Posted By: Bugger Murgatroyd!... - 01/23/18


Do you remember that word?

Would you believe the email spell checker did not recognize the word

Murgatroyd? Heavens to Mergatroyd!

Lost Words from our childhood: Words gone as fast as the buggy whip!

Sad really!

The other day a not so elderly (65) (I say 75) lady said something to her son about driving a Jalopy and he looked at her quizzically and said

"What the heck is a Jalopy?"
OMG (new phrase)! He never heard of the word jalopy!!

She knew she was old.... but not that old.

Well, I hope you are Hunky Dory after you read this and chuckle.

About a month ago, I illuminated some old expressions that have

become obsolete because of the inexorable march of technology.

These phrases included "Don't touch that dial," "Carbon copy,"

"You sound like a broken record" and "Hung out to dry."

Back in the olden days we had a lot of 'moxie.'

We'd put on our best 'bib and tucker' to' straighten up and fly right'.

Heavens to Betsy! Gee whillikers! Jumping Jehoshaphat! Holy moley!

We were 'in like Flynn' and 'living the life of Riley'',

and even a regular guy couldn't accuse us of being a knucklehead,

a nincompoop or a pill. Not for all the tea in China!

Back in the olden days, life used to be swell, but when's the last time

anything was swell?

Swell has gone the way of beehives, pageboys and the D.A.; of spats,

knickers, fedoras, poodle skirts, saddle shoes and pedal pushers...

AND DON'T FORGET... Saddle Stitched Pants

Oh, my aching back! Kilroy was here, but he isn't anymore.

We wake up from what surely has been just a short nap, and before we

can say, Well, I'll be 'a monkey's uncle!'

Or, This is a 'fine kettle of fish'!

We discover that the words we grew up with, the words that seemed

omnipresent, as oxygen, have vanished with scarcely a notice from our

tongues and our pens and our keyboards.

Poof, go the words of our youth, the words we've left behind.

We blink, and they're gone.

Where have all those great phrases gone? ( My Favorite)" Let's all go to the beach Saturday"...

Long gone: Pshaw,

The milkman did it.

Hey! It's your nickel.

Don't forget to pull the chain.

Knee high to a grasshopper.

Well, Fiddlesticks!

Going like sixty.

I'll see you in the funny papers.

Don't take any wooden nickels.

Wake up and smell the roses.

It turns out there are more of these lost words and expressions than

Carter has liver pills.

This can be disturbing stuff! ("Carter's Little Liver Pills" are gone too!)

We of a certain age have been blessed to live in changeable times. For a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words that once did not exist and there were words that once strutted their hour upon the earthly stage and now are heard no more,except in our collective memory.

It's one of the greatest advantages of aging.

Leaves us to wonder where Superman will find a phone booth...

See ya later, alligator!





............OUR MEMORIES........
Posted By: Prwlr Re: Murgatroyd!... - 01/23/18
Rad, gnarly dude like really sick............................ wink
Posted By: Kenneth66 Re: Murgatroyd!... - 01/31/18
Yosa !
Posted By: whislpig Re: Murgatroyd!... - 02/16/18
Fit as a fiddle- right as rain... what a sad sack.
Posted By: highpockets1 Re: Murgatroyd!... - 04/08/18
Boy Howdy
Posted By: magshooter1 Re: Murgatroyd!... - 04/09/18
Rough as a cob, slick as a whistle, serious as a heart attack, sober as a judge, that's what she said, go for broke, over yonder, New York minute, country mile, mean as a snake
The list goes on.
Posted By: milespatton Re: Murgatroyd!... - 04/09/18
Carter has liver pills.

Before that it was "Carter had oats". Back before combines you would cut grain with a scythe, and then later run a binder through the field and it would cut and bundle oats. They were then stacked in shocks, to dry, before being hauled to the threshing machine.

The story is that one time Carter made so many oats that He had to rent ground to shock them on. miles
Posted By: JSTUART Re: Murgatroyd!... - 04/09/18

"Murgatroyd!"...name of our old tortoise-shell cat when I was a lad.

"Heavens to Murgatroyd!" was also used as an exclamation in central Queensland when I was a lad, though not something heard now.
Posted By: JSTUART Re: Murgatroyd!... - 04/09/18
Originally Posted by Bugger


Do you remember that word?

Would you believe the email spell checker did not recognize the word

Murgatroyd? Heavens to Mergatroyd!

Lost Words from our childhood: Words gone as fast as the buggy whip!

Sad really!

The other day a not so elderly (65) (I say 75) lady said something to her son about driving a Jalopy and he looked at her quizzically and said

"What the heck is a Jalopy?"
OMG (new phrase)! He never heard of the word jalopy!!

She knew she was old.... but not that old.

Well, I hope you are Hunky Dory after you read this and chuckle.

About a month ago, I illuminated some old expressions that have

become obsolete because of the inexorable march of technology.

These phrases included "Don't touch that dial," "Carbon copy,"

"You sound like a broken record" and "Hung out to dry."

Back in the olden days we had a lot of 'moxie.'

We'd put on our best 'bib and tucker' to' straighten up and fly right'.

Heavens to Betsy! Gee whillikers! Jumping Jehoshaphat! Holy moley!

