Took some friends up to therapy a couple weeks ago.

For a couple it was their first time.

Anyhow... we had been plinkin away for a bit trying to get rid of the essence of the "city" when the "new" feller breaks out a pump action Winchester 22 rifle.

Now, I know nothin about rifles but the octagon barrel of this ol' 22 got my attention.

Wasn't long and the offer was made to let me shoot it.

All I can say is wow...

We had a spinning self=healing target at about 25-35 yards. The frame had been hit and it didn't spin anymore and the spinner stood parallel to the ground.

Lined the tiny bead sight on the 3/8" target and dang ...hit it.

Musta been a fluke...

Second time hit it again

Third left tracks on the top


Fourth hit it again...


What a wonderful rifle that gives a nonrifle shooter a chance to hit such a small target.

If I ever find one in a shop it will be mine... grin