Originally Posted by lvmiker
Good to see them go to guys that will use them.

mike r

I do have a thing for owning, fondling and using knives.

I’m now an old fart, but around 1956, a youngster could pretty much watch TV. Programs such as Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie were standard fare. One particular show, The Adventures of Jim Bowie aired between 1956 and 1958. So that would put me between the ages of 5-8.
The first time I can recollect getting in trouble with/over a knife was some time during this period. I think I was 6 at the time………

Well if ol’ Jim Bowie could throw a knife and stick it. I figured I should be able to do so myself with a little practice.
Now my uncle was an exterminator. The next door neighbor was a policeman who had a really nice workshop in his attached garage. To make a long story short, he contracted with my uncle to exterminate his house and garage during the day while he was at work.

While my mom was doing something else, I moseyed over to see what my uncle was doing. Well, the garage door was open, and lo and behold there was this 3-blade folder of substantial size. Plenty big to catch a 6 year old’s attention. Lust set in and nobody was wathching.

I was old enough to know about stealing, but I figured I’d just borrow it for a while and bring it back and nobody would notice, and that would not be stealing. Yeah, that was the ticket. So I grab it. Nobody saw me and I made a clean getaway.

IIRC I went across the street to the ball filed that was across from our house, to the dug-outs, which were constructed of wood. I figured that if I opened a blade on each end, one was about to stick, when I threw it against the wall.

Yup………… Jim Bowie, Jim Bowie, Jim Bowie…… and I threw it with all my might. Now I was probably only about 5 feet away. As chances were, the big blade did not stick in the wood, but the little blade did. It broke, and the rest of the knife tumbled to the ground. Now I was really in a fix. I don’t remember what ran through my mind, but I did not return it and hid in the culvert there at the ball park.

For a while nothing happened. Then one evening when I was playing on the swing in our back yard my dad approached me and told me we needed to talk. We sat down and he proceeded to tell me about the fact that our next door neighbor had been robbed, but all they took was a 3-blade pocket knife. He said that the neighbor had told the police that they had seen the garage door open and a young boy leaving out of the driveway. He told me that the cops were looking all over town for the thief, and that when they found him they were gonna’ toss him in the pokey’ and make him live on bread and water or something like that. He said he knew that I played with a lot of kids in the afternoon over at the ball field shagging foul balls for snowcones, and if I heard anything to let him know. It would be better for the thief to turn himself in than to wait till the cops caught him. Well I confessed. IIRC, I got a spankin’ and had to go return the knife to the cop next door and apologize for my actions.

I don’t believe I’ve stole anything since.


I still do like to play with knives.



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A Kill Artist. When I draw, I draw blood.