I have a chargeHR but couldn't get it to accurately track my heart rate, I ended up switching to a Polar m400 with a HR strap. On mountain bike rides I like to track heart rate, speed and elevation. For me, the most informative feature is the sleep monitor. I would have said that I average about 7 hours/night but now know that I'm lucky to get 6 because when I start thinking about going to bed and when I actually turn out the lights are about an hour apart.

I participated in a pilot wellness program earlier this year and one of the goals was walking 500,000 steps in the 90 day period, it took me 18 days. I admit to walking a little extra during the program but I still average over 20,000 steps per day. I walk my dogs 5 miles in the morning (~10,000 steps), walk a fair amount when I'm not stuck at my desk and I'm pretty busy in the evenings. It adds up.

What would Porter Rockwell do?