The Premier of Quebec, Jean Charest, was quoted in today's Vancouver Sun as stating that "North America is French and we want it back", this at a reception for a French government official who was bringing 12.5 million dollars of "assistance" to the Liberal Government of that Province. This extemism and French interference in internal Canadian affairs started long ago and was demonstrated by Chas. DeGaulle in 1967 with his cry of "Vive la Quebec Libre" when a guest of the Canadian Government.

How quickly the Frogs have forgotten Vimy Ridge, Courcellette, Passchendaele, Juno Beach, Dieppe and Caen, Falaise and the liberation of their miserable country where Canadian volunteers died in the tens of thousands and were wounded in hundreds of thousands.

Charest is a typical two-faced Froggie politician, he was a Conservative, now a Liberal and considered running for the Conservative laedership now held by PM Harper. Well, what can you expect from a pig but a grunt, eh?
poor kute ...

it was said "vive le quebec libre et independant"

need to improve your french ...

tuez les tous dieu reconnaitra les siens .....
racism is still in your blood and dont tell people about patriotism when you attack even the people inside .... you re a good racist guy ... i imagine if one of your daughter fall in love from a not born full white one ???!!!

hope it may happens
delete please
racism is still in your blood and dont tell people about patriotism when you attack even the people inside .... you re a good racist guy ... i imagine if one of your daughter fall in love from a not born full white one ???!!!

..........Kute doesn't need to improve his French. He is afterall posting on an english speaking forum. You on the other hand need some help with the english language.
Originally Posted by Leverboy
racism is still in your blood and dont tell people about patriotism when you attack even the people inside .... you re a good racist guy ... i imagine if one of your daughter fall in love from a not born full white one ???!!!

..........Kute doesn't need to improve his French. He is afterall posting on an english speaking forum. You on the other hand need some help with the english language.

please teach me ... for sure he s posting on an english spoken and need friends to defend him but when citing sources even in french thats better to use real words that s the sense .... as you are prompt to tell me which to use in english ...
Well, what can you expect from a pig but a grunt, eh? [/quote]

Yeah, well,,,keep on 'gruntin' Koot. Eh?

Old Toot
I was actually HERE and have seen the video of De Gaulle spewing his drivel many times, but, a DP from Yugoslovenia knows better than I do, of course. Funny, how this foreigner seems to find this treachery toward Canada perfectly acceptable and also is content to be known as a Commie, yet, he thinks that he has the right to Canadian citizenship. This speaks for itself and his kind must be deported.

I have never claimed to be fluent in French, but, as Leverboy points out, this is an ENGLISH-speaking forum and this DP cannot write, speak or comprehend English.

This DP also just sent me a threatening PM, calling me a ...nazi... and telling me that I will ...pay...for my attitudes, hmm, very interesting. Obviously, the UN Convention on Refugees as everything else to do with the UN is a farce and Canada should resign from this useless group, forthwith.
Old Toot, well, you have not been around for quite awile, so, go back to your hideaway and leave Canadians to discuss our country.
sure you ll pay .. i ve learnt french and la is not for quebec as a grammar ... vive le quebec libre was the sentence ...

i didtn pm you for saying you re a nazi i wrote here ... nor i threaten you during my pm ... paying is with justice nothing else ... you ll see when all non racists org got your adress ....

and yes you ll pay for you public racism interventions ... ever heard of justice ... you told me come to visit me and if you want to kick my ass you ll go to justice ...

this is a proven stupid bad nazi guy needing protection ....
the link to follow and hearing the words ....


Vive Montr�al ! Vive le Qu�bec !
Vive le Qu�bec libre !
Vive le Canada fran�ais ! et vive la France !

24 juillet 1967 montreal

there are the words .....
Charles de Gaulle

Discours prononc� � Montr�al (Qu�bec)
24 juillet 1967

C'est une immense �motion qui remplit mon c�ur en voyant devant moi la ville de Montr�al fran�aise. Au nom du vieux pays, au nom de la France, je vous salue de tout mon c�ur. Je vais vous confier un secret que vous ne r�p�terez pas. Ce soir ici, et tout le long de ma route, je me trouvais dans une atmosph�re du m�me genre que celle de la Lib�ration. Et tout le long de ma route, outre cela, j'ai constat� quel immense effort de progr�s, de d�veloppement, et par cons�quent d'affranchissement, vous accomplissez ici et c'est � Montr�al qu'il faut que je le dise, parce que, s'il y a au monde une ville exemplaire par ses r�ussites modernes, c'est la v�tre. Je dis c'est la v�tre et je me permets d'ajouter c'est la n�tre.

Si vous saviez quelle confiance la France, r�veill�e apr�s d'immenses �preuves, porte maintenant vers vous, si vous saviez quelle affection elle recommence � ressentir pour les Fran�ais du Canada et si vous saviez � quel point elle se sent oblig�e de concourir � votre marche en avant, � votre progr�s ! C'est pourquoi elle a conclu avec le gouvernement du Qu�bec, avec celui de mon ami Johnson, des accords, pour que les Fran�ais de part et d'autre de l'Atlantique travaillent ensemble � une m�me �uvre fran�aise. Et, d'ailleurs, le concours que la France va, tous les jours un peu plus, pr�ter ici, elle sait bien que vous le lui rendrez, parce que vous �tes en train de vous constituer des �lites, des usines, des entreprises, des laboratoires, qui feront l'�tonnement de tous et qui, un jour, j'en suis s�r, vous permettront d'aider la France.

Voil� ce que je suis venu vous dire ce soir en ajoutant que j'emporte de cette r�union inou�e de Montr�al un souvenir inoubliable. la France enti�re sait, voit, entend, ce qui se passe ici et je puis vous dire qu'elle en vaudra mieux.

Vive Montr�al ! Vive le Qu�bec !
Vive le Qu�bec libre !
Vive le Canada fran�ais ! et vive la France !

So, you are going to give my address to some organization that you know of, are you? This means that you LIED about why you wanted it, typical DP behaviour, eh?

Anyway, do your worst, you phoney "refugee", you make me laugh.
you told me that if i kick your ass i ll got to jail so the most coward is not the one you think ...
but again wrting racisms words is not legal even here ... you ll see ....
Originally Posted by kutenay
Old Toot, well, you have not been around for quite awile, so, go back to your hideaway and leave Canadians to discuss our country.


Sorry Koot. Humbly so, even.

Didn't realize until just now that North America (your post subject) was Canada, exclusive of the rest. Silly me, eh?.

According to you, considering all of the "aliens" there, France is your best hope. BTW, your forefathers were all wetbacks. Just from a different shore. Think about that, white [bleep].

Go have fun with yourself.

Old Toot
No, my post subject was actually the stupid comments of a politician and how typical this is in Canada today; HE used the term "North America", I merely quoted him, get it?

My forefathers were NOT wetbacks, they were the original "boat monkeys", so sorry, Massa, you are wrong again, hardly surprising, eh!
Can you quote ANY racist comments I have made here, genius, I simply posted Canada for Canadians and YOU went ballistic. I told you that IF you were to call me a ...nazi... to my face, I would beat you to a bloody pulp, that is a traditional Canadian way of reacting to crap like you spew and is NOT illegal.

But, hey, a foreigner like you knows SO much more about all of this, so, report me to whomever you wish and watch while I laugh at your stupid, totalitarian antics. I am a Canadian, YOU are not and your behaviour here demonstrates WHY you should not be in MY country, get it?

...you ll see..., what a farce, you stupid phoney, NOBODY is going to take legal action after your threats and anti-Canadian remarks here! Are YOU a PQ supporter, it sure sounds like it!
Originally Posted by kutenay
Can you quote ANY racist comments I have made here, genius, I simply posted Canada for Canadians and YOU went ballistic. I told you that IF you were to call me a ...nazi... to my face, I would beat you to a bloody pulp, that is a traditional Canadian way of reacting to crap like you spew and is NOT illegal.

But, hey, a foreigner like you knows SO much more about all of this, so, report me to whomever you wish and watch why I laugh at your stupid, totalitarian antics. I am a Canadian, YOU are not and your behaviour here demonstrates WHY you should not be in MY country, get it?

...you ll see..., what a farce, you stupid phoney, NOBODY is going to take legal action after your threats and anti-Canadian remarks here! Are YOU a PQ supporter, it sure sounds like it!


