Took these about 2 hours ago on our hunting property. The buck with a messed up rack has an injury to one of his front legs. We saw him all last season and we all let him walk or hobble if you will to see what he would be like this fall. The other buck is typical of what we usually see on the property
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This is the other buck on our hunting place
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Took this picture of this buck a few miles up the road
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Good luck! Hope you get them.
Get your whitetail bucks to call ours and tell them it's ok to stand in wide open fields during the day.

You're more likely to see the bucks here at an Obama Fundraising dinner.

Nice pics and good luck.

DT: odd that you mention the wonky horned buck was also ghimpy. I just saw a show on bubbavision yesterday that said if they are gimped up for anmy reason the body routes the nutrients etc. to the spot to heal and the antlers go wonky because of lack of same. Makes sense actually...
Nice, good luck with the big boy.

We had an injured buck on our place for years with a very similar rack. We named him Limpy and used to feed him corn in the yard at one of the camps. I bet he was at least 8 the last year he came around.
I'm guessing he got hit by a car. We thought he wouldn't make it through the winter but I couldn't believe it when I saw him for the first time this summer back in june. Now everyone is arguing over who gets to go after him grin
The rack deformation will be on the opposite side of the injury. Ie. if he was injured on his left side, the antler malformation will effect his right antler.

Not only will he have a mangled rack the year following the injury, but it will occur every year thereafter.

It may not be as severe in following years, but it will be there.


good luck to ya great looking deer
Doesn't affect the genetics if you need an identifiable breeder buck. Any idea of what his original rack looked like?

no clue what he originally looked like. But I think he is only about 3.5 years old. His rack grew alot compared to what he looked like last fall
What he said.

Have seen it several times.

The wacky antler is always on the opposite side.
Im pretty sure Ive heard this before too. In his case, his left shoulder/leg is the bad one. But his left side antler is somewhat deformed too. But either way, we are going to try and get my little sister on him during the youth season here.
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