Just read your previous threed and you recieved some good advice there particularly re caring for the carcass being very important..

Secondly, how much do you trust your game processor? I've read numerous posts about people not getting the same meat back as they've taken in..I have also seen videos on You Tube that were like something out of the Hammer House of Horror..

I process all my deer and have never had a bad one..some species taste stronger than others, but I expect that and do not expect them all to taste blandish like store bought beef often is..

I gralloch the animals ASAP after shooting, and transport with the skin on home where I hang in a "mini game chiller" (converted 2nd hand 6' upright fridge) for between one and two weeks at a temp just over freezing.

The day before I intend to butcher, I skin and then return it to the mini chiller to set-up over night ready for butchering..

I don't cover with salt or anything, but might wipe with a mix of water and white vinegar if I see signs of mould starting..

I don't wash with anymore water than strictly needed and try to do that when the carcass is still warm and use tepid, low pressure water if possible was wash from clean to dirty areas to minimise cross contamination..

This process may not be practical for many guys, but I believe its the ideal to aim for and the more variation from these basic principles, the more chance the quality of the finished product will be compromised..

I should add that shooting a mature rutting bull buck stag is probably not ideal from a taste point of view and is something I avoid if I intend to process the carcass myself..

Last edited by Pete E; 06/14/15.