Hey,,,get a grip, tuff guy, the butt kicker you portray yourself to be. You are one sick puppy, dude. Your many past (and present) posts are fully racist and bigoted,,,except for those you wisely jumped in and deleted. Remember those? Bet you do.

I don't believe in censoring anyone but Big Ugly Man had a valid point on you a while back.

BTW, koot, you couldn't stand on your Mom's and Pop's shoulders and kiss a North American's ass.

Semper Fi, white, wetback [bleep].

Old Toot
Given the fact that one infantry division of the US Army could over run the whole province of Quebec in a few days I like the odds of North America staying as is....
Kutenay has never said anything racist in this thread or the other. He is just firm in his beliefs that non traditional immigration is ruining the country, which it is.
Nothing wrong with having convictions.
Originally Posted by kutenay
Can you quote ANY racist comments I have made here, genius, I simply posted Canada for Canadians and YOU went ballistic. I told you that IF you were to call me a ...nazi... to my face, I would beat you to a bloody pulp, that is a traditional Canadian way of reacting to crap like you spew and is NOT illegal.

But, hey, a foreigner like you knows SO much more about all of this, so, report me to whomever you wish and watch why I laugh at your stupid, totalitarian antics. I am a Canadian, YOU are not and your behaviour here demonstrates WHY you should not be in MY country, get it?

...you ll see..., what a farce, you stupid phoney, NOBODY is going to take legal action after your threats and anti-Canadian remarks here! Are YOU a PQ supporter, it sure sounds like it!

read your comments about pakistanese japanese or muslims people .... and of course about me too ???!!! now as you re a genious too you ll see if there are no risks about your nazis comments be free if not you ll learn soon ....
i didnt follow the pq comments after being a commie from your comments too .....
but for your poor little mind you need to put people in box to be sure to understand them ...
the way you re talking about refugees without knowing them and giving lessons to people disagreing with you is a good argument for those loving you telling that in canada you cannot have racist posts this is the law and you ll see soon how some associations can be in love with you ...

now you want to make my head bloody pulp but if try to kick your ass you want sending me to jail so go for hell kute and grow up maybe one day you ll be your ass kicked if the rcmp let you alone five minutes but ill come with a lawyer ???!!! i dont trust you .... now and again continue top train you my little man and check when you ll see a 6'5" guy not too slim but not fat you ll think about that when this same guy repeat what you re a NAZI ....and onnly this ... and im not working in a office but outside ....
I am a North American, but, I am NOT a ...[bleep]..., now, YOU are an idiot, but, that is only too obvious.

What do you have against ...white...people, hmmm???
A 6'5" guy, WOW, now that is one hell of a big bohunk!!! Scares me all to hell and back again!!!! Yippee, got a big one, that time and who knows, maybe he is one tuff creampuff.....

What, my bohunk imbecile, do the RCMP have to do with this whole thread? Also, WHY would you come with a lawyer, maybe an interpreter might be more useful to you since your language is not even remotely "English".

Call me a ...NAZI... in person, fine, THAT IS a crime in Canada, pal, so, maybe learn a bit before you shoot your foolish mouth off, eh?

BW, I am the first to say that NOT ALL non-traditional immigrants are bad, most Filipinos and many Chinese are very worthwhile people and so are a lot of the Hispanics from South American countries. I also generally find Poles and most Chechs to be good, but, all too many of these "convention refugees" ARE NOT suitable as this dork has demonstrated.

My whole point in this thread was to further illustrate by quoting Charest exactly how far gone we are in Canada (and the USA) as this kind of remark is all too commonplace now. But, some cannot understand such simple, obvious truths as has also been made clear. We face an uphill fight, for sure!
Originally Posted by kutenay
I am a North American, but, I am NOT a ...[bleep]..., now, YOU are an idiot, but, that is only too obvious.

What do you have against ...white...people, hmmm???

1. You're not a North American, you're Canadian (by your own many admissions). And a wetback Canuck at that of doubtful lineage.

2. [bleep] come in several colo(u)rs, koot, yours being white (or so you claim to be). I doubt that you are white.

3. Being a "white folk", I have nothing against them.

Again, go have fun with yourself. Lead with your chin and you're gonna get bopped. The French are your best hope there, get used to it little fella.

Old Toot
There is nothing doubtful about my lineage or my North American antecedents, but, what would you know about decent people from pioneer stock, since you are a hillbilly, peckerwood, whitetrash whose best shot is to call someone a ...[bleep]...

You can't even post where you are from, so, I don't take you too seriously, even tho' calling people a ...[bleep]...is exactly the kind of racism you profess to be against....typical.
This post is in answer to anyone other than Kutenay. In the opening post, and I quote
"How quickly the Frogs have forgotten Vimy Ridge, Courcellette, Passchendaele, Juno Beach, Dieppe and Caen, Falaise and the liberation of their miserable country where Canadian volunteers died in the tens of thousands and were wounded in hundreds of thousands."

If the person that I am quoting is meaning the 4 legged amphibious type then there is no racism. If he is refering to the French people , then yes there is some racism.

Oh, and by the way, beating someone to a pulp, just so happens to be against the law.
Originally Posted by kutenay
A 6'5" guy, WOW, now that is one hell of a big bohunk!!! Scares me all to hell and back again!!!! Yippee, got a big one, that time and who knows, maybe he is one tuff creampuff.....

What, my bohunk imbecile, do the RCMP have to do with this whole thread? Also, WHY would you come with a lawyer, maybe an interpreter might be more useful to you since your language is not even remotely "English".

Call me a ...NAZI... in person, fine, THAT IS a crime in Canada, pal, so, maybe learn a bit before you shoot your foolish mouth off, eh?

BW, I am the first to say that NOT ALL non-traditional immigrants are bad, most Filipinos and many Chinese are very worthwhile people and so are a lot of the Hispanics from South American countries. I also generally find Poles and most Chechs to be good, but, all too many of these "convention refugees" ARE NOT suitable as this dork has demonstrated.

My whole point in this thread was to further illustrate by quoting Charest exactly how far gone we are in Canada (and the USA) as this kind of remark is all too commonplace now. But, some cannot understand such simple, obvious truths as has also been made clear. We face an uphill fight, for sure!

i never intend dewey to being english spoken ... there is two legal languages in canada ... writing interpreter about is a racist act (read the accomodations about foreign people living in canada...) you re a racist and as anti communist as nazi you re a nazi this is illegal to claim to be a nazi not saying someone is if you have the proof as all of us can read here ...

no i treat you as a nazi and all posts you made prove to the way you threaten louis riel i and some others and this is not the first time you re like that ... im not afraid of you ....

but check kute what i promised to you is what is happening to you especially with all your stuffs written and this is not the first time someone is noth happy about your racists comments ...
i repeat again i never made any bad comments about Canada nor canadians except the racists like you but they re few ....

and there is a contradicton you always want a white uk immigration and now writing something else ???!!! dare what you re ??? an hypotric coward racist a shameful ....
LR, you may also note my strong defence of Francophones here this morning; I am NOT anti-Francophone, I AM anti-separatiste and anti-hypocrite. I also refer to Anglophones who come from England and treat our country as a colony as Limeys and worse, so, this was not really meant to be racist, simply an expression of frustration with certain situations.

How do you think "Ducky" Norwest or Henry Pehgambow, for example, would have felt about how France treats Canada now?
Originally Posted by kutenay
There is nothing doubtful about my lineage or my North American antecedents, but, what would you know about decent people from pioneer stock, since you are a hillbilly, peckerwood, whitetrash whose best shot is to call someone a ...[bleep]...

You can't even post where you are from, so, I don't take you too seriously, even tho' calling people a ...[bleep]...is exactly the kind of racism you profess to be against....typical.


Difference t'ween us, koot,,,I admit it. Didn't say I was against it. Just marvel at it.

Decent people from pioneer stock?? What would you know about "decent people"? This from your comments. Still doubt your lineage,,,white [bleep]. You are.

From, you ask? The Far Side. Please,,,don't take me too seriously, koot.

Old Toot
Medved, your continual telling me and others that I am a Nazi is LIBELLOUS under Canadian law and is also probably a "hate crime" under both Provincial and Federal Human Rights and "anti-hate" legislation. You might want to consider this before continuing with this type of behaviour. However, you amuse me and so I have no intention of pursuing any legal redress over this, but, I could do so, if I chose.

