza.
Posted By: ropes Re: Lisa votes for dream act.... - 12/19/10

Liiisssaaa for LIFE .... does have a ring to it !!!!!!
I just threw up a little.
I'm sure plenty of Republicans who listened to ADN and voted for Sleeza are sputtering.. "but Miller got a low income fishing license"..

FOOLS! Amazing how folks can't see the big picture.
Originally Posted by sep
I would encourage all of you to email Lisa and Begich on every issue that frosts your flakes. It only takes a couple minutes and both usually send you a nice email back explaining why you don't understand the issue. Because of course they are right and you are wrong. After all, you are just one of the many unwashed masses. They are the elite...the elite who are running this country into bankruptcy and they're too short-sighted to see the situation for what it is.

Actually the last couple of emails I sent both of them did not get a response. May have had something to do with the tone. Lisa's message was
Holder Strike one
Dream Act Strike Two
Don't ask don't tell Strike three.
Take a strong hint.

Baggages message was
Lisa will be very hard to dump from here on out... and she will spend the next 6 years dumping ON us. Bad as Miller is he would at least be removable in 6...
She is pretty full of herself right now I suspect.....
The Spoiled Princess sees herself as invincible now and will do as she pleases regardles of what we think.
After seeing what Lisa did, I'm sure Baggage is sucking up to the Native Corps and special interests to make sure he keeps his seat..

I'm embarrassed.
We are doomed...............doomed I tell you!! sick
But.. But.. Joe Miller has credit card debt! Because that is much more important than electing a lady who is now going to basically vote with the democraps! At least Miller would have voted the same way I would have..
Joe is done, he should have just conceded the election and worked on improving his image so he could go after Baggages seat but I think it's a bit too late for him to repair his tarnished image. Hopefully we'll have someone worth a shat to vote for in the next election. I hear Mayor Dan Sullivans name being thrown around but I think it's too early to tell.
Originally Posted by Sitka deer
Lisa will be very hard to dump from here on out... and she will spend the next 6 years dumping ON us. Bad as Miller is he would at least be removable in 6...

my feelings exactly, folks are all about throw alla the crooks out, till it comes to their own crook

we're screwed anyway, John Wayne morphed into Superman couldn't fix the systemic mess created in our financial system.

maybe if folks see hard times they'll tar and feather politicians again
Lisa doesn't mind taxing American citizens to pay for the education of Illegal aliens. Nor do many of the arrogant idiots we elect, and seem to keep electing.

I fear it�s only going to get worse!


Actually, I think it's rather telling that a relative no-good came so close to dumping Ms. Princess. I tend to be a bit more optimistic about our chances for getting rid of her. The only stumbling block may be finding a decent person to run against her. And I don't think the Native Corps. will automatically be in her corner. They sure weren't large on her daddy.
That's because he stole their money!
Uh-huh. I was actually quite surprised that she got their backing like she did. Perhaps they really didn't like the other guy. wink
Posted By: sep Re: Lisa votes for dream act.... - 12/21/10
Hopefully, a decent representative will surface to replace Begich and then 6 years later for Lisa.

Joel/AK, I have no idea who on this forum voted for whom. I just know most Alaskans who voted conservative apparently voted for Lisa and like it or not are getting exactly what they deserve.

They may not have asked for it but their vote sure did. Her voting record is there to see if folks would have just took the time to look at it. It's unfortunate Miller behaved like he did or things may have turned out differently.

Fortunately, this legislation is dead...for now.
Could be. It's pretty well documented that the NCs lost money when Frank-the-bank was investing it for them.

Some people would call it theft.
Originally Posted by sep

I just know most Alaskans who voted conservative apparently voted for Lisa and like it or not are getting exactly what they deserve.

There may well have been conservatives that voted FOR Liiisa, but I cannot fathom that. Anyone that voted FOR Liiisa did not cast a conservative vote. There-in lies the difference.
The real irony is the amount of air time wasted in arguing about which rotten apple was better than the others. And who was elected for the next six years has no real bearing on how this present term's senator votes currently. Nor is anything especially surprising.
Hey, it's winter!
Originally Posted by Klikitarik
The real irony is the amount of air time wasted in arguing about which rotten apple was better than the others. And who was elected for the next six years has no real bearing on how this present term's senator votes currently. Nor is anything especially surprising.

The election detiorated to personalities. Miller allowed that to happen with the way he handled a lot of things. He should have never allowed that. Soon as he did it was no longer about issues. Races have to be run about issues, and sometimes it has to be forced. I've said it before, she didn't win, he lost it. She ran on how to elect her and never discussed issues. That saved her bacon. Hopefull this kind of election will never happen again. But we have to get somebody to run against her that appeals to a larger group. Few politicians are known that well. Hopefully Dan Sullivan will start getting around the state.
The real losers in all of this is us Alaskans. Now we've got a ticked off RINO that is voting along with the Dems and there's not much we can do to stop her.
She isn't in the same league as some of the "big dogs" though either, and neither was her father - which he had taught to him the hard way! So I am not discouraged about our chances to be rid of her in the next go-round. But, we need two good, savvy people who are dedicated to the cause.
As fun as this thread is sick I believe Alaskans need concentrate on getting Baggage on the road packing. Time to be proactive now, not retrospective. Sleeza can wait a bit...