We were 'in like Flynn' and 'living the life of Riley'',

and even a regular guy couldn't accuse us of being a knucklehead,

a nincompoop or a pill. Not for all the tea in China!

Back in the olden days, life used to be swell, but when's the last time

anything was swell?

Swell has gone the way of beehives, pageboys and the D.A.; of spats,

knickers, fedoras, poodle skirts, saddle shoes and pedal pushers...

AND DON'T FORGET... Saddle Stitched Pants

Oh, my aching back! Kilroy was here, but he isn't anymore.

We wake up from what surely has been just a short nap, and before we

can say, Well, I'll be 'a monkey's uncle!'

Or, This is a 'fine kettle of fish'!

We discover that the words we grew up with, the words that seemed

omnipresent, as oxygen, have vanished with scarcely a notice from our

tongues and our pens and our keyboards.

Poof, go the words of our youth, the words we've left behind.

We blink, and they're gone.

Where have all those great phrases gone? ( My Favorite)" Let's all go to the beach Saturday"...

Long gone: Pshaw,

The milkman did it.

Hey! It's your nickel.

Don't forget to pull the chain.

Knee high to a grasshopper.

Well, Fiddlesticks!

Going like sixty.

I'll see you in the funny papers.

Don't take any wooden nickels.

Wake up and smell the roses.

It turns out there are more of these lost words and expressions than

Carter has liver pills.

This can be disturbing stuff! ("Carter's Little Liver Pills" are gone too!)

We of a certain age have been blessed to live in changeable times. For a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words that once did not exist and there were words that once strutted their hour upon the earthly stage and now are heard no more,except in our collective memory.

It's one of the greatest advantages of aging.

Leaves us to wonder where Superman will find a phone booth...

See ya later, alligator!





............OUR MEMORIES........

Ahhh [bleep]...I recognised all of that!

Now I just feel old.
Posted By: 5sdad Re: Murgatroyd!... - 04/09/18
Originally Posted by JSTUART
Originally Posted by Bugger


Do you remember that word?

Would you believe the email spell checker did not recognize the word

Murgatroyd? Heavens to Mergatroyd!

Lost Words from our childhood: Words gone as fast as the buggy whip!

Sad really!

The other day a not so elderly (65) (I say 75) lady said something to her son about driving a Jalopy and he looked at her quizzically and said

"What the heck is a Jalopy?"
OMG (new phrase)! He never heard of the word jalopy!!

She knew she was old.... but not that old.

Well, I hope you are Hunky Dory after you read this and chuckle.

About a month ago, I illuminated some old expressions that have

become obsolete because of the inexorable march of technology.

These phrases included "Don't touch that dial," "Carbon copy,"

"You sound like a broken record" and "Hung out to dry."

Back in the olden days we had a lot of 'moxie.'

We'd put on our best 'bib and tucker' to' straighten up and fly right'.

Heavens to Betsy! Gee whillikers! Jumping Jehoshaphat! Holy moley!

We were 'in like Flynn' and 'living the life of Riley'',

and even a regular guy couldn't accuse us of being a knucklehead,

a nincompoop or a pill. Not for all the tea in China!

Back in the olden days, life used to be swell, but when's the last time

anything was swell?

Swell has gone the way of beehives, pageboys and the D.A.; of spats,

knickers, fedoras, poodle skirts, saddle shoes and pedal pushers...

AND DON'T FORGET... Saddle Stitched Pants

Oh, my aching back! Kilroy was here, but he isn't anymore.

We wake up from what surely has been just a short nap, and before we

can say, Well, I'll be 'a monkey's uncle!'

Or, This is a 'fine kettle of fish'!

We discover that the words we grew up with, the words that seemed

omnipresent, as oxygen, have vanished with scarcely a notice from our

tongues and our pens and our keyboards.

Poof, go the words of our youth, the words we've left behind.

We blink, and they're gone.

Where have all those great phrases gone? ( My Favorite)" Let's all go to the beach Saturday"...

Long gone: Pshaw,

The milkman did it.

Hey! It's your nickel.

Don't forget to pull the chain.

Knee high to a grasshopper.

Well, Fiddlesticks!

Going like sixty.

I'll see you in the funny papers.

Don't take any wooden nickels.

Wake up and smell the roses.

It turns out there are more of these lost words and expressions than

Carter has liver pills.

This can be disturbing stuff! ("Carter's Little Liver Pills" are gone too!)

We of a certain age have been blessed to live in changeable times. For a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words that once did not exist and there were words that once strutted their hour upon the earthly stage and now are heard no more,except in our collective memory.

It's one of the greatest advantages of aging.

Leaves us to wonder where Superman will find a phone booth...

See ya later, alligator!





............OUR MEMORIES........

Ahhh [bleep]...I recognised all of that!

Now I just feel old.

Not only recognized, but still use lots of them.
Posted By: cisco1 Re: Murgatroyd!... - 06/17/18

I am gonna have a "Hooper-Dooper" after all that.
Posted By: PaleRider Re: Murgatroyd!... - 06/17/18
Posted By: JeffG818 Re: Murgatroyd!... - 09/03/18
I don't know what you guys are talking about. After I gapped my points and added Marvel's Mystery Oil to my 63 Chev Impala Super Sport, and polish her full moon rims, I gotta go get Pa some Lucky Strikes and some flints for his Zippo. Good golly Miss Molly, where did the time go??
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