This would very likely influence any application for Canadian citizenship that you might make and not in a favourable way. You contradict your earlier comments about wanting to learn better English and this makes me wonder exactly how credible you really are. You obviously do not understand Canadian culture and would probably be well advised to learn to treat Canadians with greater respect as it is not your place to lecture us on how to behave in our country.

Now, stop your ridiculous posts and learn English before you post again. You want to ...come with a lawyer...get real, NO Canadian lawyer would accompany you to my home after what you have posted here, don't you know that this could result in disbarment for anyone that foolish?

No worries there, Toot, I just hate to see a guy as noble as you use terms like ...[bleep]........
Originally Posted by kutenay
Medved, your continual telling me and others that I am a Nazi is LIBELLOUS under Canadian law and is also probably a "hate crime" under both Provincial and Federal Human Rights and "anti-hate" legislation. You might want to consider this before continuing with this type of behaviour. However, you amuse me and so I have no intention of pursuing any legal redress over this, but, I could do so, if I chose.

This would very likely influence any application for Canadian citizenship that you might make and not in a favourable way. You contradict your earlier comments about wanting to learn better English and this makes me wonder exactly how credible you really are. You obviously do not understand Canadian culture and would probably be well advised to learn to treat Canadians with greater respect as it is not your place to lecture us on how to behave in our country.

Now, stop your ridiculous posts and learn English before you post again. You want to ...come with a lawyer...get real, NO Canadian lawyer would accompany you to my home after what you have posted here, don't you know that this could result in disbarment for anyone that foolish?

so here you post and tell all of use that you re not racist despite all comments you made ....
this is illegal saying someone is not but being against some races some kind of people or laughing about their origins or speaking or believes is racism so i repeat you re a racist ....
got to police and told what i wrote here .... and then we ll check together all your wrote ... dont remember what you wrote about asiatic people in vancouver or other in other cities in canada ???!!!
i never contradicted i must learn english that s true but as a moderator didnt tell me i do not write enough good english i ll continue to post and fight your racism ....

what do you know about my history about refugees ... this country is warm and welcome not you ... i can live with that but you ???!!!!

yes a lawyer will come to avoid you re calling police or justice because you want to fight but need protection ....lol you re giving to a lot of people come to my home then saying oh wait if you come ill send you to jail lol good protection dewey .... i ll love that ....
i have a respect for canadians and canada but not for you and never have one for you ....
Originally Posted by kutenay
No worries there, Toot, I just hate to see a guy as noble as you use terms like ...[bleep]........


Nobility aside, and don't 'hate it' (enough of that from you), but I'm truly honered here, koot.

You're still a white [bleep]. The "[bleep]" part is said with respect. Cause, it adds to your image. Lifts you a little. Accept it.

Who does not share your frustrations with change? I've got mine for sure. Big ones. Roll with it, plow forward. Railing, pissin and moanin, name calling ain't gonna get it done and truth is,,,there's little to be done. Your call.

Know this; The melting pot is ongoing.

Wouldn't mind swilling some diesel with you, though. Fort Nelson this spring, maybe? Gonna do the Alaska thing.

Old Toot
A few observations.

Charest is merely the latest in a long line of spoilt brat Quebec leaders. For a few votes he panders to the remaining separatists. Frogs or grenouilles, call them what you will, I assure you their epithets are similar. That's life.
Ever heard Koreans talk about Japanese ? It's not right or PC but
at this point in history, it's the way it is.

de Gaulle was grandstanding and indeed spewing drivel. Leader of a country whose current terror alerts escalate from Run to Hide followed by Collaborate and Surrender.

"I am going to tell you a secret...here tonight, I find myself in an atmosphere that is the same as Liberation."

Wonderful stuff. Three years later, the War Measures Act (martial law in the US) was needed to put down the FLQ. They or someone under the name of the Laporte cell are back writing letters again, today.

Funny this "[bleep]" stuff given Pierre Valliere's book "Les Negres Blanc de l'Amerique" . He was one of the traitorous FLQ.
How anyone could equate white, French history with black history eludes me. A true clown.

I left Quebec in '76, fed up with the whining and wailing about them being victims. Worked among them and the last PQ leader's blaming his election loss on the Jews and the immigrants is about par for the course. Racist?

Kutenay's posts are often informative and entertaining though I have on occasion differed with him on history and found him pretty rigid in his views. So what ?

Darned if I don't think troll when I read the posts of Medved and Louis Riel.

Best hot dog in the world is a steame from the Montreal Pool Room. A true Quebec cultural treasure.

Originally Posted by Bows Up
A few observations.

Charest is merely the latest in a long line of spoilt brat Quebec leaders. For a few votes he panders to the remaining separatists. Frogs or grenouilles, call them what you will, I assure you their epithets are similar. That's life.
Ever heard Koreans talk about Japanese ? It's not right or PC but
at this point in history, it's the way it is.

de Gaulle was grandstanding and indeed spewing drivel. Leader of a country whose current terror alerts escalate from Run to Hide followed by Collaborate and Surrender.

"I am going to tell you a secret...here tonight, I find myself in an atmosphere that is the same as Liberation."

Wonderful stuff. Three years later, the War Measures Act (martial law in the US) was needed to put down the FLQ. They or someone under the name of the Laporte cell are back writing letters again, today.

Funny this "[bleep]" stuff given Pierre Valliere's book "Les Negres Blanc de l'Amerique" . He was one of the traitorous FLQ.
How anyone could equate white, French history with black history eludes me. A true clown.

I left Quebec in '76, fed up with the whining and wailing about them being victims. Worked among them and the last PQ leader's blaming his election loss on the Jews and the immigrants is about par for the course. Racist?

Kutenay's posts are often informative and entertaining though I have on occasion differed with him on history and found him pretty rigid in his views. So what ?

Darned if I don't think troll when I read the posts of Medved and Louis Riel.

Best hot dog in the world is a steame from the Montreal Pool Room. A true Quebec cultural treasure.

troll ... bows up i dont think when i posted and helped some users here im a troll ... but i read some historical facts and racists words sorry to tell but i disagree ... i often disagree with other posters but dont attack them as kute did ...
im very happy to say that he had some fans but not all readers or posters are supporters .... so honestly i never talked about pq or else and then it appears and kute is the instigator ... nobody else sorry to tell but i dont support any political and i disagree with any form of violence but when a guy on public forum said it will put my head as pulp because i told what a lot tought and because this guy is a definetily a racist great you support him ... but just read everything on some misc threads ...
im not a good english spoken and kute love to tell this and i repeat this is racism ... if you dont accept differences that s not the way canada is taught to me tolerances is a word you need to learn ... ill accept all my new coutry dictate but not when some racists tell me what to do ...
I think that this guy has problems here in Canada that have nothing to do with me or any other poster here; his ludicrous comments are probably the result of problems with mental health or perhaps C.S.I.S. He obviously has no clue about our legal system, our culture or anything to do with Canada and his concern about ...racism...is quite sudden, given his previous comments on the Campfire.

I don't think that he is a troll, so much as someone who simply doesn't really understand the banter and quick repartee that is so much of what happens here, so, he takes offence where none was originally meant. Since, as a Slovenian, he is as "white" as I am, the whining about racism is not only false, it is suspect in respect of his previous lack of concern for such social situations.

Medved's comments would not concern me in the least as what some foreigner in my country thinks of me is not important, however, I have used this to illustrate something that I consider one of the greatest threats to Canada which has arisen during the past 40 years, after Trudeau's changes to our immigration policies.

This is the attitude, now so prevalent among a seeming majority of newcomers to Canada that THEY have the RIGHT to come here, regardless of what native-born Canadians think and also that THEIR opinions can and should take precedence over ours, or else we are racists, Nazis and so on. It seems to me that ANYONE should be dammed grateful to be allowed to enter Canada and, since I have found so many non-traditional immigrants and "refugees" to lack this as well as being scornful of Canada and full of hatred toward America, I have come to think that ALL such immigration/refugee acceptance must stop, now.

Simply because he seems to think that ...canada is taught to me... gives
him the right to dictate to us what we may say or think in OUR country does NOT make his rants either acceptable or factual; this guy does not know jacksquat about Canada and his weird posts show this. He will gradually fade away from the Campfire as his ignorance becomes ever more obvious and people lose patience with his namecalling.