I'd like to consider Sullivan as a possible. What can you Anchorage fellows tell me about him? What (if any) problems or skeletons might he have in his background? Credit card debts? Low cost hunting/fishing license? shocked

Originally Posted by bearhuntr
As fun as this thread is sick I believe Alaskans need concentrate on getting Baggage on the road packing. Time to be proactive now, not retrospective. Sleeza can wait a bit...

I'd like to consider Sullivan as a possible. What can you Anchorage fellows tell me about him? What (if any) problems or skeletons might he have in his background? Credit card debts? Low cost hunting/fishing license? shocked


He banged one of my buddies wife, err, exwife.
No Joke
Originally Posted by GrizzlyKid
Originally Posted by bearhuntr
As fun as this thread is sick I believe Alaskans need concentrate on getting Baggage on the road packing. Time to be proactive now, not retrospective. Sleeza can wait a bit...

I'd like to consider Sullivan as a possible. What can you Anchorage fellows tell me about him? What (if any) problems or skeletons might he have in his background? Credit card debts? Low cost hunting/fishing license? shocked


He banged one of my buddies wife, err, exwife.
No Joke
before or after......
Originally Posted by GrizzlyKid
Originally Posted by bearhuntr
As fun as this thread is sick I believe Alaskans need concentrate on getting Baggage on the road packing. Time to be proactive now, not retrospective. Sleeza can wait a bit...

I'd like to consider Sullivan as a possible. What can you Anchorage fellows tell me about him? What (if any) problems or skeletons might he have in his background? Credit card debts? Low cost hunting/fishing license? shocked


He banged one of my buddies wife, err, exwife.
No Joke

And people were concerned about Miller getting a low income fishing license?

It's amazing how the media drives these elections.
I used to have the impression that the folks who lived in Alaska were fairly smart people, but my opinion has now changed and i now believe this state is full of some of the biggest Dumb-Ass people this country has for citizens along with Nevada.
Originally Posted by Calvin
She's bought and paid for.. We had our chance to get rid of her. That stings a little.

Yup!! Inneresting tho. THe native corps. donated something like 1.4 million to her campaign because they knew the Dim was a loser and they wouldn't continue getting their goodies from Uncle Sugar if Miller was elected. Therefore, the princess was the logical choice. Hum!! They had 1.4 million clams to donate but their villages still look like the slums of New York.
BTW, there's a front page article in the News Miner today about the princesse's vote on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" where she makes a statement to the affect that she's NOT a RINO and won't necessarily vote the "Osama line". SURE, YEAH, RIGHT!!! Haven't read the article all the way thru yet tho.
Yeah, I'm sure we're stuck with her for eternity now.
Boys, we've been had.
Bear in Fairbanks
You are absolutely right. It wasn't always so though. It's a recent development since we've been overrun with "some of the biggest Dumb-Ass people" from outside.
Her vote to repeal the "Don't ask Don't tell" rule only solidifies her standing as a RINO. We've been dupped fellas.
I wasn't duped. I can read sign and Liiisa's sign says she's a jackass dressed as an elephant.
Posted By: sep Re: Lisa votes for dream act.... - 12/23/10
I wasn't duped either...she has a long voting record.
"She's bought and paid for.. We had our chance to get rid of her. That stings a little."

Lovely Lizza's now a wholly owned creature of the vast established DC Democrat inerlicshul libberull power structure, surely no one in Alaska really expected her to vote for the people rather than following the entrenched liberal BS line?
Oh. Walt. Someone has a question for you.
another that ain't surprised seeing her doing what she's doing.

heck Mike I'd venture Walt is pleased as punch, he wanted Lisa and IIRC he wanted Obama too.

all of us that live here know the last Frontier ain't no mo, anytime a place gets settled here come the libs. We've no shortage of them in Alaska.

I really wonder if during my kids lifetime's if hunting will have the disdain that it does back in places like the EC population centers.
Guys.....Problem solved.....Ya take her on one of yer famous / infamous, one way dissappearing, never to be seen or heard from again, airplane flights. Hell, this could become a new cottage industry fer y'all and expand into a new market for solving y'alls growing Liberal resettlement problem.

Flower Child
Originally Posted by 2legit2quit

heck Mike I'd venture Walt is pleased as punch, he wanted Lisa and IIRC he wanted Obama too.

Exactly. It was the "expecting Liiisa to vote what the people want" That I was referring to.

IIRC, Walt thinks Liiisa's a conservative.
Originally Posted by Flower_Child
Guys.....Problem solved.....Ya take her on one of yer famous / infamous, one way dissappearing, never to be seen or heard from again, airplane flights. Hell, this could become a new cottage industry fer y'all and expand into a new market for solving y'alls growing Liberal resettlement problem.

