While I agree that certain lines of Springers can run Hot, I also know they(for the most part) don't need to. After over 30 yrs of breeding Field Bred Springers I think I can safely say it lies mostly in their early training and fiels experience. You can slow a dog down much easier than you can speed it up. I have played in both worlds titling 5 dogs in the competition game and then switching the same dogs and their offspring to be 'personal' gundogs. These dogs were and still are from top field trial lines but when I start them I use a slower more methodical method than I would with a trial prospect and it works very well. Obedience training Hup(sit/stay) down come and "with me" ( I do not teach a flushing dog to heel but to stay close within the length of a medium length lead) A flushing dog's place is in front of you not behind and IMO heel encourages a dog to be sticky. The "with me command allows the dog to quest within a small circle around me but
under control. Once a spaniel is 'controllable' it will work well in a waterfowl blind and retrieve dicks and geese all day.

My suggestion would be to get the following video, follow it and you will have a spaniel that is a pleasure to work with.
Good Luck, enjoy the ride.

Last edited by FoxtonGundogs; 07/14/15.