In any event, threads that could have been useful venues of discussion here on our current social/gun problems have been ruined by this nutbar's raving, too bad, but maybe it will be beneficial in terms of showing what kind of immigrants we are getting and why we need immigration reform.

Finally, I have put this lunatic on "ignore" and I have never done this before to anyone, but, continuing to trade comments with him is a waste of my time and is of no benefit to anyone here...except to him and I have zero interest in assisting with his obsessive degradation of this forum.
the life on this forum is not destroyed by me nor others ...
but again i repeat i love this country and people ...
this is not because one didnt accept differences and tell others what they have to do or behave ???!!!
i love Canada and all people except the one who are racists and this comment is no specific about my person but about the non respect kutenay had about first nations, pakistanese, muslims and others like french spoken ...

anyway i wont make anymore interventions here as this guy seems to have some influence ....

useful making comment is the best way to follow but for all of us ... not only for me ...

have a good day and apologies for those that didnt follow all and of course i didnt want to be bad for all of you but only one guys i love you and this coutnry who warmly welcome me ....

Hmm...Reading all of this makes me think the Canadian government,like several jellyfish European governments makes "hate" speech or racial slurs a criminal offense.
Is this so??
If so i think your government has it wrong.
That's my opinion only.
We have off the wall groups down here that spout all kinds hateful and racial words.
So be it.
They are small and few in number and few if anyone pays attention to them.
There is a real reason America has a First Amendment to her Constitution followed by the Second Amendment.
I feel sorry for you guys.
Free speech is pretty much a joke here. It only applies if there are no minority groups that are offended by what has been said or written. As soon as someone, somewhere, feels slighted by what was said or written, then it becomes an "issue". Unless, of course you are a born and bred Canadian, who are very quickly becoming minority. Then, don't dare to speak your mind and don't complain about someone slighting you. It won't hold any more water than a bucket with a hole in the bottom!! I am not against legal immigration, but, when you get here #1) Do not try and tell me how to live according to my cultural traditions. I hunt, I fish and I enjoy those traditions. #2) Leave your issues in the "homeland". I am sick and tired of reading etc about the shootings and what not that are tied to schitt that is going on in the "homeland" happening here in Canada. And then to counter it, you scream for more controls on what is and isn't a legal activity or piece of property that I can participate in or own. No racism here, just respect my Country and my life style. And we certainly do not need the European leadership to come and dictate to us. Qubec is a beautiful province with lots of great hunting and fishing opportunities. Why then is it the hot bed for gun control and antihunting/fishing/trapping? Personally, I feel it is the big cities and the Euro attitudes in them. Get outside the cities and guess what, folks like to hunt/fish/trap. Pretty normal bunch like the rest of us. Solution: build a big cement wall around the big cities and fill 'er up with water! Probably have to flush as schitt floats.
I have said, repeatedly on this and other forums that the U.S. Constitution is the single, greatest evolution of Magna Carta and The Protocols of Oxford that has yet been seen. I would LOVE to assist with writing a genuinely Canadian Constitution that would be a further step in our traditional Norse-Celtic-Anglo-Saxon tradition of guaranteeing individual rights and freedoms, especially freedom of speech, assembly and the absolute right to keep and bear whatever arms we choose to own.

Troutfly has it right, very few Canadians, me included, are opposed to reasonable, respectful immigration, however, this is NOT what we have had here since 1967. Also, the very people who strongly advocate the elimination of private gun ownership ARE, all too often, non-traditional immigrants, "Convention refugees" and those who support them. This benefits big business types who want cheap labour and the commies of the NDP who want Canada to become an "internationalist" schitthole like Russia, with them in control.

Strongly advocating nationalist/nativist attitudes in Canada, as I do, is patriotic, NOT racist, however, those who have other agendas usually attempt to smear patriots with the false labels of "racist" and "nazi". I would never take action under "anti-hate" legislation as I do not agree with it, BUT, some may choose to use it against those who are destroying Canada as they try to use it against us........

The real solution to our problems is to strictly control non-traditional immigration, eliminate official "multiculturalism" in favour of Canadian patriotism and get a new constitution that protects OUR rights in OUR homeland. Difficult, yes, but necessary if Canada is to survive and we are to be free.

I would respectfully suggest that Premier Charest is either playing to the pipe-dreams of his constituents or he is ignorant of the fact that the French have been a non-issue in North American politics for over 200 years.

The French lost their entire claim to Canada when Montcalm was defeated at Quebec City on September 13, 1759. They later lost their entire claim to any of the rest of continental North America when they signed the Louisiana Purchase on May 2, 1803.

I don't know if Quebec could legally secede from Canada, but I doubt that they would succeed if they tried and I would hope that the residents of Quebec would remember that they are Canadians who are free to immigrate to France if their French heritage is critical to their very being.

The political lines drawn between the Anglophone and Francophone in Quebec is a sad situation for all Canadians, but it should be a pointed lesson to those in the U.S. who think that making Spanish a 2nd legal language is a good idea. I would be distressed to think that someday Mexico would lay claim to much of the western U.S. because some subset of the Spanish-speaking American population felt a closer kinship with Mexico than with the U.S. The prelude to a 2nd U.S. Civil War?

I don't know if Quebec could legally secede from Canada, but I doubt that they would succeed if they tried and I would hope that the residents of Quebec would remember that they are Canadians who are free to immigrate to France if their French heritage is critical to their very being.

.............I seem to remember big business threatening to move out of Quebec if this ever happened. Bombardier being one of the companies to mention this threat.
260 rem seems you dont know even your own history ...

wasnt a french that help between 1777 and 1778 la fayette if my memory deserves me well ... and it was only 4 000 frenchs that heps .... so the french bash is not good sometimes .... and it was less than 20 years after 1759 ...

so it seems that between 1759 and 1803 your memory had some holes ...
don t know why ????!!!
Dude, if your going to converse on a site that uses the english language it would really help if you learned it before you spoke, your jibberish is really hard to understand.....no offense
I see on your other post you ask where my family is from well Ireland and Scotland but that was in the 1700,s so I aint goin nowhere
Originally Posted by AkMtnHntr
Dude, if your going to converse on a site that uses the english language it would really help if you learned it before you spoke, your jibberish is really hard to understand.....no offense

no offense ... lol seems sometimes when people want to understand what i wrote it seems easier .... !!!

sometimes even the so native english spokers use abreviations that are not easy to understand ...

tell me which senses you didnt follow on my sentences ... ill translate .... but pretty sure you dont need this ???!!!
Originally Posted by gunbug
I see on your other post you ask where my family is from well Ireland and Scotland but that was in the 1700,s so I aint goin nowhere

are you taking this personnaly ??? did you ask me to go where i came from ??? your post here was off topic and concern only ones who didnt accept immigrants ??? are you one of these ???!!!
and if you re happy in canada as i m dont need to go somewhere else ???!!
read all i post not two sentences ...
my english is not good but undertandable or at least my last post lol ???!!!!
Quebec is largely a cesspool of unwanted terds.
Originally Posted by Old_Toot

.........Semper Fi, white, wetback.......

Old Toot
Hey! How did the US Marines get drug into this??
No, I'm pretty well versed in U.S. history, in particular, and World history, in general, and try to see it for what it is with as little influence of my own bias as possible.

If you read what I wrote, I was specific that the French influence in North American politics ended in Canada with Montcalm's defeat on the Plains of Abraham in 1759 and that their political influence over the rest of continental North American politics ended with the Louisiana Purchase in 1803.

I'm thankful that the French helped the U.S. gain its independence from the U.K., even if their help came more from self-serving motives rather than from any altruistic ones. After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

I would hope that the French people are equally thankful that the U.S. helped liberate them from German occupation in both 1918 and 1945. Whatever debt the U.S. people owed to the French people, I believe that it has been paid back several times over, with interest.

Today, my biggest problem with the French people is that their leaders cling to a delusion of grandeur about France's status as a nation, even though it currently exerts little influence on anything except the price of champagne, goose liver pate, and truffles.

OTOH, I think that the French language and culture, as practiced in Quebec, gives the Province a certain quaint quality that is useful for drawing in U.S. tourist dollars, but it would seem to be a significant obstacle for those people who aren�t fully and functionally bilingual. Face it, English is the primary language of commerce in North America and French is a distant 3rd, falling far behind Spanish in terms of importance. Except for the common language, most Canadian Francophones, such as yourself, probably have less in common with the majority of the citizens of metropolitan France than they do with the majority of Anglophone Canadians, since they are all Canadians 1st and hyphen-Canadians 2nd.