Flower Child

Never fear, they'd send out search and rescue, just another one of the overpriced, over-budget safety nets provided by the gravy train for too few people.

Ever wonder how how much money is spent just training people to save
Originally Posted by bea175
some of the biggest Dumb-Ass people this country has for citizens

Getting rid of the Coast Guard should be one of the first kettles of FedGov gravy to go, don'tcha think? What an absolute waste of money. People up here ought to get some brains and balls. Stop being stupid, or suck it up and realize that "stupid hurts" and sometimes costs.
Her recent votes shouldn't come as no surprise. She is a liberal who will vote like Olympia Snow and Susan Collins. When Alaskans turned against Miller, they elected a RINO. Now we are all stuck with the liberal for 6 years. Might be a spot for someone named Palin to look in to.
I wouldn't argue at all against Sarah. I think it would be good for her and allow her to expand her horizons vis., world affairs, the economy, natinal defense, etc.
Right now we're stuck with a Dim for 4 more years and a RINO for 6. I think Sarah should begin looking at taking on Baggage. Even starting 4 years before the election isn't too soon.
Bear in Fairbanks
Posted By: sse Re: Lisa votes for dream act.... - 12/27/10
Answer me one stinkin question: who voted for her/wrote her in, and why did they do it?
About 10,000 more than voted for #2, and most probably because #2 failed to connect and, further, went out of his way to make an ass out of himself. I don't like the situation, but I really don't think it's so difficult to see how it came about.
I'd much rather had 6 years of Joe, than 6 OR MORE of Liiisa.

The only way to change DC is to change who is there.

Certainly some of those Liiisa supporters will complain about the down fall of our country and the out-of-control Federal government while at the same time failing to see the irony of their hypocrisy.
I realize we already got to say who we would have preferred. However, 10,000 more than that ......

I really don't see this as being an "I can blame you deal" regardless how it turned out. It may feel good to criticize another party for eating weasel shiit on the one hand, but it really matters little when the critiquing party is munching on rat shiit. Kind of the hand we allowed and were dealt.
Originally Posted by sse
Answer me one stinkin question: who voted for her/wrote her in, and why did they do it?

The govt handout dependents such as those in the native corps, municiple govt, labor unions, teachers unions and every other scumbag with their hands out for so-called free govt money.

If nothing else, the Spoiled Princess is going to prove she can pretty much do what she pleases without consequence as long as she keeps the money rolling in. Even the NRA has probably lost some of their influence on her.
Originally Posted by Klikitarik

I really don't see this as being an "I can blame you deal" regardless how it turned out.

I believe (and hope) that you and me and everyone hears the lame-ass chit Liiisa does for 6 years, because that's the only hope we have of removing her next time.

It's sort of ironic that her votes will be a testament to her sense of "entitlement" now...as we are already seeing.
WASHINGTON -- As Congress brings to a close its lame-duck session, Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski has emerged from her historic write-in campaign as a key swing vote in the Senate on issues backed by the Obama administration.

She has voted with the Senate's Democratic majority on tax policy, ending the military's ban on gays in the military, a nuclear arms treaty with Russia and even immigration.


That's our girl.
Hopefully the 112th Congress will push Lisa against the wall with her political beliefs. She is the consummate politician - which ever way the wind is blowing.

Millers' mistakes magnified by the AK media put her in office.
I'll say again, Palin should look at unseating "Baggage" in 4.
Posted By: sse Re: Lisa votes for dream act.... - 12/28/10
Originally Posted by stevelyn
Originally Posted by sse
Answer me one stinkin question: who voted for her/wrote her in, and why did they do it?

The govt handout dependents such as those in the native corps, municiple govt, labor unions, teachers unions and every other scumbag with their hands out for so-called free govt money.

If nothing else, the Spoiled Princess is going to prove she can pretty much do what she pleases without consequence as long as she keeps the money rolling in. Even the NRA has probably lost some of their influence on her.

If that's the case I don't see how she'll get beat in six years, unless she chokes on a fish bone or something.
Originally Posted by bigwhoop

I'll say again, Palin should look at unseating "Baggage" in 4.

I rather liked the sound of that the first time, and I think you may be quite right. I really don't want to see her seek any office higher than that. No one, including and especially herself, is ready for that. But she probably could manage, and be managed, in the senate seat. (And what a great counterpoint to the senior senator.)
Originally Posted by sse
Originally Posted by stevelyn
Originally Posted by sse
Answer me one stinkin question: who voted for her/wrote her in, and why did they do it?

The govt handout dependents such as those in the native corps, municiple govt, labor unions, teachers unions and every other scumbag with their hands out for so-called free govt money.

If nothing else, the Spoiled Princess is going to prove she can pretty much do what she pleases without consequence as long as she keeps the money rolling in. Even the NRA has probably lost some of their influence on her.

If that's the case I don't see how she'll get beat in six years, unless she chokes on a fish bone or something.

And that was the main reason I advocated for Miller...
If Palin unseats Baggage I have little doubt she'll get the Q-Beam lit directly on Murk.
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