Posted By: 673 Why fight? - 05/29/22
Woke up one morning and wondered, why fight?.....why not embrace some of the things we can't put our minds around. It takes alot of time and energy to fight, time could be better spent enriching our communities at large.

I am now welcoming forced Vaccination, everyone should be forced to take the jab, or they should have all their assets seized and imprisoned. The Virus will spread if we don't, experts agree, I now welcome it.

Gun control...I think all guns should be seized, you don't even need one to take down a deer. I am now inviting seizure, Them sitting there scare me, I never know when one of them is going to go crazy, or as a group, its scary, thank you in advance.

Thank you for the homosexuals in our government and education systems, who knew that people who choose a lifestyle that makes them devoid of having children of their own, would know so much about raising our kids. Thanks for that, and I welcome you to continue to teach my kids how great inclusion is, I wasn't aware being straight was the problem all along.
Posted By: 673 Re: Why fight? - 05/29/22
To the King of England, pizz on you for interrupting the next raid we were planning on the sleepy village next door. We were going to murder and enslave them, thank you for ruining a perfectly good party.
Posted By: BC30cal Re: Why fight? - 05/29/22
Top of the morning to you my friend, I hope that this last Sunday in May is looking to be a decent one for you all.

It's overcast and cool here once more and the CO's live bear trap in my yard is still empty... so my day's going okay but could be better... wink

I want to say up front that while we've so far just chatted on the phone, texted and exchanged correspondence, I believe I have at least a good basic understanding of who you are, what you believe is important and why you've come to believe that.

If I'm wrong about that 673, then I'll both apologize up front and do my best to do better next time.

We fight because we've read, studied and then done our best to understand our local history for starters. For whatever reasons we're born with or developed through life, we wanted to know how it is we've arrived at this point in time with the standard of life/living we enjoy. With that understanding or knowledge came the realization that some of the proposed changes made by those currently at the helm will not have good results for the majority.

That's our gut level. firmly held belief. They're wrong - for a multitude of provable reasons.

Personally I'm now driven by the thought or understanding that it's my "job/duty/responsibility" to work towards the end I perceive/believe to be the right one.

I've had a really good run 673 and have been blessed far, FAR beyond anything I ever have done to deserve it.

That said, I'm cognizant that much of the blessing stems from the efforts of those who came before me, thus it's now my job/duty/responsibility to do what I am able to do to ensure a firm foundation for the next shift.

As always, including as I'm attempting to answer here 673, I continually pray for wisdom and discernment because I'm wrong about a lot of things and wrong often at that.

Anyways, that's where I am and if I'm not wrong, can safely use the term we as I have, you know?

Will we be on the side which prevails? We'll see.

All the best and God bless.

Posted By: Fury01 Re: Why fight? - 05/29/22
Whether you are on the side that prevails is simple.
Are you on the side of the one true God? The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob? Have you ask him to forgive and save? If so, your on the side which prevails.
If not, you perish as you have chosen alone and lost.
Posted By: 673 Re: Why fight? - 05/29/22
Good morning Dwayne smile
I don't think the perceived political masters in this Country have the support they say they have. I think the numbers of supporters for the agenda have been greatly inflated, similar to the followers Biden has on twitter.

I don't know one single supporter of the agenda, not one,, where are these people who support any of this?
Is BC the only Province in Canada that allows its Native people to hunt game (females) to such low populations that result in resident hunters hunting to be curtailed and eliminated altogether, or is there another Province that allows that? If there is another Province, do they put them in charge of the resource afterward?

Funny thing, I know 3 people who have died in the last several months, their deaths were listed as Covid.
They had Covid, but didn't die from it, weird, I didn't know people dropped dead in their homes from Covid. I trust my government to tell me and others the truth, I can't think of a reason to lie about any of it.
Posted By: Trystan Re: Why fight? - 05/29/22
It is better to prepare for what is inevitable than to fight for what is unattainable
Posted By: BC30cal Re: Why fight? - 05/29/22
Good morning my friend, thanks for the reply.

Honestly I am not sure what the rules are in other provinces regarding FN hunting/harvest.

On another forum I know a chap who has Metis heritage who goes back to Manitoba to hunt every year, not far from where I grew up and farmed for a bit, but I do not know what rules and regulations they adhere to.

The reasons why the current government have abandoned managing wildlife through science is apparently a closely held secret or at least not one I've been able to uncover and not for lack of trying.

Funny or sad depending too, but at a rally up in Westbank in front of Kristy Clark's constituency office years back, our daughter and I ended up chatting with Katrine Conroy who is now the Natural Resources Minister. Honestly although we were on opposite sides politically we found a fair bit of common ground though for sure it was mostly polite conversation of folks we both knew in the ranching community down here.

As you know, I find much of this quite vexing to say the least, but we'll keep on working on getting that changed too.

The blatant misrepresentation of the truth both by the legacy media and governments on left and right is also extremely vexing to say the least. We're of course then left to speculate wildly about their motivations for doing so.

I'm not sure about anyone else, but when someone consistently lies and misrepresents the truth to me, I tend to think the worst scenario most times....

Some day we'll get a coffee together, but all the best to you all until then or the next time we chat.

Posted By: BC30cal Re: Why fight? - 05/29/22
Good almost afternoon to you, I hope the day's been a good one for you.

In my understanding of your reply and sorry if I'm getting it wrong, I'd agree with your statement as it applies to the eternal and/or spiritual realm.

That said, there's been lots of folks who believed that way who lived and died not seeing their side prevail - not on earth and while they were alive.

Folks who got martyred for their faith would be the extreme and then one would have to consider the millions who believed that way but lived either in communist nations or extreme Islamic states where other religions weren't tolerated.

Anyways, when I spoke of prevailing it wasn't exclusively in the spiritual or eternal sense that I was meaning, but in our daily earthly lives and by extension the lives of the next shift who follow us.

I'm sorry I wasn't more clear in my statement but perhaps that makes a bit more sense?

All the best and God bless.

Posted By: New_2_99s Re: Why fight? - 06/02/22
Good men fight for what is right, or we loose to tyranny !
Posted By: 673 Re: Why fight? - 06/02/22
Went to the gun store today. They sold 45+ handguns tuesday, and 20+ wednesday...while I was there a rifle was sold, I was there 5 minutes, the place was packed.
Lots of some powder, lots of match grade bullets, I bought my limit of 2 lb of powder, IMR7828 for the magnums, IMR4064 for other stuff.......$80.00 each.

Swung by the NDP office, nobody home, there never is anymore LOL.
Posted By: BillR Re: Why fight? - 06/02/22
We fight for the right of our children and grandchildren to live as free citizens..... just as our parents and grandparents fought two world wars so we would live in freedom.
Posted By: 250Sav_age Re: Why fight? - 06/03/22
Originally Posted by BillR
We fight for the right of our children and grandchildren to live as free citizens..... just as our parents and grandparents fought two world wars so we would live in freedom.

Tomorrow is a promise to no one. Fight for yourself and what is right TODAY.
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