BTW, I was raised in New Hampshire, about equal distance between Montreal and Boston, so I got my NL fix via the Expos and my AL fix via the Red Sox. I also have relatives in Quebec, some of whom, through inter-marriage, have become Francophones with sir names like Dion, LeBrun, LeDue, LeMay, Plamondon, Richard, and Roy. There are many things that I like about Quebec, Habitant Sour Pickles being 1 that I think of often.

It's a pleasure to read posts from someone who is both erudite and articulate,; your analysis of the Quebec situation is largely correct with one or two exceptions. The actual surrender of "Nouvelle France" was not in 1759, it was when the Marquis de Vaudreille signed the capitulation at Montreal, Sept. 8, 1760, ending the long and very productive French colonization and exploration in what is now Canada. We won, but, the French ARE a founding people here and I greatly repect loyal Franco-phone Canadians.

The French have and do influence continental North American politics due to their never-ending interference in Canadian internal affairs concerning Quebec; this, in turn, has ramifications throughout the continent as the threat of separation DOES influence major business decisions such as the removal of corporate headquarters and even Canadian military deployments.

An example here is the re-positioning of the former Canadian Airborne Regiment at Petawawa, Ont. in the late '70s. They were moved from Edmonton, AB. in order to possibly deal with an insurrection in P.Q. as this was at a time of extreme political unrest there due to Rene Levesque and other B.Q. traitors. I knew quite a few CanForce guys at the time and this was common gossip among the active-duty guys....who WANTED to kick some separatiste azz. This regiment was later disbanded by Prime Minister Chretien due to his hatred of anything that was "Anglais"; the excuse for doing so was some drivel about whacking some thieves on the Somalia mission, typical political BS.

I think that the Quebec situation will be resolved by mid-century as Canadians come to see the advantages of national unity more clearly and reject any form of special treatment for ethnic minorities or cultural groups. While some Quebecers may entertain fantasies about a French "nation" in North America and the Froggies may continue to tacitly support this, WE Canadians WILL prevent any attempts to breakup our country by ANY means necessary, including military action.

A number of my ancestors, including Captain Hughes, a forbearer of Canada;s WWI Minister of Militia, Major-General Sir Sam Hughes, who was my Great-Grandmother's first cousin, fought on The Plains of Abraham, another was an officer with the 78th Fraser Highlanders. Canadians like me have NO bloody intention of seeing OUR nation disintegrate and, as our first PM, Sir John Alexander MacDonald, said about the traitor Francophone Louis Riel, "Riel wants a fight and, by God, we are going to give it to him"....WE WON then, AGAIN and, by God, WE will give them a fight and win this time, too!!!!

Canada for Canadians, keep the faith with Britain, the USA, Australia and New Zealand, our TRUE friends and allies!
I support Quebec independance. They can take everything they won on the Plains of Abraham.
Oh boy, here we go again.
Originally Posted by medved
Originally Posted by AkMtnHntr
Dude, if your going to converse on a site that uses the english language it would really help if you learned it before you spoke, your jibberish is really hard to understand.....no offense

no offense ... lol seems sometimes when people want to understand what i wrote it seems easier .... !!!

sometimes even the so native english spokers use abreviations that are not easy to understand ...

tell me which senses you didnt follow on my sentences ... ill translate .... but pretty sure you dont need this ???!!!

What is a "spoker"?? My point exactly...
Again, nah it never ends here in Canada. Just like talking about the weather and hating liberals, discussing Quebec moving onto their idea of greener pastures is a respected hobby most days.
I have always found it ironic that many of the same Quebecers who insist that Quebec is a "nation" and demand "sovereignity" have NO difficulty with insisting that Labrador which is part of Newfoundland be annexed as a part of Quebec. They ALSO insist that they can/will continue to use Canadian currency AND will be protected by the Canadian Armed Forces......it is to laugh!!!!

Grouseman has EXACTLY the right idea and, if any Quebecers want a "re-match", well, I have no problems shooting traitors, eh! Fugem, Quebec is a joke in international affairs, the French despise tourists from there and treat them like dirt and they would NEVER succeed as an independent nation....we are saddled with the pathetic pricks and this ONLY refers to those who are "separatistes".

I wonder who would win a scrap between a bunch of Newfies and some "pur laine" Froggies...........
I think the Newfies would have a say in that matter and it would not be a very positive outcome for Quebec. I can see the Newfies lined up along the "border" with all sorts of "defensive apparatus". I don't know too many who hold Quebec near and dear to their hearts. Having lived there, I know a few!
I say, let them go, taking with them the full Quebec share of Canada's national debt. They can figure out their own currency and defence force. The Inuit as well as the other Native groups in Quebec will also need to have a say in their future as they were there before the French. I don't think there is much love there either. Gonna leave a pretty small piece of property for all the Quebecers to crowd onto. Now, I didn't bring up the Natives to "stir the pot" but just to indicate to some of the folks from elsewhere that there are a number of issues involved in Quebec leaving is all. Native groups don't seem to get a lot of mention when folks start to talk separation. The Separatists seem to think that the Natives will happily follow them. I just don't see that. When/if it happens, it is gonna be a he** of a mess and I hope Canada can survive it. The Euro leaders esp France, certainly need to BTFOUT!!
Originally Posted by kutenay
I wonder who would win a scrap between a bunch of Newfies and some "pur laine" Froggies...........

Based on how the Newfoundland regiments did in WW1 and II, I have no doubt as to the outcome. I'd put those boys up against any in the world...

Originally Posted by AkMtnHntr
Originally Posted by medved
Originally Posted by AkMtnHntr
Dude, if your going to converse on a site that uses the english language it would really help if you learned it before you spoke, your jibberish is really hard to understand.....no offense

no offense ... lol seems sometimes when people want to understand what i wrote it seems easier .... !!!

sometimes even the so native english spokers use abreviations that are not easy to understand ...

tell me which senses you didnt follow on my sentences ... ill translate .... but pretty sure you dont need this ???!!!

What is a "spoker"?? My point exactly...

sorry i made a mystake it was "spoken" to be read is that the only word you didnt follow ???!!!
Originally Posted by troutfly
I think the Newfies would have a say in that matter and it would not be a very positive outcome for Quebec. I can see the Newfies lined up along the "border" with all sorts of "defensive apparatus". I don't know too many who hold Quebec near and dear to their hearts. Having lived there, I know a few!
I say, let them go, taking with them the full Quebec share of Canada's national debt. They can figure out their own currency and defence force. The Inuit as well as the other Native groups in Quebec will also need to have a say in their future as they were there before the French. I don't think there is much love there either. Gonna leave a pretty small piece of property for all the Quebecers to crowd onto. Now, I didn't bring up the Natives to "stir the pot" but just to indicate to some of the folks from elsewhere that there are a number of issues involved in Quebec leaving is all. Native groups don't seem to get a lot of mention when folks start to talk separation. The Separatists seem to think that the Natives will happily follow them. I just don't see that. When/if it happens, it is gonna be a he** of a mess and I hope Canada can survive it. The Euro leaders esp France, certainly need to BTFOUT!!

troufly you re right about the natives but hope they arent listen you too loud and dont follow their quebecer brothers and ask that around the others Canada provinces especially Alberta (including oil fields and BC of course) ...!!! easy to ask it somewhere and not somewhere else ... im for one Canada .... not for a different treatment depending where you re living ... ???!!!!
dont know what happens suddenly about this specific speech on Quebec on this part of forum ??? is the elections coming soon there make you anxious ???!!!

about labrador was not that part of quebec given by london in 1927 by a private counsil ???? any canadians still accepting what london says not pretty sure ???!!!
The Newfoundlanders in WWI were actually HORRIFIED by the Canadians, due to the strict Roman Catholic upbringing that most of them had and the legendary fightin', drinkin' 'n' fornicatin' behaviour of Canucks.

They WERE good soldiers and brave as the debacle at Beaumont-Hamel demonstrated, to our enduring sorrow. There,on July 1st, 1916, the first day of the Battle of the Somme, the Royal Newfoundland Regiment attacked in dense fog into massed machine gun fire without faltering; of the 801 officers and men of the battalion, some 60-70 stood to the colours at "rollcall" the following morning, the rest of them lay in the mud of Flanders and they lie there yet......

