I know where there's about 350,000 acres of public land in northern CO.... and there's more than enough poodles for a few guys to have a thoroughly enjoyable day.

Here's the deal..... this ain't the Rosebud.... and days of setting up a bench and hammering 200 dogs in a morning of shooting are loooong gone. I know where there are 50 different "magazine towns'.... meaning: I shoot one magazine (4-10 rounds) then move on to another town and do it again. I think of it more like hunting chucks.... shoot 20-25 in a day.... and that's a good day. I try to shoot the big mature dogs... mostly because their easier to hit, and provide more goo to fling...

Shot me a PM and I'll point you to some larger towns on public land within 2 hours of Denver, and you can explore from there..... but you may owe me an elk or deer honey-hole...

You better pray to the God of Skinny Punks that this wind doesn't pick up......