This is really great info.

I was very troubled about the slowness, and deterioration, of navigating the website hunting forums. It became impossible to log on the the past couple of days.

I have a very fast computer only a couple of years old and i use windows 8.1.

I also hire Guruaid and pay them a handsome sum annually for trouble shooting and cleanup. I phoned them yesterday and explained the problem which was that I could go to other websites and all was just fine. They said it was a local site problem and they couldn't help.

So the plot thickens !? I could navigate everywhere on 24 hour campfire just fine, fast and effortless EXCEPT the hunting forums.

I plundered around on my own trying several things: Norton Scan, deleted some stuff, to no avail. In frustration I downloaded Firefox. They noted that I was an old customer, welcomed me back, installed and updated. I then opened 24 Hour Campfire in Firefox and logged on in a flash ! Navigated all over the forum quickly and easily !!!!!!???????

I have no idea what occurred but it worked. I'm calling special attention to the above poster who mentioned Firefox/Google Chrome - Spot on.

It's a bit early yet for me to go back and evaluate any improvements in Internet Explorer, MSN, my browsed of choice but I will follow up.

I've been at this computer thing since it's original introduction and seen and experienced everything and one thing i can count on is the mysteries. There are so many elements, hackers, updated, vagaries, gremlins, glitches.

I have at least 4 four matters unresolved that I can't get answers to or solutions. And I suspect that I probably never will. Fortunately these are very peripheral and don't affect my regular use.

Last edited by William_E_Tibbe; 07/08/15.