However, the greatest volunteer participation among Canadian or other Dominion forces per capita as well as the largest number of Victoria Crosses won was by British Columbians and our losses exceeded those of other Provinces to the extent that a number of our battalions were re-designated as Ontario units due to being nearly annihilated. This was the case with the 54th Kootenay Battalion from my home town.

I was raised by those men, many missing limbs, who served in this heroic unit; this may account for my unwavering Canadian patriotism and willingness to fight for MY country, no matter who is stupid enough to start trouble here.....like foreigners who support gun-banning non-traditional immigrant politicians, Quebec separatism or Communism.
No I'm not worried about the provincial election in Quebec at all. They have been making those noises for years. What ticks me off are the statements that North America is French and thebintrusion into internal Federal/Provincial politics by foreign governments. The Native issue is not a concern to me as there are land claims being dealt with across each province in Canada. If Quebec were to leave Confederation, then the Native land claims would blow up there, but should not affect the rest of Canada because the Natives want to remain in Canada.
Where Labrador is concerned, I think that the people who live there would definitely have something to say about the Brits giving them away now. There is no way that any province would stand by while a chunk of it was just given away now. I can't see Quebec wanting to try and teach a bunch of Newfs yet another language either. The Newfs already are bilingual, English and Newfanese. Both languages are easily understood by most Canadians already so I would imagine that the rest of Canada would also want to keep Labrador as part of Newfoundland.

i hope and this is real and sincere that the Canada still be one country or ill be again a refugee...and will come in any other provinces that want me even if my endlish is not so good ... lol

this is more newspapers and TV that are talking about separation not a concern in population and even in Quebec city ...
this is an asking for and from intellectuals ... just my toughts

see you
If the french and quebec want all of North America then I say come and get it! What a bunch of idiots! Does anyone here besides the french think that france is a world power? They are a worldwide joke and are now reaping the benefits of their immigration policies. I'm sorry but if it were not for the brave Canadian and American men at arms that died on the beaches of Normandy, the Germans would still be sipping wine in paris... As to quebec wanting to cede from Canada, I'd say let them, Canada would probably be better off without them.. but that's up to the Canadians to decide, not me... I just want to be a good neighbor!
This attitude that Canada would be better off without Quebec is one that I have always strongly disagreed with as Quebec or "Lower Canada" is now and has always been an integral part of a united Canada. MOST Francophone Canadians ( known as Canadiens) are as loyal as any other group of Canucks, the problem has been with a minority of self-seeking trouble makers who REALLY want to gain personal wealth and power for themselves and their friends.

During WWII, many Franco-phone Canadiens from Quebec served with great valour in the liberation of Europe. Heros like Major Paul Triquet won the Victoria Cross, at Casa Berardi, while leading the Royal 22nd. Regiment against superior German forces. In France, Major Dollard Menard, stood exposed on the beach at Dieppe and was wounded FOUR times, refusing to leave his unit, he won the Distinguished Service Order for his courage.

The attack across 1200 yds. of a 40 ft. wide causeway at Walcheren Island in the Netherlands, where the open roadway had NO shelter and was heavily defended by Nazi forces with machine guns, mortars and 75mm cannons was undertaken by the Second Canadian Infantry Division. The final bloody assault was victorious and made by The Regiment de la Maisoneuve, Franco-phones from Quebec.

In Normandy, La Fusiliers Mont Royal, led by Major Jacques Dextrase who won the Distinguished Service Order, kicked the crap out of Kraut Paratroops and Waffen-SS units with tremendous courage and loyalty to Canada.

Then, there was Major Talbot Papineau, killed heroically at Passchendaele in WWI, where my grandfather received the wound that killed him as a young man. Francophones from Quebec ARE Canadians and dammed good ones, they are NOT the problem in Canada.

Encouraging fluency in various world languages in Canadian schools is, IMO, one of the best things that we, as a society, could possibly do and French IS a Canadian language as is English, Old Norse and Gaelic in both it's Scots and Irish forms. So, I am all in favour of traditional "bi-lingualism" and think that our other founding tongues, as above, should also be taught in schools. I would welcome MORE language instruction in major Asian and European languages in Canadian schools as well as this would give our kids a much needed advantage in international affairs of all kinds.

What we NEED to do, is to keep the terrorists, Communists, Socialists and various phoney "refugees" OUT of Canada (and the U.S.A.); this means eliminating offical "multiculturalism" and choosing immigrants MUCH more carefully. I think that the recent shooting in S.L.C. by a Bosnian Muslim is evidence of where the REAL problems come from and closing the borders to persons of this type as well as deporting those already here WILL help to prevent tragedies like this.

This scumbag's family now claims that he suffered during the Balkan War, well, tough schitt, THEY started that conflict and WE should not allow them into OUR country to kill innocent people here as a result of that....or, anything else.
kutenay - Very well stated! Like I said, its not for me or any other non-canadian to decide whats best for Quebec or Canada. I've learned more interesting Canadian history here than I have anywhere else. Thanks!
Regarding the seperatist push, it also occurred to me to be an incredible sell out to those Francophones living in other parts of Canada.

Regards, sse
Racizm is always a good card to play kute,typical of these types.
Originally Posted by bushboots
Racizm is always a good card to play kute,typical of these types.

+1...No doubt buy that man a beer.......
Looks to me like Kute will hand somebody their azz that tries either the racism or Canadian history card(s)!!
Originally Posted by bushboots
Racizm is always a good card to play kute,typical of these types.

not pretty sure you understood all was written ....

this card is not about racism this is a fact kute is a racist if you follow him you re one too ???!!!
Originally Posted by 340boy
Looks to me like Kute will hand somebody their azz that tries either the racism or Canadian history card(s)!!

any cards played against kute is trying to be down by his so lovely supporters ...

canadian history is not so known by kute especially the french one but you re true on racism and racist this is the "best" guy ever met ???!!
Didn't you know.......every white man is a racist.
Originally Posted by bushboots
Didn't you know.......every white man is a racist.

Bushboots is it a scientific facts or an historical point of view ???!!!

never met fully racist people as this guy and his supporters ???!!!!
What about the wholesale slaughter in your homeland by people who were neighbours, for fu*k sake!? Are you REALLY as stupid as you seem here? Geezuz, I wonder about your mental health!
Originally Posted by kutenay
What about the wholesale slaughter in your homeland by people who were neighbours, for fu*k sake!? Are you REALLY as stupid as you seem here? Geezuz, I wonder about your mental health!

you know everything and told me that im a war criminals so dont need to receive infos for you ???!!!

in my homeland slovenija the war stayed 10 days and with the help of NATO (including Canada) they were no war criminals in slovenjia this is very sad for you and the only killed people were the once killed by federal army ....
Originally Posted by kutenay
What about the wholesale slaughter in your homeland by people who were neighbours, for fu*k sake!? Are you REALLY as stupid as you seem here? Geezuz, I wonder about your mental health!

you know everything and told me that im a war criminals so dont need to receive infos for you ???!!!

in my homeland slovenija the war stayed 10 days and with the help of NATO (including Canada) they were no war criminals in slovenjia this is very sad for you and the only killed people were the once killed by federal army ....
How do I know you are not a Serb "ethnic cleanser" or Bosnian Muslim shooter like that one in Salt Lake last week??? YOU are probably a war criminal, hiding here as a "refugee", so, maybe you should NOT own guns, eh?
Originally Posted by medved
Originally Posted by bushboots
Didn't you know.......every white man is a racist.

Bushboots is it a scientific facts or an historical point of view ???!!!

never met fully racist people as this guy and his supporters ???!!!!
NAAAA ........It's people like you that cry racism every time a white man speaks and you don't like what he says......the white man is the one whom is discrimized against...people like you created this mess and use it for your own personal gain. In my world,the bad ones weed themselfs out, dosn't matter black, white, yellow or green.
Bushboots, do you have any idea what "color" medved is?
It doesn't matter what "colour" ANYONE is, the FACTS are that there IS discrimination in Canada against "white", native born Canadian males. This is just not acceptable and no amount of PC drivel is going to make it so.

Medved is NOT interested in anti-racism, there IS another agenda here and it will be "outed" in due course.
Originally Posted by 340boy
Looks to me like Kute will hand somebody their azz that tries either the racism or Canadian history card(s)!!

