You just missed the one they had here.
Her number is in the top.
Give her a call.

2015 Rattlesnake Aversion Clinic
June 26 8:00 AM 135 Southport Ave., Lewiston 208/413-3032 Website

Two years ago in May, I had an 8 month old, 5 pound, Poodle/Chi puppy that was bit by a rattlesnake in our home, she wasn't big enough to withstand the bite and died early the next morning. When I got a new puppy I decided it would be as safe from rattlers as I could make it so she got the shots and I started looking for rattlesnake aversion training. I found 2 in southern Idaho, but neither used real rattlesnakes and I had missed them anyway. So I decided we could travel and continued searching for trainers. I found Natural Solutions was having a clinic in Wenatchee, WA., so I did a little checking on them and some other trainers out of SoCal. Natural Solutions had great reviews and a very informative website. But, what really made my decision was a line in their bio that said they cared for the well-being of the snakes as well as the dogs. On a whim I contacted them and asked if they'd be interested in stopping by Lewiston on their way to Wenatchee and to my surprise they said yes.

It wasn't as easy as that though, Natural Solutions had to get permits to bring their snakes into Idaho before the clinic and I had only a few weeks to advertise. But they did, and I did, and 28 dogs were trained to avoid rattlesnakes last year. I heard back from several participants praising the training and thanking me because their dogs had successfully avoided rattlesnakes later in the summer.

Training takes an average of 15 minutes per dog. The trainer sits and visits with each owner as he calmly puts a small shock collar on the dog and trades leads from the owner's to his. Training consists of four stations, each designed to help the dog learn to avoid the sight, sounds, and smells of rattlers of different ages and sizes. The final station is interactive with the owner. The trainer approaches each station and allows the dog to react naturally. If the dog fails to acknowledge the snake it receives a small shock and is circled back through the station until there's a proper response. The final station is interactive with the owner, who has been watching the earlier training.

The trainer's website is if you're interested. Natural Solutions has discounted their fee to $70/dog and I donate my time, space, and advertising because I feel so strongly that no one should loose a beloved canine family member to a rattlesnake bite. Rattlesnakes are a part of living in this area and dogs are curious by nature, so it's up to owners to keep their dogs as safe as possible!

This year's Lewiston Clinic is Friday, June 26, from 8am-3pm. Response has been great so far this year, 30 dogs signed up already!

Have Dog

Will Travel