Easier to get an opportunity....sort of. As in, you are very likely to see one if you go to a good area. But, do keep in mind that they come in late, they are dark and with a thick coat you best know where you are putting the arrow. Reason being is that they can look like a black blob with no distinct contour lines to define "just behind the shoulder" and "all fur." Not to mention, good solid hit animals can be tough to track after the hit because the coat will hold onto blood and soft paws can leave squat for foot prints. Be prepared and don't think black bear are a given and are just some dumb animal trying to get a Zag Nut bar from John Candy at the dump.

P.S. If you hunt from the ground don't wet yourself if one comes up behind you and breathes down your neck without you hearing it approach. It's been known to happen.