Originally Posted by jorgeI
Originally Posted by ltppowell
The 2nd Amendment needs to be protected, marijuana needs to be legalized and Rand Paul needs to be POTUS.

They all have something in common though...their cheerleaders scare off the fans.

Consider the supporters of Paul on this site and your post becomes a profundity... BTW, I am on record as stating I would vote for (actually AGAINST ANY democrat) Paul if he was the candidate, but those same cheerleaders fail to grasp that concept...

The concept that you fail to grasp is that Romney supporters caused Obamanation's reelection. The liberal press, including Fox News, knew that Romney had zero chance of whipping Obamanation, which is why it duped the gullible in to nominating him.

You haven't learned a thing from the '12 election. Conservatives will not support another neocon/RINO. If the Republican Party nominates a neocon/RINO, Hillary waltzes into the Oval office, not that there's a difference between Democrats and neocons. Both support gun control. Both want a one-world-government thus destroying Ameican sovereignty.

Our neocon/liberal foreign policy of intervention is destroying America and enslaving us. There is nothing in any of our Founding Documents about some nebulous ideal of democratizing the world. Governmental constructs of other countries are none of our effing business. There was a reason why our Founding Fathers admonished us to stay the he!l outta other countries internal affairs. There was a reason way congress made President Washington's Neutrality Act federal law.

If Rand Paul ain't the nominee, who cares who loses for America will lose. We're BK now and neocons want to fight more foreign wars that are none of our effing business and of absolutely no threat to the USA. Neocons & liberals are insane for doing the same thing over & over while expecting a different outcome.

During the '12 election, other Republican presidential candidates, the Republican Party, and Fox News would have rather had Obamanation reelected than Ron Paul elected. I expect that all three will do the same with Rand.

�If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.�
***US President James Madison***