Without a thought.Great to have a GOOD CANUCK HERE........3 CHEERS FOR KUTE.
Louis,"colour" doesn't matter to me.If a man is hard working and pulls his weight (earns his keep so to speak)and doesn't rely on some stupid law to get ahead....I'll work with him and give him the respect he deserves....Also....I don't appreciate people from other countries trying to force there traditions and religions and what have you on my country and its traditions. If they want to live in canada,then act like a canadian or go back to where ya came from.To much chitt being shoved down the throats of native born canadians.Too much cryin about racizm and discrimination. It's bound to pizz some people off....Get use to it.
It's people like you that cry racism every time a white man speaks and you don't like what he says......the white man is the one whom is discrimized against.

These are your words.
Originally Posted by LouisRiel
It's people like you that cry racism every time a white man speaks and you don't like what he says......the white man is the one whom is discrimized against.

These are your words.
Ya........and whats your point?
I don't beleive I said I wanted to see Canada broken up by Quebec leaving. Just staed how it should work it self out if it came to that, but, like I said the rhetoric always gets cranked up a bit when there is an election looming in Quebec and nationally. I would certainly never want to see it come to a rendering like the former Yugoslavia went through. I was in that country when some of the worst of it was going on, because of my job in the Canadian Forces (I'm now retired), Bosnians, Serbs, Croats etc on ALL sides of the conflict were trying to kill me each day. I was a medic, my job was to help provide medical care to all people regardless of who they were,UN/NATO military, civilians on all sides and all fighters from the former Yugo regardless if they were uniformed or not. The atrocities I saw which had been perpetrated upon humans by humans due to ethnic and religious hatred was sickening. I do not think we need people to come to Canada and tell us how to live. My right to hunt/fish and possess guns in Canada is one of the things I hold dear to my heart as they provided and still do provide a release from the horrors of the world as I would slip away to the woods and leave the demons behind. I am now leaving this subject as it is getting a little out there for me now. Canada needs to stay together and born and bred Canadians need to have our traditions respected and left alone by interlopers. I have had my say, I hope I have not offended anyone.
Me too....well said....no offence taken.
Originally Posted by kutenay
It doesn't matter what "colour" ANYONE is, the FACTS are that there IS discrimination in Canada against "white", native born Canadian males. This is just not acceptable and no amount of PC drivel is going to make it so.

Medved is NOT interested in anti-racism, there IS another agenda here and it will be "outed" in due course.

act kute dont say : do .....

the discrimantion is only about racist and here this you not all canadians ....
and definitely im an anti-racist ... and some of your old friends wrote here that you re one so this is not new even for you ...

you dislike to read that but truth is not easy to read ...
Originally Posted by kutenay
How do I know you are not a Serb "ethnic cleanser" or Bosnian Muslim shooter like that one in Salt Lake last week??? YOU are probably a war criminal, hiding here as a "refugee", so, maybe you should NOT own guns, eh?

please use your secret connections to prove that .... and post here i give you the right ????!!!

the investigations made by your government on my case are really interesting but nothing to be shown here on your false infos ....
only political reasons to protect my family ....

so please stop to talking about conspiration and only that some people even canadians dont all accept what you re talking about and certainly with your words ....
I think that I will contact the appropriate authorities and request that you be subjected to further scrutiny; I think that you ARE probably hiding something and should be deported for threatening me, daring insult my family and just being unacceptable in every respect.

GET OUT OF CANADA, scumbag!!!!!!
never insulted your family but you and i repeat you re a racist ...

i respect all but no racists so i dont respect you ... show me where i posted about your family ....

please do and act not only saying what you ll never do ...
Fine, you Commie intruder, that's it for me, we will see what happens.
we all hope ...

the ones who want me back and others to see your guts or balls ???!!!
Medved, why did you come to Canada and why did you leave your birth place?
Originally Posted by bushrat
Medved, why did you come to Canada and why did you leave your birth place?

due to political reasons in my country ... cant leave anymore there ???!!! that s why refugees are located sometimes in lovely country ...
Might it have something to do with socialism,communism and the lack of freedom, free speech, freedom of movement, freedom of opinion. You need to understand that opinion does not make a racist. We have free speech here and are allowed to vocalize our opinions. You need to realize that we are free to say what we want and so are you. You are confusing political correctness that frowns on freedom of speech and is not legislated with laws against racism which have to do with legislation pertaining to acts of racism. Kutenay is free to speak his opinion and has not threatened you in any way, he has stated what he will do in a situation should he be confronted personally and physically by you. You should endorse Kutenays freedom of speech, thats one of reasons that make this country great. When you come here and tell citizens of this country that they can't say this or that, you are trying to take our rights away. You keep saying that you have reported him to some anti racist organization, they are not law enforcers, they are people who organized a group that conveys their own opinions. They are allowed to do this because in this country they are free to do this, this does not give them power to do anything to anybody. If you don't like what you hear here that is too bad, you are free to rebutt your opinion. Why is it that immigrants coming here because of lack of rights in their birth countries try to take our rights away. I don't care what color you are or what religion, but when you come here and tell Kutenay, me or anyone else we cannot say what we want then I'll be right beside Kutenay telling you to get the hell out, we accepted you into this country, that is a priveledge we have extended to you. Do not try to tell us what we can and cannot say. If you don't like a free country then don't come here.
opinion for sure bushrat and as i already told i m happy here but not with people saying what i must toughts or beliefs ???!!

again talking about communism socialism is great but are you too against these ????

this is a privilege to be here and hope kute will do his homework to send me to hell as you wished too ???!!!

happy that a guy giving his free speech the smell of racism can tell it here ???!!

so again i repeat what it s said in Canada that i dont know lol : from my origin my colour my language my belief my political behave (if legal) i cant be attacked even by words and the laws werent made by me ... free speech doesnt mean you can say anything ... i mean too that choosing words is better especially when you re on a border about racism as kute made ...

some posters here told this before and i repeat happy that you disagree but kute had a racist intervention ....

again i like this country not racist ... immigrants made this country what is now not only a few people all of them ....
NOBODY here, except you, has mentioned your colour, except when I stated that you are as "white" as I am AND nobody has mentioned your origins, until YOU brought it up. I understand that you are of French-Slovenian ethnicity and that has NOT been vilified or even mentioned, EXCEPT when YOU did it.

...is a privilege to be here..., you are godam right it is and it is people like ME whose families pioneering settlement and building of Canada AND our defeat of the Nazis, Fascists in Italy and the horrifically brutal "Empire of the Sun", saved your people from extermination in WWII AND in the Balkan War of the early '90s.

The Nazis in the "Iron Cross", "Der Totenkopf Verbande" and the "Arrow Cross" as well as volunteer fascists from Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, various Slavic nations and France WERE exterminating you....you ignorant, ungrateful swine, MY people DIED to save scum like you and you dare to call me a ...nazi...!

Immigrants DID NOT ...make this country what it is..., PIONEERS from largely NORDIC nations plus native-born Canucks built Canada and WE OWN IT, so, WE decide who is welcome here and who is not.

I CAN attack your Communist attitudes AND your behaviour here if I choose to, BUT, your specific comments to me as well as the threats that you, a very large man, much younger than I am, ARE illegal, you stupid pissant.

So, you are full of schitt as others keep telling you.
again Kute this is so lovely to tell me who you are ...

few pages before you stated will we stop this infos ???!!! about what you re and not accepting im sorry you didnt like to face truth ....!!!!

about welcoming me in canada it was done and not by you ???!!!

im happy to know that im full of schitt and else you wrote but as i already stated none of your supporters are writing here and some are not not friends too are telling already that you re a racist ...

not happy about that live with that and go to justice and we ll see ???!!!

by the way the RCMP protecting my family here are in love with this story ...

now with all the infos i gave to you it will not a problem to ask your secret service what you think im ... tell find me easily ...!!! and we re in love dewey as i stated your hate and racism acts and behaviour are in your blood ...

never attacked your family and you cant prove something else and i dont delete my posts as you already done ....

im not large but tall lol ....
i have to ad that is not because your parents relatives were antifacist that you re one too ...

your words your sentences seems you re of the best guy in the racist organisations ....

hope you ll report this ...

why dont you do in politics and create your movement and made public your toughts ???!!!
Originally Posted by medved
again talking about communism socialism is great but are you too against these ????

