I salvaged a grip cap from a Supergrade stock and went to work fitting it as well:

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Now to contour into the but. Cabinet scrapers and small files work great for this. I also cut down on the angle that the cap sat, basically shortening up the grip 3/16 of an inch.

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Now for the stock itself. I used some cabinet scrapers to shape the entire thing just the way I like it. I left a very small palm swell on the right side of the grip. I also did break my " no power tools" and I did use the upright belt sander to grind the original 1959 recoil pad down to fit the stock. I then skim bedded the pad to the stock with Marine Tex.

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After that it was time for the Super Grade swivels. This was a tough one. I sat at the bench staring at the stock, trying to determine how to cut these out and have a nice smooth circle at both ends. I don't own a round gouger/chisel set. Then I started thinking. I have thousands of empty brass laying around, so I started comparing....

Guess what? 45ACP brass is the exact diameter and shape of the swivel bases. I took out the chamfer tool and chamfered until it was razor sharp.