Of course I'm against communism and socialism. These forms of government destroy freedom. You being from one of those countries have seen it happen yourself and left because of it. You should know better. Why would you want it in Canada?
Originally Posted by bushrat
Originally Posted by medved
again talking about communism socialism is great but are you too against these ????

Of course I'm against communism and socialism. These forms of government destroy freedom. You being from one of those countries have seen it happen yourself and left because of it. You should know better. Why would you want it in Canada?

it was a question not "a want in canada asking" ??? seems that the support to this old kute blind you about my posts ???!!!

i said that i came from an ex communist country not im one ???!!!! never claim to be one and wanting one kute tattoed it on me that s another story ???!!!

by the way did you discuss with the southern border neighbors they even think canadians are socialists so ???!!!!
Originally Posted by medved
by the way did you discuss with the southern border neighbors they even think canadians are socialists so ???!!!!

Sadly, we are much more socialist in Canada than the US. I do not like it. It must be stopped.
Originally Posted by kutenay
I think that I will contact the appropriate authorities and request that you be subjected to further scrutiny; I think that you ARE probably hiding something and should be deported for threatening me, daring insult my family and just being unacceptable in every respect.

GET OUT OF CANADA, scumbag!!!!!!


Why is it that you always resort to lawyers and "appropriate authorities" (BigUglyMan Thread) to cover your boney, keyboard cowboy asss? You are one tuff guy until,,, then you take the refuge of a coward which you are. Plain and simple, koot.

Sue me, Mr. Gutless. Sic'em on me, little big boy.

What a joke you are. A sad one, too. "Dare to insult", you say. Another of your pitiful, hollow jokes. You're living in a past that never was, Old Man. Your natural passing will be mourned by many, I'm sure.

BTW, I'll be in Canada this summer for 2-3 weeks.

Old Toot
No schitt, Toot, what a guy you are, eh?

So, come and see me here in Vancouver, Toot, you can tell me all of this in person. BTW, are you legally able to enter Canada, no D.U.Is, no dope busts or maybe child molestation convictions?

Given your problems with basic English, I suspect that you might be a "burnout" from the '60s, probably a former draft dodger and you probably will not make it across the border....or is it out of the psych. ward?
Well, kootsie,

Despite my sordid past, I have visited your wonderful country each year for the past 8. Manitoba, Alberta and Sask. for whitetails and black bear. Fun and success on all with 3 trips rushed ones and going back this year to Van. Isl for more black bear, I hope,,,dui not yet garnered by could be withstanding, who knows, put me on your most wanted list(s). Call your podnahs, call your lawyers (barrsiters) and report me for 'border watch'!!

You'll like this, too. Just got a contract for the Tar Sands in Alberta!! Go figga, little [bleep]. Would hire you as a junk yard dog,,,,if'n you're open for it? Let me know. Gotta be real careful on the answer cause there are some ruff Hombres in the vicinity.

Ain't "global" a wonderful thing, I ask you?

You are pitiful, koot and I do pity you. Not so much for what you espouse but for a mis-directed, wasted life. Real pity is that you're a 'good boy' and one day, you would have been a 'good man' but it's too late for you. Life's a bitch ain't it?

I hope you get well. Call me then.

Old Toot
Well, Tootsie, what can I say, you know me and my country so well....are you coming through Vancouver or just flying direct to Edmonton?

I don't doubt that you have been sampling Canadian hunting on the Prairies, maybe you should try B.C. I just might be able to show you a Grizzly or two and watch your reaction....they LIKE tainted meat, so, you would be real popular!

What's your contract for, cleaning the camp toilet facilities or are you a "gay rights co-ordinator"? I think that you are full of crapola and having worked in northern AB, where my late uncle was one of the earlier employees at "Tar Island" as a supervisor, I can say that your mouth will get your azz kicked real quick.

BTW, I don't work for foreigners, especially obvious [bleep].
I'll try and stay out of trouble there, koot. Shouldn't be too hard. A good friend from Calgary will head up the tech support part of this phase (2 yr. contract). I note that there are a number of Chinese working on this thing, too.

Welcome to the future.

Old Toot
Ok, Toot, I am glad to see that you will respect our peaceful, lawful society as the "Queen's Cowboys" always get their man....

You will have to learn that "Chinese" here are often members of founding pioneer families, as I am and seldom like being called "Chinese", they expect to be called Canadians. I know that you are a self-admitted racist, however, you really must conform to our customs here as we Canucks tend to schitkick foreigners who do not.....just a friendly warning as many Canucks of Chinese extraction are friends of mine.

Welcome to The Great White North, working here might make a real man out of you......nah, you won't hack it.
This is a quote from Kute. I wonder if his Chinese friends would him using "Chinaman" when refering to Chinese people?
"Yup, I was banned on CGN for repeatedly speaking out against the extreme bigotry against so-called "white trash" and the Roman Catholic Church that was so commonplace on that site. I am PROUD of this as I do not submit to anti-Canadian rhetoric and believe in treating everyone fairly; in fact, I am amused by the entire affair as the Chinaman who owns CGN would use terms like "white bastards" while stating that "racist remarks are straightly forbidden"......the irony here is rather obvious......... "
Actually, MOST of the Canadians of Chinese origin and from pioneer stock, whom I know, PROUDLY use the traditional BC term, "Chinaman" when speaking about themselves and their origins. But, given YOUR ancestry, they probably would NOT like you very much.

WHY don't you TELL us WHAT you are AND post the comment you made to me concerning ...native...people? A little honesty might make your rants a bit more credible, eh,?

You sure seem to have a weird slant on things.

I have, but you obviously chose not to read it.
ah kute not only your supporters are here ...

seems the old man is not so popular ???!!!!

i let your comments on other ethnicities as you said for chinaman ... a racist dont need to hide him and we all on this forum part know who you re ???!!!
Originally Posted by kutenay
Well, Tootsie, what can I say, you know me and my country so well....are you coming through Vancouver or just flying direct to Edmonton?

I don't doubt that you have been sampling Canadian hunting on the Prairies, maybe you should try B.C. I just might be able to show you a Grizzly or two and watch your reaction....they LIKE tainted meat, so, you would be real popular!

What's your contract for, cleaning the camp toilet facilities or are you a "gay rights co-ordinator"? I think that you are full of crapola and having worked in northern AB, where my late uncle was one of the earlier employees at "Tar Island" as a supervisor, I can say that your mouth will get your azz kicked real quick.

BTW, I don't work for foreigners, especially obvious [bleep].

Kute is the great inviting people to come visit him and need others like police or grizzlies to be protected ...
plus we have too an-anti-gay ... you re case is really interesting especially when we saw which cities you re living ???!!!
sexual life is private who care about gay or not ??? only racist again ???!!!
Originally Posted by LouisRiel
This is a quote from Kute. I wonder if his Chinese friends would him using "Chinaman" when refering to Chinese people?
"Yup, I was banned on CGN for repeatedly speaking out against the extreme bigotry against so-called "white trash" and the Roman Catholic Church that was so commonplace on that site. I am PROUD of this as I do not submit to anti-Canadian rhetoric and believe in treating everyone fairly; in fact, I am amused by the entire affair as the Chinaman who owns CGN would use terms like "white bastards" while stating that "racist remarks are straightly forbidden"......the irony here is rather obvious......... "


The more the homo, nut case talks, the better we all know him. Keep it going,,,,,he'll answer, sick bastar*d he/she is.

Koot, do again go and have some fun with yourself.

Your are one sad person. RSVP (white [bleep]).

Old Toot
Toot, Rick has told us to drop this, so, I will refrain from further comment here.
OK, thanks Rick.

Koot,,catch you in the funny papers.

Old Toot
No, that is not quite right.

I put all three parties into their own private PM thread so they could bash each others heads in OUTSIDE the bar, in the alley. Sorry Old Toot, I left you out, but can likely hook you up in the mix if you'd like.

Unless there is a special need of which I am unaware to have this spat be public, then I don't see a problem.

Hit the private thread, and knock yourselves out.

Dropping it was not my suggestion, just dropping it off the radar.

This new software has some game, I'll tell ya.



You are invited old toot
Thanks for your patience, Rick.

Koot, pm me.

Old Toot
Originally Posted by kutenay
Toot, Rick has told us to drop this, so, I will refrain from further comment here.


If'n you'll take me off of ignore,,would like to talk to you. On the the pm basis. White [bleep].

Old Toot
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